The cheapest weight loss diet. Diet food for weight loss: menu for the week, inexpensive

Extra pounds are a problem that many women are familiar with. There is a stereotype that you can only lose weight with the help of expensive, exotic foods. This is far from true. , consisting of ordinary, affordable products, is no less effective and will help you quickly get in shape without much damage to the family budget.

Cheap food for slim figure may consist of several or many varieties of products. In the first case, they talk about the so-called mono-diet. The effectiveness of a diet menu depends on several important factors - “burning” kilograms depends on the right mood, physical activity and willpower of a person.

The right attitude and balanced nutrition are the key to rapid weight loss at home. The menu should be dominated by products that activate metabolism and accelerate the process of “burning” fat tissue. These are fermented milk products, cereals, lean meats and fish, fresh, stewed or baked vegetables. Nutrition should be as balanced as possible and not cause discomfort in a person.

A diet for weight loss is inexpensive and effective, but subject to strict adherence to certain principles:

  • It is not recommended to fast or skip meals;
  • It is best to eat at the same time - this will help activate metabolism;
  • food must be chewed thoroughly;
  • For a snack, it is recommended to use fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts or dried fruits, but not confectionery or fast food.

To speed up metabolism, you need to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of clean still water throughout the day, get enough sleep and not neglect physical activity.

Pros and cons

A cheap weight loss diet has several advantages and disadvantages that you should definitely keep in mind before switching to a new diet. The main advantages of budget food include the following factors:

  1. The relative availability of products - they can be found in almost any kitchen.
  2. The products included in the menu are not very expensive, so this diet is considered budget.
  3. To prepare a delicious dietary dish, you don’t need to go to the store in search of expensive, exotic products - everything can be prepared in the most short terms.

But despite all the numerous advantages, it also has several disadvantages. These include the boringness of regular meals and their monotony, a possible lack of nutritional balance, as well as a high probability of weight gain back after completing the diet.

Menu table

The budget menu for weight loss consists of fermented milk products, fresh, stewed vegetables, berries and fruits, lean meats and fish, cereals and broths.
A sample menu for the day might look like this:

Day Meal time Sample menu
Monday Breakfast Oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, apple, glass of kefir.

Soup with chicken and vegetables, bran bread, fresh vegetable salad with olive oil.

Boiled chicken breast, stewed vegetables, green tea.

Tuesday Breakfast 3-4 walnuts, a glass of natural yogurt.

Chicken fillet baked without oil, boiled egg, herbal tea.

Low-fat cottage cheese, kefir.

Wednesday Breakfast 2 apples or grapefruits, coffee or tea.

Vegetable or fish broth, 2-3 boiled potatoes with vegetables.

2 boiled eggs, fermented baked milk.

Thursday Breakfast Steam omelette with tomatoes, herbal tea.

Vegetable soup, cauliflower or broccoli casserole.

A glass of kefir, 2 boiled or baked potatoes.

Friday Breakfast A piece of baked or boiled fish or a salad of fresh vegetables.

Boiled potatoes with herbs, baked zucchini, tea.

Green tea.

Saturday Breakfast Buckwheat porridge, kefir.

Vegetable stew, boiled egg, freshly squeezed juice.

Tomato and cucumber salad with olive oil.

Sunday Breakfast Cheese sandwich, unsweetened tea.

Oatmeal or pearl barley porridge, fresh vegetables, tea.

Cottage cheese with fruits and kefir.

How to cook

A simple diet for a week involves proper preparation of all the dishes you eat. In order to quickly get rid of extra pounds, you need to exclude from your menu all fatty and high-calorie dishes prepared with a large number fat

The best option for dietary nutrition are products that are boiled in water, baked without cream or vegetable oil, stewed. Also very useful in cooking or slow cooker.

What can you do on a diet?

In order to answer the question of how to lose weight cheaply and effectively, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what foods are recommended to include in your daily diet.

Authorized products:

  1. Fruits and vegetables - apples, citrus fruits, cauliflower and white cabbage, carrots, tomatoes and cucumbers, zucchini, beets.
  2. Fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, low-fat cottage cheese.
  3. Berries – raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blueberries.
  4. Dried fruits and various types nuts
  5. Low-fat varieties of poultry and meat - chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef, veal.
  6. Cereals – buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, pearl barley, millet.
  7. Inexpensive fish - capelin, crucian carp, hake, blue whiting, mackerel.
  8. Seafood and seaweed.
  9. Olive and sunflower oil.
  10. Bread with bran.

These simple and affordable products help you lose 5-6 extra pounds in 2 weeks.

What can't you do on a diet?

A cheap weight loss menu for a week requires giving up those foods that can significantly slow down the weight loss process. Prohibited products include:

  1. sweets and any confectionery products;
  2. pickled and smoked products;
  3. canned food and semi-finished products;
  4. fast food;
  5. fatty meats and fish;
  6. fried foods;
  7. butter.


There are a huge number that help you get rid of excess weight in the shortest possible time. They involve consuming only one product - this allows you to activate your metabolism and speed up the process of burning fat.

The most popular and effective mono-diets:

  1. Water – complete refusal of food and drinking only non-carbonated water. Helps you lose weight quickly, but after returning to your usual diet, the kilograms may also return.
  2. – It is best not to cook the cereal, but to steam it with boiling water. 500 g of buckwheat should be poured with 3-4 glasses of boiling water and left for several hours, after which you should eat the porridge in small portions throughout the day.
  3. Kefir – you are allowed to consume 1-1.5 liters of low-fat kefir per day. The duration of the diet should not exceed 6-7 days.
  4. – you can eat 1 kg of unsweetened apples throughout the day; before going to bed, you are allowed to drink a glass of low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk.
  5. – like apples, dietary nutrition involves eating 3-4 bananas per day.

If you need to quickly get rid of extra pounds in the abdomen, hips and buttocks, a potato diet can be an excellent solution. Its essence is very simple - throughout the day you are allowed to eat 300-400 g of potatoes, boiled or baked without oil. You can supplement your diet with kefir.


Before you start a diet for fast weight loss, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since any dietary restrictions have a list of contraindications.

Main contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • stomach ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • childhood and adolescence;
  • diabetes mellitus and other diseases of the endocrine system;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

People who have suffered serious illnesses or surgical interventions should postpone following a cheap diet for weight loss until the weakened body is fully restored.

Side effects

In some cases, quick weight loss diets may cause certain side effects. Among them, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, exacerbations of chronic diseases, weakness, and fatigue most often stand out.

When following strict diets, the human body loses its resources, which negatively affects performance and energy. Sometimes, when switching to a diet, a decrease in the level of immunity may be observed. The optimal solution to this problem is the use of immunomodulators or multivitamin complexes.

The phrase that starting tomorrow you need to go on a diet has probably sounded from the lips of every woman, but when that very tomorrow comes, a considerable number of problems arise. And the point is not only that the next day there may be a desire to reset overweight will disappear. Very often, women are faced with the fact that they cannot choose the right weight loss diet for themselves. One has only to open some fashion magazine and read some diet there, and the products used in this diet immediately catch your eye, the purchase of which will cost a pretty penny. The cheapest diet for weight loss helps solve this problem, since it offers more than one method based on the use of inexpensive and accessible products.

Don't eat after six

The cheapest diet for losing weight is called “don’t eat after six.” There are a great many fans of this diet today. The main recommendation of this weight loss technique is a break between dinner and breakfast the next day at 12-14 hours. This diet prohibits having too rich meals, which may include sweets, flour products and many other products that are not compatible with dietary nutrition. It is also necessary to ensure that dinner is not too high in calories.

Kefir diet

Another cheap diet for weight loss, which has fairly strict recommendations, is based on the consumption of kefir. The duration of compliance with this technique does not exceed a week, but even this is enough to get rid of five extra pounds. Each day of following this diet includes 1.5 liters of kefir in the diet, in addition to which on Monday serves 500 grams of boiled potatoes, on Tuesday 100 grams of chicken fillet, on Wednesday 100 grams of boiled lean meat, on Thursday 100 grams of boiled fish, on Friday 500 grams of fruit. On Saturday and Sunday you can only have kefir and nothing else.

Actor's diet

An effective and cheap acting diet requires a fair amount of willpower to follow. The duration of the technique is exactly 9 days, and the result will be a weight loss of 9-10 kilograms. During the first three days, the diet consists of any amount of kefir, then for three days you need to eat only boiled chicken fillet without skin and without the use of salt. After this, the final three apple days begin, the diet of which includes apples and their fresh juice. There is also a milder option that lasts 4 days and brings a weight loss result of 3-5 kilograms. On the first day you need to eat boiled rice and drink tea or fresh tomato juice, on the second day the diet consists of low-fat cottage cheese and kefir, on the third day green tea and boiled chicken fillet, and the final fourth day (this should be a day off) offers high-quality red wine and cheese.

Banana and milk diet

A cheap weight loss diet can also be based on consuming milk and bananas for 5 days. For one day you are supposed to eat six medium-sized bananas and drink three glasses of low-fat milk. Although the diet of such a diet is too monotonous, it does not require the preparation of any dishes.

Rice diet

For those who are not afraid of monotony in their diet, an effective and cheap diet is suitable, which lasts 7 days and offers a diet of 150 grams of boiled rice, 90 grams of boiled fish or chicken fillet, one boiled egg and fresh tomato.

The most effective and cheapest diet for each person can only be his own, and all the methods listed above are only the most popular of them.

For some reason, many women associate losing weight with spending huge amounts of money, despite the fact that essentially you need to eat less, which means you also need to buy less. It’s another matter when you constantly ate “bad” food, and now you have to switch to natural, healthy food. Junk food (fast food, fast food, chips, etc.) is cheap compared to selected meat, poultry, fish, vegetables and fruits. Let’s move on from the introduction to the point and figure out what an inexpensive diet for quick weight loss looks like.

Cheap diet for quick weight loss

Losing weight cheaply is real, you just need to know what products to buy. Don't think that skimping on food means buying bad food. This is wrong. Many diets include seafood, which is very expensive. Why do you need them? After all, you can find a replacement. This also includes nuts and dried fruits.

What foods should be included in a cheap weight loss diet?

  • Chicken;
  • Salmon, pollock;
  • Pork;
  • Chicken eggs;
  • Dairy products;
  • Rice, buckwheat;
  • Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers;
  • Apples, pears, bananas;
  • Mineral water;
  • Green tea;
  • Coffee.

In principle, you don’t even have to buy pork and limit yourself to inexpensive fish and chicken.

Follow the usual rules for all diets: split meals 5-6 times a day, small portions, at least 2 liters of water per day, more physical activity.

It is better to take the first meal not immediately after waking up, but after a morning run. You don't need to give it an hour, give it 20 minutes. Then wait another half hour and eat. Eat sweets in the first half of the day, and in the second half pay attention to protein foods. Be sure to include fats in your diet. Inexpensive source of fat - linseed oil. It is enough to drink two tablespoons a day.

Often, the diet of many popular diets today contains, to put it mildly, expensive products, as well as some delicacies that are very expensive for the average citizen (for example, pineapples, trout, papaya). However, as a rule, no one guarantees a 100% result. You can spend a lot of money, but in the end stay with your kilograms. It turns out to be a shame. After all, high hopes are usually placed on such weight loss methods (it’s not in vain that so much money was spent). And the lack of results can cause depression and a complete refusal of any diets in the future. But you still need to fight excess weight. The only way out from such a situation - the cheapest diet.

In the refrigerator of almost every housewife there is a number of inexpensive products that can be taken as a basis. Potatoes, beets, carrots, oatmeal and buckwheat, kefir, apples and a few others. The most important thing is to correctly combine them in the menu.

If we analyze the most popular weight loss methods, we will see that the cheapest (you only have to consume one product), short-term and effective is a strict mono-diet. It is rightfully considered the most budget-friendly, because you won’t be able to spend a lot on one kefir, boiled potatoes or rice. But extra pounds go out with a bang. This is the biggest advantage of any mono-diet. It is also very convenient that you can choose a product for it from those that you like.

Drinking diet - cheap and, at the same time, very effective way losing weight. In addition, it is very easy to follow. All day you need to drink only water (clean, of course), good tea, coffee, even a little wine is allowed. This is a great example of how you can lose weight economically. The stomach will be constantly filled with liquid. And, according to this diet, it is permissible to consume solid food extremely rarely, and then only as an exception.

A low-calorie diet is one of the varieties of a cheap diet. It is based on basic products that everyone has in their refrigerator. It doesn’t matter if you have your eye on a more expensive menu option for this food system. Portions will still be small. Therefore, this will not make a hole in your budget.

However, such diets have significant disadvantages. Firstly, if you sit on any mono-diet for more than 5 days, the body will definitely begin to rebel. And secondly, they can quickly get bored, which, in turn, threatens a breakdown.

Rules for choosing a cheap diet

Choosing a cheap diet is not such an easy task. After all, there are a lot of such power systems on the Internet. In order not to miss, you need to arm yourself with knowledge of several important rules.

What can you eat

You can effectively fight excess weight by eating inexpensive seasonal vegetables. The main advantage of such a food system is the rich menu. It is allowed to include any vegetables except potatoes. Sometimes the ban also applies to zucchini. The reason is the significant amount of carbohydrates they contain. You can use the gifts of the beds without restrictions in any form, except fried. Moreover, on the Internet you can find an incredible variety of attractive recipes for dishes prepared from boiled, steamed, stewed and fresh vegetables. Buying all the ingredients you need won't break your budget. And if you have your own garden, the savings will be even greater.

You can also include a variety of fruits in your diet (again, according to your finances). The only foods you should avoid are bananas and grapes, as they contribute to weight gain.

The cheap diets mentioned here can actually get rid of 4-5 kg ​​in about 2 weeks. However, before embarking on any weight loss method, you should consult your doctor.

Advantages and Disadvantages

About the positive:

  • low cost;
  • sufficient efficiency;
  • large selection of diets.

About the negative:

  • lack of balance;
  • monotony of diet (in mono-diets);
  • risk of gaining weight again after completing the diet;

Example of a 10-day menu

  • We have breakfast with oatmeal or buckwheat porridge cooked in water.
  • We have lunch with three “hard-boiled” eggs with a salad of boiled beets, carrots and fresh onions.
  • We have dinner with three “hard-boiled” eggs with cabbage and carrot salad.

2nd day

  • We have breakfast with buckwheat porridge cooked in water and wash it down with a glass of low-fat milk.
  • We have lunch with a portion of low-fat cottage cheese with cabbage and carrot salad.
  • We have dinner with three “hard-boiled” eggs with a whole carrot (you can grate it).

The menu of these days must be alternated for 10 days. Salads can be dressed with a spoon of high-quality vegetable oil. But you will need to drink a fair amount - at least 2 liters clean water per day. You can sometimes afford coffee and tea if you wish. However, it is prohibited to sweeten them. Snacking between meals is also strictly prohibited.

It is not recommended to stay on any of the cheap diets for longer than 10 days. During this period, you can lose about 4-5 kg, although the final result depends on your individual metabolism and initial weight. It is permissible to repeat the diet only after 3 months.

And finally

It doesn't matter which cheap diet you choose. If each of them is followed, the result will directly depend on strict adherence to its rules, moderate physical activity and proper drinking regimen. If you adhere to all this 100%, your efforts will not be in vain, and you will see the desired number on the scale. Moreover, reviews and results of those who lost weight using a cheap diet clearly indicate in its favor.