Oatmeal and honey face masks: recipes and instructions for use. Oatmeal face mask: amazing properties of natural cosmetics Oatmeal mask for problem skin

For those who choose a suitable natural skin care product, but are afraid of choosing the wrong ingredients based on the type of epidermis, an oatmeal face mask is ideal. These products are renowned for their purity, versatility and effectiveness. Depending on the type of medium used and auxiliary components, you can count on intensive skin cleansing, tissue rejuvenation, relief smoothing or elimination of inflammatory processes.

Even if you simply hold the flakes in warm water and apply the resulting mass to the skin, you can count on a noticeable transformation of your face. The oatmeal mask does not cause addiction or side effects. It can be used in courses or systematically, the result will be quick, pronounced and lasting.

Properties of oat masks due to the composition of the main component

It is difficult to list all the actions performed by oatmeal masks applied to the skin of the face. Such a wide range of influence of the products is ensured by the rich composition of the main component:

  • Microelements. Magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, chromium and other components are responsible for normalizing metabolic processes and improving the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It is thanks to them that after using a mask of oatmeal, the disappearance of skin itching, a feeling of tightness or bloating, and inflammation disappear.
  • Vitamins. Retinol, thiamine and ascorbic acid guarantee restoration of water balance, saturation of cells with moisture, acceleration of regenerative processes, rapid removal of waste, toxins and metabolic products from tissues.
  • Water. The flakes consist of 10% of it, which is quite enough to improve the texture of dehydrated and overdried epidermis.
  • Amino acids. An indispensable component for the skin ensures its transformation, the return of freshness and youth.

Don't forget about the physical features of the product. Crushed or swollen with moisture, oatmeal thoroughly cleanses the surface of the face, toning and massaging the tissues. Any oatmeal mask also has the properties of a soft scrub. This combination of components and features allows you to count on the following results from the use of natural compounds:
  • The skin receives the necessary nutrition, hydration, and is filled with chemical components necessary for normal metabolism.
  • Dead cells are gently removed without interfering with metabolic and regenerative processes.
  • As a result of superficial massage, tissue tone increases, vascular walls are strengthened, complexion improves, swelling, infiltrates and other stagnation disappear.
  • Pores are cleaned, sebaceous plugs are eliminated, and sebum production is normalized.
  • Regularly used oatmeal masks reduce skin sensitivity and tissue reactivity, and eliminate inflammation.

A distinctive feature of these products is that all preparations based on flakes or oatmeal ensure the performance of the listed actions. Depending on the presence of additional components, the profile of the base composition is manifested.

Indications and contraindications for manipulation

An indication for the use of an oatmeal mask can be not only the expressed problem, but also the features characteristic of a certain skin type. Systematic procedures will give a pronounced result depending on the initial condition of the facial skin.

  • Dry skin. It will receive intense hydration and increase the ability of tissues to retain water molecules. Foci of peeling and a feeling of tightness, persistent itching and dry acne due to tissue infection will disappear.
  • Sensitive skin. The reactivity of the epidermis in response to unfavorable conditions or the use of decorative cosmetics will decrease.
  • Oily and dense skin. It will become softer, cleaner, the unhealthy shine will disappear, and a pleasant matte appearance will appear. Due to the saturation of tissues with microelements, the process of sebum production is gradually normalized.
  • Normal skin. She will receive adequate nutrition, which will allow her to preserve her youth and beauty for many years.
  • Epidermis of a problematic type. A properly prepared oatmeal mask for acne can relieve age-related or allergic acne, eliminate the associated discomfort, and prevent the appearance of small scars on the surface of the skin.
  • Combination skin. The texture of the epidermis will be slightly smoothed, which will simplify facial care and improve its appearance.
  • Epidermis with signs of wilting. It will become more elastic and firm, and emerging wrinkles will be smoothed out. The slightly blurred oval of the face will be corrected.

There are no contraindications to the use of this natural product. It does not cause allergies and does not provoke the development of side effects. A negative result can only be observed in case of intolerance to additional components.

Features of the preparation and use of homemade oat masks

  1. The finished composition should be applied to a previously cleansed face and steamed over a hot herbal decoction.
  2. It is best to wash off the product with warm milk (for dry and normal skin) or chilled chamomile infusion (for oily and problematic epidermis).
  3. If there are mature pustules or inflamed acne on the surface of the skin, it is better to delay using the mask.
  4. Do not apply an oatmeal mask to the area around the eyes and mouth; the effect will be too harsh.

Tip: If a profile mask made of oatmeal is used for cleansing purposes, then it is better to apply it with your fingertips or a soft sponge, making circular movements. In cases where cleansing and massage are not required, it is better to use a special wide brush.

  1. The effectiveness of the product will increase if it is preheated. The use of a greenhouse effect is allowed - after applying the product to the skin of the face, you need to cover the working area with a thick gauze napkin or cloth.
  2. You should not carry out the procedure too often, as this may increase tissue sensitivity. It is better to limit yourself to two manipulations a week for oily and problem skin and one for all other types of epidermis.
  3. Before applying the product to the surface of the skin, you need to make sure that the flakes are sufficiently softened. Even an oatmeal cleansing mask should be very soft, otherwise you can scratch the epidermis and provoke the development of an inflammatory process.

You can also use flour to make oatmeal masks, but it is better to make it yourself, otherwise there is no guarantee that the product will contain a sufficient amount of useful components.

Oatmeal mask recipes for all occasions

In secret

Face younger in just 11 days!

Even at 40 you can look 21 if you put it on your face at night...

Oatmeal is an integral component of a healthy diet. Oats contain minerals, vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, folic acid, and many other useful components that are useful for the body's functioning. An oatmeal face mask is traditionally considered one of the best. It is used both in medical cosmetology and to improve skin quality.

Oatmeal face mask - the secrets of its popularity

The beneficial effects of oat grains were widely known back in the time of Hippocrates. They were sprouted, flour was made from them, jelly, soups, and porridges were made from cereals. Later, oatmeal is used to rejuvenate the skin.

Today, an oatmeal face mask is a universal remedy in the fight against aging of mature skin. It cleanses perfectly, gives the face a healthy color, and reduces wrinkles. The mask is easy to prepare yourself; it does not require large financial expenses and does not take much time.

The principle of action on the skin

To understand the effectiveness of cosmetic procedures made from oats, let’s take a closer look at what it is “rich in.” Useful ingredients:

  • group of vitamins – PP, C, E, B1, B2, A;
  • dietary fiber;
  • fats;
  • proteins and carbohydrates;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • iron.

As you can see, this composition inspires respect. How do vitamins affect facial skin? Let's consider in detail:

  1. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, eliminates age-related defects, fights wrinkles, increases the skin's resistance to radionuclides, stress, and infections. Promotes rejuvenation.
  2. B vitamins – responsible for elasticity and eliminate dryness. Cleanses and helps fight dermatitis.
  3. Vitamin A (retinol) – is responsible for the oxidative-health process, participates in protein synthesis, and has a beneficial effect at the level of cellular and subcellular membranes. Rejuvenates, nourishes.
  4. Vitamin PP – actively affects the speed and quality of metabolic processes.
  5. Vitamin E - helps protect against the negative effects of solar radiation, eliminates dryness, cleanses, fights irritation and acne.

To look young and beautiful, you need to nourish the skin, moisturize, and cleanse. All this is very easy to do with the help of “folk recipes”.

An oatmeal mask will be very useful in solving the following problems:

  • to eliminate teenage problems: acne, blackheads, scars;
  • to eliminate inflammation;
  • tone, provide hydration to the deepest layers;
  • eliminate oily shine;
  • provide food;
  • cleanse pores;
  • restore elasticity and firmness;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • remove dead skin particles;
  • start update processes.

Oatmeal masks are called universal; they work well for almost everyone. However, they may contain additional components that are considered most suitable for any one type.

Are there any contraindications

Oatmeal masks can only be contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to this culture. But such cases almost never occur. Allergies can be caused by a separate product included in the mask.

Basic application rules

Visiting a beauty salon does not require active action on your part. You come to a specialist, sit comfortably on the couch and surrender to the power of his skillful hands. Don’t worry about the order in which to do what, how long the procedure should take, or what the nutritional mixture consists of.

If you decide to set up a home salon at home, you need to follow a certain sequence of actions. To enhance the effectiveness of a miraculous home remedy, follow a number of simple rules:

  1. The face and hands must be clean.
  2. Before using the homemade preparation, steam your face using a water bath of medicinal herbs. You can soak a towel in warm broth, then apply it to your face. You can use a decoction of lemon balm, chamomile, mint. You cannot use a decoction of oak bark - it closes and narrows the pores, and this is not necessary now.
  3. If you have problems with vascular network or high blood pressure, do without a hot compress.
  4. Apply the prepared mass along the massage lines. Be careful around the eye area. There is no need to apply anything to your eyelids.
  5. Dry skin requires additional nutrition. A series of procedures can be done. And it’s better to do the nutritious ones first, as well as the deep ones. You can use a small amount of nourishing cream.

Do not use too hot water to wash your face at the end of the procedure, and do not rub your face too hard with a towel.

Making an oatmeal face mask at home

Making your own oatmeal mask is quite easy. Use flakes ground to flour or porridge boiled in water from cereals. You can combine and add any components as you wish or by following a specific recipe. The flight of fantasy is limitless.

When carrying out a cosmetic procedure using “folk remedies”, do not forget to take into account your skin type, and also use only fresh, natural products.

To achieve the maximum effect, taking the “allotted time”, take a comfortable position, relax, throw all anxious and sad thoughts out of your head. Everything you do now should have a positive impact not only on your appearance, but also on your positive attitude. A good mood and a smile make you younger.

Oatmeal face masks - recipes

You can always find the necessary natural products at home. They make very useful cosmetic products. Sometimes you can add what is “at hand”. For example, combine oatmeal with grated vegetables, fruits, kefir or sour cream. This composition smoothes the skin and deeply nourishes it.

Maybe you like to experiment and prefer to prepare an exclusive composition in advance. Please note that to prepare an “exotic” mixture, all ingredients must be fresh. It is better to use them immediately rather than keep them in the refrigerator for several days. Such products include bananas, strawberries, dairy products, exotic fruits from distant and hot countries.

To prepare “homemade” mixtures, vitamins that are purchased at the pharmacy are often used. Before making an oatmeal mask, make sure that you have the necessary elements prepared. Here are several recipes for effective masks for different purposes.


Cook medium thick porridge. Let it cool slightly - put a small amount in a ceramic or glass bowl. Add two tablespoons of cottage cheese, a teaspoon of thick sour cream, and an egg yolk. Lightly beat the mixture. Cover the entire surface of the face, neck, and décolleté with a thick layer. Exposure time – 30 minutes.

This recipe is especially suitable for women over 50 years old. Wrinkles are smoothed out, turgor increases, the skin takes on a fresh, well-groomed appearance.


Using a blender, grind the oatmeal into powder. Pour two tablespoons of the resulting mixture into a shallow glass bowl. Grind a small half of a fresh cucumber. Combine with prepared powder. Mix thoroughly. Then you need to add two raw proteins and five tablets of powdered activated carbon. Apply the mixture in a thick layer to a previously cleansed face. Action time: leave on for 30 minutes.

The combination of useful components of this recipe promotes deep cleansing and removal of oily sheen. If pores are too open, apply every week.

To relieve inflammation and remove acne

Pour hot milk over oatmeal (2 tablespoons). Let it brew. Add five aspirin tablets in powder form to this. Add a capsule of vitamin A and E. Apply a thick layer first to problem areas, then over the entire face, except the area around the eyes. It is enough to stand for about thirty minutes, then wash.

The combination of the beneficial properties of oats and aspirin is very effective. The medicinal mixture relieves inflammation and dries out acne. At the same time, it saturates all layers of the skin with nutritional elements.


Puree one medium onion in a blender until pureed. Combine the resulting slurry with half a glass of steamed flakes. Add a tablespoon of honey here. Using a fork, beat all ingredients for a minute.

Apply the resulting “porridge” to your face for a quarter of an hour. Then wash your face with cool water. Let your face “breathe.” After an hour, cover your face with a thin ball of nourishing cream.

If you haven't used all the prepared mixture, you can put the leftovers in the refrigerator. The healing mixture will not lose its healing properties within a week.

This recipe is good for people with acne scars and pimples.

For hydration

Two tablespoons of oatmeal should be mixed with the yolk and a tablespoon of heavy cream, a teaspoon of almond or olive oil. Add one capsule of vitamin B to the resulting mass. Then add a little juice from fresh cucumber. Apply to a previously cleansed face, leave for twenty minutes to half an hour. Wash yourself.

Preparing such a moisturizing mask will not take much time, but the result will exceed all expectations. The skin becomes very soft. The moisturizer should be applied immediately and not left for later.

Vitamin “overseas” cocktail

You will need about two tablespoons of mango pulp, one teaspoon of kiwi pulp, a tablespoon of softened banana. Then add two tablespoons of oat flour, diluted with water until it looks like thick sour cream. Mix all ingredients until a paste forms and apply to cleansed face. After forty minutes, wash with warm water.

This mask deeply nourishes tired skin and improves its tone. For “emergency rejuvenation”, do several sessions every other day.

For oily skin

Steam half a glass of oatmeal with hot boiling water, leave for half an hour and then add mashed pineapple and kiwi pulp to it. Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave for twenty minutes.

The mask is well suited for oily and combination skin types. It gently cleanses, tones and moisturizes, while also having an antibacterial effect.

For whitening and tightening pores

“Break” two slices of ripe papaya in a blender, pour a little lime juice into the resulting mass. Stir. Add a quarter cup of cooked oatmeal to the resulting mass. Apply the mixture to your face, neck, and shoulders. Leave for 40 minutes. Rinse with cool water and a little lime juice.

This mask is well suited as a cleansing and youth-restoring product. It tightens pores, removes inflammation and irritation, lightens red and pigment spots, and gives the skin a matte tint.

Against fading and aging

Mix the peeled peach pulp and 2 large apricots. Add half a tablespoon of sour cream and a spoonful of oatmeal to the mixture. Beat the mixture thoroughly by hand for a couple of minutes. The mixture should be homogeneous and smooth. Exposure time is 25 minutes.

The mask should be used if you feel that your skin is aging and fading. It makes wrinkles less deep and literally returns youth to the skin.

Against expression lines

Take a handful of ripe raspberries and mash them thoroughly. Combine with three tablespoons of chilled milk. Then gradually add half a tablespoon of oatmeal, and then two quail egg yolks. Stir using a wooden spoon. Action time: 20 minutes.

This composition tones well, saturates with vitamins, smoothes, and refreshes the skin. Fine and crow's feet become less noticeable.

Summing up

It's nice to go to a beauty salon and surrender to the hands of a professional master. But it’s no less pleasant to take care of yourself in the comfort of your own home. There is no time limit, you don’t need to plan anything in advance, you can set up a home salon.

A homemade mask with oatmeal will bring not only benefits, but also great pleasure. After all, how nice it is to realize that well-groomed and beautiful skin is literally the work of your hands.

Everyone knows that oatmeal is often used as a complete, healthy, nutritious breakfast. Oats have a beneficial effect on digestion, saturate the body with useful vitamins, charging it with energy for the whole day. In addition, oatmeal is an effective cosmetic product that simultaneously cleanses, moisturizes, nourishes, and also has the ability to whiten and rejuvenate the skin.

Homemade oatmeal face masks

Rolled oats flakes are an ideal natural, useful component for making inexpensive scrubs and face masks. Cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing masks based on oatmeal are so useful and versatile that they are suitable for everyone, regardless of age and skin type, especially since they are easy to prepare at home. After using them, the skin looks moisturized, healthy and fresh. From rolled oats you can prepare simple recipes for rejuvenating, nourishing masks against wrinkles. Using oatmeal as a scrub to cleanse pores at home, you will quickly and permanently get rid of inflammation and acne.

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Oatmeal face mask against wrinkles: application

You can get rid of wrinkles with the help of rolled oats - this is a wonderful, affordable and effective remedy that can restore elasticity, freshness, velvety to the skin, slow down the aging process and reduce the number of fine wrinkles. As a rule, anti-wrinkle products include the main component - oatmeal. To prepare it, you will need a coffee grinder, which will turn oatmeal into flour in a matter of seconds.

How to make an effective anti-wrinkle remedy?
Take 2 teaspoons of oatmeal flour, yolk and 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix the ingredients to form a soft paste; if the mixture turns out thick, dilute it with milk.
Application procedure: Pre-cleanse your face, carefully spread the oatmeal mask, trying to avoid the eye area, and leave it on the skin for 15 minutes to dry, and then rinse. The rejuvenation effect is immediately visible: the skin is noticeably tightened, looks healthy and rested, and fine wrinkles become less noticeable.

A rolled oatmeal face mask – how is it useful?

The benefits of oatmeal for the skin are undeniable. Oatmeal is the basis of effective masks that can cleanse the skin, give it softness and help it become younger and more beautiful. The cosmetic product made from rolled oats contains the necessary set of vitamins. Thanks to thiamine and ascorbic acid, the processes of regeneration and renewal of aging skin are accelerated, its dryness is reduced, and its elasticity increases. Retinol helps reduce inflammation and rapid healing of microtraumas. In combination with additional natural ingredients included in the mixture, oatmeal helps to narrow enlarged pores, cleanse them, and also tones and nourishes any skin type.

Acne remedy: reviews

The oatmeal cleanser is a godsend for problematic oily skin and an indispensable remedy for acne, as evidenced by the positive reviews of many Internet users who have been using it for a long time to treat acne. Acting as a gentle peeling, the cleansing mask fills enlarged pores with beneficial substances and acts on problem areas, clearing acne. This effective method of cleansing facial skin is successfully used both to combat existing problems: blackheads, acne, pimples, and is a wonderful preventative against skin inflammation and acne.

Kira 29 years old

«… It was a discovery that oatmeal can cleanse pores. I tried it two years ago. Since then it has become my favorite on the cosmetic table..

Vera 45 years old

«… I always knew that my grandmother’s recipes were the most effective. When I was young, my grandmother told me a recipe with oatmeal for a facelift. I didn’t attach any importance to it, but now it is she who helps me fight my age-related changes. Thank you, grandma!..

Larisa 32 years old

«… Anyone who has ever tried to smear oatmeal on their face will forget about expensive pharmacy cleansing scrubs and masks. It's cheap and the most effective of all the ones I've tried...»

Svetlana 51

«… Girls...young and old. Do not buy expensive caring masks and creams. At home, in the closet and in the refrigerator there is everything you need for beauty and health. One oatmeal is worth it...

Oatmeal for the face: before and after photos

The effectiveness of using masks can be seen in the following photos. Skin looks fresh, clean and healthy.

Pore-cleansing mask for blackheads

Recipes for masks that cleanse pores, as a rule, include, in addition to oatmeal, an abrasive substance that has a scrubbing effect on the skin. Sea salt is an excellent choice for such a substance, as it will thoroughly cleanse and remove blackheads from the skin.
Recipe: mix 2 tbsp. l rolled oats flakes with 1 tbsp sea salt, add olive oil (1 tsp) and egg (yolk). Mix well and then apply with light massaging movements to the skin, rinse with water.

Rejuvenating step-by-step recipe

For a quick rejuvenating effect on the face, we recommend an oatmeal cleanser with blue clay and lemon, which is easy to prepare at home. The effectiveness of the mask is obvious: the skin will tighten, clear of acne, and the face will become flushed, see photo
Step by step recipe:
1. Grind 1 tbsp in a coffee grinder. spoon of oatmeal
2. In a bowl, combine oatmeal and 1 tbsp. l blue clay
3. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and add 1 tsp to the mixture
4. Mix the mixture well in a container and apply to clean skin for 10-15 minutes.

Face-lift mask at home after 50 years with oatmeal

Oatmeal masks perfectly tighten and restore elasticity to aging skin that requires delicate care; it is recommended for use by women over 50 years of age.

Firming face mask made of oatmeal, honey and kefir

To prepare, take honey, oatmeal in equal quantities (1 tsp), add a little salt and 1 tbsp to the ingredients. l kefir. Mix everything and apply the tightening mask to your face for 25 minutes.

Firming mask with a lifting effect made of oatmeal, honey, glycerin and cream

For the lifting effect, you will need gelatin (1.5 tsp), which must be diluted in 100 grams of cream (milk is possible), which must be infused. Then add 1 tbsp to the diluted gelatin. l honey and glycerin (2 tbsp). Mix the ingredients well. The composition of the mask should be warm. Apply the mask for 35 minutes on the face, the neck also needs such a mask. A tightening mask gives excellent results - rejuvenation and nutrition of the skin, see photo

Oatmeal face mask: recipes

These oatmeal recipes will help you restore firmness, elasticity, youth and health to your skin.

For problem skin, dry and oily

A universal nourishing mask for any skin type: oatmeal with milk or sour cream
Recipe: 1 tablespoon of oatmeal is poured with 2 tablespoons of warm milk. And for dehydrated and dry skin, sour cream is better. After swelling, the oatmeal is ready for application. To remove the mask after 15 minutes you will need water.

Recipe with oatmeal and soda

All recipes with oatmeal are good for the skin, but the cleansing mixture made from oatmeal and baking soda has the most cleansing effect on the face.
Recipe: take oatmeal (2 tablespoons) and 1 tsp. soda, mix, then add 1 tbsp. l lemon juice and yogurt. Before applying, be sure to steam your face, and only then apply the mask. The course is 2 weeks, remember that soda can dry out the skin, so the mask is not recommended for skin prone to dryness.

With kefir, coffee and lemon: how to make?

Oatmeal, coffee and kefir are great for deep cleansing and toning enlarged pores, and sour lemon has a tonic effect. Take ground coffee beans, oatmeal, kefir, lemon juice in an amount of 1 tbsp. The cleanser needs to sit for 10 minutes.

Oatmeal and honey mask

Recipes for masks based on honey are the most nutritious and miraculous, giving the skin radiance and velvety. Preparation is quick and simple: mix oatmeal and liquid honey (1 tsp each) to obtain a thick sticky mass. It is useful to add a few spoons of banana or peach pulp to the mask - the skin will also be nourished with vitamins.

Oatmeal every day is an effective home remedy

Rolled oatmeal is a universal, simple and inexpensive ingredient that is often used at home to make masks for face and neck care, which can heal and rejuvenate the skin. Hercules masks and cleansing scrubs are quick and easy to prepare; sometimes they only take a minute to prepare. There is a huge variety of recipes. Find recipes that suit your skin's needs.
We invite you to watch a video recipe for making an oatmeal mask.

Oatmeal works wonders for your facial skin. Not only is oatmeal one of the most effective methods of combating facial skin problems, but it is also the most inexpensive remedy. Oatmeal helps soothe the skin, moisturizes it, and is also used to eliminate dryness. If you mix oatmeal with some ingredients, such as tomato, then oatmeal is a wonderful remedy for oily, problematic and inflamed facial skin. More details about oatmeal for the face, the rules for its preparation and use will be discussed in this article.

Oatmeal for the face: if you have acne, acne, inflammation or have oily facial skin.

1. To treat acne, oatmeal can be used in its pure form, without adding any ingredients. Boil ½ cup oatmeal in 1/3 cup water and let it cool. You can apply this thick mixture to any area of ​​the skin of your face and neck. Leave the mask on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

The first results will appear within a week of using this mask every other day. The skin will become less shiny, inflamed pimples and blackheads will disappear, and the pores will also shrink.

2. Oatmeal can be used with baking soda to cleanse the face of blackheads. Mix 2 tsp. oatmeal with 1 tsp. baking soda and add a little water to form a thick consistency. This cleansing mask is thoroughly rubbed into the skin of the face, then it must be left on for 20 minutes and rinsed off with warm water.

The result of this mask will be visible after the first use. This oatmeal mask exfoliates dead skin particles and also cleanses the skin of blackheads. This mask should not be used more than 2 times a week.

3. Against acne and to tighten pores, add egg white as an additional ingredient. To prepare this face mask, mix 1 egg white (beat it a little with a fork), 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal and 1 tsp. olive oil. Olive oil has a moisturizing effect. This mask can be kept on the face for up to 30 minutes.

You will notice the first results after 1 application, the skin will become soft and velvety. The pores will cleanse and become narrower. It is advisable to use this mask 2 times a week.

4. Tomato is used as an additional ingredient for oatmeal. It has an astringent, cleansing and contracting effect. To prepare this face mask, mix 1 finely chopped tomato, 1 tsp. Lemon juice and 1 tbsp. oatmeal in a blender. Apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer to problem areas of the skin and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash off the mask with a damp cloth.

This mask will show the first results after 2 applications. Your facial skin will be cleared of acne, your pores will become clean and noticeably smaller, oily shine will go away and your skin will become soft, and you will gain a healthy complexion.

Oatmeal for face: if you have dry skin, then the following masks are suitable for you:

1. An oatmeal and avocado mask is ideal for dry skin. To prepare it, mix ½ cup oatmeal, puree 1 avocado (just mash the pulp of a ripe avocado with a fork) and add 2 tbsp. l. honey Mix everything well and apply to your face for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

You will notice the effectiveness of this mask after 1 use, the skin will stop flaking and become soft and elastic. Avocado is great for moisturizing your skin. It is advisable to use this mask 2 times a week.

2. A mask of oatmeal and banana will help moisturize dry skin. Mix the following ingredients thoroughly: ½ cup boiled oatmeal, 1 tsp. honey, 1 egg yolk, ½ banana. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash your face with cool water.

This mask will have a moisturizing effect on your skin. The skin will stop flaking and become silky and soft.

3. A moisturizing, soothing and exfoliating mask is made from oatmeal with the addition of milk. To prepare it, mix 1 tbsp. l. milk and 1 tbsp. oatmeal. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

You will feel how soft and soothing this mask is after just 1 use. It will make your skin soft and tender, and also give a healthy complexion. It is advisable to use this mask 2 times a week.

Oatmeal for face: if you have normal skin:

1. This oatmeal and honey mask has a cleansing and exfoliating effect. Mix ½ cup boiled oatmeal and 2 tsp. honey Apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave for 10 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

You will notice the effectiveness of this mask after a week of using this mask every other day. The skin of the face will become very soft and acquire a radiant color. Moreover, this mask wonderfully moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

2. For all skin types, oatmeal can be used in its pure form, without adding any ingredients. Boil ½ cup oatmeal in 1/3 cup water and let it cool. You can apply this thick mixture to any area of ​​the skin of your face and neck. Leave the mask on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

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In addition to its nutritional benefits, oatmeal has proven effective in combating signs of skin aging. An oatmeal face mask is good for its versatility; it is suitable for literally all skin types.

The nutritional benefits of oatmeal have been discussed many times, but recently cosmetic products and masks with oatmeal have become increasingly popular, because now the topic of natural cosmetics is more relevant than ever.

Hercules products usually come in several types:

  • Masks using oatmeal;
  • Products where oatmeal acts as cleansing particles (in home scrubs);
  • Masks with cooked oatmeal.

Oatmeal mask - what are the benefits for facial skin?

It is difficult to find a more economical and so versatile and effective mask. Oatmeal is available to everyone these days and, moreover, the results of its use both internally and externally are said to be noticeable. Inside, it cleanses the body of impurities and toxins, fills us with energy, and outside it nourishes, moisturizes and cleanses again.

  1. Zinc tightens pores and eliminates wrinkles, makes the skin smooth and silky.

  2. Selenium has an antioxidant effect, slows down the aging process, and helps maintain skin elasticity.

  3. Manganese promotes the healing of small cracks and eliminates inflammation on the skin.

Effect of masks with flakes:

  • Nourish the skin
  • Tone
  • Revitalize and give natural radiance
  • Cleanses pores
  • Fight acne
  • Stimulate cell regeneration
  • Gently exfoliates the skin, ridding it of the burden of dead cells

Due to its unique properties, oatmeal masks combined with additional ingredients can solve many skin problems and are suitable for any type.

Oatmeal face mask - how to prepare and apply correctly

So, cereal masks are made from both flour and cooked oatmeal. The flakes are simply doused with boiling water or boiled milk, left until the porridge has cooled, then the necessary ingredients are added depending on the type and needs of the skin.

Using an oatmeal mask - practical tips

  • It is important not to let the mask cool completely - when warm, it will open and cleanse the pores, and the effect will be much better than using a cold mask.
  • The mask should always be applied to a cleansed face, but for a better effect, it is recommended to pre-steam the face. This way, the pores will open and the skin will more easily absorb all the nutrients.
  • Oatmeal masks are left for 15-20 minutes.

Before preparing an oatmeal face mask, you need to determine what kind of skin you have and the purpose of the mask. What results are you expecting? The choice of the right additional ingredients for the mask depends on this:

  • For dry skin Caring oils, honey or sour cream, and also avocado are suitable.
  • For oily skin- lemon, grapefruit, cucumber, soda.
  • To nourish the skin- yolk, vitamins A and E in oil, milk or yogurt.
  • For acne-prone skin– decoctions of herbs, proteins,,, nettle.

Indications for use:

An oatmeal mask, depending on additional ingredients, is recommended if:

  • The skin is dry - especially if you add yolk, cream or sour cream, butter and olive oil to the oatmeal.
  • Sensitive skin - oatmeal gently cleanses and nourishes without causing irritation, it acts more gently than any other product.
  • Oily facial skin - a base of oatmeal in water with lemon, baking soda, green tea or herbal decoction will remove oily shine and inflammation.
  • Aging skin – oatmeal has long been known for its rejuvenating properties. A rolled oats mask will make your skin firmer and more elastic.


In its pure form, an oatmeal mask has no contraindications. It acts carefully and very gently while remaining one of the most effective facial skin care products.

However, you should always be careful when choosing additional ingredients for a mask. Firstly, you should always check the finished mask for possible allergic reactions. Secondly, always consider your skin before adding any ingredient. For example, lemon juice is contraindicated for sensitive skin. No matter how many pseudo-experts wrote, sour cream is not recommended for oily faces, low-fat yogurt is better, etc.

Oatmeal face mask - the best mask recipes

Some store-bought masks are really good and do the job, but you usually have to try hundreds of different ones to find the one that works for you. At the same time, natural masks prepared at home are affordable, pleasant and also very effective.

While searching for the best recipes for face masks made from oatmeal, I found some of the simplest and most effective:

Basic mask for all skin types

  • A few spoons of oatmeal are poured with boiling water and left to cool naturally. The mask should be of medium thickness, so that it does not drip, but is also convenient to apply.

Milk for normal and sensitive skin

  • Add 1 tablespoon of warm milk to 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. Mix everything thoroughly, preferably with a mixer. The mask is ready, but you can add some ingredients depending on your skin type. For dry, for example, a teaspoon of olive or pumpkin seed oil , liquid honey For fatty women - kefir or grapefruit juice.

With cocoa rejuvenating

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of ground oatmeal or oatmeal with 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder. Pour the mixture with warm milk, stirring constantly until the mixture reaches the consistency of sour cream. Apply the mask to a cleansed face, leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Video recipe for a mask with oatmeal for oily skin:

With green tea for aging skin

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with the same amount of matcha green tea powder. Add warm milk and mix thoroughly. Leave the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water. The antioxidant and rejuvenating properties of green tea and the nutrition that oatmeal gives to the skin will increase skin elasticity and eliminate fine wrinkles.

With clay for different skin types

  • Add 2 tablespoons of ground flakes to warm milk and mix thoroughly. Add 1 heaping spoonful of clay depending on skin type and needs. For oily skin - green, for dry skin - red, for cleansing - blue, for all skin types - white. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes and then rinse with cool water.

Mask for oily skin with calendula decoction

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of ground flakes with warm calendula decoction until the desired consistency is obtained. This mask will gently cleanse the skin and get rid of acne.

Vitamin with honey

  • Mix ground oatmeal, honey, yogurt and olive oil in equal proportions. If desired, you can add a couple of drops of vitamin A and E in the oil. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water, remove any remaining oil with a napkin. This procedure will make the complexion even, the skin will become velvety and elastic.

Masks for dry skin

  • With yolk. Pour boiling water over 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and make a soft paste, add egg yolk, stir.
  • With and honey. Add a teaspoon of sour cream and the same amount of liquid honey to the basic mask (2 tablespoons of flakes + boiling water).
  • With caring oils. Add 1 spoon of your favorite oil to the basic oatmeal mask; it can be olive, grape, peach, or avocado oil.

Masks for oily skin

  • With kefir and lemon. Mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with 2 tablespoons of kefir, add half a teaspoon of lemon juice. The mask removes oily shine, cleanses and whitens.
  • With protein and lemon. Mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with the beaten white of one chicken egg, add half a teaspoon of lemon juice. The mask is applied to a cleansed face and left for 15 minutes. You need to wash it off with cool water.

As you've probably seen, an oatmeal face mask has every chance of becoming your favorite, you just have to find some free time and try it.

Video: how to use oatmeal for beauty

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