The body itches during pregnancy - possible causes and preventive measures. Causes and treatment of skin with itching in the intimate area in pregnant women Skin itching in pregnant women than to treat

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Itching during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon that often worries expectant mothers and gives them great discomfort.

Itching is a mild pain sensation transmitted through pain receptors. It is usually caused by mild stimuli that cannot be identified by the nervous system. Such sensations can be localized in one specific area, or throughout the body. In any case, itching is an unpleasant symptom, and the constant desire to scratch irritated skin exhausts a pregnant woman.

Itching during pregnancy can occur due to polymorphic dermatosis of pregnant women, a condition in which a rash appears on the abdomen and thighs of the expectant mother. This is not dangerous, so in this case it is enough to use special ointments and creams for stretch marks. Almost always, this type of itching disappears after childbirth. During pregnancy, manifestations of this symptom are possible, both on any part of the skin and on the mucous membranes. Often itching is caused by the growth of the abdomen of a pregnant woman and occurs as a result of a sprain. In this case, you can get rid of discomfort with the help of oils that help partially eliminate stretch marks.

During pregnancy, a woman may also experience itching in the vagina. The reason for this symptom is the increased production of vaginal secretions, which provokes the activation and development of harmful microorganisms and fungi. The itching caused by thrush is especially unpleasant - it gives a pregnant woman a lot of inconvenience. In addition, an infection of the genital organs in a pregnant woman can be dangerous for the fetus, therefore, with such unpleasant symptoms as itching, the expectant mother should definitely consult a doctor for diagnosis and timely elimination of the disease.

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Causes of itching during pregnancy

Itching during pregnancy, which causes the scratching reflex, occurs in about 20% of all pregnant women. This symptom can occur suddenly for no particular reason, and also be a signal of a developing disease, especially if skin rashes, an allergic rash, urticaria, etc. appear on the body of a pregnant woman. For an accurate diagnosis of this condition, the expectant mother needs to contact her doctor, who, after examining the woman, if necessary, will prescribe an additional examination or consultation with a highly specialized medical specialist.

The causes of itching during pregnancy are varied. Among them are:

  • Stress, nervous tension, imbalance of the nervous system. In this case, itching is usually activated at night, when any extraneous irritants stop distracting the pregnant woman.
  • Stretching of the skin due to the constantly growing belly of a pregnant woman (the most harmless reason).
  • Multiple pregnancy, due to which there is a large abdominal circumference.
  • A significant weight gain of a pregnant woman, which provokes strong stretch marks.
  • Excessive dryness of the skin due to dehydration.
  • Changes in the hormonal system of a pregnant woman, which provoke a loss of skin elasticity due to reduced production of collagen and elastin in the body.
  • Skin diseases (urticaria, allergic rashes, polymorphic dermatosis, eczema, seborrhea, psoriasis, as well as dermatitis of various etiologies).
  • Diseases of internal organs (stagnation of bile, cholecystitis, malfunctions of the liver, cholestasis, biliary dyskinesia, etc.).

Cholestasis in pregnant women is provoked by increased production of estrogen. This leads to increased production of bile acids, which cause itching when it enters the skin. This disease in most cases does not carry a risk for intrauterine development of the fetus. Violation of the functions of the liver, organs of the urinary system and gallbladder can be caused by a growing and, accordingly, pressing uterus on these organs. Itching is often a symptom that signals a malfunction in these organs. In extreme cases, the expectant mother may need to be hospitalized.

Burning and itching in the external genital organs and in the vagina may indicate an inflammatory process or the development of an infectious disease. In this case, there is reason to sound the alarm, because due to infections of the genitourinary system, the fetus may suffer, or disturbances in its normal development will occur. If itching and other unpleasant symptoms occur that indicate the possibility of an infection in the woman's body, it is necessary to conduct an examination with a doctor as soon as possible and begin treatment.

In addition to the fact that itching in the vagina can occur due to infection, sexually transmitted diseases, thrush, its cause is often caused by a change in the level of acid-base balance of the mucosa. The most common causes of this itching are:

  • constant wearing of synthetic underwear, thong panties;
  • regular use of daily scented pads;
  • overheating or hypothermia of the pelvic organs;
  • the use of alkaline antibacterial agents intended for intimate hygiene;
  • colpitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa);
  • genital herpes, etc.

The causes of itching during pregnancy may be the result of prolonged use of antibiotics, the development of diabetes in a pregnant woman, and iron deficiency in the body of a future mother. Among other causes of unpleasant itching in a pregnant woman are insect bites (bugs, mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, etc.).

As for the localization of physiological itching during pregnancy, it most often occurs on the abdomen, back, and soles of the feet. It is very important to distinguish between the itching associated with hormonal changes in the body and the itching caused by scabies, a skin disease. That is why, regardless of the cause of itching, the expectant mother should always consult with her doctor.

Symptoms of itching during pregnancy

Itching during pregnancy can occur suddenly and is directly related to the structure of the skin. The fact is that the skin of the human body contains a whole host of nerve endings that have subtle sensitivity and react sharply even to any stimulus - touch, prick or blow, vibration, chemical substance. As a result, any irritation of the skin often provokes itching, accompanied by a scratching reflex.

Often itching can be caused by inflammatory or allergic reactions, and therefore a biologically active substance called "histamine" is formed in the skin of a pregnant woman, which irritates the nerve endings. In addition, histamine provokes tissue edema, resulting in redness and swelling of the skin, and also contributes to increased blood flow to the affected area. The pathology of the biliary tract and liver causes the deposition of bilirubin and bile acids in the skin, which also causes itching in pregnant women.

Symptoms of itching during pregnancy are associated with a protective reaction of the body, its "response" to the irritant and its elimination from the skin surface. When itching occurs, a scratching reflex of the skin is observed, as a result of which scratching and cracks, severe redness, thinning of the skin and inflammation can occur.

Symptoms of itching in the female genital organs, in particular in the vagina, are local discomfort, a strong desire to scratch the place, an unpleasant burning sensation that bothers a pregnant woman. Almost always, this unpleasant symptom is accompanied by redness and swelling of the skin. Constant scratching of the itching localization sites leads to abrasions and scratches on the skin, which, in turn, can cause a secondary infection to penetrate the skin with the appearance of tissue edema, ulcers and cracks.

Signs of itching may indicate the initial stage of a skin disease. For example, with skin irritation and severe itching on the elbows, knees, or skin folds, a pregnant woman may develop eczema. This is due to the hormonal, physiological and stress factors that accompany pregnancy.

Symptoms of itching during pregnancy should alert a pregnant woman. Naturally, self-treatment of itching with the help of any medications, ointments and lotions is out of the question. Therefore, the expectant mother is strongly recommended to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of a manifestation of a painful condition. Uncontrolled treatment of the same eczema or dermatitis can lead to an unpredictable course of the disease and adversely affect the health of both the expectant mother and her baby.

Skin diseases of an infectious nature, the symptoms of which are burning, itching, an irresistible and increased desire for scratching, occur in pregnant women against a background of weakened immunity. Candidiasis and thrush are very common diseases in expectant mothers, one of the main symptoms of which is itching in the genital area, discomfort, burning, and scabies. Measures taken to treat these diseases should be, first of all, aimed at eliminating the main cause that causes itching in a pregnant woman.

Itching during pregnancy, regardless of the nature and cause of the manifestation, should be noticed in time by a pregnant woman. But the definition of its clinical picture and the competent prescription of treatment is exclusively the prerogative of the doctor. At home, to temporarily eliminate an unpleasant symptom, you can use warm baths of medicinal herbs: mint, sage, chamomile, oak bark. It is worth taking special care of personal hygiene and excluding such a product as toilet soap, wearing synthetic underwear. In addition, you need to take care of adjusting the diet: exclude salty and spicy foods, which can only aggravate the symptoms of itching and the manifestations of the disease.

Body itching during pregnancy

Itching during pregnancy can occur suddenly, thereby taking the expectant mother by surprise, especially if the causes of this symptom are unknown. Itching is localized both in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, so it can cover the entire body of a pregnant woman. Usually, such a symptom indicates a malfunction of the internal organs and the presence of diseases in a woman that existed even before the onset of pregnancy.

Itching of the body during pregnancy can be triggered by an allergic reaction of the body to a certain irritant substance. In order to prevent the development of the corresponding painful symptoms, it is necessary to take care of the hypoallergenic mode of life and diet of the pregnant woman in advance. Often itching of the body is the cause of the presence of an endocrine disease (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, etc.). If such problems exist even before the start of pregnancy, a woman needs to tell the doctor about them at the stage of planning such a responsible and important event in life as bearing and giving birth to a child. This will help to minimize the development of exacerbations and various complications. It is much worse when hormonal disorders appear during the period of expectation of a child - in this case, the expectant mother needs correction and selection of a new regimen, as well as a diet.

Sometimes itching of the body during pregnancy in the last months of bearing a baby occurs due to the development of severe preeclampsia, often accompanied by such a dangerous disease as hepatitis. Due to the violation of the functions of the liver as an organ that filters the body from decay products, there is an accumulation of harmful substances in the tissues of the body, including the skin. As a result of this process, severe itching of the whole body occurs.

Itching of the body during pregnancy is an unpleasant condition, the common causes of which may be:

  • stress and neuroses;
  • mechanical damage by tight clothing;
  • scabies (accompanied by the appearance of grayish pimples and small blisters on the body);
  • urticaria (with this ailment, a certain place on the body usually itches: for example, the palms of the hands, feet, earlobes, etc.);
  • impaired kidney function (as a result, the entire surface of the body itches; this is due to the delay in the body of a pregnant woman of nitrogenous toxins that come out with sweat, causing severe itching);
  • jaundice (a very common cause of skin itching; the disease can be detected using a biochemical blood test).

The cause of itching of the skin can be a disease of lymphogranulomatosis (disruption of the lymphatic system). Usually the skin itches in those areas where the lymph glands are enlarged. In this case, the expectant mother should consult a hematologist.

The body may itch when tumors occur in the gastrointestinal tract, malfunctions of the thyroid gland.

Itching during pregnancy can be reduced with the help of a properly selected diet, excluding spicy and salty foods, spices, strong tea and coffee from it. Useful in this case will be marine treatments, soothing baths based on decoctions of herbs (chamomile, oak bark, succession, celandine), as well as a warm shower.

A pregnant woman should try not to scratch her body, as this will cause even more desire to itch, resulting in irritation, redness of the skin and even infection. For hygiene procedures, in order to avoid itching of the body, expectant mothers are recommended to use mild detergents with a normal pH level.

If a symptom such as body itching is detected, a pregnant woman should visit a doctor as soon as possible, who will conduct an examination and, based on the laboratory results obtained, find out the main cause of the development of the disease.

Severe itching during pregnancy

Itching during pregnancy does not necessarily indicate serious pathologies in the body of the expectant mother, but this symptom causes quite noticeable discomfort. A pregnant woman is especially worried about severe itching all over her body. If such a symptom occurs, a woman should discuss the problem with an observing gynecologist.

Severe itching during pregnancy has a different etiology, one of the common causes of this symptom is dryness and stretching of the skin due to the growing tummy. Most often, severe itching due to the rapid weight gain of a pregnant woman occurs in the second half of the gestation period, when its intensive intrauterine development and growth occurs. Such a symptom as severe, unbearable itching is a kind of signal that the weight gain of the pregnant woman is happening too quickly, thereby causing discomfort for the female body. This is not a dangerous symptom, just the expectant mother needs to take care of the prevention of stretch marks and apply specially designed care products to the skin that will moisturize the skin and maintain its elasticity.

The appearance of severe itching of the skin of the body may indicate the presence of a skin disease: eczema, scabies, urticaria; idiopathic itching is often manifested, which causes a strong reflex of scratching the skin of the hands, feet, as well as various parts of the body. On itchy areas of the skin, scratches, scratches, redness and irritation of the skin are observed. Itching of the skin during pregnancy can occur paroxysmal or be permanent.

As a rule, itching is more intense in the evening, and, unfortunately, sometimes it becomes unbearable, thereby causing severe discomfort to the expectant mother. Itching is often combined with other symptoms: rash, redness, rashes in the form of small vesicles and pimples, severe peeling of the skin. In such cases, there is reason to talk about problems in the liver. This disorder can be diagnosed by passing a urine test. Failures in the functioning of the liver are most often affected by women who have an increase in cholesterol levels, and also have diseases of the genitourinary system of a chronic type.

Severe itching during pregnancy can be triggered by allergies. If other reasons for the development of a symptom during examination of a pregnant woman are not identified, there is reason to think that itching is caused by an allergen. How exactly - this is another question that the allergist will decide by conducting the necessary tests and analyzes.

Itching during pregnancy can also cause excessive sweating, which is especially common during the third trimester. Summer gift, an active lifestyle of a future mother, improperly selected clothes are factors that lead to increased sweating, which causes skin irritation that causes severe itching. The best way to deal with such an unpleasant sensation is to shower regularly, as well as frequent changes of underwear and the choice of clothes made from natural fabrics that are breathable and have sufficient hygroscopicity.

Only a competent dermatologist can confirm the presence of any skin infection that causes severe itching during childbearing, and prescribe the appropriate treatment for the disease. For accurate diagnosis, it may be necessary to conduct special laboratory tests of skin samples.

Itchy skin during pregnancy

Itching during pregnancy is not very common, but this symptom cannot be called rare either. Most often, itching in pregnant women develops in the second half of bearing a baby, usually starting from 5-6 months. Itching is especially strong at night, when external irritants cease to influence a woman, which in the daytime slightly distract from unpleasant sensations.

Itching of the skin during pregnancy has various causes. These can be dermatological diseases, as well as malfunctions of the liver, kidneys, and digestive system of the body. Often, an increased level of estrogen in the blood of a future mother leads to cholestasis - a stagnant process of bile in the liver. As a result of this, there is an excessive release of bile acids, which, getting into the skin, provoke severe itching. During the period of bearing a child, the functional processes in the liver also change: the levels of ALT and bilirubin increase. Such disorders in the body lead to such a symptom as itchy skin. But the expectant mother must take care of herself. In addition to a visit to the doctor to determine the causes of skin itching, a woman needs to start using softening and moisturizing hygiene products that prevent overdrying of the skin. Rubbing especially itchy places with oil or neutral body milk will greatly alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman. Of the medications for skin itching, cholestyramine, activated charcoal, various talkers that cleanse the intestines and remove harmful toxins from the body are usually prescribed.

It is recommended to support the liver with hepatoprotectors in the form of drugs such as Essentiale, Karsil, etc. It contributes well to the outflow of bile no-shpa. Of course, any drug, even made on a plant basis, should be used only after consulting a doctor. It is he who will prescribe an examination that will reveal the causes of pruritus in a pregnant woman.

Itching of the skin during pregnancy, although quite rare, can be caused by food intolerance. It can be an exotic fruit or a seafood dish that a woman has not eaten before. In this case, it is better not to experiment with food.

One of the most common causes of pruritus in pregnant women is hormonal changes, which often result in excessive dryness and sensitivity of the skin. In addition to the natural causes of skin itching during pregnancy, physiological ones are possible, provoked by a malfunction of the internal organs or sensitivity to external stimuli: allergies and stagnation of bile in the liver. With an allergic reaction of the body, in addition to itching, the skin may have swelling, become covered with a small rash. In the second case, with violations in the liver, yellowing of the skin is often observed in pregnant women.

Itching during pregnancy, whatever it may be - minor, severe, persistent or systematic - must be diagnosed by an experienced medical specialist. Especially dangerous in combination with this symptom is the deterioration of the general condition of a pregnant woman.

Itching in the perineum during pregnancy

Itching during pregnancy is a very painful, unpleasant sensation, which is accompanied by a constant desire to comb the skin or mucous membranes. Sensations of this kind in pregnant women occur for a number of reasons and, accordingly, require timely diagnosis and effective treatment. Often expectant mothers complain of itching in the perineum. What can cause this symptom? To begin with, it should be noted that during the development of pregnancy, the woman's immune system begins to work in a completely different way. Fluctuations in hormones negatively affect the body's defenses and lower immunity. This applies to changes in the acid-base balance in the pregnant woman's vagina, which provokes increased reproduction of "harmful" groups of microorganisms, which often cause the development of various gynecological diseases. One of the main symptoms of such ailments is precisely the itching in the perineum and genitals of a woman.

Itching in the perineum during pregnancy mainly has two common causes of its occurrence - the development of thrush (candidiasis) and bacterial vaginosis. Thrush during pregnancy often causes itching in the perineum, labia and vagina. This disease is caused by the fungal microorganism Candida, accompanied by white secretions of the "curdled" type and has a sour smell. If thrush is not treated, then during childbirth, the child may well become infected with a fungal infection, passing through an infected birth canal. A smear on the vaginal flora will help determine thrush - this procedure is included in the program of mandatory tests and examinations carried out regularly during pregnancy.

When treating pregnant women with candidiasis, it is important to refrain from sexual activity, as well as to review the diet, excluding sweets, spicy dishes, coffee and various seasonings from it. The expectant mother should follow all the doctor's instructions in order to get rid of this ailment as soon as possible.

Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy is a disorder that is accompanied by the replacement of "beneficial" lactobacilli in the vagina with "harmful" non-fungal microorganisms. Bacterial vaginosis can cause severe itching in the perineum, as well as a cloudy, viscous, yellowish vaginal discharge. However, there are cases when vaginosis in women is almost asymptomatic, and its presence is determined only as a result of a smear test for the vaginal flora. This disease is dangerous because its neglected variant can cause premature birth in a pregnant woman.

Itching in the perineum during pregnancy can occur as a result of the development of diabetes. Accompanying symptoms in this case are frequent urination, increased sugar in the urine and blood, and intense thirst. The appearance of itching in this case is explained by the fact that the remains of urine, which have a high glucose content, after urination provoke irritation of the genital organs, cause itching in the perineum, and burning. Treatment of the disease must be competent and take into account all possible risks for the mother and child.

Other causes of itchy perineum in pregnant women can be tight clothing, wearing underwear made of synthetic fabrics, and poor personal hygiene. The fibers of synthetic fabrics, in contact with the skin, cause it to overheat, resulting in irritation and redness of the skin in the perineum. Pregnant women should pay special attention to the choice of cosmetics, washing intimate gels, which can often contain harmful components and fragrances. Such drugs can provoke allergic reactions in a pregnant woman, which manifest themselves in the form of itching, rashes and redness of the skin. In any case, if a symptom such as itching in the perineum occurs during pregnancy, the expectant mother should consult her doctor.

Itchy feet during pregnancy

Itching during pregnancy is often localized in a specific place - on the skin of the abdomen, arms, legs, perineum, etc. Why does this unpleasant symptom occur? The answer to this question is mainly related to hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman, which provoke a decrease in immunity and the development of symptoms of various diseases, as well as an exacerbation of chronic ailments.

Itching of the legs during pregnancy is a sure sign that the expectant mother has previously suffered from skin diseases. Against the backdrop of a weakened immune system during pregnancy, skin diseases can reappear. Itchy feet can be caused by allergies, scabies, or a fungal infection. Discomfort and discomfort in the area of ​​the feet and between the toes in a pregnant woman can signal the development of fungal skin diseases, as well as the appearance of urticaria, vascular diseases, in particular, varicose veins.

If the itching of the skin of the legs of a pregnant woman is pronounced, it may indicate dermatophytosis - a fungal infection of the feet. Other signs of mycosis (fungal infection of the feet) can be peeling, redness and thickening of the skin, as well as its cracking in the area between the toes of a pregnant woman.

Often, mycosis is combined with onychomycosis - a lesion of the fungal nature of the toenails. With this disease, the nails begin to crumble, acquire a cloudy color, become loose and thicken.

Itching of the legs during pregnancy may indicate varicose veins, the signs of which are also frequent swelling, a feeling of heaviness in the legs. In the later stages of this disease, an expanded venous network can be visually seen on the legs. With severe itching of the legs, it is imperative to consult a doctor who, depending on the severity of the condition of the pregnant woman, will prescribe effective medications.

Itching during pregnancy that occurs on the legs requires mandatory diagnosis and timely treatment, depending on the cause that caused this symptom. So, with a fungal infection of the legs, the expectant mother is credited with antifungal drugs that have a local effect. Folk methods of treatment with lotions and baths from decoctions of medicinal herbs are also widely practiced. The expectant mother will have to give up uncomfortable shoes, as well as foot deodorants.

With allergic lesions of the skin of the legs of a pregnant woman, antihistamines Suprastin, Tavegil, Loratidin, Zirtek are mainly used. Taking drugs is prescribed strictly on the recommendation of a dermatologist who will assess all possible risks to the fetus.

To relieve itchy feet during pregnancy, you can use simple recommendations. Showering several times a day can help relieve itching. After such a water procedure, itchy places are recommended to be treated with cosmetic oil or milk. It is necessary to ensure that the composition of such products does not contain alcohol, which can provoke even greater dryness of the skin.

Itching of the legs during pregnancy is often treated with special talkers designed to relieve itching and skin irritation. They can be purchased at pharmacies with a doctor's prescription. To alleviate the condition will help the intake of vitamin E, as well as the consumption of large amounts of fluid - at least 2.5 liters per day. However, the expectant mother should remember that self-medication can be dangerous, so her first task is to consult a doctor.

Itchy clitoris during pregnancy

Itching during pregnancy often makes a woman tired and irritable due to the constant need to scratch the itchy skin area. This symptom can occur for a number of reasons, one of which is a urinary tract infection. The development of a disease in a pregnant woman most often occurs against a background of weakened immunity.

Itching of the clitoris during pregnancy is one of the most unpleasant phenomena indicating the presence of a genitourinary infection or the development of bacterial vaginosis in a pregnant woman. In addition to itching, there may be a burning sensation in the clitoris. If such symptoms are found, the expectant mother should immediately consult a doctor, since itching combined with severe burning of the clitoris can be a sign of the presence of a sexually transmitted disease in the woman's body. This can be trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, etc. For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a thorough examination to the pregnant woman, which includes testing, in particular, to examine the smear on the vaginal microflora and identify the causes of the inflammatory process. Naturally, it is impossible to postpone a visit to the doctor in case of itching in the genital area, since this is risky for the fetus. Any infection can provoke a miscarriage, improper fetal formation, and also lead to premature birth.

Burning in the clitoris may indicate the development of bacterial vaginosis - a gynecological disease, also accompanied by vaginal discharge with the smell of "rotten fish". Clitoral itching with gonorrhea is often accompanied by frequent urination and acute pain during urination. This dangerous disease is combined with gonorrheal urethritis - purulent vaginal discharge. At the same time, itching and burning in the vulva and clitoris are intensified. The inflammatory process most often affects almost all parts of the genitourinary system of a woman and is very dangerous during pregnancy.

Itching of the clitoris during pregnancy can manifest itself with the development of trichomoniasis in combination with such unpleasant symptoms as yellow-green frothy discharge from the vagina with a pungent odor, pain during sexual intercourse and urination.

With mycoplasmosis, a pregnant woman has pain in the lower abdomen, moderate burning and itching during urination. Often the disease causes inflammation of the uterus and appendages. Ureoplasmosis is accompanied by itching in the clitoris and genitals, as well as scanty clear vaginal discharge, pain during urination. A burning sensation in the clitoris, especially when urinating, can signal chlamydia. The most "heavy" diagnosis, the symptom of which is itching in the clitoris, is the early development of cancer of the genital organs.

During pregnancy, in the form of a manifestation of toxicosis, local pruritus can be observed, including in the clitoris. In any case, a pregnant woman needs to remember that this is just a symptom indicating a health problem. The main task of the doctor is to establish the cause of itching with the help of a thorough comprehensive examination of a pregnant woman.

Breast itching during pregnancy

Itching during pregnancy can occur in any part of the body, but most often expectant mothers are worried about itching of the abdomen and chest, since it is these parts of the body that undergo strong changes in the process of hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy.

Breast itching during pregnancy is a natural process that is associated with the fact that significant changes occur in the mammary glands during the bearing of a child: firstly, they increase in size and swell, and secondly, a gradual production of mother's milk takes place in the ducts of the mammary glands. (colostrum). It is this internal influx of fluid in the mammary glands that a pregnant woman feels like itching.

With breast augmentation during pregnancy, respectively, there is a stretching of the skin. This process can cause a woman "in position" a slight feeling of discomfort, including itching. It is important to note that in this case it is not recommended to scratch itchy places, because. breast skin is very thin, and scratching can cause irritation, redness, stretch marks. It should be noted that the skin of a woman carrying a child, in general, becomes much more sensitive. This factor provokes the occurrence of allergic reactions to cosmetics, synthetic clothing, washing powder, etc. To alleviate the condition with severe itching of the chest and prevent stretch marks (stretch marks), a pregnant woman should use creams and ointments with a moisturizing effect, specially created against stretch marks.

Itchy breasts during pregnancy can be caused by another factor - a tight bra. The compressed skin is often itchy and itchy. Due to the fact that the mammary glands of a pregnant woman gradually increase in size, they, accordingly, need new underwear - a larger bra. A regular change of underwear will eliminate such an unpleasant symptom as chest itching.

To relieve itching of the mammary glands during pregnancy, you can use some recommendations:

  • When taking a shower, it is necessary to use a minimum amount of detergents, and after that, moisturize the skin of the breast exclusively with natural products with a natural pH level.
  • Baths with the addition of herbal decoctions of chamomile, coltsfoot, yarrow and other medicinal plants to the water will be useful.
  • A pregnant woman should avoid heat, overheating in the sun, stuffy rooms, resulting in excessive sweating, which can cause itching.
  • Expectant mothers need to avoid getting deodorants on the skin of the breast, which can also cause dryness.
  • For washing clothes, it is recommended to use a neutral washing powder, best of all - for children.

Itching during pregnancy, which greatly disturbs the expectant mother, should be examined by a doctor. Perhaps the body needs vitamins, or this is how an allergy to some kind of irritant manifests itself. In any case, it is always best to consult an experienced medical professional.

Diagnosis of itching during pregnancy

Itching during pregnancy needs an accurate diagnosis of the cause due to which this symptom manifested itself. If itching of any etiology occurs, the expectant mother should consult a doctor. For example, if a pregnant woman has itching in the perineal or genital area, she should tell her obstetrician-gynecologist about this problem, who will examine and conduct the necessary diagnostic tests to determine the cause of the itching:

If necessary, a gynecologist can prescribe additional consultations for a pregnant woman with a urologist, endocrinologist, therapist, psychiatrist. If itching in a pregnant woman is allergic in nature and is accompanied by skin rashes in the form of urticaria, the doctor needs to accurately diagnose the allergy in order to eliminate the main irritant (allergen), it can be a certain product, plant pollen, pet hair, etc. To diagnose allergies, skin tests, blood tests for allergens, immunological tests, etc. are carried out.

In most cases, the diagnosis of itching is the prerogative of a dermatologist, since establishing a diagnosis is a very difficult matter, especially in the case of pregnancy. Before contacting a dermatologist for a future mother, it is important not to take measures for self-treatment, i.e. it is impossible to lubricate the affected areas of the skin, treat them with medical means, since this can greatly complicate the diagnosis.


Treating Itching During Pregnancy

Itching during pregnancy does not cause such inconvenience as, for example, pain, but a pregnant woman should not endure it. Itching, as well as pain, is a symptom of any organic disorders or negative reactions of the body, therefore, at its first manifestation, the expectant mother is advised to visit her doctor.

Treatment of itching during pregnancy is determined depending on the main cause of its occurrence. With mild itching, first of all, a woman is recommended to change clothes: a pregnant woman's underwear should be made from natural fabrics, preferably cotton. The use of perfumes, cosmetics and household chemicals (perfumes, creams, deodorants, soaps and shampoos containing chemicals and fragrances) should be limited. Expectant mothers should use hypoallergenic products, use a cool shower more often without using soaps and gels, and after water procedures, moisturize the skin with a neutral cream or milk. Since the skin of a woman "in position" becomes more sensitive, it must be protected from heat, wind and direct sunlight.

It is important for a pregnant woman to take into account one rule: itchy places on the body should not be combed! This will provoke increased itching, the appearance of scratches, redness, irritation of already vulnerable skin. Maintaining cleanliness of the body, light, comfortable clothing, optimal room temperature are factors that are very important for eliminating itching during pregnancy.

If the cause of skin itching during pregnancy is more serious and is caused by disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, in particular the liver, the treatment of the expectant mother should be strictly under the supervision of the attending physician. Only tests and a medical examination will help to find out the causes of itching and accurately diagnose the disease. In no case should you self-medicate, since many drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy and can cause irreversible consequences for the fetus and harm the health of the expectant mother. Taking any medication should be started only after consulting an experienced doctor and solely on his recommendations.

Treatment of itching during pregnancy, the cause of which is a malfunction of the liver (biliary dyskinesia, cholestasis, cholecystitis), consists in taking adsorbents (primarily activated charcoal, as well as its more complex analogues), as well as hepatoprotectors (drugs that help restoration of the liver) - No-shpy, Essentiale Forte, Karsila. At the same time, it is important to adjust the diet of a pregnant woman: it is necessary to remove dishes made from foods that are “heavy” for the liver (fried, spicy, fatty foods, smoked meats) from the diet. In case of allergies, the diet of the pregnant woman is also adjusted and antihistamines are prescribed. However, most antihistamines can only be used from mid-pregnancy if no alternative treatment is available.

If itching during pregnancy is caused by infections of the genitourinary system, the treatment of a pregnant woman usually consists in the use of medicinal suppositories, which have a local action mechanism and avoid the effect of the drug on the body as a whole. The genitals should be washed 2-3 times a day, while decoctions of medicinal plants can be used: chamomile, celandine, oak bark, St. John's wort, mint. Toilet soap should be abandoned, and with itching of the perineum, sitz baths in a decoction of sage or chamomile should be done.

In the treatment of skin itching during pregnancy, baths with a decoction of string or oatmeal, as well as birch or coniferous branches, help. At the same time, approximately a kilogram of branches should be boiled and boiled for 15 minutes, after which the finished broth should be filtered and diluted with a non-hot bath.

To prepare a herbal decoction for the purpose of using lotions, it is necessary to pour 2-3 tbsp. spoons of raw materials (chamomile, succession, St. John's wort) with 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew for several hours, and then strain and make lotions of itchy skin areas.

Itching during pregnancy needs timely elimination. To do this, you need to visit a doctor in time, undergo a diagnosis and identify the causes of this symptom. Each expectant mother should not neglect these recommendations, because the life of the baby depends only on herself and her actions.

Prevention of itching during pregnancy

Itching during pregnancy can be prevented by following the advice and recommendations of medical professionals.

Prevention of itching during pregnancy refers to the application of measures that are primarily aimed at the careful observance of the hygiene of the pregnant woman and the optimization of her lifestyle. The following preventive recommendations can be noted that will help expectant mothers prevent or eliminate itching that occurs during pregnancy.

  • Constantly monitor personal hygiene, take showers or warm baths more often without the use of scented detergents.
  • Keep the perineal area dry and clean.
  • Avoid cosmetics and perfumes.
  • For laundry, use a phosphate-free neutral detergent.
  • Use clothing exclusively made from natural hygroscopic fabrics, which should not restrict movement.
  • Use moisturizers (creams, lotions, gels, oils) with a neutral pH for sensitive skin.
  • Do not leave the house in extreme heat, avoid stuffy rooms, wind, scorching sun.
  • Drink enough water to maintain optimal skin balance.
  • Follow a personalized balanced diet.
  • Do not self-medicate, if itching occurs, be sure to visit a medical facility and consult a doctor.

Itching during pregnancy is less likely to appear if a woman undergoes a medical examination and passes tests for hidden infections even before pregnancy is planned. It is also important to be examined by highly specialized medical specialists to identify possible chronic diseases and eliminate them before conception.

Pregnancy is associated with irritability for many, but sometimes expectant mothers are faced with a strong susceptibility not only of their psyche, but also of their body. Skin itching can occur in them at any period of gestation. Regardless of why it appears, this symptom causes a lot of inconvenience and requires immediate action. The problem is that in pregnant women, many signs are eliminated exclusively by sparing methods.

Why does itching occur during pregnancy?

Itching during pregnancy can be normal. It is explained by hormonal changes in the expectant mother, which make her body an ideal "incubator" for the fetus. Estrogens produced in the female body affect the functioning of all its systems. The skin becomes drier and more sensitive, it reacts sensitively to any irritants and, at the very beginning of gestation, it can itch for completely different reasons.

With the development of pregnancy, discomfort can either increase or disappear completely. For all women, this happens in different ways: for some, the whole body itches, for others, discomfort is localized in a particular place. Most often, pregnant women are concerned about discomfort in the abdomen, chest and perineum.

In the early stages

In the 1st trimester, the culprit of all the troubles of the expectant mother is toxicosis. Due to the fact that a lot of “garbage” is thrown into the blood, a woman develops itching, which is most felt in places where the epidermis is thinnest.

Another physiological reason that the skin itches is its dryness. This is normal if there are no rashes on it.

In the first months of bearing a baby, a common cause of itchy skin is increased sweating. Under the influence of hormones, a woman begins to sweat more than before. The skin is not used to this, therefore it reacts with irritation and itches where moisture accumulates: in the armpits, under the breasts, in the crotch area, etc.

Itching in the abdomen and chest in pregnant women in the 1st trimester is explained by the processes occurring inside the abdominal cavity and mammary glands. When a woman begins to itch her nipples and the skin around them, her breasts are preparing for the start of lactation.

If the expectant mother has cracks on her skin, her legs and arms begin to itch, she may not have enough vitamins A and E in her body. Vitamin E deficiency is dangerous for the fetus, so it is often prescribed to pregnant women.

At a later date

The skin can itch even in the later stages of bearing a baby (for more details, see the article: the stomach itches in late pregnancy). In the 3rd trimester, many expectant mothers complain of itching in the abdomen and the appearance of stretch marks. Stretch marks are often accompanied by very severe itching, causing discomfort to a woman.

The cause of discomfort in the last months of bearing a baby is often the weight gained by the mother. The epidermis is stretched, not having time to adapt to the new size of the body, and itches.

In the 3rd trimester, the expectant mother sometimes begins to itch the body due to nervous strain. In this case, the itching is not very pronounced, but manifests itself to a greater extent during the appearance of thoughts about the upcoming birth. Especially sensitive women who are very worried about how they will cope in one of the most difficult moments in their lives should definitely take soothing teas for pregnant women. As a rule, such remedies well relieve itching of different localization.

Pathological processes accompanied by itching and accompanying symptoms

In most cases, not very pronounced itching during the bearing of a baby is a normal phenomenon that goes away on its own. If the condition is accompanied by a rash on the skin, a change in body temperature and other signs, it is associated with some kind of pathology. Pathological causes of itching in a future mother may be as follows:

Localization of itching

The skin of pregnant women may itch in different places, depending on the cause of the discomfort. For example, the presence of fungal infections explains why the skin of the legs itches. Hormonal changes are responsible for discomfort in the abdomen and chest during pregnancy. With varicose veins, the legs often itch. Itching throughout the body is less common and, as a rule, is a sign of pathological processes in the body.

Diagnostic methods

To determine exactly why the expectant mother suffers from itching of different parts of the body in early and late pregnancy, the doctor needs to collect a complete history of the disorder. He conducts a visual examination, allowing him to understand if there are signs of irritation on the skin.

If there are visible lesions, a scraping is taken from them. If the skin itches without rashes, additional examinations are prescribed - blood and urine tests, ultrasound of internal organs.

How to get rid of itching during pregnancy, depending on its causes?

Discomfort caused by an internal disease should only be treated in a hospital. Serious disorders of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, causing itching of the body, pose a clear threat to the health of the fetus, so treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

If itching appeared as a side reaction of bearing a baby, you can use various methods to deal with it. The main thing is that they cannot harm the child.

Conservative therapy

Doctors recommend removing the sensation of skin itching with the help of regular hygiene. Expectant mothers need a shower or bath at a comfortable water temperature. In no case should it be hot - this will increase the discomfort. For washing, it is desirable to use hypoallergenic products. After taking a shower, it is useful to apply baby cream to the skin.

With skin itching caused by skin diseases, a special ointment is prescribed, which relieves discomfort. For example, Fenistil Gel helps with allergies.

Many mothers who complain of itchy skin suffered from dermatological disorders even before pregnancy. They are accustomed to using certain medicinal ointments and creams for treatment. To make sure that the product does not harm the baby when used during gestation, you must first consult with a gynecologist. Knowing about the propensity of your body to such reactions, the use of drugs for internal and external use should be discussed with the obstetrician in the early stages, until the disease has worsened.

Folk remedies

Many women who are contraindicated in pharmaceutical ointments for itching are helped out by traditional medicine recipes. All of them are safe for the expectant mother and quickly relieve skin irritation:

  1. A warm bath with a decoction of chamomile or string. To prepare it, you need to boil 100 g of herbs in 3 liters of water, let the broth cool and pour it into the prepared bath. Sitting in such a therapeutic mixture should be at least 15 minutes.
  2. Oatmeal compress. Such a procedure should be carried out with the addition of kefir or yogurt to the flakes. It is recommended to apply a compress for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Cabbage leaf. When itching, it is recommended to make lotions from a cabbage leaf soaked in apple cider vinegar. If you need to remove the sensation of itching from the area where there are cracks, the application should be done without the use of vinegar. Cabbage leaf must be kneaded in the hands before use.

Is it possible to prevent itching during pregnancy?

Preventive measures that can prevent dermatological problems during pregnancy:

Itching- This is a painful sensation that is caused by constant irritation of the nerve endings and is manifested by a strong need to comb the skin and mucous membranes.

Information During pregnancy, many women complain of frequent skin itching (especially of the skin of the abdomen and chest), which gives them considerable discomfort. Itching can be constant or appear from time to time, intensify in the evening and at night or disturb throughout the day, manifest itself or be a symptom of another disease.

Causes of skin itching

TO main reasons include:

  1. Rapid belly growth and breast augmentation. In the second half of pregnancy, the skin begins to quickly stretch, ruptures of connective tissue fibers occur, and there is a constant desire to comb the skin. Especially the itching intensifies in the evening and at night;
  2. Allergic reactions And. An allergen can be new hygiene products, plant pollen, food products, etc. In addition to itching, allergies are characterized by redness, swelling, and rashes;
  3. Excessive sweating. If the rules of hygiene are neglected, sweat can accumulate in the folds of the body and cause itching;
  4. cholestasis pregnant women (disorders of the liver and biliary tract caused by hormonal changes). Cholestasis is characterized by severe itching and redness of the palms and feet, then it can spread to other parts of the body;
  5. Diabetes;
  6. Dermatoses of pregnant women as a manifestation of rare types of toxicosis. This is a group of skin diseases that appear only during pregnancy. Itching of pregnant women is more common, which spreads throughout the body and leads to a deterioration in general well-being, irritability, and insomnia. Less common are eczema, manifested by severe itching, burning and the presence of rashes on the skin;
  7. Jaundice in pregnancy(also a rare type of toxicosis). It is characterized by liver damage, icteric staining of the skin, severe itching;

Important In any case, you should not try to independently determine the cause of the itching, and even more so self-medicate. At the first sign of itching, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment of itching during pregnancy

Skin itching treatment primarily aimed at eliminating the cause that caused the appearance of this symptom. Until then, you can use methods to temporarily relieve itching Or at least make it easier:

  1. Ventilate and humidify the room regularly. The room should be cool (no more than 18 degrees Celsius) to avoid excessive sweating;
  2. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. It is recommended to take a warm or contrast shower several times a day;
  3. Wash itchy areas regularly decoctions of medicinal herbs (calamus, chamomile, tricolor violet, string) or a weak solution of baking soda;
  4. Apply regularly with chamomile and duckweed. Herbs must be ground to a mushy state, put on an itchy area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and covered with a gauze napkin. The procedure is performed 2 times a day for several hours.

These methods will help relieve itching for a short time. The main thing is still the treatment of the underlying disease.

With the manifestation of itching as a symptom allergic reaction it is important, first of all, to identify and eliminate the effect of the allergen, often after that the itching immediately stops. Self-administration is strictly prohibited, treatment should be prescribed only by an allergist.

With diabetes blood sugar must be strictly controlled. Additional insulin may be needed. Treatment should take place under the constant supervision of an endocrinologist.

With dermatoses of pregnant women a woman is usually recommended inpatient treatment. Assign a sparing diet with the exception of spicy and salty dishes, smoked meats. Lotions with a solution of potassium permanganate are applied locally to the affected areas. To reduce itching and burning, vitamin therapy, calcium preparations are prescribed.

At cholestasis of pregnancy treatment should be carried out only in a hospital. Prescribe drugs to improve the outflow of bile (,) and hepatoprotectors to maintain liver functions (Karsil, Essentiale).

Jaundice in pregnancy(a rare type of toxicosis) is an extremely dangerous disease and threatens the health and life of a woman. When a diagnosis is made, a pregnant woman is urgently hospitalized and the pregnancy is terminated at any time.

Prevention of itching

Skin itching gives a pregnant woman a lot of unpleasant moments, affects her well-being, worsens sleep. Treatment is not always effective and itching may often recur. For this reason, it is extremely important to directly preventive actions:

  • Weight control. With excessive or uneven weight gain, there is a greater chance of stretching the skin and the appearance of stretch marks, which leads to itching;
  • Follow hygiene rules. You should take a warm shower (not hot) at least once a day, taking it during pregnancy is contraindicated;
  • Avoid dry skin. After water procedures, be sure to apply lotion or body cream to the skin;
  • Massage with alternating strokes and rubbing. It helps well as a prophylactic against the appearance of stretch marks, and, accordingly, the occurrence of skin itching;
  • Give preference clothing made from natural fabrics(cotton, wool, linen).


If you feel that the body itches during pregnancy - you should not be surprised. Almost all women during this period develop itching of a different nature, depending on the nature of its origin. Itching can be triggered by causes not related to pregnancy, but sometimes a specific trimester becomes the cause.

Common Causes of Itching Not Related to Pregnancy

Not necessarily all causes associated with the prenatal period. If before pregnancy a woman suffered from skin diseases or allergies (both permanent and seasonal), then in an “interesting position” the situation will not change in any way.

Allergy. Anything can trigger an allergy.

For each person, the allergen is individual and affects differently. An allergy manifests itself in the form of reddening of the skin and rashes that constantly itch. There may also be a runny nose and tearing. To help yourself with allergies to a pregnant woman, you first need to get rid of the allergen. It is good if you know about allergies in advance and already know what to do when it appears. In position, it is not recommended to use a new washing powder and try unusual products, because they can cause scabies.

Skin diseases. Such diseases include eczema, dermatitis, skin fungus, and so on. Perhaps the problem was present even before the conception of the baby. Skin diseases are characterized not only by rashes, but also by flaking of the skin.

Body itching in the first trimester

In the first trimester, the hormonal background changes, which can affect the occurrence of itching. The main reason for its appearance with a change in hormonal levels is estrogen. It begins to increase even during the journey of a fertilized egg to the uterus. It is this hormone that provides softening of the walls of the uterus before the introduction of the egg, and also with its help the mammary glands increase. In a normal amount, estrogen does not cause inconvenience, but with its excess, the body can itch during early pregnancy. Regular tests that are carried out for all pregnant women help keep the level of this hormone within limits.

Itching of the body in the second and third trimester

Skin stretch

In the second trimester, itching of the skin appears due to rapid weight gain. If a woman does not gain her personal mass, only the growing belly, chest and hips will itch. A rapidly growing fetus and enlarged mammary glands greatly stretch the skin, from which the body will often itch.

In late pregnancy, stretch marks can appear not only on the abdomen and breasts, but also on the hips, because they diverge in preparation for childbirth. If the body itches during pregnancy, special creams will help to increase skin elasticity.

Violation of internal organs

Often at the turn of the second and third trimester appears cholestasis. The reason for this is the hormone estrogen, which has risen too high. The work of the liver and biliary tract is disrupted. It can be identified by itching of the feet and palms. Itching begins in the evening and ends only in the morning, characterized as a burning sensation. If itching is left untreated, scabies spreads throughout the body.

In the case of cholestasis, self-treatment should not be allowed, only qualified medical assistance is needed. The disease in a neglected state is dangerous for the life of the child, since the excess bile produced corrodes the wall of the placenta, which is why it poorly transfers oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. The baby will feel oxygen starvation, from which he may die.

With hepatitis and diabetes, there is also a strong obsessive scabies. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor, undergo a series of studies and tests. If the theory is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe an adequate treatment that is most suitable for pregnant women.

Strong sweating

One of the most common problems in the third trimester is excessive sweating. Especially in the summer, salt accumulates between the skin folds, which greatly irritates the skin and causes itching. What can be done if body itching during pregnancy is caused by sweating?

  1. Frequent shower. If there is a problem with sweating, frequent showers are a must.
  2. Wear only natural clothes. Synthetic clothing does not allow air to pass through, which makes the body feel like in a steam room. During pregnancy, you can not wear clothes even with a small percentage of synthetics. Only pure and natural fabric!

How does scabies affect the unborn baby?

Basically, itching does not bring the child any discomfort, if it is not a disease of the internal organs. Scabies caused by other reasons can only irritate the expectant mother herself. But with lack of sleep, irritability and bad mood, a woman will be more vulnerable to viral infections and colds. Given that many drugs cannot be taken during pregnancy, it will be more difficult to recover. It is better not to leave the issue of body itching for later, but immediately seek advice from your observing doctor and dermatologist.

Skin itching during pregnancy is not a very common phenomenon. Most often, the skin begins to itch unbearably (as after mosquito bites) in the evening, closer to night, which can provoke insomnia and generally worsen a woman’s mood. Usually itching does not harm the baby and goes away after childbirth. However, it is still worth consulting with a gynecologist and dermatologist.

What does it come from?

The cause of itching during pregnancy in most cases is a violation of the liver: the production and outflow of bile, a general increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood. This is due to a hormonal failure in the body of the expectant mother - a violation of estrogen synthesis, as well as due to fetal pressure on the bile ducts. Fatty acids produced in large quantities enter the woman's skin with the bloodstream and irritate the nerve endings, causing excruciating itching. Similar phenomena associated with stagnation of bile in the body can make themselves felt in the third trimester of pregnancy. Sometimes itching is accompanied by such dangerous diseases as diabetes mellitus.

Who is predisposed?

Itching during pregnancy is usually observed in women with chronic diseases of the biliary tract and with high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Such future mothers need to regularly (at least once a month) do a biochemical blood test to exclude toxic effects on liver cells.

How to fight?

A pregnant woman should tell her gynecologist about the discomfort associated with skin itching. In some cases, itching can be a sign of the development of such a dangerous disease as hepatitis. The doctor will conduct appropriate examinations. If, according to an objective examination, itching does not pose any danger, it is often possible to get rid of discomfort by simply following a diet aimed at lowering cholesterol levels, limiting the intake of fatty, spicy and salty foods that prevent the liver from coping with the function of bile secretion, as well as drinking plenty of water - it is necessary to eliminate dry skin. If the diet does not help, the doctor may prescribe choleretic drugs suitable for pregnant women.

It is important to find the cause of the bothersome itching, excluding a whole group of skin diseases that can occur during pregnancy.

Itching in the abdomen and chest

This itch is worth mentioning separately. As a rule, the skin on the abdomen or chest itches in the second and third trimesters due to its stretching, because it is these parts of the body that increase in volume during pregnancy. In this case, it is very important not to scratch the skin - this will lead to the appearance of stretch marks, which, unlike itching, will not go away after childbirth. Regularly use moisturizing creams, special products for stretch marks, do a light massage of the chest and abdomen with circular movements of your fingers and do not take hot showers.

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