Punishment for violation of dress code. III




Reutov Garrison Military Court composed of presiding judge V.G. Chernyak, with secretary A.S. Khabarova, with the participation of the applicant R.N. Klimenko, representative of the defendant<данные изъяты>Yuricheva F.V., in the open court hearing, having considered a civil case based on an application<данные изъяты>Klimenko R.N. on challenging the actions of the commander of military unit No. related to bringing him to disciplinary liability,


Klimenko R.N., by orders of the commander of military unit No. No. and No. dated DD.MM.YYYY, brought to disciplinary liability in the form of: “reprimand” - for violation military uniform clothes and a “severe reprimand” - for violating the daily routine, respectively. What was announced to him DD.MM.YYYY. Reason for use disciplinary punishment was the finding of Klimenko R.N. on the territory of a military unit during official time in civilian clothes DD.MM.YYYY and absence from service for a long time DD.MM.YYYY.

Believing that penalties were applied to him without sufficient grounds, Klimenko R.N. DD.MM.YYYY went to court and asked to recognize the actions of the defendant - the commander of military unit 65257, related to bringing him to disciplinary liability, illegal, and orders No. and No. - invalid from the moment of publication. Oblige the defendant to cancel these orders and pay him 100,000 rubles as compensation for moral damage and reimburse the state fee paid for filing an application with the court. The applicant motivated his demands by the fact that he had not committed any illegal actions.

At the court hearing, the applicant supported the demands and further explained that he actually arrived at the service of 10 and DD.MM.YYYY in civilian clothes, since he did not know whether he had been restored to the list of personnel of the military unit by the court decision of DD.MM.YYYY. At the same time, he did not violate his military uniform, since he was not wearing any elements of a military uniform.

DD.MM.YYYY he was present all day on the territory of the military unit, but could not explain where exactly he was, indicating only that he could be either in the clothing warehouse, or in the accounting department, or in the office where he usually changed clothes.

He also indicated that the imposition of penalties was announced to him DD.MM.YYYY, and the orders themselves were issued DD.MM.YYYY, the next day and on the day the offense was committed, which in turn, in his opinion, indicates that in both cases no proceedings were carried out, and the severity of the punishment does not correspond to the gravity of his offenses, even if they occurred.

He justified the presence of physical suffering and moral harm by the fact that, due to the imposition of penalties, he had headaches, his blood pressure rose, and therefore he went to a medical institution and then underwent inpatient treatment.

The representative of the defendant did not acknowledge the claim and explained that the applicant was abusing his right, after being reinstated in military service, he flaunted his impunity in front of other military personnel, contrary to the requirements of the Charter of the RF Armed Forces and the commander of the military unit, he repeatedly arrived for service in civilian clothes, including DD.MM. YYYY. DD.MM.YYYY was at his place of duty from 11:45 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., after which it was not possible to establish his location. In both cases, the commander of the military unit conducted an oral hearing and R.N. Klimenko. penalties announced. The violation of the dress code was reflected in the fact that he, like all military personnel of the unit, is required to be on the territory of the military unit during duty hours in military uniform.

Having examined the case materials, the court comes to the following.

Witness FULL NAME6, to whom R.N. Klimenko is assigned. for the period he was at the disposal of the commander, testified that, by order of the commander of the military unit, he daily reports on the time of R.N. Klimenko’s presence. on the territory of the military unit and the progress of ensuring it property, about which Klimenko R.N. known.

DD.MM.YYYY Klimenko R.N. arrived at the duty station at 11:45 am. At 14 o'clock, FULL NAME6 received instructions from the commander to find Klimenko R.N. Klimenko R.N. didn't answer. About which FULL NAME6 submitted a report to the commander of the military unit at 16:00. At the same time, R.N. Klimenko spoke about his departure on that day and the reasons for his delay. I didn't report to anyone. Subsequently, R.N. Klimenko gave no explanation about his whereabouts on that day. neither verbally nor in writing, did not represent.

At the beginning of January 2012, during official hours, he saw R.N. Klimenko. on the territory of a military unit in civilian clothes.

According to copies of orders of the commander of military unit No. No. and No. dated DD.MM.YYYY Klimenko R.N. examined in court. assigned to Major FULL NAME6 and the latter was ordered to monitor the presence of R.N. Klimenko. in military unit No. and report daily to the commander on the results of the control measures carried out with a report.

As can be seen from the copy of the report FULL NAME6 from DD.MM.YYYY, on this day Klimenko R.N. was present at the service from 11:45 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

At the court hearing, the parties confirmed that according to the daily routine in force in the military unit, military personnel are required to arrive for duty at 8:45 a.m. and leave at 6:00 p.m., with a lunch break from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Stays on the territory of the unit during official hours and wears military uniform.

By order of the commander of military unit No. No. dated DD.MM.YYYY, a copy of which was examined in court, Klimenko R.N. A severe reprimand was issued for violating the daily routine. What was announced to him DD.MM.YYYY.

Any documents or explanations confirming the legality of the absence of Klimenko R.N. at the place of duty during the official time established by the daily routine, not established at the court hearing. In turn, the applicant does not confirm in any way the fact of his presence at the service DD.MM.YYYY and cannot explain where he was during the day, citing how long ago the incident occurred. At the same time, the defendant’s obligation to prove the legality of his actions does not relieve the applicant from proving the circumstances to which he refers in support of his claims, in this case - proving the fact of being on the territory of a military unit during service time. At the same time, he had the opportunity to submit his explanations in a timely manner, both directly when the penalty was announced to him, and later, which he did not do.

Contrary to the applicant’s opinion, the commander of the military unit on this fact lawfully conducted an oral hearing, and reliably established the absence of R.N. Klimenko. in the service, decided to bring him to disciplinary liability. The fact of the proceedings is confirmed by the testimony of witness FULL NAME6 and his report. In addition, as can be seen from R.N. Klimenko’s service card, he had previously been prone to violating the daily routine.

An official investigation was also conducted into the fact that the applicant violated the dress code DD.MM.YYYY.

According to the written explanations of the commander of the military unit, DD.MM.YYYY, R.N. Klimenko arrived in his office, who, despite already having a warning for violating the dress code, was in civilian clothes. Previously, he tried to mislead the unit commander, alleging the theft of his uniform, which was not confirmed.

The circumstances set out in the defendant’s explanation are confirmed by the applicant himself, who explained that 10 and DD.MM.YYYY actually arrived at the reception of the commander of the military unit in civilian clothes, and actually referred to the theft of elements of his military uniform. However, in court Klimenko R.N. put forward a different version of what happened and began to claim that he arrived in civilian clothes to the commander of the military unit because he did not know whether he had been restored to the unit’s lists or not.

At the same time, the applicant’s argument that he did not know about the reinstatement of the unit in the lists is refuted by his report from DD.MM.YYYY, where he reported that from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY he was on leave for 2011, however, only DD.MM.YYYY arrived for duty, since there were days off before DD.MM.YYYY. In addition, in December 2011 Klimenko R.N. received a leave ticket as a serviceman of this military unit and went on leave, and in his report from DD.MM.YYYY Klimenko R.N. drew the attention of the commander that he was entrusted with the obligation to provide him with clothing allowances in connection with the court decision that entered into legal force DD.MM.YYYY.

Thus, DD.MM.YYYY Klimenko R.N. re-arrived for service in civilian clothes, thereby violating paragraph 19 and paragraph 73 of the Charter of the Internal Service of the RF Armed Forces, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. dated DD.MM.YYYY, which states that a serviceman is obliged to comply with the rules of wearing military uniforms and insignia . A contract serviceman has the right not to wear a military uniform only during the time he is free from performing military service duties, as determined by the service time regulations.

Considering that, according to paragraphs. “e” clause 8 of the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, a serviceman is considered to be performing military service duties if he is on the territory of a military unit during the official time established by the daily routine (regulations) or at other times if this is caused by official necessity, Klimenko R.N. was obliged to be on the territory of the military unit during official time in military uniform.

Under such circumstances, the commander of the military unit justifiably decided to involve R.N. Klimenko. to disciplinary liability for violation of the established (military) uniform, which was issued by order No. dated DD.MM.YYYY. And Klimenko R.N.’s statement that since on 10 and DD.MM.YYYY he was fully dressed in civilian clothes, he could not violate the military uniform is far-fetched.

From the explanations of Klimenko R.N. and the defendant it is clear that Klimenko R.N. was given the opportunity to explain the reason for his failure to comply with the uniform 10 and DD.MM.YYYY and he gave such explanations, which in turn indicates that an oral hearing was held, and his version of the theft of a military uniform was also checked. At the same time, the penalty was imposed for a repeated violation of the uniform established for military personnel under the contract, committed within two days.

Having assessed the evidence presented in its totality, the court recognizes the testimony of witness FULL NAME6 as reliable and, along with other evidence that does not raise doubts in the court, uses it as the basis for the decision. And he believes that DD.MM.YYYY Klimenko R.N. in violation of the established military uniform, he arrived for service in civilian clothes. And DD.MM.YYYY in violation of the daily routine Klimenko R.N. was absent from his place of duty for a long time, did not report his departure and the reasons for his absence to anyone either on that day or later. Which were sufficient grounds for bringing him to disciplinary liability in the form of a “reprimand” for violating the dress code DD.MM.YYYY, and then a “severe reprimand” for violating the daily routine DD.MM.YYYY.

Penalties were applied by an authorized person within his competence within the legal time limits in compliance with necessary procedure and consistency, and therefore the requirements of Klimenko R.N. are not based on the law, and his application cannot be satisfied.

Since the court refuses to satisfy the application regarding the recognition of the illegal involvement of Klimenko R.N. to disciplinary liability, then all other demands based on the assumption of the illegality of the orders challenged by him, including compensation for moral damage and physical suffering allegedly caused by the issuance of these orders, cannot be satisfied. In addition, from the presented medical documents it is clear that R.N. Klimenko sought medical help with complaints of headache and high blood pressure. appealed DD.MM.YYYY, that is, before he was brought to disciplinary responsibility, while in his words it is recorded that he had these symptoms for 2 months, and he was sent for examination in a hospital at his request in connection with the existing chronic disease.

Based on the above and guided by Art. 194 – 199 and art. 258 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation,


Refuse the application<данные изъяты>Klimenko R.N. on challenging the actions of the commander of military unit No. related to bringing him to disciplinary liability.

The decision can be appealed on appeal to the Moscow District Military Court through the Reutov Garrison Military Court within one month from the date of the final decision of the court.


Wearing fur hats with earflaps with earflaps down is permitted at air temperatures of -10 °C and below, and with earflaps tied at the back - when servicing weapons and military equipment, during economic work and in other cases by decision of the commanders of military units. With the headphones raised, the ends of the braid are tied and tucked under the headphones; with the headphones lowered, they are tied under the chin.

16. Military personnel wear woolen caps with a golden-colored cockade and a braided cord (varnished strap). Officers have woolen caps with a braided cord, while other military personnel have a varnished strap. Higher officers wear a wool cap with golden embroidery on the crown.

All military personnel wear field caps in camouflage colors with a golden-colored cockade - when casual uniform clothing, khaki color - for field uniform.

17. Wool caps are worn by military personnel with a golden-colored cockade.

18. Fur hats with ear flaps and woolen caps are worn straight, without tilting. The caps are put on with a slight tilt to the right side. In this case, the visor of a woolen cap should be at eyebrow level, and the lower edge of a fur hat with earflaps and a cap should be at a distance of 20 - 40 mm above the eyebrows.

The removed headgear in the ranks and when performing drill techniques is held as specified in the Drill Regulations of the Armed Forces Russian Federation. Out of formation - in the left freely lowered hand: a hat with earflaps, a woolen cap and cap should be facing forward with the cockade; the bottom edge of a hat with earflaps and a woolen cap should be facing the soldier’s leg, and the bottom edge of the cap should be facing down.

When wearing headdresses, military personnel wear 2 needles and threads of white and black colors, which should be located: in fur hats with ear flaps - under the visor; in woolen caps and caps - under the forehead; in field caps - on the finishing tape under the left earpiece.

19. Fur collars are worn only with woolen coats. For senior officers - from purebred natural astrakhan fur, for other officers - from refined fur sheepskin.

20. Outerwear is worn with all buttons or buttons fastened ( textile fasteners), and demi-season raincoats and jackets, in addition, have a belt fastened with a buckle.

21. Military personnel wear woolen jackets zipped up to the level of the yoke.

It is allowed to wear a woolen jacket, buttoned to the top in inclement weather. A cloak-cape and a winter field jacket are worn with or without a hood.

Distance from floor to bottom of objects:

Woolen coats and demi-season raincoats (except for female military personnel) - 380 - 400 mm;

Woolen coats and demi-season raincoats for female military personnel - 380 - 420 mm;

Skirts - 400 - 440 mm.

22. Shirts (blouses) with long sleeves allowed to wear:

With a tie, without a woolen tunic (woolen jacket, woolen jacket) in summer (in office premises - in summer and winter) dress and casual casual uniforms;

With the top button undone, without a tie, without a woolen jacket (woolen jacket, woolen jacket) in office premises (except for petty officers, sergeants, soldiers).

Shirts (blouses) with short sleeves are allowed to be worn with the top button undone, without a tie, without a woolen jacket (woolen jacket, woolen jacket) in summer casual clothing, as well as with a tie - by decision of the commanders of military units.

23. Ties are attached to the shirt with a gold-colored bartack between the third and fourth buttons from the top. Bow ties are worn with a golden-colored hairpin of the established pattern. The hair clip is placed in the center of the main parts of the bow tie.

24. Woolen trousers for officers and warrant officers - with cornflower blue piping in the side seams, for senior officers - with cornflower blue piping and stripes.

25. Winter field suits in camouflage colors are worn with a muffler. blue-black color or without it. It is allowed to wear winter field jackets in camouflage colors with the top button undone, without insulation, in inclement weather - with a hood, a raised collar, and for officers and warrant officers, in addition, without a waist belt when out of formation.

Winter field trousers in camouflage colors are worn tucked into high-top boots or boots. It is allowed to wear trousers over shoes by decision of commanders of military units.

26. Summer field jackets in camouflage colors are worn over trousers with the top button buttoned or undone (with sides in the form of lapels), with a hemmed white collar, the upper edge of which should protrude 1 - 2 mm above the collar. Officers and warrant officers are allowed to wear a summer field jacket in camouflage colors without a collar.

It is permitted, by decision of the commanders of military units, to wear hot weather field jackets in camouflage colors without a T-shirt (T-shirt) and with sleeves rolled up to the lower edge of the sleeve pockets.

Summer field trousers in camouflage colors are worn tucked into high-top boots or boots. It is permitted, by decision of commanders of military units, to wear trousers over shoes.

27. The muffler is worn neatly tucked in so that the upper edge of the muffler evenly protrudes above the collar by 10 - 20 mm.

28. Gloves are worn for winter uniforms. In other cases, wearing gloves is not necessary.

29. Instead of black socks, female military personnel are allowed to wear beige, gray or black stockings (tights).

It is not permitted to wear faded socks of an unspecified color or pattern.

30. Military personnel wear camouflage-colored raincoats and khaki-colored raincoats over their clothing in inclement weather. It is allowed to wear a raincoat in a bag for carrying a raincoat, and a raincoat in a roll - on a duffel backpack.

31. Black waist belts are worn by:

Over woolen coats, woolen tunics, woolen jackets, field jackets in camouflage colors;

Under woolen jackets, shirts - with a holster for a pistol.

Waist belts should be located:

On woolen coats (except for female military personnel) - between the first and second rows of buttons from the bottom, and at the back - tucked behind the strap;

On the coat of female military personnel - above the second button from the bottom, and at the back - to cover the belt of the coat;

On woolen jackets - close the second button from the bottom;

On woolen jackets and field jackets in camouflage colors - at waist level.

A pistol holster is worn on the waist belt, on the right hip.

32. When wearing field uniform, military personnel wear equipment (waist belt) or an unloading (transport) vest and (or) body armor with elements of equipment determined by the commanders of military units:

A flask in a case (back left), a bag for grenades (front left), a small shovel in a case (back right), a magazine bag (front right);

If necessary, attach the folded raincoat with the back strap of the equipment, passing the ends of the belt into the loops of the raincoat;

The case with protective stockings and gloves is fastened to the waist belt at the right rear (behind the case with the shovel).

The raincoat tent is folded in the following order:

Fold the raincoat in four (bending lengthwise and crosswise) with the front side outward so that the loops sewn on its lower corner are on the outside of the fabric; The folded fabric is folded twice and then rolled so that the loops are on the outside of the roll. In the case when the raincoat is not in use, it fits into a duffel backpack.

The following items are placed in a duffel backpack: a raincoat, spare foot wraps (socks), a bowler hat with a mug and a spoon placed in it, a combat food ration (or dry rations), a steel helmet in a camouflage case (in cases when it is not in use), toiletries accessories, towels and household items - in the pockets of a duffel backpack.

If necessary, a sleeping bag and a thermal insulating mat are attached to the bottom or to the valve of a duffel backpack.

Protective raincoats, stockings and gloves are prohibited from being placed in a duffel backpack.

33. Field bags are worn on a belt (on the left back), put on right shoulder over items of everyday or field uniform.

34. Military uniforms must be worn by military personnel of the established types, in good working order, clean and ironed.

Woolen trousers must have ironed longitudinal folds (on the front and back halves of the trousers). On other items, folds are not ironed out.

Shoes must be in good condition and cleaned, boots must be carefully laced.

Wearing shoes with damaged uppers, worn out soles and heels, or boots with lowered or rolled up tops is prohibited.

Advice from lawyers:

1. The military police detained you for violating your dress code and issued a drill notice? What to do.

1.1. Go to a drill class and don’t forget to report what happened to the command, otherwise when they find out they will punish you for violating the dress code and not reporting.

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2. Violation of uniform, did not change chevrons.

2.1. For violating the dress code, you may be subject to an internal inspection, which may result in disciplinary action.

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3. Is it a dress code violation if it is corrected on the spot?

3.1. Dear visitor!
Even if it is eliminated immediately, this is still a violation in the case under consideration
All the best, I wish you good luck.

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3.2. Regardless of the elimination of the violation, this does not negate the very fact of the violation, which may imply liability. Good luck to you in resolving this situation!

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3.3. Yes, this is a violation of Thomas anyway, since they did not correct it themselves, but according to the remark, Good luck to you in resolving your issues. Sincerely, lawyer Yu.V. Kolkovsky

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4. Is a tattoo a dress code violation at school?

4.1. You need to familiarize yourself with the Charter and Rules of the school; the requirements for the appearance of schoolchildren should be indicated there.

I wish you good luck and all the best!

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4.2. a tattoo is not a violation of dress code since a tattoo is not an element of any clothing.

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4.3. Hello,
Depending on where it is located and what is depicted, such issues are resolved individually with the school director
I wish you good luck and all the best!

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5. Can the customer fine the performer (security) for violating the dress code?

5.1. If the terms of the agreement concluded between the parties do not provide for liability for this violation, then it cannot. Good luck to you!

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5.2. The customer may impose a fine on the contractor for violating the terms of the contract, which stipulates the need for employee uniforms.

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6. There is a traffic police service vehicle on the road, an officer in uniform is standing next to the car, and a civilian clown is running along the side of the road, wearing a reflective vest with the inscription “DPS” and holding a baton, and he stops all the cars. Their boss sent a response that this was an intern and the law had not been violated. This is a dress code violation! As a result, I have the right not to stop!

6.1. What's the question?

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6.2. This is not only a violation of the dress code, but also a violation of Order No. 942 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
10. When engaging trainees to perform duties assigned to the police, it is prohibited:

Entrust the trainee with independent conduct of investigative actions, regulation traffic, preparation of documents about a traffic accident, drawing up protocols on administrative offenses;

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7. Does the employer of a security guard of a private security company have the right to withhold from his salary, not exceeding the minimum wage, monetary fines for violations of discipline and other offenses, such as violation of the uniform, unkemptness appearance. etc.

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11. I have the following question: While you were on city leave, you violated your dress code, about which the patrol made a remark, what were your actions upon returning to the unit?

11.1. Sorry, but you've come to the wrong place.

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11.2. But we are not on duty and the patrol does not threaten us, and solving problems is a paid service)))

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12. Representatives of the military police booked me for violating the dress code, but no one stopped me, detained me or made any comments. I found out about this when I received a letter to the commander from the commandant, which contained a list of military personnel who violated the wearing of military uniforms. There are no photos or video recordings of my violation.
Is it legal for me to be recorded?

12.1. Definitely not. We need to appeal.

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13. For violating the dress code, he was punished in the form of drill training and studying the regulations at the commandant’s office. After this, they issued a severe reprimand and added it to their personal file. Is this legal?

13.1. For 1 violation they can be punished only once. Ask for an order for you at the commandant’s office and read what punishment they gave you. For violation.

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Consultation on your issue

Calls from landlines and mobiles are free throughout Russia

14. How many hours of drill training can a soldier be given for violating his dress code?

14.1. Hello, please tell me how many hours of drill training can be imposed on a serviceman for violating his dress code.
It is difficult to say, since this is not regulated by law.

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15. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs for almost a year, dress code violation, personal reprimand, fine. What kind of orders are these?

15.1. All procedures in the Ministry of Internal Affairs are regulated in accordance with Federal Law of November 30, 2011 N 342-FZ “On service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”
and by Decree of the PRESIDENT of the Russian Federation


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15.2. Galina Ivanovna, fines are not a legal punishment in labor relations. At the same time, it could be framed as a reduction or deprivation of an optional bonus. We need to know the details.

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16. Does a military police patrol sergeant have the right to stop my senior rank and reprimand me about a dress code violation?

16.1. If servicemen violate the dress code, the serviceman on patrol has the right to make comments to the soldier who violated the dress code, regardless of his rank. Even if the serviceman has the rank of general (admiral).

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17. I want to know! For violating the dress code, the military police can force you to engage in drill training.

17.1. The list of powers of military police officers does not include direct drill training with uniform violators.

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18. Please explain to me, I am an active police officer of the Russian National Guard, but I still wear the uniform that was given to me by the police. The authorities threaten to reprimand me for violating the dress code if I do not purchase a police officer uniform (previously police uniform I didn’t want to receive it, but now it’s out of stock). I was paid in full for the uniform. Can I be punished? Thanks for the answer. Nikolai.

18.1. For violating the rules of wearing uniforms, you can certainly be subject to disciplinary action, since you yourself did not want to receive it, all the best!

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18.2. Yes, in such a situation they may be subject to disciplinary action. If you received a monetary allowance, then use it for its intended purpose.

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18.3. In this situation, disciplinary action may be taken.
All the best, I wish you good luck!

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19. In the regulation “on school uniforms” created on the basis of an order from the school director, in the paragraph “rights and responsibilities of students” there is a subparagraph “students are prohibited from: coming to training sessions without school clothes"
Is this a violation? I read somewhere that the prosecutor's office abolished such provisions where it was forbidden for students to come to school without a uniform.

19.1. Federal legislation has included a solution to this issue in internal documentation educational institutions. Each school decides on the issue of school uniform individually. I wish you success and all the best!

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19.2. Good day
The prosecutor's office does not cancel anything if the school rules establish mandatory school uniform you need to follow the rules
Good luck to you. Anna Titova.

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20. My contract has expired. But I haven’t been fired yet, I go to work and collect documents. The commander is going to reprimand me for violating my dress code, since I stood in formation without gloves. Does he have the right to reprimand me? And in general, do I have to be present at the formation?

20.1. has the right, you have not yet been officially dismissed, comply with the conditions of service for now, they will officially dismiss you and then you can

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20.2. the commander has every right to reprimand you, since you have not yet been officially dismissed. All the best to you.

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21. Daughter in IK 13 pepper article 161 part 2. Term 3 years. February 21, 2018 Udo, there is an oral reprimand for violation of dress code. Is it possible to leave via Udo?

21.1. ☼ Hello,
The colony must give you positive characterization so that you have the opportunity to leave the colony on parole
I wish you good luck and all the best!

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22. Do the military police have the right to book someone for violating their dress code? It seems that according to the Internal Affairs Directorate, they have powers only in cases of violation of law and order, but the dress code is a completely different violation!? Or not?

22.1. According to the “CHARTER OF GARRISON AND GUARD SERVICES OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION”, the head of the garrison patrol is obliged to:
-monitor military personnel’s compliance with requirements military discipline and compliance with the rules of wearing military uniforms;
- issue a reminder to servicemen equal to oneself and junior in military rank who violate military discipline, if necessary, check their documents, and if necessary, detain them and send them to the military commandant’s office of the garrison;

Military personnel detained for violating the rules of wearing military uniforms and failing to perform the military salute are given training sessions lasting up to 3 hours in the military commandant's office during the daytime for drill training and study of regulations.

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22.2. You can prepare a complaint to the prosecutor's office, you can send it through its website. It is not necessary to indicate specific articles of the law. The appeal is drawn up in free form. Please attach relevant documents (if any) and evidence to your complaint. The prosecutor's office will conduct an investigation and if the violation of your rights is confirmed, they will take action.

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23. Is it legal for the military police to issue a drill order for a dress code violation if it is corrected on the spot?

23.1. No, it's illegal. This type of disciplinary action does not exist as a training structure. You can complain to the military prosecutor's office.

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23.2. In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 2015 N 161 “On approval of the Charter of the Military Police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain acts of the President of the Russian Federation”

with military personnel who have received reprimands from military police officials for violating the rules of wearing military uniforms and (or) performing a military salute, classes on studying general military regulations or drill training lasting up to three hours are held at the military commandant’s office during the daytime. [u]

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In 2015, the Russian army completely changed its clothes. Today, all military personnel without exception have a new model military uniform. The plan of the Ministry of Defense of the Ministry of Defense, which consisted in completely re-dressing the army in more than a year, was completely fulfilled. This was repeatedly stated by senior officials of the main military department. The need to redress the ranks of our country's army has existed for quite some time. Along with the new set of uniforms, new rules for wearing them have also been introduced.

In 2014 alone, the new uniform was issued to half a million military personnel. The distribution of uniforms was carried out in accordance with the developed schedule. The transfer of military personnel began precisely with those who served in the Far North.

General redressing began in 2013 and continued actively in 2014, but the bulk of Russian military personnel were issued updated military uniforms in 2015. Now the naval and ceremonial military uniforms are next in line for revision. Male and female employees will be completely re-dressed. In part, the 2015 Russian Armed Forces uniform pattern reflects the trend in US military clothing.

Reforms in the field of military uniforms under Serdyukov

The Russian army has needed a modern military uniform for military personnel for quite some time, and the current attempt to completely change the uniform for military personnel is not the first. Overseas clothing for military personnel is significantly superior in performance to the uniform of our country's military. From time to time, the Ministry of Defense introduces samples of military clothing with more advanced characteristics. As a result of each such attempt, the country's budget loses huge sums, and a dress uniform is an even more unjustified expense.

For example, under the disgraced minister Anatoly Serdyukov, about 25 billion rubles were allocated for dressing up the Russian army. Development and implementation price new form in 2014-2015 is still kept secret, but given the scale of this process, we can say with confidence that the amounts involved are cosmic.

The military uniform has been reviewed by the Ministry of Defense since 2007, including the dress uniform. The main initiative came from the then Minister of Defense A. Serdyukov. On a competitive basis, from the sketches provided by the selected developers, the option proposed by the famous Russian fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin won. It took 2 years to prepare the final samples of the updated uniform. The presentation of the new form was held in 2010. In many respects, both external and operational, it was similar to the uniform of members of the US armed forces. But the developers did their best to disown such a comparison.

Russian form on winter season caused many unflattering responses from both specialists and the military personnel themselves, who had to test the new uniform on themselves. The Ministry of Defense received complaints almost daily. Due to the low performance characteristics of the new uniform, the number of colds in the army increased sharply in just one winter period. In addition, external signs of the new form also caused dissatisfaction. After all, now the shoulder straps were not located in their usual place, on the shoulders, but, following the example of the armed formations of the NATO bloc, were moved to the chest area. Plus, the quality of the material from which the form was made also left much to be desired. The servicemen noted that the fabric quickly deteriorates and breaks, and the threads fray and also become unusable.

Among other innovations, it should be noted the presence of a warm sweater in the clothing kit of an officer of the Russian army, and the presence of individual components with Velcro, a narrower model of overcoats, and the complete abolition of foot wraps and boots. By the way, the last abolition was valid only according to documents, because in fact, it was not possible to achieve this in the entire Russian army immediately.

Due to numerous complaints and dissatisfaction from military personnel, the military department began to think about the advisability of developing a new uniform.

Now we understand that model based on the example of the US military uniform not suitable for the conditions of our country. From now on, military uniforms used in the field included 19 items. It turns out that the set has been significantly expanded. The price of one such set is approximately 35,000 rubles. The ceremonial military uniform has not yet undergone changes, because there is no urgent need for this. It was the field uniform that was much more important, not the dress uniform.

Set of modern uniforms for military personnel

A modern uniform set is a multi-layer suit. Depending on weather conditions and personal tastes, military personnel have the opportunity to personally select sets of clothing for themselves. Plus, from now on the field uniform is identical for both the officer and the rank and file. Dress uniforms will continue to vary. The standards for using military clothing for an officer and a soldier do not differ (one exception is the officer's dress uniform).

The modern field kit for soldiers and officers includes the following components:

Gloves and mittens;

Several types of jackets designed for each season;

Hat and beret;

3 types of boots, varying by season;


Standards for wearing uniforms for military personnel

Such rules are established in some detail in departmental regulations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Employees use military uniforms of the following types:

dress uniform- during parades and various events with the direct participation of troops; V holidays military unit; in cases of delivery state awards and orders; in cases of presentation of the Battle Banner to a military unit; when the ship is launched and put into operation, as well as when the Naval Banner is raised on the ship; when enlisted in the honor guard; when serving as sentries guarding the Battle Banner of a military unit. It is permitted to wear this type of clothing on non-working days and during off-duty periods;

field uniform- in the presence of hostilities; during a state of emergency, liquidation of the consequences of accidents, natural disasters, catastrophes, natural and other disasters; at educational events, training sessions, combat duty;

everyday- in all other cases.

Characteristics of linen for military personnel

The uniform requires 2 separate sets for use in air temperatures ranging from - 40 to +15 degrees, and from + 15 and above. In one set, the underwear consists of a short-sleeved T-shirt and boxer shorts. Such underwear is extremely practical, both technically and external signs. For a soldier, it has all the required qualities, namely:

dries quite quickly after absorbing moisture;

the degree of air exchange meets mandatory standards.

For low temperature conditions there are 2 sets of underwear: lightweight and fleece. Such underwear can be worn directly on the body. It also happens that a fleece set is worn over a lightweight one. This is usually done under lower temperature conditions. Lightweight underwear differs from the standard summer set in that it has longer sleeves and underpants that span the entire length of the legs. The fleece set has a fleecy surface on the inside, plus there is also an insulating layer.

Sets for different weather conditions

The summer field set consists of a lightweight jacket, trousers, beret and light boots. In the manufacture of such clothing, the so-called mechanical stretch is used, which is initially subject to treatment with a special water-repellent compound. In the parts that bear the greatest load, reinforcing components are applied. This makes the suit resistant to mechanical damage, and the degree of wear is minimized.

Standards for the use of military clothing allow in cool weather conditions to use a fleece jacket with thick pile on both sides. There is a durable layer of thermal insulation here. Plus, if necessary, the jacket can be folded into a minimum volume. A windbreaker jacket is used for protection from the winds. It is worn with layer 5 trousers. The windbreaker provides ventilation and the necessary air exchange.

For colder weather conditions the main set is demi-season. It provides excellent protection from winds. The material from which the suit is made has sufficient vapor permeability and dries quickly. This suit is also worn by employees in the US Army. For special field conditions, military personnel can use a windproof suit. During heavy downpours, such a suit protects against moisture for a long time. A similar effect is achieved due to the presence of a special membrane. The seams of the suit are taped for greater reliability.

At severe frosts a more insulated suit and an insulated vest are used. These elements are practical and lightweight. They are made from wind and waterproof materials. Plus, in frosty weather you can use a balaclava, which can be worn as a hat, and an insulated hat for very frosty weather. To make uniforms for the Russian army, a material is used that contains cotton and synthetic elements in a ratio of 65/35.

Military police discovered


Good evening!

284. A military policeman is vested with the powers:

1) receive, in the prescribed manner, information and materials necessary to perform their duties;

2) request documents and materials from commanders of military units, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of state secrets;

3) to carry and store firearms and special equipment while on duty. The procedure for issuing, carrying and storing firearms and special equipment in the military police is determined by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation;

4) use physical force, including combat techniques, special means, firearms, military and special equipment in cases and in the manner provided for by federal constitutional laws, federal laws, general military regulations and Appendix No. 2 to this Charter.

285. A military policeman, regardless of the position being filled, location and time of day, when performing the duties specified in paragraph 2 of Article 283 of this Charter, is vested with the powers:

1) demand from military personnel the cessation of illegal and (or) actions interfering with the activities of military police bodies, compliance with military discipline and take measures provided for by federal laws, this Charter and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation to suppress the offenses they commit;

2) demand from civilian personnel who are on the territory of a military unit or who commit a crime in connection with the performance of their official duties, to stop illegal actions and take measures provided for by federal laws, this Charter and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation to suppress these offenses ;

3) check identification documents and (or) confirmation of authority from military personnel if they are caught at the scene of a crime, administrative offense or disciplinary offense (incident) or if there are grounds for their detention, in cases provided for by federal laws, this Charter and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as among civilian personnel caught in the act of committing a crime or administrative offense on the territory of a military unit or who committed a crime in connection with the performance of their official duties;

4) use, in urgent cases, vehicles of the Armed Forces to suppress crimes, pursue military personnel who have committed a crime or are suspected of committing one, to deliver citizens in need of emergency treatment to medical organizations medical care, for towing damaged vehicles from the scene of a traffic accident vehicles, for travel to the scene of a crime, administrative offense, to the scene of an incident;

5) deliver military personnel suspected of committing a crime, administrative offense or gross disciplinary offense, as well as civilian personnel suspected of committing a crime on the territory of a military unit or in connection with the performance of their official duties, to a military police body or unit.

Hello. Recently, in the city, the military police stopped me and said that I was breaking the dress code,


Please clarify: Are you a conscript or a contract soldier???

I was wearing a technical uniform, are they right?


Why did you wear this uniform?