Home analogues of professional manicure tools. Homemade analogues of professional manicure tools Degreasing and tanning

Even the smallest nail brushes I can find are often too big for me. I know you can order fairly small brushes online, but I don't like ordering online and waiting for everything to arrive, it literally drives me crazy. I once ordered a sable fur brush from the Sally Hansen online store, painted one stripe with it and dipped it in acetone to clean it, as I usually do with all brushes, and when I took the brush out of the acetone, I discovered that all the lint was gone - I'm not kidding . Needless to say, I was extremely disappointed. I think another reason I don't like ordering online is because the mail isn't delivered directly to your home and you have to pick up the packages from the post office.. but that's a whole different story.

In any case, I'm more inclined to look in the art departments of big box stores or specialty craft stores along the way to see what brushes they have on sale. Usually you can find brushes there for one or two dollars. So, if you can’t find a brush small enough for nail design, you can make your own quite easily. All you need are nail scissors, or, what I prefer, cuticle clippers.

Having bought a cheap brush, I simply take my pliers and run them around the base of the handle, cutting off small sections of the hair, gradually moving towards the middle. I try to keep the cut edge more or less the same width so that when I get the brush to the thinness I want, the remaining hair will be in the middle of the brush and not pushed to the side.

Continue trimming small sections of hair evenly around the entire circumference of the brush until you feel it is thin enough for you.

Below are a few of my brushes, you can see how thin some of them are. You will also notice that among the five brushes I photographed, I have two similar brushes with black handles. The only difference is that I trimmed the bristles of one of the brushes more thinly.

In general, when I find a good cheap brush, I usually buy a few of them so that I can make several nail art brushes of different sizes and have spare brushes in case one gets too worn out, or I end up ruining it or losing it. .

To create an even complexion, apply a moisturizing BB cream. It will perfectly even out your skin tone, give your face a healthy tint, and also moisturize your face and protect it throughout the day. You can simply apply it with your hands, like a regular face cream.


The easiest and fastest way to hide small problems on your face is a 24/7 pencil corrector that will hide everything you need. Apply it to the area under your eyes for a more open and rested look. Simply massage the corrector with your fingertips onto the areas where it is needed. All!



To ensure that the shadows lie well and do not crease, apply a creamy primer to your eyelids. You need very little product, but you need to distribute it carefully and evenly so that the entire eyelid is covered with a thin layer. Choose a primer with mother-of-pearl: it visually enlarges your eyes and makes your eyelid skin stunningly beautiful. By the way, you can stop here: primer is a great alternative to eyeshadow!


If you are not a fan of half measures, move on to applying shadows. Try extraordinary shadows with a 3D effect! They are best applied with a finger, patting movements over the entire eyelid. If you want, take a pencil and highlight the edge of the eyelash with a light arrow.

In modern conditions, making a brush with your own hands is usually done using bristles and animal hair. You can make such brushes with your own hands and get a high-quality tool for painting or painting. Depending on the area of ​​use, brushes can be made round or flat. In addition, the pile can be shortened or elongated.


  • Manufacturing technology
  • Material selection
  • Hair preparation
  • Knitting brushes
  • Making a pen
  • Selecting pile length
  • Conclusion
Making a brush with your own hands is not difficult

The most common and high-quality brushes are made from the tail hair of the following animals:

  • badger;
  • column;
  • proteins;
  • gerbils.

Considering the high cost of tools made from animal hair, which were listed above, in homemade brushes this material can be replaced with wool and hair of other animals. In particular, recently instruments made from mink, arctic fox and fox wool have become increasingly common. In addition, waste from fur factories can be used as material. Also, the pile can be made from the wool of camels, sheep or long-haired dogs, as well as from human hair.

Manufacturing technology

The first step in manufacturing is the preparation of bristles or animal hair. In addition, a stand for the hands and material for the handle must be prepared. However, the first thing to start with is choosing the material for the bristle tuft.

Material selection

When choosing a material, you need to focus on what work you plan to use the brush for. So, some materials are suitable for painting with watercolors or oils, and others are suitable for fine painting work. At the same time, there are areas of use that require the use of a certain material. For example, when painting with ink, most artists prefer to use products made from camel wool.

Trimming wool for future brush bristles

Let's look at the main characteristics of the most common homemade brushes, depending on the material used:

  • Gerbil brushes, as a rule, are made flat with a long or short hair surface. They are distinguished by soft and elastic hair. Therefore, such tools are mainly used for fine painting or painting with oil paints or watercolors. In addition, brushes with gerbil bristles can be used to glaze the varnish coating.
  • Badger products have a round or flat shape. They are somewhat tougher than the previous version, and therefore they are mainly used for working with oil paints.
  • Brushes with kolinsky bristles can be flat or round. They have high elasticity and resilience. They are mainly used for fine work, as well as for wet glazing.
  • Squirrel tassels can only be round. They are exceptionally soft and elastic, so they are mainly used for painting on porcelain or paper.
  • Hair preparation

    It is advisable to start harvesting in early autumn, when animals moult. Individual unsuitable hairs are removed from the collected bundle and trimmed. Next, the trimmed part is placed in a glass for leveling. The resulting hair tuft should be combed out using a comb with sharp teeth.

    Carefully combed pile must be bandaged and degreased in clean gasoline. To do this, the bundle is stored in a closed jar for several days, after which it is boiled in a tanning solution to make the hairs non-hygroscopic.

    Carefully combed pile is bandaged and degreased

    The next stage is hardening, the conditions of which depend on the type of hair. Typically, the hair is kept at 150 degrees for about an hour. For hardening, the bundle is placed on a metal mesh or suspended so that the hairs are well warmed up with air at the required temperature.

    Knitting brushes

    Pile that has been hardened is suitable for knitting brushes. To do this, take a certain number of hairs and lower them into a tin or plastic mold with a conical bottom. This form must be prepared in advance. After you have placed the required number of hairs in the mold, you can make a blank for the brush by tapping on this mold. Next, the bundle of hair is removed and tied, after which the non-working surface is covered with varnish. It is inserted into a metal capsule or clip.

    The capsule can be made either from thin metal strips, connecting their edges with an overlap and soldering. In addition, this can also be made seamlessly, which is considered a more acceptable option.

    It is recommended to make the capsule from brass or tinplate, as these materials are durable and resistant to corrosion. Its size will depend on the required brush number. Also at this stage, do not forget about such an important element as a brush stand.

    A brush stand is an equally important element.

    Making a pen

    After you have managed to make the pile, you should start making the handle. It is best carved from the following types of wood:

    • pine;
    • alder;
    • birch.

    After turning, the handle is coated with colorless varnish or painted with a single-color paint. Next, the beam inserted into the capsule is filled with synthetic glue or other waterproof compound from the wide end. This must be done so that the glue reaches the end of the pile, which is located in the capsule.

    After everything has dried, the capsule with a bunch of bristles should be connected to a wooden handle. For strength, it is recommended to additionally crimp the capsule with a wooden handle. The finished handle should be varnished.

    Selecting pile length

    You need to choose the length of the bristles released from the capsule. The length of the released hair should depend on its elasticity. This is of fundamental importance, because if the bristles are too long, the brush will look disheveled. Otherwise, insufficiently released pile will not pick up a sufficient amount of paint.

    After you have decided on the length, the finished brush must be moistened with water and combed until the bristles are as even as possible.


    Thus, making a brush with your own hands is a completely affordable procedure. It consists of several stages, one of which is the selection of material. Hair and bristles are selected in this case taking into account the purpose of the brush and financial capabilities.

    Let’s try to figure it out together with you how to make a paint brush in five minutes.

    Everything is in stores now! Buying any brush quite cheaply is not a problem, but imagine this situation. You need to paint something. Literally two brush strokes. After such short-term use, you will have to throw away the brush. It’s a shame, but there’s nothing you can do, it’s not easy to wash it by hand.

    And in this situation, this article will come to your rescue.

    How to make a paint brush with your own hands, very simply and cheaply, that does not need to be thrown away and does not need to be washed, with detailed photographs will be described in it.

    What can you make a brush from?

    This does not require a lot of time and materials. An old dried brush or any other pen that is comfortable to hold in your hand while painting and a few more details will be enough.

    We disassemble the old brush so that the handle remains intact, and throw away the rest.

    Next, select an ordinary office clip of the width you need for the brush, and adjust the width of the handle to the width of the clip. It’s better not to cut the handle with a knife, but to saw it off, it will be neater, and there’s no risk that the wood will break off in the wrong place.

    To secure the clamp to the handle, you need to select two small and not thick screws. Depending on the diameter of the screws, you need to take two drills. The larger one is for drilling the clamp, and the smaller one is for drilling a hole for the screw in the handle (so that it does not split when tightening the screws).

    We drill holes.

    Screw the clamp to the handle.

    Cut the foam to the required size and insert it into the clamp.

    The brush is ready.

    The brush for painting is made by yourself, you can use it indefinitely and not worry that the paint will dry out and you will have to throw away the brush. After painting, you simply throw away the used foam rubber, and just wipe the handle lightly to remove traces of paint. You don’t even have to throw away the foam rubber, but leave the brush as it is.

    In order for the brush to be ready for further use, simply replace the dried foam rubber with a piece of new one and the brush is ready for use again. You can take any foam rubber, such as you have.

    If foam rubber is not found, then you can use a piece of old fabric folded in several layers, a piece of felt or something similar.

    As you can see, there are no hopeless situations.

    In modern conditions, making a brush with your own hands is usually done using bristles and animal hair. You can make such brushes with your own hands and get a high-quality tool for painting or painting. Depending on the area of ​​use, brushes can be made round or flat. In addition, the pile can be shortened or elongated.

    Making a brush with your own hands is not difficult

    The most common and high-quality brushes are made from the tail hair of the following animals:

    • badger;
    • column;
    • proteins;
    • gerbils.

    Considering the high cost of tools made from animal hair, which were listed above, in homemade brushes this material can be replaced with wool and hair of other animals. In particular, recently instruments made from mink, arctic fox and fox wool have become increasingly common. In addition, waste from fur factories can be used as material. Also, the pile can be made from the wool of camels, sheep or long-haired dogs, as well as from human hair.

    Manufacturing technology

    The first step in manufacturing is the preparation of bristles or animal hair. In addition, a stand for the hands and material for the handle must be prepared. However, the first thing to start with is choosing the material for the bristle tuft.

    Material selection

    When choosing a material, you need to focus on what work you plan to use the brush for. So, some materials are suitable for painting with watercolors or oils, and others are suitable for fine painting work. At the same time, there are areas of use that require the use of a certain material. For example, when painting with ink, most artists prefer to use products made from camel wool.

    Trimming wool for future brush bristles

    Let's look at the main characteristics of the most common homemade brushes, depending on the material used:

    1. Gerbil brushes, as a rule, are made flat with a long or short hair surface. They are distinguished by soft and elastic hair. Therefore, such tools are mainly used for fine painting or painting with oil paints or watercolors. In addition, brushes with gerbil bristles can be used to glaze the varnish coating.
    2. Badger products have a round or flat shape. They are somewhat tougher than the previous version, and therefore they are mainly used for working with oil paints.
    3. Brushes with kolinsky bristles can be flat or round. They have high elasticity and resilience. They are mainly used for fine work, as well as for wet glazing.
    4. Squirrel tassels can only be round. They are exceptionally soft and elastic, so they are mainly used for painting on porcelain or paper.

    Hair preparation

    It is advisable to start harvesting in early autumn, when animals moult. Individual unsuitable hairs are removed from the collected bundle and trimmed. Next, the trimmed part is placed in a glass for leveling. The resulting hair tuft should be combed out using a comb with sharp teeth.

    Carefully combed pile must be bandaged and degreased in clean gasoline. To do this, the bundle is stored in a closed jar for several days, after which it is boiled in a tanning solution to make the hairs non-hygroscopic.

    Carefully combed pile is bandaged and degreased

    The next stage is hardening, the conditions of which depend on the type of hair. Typically, the hair is kept at 150 degrees for about an hour. For hardening, the bundle is placed on a metal mesh or suspended so that the hairs are well warmed up with air at the required temperature.

    Knitting brushes

    Pile that has been hardened is suitable for knitting brushes. To do this, take a certain number of hairs and lower them into a tin or plastic mold with a conical bottom. This form must be prepared in advance. After you have placed the required number of hairs in the mold, you can make a blank for the brush by tapping on this mold. Next, the bundle of hair is removed and tied, after which the non-working surface is covered with varnish. It is inserted into a metal capsule or clip.

    The capsule can be made either from thin metal strips, connecting their edges with an overlap and soldering. In addition, this can also be made seamlessly, which is considered a more acceptable option.

    It is recommended to make the capsule from brass or tinplate, as these materials are durable and resistant to corrosion. Its size will depend on the required brush number. Also at this stage, do not forget about such an important element as a brush stand.

    A brush stand is an equally important element.

    Making a pen

    After you have managed to make the pile, you should start making the handle. It is best carved from the following types of wood:

    • pine;
    • alder;
    • birch.

    After turning, the handle is coated with colorless varnish or painted with a single-color paint. Next, the beam inserted into the capsule is filled with synthetic glue or other waterproof compound from the wide end. This must be done so that the glue reaches the end of the pile, which is located in the capsule.

    After everything has dried, the capsule with a bunch of bristles should be connected to a wooden handle. For strength, it is recommended to additionally crimp the capsule with a wooden handle. The finished handle should be varnished.

    Selecting pile length

    You need to choose the length of the bristles released from the capsule. The length of the released hair should depend on its elasticity. This is of fundamental importance, because if the bristles are too long, the brush will look disheveled. Otherwise, insufficiently released pile will not pick up a sufficient amount of paint.

    After you have decided on the length, the finished brush must be moistened with water and combed until the bristles are as even as possible.


    Thus, making a brush with your own hands is a completely affordable procedure. It consists of several stages, one of which is the selection of material. Hair and bristles are selected in this case taking into account the purpose of the brush and financial capabilities.