Congratulations on Doctor's Day, poems and jokes about doctors and patients: the best. Children's poems about doctors and for doctors Katyusha is a doctor

P. Obraztsov

In a white coat
I'm by the bed.
I can't sleep:
The doll is sick.
Lina has a cough
There is a wheeze in the throat.
Maybe a sore throat?
Maybe the flu?
Tea with raspberries
I sing to the doll.
I'll cure Lina
My doll.

Who to be


V. Mayakovsky

Good for an engineer
and to the doctor -
I would go treat the children
let them teach me.
I'll come to Petya,
I'll come to Pola.
- Hello, children!
Who is sick with you?
How do you live?
How's your tummy? -
I'll take a look
from glasses
the tips of the tongues.
- Place this thermometer
under the arm, kids.-
And the children put it joyfully
thermometer under the armpits.
- You should
Very good
swallow the powder
and potion
drink a little.

To you
go to bed
I'd like to sleep
to you -
compress on the stomach
and then
you have
before the wedding
everything will heal, of course.


S. Mikhalkov

I look sad -
My head hurts in the morning
I'm sneezing, I'm hoarse.
What's happened?
It's the flu!
Not a ruddy mushroom
in the forest,
That's a nasty flu
in the nose!

In five minutes they stripped me,
Everyone around began to feel sorry.
I'm lying in my bed -
I'm supposed to be sick.

The temperature has risen.
I lie and do not complain -
I drink salty medicine,
I gargle with sour.

They put mustard plaster on my chest,
They say: “Be patient, excellent student!”
After the cans on the sides
Leather in blue nickels.

Antoshka the cat jumped from the window
On the bed in one leap.
- If you want, I’ll tell you, Antoshka,
Shall I fill my nose with powder?

Antoshka the cat arched his back
And he purrs in response to me:
"Resort to penicillin?

To me? To the cat? Since such and such years?!"

I don't mind the cat -
It's no use objecting
I'm lying there, thinking
How long do I have to lie there?

I lie for a day, I lie for the second,
Third, I don’t go to school.
And they don’t let friends in, -
They say that I will infect!..

Eh, I wish I could get up now
And enter the fourth grade:
"Zoya Pavlovna, answer,
What's new with you?
Zoya Pavlovna, answer!.."
Zoya Pavlovna is silent...

I'm flying to Mars in a rocket...
The bear is growling at me...

How are you, restless?
How's your health? Are you sleeping, patient? -
This is the treating, regional
The doctor leaned over me

White and black robes


E. Asadov

If only all the professions in the world
Suddenly pile up like a mountain on the planet,
That's probably at its top
The word would flash: “Medicine.”

For almost since the Stone Age
There was no more honorable fate
What to fight in the flames of struggle
For saving a person's life.

Give everything to overcome the disease!
The goal is holy. But the sanctity of this thought
Requires the utmost clean hands
Both literally and figuratively.

That's why many years ago
In fidelity to calling and honor
In the bright hour with students together
The great Hippocrates swore.

And now solemnly and sacredly,
Honest hearts are warm,
The same proud Hippocratic oath
To serve people like soldiers,
New doctors are sworn in.

Pinata (Spanish: Piñata) is a rather large hollow toy made of papier-mâché with ornaments and decorations. With its shape, the piñata reproduces the figures of animals (usually horses) or geometric shapes, which are filled with various treats or surprises for children (candies, crackers, toys, confetti, nuts, etc.)
The piñata is hung (at home on a hook from the ceiling, also on the street or in the garden on a tree), one of the children is given a stick, blindfolded and spun in place, then he tries to find and break the piñata to get the contents.
The game is usually accompanied by music and songs

Dedicated to boring fathers and selfless daughterly love

Her father is always harsh
He was very stingy with affection
And he’s gloomy, as if he’s unwell,
It was like putting on a mask.

Wrinkled forehead and gloomy appearance,
Day after day goes by
And he has a toothache
And my nails are torn by mites.

Thought he looked smarter
When the eyebrows furrow,
With all the people close to him
I drank a lot of blood.

He thought he knew everything about everything
You can't contradict him
Stubborn, worse than a donkey,
Nothing can cure such people.

And daughter, glorious angel,
She was very funny
And her laughter could often
It can be heard even at night.

Only the sad shadow of her face
Sometimes I touched you lightly,
Seeing your father happy -
An impossible little thing.

The girl laughs in her sleep,
But the stern macho is sleeping,
Only frowns at the moon,
He cannot do otherwise.

There are no clear recipes
To remove wrinkles from the forehead,
Why did he think he was gloomy?
Must it be a man?

And soon my daughter will be nine years old,
I decided that a holiday was needed,
There seem to be no problems with money,
With worse ideas.

But dad's brain may be healthy,
And so I dotted the dots -
Pinata with a bunch of gifts,
It will be a surprise for my daughter.

He has souvenir shops in the darkness
Traveled around, in the twenty-fifth
He said: “I’ll take this one!”
And he pointed his finger at the piñata.

Then the turn came
To take gifts for my daughter,
Father, losing count of money
I went to the hypermarket.

He is full of gifts, like in a hive of bees,
Bought, then a rope
I bought a piñata to attach it to
And a new thing for myself.

At the same time, everyone was very annoyed
With your gloomy face,
“Hurray,” the entire staff shouted,
When he finally left.

In "Sportivny" everyone was also tense,
Where I chose the bat gloomily,
Now he has a flag in his hands -
Will make my daughter happy.

And then the birthday came,
Tables, gifts, guests,
Half of the piñata's yard is shaded.
Thinking about toast

The father called the baby
And, moving his eyebrows to his nose,
Showed the piñata to my daughter
Then simply bandage

I put it over my daughter's eyes
And he put the bat in his hand,
He twisted his shoulders and said:
"Break this thing!"

He put Veuve Clicquot into his mouth,
I took an oyster from the tray,
Being a father is very difficult
After all, a daughter is the price of the issue.

Little daughter is happy, jump and jump,
Swung the bat sharply
And the folder in the “apple”-temple
It hit with a terrible crash...

All the guests: "Ah! Here, blah!! Kick!!!"
How we exhaled at once.
Father swallowing champagne
He blew gas through his nostrils.

Forty-six teeth smile
She immediately opened her mouth,
He wasn't ready for this
And he plopped down from his chair.

A bone fragment in the head
All connections are broken
The man suddenly changed
Without a doctor and ointment.

When he came out of his coma
The smile didn't disappear
It was a coupon for my daughter,
To start all over again.

The girl is proud of her father
After all, he is the most cheerful
With such a smiling face
Not boring, not stubborn.

Now she leads her father
Holding your hand tightly,
Full of love and joy,
Clucks like a hen.

My daughter was very lucky with him,
He was rude before
Now it gives her warmth
So long awaited.

The two of them are always together now,
They laugh even in bad weather.
This is how it happens, believe me,
Happiness comes to people...

Lynchenko Alexey
[email protected]

Today we have collected poems about the most respected and responsible profession - the profession of a doctor. If you, dear reader, know any other poems about doctors, then we will be very grateful if you leave them in the comments at the bottom of this article. Thank you!

Grandmother doctor

And with grandma the doctor
I don't care about colds!
She tells me: “Baby,
You don't need pills.

No, I don't mind the pills
But for everyone, hardening is more important:
Sun, air and water
People are always needed!

Berries, fruits, vegetables
Eat more! And don’t get sick!”

Elena Panova-Sinchenko

I don't want to go to the hospital

The early morning greets
Us with the smile of dawn.
Mom's mug with warm tea
He puts it. -Daughter, are you dressed?

I'll pull on tights and a dress,
I'll braid my hair tightly.
I'll throw myself into my mother's arms,
Crying on the fly...

I don't want to go to the hospital!
-What are you doing, daughter, don’t cry.
(and you can see the sadness on their faces)…

I need it, daughter. You're a doctor!)))

Natalia Gross

Doctor - A man with a capital letter

People's rumors go around
That being a doctor is very difficult.
These are not just words.
The doctor is a man with a capital letter.

He must understand everything
Believe, sympathize, listen,
Remember, love, have compassion,
Saving body and soul.

Putting obstacles to fate,
He's at key moments
Doesn't think about himself
And about your patients.

He doesn't have days off:
And outside the hospital
The soul aches for the sick,
So much so that I can’t sleep at night.

And if in a whirlwind of vanities
The doctor was not smiling in the morning,
Remember, he is a man
Even with a capital letter.

Tatiana Kuznetsova


The doctor puts on a robe
he is very happy with the kids
treats children's teeth,
teaches dads and teaches moms:
“Take care of your child’s teeth,
you need to clean them in the morning
every day, without fail,
even if you are very lazy,
don't forget in the evening
the bed will wait until bed.
And sweets on an empty stomach
you can’t eat, that’s a sure sign
your teeth will hurt soon,
caries is black poison.
And once every six months
to the doctor for everyone to be shown,
avoid sad drama
I can do it children, fathers, mothers"

Gratitude and honor
Of course all doctors are waiting.
Every doctor is important in the world!
Does your tooth hurt? Go to the doctor, don't cry!

Vera Lukina

I'm afraid of doctors

I'm afraid of doctors, I'm afraid of doctors,
Blushing, I admit this.

I shout: “No need for vaccinations!”
And my mother said to me: “Take off your pants!”
And he smiles at the doctor.
And I: “No, I don’t want!”

We came to the dentist for an appointment.
We are called, we get up.
The doctor comes out to meet us.
Where am I?
I don't know myself.

I'll cut my finger and keep quiet,
What if I go to the doctor again?
And if I get my feet wet,
I'd better swallow the pill.

Nothing can overcome my fear!
I just need to not get sick
Eat porridge with milk in the morning,
And make friends with the horizontal bar.

Then I will proudly tell you -
I don't go to doctors anymore!

Yulia Lesnaya

You are a doctor!

I want to tell you – you’re great!
Having achieved a lot, you are eager to win,
By fighting with yourself, you change the world
And you carry those who have fallen to death on a torpedo!

You are endowed with a sensitive soul,
You spare neither your back nor your legs,
You know that not everyone is capable
Help in this way only you could.

You hold the again trembling pump
In your hands is our fragile channel of thought,
And you know how important it is not to get tired,
When you save someone's meaning in life!

You are a doctor! Be proud of this word!
You are a doctor, and therefore a judge.
And contrary to all legal laws
You make court decisions!

May God grant the doctor only prosperity!
The surgeon invests strength in hearts!
And so that conscience does not gnaw at the memory,
May God grant love to filled hearts!

Natalya Andrievskikh


(One day in the life of a doctor. From the series “For kids about professions.”)

Masha and mom are so similar:
Mom is a doctor, and so is Masha.
Smears iodine on the bear's ears,
And the greenery is a pig’s tail,

He puts a thermometer on the little bunny,
Treats a baby fox's throat.
But not bears and bunnies.
Mom treats, and the boys.

Doctor-mom to work
Comes running very early
Puts on his robe
He calls the guys into the office.

The little one laughs loudly
A toothless mouth up to the ears.
- Everything is fine with the child.
Let him grow up healthy!

The doctor looks at Sasha’s throat:
- How are you, my friend, ours?..
Well done, your sore throat is gone!
Drink raspberry tea more often.

Tanya is crying, covered in greenery -
I tried to scratch the rash.
- Yes, the girl has chickenpox,
Everything will be over in five days!

In slush, snow, heat and cold,
Like Doctor Aibolit,
Through the whole huge city
The doctor on call is in a hurry.

The temperature has risen
The child has a wheezing sound in his throat.
– You need injections and medicine
I'll write it down, it looks like the flu.

The working day is over,
And the mother returned home.
Mom is very tired
Maybe I should call the doctor?

No, she just needs rest
Let him lie down and rest.
Well, Masha is all for dinner
He will serve it and take it away.

There are two shortened versions of this poem:

Masha and mom

Masha and mom are so similar:
Mom is a doctor, and so is Masha.
Smears iodine on the bear's ears,
And the greenery is a pig’s tail,

He puts a thermometer on the little bunny,
Treats a baby fox's throat.
But not bears and bunnies.
Mom treats, and the boys.

Here, the working day is over,
And the mother returned home.
Mom is very tired
Maybe I should call the doctor?

No, she just needs rest
Let him lie down and rest,
Well, Mashenka gives her dinner
He will serve it and take it away.

Children's doctor

Children's doctor early in the morning
Puts on his robe
He washes his hands under the tap,
He calls the guys into the office.

And then in the heat and cold,
Like Doctor Aibolit,
Through the whole huge city
The doctor on call is in a hurry.

We are not afraid of flu, sore throat,
acute respiratory infections, chickenpox, measles,
Doctor - minister of medicine
Will conquer any illness!

Lyudmila Gromova

To a simple local doctor

There are many different professions in the world
Where every day feat can be achieved.
Today I dedicate these lines
To a simple local doctor!

Being a dentist is probably more prestigious.
I don’t want to offend ophthalmologists.
But the monument would be erected during his lifetime
A simple local doctor.

Simple and kind. In troubles, in worries
His working life flows quietly.
Sometimes he is harsh, he scolded someone.
But how many have he cured, and will still cure?

It's probably more respectable to be a surgeon.
I don’t want to offend neurologists.
But I walk to the reception with hope
To a simple local doctor!

Being a medical director is, of course, a calling.
About the main thing... I accidentally forgot!
And our chief recently bore the title
A simple local doctor.

District doctor! He doesn’t walk around as a hero,
And I’d better not say anything about the salary.....
But sometimes you have to bow
A simple local doctor.

Tamara Sashchenko

Katyusha is a doctor

Katyushka has a stern look.
- What do you have? Does your stomach hurt?
You should get some treatment
There is a hospital for this.
I'll prescribe you pills.
They are sweet like candy.
Our Katya will be a doctor.
Let's wish her luck.

Belousova Nadezhda Semenovna

Gratitude to doctors

Thank you for everything. for these hands!
For your talent, for your kindness and kindness!
You endure our whims, torment
Leaving home, hurry to disaster

I wish you great health and happiness!
More strong, sturdy patients
In your work, earthly blessings and inspiration
We thank you for everything, for everything!

And let there be very, very few of us
And less often, we will come to you
But the feeling of respect, over the years
The surgeon's work will increase!

We are afraid of getting sick and want to see you less often
Alas, this is how God created us people
Therefore, it is very necessary - cut
But just collect it quickly

How we greet you and see you off
It is full of tears, hope and warmth
We are in your hands, we entrust our lives

The talent to save is not given to everyone by God.
There are no bad guys here, you can see the skill here
Once again, thank you very much
For grateful work that brings life and goodness!!!

Angela Taran

My mother is a doctor from God

My mother is a doctor from God!
People come to her every day
If an alarm comes to the house -
Then she will treat you

If you can't understand
What hurts and how to treat it
The blood runs cold in your veins from fear -
It's time for you to contact her!

My mom knows for sure
What to do, where to run
And according to the formula he calculates -
Do you need to worry?

She will tell everyone
What to check, what to drink
And the infection will order
Don't visit you again!

Mom is a doctor - not just a mom!
The best person in the world!
I will tell you without deception -
She doesn't need a file cabinet!

She remembers every pimple!
Who is vaccinated, who is not at all
The detective will envy her
And any sports committee!

And always not for the sake of money
Will give advice on how to be better
And with prayer, like a priest
Will treat day and night

If you got a mom
Doctor or medic like mine
No x-ray needed
She has a healthy family!

In return, give her more often
And care and flowers
She does brilliant work
Every moment of Beauty

Give her what she loves
Or take me to the sea
Let her be happier -
Don't object again

If you value mommy
Your life will be brighter
After all, you can’t replace her!
There is no relative to man!

Is she a doctor or a teacher?
Mathematician and poet
She is your Guardian Angel
Your highest immunity!

Yula Severina

I'll be a doctor

Why do doctors need good handwriting?
For them, the main thing is to treat!
So that the patient does not read their essay,
the diagnosis, you know, is better to hide...
I can’t make out any letters or words,
There's no point in even reading!

And it all starts at school!
Another child writes like this:
that the teacher is in shock,
can't make out words.
And the student is not concerned,
After all, he dreams of becoming a doctor!
Well, then why handwriting?
Like a doctor, he can write!!!

Zarina Morskaya

Dedicated to doctors

Your work is worthy of worship,
The desire to return to life
And the human body
An opportunity to bloom again.

People don't value virtue
And they understand only then
When trouble is at the door
And again we need help.

And here are caring hands
They will help you get out of trouble,
Will put you on your feet again
They will help you gain strength.

We bow our heads before you
For the difficult work that chose you,
May God be with you throughout life,
Good luck every time.

Treating people is not an easy task,
Not everyone can understand you
And you need to work with anyone,
Give away a piece of yourself.

Whoever gives will return to him,
God has us all in sight
We will all leave, but we will remember
Great kindness from the heart.

We will remember in prayers,
Wishing you much good,
God chose you for this place,
Walk through life giving light.

Let the road be clear
And wisdom will be your crown,
And every day will be a joy for you
From the happiness of surviving hearts.

Vladimir Kokotin

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