When the belly begins to actively grow during pregnancy. Additional factors for abdominal growth during pregnancy

Belly in the first trimester

How the belly grows during pregnancy depends on the growth of the uterus, the growth of the fetus itself and the increase in the number amniotic fluid, and also individual characteristics the woman herself. As a rule, the stomach is early stages pregnancy does not particularly increase in size.

This is due to the fact that in the first trimester the embryo is very small. For example, in the first six weeks of pregnancy, the diameter of the ovum is only 2-4 mm. By the end of the first trimester, the length of the embryo is about 6-7 cm, the volume of amniotic fluid is no more than 30-40 ml. The uterus also enlarges. To track the dynamics of its growth and compliance with the term, your gynecologist will measure your belly during pregnancy week by week. In this case, the height of the uterine fundus should correspond to the week of pregnancy, that is, at week 12, the distance from the pubis to the top point is on average about 12 cm.

And if in the first three months of pregnancy the belly becomes larger, it is due to overeating, since pregnant women have an increased appetite. Also, the belly increases slightly due to a common problem for expectant mothers - increased gas formation.

Belly in the second trimester

The second trimester is exactly the time when the belly is noticeable during pregnancy. There is a sharp growth and weight gain of the fetus. The uterus is also growing rapidly. So, at week 16, the fetal growth is approximately 12 cm, and the weight is about 100 g. The height of the uterine fundus is about 16 cm.

Doctors say that 15-16 weeks is the time during the first pregnancy when the belly begins to grow. But people around you will begin to guess about your beautiful “secret” around week 20, especially if you wear tight-fitting clothes. However, in some women, the belly is noticeable a little later or earlier. This is explained by some features:

  • This is influenced, for example, by the anatomical features of the structure. In women with wide hips and tall stature, pregnancy is less noticeable than in skinny women with narrow hips;
  • The size of the abdomen during pregnancy also depends on the type of presentation of the fetus. If the fetus is located on the front wall of the uterus, the stomach is drawn earlier, and on the back wall, closer to the spine, then later;
  • and if you have a second pregnancy, when does your belly grow? Due to the first pregnancy, the elasticity of the abdominal wall decreases, so the stomach in such women protrudes and becomes noticeable a little earlier - at 15-17 weeks;
  • If the child is large, his growth rate will accelerate. And, accordingly, the time when the belly is visible during pregnancy comes faster.

Belly in the third trimester

By the beginning of the 3rd trimester, when the child’s height increases to 28-30 cm and weight to 700-750 g, no one doubts your pregnancy. The height of the uterine fundus is 26-28 cm. The abdomen is already clearly visible, even if you wear loose clothes. In the last months of pregnancy, the fetus and uterus will grow rapidly, and, accordingly, the abdomen will increase sharply, and stretch marks may appear. However, if your belly grows slowly or too quickly during pregnancy, this may alert your doctor. Most likely, there is a pathology. If the abdominal size is exceeded, polyhydramnios is possible. With oligohydramnios and fetal hypotrophy (growth retardation), the size of the uterus is smaller than expected.

Thus, impatient expectant mothers will have to wait until the end of the second or beginning of the third semester to tell the world about their happiness.

A woman preparing to become a mother is concerned about many features of her new condition.

For example, when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy, how the fetus develops, how the expectant mother should eat, and many other questions.

More information about the course of pregnancy

Pregnancy occurs when an egg is fertilized by a sperm. This normally occurs in one of the fallopian tubes. The fertilized egg then moves to the uterus, where the gradual development of the fetus begins. Labor begins 38 weeks after fertilization. This is the embryonic period of pregnancy.

It is not possible to determine the exact moment of conception; pregnancy is calculated according to the obstetric period. The obstetric pregnancy period is statistically 40 weeks, or 9 months. Its beginning is considered to be the first day of the last menstruation.

The obstetric calendar divides the gestation period into 3 trimesters. A more accurate count will take weeks. After all, the fetus is constantly forming and developing, and its condition is changing, and its size is increasing. At what week does a pregnant woman’s belly begin to grow, when internal organs appear in the embryo - this and much more is determined precisely by the obstetric calendar, divided into separate weeks.

Why does the belly increase in size during pregnancy?

As the fetus develops, the pregnant woman's uterus gradually increases in volume. This creates favorable conditions for the intrauterine formation of the baby. As pregnancy progresses, the uterus rises, and the woman’s abdominal size begins to visually increase.

In the 1st trimester of gestation, the uterus remains in the pelvic area. At approximately the 12th week of gestation, the uterus becomes larger in size and can be palpated with light pressure on the peritoneal wall in the navel area. Experts know at what stage of pregnancy the belly begins to grow. As a rule, this occurs at the beginning of the 2nd trimester.

It is during this period that the stomach noticeably rounds and tightens, although under clothing it is not yet so noticeable. But it is impossible to say exactly at what month the belly of a particular pregnant woman begins to grow. After all, pregnancy is different for every woman. Basically, the belly during pregnancy becomes clearly visible to others during pregnancy in the middle of the 2nd trimester, i.e. after the 20th week.

What determines the size of the belly in pregnant women

How does the belly grow during pregnancy? specific woman, depends on parameters such as:

  • growth of the expectant mother;
  • woman's physique;
  • fetal size and constitution;
  • the number of fruits borne at one time.

In women short and those with a thin build, the stomach becomes more convex earlier than in tall and overweight mothers. Multiple pregnancy provokes accelerated growth abdomen because twins require more space in the womb to develop normally. The normal shape of the pregnant peritoneum is ovoid. As a rule, the stomach is pointed upward in first-time mothers.

The size of the abdomen is also determined by certain pathologies during gestation. When the embryo is located transversely, the abdomen resembles the shape of a transverse ellipse or oval. Excessive accumulation of amniotic fluid gives the woman in labor a spherical shape.

At what week of pregnancy the belly begins to grow, as well as what the shape of the expectant mother’s belly will be as the child develops, is almost impossible to determine. However, most often this is not a sign of pathology. To get rid of concerns about this, a woman should regularly visit a doctor during pregnancy and follow all his instructions.

How the size of the uterus increases

At what month of pregnancy the belly begins to grow depends, as a rule, on the speed and degree of increase in the size of the uterus. With a favorable pregnancy, the growth of the uterus and the enlargement of the abdomen occur in accordance with the calendar period of gestation.

A reduced size of the uterus compared to the average statistical parameters at a specific stage of pregnancy can be caused by such reasons as:

  • delayed embryo development;
  • insufficient amniotic fluid volume;
  • congenital defects in the unborn baby;
  • transverse position of the fetus;
  • threat of miscarriage if the baby is not positioned correctly.

Premature growth of the size of the uterus, which does not correspond to the specific period of gestation, is due to such reasons as:

  • excessive growth of the fetus at a specific period of gestation;
  • the pelvic position of the embryo, when its head is slightly higher than its pelvis;
  • chorionepithelioma of the placenta, causing the spread of small blisters over its entire surface.

Regardless of when the belly begins to grow, the volume of the uterus and its condition are constantly monitored by a specialized medical specialist. This allows you to immediately notice all ailments and deviations in the development of the fetus in order to take the necessary measures to eliminate them.

What happens to the skin on the abdomen

Regardless of how long the belly begins to grow, a woman should be attentive to it from the very beginning. Already from the first weeks of pregnancy, you need to give up excessively tight clothing. After all, any clothing that tightens the stomach during pregnancy creates uncomfortable conditions for the development of the fetus, preventing it from growing properly and making the required minimal movements.

Even minimal compression abdominal cavity, regardless of when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy, it can cause circulatory problems in the child, reduce the supply of oxygen to the tissues of the growing fetus, and even provoke intrauterine fetal death and miscarriage.

Therefore, when medically confirming pregnancy, you should switch from tightly fitted clothes to looser models that do not tighten the stomach, without a narrow belt. This could be a slightly looser dress or skirt, trousers paired with a loose shirt and suspenders instead of a belt. In the cold season, tights with an allowance on the belly will be comfortable for a pregnant woman and safe for her baby. Currently, specialized stores for expectant mothers offer a wide selection of clothing.

The appearance of characteristic scars, tears and stretch marks on the skin is determined by how quickly the belly begins to grow during pregnancy. To avoid the unwanted effects of skin stretching and scarring, the expectant mother should regularly examine her abdomen and take care of her skin. It is usually necessary to massage and lubricate the skin of the abdomen with special softening creams that increase the elasticity of the skin.

To eliminate the resulting tears, damage and stretch marks of the skin, you need to carefully monitor the appearance of the slightest spots, stripes, tensions on the surface of the growing abdomen. You may need to carry out some procedures prescribed by your doctor to eliminate them.

All products that increase the elasticity of the skin on the abdomen must be applied before bedtime after taking daily water procedures. This should be done from the very beginning of pregnancy, regardless of what month the belly begins to grow.

In addition to applying emollients and moisturizers, you should also do a simple massage of the abdominal skin. To do this, it is enough to make circular stroking and pinching movements on the surface of the abdomen and thighs. During your consultation, a specialist from a specialized medical institution will show you how to properly massage the skin to strengthen it and improve blood supply to the abdominal area. Massage, like any other procedure during pregnancy, should only be started under continuous supervision and with the permission of a doctor.

What is a bandage for?

Depending on when the belly begins to enlarge during pregnancy, the doctor usually recommends that the expectant mother wear a bandage. This is the name of a special belt for maintaining and maintaining position internal organs located in close proximity to the uterus and the anterior wall of the peritoneum in the correct position. This makes you feel better, significantly reduces the load on the expectant mother’s spine and creates conditions for a speedy recovery in advance. female body after childbirth.

Having learned about her pregnancy, especially if it is her first, every expectant mother begins to listen to herself in search of some changes, both internal and external.

When your baby bump finally appears, how fast will it grow and what size will it eventually reach? Every pregnant woman asks herself such questions, because from now on life has changed dramatically, and it is extremely interesting how and when these changes will affect her appearance.

Belly growth during pregnancy

Of course, the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy by month depends on many factors, because each expectant mother is individual. Many factors play a role, and the main ones include:

  1. Body type - small and thin girls have a more noticeable tummy than larger girls (tall, plump). There are many funny stories described on the Internet when an employee goes on maternity leave, but no one had any idea about her interesting situation.
  2. What kind of pregnancy is it? In primiparous women, the tummy becomes noticeable somewhat earlier than in multiparous women. This is due to the fact that if the expectant mother is pregnant not for the first time, then her ligaments are already stretched, they are ready for this process and do not at all restrain its external manifestations.
  3. How many babies are in the tummy? It is obvious that when multiple pregnancy The tummy appears faster and grows at a faster rate. Although each baby is eventually born somewhat smaller than average, in total they significantly exceed one baby in both weight and volume.
  4. Nutrition for the expectant mother. The myth that during pregnancy you need to eat for two has long been dispelled to smithereens. When a woman gives birth and the uterus returns to its previous state, she will see the results of her nutrition - they will not go away, but on the contrary, they will become noticeable! Improper nutrition can lead to unwanted weight gain that goes beyond the norm, both for the expectant mother and her baby. From here too large fruit, accumulation of excess fat deposits and a large belly as a result.
  5. Genetics. The size of the fetus is influenced not only by the lifestyle of its mother, but also by the genetics of both parents: if both of them or one of them were large, then there is a chance of passing this on by inheritance.

Abdominal growth during pregnancy by week

As a rule, a woman can begin to notice the growth of her abdomen from the 12th week, that is, closer to the beginning of the second trimester, and those around her may suspect her interesting position starting from the 16th week of pregnancy, and from the 20th week their last doubts will disappear. It is from this moment that the active growth of the abdomen begins during pregnancy; its circumference will henceforth increase by an average of 1 cm every week.

The abdomen begins to increase due to the growth of three components:

  1. Directly the fruit. In 9 months, on average, he should gain 48-54 cm in height and 2.8 - 5 kg in weight.
  2. Amniotic fluid. They can reach 1500 ml at the end of pregnancy.
  3. Uterus. Increases in weight up to 1 kg.

As the baby grows and develops, it begins to actively move from the 8th week of pregnancy, and its mother can feel this at 18-22 weeks. Again, this is all strictly individual: a multiparous mother or a mother with a thin build will feel it first. Many people compare these sensations to the fin of a very small fish - if a woman is pregnant for the first time, she may simply confuse this with natural processes in the abdomen.

Until the 12th week, although the uterus is growing, it is located in the small pelvis of the expectant mother, which hides the belly from external observers. After 12 weeks, it begins to be clearly palpable through the anterior abdominal wall, and from this point on it will rise upward. By the 20th week the fundus of the uterus ( upper part) is felt two fingers below the navel, and the tummy becomes noticeable to others. At 38 weeks, the uterus reaches its highest state, and in 1-2 weeks it descends - one of the first harbingers of labor is prolapse of the abdomen. The baby descends back to the pelvic floor, which eliminates the possibility of changing its position in the stomach.

Quantity amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid has its own norms, but sometimes it can go beyond them for reasons beyond the woman’s control. This also has a direct effect on the growth of the abdomen; if any deviations are detected, the doctor will correct the course of pregnancy.

Feelings of a growing belly during pregnancy

Clothes gradually become tight, and it is extremely important for the expectant mother to purchase loose, breathable clothes in time. The tummy should be comfortable, nothing should interfere. Narrow things can break metabolic processes, which has a direct impact on the supply of necessary oxygen to the baby. This also applies to underwear - you’ll have to forget about the beauty of thongs for now and switch to special cotton panties. Since the breasts are also enlarged, you will need to take care of special bras - you can safely buy them in a maternity store with special easily detachable straps - this will make it more convenient to feed the child.

As the abdomen grows, the skin becomes stretched, which is why you may feel a slight or, on the contrary, unbearable itching. There is an immediate risk of stretch marks appearing. So don’t be lazy, and lubricate risky areas (chest, stomach and thighs) with a special product every day. Alternatively, it will suit olive oil- it perfectly moisturizes and at the same time has a low cost compared to popular cosmetics.

What not to do with a big belly during pregnancy

We have already found out that active growth of the abdomen begins with the beginning of the second trimester. From now on you will have to make some adjustments to your daily lifestyle:

  1. You can't sleep on your stomach. The fact is obvious and no explanation is required. Every expectant mother understands this instinctively - it is both dangerous for the baby and inconvenient for herself.
  2. You can't sleep on your back. As the baby grows and gains weight, it puts more and more pressure on the vessels passing behind the uterus. This has a direct impact on the deterioration of blood supply and the supply of oxygen to it.
  3. You cannot walk in uncomfortable shoes. From now on, only flat soles with a wide toe. As the expectant mother's belly grows, her coordination is seriously impaired, and it becomes more and more difficult to maintain balance. If you add heels to this, then the danger of falling or tripping increases significantly.
  4. On later It is better to refuse to drive, because in addition to the reduced ability of a pregnant woman to concentrate, her impaired attention becomes impossible to fasten with a seat belt so as to avoid pressure on the stomach.
  5. If you have a big belly, you can’t go on long walks without a prenatal bandage. After all, as the abdomen grows, the load on the lower back also increases; this load must be removed by periodically putting on a bandage. It is periodically - if you wear it constantly, the abdominal muscles will finally relax and it will be more difficult to get them into shape after childbirth.

These rules are unquestionable, but in the conditions of life in the 21st century, they are extremely easy to follow. For example, for a comfortable sleep, you can purchase a special pillow for pregnant women. It will also be useful after childbirth - it is very convenient to feed the baby.

Heels are, of course, beautiful, but constantly wearing them is extremely harmful for any girl, and even more so for an expectant mother! It’s good that today there are many models with flat soles - they are not only comfortable, but also incredibly beautiful!

If for some reason a woman cannot give up driving, then the modern industry can offer her a special belt for pregnant women - it is tightened under the belly without putting any pressure on it.

Every expectant mother should have a prenatal bandage, and preferably one that can be worn after childbirth. This way, the belly will go away faster and it will be easier to walk with it immediately after childbirth, especially if you have a caesarean section.

In a word, being pregnant now is much easier than 20 years ago - there are as many inventions as your heart desires!

Proper nutrition during pregnancy

As we have already said, everything that the mother puts in her mouth has a direct impact on the growth of the abdomen. Poor nutrition leads to excessive weight gain for both the mother and her unborn baby. It is much more difficult to give birth to a large child; the process of labor can go according to an unpredictable scenario, and this is extremely dangerous for both of them.

So, just some basics proper nutrition for expectant mothers:

  1. Eliminate or minimize the consumption of fatty, fried foods, as well as flour and sweets. If you can’t do without a sandwich or a small candy, eat it for breakfast, but under no circumstances at night!
  2. Eat 5-6 times a day, of which 3 times are main meals, 2-3 are snacks in between.
  3. Lean on meat, chicken, fish, cereals, fruits, vegetables, dairy and fermented milk products with a low fat content.
  4. Forget about harmful fast foods during pregnancy!

Photo of belly growth during pregnancy

Let's sum it up

The size of the abdomen depends on many factors, but most of them are under the control of the expectant mother. Eat right, move more, drive healthy image life!

As your belly grows, you will have to make some adjustments to your life, but modern industry allows you to do this with a minimum of discomfort. Remember that pregnancy is the happiest period in the life of every woman, and nothing compares to it except the birth of your little copy!

Video: belly growth during pregnancy

A woman who has a child at heart has a lot of problems and worries. She is tormented by questions to which it is difficult to give definite answers. When your belly starts to grow during pregnancy, When can you hear the baby's first movements? and others no less important issues. They feel and notice any changes in the body, they can spend hours looking at your belly and smiling something invisible.

According to gynecological observations, 15 weeks is the turning point. This is the period when the uterus rapidly changes in volume so that the developing fetus feels comfortable. Produced more liquids are the baby’s habitat. Doctors monitor the dynamics of indicators at each consultation. After all, this simple examination can tell a specialist a lot. If the dimensions do not coincide with the approximate dates, then it is worth conducting additional examinations to exclude various pathologies of the fetus. These data are approximate and depend on a number of indicators. By systematically measuring the belly, you can judge something.

A small belly indicates possible oligohydramnios, or fetal fading. Sometimes this can happen even during a favorable pregnancy, due to the fact that every woman is special. Simple measurements cannot be the basis for making a diagnosis. If there are any deviations, then a series of laboratory tests and ultrasound are prescribed.

It would seem that as the fetus grows, the belly increases, but not everything is so simple. After all, the well-being of the future baby depends on this. Based on measurements you can determine approximate fetal weight. To do this, multiply the size of the abdomen by the VSDM. Practice shows that such calculations have an error of only 200 grams.

Based on the measured indicators, one can judge the state of the amniotic fluid, is there oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios?. Thanks to this method, it is possible to identify pathology in time and stop it.

The doctor takes measurements with a measuring tape when the woman takes a lying position. But even if some indicators do not coincide with the generally accepted norm, this does not mean anything. But you shouldn’t leave things to chance.

A protruding tubercle is indisputable evidence of the birth of a new life. Not only his mother sees him, but also those around him. But how does it grow and where does it come from? Most are confident that it is the fruit that directly affects the increase in volume. But there are processes that are not externally noticeable, but also affect this. The baby's growth leads to increase in uterine size, the amount of amniotic fluid also increases.

  1. Fruit size. It is determined by measuring the abdomen or ultrasound examinations. The fertilized egg can be examined by transvaginal ultrasound as early as 2-3 weeks of pregnancy; its diameter is about 4 mm. And the weight of a newborn baby eventually increases to 2600-5000 g, and its length reaches 55 cm.
  2. Uterus size. It increases throughout 9 months. In the first few weeks, it resembles a pear in size and shape. By the end of pregnancy, it increases to 1 kg, its volume becomes 500 times larger than usual. Indicators are measured at each appointment. This is how the dynamics of growth are visible. Basically, the gestational age in weeks is equal to the DVDM in cm.
  3. Amniotic fluid. The fetal habitat increases unevenly. If at the initial stage it is about 30 ml, then until the 18th week the amount increases to 400 ml. And at 38 – about 1000 ml.

It is necessary to strictly monitor the compliance of indicators, because the failure of some indicates the pathology of others.

Factors influencing the timing of abdominal enlargement

There is no set day or week from which a baby bump begins to appear. In one mother it sticks out at a short period of time, and in another it appears by the 7th month. This is due some factors:

  • Number of previous pregnancies. The more of them there were, the sooner the tummy will be visible. Conversely, during the first pregnancy it can grow slowly, because the muscles of the abdominal wall have not yet been stretched.
  • Features of the constitution of the expectant mother. This includes her weight (are there any extra kg), height (does short women position emerges earlier) and physique.
  • Genetics.
  • The extra pounds that some women gain.
  • Fruit size.
  • Place of attachment of the fetus.

It is impossible to predict in advance when its position will be drawn. Even small women give birth to strong women, and curvaceous ladies give birth to tiny children.

Pregnancy is pleasure and joy, which are combined with unfamiliar sensations, experiences and a feeling of love for a small, unborn lump. The daily ritual of many mothers is look in the mirror to see if her tummy has changed, is the treasured rounding noticeable there? But everything is in order. What sensations do you visit? expectant mother? Love and reverent attitude towards everything related to pregnancy. All 40 weeks she will peer into her tummy, listen to movements and be wary of any discomfort. But she cannot avoid stretching and tingling. After all, there are other organs in the abdominal cavity that are displaced and, to some extent, compressed. Interest in belly growth is not only anatomical. After all, this a reason to update your wardrobe, buy beautiful sundresses and blouses.

A woman’s uterus transforms, resulting in a rounded tummy. It is increasing rapidly after 15 weeks. U active women, with a well-developed muscular system, you can see the tummy after 6 months. In the photo you can see how a woman changes from month to month.

How the fruit grows the growth of the uterus also depends. In pregnant women for the first time, the muscle fibers are not yet stretched and the roundness is noticeable a little later.

If the stomach transforms unreasonably quickly and a woman gains weight at a rapid rate, it is advisable to reconsider her diet. It is important to eat not a lot, but quality. Nutrition should be balanced and not put unnecessary stress on the body.

There is an opinion that the second and subsequent pregnancies are easier, and when large babies are born, the tummy becomes larger in size. The fact is that the fibers of the peritoneal muscles are slightly weaker and the tummy may become rounder faster than at first. The uterus is also slightly larger in volume, which in turn speeds up the process. Whatever the pregnancy, all feelings and sensations are experienced again, it’s just that women are a little more prepared psychologically.

All indicators that are measured are relative. They are affected not only by the amount of amniotic fluid, but also by the layer of living fat. For plump ladies, it is more difficult to notice pregnancy, while for thin women, all changes in the figure are noticeable almost immediately. It is also important where the embryo chooses its place.

But no matter how long the tummy becomes round, no reason to worry. You can’t look up to anyone or compare. Each organism reacts in its own way to the appearance of a belly bug in it.

With all the hassle, don’t forget about time for yourself. Pregnancy is the most pleasant period during which physical and psychological preparation takes place for the birth of a new person.

We looked at when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy. How did your belly grow during pregnancy? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

Question: “At what stage of pregnancy does the belly begin to grow?” concerns many expectant mothers– after all, everyone wants to know in advance when she will need to buy new clothes. And any woman wants to show off her new position to others! It would seem that it is simpler here - our mothers and grandmothers always told us that the belly becomes noticeable only in the fifth month of pregnancy - and before that there was no need to worry. But not everything is as simple as it seems. So at what stage of pregnancy does the belly begin to grow?

Abdominal growth during pregnancy from the point of view of doctors

At about 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, you register with the antenatal clinic - and it is from this time that your tummy and the baby inside it become the main objects of observation. Your gynecologist monitors the growth of the fetus, at each appointment he measures the circumference of your abdomen - and, of course, almost from the very beginning of pregnancy this figure will gradually increase. After all, you are getting better, and your volumes are gradually increasing, millimeter by millimeter.

But you, of course, are interested in the question: “At what stage of pregnancy does the belly begin to grow?” in the sense of its obvious visibility to others. Gynecologists have an average indicator for when the belly becomes noticeable - this is 16 weeks of pregnancy (about 4 months). But this indicator, of course, is very variable - after all, the abdominal circumference can change from time to time, and this depends on many factors: on the distribution of amniotic fluid, on the position of the baby in the uterus, on how much you ate, on the thickness of your fat layer or whether you have bloating due to digestive problems.

Expectant mothers often confuse the concepts of “abdominal growth” and “uterine growth.” Belly growth may not be solely related to pregnancy. Depending on yours, it may increase simply due to excess weight or overeating. But the growth of the uterus is a separate matter. During pregnancy, active growth of the uterus begins around the 16th week, but the tummy can be noticeable only after the 20th week.

By the way, a large belly that appears early is not at all as good as it might seem to you at first glance. The fact is that a large belly is a risk factor for the occurrence of stretch marks, and the appearance of stretch marks is more expected precisely if your belly grows quickly during pregnancy.

In any case, as soon as you notice an increase in your abdomen, start wearing a prenatal bandage, which will protect your skin from stretch marks and help reduce the load on your spine.

Why do you need to measure your belly?

Doctors don’t just measure the size of your tummy so they can write the data down on a card and forget it. The gynecologist has special tables with which he checks and concludes whether the pregnancy is proceeding normally. The size of the abdomen can “tell” the doctor about several alarm bells. Namely:

About low or high water pregnancy

Are there pathologies in fetal development?

About possible infectious diseases women

About gestosis or placental insufficiency

About the development of multiple pregnancy

If the doctor identifies the slightest deviation, he will definitely refer you for additional studies that will either confirm or refute the doctor’s suspicions.

Factors for abdominal growth during pregnancy

We cannot say at what stage of pregnancy your belly will begin to actively grow. And no one will say - after all, the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy is an individual phenomenon. However, there are several factors that determine the answer to the question: “At what stage of pregnancy does the belly begin to grow?” right at your place. What are these factors?

1. What kind of pregnancy are you carrying?

If you are pregnant, your tummy will appear a little later. This happens because your abdominal muscles have not yet been stretched, and they actively resist stretching. But if you are becoming a mother not for the first time, your tummy may please you with its appearance much earlier - and this does not mean that you may have uterine tone. It’s just that the muscles of your tummy are more flexible and prepared for the baby’s growth.

2. Your anatomical features.

As a rule, in women with a narrow pelvis, the tummy appears earlier. This is due to the fact that the baby cannot “hide” between the pelvic bones, so he has to grow only forward - and the uterus almost immediately begins to rise above the level of the pubic bone. If your pelvis is wide enough, the uterus will first grow to the sides, and only then forward. In this case, the belly will become noticeable later.

3. Features of the location of the child and the amount of amniotic fluid.

If the baby is located closer to the back wall of the uterus (closer to the spine), your belly will begin to grow later in pregnancy. If there is a lot of amniotic fluid in your uterus, this may be the reason that, due to the larger size of your uterus, your tummy will grow faster.

4. Your heredity.

Oddly enough, the rate at which the belly grows during pregnancy can be determined by heredity. Therefore, in order to answer the question: “At what stage of pregnancy will the belly begin to grow?” ask the same thing from the women in your family. There is a chance that it will be exactly the same for you.

5. General weight gain during pregnancy.

If during pregnancy, it is logical that the fat layer on your stomach will also increase. The same applies to the situation when you are of a heavy build or have not very elastic abdominal muscles - in this case, your pregnancy will be noticeable earlier.

6. Your baby's size.

If your baby is developing very actively, your tummy may also be noticeable much earlier. But, contrary to popular belief, the size of the abdomen at the end of pregnancy practically does not depend on the size and weight of the child. There is a great influence of other factors: your build, the location of the baby, the order of pregnancy, etc.

So that you don’t worry about the question: “At what stage of pregnancy does the belly begin to grow?”, regularly visit your doctor, follow all his recommendations and, of course, take into account all the factors of belly growth during pregnancy listed in our article. Have an easy and carefree pregnancy!