How energy is accumulated. How to accumulate, preserve and strengthen feminine energy

A person with sufficient energy is calm and satisfied with life. He has strong immunity, he is hardy and healthy. However, in modern world There are very few such people: the frantic pace of life requires enormous expenditure of energy and strength, many experience a chronic lack of it. Katie Silcox, author of Healthy, Happy, Sexy, gives advice to those who want to accumulate enough vitality and feel great.

The power that feeds us

In Ayurveda there is the concept of “ojas” - the complete energy reserve of the mind and body, a certain container in which it is all stored (a psychophysical shell, or a protective screen). In our society, ojas energy is not treated with due respect. The more we have, the less susceptible we are to illness and the negative influence of others. The robust power of ojas acts as a soft protective shield, helping to resist stress and illness caused by physical and psychological pathogens (away, energy vampires!). Thus, our spirit finds itself inside a strong, reliable vessel. Thanks to ojas, we experience a feeling of satisfaction with life.

Despite the fact that people in the 21st century suffer from a lack of ojas, it is still the most important element that we need to develop in ourselves. If you compare it with an electric light bulb, ojas is like the power of the lamp itself. If you don't increase the power, your options will always be limited, no matter how much energy is supplied to the light bulb.

To increase the level of ojas energy, it is not enough just to accumulate it. It is also important not to lose the strength you already have and not waste it.

When there is too much stimulation in your life, such as spending too much time on the Internet, drinking too much coffee, exchanging endless text messages with friends, energy quietly flows through the five senses. As a result, we feel exhausted and depression or anxiety may appear. Managing the senses by limiting speech and sexual activity and getting proper rest, relaxation and sleep helps preserve vital energy reserves.

The next time you feel exhausted, try turning your mind inward instead of looking to external sources for comfort: for example, try lying down and focusing on the sensations in your body. Better yet, follow the ancient Ayurvedic recommendations on a regular basis. This way you will feel much better.

  • Switch to organic food: Eat organic, seasonal foods, grown locally where possible.
  • First cleansing and getting rid of toxins, then restoration and renewal: If your body is full of toxins from excessive consumption of meat, sugar, drugs, alcohol, processed foods and fried foods, do not immediately go on a diet of ghee and dates! To start, eat very simple and clean foods for a few days, such as whole grains, lentils, vegetables and high-quality fats ( olive oil). Then, when you feel that the body has been cleansed, move on to more nutritious foods - ghee, avocados, dates, milk and honey.
  • Don't overeat: this weakens the digestive fire.
  • Avoid overstimulation while eating: If you want to restore your vitality, don't watch the evening news at dinner or eat lunch at the computer.
  • Rest: eight hours sleep - necessary condition to accumulate ojas. In addition, rest is when you take a break and stop constantly doing things and relax.
  • Don't neglect body oils: Ayurveda teaches how to use them and which ones are suitable for you depending on your body temperature and time of year.
  • Use oils internally: yes, you heard right. When you drink oil and add it to food, ojas accumulates. Use more oils: hemp oil, flaxseed oil, avocado oil, coconut oil and clarified butter (ghee).
  • Get rid of everything that deprives you of energy: Avoid people, places and gadgets that disturb the mind and suck the blood from your soul.
  • Spend more time in nature: nature restores energy, pacifies and gives peace.
  • Give your mind a rest: Do restorative yoga - Most yoga studios now offer restorative classes.
  • Love your loved ones: Sincere love and devotion nourishes our vitality and immunity like nothing else.

How to stay energetic in late autumn and early winter

In autumn, the air element predominates: imagine a windy autumn day. The air is dry, cool and moving. In autumn and early winter, these qualities intensify in nature and in every person. During this time, we are reminded of impermanence and death. This is the season of winds, desolation, harshness and dryness. If we listen, we will understand that physically and emotionally during this period we want to curl up in a ball.

Winter is like a turtle pulling its head into its protective shell. This is a time of heightened intuition, fading and dying. When the internal balance is disturbed in winter, fears, constipation, crunching and pain in the joints, dry skin, anxiety, insomnia, and seasonal depression associated with lack of sunlight. How you take care of yourself in the fall will determine your body's ability to stay healthy throughout the winter.

Winter is a time when you need to stay warm, make sure that the body does not dry out, and is provided with nutrition and protection.

  • Drink warm ginger tea little by little throughout the day.
  • Give yourself an oil massage every morning. Not only is it good for the skin; This type of massage can help calm anxiety, insomnia, or both. An excellent oil for winter is sesame, it has nourishing and warming properties. Another great warming oil is Ayurvedic mahanarayana oil. It helps well with joint pain and other painful sensations.
  • To stimulate the body, take warm baths with ginger powder.
  • Go to bed between 21 and 22 hours. Good rest is the main means of strengthening the immune system. Only in winter can we afford to sleep as much as necessary. Generally speaking, our not so distant ancestors slept a lot during the cold season. Without heating or electricity, 14–15 hours of sleep was common.
  • Dress warmly. This advice may seem banal, but don’t get too cold.
  • In winter, try to wear less black and dark blue. Everyone loves black, it is always in fashion and slimming, but black absorbs light. Too much black and you feel empty and lost in a vast space. This feeling is already aggravated in winter.
  • Eliminate all raw and cold foods: salads, ice water, smoothies. Yes, yes, my dears, you all know very well that our great-grandmothers did not eat salads in winter, and for good reason.
  • Don't beat yourself up for wanting to stay home. In winter, more than in other seasons, with the approach of the holidays, we indulge in all the hard things. In place of the old community rituals and traditions - getting the whole family together and enjoying the warmth of home, the fire, nutritious warm food - the time has come for crazy spending, endless parties, air travel and family quarrels. Try to keep your holiday traditions peaceful. If possible, don't go anywhere. Stay at home. Light the candles.
  • Before going to bed, drink a drink with a mild sleep-inducing effect (for example, medicinal hot milk with spices). Add 1/2 tsp to it. ghee: this will contribute to the accumulation of ojas and strengthen the immune system).
  • Avoid loud music, physical stress, too active lovemaking, and moving. Don't eat yesterday's food, don't cleanse your body or fast, and try to talk less.
  • In cold winter, you can engage in slightly more active, warming physical exercises. During this time, it is helpful to practice more moving types of yoga if you enjoy them. Focus on backbends and lateral extensions - this will promote good spirits and cheerfulness in the dark season.

And here's another thing. There are things that deplete vitality: moving from place to place (especially by plane), excessive physical activity, serious physical injuries, severe hunger, a tendency to overanalyze, think too much and everything else that disturbs the peace of mind - doubts, unbelief, anger, greed, envy, as well as unlived emotions - anger, worry, anxiety, grief. Try to keep this out of your life (or at least keep it as small as possible).

For the human body, it is necessary to maintain a balance between energy consumption and replenishment. When energy exchange is disrupted, it negatively affects the condition. From level internal energy everything directly depends: health, success in society and financial well-being.
Low levels of bioenergy are the direct cause of chronic diseases. Such people are increasingly experiencing a loss of strength, nervous exhaustion and do not know how to maintain their health. There is a cycle of energy in the body, part of it is constantly consumed, so it is necessary to constantly replenish reserves of vitality.

How to replenish energy reserves.

1. First of all, you need to eliminate its unreasonable consumption. This includes poor nutrition and sludge in the body, polluted air, as well as improper breathing, uncontrolled emotions (anger, melancholy, fear, etc.). Bad habits, insufficient physical activity, weakness of the etheric body. Excessive or perverted sexual life, artificial stimulation of the senses (horror films, gambling etc.).

2. Energy replenishment. This includes nutritious nutrition and proper drinking regimen, breathing exercises, meditative rest in nature, and good sleep. Compliance of your activities with your inner spiritual aspirations. Wearing appropriate precious and semi-precious stones. Energizing from nature is also a strong source of energy replenishment.

The main reasons for energy loss at the level of the physical body:

Energy-wasting postures: stooping, hunching or excessive looseness in body position.
- Diseases, especially chronic ones and accompanied by pain or any other negative effects.
- Unconscious muscle tension.
- Sharp and chaotic movements, unconsciously copying the energy vampire nearby: most disco dances, unconscious imitation of the gait and body posture of another person.

The main causes of energy loss at the level of the etheric body:

Improper breathing: irregular breathing, mouth breathing, etc.
- Lack of contact with nature and fresh air.
- Identification with a state of low energy tone and the impression that weakness will last forever.

The main causes of energy loss at the level of the astral body:

Negative emotions: greed, aggression, anger, envy, lust, depression, pessimism, despondency, etc.
- Conflicting desires that tear a person apart.
- Internal conflicts involving emotions, addiction, attachment, etc.
- The presence of unresolved problems in the past.
- Emotional stress and trauma.
- Negative emotions of other people directed at a person.
- Not healthy sleep or sleep disorders: insomnia, nightmares, excessive or insufficient sleep, waking up late and going to bed late.

The main reasons for energy loss at the level of the mental body:

Restless mind, excessive thoughts and inability to recognize oneself as not identified with them.
- Negative thoughts leading to negative emotions.
- Excessive immersion in one’s own dreams and daydreams.
- Thinking about things that don't matter to you, such as solving problems in the distant future or empty thoughts about the past.

Energy accumulation at the level of the physical body:

Healthy lifestyle: daily routine, nutrition, physical exercise and sleep. Healthy food and avoidance of intoxicants.
- Curing diseases or at least some progress along this path.
- Using various cleanses: therapeutic fasting (if the doctor allows), herbal decoctions, yogic cleansing methods (shankhaprakshalana, gaja kriya, etc.).
- Practice relaxation meditation to relieve muscle tension.
- Practice of oriental disciplines: hatha yoga, tai chi chuan, tai chi, qigong, etc.

Energy accumulation at the level of the etheric body:

Awareness of breathing and gentle attempts to direct it in the right direction: breathing through the nose and not through the mouth, exhalation is longer than inhalation, etc.
- Living in harmony with nature and spending frequent time in the fresh air.
- The ability to remain calm during a decrease in tone and not identify with it.
- Practice of various energy disciplines, involving concentration on the chakras and other points of the body to master subtle energy and gain the strength of the etheric body.

Energy accumulation at the level of the astral body:

The ability to maintain a positive attitude regardless of the circumstances and events occurring in life.
- Overcoming the tendency to negative emotions. To do this, you can use various psychological and spiritual practices.
- Working through emotional pressures and traumas.
- Emotional openness and positive interaction with people.
- Stop communicating with negative people and energy vampires.
- Development in oneself of divine love for all things.

Energy accumulation at the level of the mental body:

Practice meditation, trataka, awareness of your thoughts throughout the day.
- Stopping unnecessary and negative thoughts.
- Control of an overly raging internal dialogue and, as a result, the ability to disidentify oneself with thoughts (understand that I am not thoughts).
- Understanding that a negative thought can lead to severe karmic consequences.

Quick ways replenishment of energy reserves.

Receiving energy from the Sun.

The practice is best done at sunrise or sunset. Stand or sit facing the Sun. Close your eyes, breathe with your stomach - slowly and deeply. While inhaling, imagine and try to feel how the energy of the Sun enters the solar plexus area: the energy center of the Manipura Chakra is located here. As you exhale, imagine how the energy of the Sun accumulates in Manipura. Manipura is filled with energy and gradually takes the form of a ball, hard and elastic, like a ball. Perform 10-12 such inhalations and exhalations.

Another way. Raise your hands up, palms facing the Sun, disconnect from all extraneous thoughts, tune in to receiving energy and mentally ask the Sun for energy. Feel the whole process of receiving energy, filling the body with it until you feel full. Thank the Sun seven times verbally or mentally, lower your hands.

Do you often experience devastation, fatigue, lack of desire to do anything? Various esoteric teachings offer us theories on the presence of a human biofield, or energy, which is affected by all sorts of energy vampires, evil eyes, damage and other “evil spirits”. Without a doubt, the energy is there. This has been proven, and it can be felt by anyone. The world is ruled not by matter at all, but by energy flows that we ourselves generate.

Every person has right accept or not accept this fact. And everyone chooses for themselves how they interact with energy entities. You can, of course, be convinced of external influences on our bio-field, but all the energy is produced by us, and we ourselves lose it. A person is like a battery: charged and discharged. Let's figure out how to produce enough energy for good, and how, most importantly, not to lose it.

Energy production factory

Remember when you felt a surge of strength? What were these situations and events? It's simple.

Wish me well

Have you given a gift to your loved one from the heart? How easy and joyful it becomes when you give something good! And how the sun shines inside when you have done something good! I am so filled with pride in myself! At the moment of wishing goodness to other living beings, a lot of energy is generated, which can inspire, heal, and much more.

Try not being with anyone for a day will quarrel, but on the contrary, to see something good in every person, to smile at him, to help him in some small way. At the end of the day you are guaranteed to feel good. And all because the “energy factory” started working. The positive emotions that we give to other people somehow magically act primarily on their manufacturer. Try checking this out.

Waiting for a miracle

The next strong factor tide energy there will be good events in your life, or rather, their anticipation. Now you know that in a week your beloved aunt, whom you have not seen for a whole year and whom you simply adore, is coming. And for a whole week you are in high spirits, planning what you will set on the table, where you will go with her, what secrets you will share with her. And all week you are like a bird! Joyful, wonderful, and as soon as the strength appears to prepare for the guest’s arrival!

Catch this feeling expectations miracle, and try to wake up every morning expecting a happy event. It's great if you maintain this feeling throughout the day. And here it doesn’t matter whether you are waiting for some specific miracle, or just an unexpected gift of fate. It is important that you provide yourself with energy that you can successfully eat all day long. By the way, there is also side effect- "gifts" will begin to happen.

Make way for active

Appetite comes in time food. If it gets really bad, just start doing something. It is in active movement that energy is generated. We are a kind of “perpetual motion machine” that works only when we lift ourselves off the couch and force ourselves to act. Nothing happens by itself unless you make an effort. First, move your body. The physical body is also capable of producing energy under certain loads. Anyone who plays sports understands what I mean. After the gym, moral fatigue goes away and not only physical, but also emotional recovery occurs. Act, run, climb, just don’t stand still!

I'll give away the treasure for free

How nice it is to save up energy! But now it would not be lost in vain. It’s a pity to part with such a necessary treasure, especially since we tried so hard to produce it.

Fighting with yourself

When we force ourselves study an unloved activity, or when we start blaming ourselves for something, “gnawing” at ourselves, we lose a huge amount of energy. It's like fighting physically with a professional athlete. It will take a lot of force, but zero effect. So it is here. Stop disliking, blaming, and reproaching yourself. If they did this, then it was necessary. Next time I will do it differently, more rationally. And don't do work you don't like.

There are two options: either quit her and look for a job you like, or find positive aspects in your work and treat it condescendingly - “for today this is acceptable, other work may be worse.” Why is this necessary? So as not to lose energy by hating what you do. After all, we spend the whole day at work, and it’s not worth spending your energy all day on dislike. It's a pity.

Programming troubles

Expecting trouble works just like expecting a miracle, only in reverse. Instead of a surge of energy, you will experience devastation and fatigue. Energy will quickly be spent on producing negative expectations.

Negative emotions

Well, the toughest consumers, which instantly eat up the entire supply of hard-earned energy in an instant - our negative emotions. Fear, envy, pride, greed. It’s not for nothing that our ancestors called them sins. There is nothing more destructive than experiencing these emotions. We are all living people, and we cannot be completely perfect. But let's try to keep the negativity to a minimum. You were jealous of your friend that she got married before you, so what? Have you found joy and strength? No. There was devastation and sadness. And along with them, the energy ran away. You were afraid to go through an interview, and then you regret every day that you missed the opportunity. Don't waste your energy on negative emotions!

Don't count on someone to give you energy, and don’t scold “human vampires”. Everything is within you. You are an invaluable source of the most sought-after resource for creating life on Earth - energy. Manage it correctly!

Who among us does not dream of being healthy and successful, living a long and happy life? For thousands of years, humanity has been looking for the secret of happiness, not realizing that it had long been found and lies not somewhere beyond the horizon, but within ourselves. It turns out that the secret of harmony and peace lies in filling life with energy. It is thanks to energy that we live and enjoy life, because when filled with vitality, we turn into creators. At the same time, loss of energy makes us apathetic and sick, depriving us of all the joys of life, and therefore if we want to feel healthy and happy, we need to learn to conserve and accumulate energy.

At first glance, this may seem difficult, but everything will fall into place if you turn to esotericism and understand that the loss or accumulation of energy occurs not only on the physical, but also on the energetic level, through the astral, mental and etheric bodies. These energy bodies really exist, they are just not visible, since they have much higher vibrations that the human eye cannot perceive. Let's talk about what each of the bodies represents.

  • The physical body is our shell, a spacesuit, so to speak, visible to the human eye.
  • The etheric body is the energy matrix of the physical body, which we commonly call the “aura”. It contains all of our physical sensations, and therefore etheric body is responsible for physical health our body.
  • Astral body. It is often called the second energy body, because it is responsible for our emotions, feelings and desires, that is, it contains all the characteristics of our nature. That's probably why astral body we often call soul.
  • The mental body is sometimes called the thinking body, since it is an expression of our personality. Such an energy body is given to a person to build thought processes and expand his consciousness.

Why do we lose energy

1. On the physical level
At this level, our vitality is depleted by: illness, useless physical activity, prolonged stay in places with large crowds of people, for example, at rallies, demonstrations and folk festivals. In addition, vitality leaves those people who are influenced by “energy vampires.”

Loss of energy occurs at moments when there is an obstacle to its free movement. Such an obstacle can be a curvature of posture, the presence of muscle tension, as well as an unnatural posture during the performance of professional duties.

Overeating, which causes obesity and other digestive problems, as well as excess or lack of physical activity, relaxation and sex. This also includes violation of the daily routine. In all these areas it is necessary to adhere to the golden mean.

Let us also add that a person spends a large amount of energy in contact with unnatural products, such as food with harmful additives and household chemical products, such as shampoos, gels and powders. In this regard, it is worth thinking about how to replace these products with natural ones.

2. At the level of the etheric body
Our aura can also lose energy, especially at times when we feel tired, nervous and irritable. The fact is that in such situations the connection with the Universe is lost and the energy simply leaves the body. People who rarely visit nature and are forced to constantly breathe in the polluted air of a metropolis also lose their supply from space. In this case, vitality also disappears, and the person becomes apathetic and joyless.

Considering that the astral body is responsible for our emotional world, loss of energy will occur at a time when a person experiences any negative emotions, for example, anger or irritation, anger or envy. In addition, vital forces will constantly sharpen mental traumas, serious grievances and unresolved conflicts. All these feelings are real ulcers that grow in the astral body of a person and poison him with their stinking odor.

Feelings that suck vital energy from the body can also include any experiences that may be associated with various kinds of addictions, for example, gaming, love, or addiction to watching television series. This also includes all the obsessive desires that a person experiences. The agony of desire greatly torments the astral body, and therefore, when a person becomes fixated on one object and ceases to see the beauty and kindness of the world around him, bright vital energy flows out of him, and its place is immediately filled with dark destructive energy.

As we already know, the mental body is the thoughts that express our personality. It has long been known that thoughts are material and can be both creative and destructive. Against this background, the mental body can lose vital energy in the event of negative thoughts, especially when a person is bothered by thoughts about the past or when he has to think and comprehend completely useless things. Such thoughts devastate us, which means we should learn to switch from the past to thoughts about the present and future, to what is really important to you here and now. Once you organize your thoughts and replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts, you will feel the joy of life. This will be the moment of filling with energy.

To stop the senseless loss of vitality, first of all, it is necessary to realize through which body the energy leaves and what exactly becomes the trigger for its loss. In this case, all that remains is to eliminate negative factors in order to avoid loss of energy. Various psychological trainings can be of great benefit in this regard.

As soon as the loss of vital energy stops, the person will immediately feel it. His well-being will noticeably improve, the quality of his work will improve, and his relationships with loved ones will improve. However, there is no need to stop there. If you not only stop the flow of outgoing energy, but promote its accumulation, truly broad horizons will open up before you, such as harmony with the world, a feeling of true bliss and true happiness.

How to save energy

1. On the physical level
To start accumulating energy on a physical level, it is very important to take care of your own body. This can be achieved by cleansing the body, for example, through various diets, vegetarianism or fasting, as well as in the traditional way through enemas or yoga practices.

It is also very important to tone your body through regular but moderate exercise, such as walking, jogging, cycling or swimming. All this contributes to muscle tone, improved mood, and therefore the accumulation of vitality.

Don't forget about regular meditation to relax. The body simply needs proper rest to recover, so pay attention to spiritual practices that will help you feel peace and feel how your body is filled with the energy of life.

2. At the level of the etheric body
Our etheric body is very closely connected with the external environment, and therefore, in order to stimulate the accumulation of energy, it is important to realize that we are part of the surrounding world, to understand that everything around us: animals, birds, trees, water, and air - is energy. In this regard, you should spend more time in nature: wandering through the forest or walking through parks.

In addition, meditation and, especially, working on your own breathing helps to accumulate life-giving energy, because breathing is our key to self-knowledge. To this end, it is best to study yoga practices that include diaphragmatic, clavicular, and costal breathing.

3. At the level of the astral body
To fill yourself with the energy of life through the astral body, first of all, you need to be honest with yourself and the people around us, get rid of arrogance and arrogance, and also take off any other masks so that the most valuable energy does not go to invented roles. Learn to admit your mistakes and accept your feelings. This will allow you to take a step in self-knowledge, and therefore become happier.

Stop hiding your emotions, find a way to express them without harm to others. Moreover, do not try to divide your own emotional impulses into good and evil, but simply perceive them as intense and vivid experiences. In this case, negative energy will leave the body in a timely manner without accumulating, and the vacated space will soon be filled with the energy of life.

Remember that you are the master of emotions, and they do not control you. Giving in to power negative emotions, you cause damage to your own body by releasing life energy. At the same time, by increasing your own self-discipline, you will be on the path to accumulating vitality.

Considering that the astral body is usually called the soul, fill yourself positive energy you can when love and compassion appear in your soul. It is these feelings, in which we are ready to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of a loved one, or when we recognize ourselves in other people and their actions, that make us kinder.

4. At the level of the mental body
Our thoughts are one of the most important factors in accumulating the energy of life. If restless and anxious thoughts instill fear in us and attract negative energy, then positive thoughts and faith in the best give us a feeling of freedom. And this is exactly what you need to fill yourself with the energy of life.

Thus, by taking care of your own health, clearing your feelings and thoughts of filth, and replacing them with positive thoughts and faith in the best, you will step by step be filled with the energy of goodness, and therefore accumulate the energy of life! Harmony and peace to you!

The rapidly changing world - circumstances, situations, people who surround us - it all resembles a kind of kaleidoscope. Having grown up and said goodbye to childhood, it was as if we ourselves were inside a kaleidoscope... We became a part of it, its element. This is our adult life. But we so passionately want the pictures-situations in our lives to turn out as brighter, more interesting, more beautiful, more positive as possible... The kaleidoscope of life rotates faster and faster every year. How often we do not even have time to consider and understand the situation in which we find ourselves. But this is our life! So we can live through it without noticing many important things.

It may be quite the opposite: to feel, perceive, enjoy every moment, every “picture” - new, bright, exciting, unexpected... Of course, they can object to me that, supposedly, in our country and in our difficult times there is positivity not much at all. Everything is somehow very sad. Indeed, these are difficult times - a time of tremendous change! And we have no other time. This is our time! We chose it ourselves. It was not by chance that our souls came to this country at this time. It is in our power and capabilities to change ourselves and change our lives.

Let's learn to add to life's kaleidoscope gray color and other colors - bright and juicy! They have not disappeared, they exist in nature, just as they existed in our distant childhood, in a toy kaleidoscope... Any situation should be considered from different angles, sometimes looking deeper into it. This allows you to see that not everything is so simple, not everything is so dark gray. In every segment of life, in every event, there are two components of energy - Yin and Yang, negative and positive. This is how the World, the Universe, Man works...

A deep inner understanding of my kinship with the Creator (we are “in His image and likeness”) led me to a different understanding of life, man, nature... Yoga, meditation, breathing practices, SuJok, QiGong help me withstand the blows of fate, without lose positivity, enjoy life, learn something new and happily share your experience and energy with people. But Life is Energy. A person is dead if there is no energy, if there is little energy, a person lives very sluggishly, dimly, like a zombie, doing everything almost mechanically. Where is the spirit, the soul? Where is the awareness of oneself as an individual, as a creature of God who can create his own life, his own reality? What to do...

How to return to your true self? How to bring colors back to life? There is only one answer: learn to receive energy, be able to fill it correctly! Energy or Prana, as it is called in eastern countries, exists everywhere, it surrounds us and is ready, in principle, to enter us. The ability to fill yourself with energy, distribute it in the body and spend it wisely is the basis of our life, health, success and degree of fulfillment. All beings exchange energies.

Health complex:

When you wake up in the morning, stretch, open your eyes and SMILE! Say hello to the new day. Every day is a little life.

2. Stand facing a light source, such as a window. We rub our palms until they feel warm (about 0.5-1 minutes). The palms are our body in miniature, there are many biologically active points on them. By rubbing our palms, we massage our whole body, as it were, internal organs and systems.

3. With warmed hands, rub the ears (0.5 min.) There are many active points on them, just like on the palms. By doing these exercises, you will feel a surge of strength and energy throughout your body.

4 . We raise our hands up and imagine - visualize - how we reach with our hands to the source of light, the Sun. We feel the warmth between our palms. We stand relaxed, without straining, for several minutes until a deep inhalation and exhalation comes. We give up.

5. We stand in the same position with our eyes closed. We visualize that from a light source (the Sun) a stream of energy is pouring onto you (light, shining, warm, invigorating). You can imagine that you are standing under a waterfall or shower. The body is relaxed, energy penetrates every cell of your body, filling and cleansing it. You may experience sensations in your palms: tingling, warmth, heaviness. This means that you, like a vessel, have been filled with the pure energies of the Cosmos. Stay in this position, enjoy the sensations until you take a deep breath with your entire chest. In this energy flow you will be there all day - it will nourish you.

6. The body position is the same. We mentally draw a circle around ourselves. Imagine that it lights up with a violet flame. We stand in the stream and in the middle of the flame for several minutes until we take a deep breath. This flame will protect you from external negative energy influences: the evil eye, envy, vampirism. We remain in this state until we inhale, take a deep breath with our entire chest.

7. Dissolve a spoonful of honey in a glass of live, unboiled water. Stir, be sure to clockwise. We hold the glass between our palms and say a prayer or mantra over the water. Turn to the water and ask it to fill you with certain energies. For example, say the following words over the water: “water is alive and strong, please fill me with health, light, energy, love, success.... Thank you.” We drink the charmed drink in small sips and feel how our body is filled with energy and strength.

These simple rituals are available to everyone. Don't be lazy. Play with energies, work on yourself. Break out of a state of uncertainty, powerlessness and melancholy.

Rituals serve to manage energies and attract strength and good luck into your life. Color your world! Fill yourself with energy and share it with people.