Ways to decrease loops. Decorative reductions for raglan and neckline bevels

Good afternoon I decided to knit myself a sweater with a raglan top. Before this I usually knitted from the bottom, there wasn’t much of a problem. But here the yarn is tight, so I decided from above how long it would be enough. I started knitting a “tester” and was faced with the fact that with the required length of the raglan line (about 23 cm for my size), the sleeve width turns out to be very large. A kind of lantern sticks out. The addition was made in every 2 rows, the calculation was made using exact formulas: 1) to calculate how many loops are needed for the sleeve, we divide the total number of loops intended for the neck by 15, and then multiply by 2;
2) to calculate the number of loops for the back (front), divide the total number of loops by 30 and multiply by 11.

I read somewhere that they correct the sleeve width by initially subtracting 2-3 cm from each sleeve when calculating and adding all this to the back and front. But it seems to me that this will be too wide, I really need a balloon, I want it to fit my figure (while I have it).

Help please! How to reduce these sleeves?! Maybe someone has a really proven calculation scheme, where the sleeves are on the arms, and the carcass is on the body...

Raglan sleeves in knitting are very comfortable compared to sewn-in sleeves, even if the armhole is made straight. Of course, it’s easier to knit, then you won’t have to sew on the sleeves at all. But things look different. Therefore, things with raglan sleeves are very often knitted. But it could be , or maybe a raglan sleeve at the bottom.

Raglan from bottom to top is knitting all the parts separately, starting from the bottom, and then sewing them all together at the seams. This is how the back and front are connected and the sleeves are sewn in along the raglan lines. All work is done according to the pattern.

Begin to knit a raglan sleeve from the bottom with an elastic band at the cuff, if this is provided for in the style, and do the same for the front and back, beveling them along the raglan lines. But the most important thing here is not just to make decreases, but to knit the raglan line so that it is beautiful and serves as a kind of trim for a jumper or sweater. Decreases are made both along the sleeve raglan line and along the front or back raglan line, while the outermost 4-5 loops must be knitted loosely so as not to tighten the raglan line. It is easier to make decreases when knitting with a simple knitting stitch - stocking or stockinette stitch.

Decreases of loops are made at intervals according to the principle of calculation for inclined lines. You can make decreases and let’s calculate it like this:

when knitting the back, decreases are made one at a time through a row, knitting 2 loops together on both sides of the fabric;

when knitting the front part, decrease less frequently at the beginning 3 times, 2 loops every 3 rows, and then 2 loops every row;

When knitting raglan sleeves, first decrease 2 stitches together 5 times in every 4th row, and then every other row.

Decrease along the raglan line when knitting from the bottom

We don’t always knit things in simple stockinette stitch and make the sleeves in raglan. If the pattern is embossed, the easiest way to decrease loops is to fasten the loops from the edges: knit the edge loop and the first loop together with a knit or purl loop. So after sewing the part, only the seam will be visible, but to emphasize the raglan line, use various ways decreases without disturbing the motif of the pattern.

For example, let’s take the “cell” pattern and make decreases along the raglan lines. Let's cast on an odd number of loops 41 for the sample and knit a small piece.

1st row: knit 1, yarn over 1, slip 1, etc. Do not yarn over before the edge;

2nd row: purl 1, yarn over 1, slip 1 together with yarn over and continue knitting;

3rd row: knit stitches with two yarn overs as one loop;

4th row: facial loops;

5th row: repeat from the 1st row.

Compare all work with the pattern.

Raglan bottom decrease herringbone

The raglan line at the bottom turns out to be a herringbone pattern when the loops are reduced in a special way. For the sample, we will cast on the knitting needles an odd number of loops, say 35.

1st row: knit 3, knit 3, knit the 2nd and 3rd stitches together behind the back walls, do not remove them from the knitting needle, and knit the 1st loop behind the back wall; we continue to knit with knit stitches, the last 7 loops including the edge loop like this - count the loops from left to right, knit the 3rd knit loop behind the front wall without removing it, knit the 1st and 2nd loops together with the knit stitch behind the front walls, then knit 3 and edge This row has decreased by 2 stitches.

2nd row: we knit all purl rows with purl loops, just without decreasing.

Raglan bottom decrease with “flagella”

1st row: 1 purl for the seam, 2 loops are swapped before knitting - remove them without knitting on the right knitting needle, insert the left knitting needle into the 1st loop while working and then remove the right one from the two loops, immediately insert it before working into the 2nd -th loop, put it on the left knitting needle and knit the 1st loop behind the front wall; 2nd together with the adjacent front one behind the back walls.

Next we knit all the loops with knit stitches, at the end of the row we knit the last 5 loops, including the edge stitch: we swap the 2nd and 3rd loops, we do it this way, we remove it to the right knitting needle without knitting, the first 3 loops, we insert the left knitting needle into the middle one before working of these (2nd), release the right knitting needle from the middle and last (3rd) loops, and insert it into the 3rd loop, put it on the left knitting needle.

2nd row: knit according to the pattern, without decreasing.

Cardigans, jackets, pullovers, jumpers, all these are not only types of clothing. First of all, these are models, the patterns for which can be either the same or completely different.

Raglan as a knitting method

In this article we will look at the similarities. Namely, one feature that unites them is the raglan sleeve. There are a lot of ways to knit raglan with knitting needles, having tried most of them, experienced knitters, as a rule, choose the method by which the raglan sleeve is knitted from above, and not from below, that is, in one piece.

The old school chooses to knit raglan from above, rather than from below, due to the simplicity of its execution.

Features of raglan sleeve knitting

Below we will try to consider the features of knitting this type of sleeve. A step-by-step plan for learning to knit raglan sleeves will help with this.

1. Journey into the past. The history of the raglan sleeve.

2. Advantages and disadvantages.

3. Tools and materials needed for the job.

4. All about the raglan line.

5. All about counting the number of stitches and their distribution on the knitting needles.

6. How to knit raglan.

7. Assembling the product and preparing it for wear.

History of the raglan sleeve

If you believe history, this sleeve style got its name from the name of one of the British lords. After the end of the campaign near the Crimea, in which the lord was seriously wounded in the shoulder, a loose-fitting coat was ordered from one of the tailors. When cutting the coat, it was necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the sleeve seams, which would not cause inconvenience to the wounded arm. It was then that the raglan sleeve, which has not lost its relevance to this day, was born. Unfortunately, no one knows the name of the creator, but his creation will live for a long time.

Raglan lines 3

Advantages and disadvantages of the raglan technique

All the advantages and disadvantages of a one-piece raglan. Just like any coin has two sides, there are advantages and disadvantages in the technique of knitting one-piece raglan. First, about the benefits.


The complete absence of seams has a very positive effect on the wearing of the product, especially if it is made for a baby. After all, children's skin is very sensitive to irritants, which are sutures.

Ease of remodeling. If suddenly the length of the finished product is in some way unsatisfactory, there is no need to resort to complex techniques, just lower the last row and knit as much as necessary from below.

There are practically no free ends of the working thread. This is an important factor, since when working with such a quantity it is easy to get confused, and when assembling it is difficult to secure it neatly.

The fitting process in this case is generally simple. The product can be tried on at any stage of knitting without fear of spoiling the finished part.

The cut itself is very practical and extremely comfortable to wear.

There is no need to create a pattern for each product separately. The model itself assumes the absence of unnecessary darts, and the armhole is the same almost everywhere.

Due to the one-piece style, all decreases and additions are made at the same time, which eliminates the possibility of error.

As a result, the product does not need to be assembled.


Now about the shortcomings, there are a little less of them. Many knitters sooner or later abandon products with this sleeve shape, primarily because of the limited choice of models and patterns for them. In addition, not everyone can work simultaneously with such a large number loops As for the cut itself, for people with broad shoulders, this is just a godsend (the style visually makes the shoulders smaller), but it’s not at all suitable for those with a miniature figure.

Knitting technique

But if you’ve already decided to knit a one-piece raglan with knitting needles, then you definitely can’t do without recommendations on materials and tools.

Materials and tools

First on the list of essentials are, of course, knitting needles. Typically, circular knitting needles are used at the beginning of work. They also continue to work on circular knitting needles, changing only their length (special knitting needles with the ability to adjust). Among the necessary tools, one cannot fail to mention templates for measuring knitting density. Although, as an alternative, the rows can be marked in a notebook, and instead of a template, take a regular corner ruler. It is impossible not to note the benefits of the following “gadgets”:

  • tips for knitting needles so that the loops do not fly off;
  • markers or marking rings help you avoid getting confused with patterns;
  • needles for knitwear and pins will not damage the product and significantly simplify the assembly stage.

Raglan lines

Now we’ve come to the main thing, next we’ll look at the raglan line “lengthwise and crosswise”. The raglan line is understood as the sum of loops, and there can be a different number of them, on both sides of which yarn overs are made to expand the knitted fabric. The type of raglan line also varies, and it depends on the chosen pattern. When knitting yarn overs with only knit stitches or only purl stitches, you get a clearly defined line that consists of small holes. When knitting with crossed stitches, the raglan line is practically invisible. It is very important to remember that when knitting with regular purl stitches (not crossed), you can expand the fabric much faster.

Sometimes the raglan line performs a purely decorative function. It is specially knitted with a pattern of braids or strands. This type of decoration is usually typical for winter clothing: cardigans, pullovers, sweaters, jackets. For summer products, hemstitching is often done. For beginners the best way will be, doing the work with facial loops using the purl loop of one yarn over along the raglan line. This method will allow you to avoid making mistakes in additions, which may ultimately affect the result of the work as a whole. But the followers old school Braids and jacquard patterns are increasingly being knitted on the raglan line.

We carry out the counting

We sorted out the raglan line. Now it's time to move on directly to the calculations. For correct calculation, you will need to take neck circumference and density measurements for the selected pattern.

To determine the correct density, knit a 20x20 cm sample. Using the template, calculate the number of loops per 10 cm and the number of rows per 10 cm of the pattern. For example, the density is 25 loops per 10 cm, and the measurements of the neck circumference are 20 cm. By multiplying one value by another, we get the number of loops needed for the work (50 loops). It is necessary to correctly distribute all these loops onto the knitting needles, taking into account that in addition to the main parts, there is also a line of woolen raglan. For proper distribution, we divide the total amount of loops into three parts. If, when dividing, equality does not come out (50/3 = 16.666), then the remainder is added to the front part. After this, four stitches are subtracted from the part separated for knitting the sleeves, which will make up the line of the wool raglan. We divide the remaining loops in half ((16-4)/2=6) and get six for each sleeve. It should be taken into account that for knitting cardigans, the number of front loops should only be even, since the front part in this style involves two symmetrical parts.

Work process

The loop counting is completed. You can take up circular knitting needles and start working. We cast on the loops only in the following sequence:

1 right part of the front;

1 raglan line;

6 for the right sleeve;

1 raglan line;

16 for the back;

1 raglan line;

6 for left sleeve;

1 raglan line;

1 left front.

If you noticed, for the front part the set only has a loop on each side. There is nothing wrong with this; along the way, the remaining loops will be cast on from air loops. This is necessary to make the front cutout a little deeper.

So, the first row is completed, it’s time to start knitting a line of woolen raglan. For easy comprehension, all stages of knitting will be presented in the form of a list.

Knitting rows

From the first to the ninth rows we knit:

air loop, front loop for the right side of the front, yarn over, purl loop of the raglan line, yarn over, six loops for the right sleeve, yarn over, purl loop along the raglan line, yarn over, sixteen loops of the back detail, yarn over, purl loop along the raglan line, yarn over, six loops of the right sleeve, yarn over, purl loop along the raglan line, yarn over, front loop, chain stitch.

In the second and all purl rows, air loops are made as edge loops. Yarns are knitted with purl stitches. All other stitches are knitted purlwise.

In the 11th row you need to pick up 2 chain loops on both sides and close the work. The knitting needles should now have the total estimated number of stitches.

The main increases are completed and you can now continue knitting in the round. Don’t forget that the main stitches are knitted, the stitches of the wool raglan line are knitted purl, and the yarn overs are knitted. Yarn overs must be performed until the required amount is collected.

When the loops are cast on, they need to be removed using a knitted pin. We leave the removed loops for work, and we combine the front and back parts and continue knitting. Upon reaching the required length, knit the final elastic band and close the loops.

Let's move on to the sleeves

It is advisable to continue knitting on stocking needles. We mark the place where the loops are connected on each sleeve separately. During the knitting process, it will be necessary to make decreases, tying two loops together, for bevels of the sleeves. Having knitted all the loops to the required length, you can close them.


For the neckline, pick up all closed loops and tie with an elastic band about 3 cm.

The final stage of this work will be masking the threads. Usually after closing the loops there are loose ends threads, we take them out using a hook. We stretch the thread from the wrong side one third, first in one direction, then to the end in the opposite direction. This simple manipulation will secure the thread.

Wool raglan knitting is ready.

In this article we will tell you how to correctly decrease stitches with knitting needles raglan lines and bevels.

Ribbed paths along the bevels of the raglan line

For this ribbed pattern, knit 3 stitches together in every 4th row. From the right edge, remove the 5th loop (= knit stitch), as in knitting, knit the next 2 loops together and pull the removed loop through it. For the second bevel, knit the 5th loop from the left edge (=knit stitch) and the previous 2 loops together.

Garter loops along the bevels of the raglan line

From the right edge in every 2nd row, knit the first 4 loops and purl the 5th loop, then purl the 6th and 7th stitches together.

For the second bevel, purl the 7th and 6th loops from the left edge, purl the 5th loop, and knit the remaining 4 loops. In purl rows, purl all stitches.

“Pigtails” along the bevels of the raglan lines

From the right edge: 2 loops of the purl stitch, make a “braid” on 4 loops (= knit on 4 loops with the front stitch and cross the loops to the right in every 4th row), 1 loop of the purl stitch and knit the next 2 loops together purl. For the second bevel from the left edge: knit the 9th and 8th loops together with the purl stitch, 1 loop with the purl stitch, make a “braid” on 4 loops (= knit with the front stitch on 4 loops and in every 4th row cross stitches to the left), 2 purl loops. Decrements, as well as crossing braids, should be performed every 4th row.

Elongated loops along the bevels of the raglan lines

In the front rows from the right edge, knit the first 3 loops, purl the next 2 loops, then knit the 6th and 7th loops together, tilting to the left. For the second bevel, knit the 7th and 6th loops from the left edge together, purl the next 2 loops and knit the last 3 loops. In the purl rows, knit the loops according to the pattern, while on each side the loop obtained from two loops knitted together is removed, as in purl knitting, while the thread is pulled in front of the loop.

Raglan line "Ladder" - Knitting from below

Cast on 40 loops.

1st row - at the beginning and at the end of the part, knit 5 purl loops, the rest - knit stitches.

2, 3, 4 rows - according to the drawing.

Row 5 – at the beginning of the piece, knit 3 stitches together, purl 4, then knit stitch. When 7 loops remain, purl 4 of them, the remaining 3 purl together.

6, 7, 8 rows - according to the picture

Row 9 – repeat from the 5th row. The loops are decreased through 3 rows.

Raglan line "Herringbone" - Knitting on top

To work, cast on 13 loops.

1st row – 5 p., 1 p., 5 p.

Row 2 and all even– k.s. v., and N knit with facial knitting

3rd row – 5 l., N, 1 p., N, 5 l.

Row 5 - 5 knits, N, 3 p., N, 5 knits.

7th row - 5 k., N, 5 p., N, 5 k.

9th row - 5 l., N, 7 p., N, 5 l.

Row 11 - 5 knits, N, purl 9, N, 5 knits.

13th row – 10 l., N, 1 purl., N, 10 l.

15 row – p. p. from row 5

Subsequently, every 5 facial rows, the pattern is repeated, and the number of facial loops increases by 5 facial loops due to the purl ones.

Note: To obtain an openwork raglan line, knit using the bottom thread (long).

For tight knitting - by the top (short) thread. In the center, instead of purl loops, knit only knit loops, and knit yarn overs using the bottom thread.

Raglan line with intertwine. Knitting from below

Cast on 40 loops.

Row 1 – purl 1, 2 p.s. (from yourself), remove the next 2 loops onto the right knitting needle, then put on the left knitting needle first the loops removed from yourself, and then the loops from the right knitting needle and knit these 4 loops: 3 stitches, and the 4th with the next 2 – 3 vm. (to the middle). The remaining stitches are knitted.

When 7 loops remain until the end of the work: 4 p.s. (towards you), slip the next 2 loops onto the right knitting needle, then put 2 loops from the ones taken towards you onto the left knitting needle. Next knit: 3 in. l., 3 l., 1 p.

2, 3, 4 rows - according to the picture

Row 5 – repeat from 1st.

Knitting raglan with knitting needles: video

Raglan. Raglan calculation

Simple raglan line knitting

Raglan bottom with thread color change

Raglan neckline with stand-up collar and button placket

Raglan line without holes

This page is found by queries:

  • decorative decreases with knitting needles
  • decorative decrease with knitting needles
  • how to make decreases for raglan
  • decorative reductions for raglan bevels

Today the trend is the raglan sleeve. Thanks to him, the product fits perfectly to the shape of the shoulder. There are two ways to knit raglan: top-down and bottom-up. The method of knitting a simple and understandable raglan from below has an interesting detailed description below using diagrams and video material. We will also pay attention to the calculation of the loops for the neckline and consider some decorative decreases along the raglan line.

Learning to knit raglan from below with knitting needles: a detailed description of the technique

There are two ways to knit raglan from bottom to top:

  • Knitting all elements of the product separately - the finished parts (back, front and two sleeves) are put aside, without closing the last loop (use several sets of knitting needles or an additional set). Next, all the elements are cast on circular knitting needles in order: front, sleeve, back, second sleeve, and connected by knitting a row.
  • Knitting begins from the bottom on circular knitting needles. Knit a single fabric - front and back, up to the height of the armholes and set aside. Next, the sleeves are knitted up to the armholes and attached to the fabric. Connect by knitting the first joint row. When all the elements are on the same knitting needles, knitting continues in the round for a sweater and in simple rows back and forth for a sweater. Close 3-4 loops at once to form armholes on the sleeves.
Calculation of loops for knitting a neckline.

Getting started is by calculating the number of neck loops required. There is no need to be alarmed about this, since there is already a ready-made calculation, a detailed description of which is given below:

  • The back of the neckline is represented by a straight line, so tie it to the required length and close the loops or you can remove it with a pin.
  • The upper part of the sleeve, represented by a curved line, is divided into 3 or 4 parts, while on each part the loops are not tied, then gradually transferred to a pin or secured.
  • A curved line is also formed under the neck. To knit it, you need to count the number of half stitches of the neck width and divide it into three equal parts. If a residue appears, it is added to the middle part.

An example of neckline calculation: the number of neck loops is 24, then its width will consist of 12 (24/2) loops. Next we divide it into three parts: 12:3=4. Now let's move on to the distribution of loops:

  • first (middle part) - once 4 loops;
  • second - two times two loops;
  • third - four times one loop each

Apply the obtained calculations to the pattern or record it on paper and you can start knitting the neck of the product according to the pattern, while reducing the loops on the front side. The second half of the neck is knitted in a mirror image of the first.

Decrements along raglan lines.

As a rule, when knitting bevel lines (raglan), decrease the loop at the beginning and end of the front or back rows.

However, with textured or variegated knitting, it is better to make decreases by knitting the last 2 stitches together with the purl stitch in the cone of each row. At stockinette stitch, you can use decorative reductions on the front side: “tucks”, “flagella”, “corners”, “herringbones”, etc.

Knitting sprout.

In the sewing world, a sprout refers to the neck line on the back. It is used to ensure that the product does not pull at the back and does not choke at the front.

The height of the sprout is selected in accordance with the age of the person who will own the finished product:

  • for children from 0 to 3 years old, up to 1.5 cm is recommended;
  • for teenagers – 3 cm;
  • models ranging from sizes 42 to 50 – 5 cm;
  • models with sizes above 50 – 7 cm.

Also, the height of the sprout can be determined using the formula: neck circumference/6)-1=sprout height.

Here is an example of knitting a sprout for three-year-old children:

  • When knitting the neck, when 1-1.5 cm remains, you can start knitting the sprout in short rows.
  • The sprout affects all the loops of the back and sleeves. We divide the sleeve loops into equal 4 parts and highlight them using markers or other means, since it will be necessary to decrease along the raglan line in every second row, therefore, the number of sleeve loops will decrease.
  • Let's start knitting the sprout itself: we start knitting a row from the beginning of the row, knit the back loops, the raglan line and the loops of the first part on the sleeve, then turn it inside out, make a yarn over and knit in reverse side in the same sequence, but already knit the first part of the second sleeve, turn it over to the front side, yarn over and repeat. When you reach the yarn over of the first row, you knit it together with the next loop to avoid the appearance of a hole and finish the second part, then turn the knitting over and make a yarn over in the other direction. In this sequence, 8 rows are knitted.

While working, when knitting a sprout, do not forget about the pattern and decreases along the raglan line.

We analyze popular raglan models with knitting needles from the bottom up in 2017

Let's take a look at some trendy raglan models using simple knitting techniques from the bottom up for 2017:

Seamless jumper with an hourglass pattern.

Summer jacket with buttons without seams openwork pattern on a garter stitch background.

Loose, oversized tunic with a comfortable collar collar. This fashionable model is suitable for slim and full figures.

A comfortable, basic A-line pullover with a high neckline and a diagonal front panel in a moss pattern.

The luxurious marble cardigan is knitted using garter stitch, which is incredibly popular today. This cardigan will be appropriate for a casual outing or for an evening event.

Video material on the topic of the article

We invite you to learn more about the process of knitting raglan from below by watching the following videos with a master class: