How the subconscious mind works during sleep. How the subconscious works in a dream or why I don’t believe in prophetic dreams

What is the meaning of this nightly failure of meaning? All these questions were answered by Vladimir Kovalzon, Doctor of Biological Sciences, chief researcher at the Institute of Ecology and Evolution. A. N. Severtsova.

More than 3,000 years ago, scientists Ancient India intuitively came to the conclusion that the soul can be in three states: waking, dreamless sleep and dreaming - a unique state that is unlike anything else.

Until the 19th century, European science argued that sleep is an analogue of death. According to Europeans, at night the soul flies out of the body and performs all those feats that we perceive in the morning as a dream. There were a lot of superstitions that called for sleeping children to close their mouths, otherwise their souls would fly out and not find their way home. One of the superstitions was, I must say, very pleasant: they tried not to wake up sleeping people, so that they would not inadvertently wake up without a soul.

But in the 20th century, science put everything in its place. The Hindus were right! Throughout our lives, our brain never stops functioning for a second. It just works, as the Indians said, in three different modes: wakefulness, dreamless sleep and dreaming sleep. While living only in a coma or under anesthesia, this work can be temporarily suspended. Or after death - forever.

Sleep recording

Unfortunately, it is still impossible to record the dream that a person sees and release this “movie” for distribution. Or better yet, a collection of TOP 100 craziest dreams! But no. For now, we can only record how the brain works during sleep. This is done using a positron emission tomography (PET) or functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machine.

The devices record which areas of the brain are activated at which times of sleep. If during the period of slow sleep the activity of all zones is moderate, then by the REM sleep phase the cortical zones responsible for vision (we see a picture) and emotions (we actively experience joy, sadness, excitement, disappointment, etc.) wake up. At the same time, the areas of the cortex responsible for feeling yourself and controlling your own actions are completely disabled.

How did this happen?

How did a person learn to “turn on” such an exciting movie at night? And why do we need this? Scientists put forward many theories. One of them is neurocognitive. at the moment leading in popularity. It says: the ability to dream is a random collision of two evolutionary streams.

First - . After all, in the process of evolution of species, sleep evolved along with them. Animals sleep differently than we do: humans spend 20-25% of their total sleep in REM sleep, ferrets spend 40% of their time in REM sleep, and dolphins and eared seals generally sleep with one hemisphere of the brain, while the other is awake.

The second branch of evolution is the evolution of our four-dimensional images. We are accustomed to thinking that we live in a three-dimensional world, but there is also time - and this fourth dimension in dreams is very important.

And when we reached a certain level of development in the ability to sleep and the ability to perceive four-dimensional images - bang! These two skills collided, and the brain began to turn on at night to show us movies.

What's the point?

The question has been troubling humanity since ancient times. And since that time, there has been a certain set of people who make money from this fortune-telling. Dig on the Internet and get a bunch of new knowledge: you dreamed about the sea - you get pregnant, you dreamed about a spider - expect guests... Is this true?

Psychologists have been studying this problem for a long time. One of the most radical dream interpreters was Freud. His interpretations of what his patients dreamed cannot always be retold in polite society.

According to modern science, Freud was absolutely right that our subconscious, with the help of images, communicates to us (consciousness) its impressions of life.

Everything that we have ever seen, heard or felt is stored in our subconscious, although we have already forgotten about it a hundred times. Oddly enough, events that amazed, shocked, or still torment us with their unresolved nature can also be blocked in the subconscious. If, with the help of a competent psychologist or psychotherapist, you decipher these “letters” from the subconscious, you can get rid of many complexes, fears and anxieties.

Freud was wrong in that he tried to interpret images in relation to all people on the planet. In fact, dreams are individual, each has its own system of images.

AiF "PRO Health" recommends: books by Michel Jouvet "Castle of Dreams" (Vek-2 publishing house, Fryazino, 2006) and "Dream Thief" (Vremya publishing house, M., 2008), works of art, written by one of the leading French sleepologists - scientists who reveal the mystery of sleep, as well as the recently published popular science book “Sleep” by Peter Sporck (publishing house “BINOM - Laboratory of Knowledge”, M., 2011).

Sleep speed

– This is the phase of sleep characterized by active brain activity. One of the signs of REM sleep is rapid movements of the eyeballs (hence the name of this phase). In 1953, Nathaniel Kleitman and Eugene Aserinsky from the University of Chicago proved that REM sleep is directly related to dreaming - it is in this state that we watch our exciting night movies.

REM sleep accounts for 20-25% of total night sleep. It alternates with slow-wave sleep, when brain activity is minimal. During the night, the cycle of fast-slow sleep is repeated 4-6 times. With each repetition, the duration of the REM sleep phase increases. Thus, the first phase of REM sleep at night lasts 10-15 minutes, and by the morning it can reach 40 minutes.

Those that you dream about at night during REM sleep, as a rule, are not remembered. But if you sleep too long, the REM sleep phase lengthens, and dreams become viscous and painful. These are the ones we, as a rule, remember.


Quick sleep for life...

American scientists conducted a cruel but revealing experiment. They put the rats on a carousel, which, with its non-stop movement, completely deprived the animals of the REM sleep phase. At the same time, thanks to humane and careful “inhibition,” the rats did not experience stress. Two weeks later, the rats developed an autoimmune disease, leading to sepsis - blood poisoning. The animals died calm. Simply from the lack of REM sleep, they started a self-destruction program.

...or for depression?

Danish scientists have developed a non-drug treatment for depression. A person goes to the hospital, where he is woken up at a certain time at night, thus depriving him of the REM phase of sleep. Plus, the person is irradiated with light of an individually selected spectrum. And voila – no more depression! The fact is that depression (even clinical depression, in which a person physically cannot feel happy because he does not produce enough of the “joy hormone” serotonin) is directly related to the REM sleep phase. No REM sleep - no depression. Therefore, most strong antidepressants deprive a person of REM sleep.

A person can die without REM sleep, or they can live happily ever after, having recovered from depression. This is why REM sleep is also called paradoxical sleep.

Every day you spend about eight hours, or a third of your entire life, sleeping. This is an immutable law of our life. It applies to both the animal and plant worlds. Sleep is a divine law, and very often we find answers to problems that concern us precisely while we sleep.

Many have defended the theory that during the day we accumulate fatigue and we need to go to sleep in order for the body to rest, and that during sleep the process of restoration of strength occurs. This is wrong. Nothing rests during sleep. While you sleep, your heart, lungs and all the vital organs of the body continue to function. If you eat before going to bed, it means your stomach is working, food is being digested and absorbed. The skin glands produce sweat, and your nails and hair continue to grow.

Your subconscious never rests or sleeps. It is always active and controls all vital forces. The process of recovery and wound healing occurs much faster during sleep, since there is no interference from the conscious mind. In a dream, you receive wonderful answers to all the questions that concern you.

Why do we sleep

Dr. John Biglow, a renowned authority on sleep research, has shown that while you sleep at night, you experience a variety of experiences that indicate your active work nerves of the eyes, ears, nose and sense of touch, and your entire brain continues to be active. The scientist argued that the main reason for sleep is the need for “the nobler part of the soul to unite with the abstractness of our higher essence and join in the wisdom and foresight of the gods.”

Dr. Biglow further states: “The results of my research not only strengthened the conviction that the supposed rest from the day's work and worries is not the main purpose of sleep, but also clarified more clearly my conviction that no aspect of human life deserves such attention to its symmetrical and impeccable spiritual development than the period of time when a person sleeps.”

Prayer as a form of sleep

Your conscious mind is involved in everyday irritations, strife and troubles, and therefore it is imperative to periodically remove yourself from the flow of information received through the senses from our objective world in order to silently join the inner wisdom of your subconscious. There you will receive guidance, strength and mental enlightenment for all occasions and will be able to overcome all difficulties and solve everyday problems.

Such a regular departure from the world of sensations, noise and turmoil everyday life is also a form of sleep, that is, you fall asleep to the world of feelings and come alive to the world of wisdom and power of your subconscious.

Negative effects of insomnia

Lack of sleep can make a person feel irritable and depressed. Dr. George Stevenson, of the National Association for Mental Health, says: “I can say with absolute certainty that all people need at least six hours of sleep to stay healthy. Most people need more sleep. Anyone who thinks that they can limit themselves to shorter sleep is deceiving themselves.”

Medical scientists involved in sleep research indicate that severe insomnia is very often preceded by a nervous breakdown. Remember that during sleep you are spiritually recharged and normal sleep is very important for restoring vitality, activity and vigor.

You need more sleep

Robert O'Brien, in his article “Maybe You Need More Sleep,” published in a special edition of The Reader's Digest newspaper, reports on the following experiment to study sleep patterns.

Within three recent years sleep experiments were conducted at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Scientific Research in Washington. More than a hundred military and civilian volunteers abstained from sleep for four days. During all this time, thousands of tests were carried out on them, recording the impact of prolonged abstinence from sleep on their behavior. As a result of these studies, scientists have obtained a stunning picture of the mysterious world of sleep.

They now know that a tired brain is so desperate for sleep that it will sacrifice anything to get it. After just a few hours of missed sleep time, every three or four hours a person begins to fall asleep with fleeting, rapid “dips,” or microsleeps. As in a real dream, during these short intervals the eyelids drooped, the eyes closed, and the heartbeat slowed down. Each “failure” lasted only a fraction of a second. Sometimes these were periods of complete emptiness of consciousness, sometimes they were filled with images, whispers, dreams. As the hours of missed sleep accumulated, the lapses occurred more frequently and lasted longer—two to three seconds. Even if the test subjects were at the controls of an airliner in a thunderstorm, they still could not resist microsleep in those few precious seconds. This can happen to you too: after all, how often do people fall asleep while driving a car!

Another stunning effect of sleep deprivation was the disruption of human memory and perception. Many of the sleep-deprived subjects were unable to retain information long enough to use it to complete a task. People were completely disoriented in situations that required them to hold several factors in their minds at once, the ability to analyze them and take action on them, as a pilot must do when he skillfully integrates in his mind the direction of the wind, its speed, altitude and the angle of descent of the aircraft to perform a safe landing.

A young woman from Los Angeles who listens to my morning radio talk told me that she was once offered a lucrative position in New York City with a salary that was twice her current salary. She hesitated whether or not to accept this offer, and before going to bed she prayed: “The creative intelligence of my subconscious mind knows what is best for me. Its aspirations are always life-affirming, and it will tell me the right decision, which will benefit me and everyone concerned. I give thanks for the answer that I know will come to me.”

She repeated this simple prayer over and over again like a lullaby before going to sleep, and in the morning she woke up feeling completely sure that she should not accept this offer. She turned it down, and a subsequent event confirmed that her decision was correct, because within a few months that company went bankrupt.

The conscious mind can only judge correctly about objectively known facts. In the case of this woman, the intuition of her subconscious noticed the unstable position of the company and suggested the correct answer to her.

Saved from trouble

I would like to illustrate how the wisdom of the subconscious mind can advise you during sleep and protect you if you ask for guidance.

Many years ago, before the Second World War, I was offered a very profitable post in the East. I prayed for guidance and the right decision: “The infinite intelligence present in the depths of my consciousness knows everything, and the right decision will be revealed to me by divine means. I'll know the answer when it comes."

I repeated this simple prayer before going to bed many times, like lullaby song, and in my dream I saw a clear picture of the events that were to happen in three years. An old friend appeared in front of me and told me: “Read this and don’t go there!” The large newspaper headlines that I saw in my dream then reported about the war and the attack on the port of Pearl Harbor.

Sometimes the author of these lines sees prophetic dreams. That dream, without any doubt, is a re-enactment in the subconscious of events transmitted to me through a person whom I trusted and respected. For some people, a warning may come in the form of a mother appearing in a dream. She will advise this person not to do this and that, not to go there and there, and explain the reason. Your subconscious knows everything about everything. Sometimes it speaks to you only in a voice that your conscious mind immediately perceives as trustworthy. Sometimes your subconscious mind warns you in the voice of your mother or loved one, which can make you suddenly stop on the road, only to find out that if you took one more step, an object falling from the window would hit you on the head. My subconscious mind is one with the universal subconscious mind, and it knew that the Japanese were already making a war plan, and also knew when this war was supposed to begin.

Dr. Rhine, director of the Department of Psychology at Duke University, has collected an incredible amount of evidence demonstrating the ability of so many people around the world to see events before they happen. Consequently, in many cases they can avoid the tragic events clearly foreseen in the dream.

In my dream, I saw the headlines of the New York Times newspaper three years before the tragedy at Pearl Harbor. After this dream, I immediately abandoned my trip to the East, as I felt a subconscious urge to do just that. Three years later, World War II proved the truth of the intuitive predictions of my inner voice.

Your future is in your subconscious

Remember that the future, being the result of a habitual way of thinking, already exists in your mind, but you can change it with your prayer. The future of an entire country similarly resides in the collective subconscious of the people of that nation. And there was nothing strange in that dream of mine when I saw the headlines of the New York newspapers long before the war began: the war had already taken place in the mind, and all the plans of attack were already imprinted on that huge recording instrument called the subconscious mind or the collective subconscious of the universal mind. Tomorrow's events are already in your subconscious. The events of the next week, next month are also there, and they can be seen by a medium, a person with a subtle psyche, or a clairvoyant.

No misfortune or tragedy will happen to you if you pray. Nothing in this world is predetermined. Your mental attitude, that is, the way you think, feel, faith and beliefs determine your destiny. Through scientific prayer, as already explained in the previous chapter, you can formulate, shape and create your own future. What goes around comes around.

A short afternoon nap earned him $15,000

Three or four years ago, one of my students mailed me a newspaper clipping about a man named Ray Hammerstrom, a steel mill worker in Pittsburgh, part of the Jones and Loughlin Steel Corporation. He received $15,000 for his dream.

The article reported that engineers were unable to repair a faulty switch on a new rolling mill that controlled the flow of rolled stock to cooling units. Engineers have tried many times to fix this switch without success.

Hammerstrom thought about this problem for a long time and tried to develop a new, reliable switch, but nothing worked. One afternoon he lay down to sleep for a few minutes and before going to bed he started thinking about the switch again. In his dream, he saw the impeccable design of the new device. Waking up, he quickly sketched out this new project according to what I saw in my dream.

That afternoon nap earned Hammerstrom a check for $15,000, the largest reward the firm had ever given to an employee for a new idea.

A famous professor solved his problem in a dream

Dr. Helpprecht, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania and an expert on ancient Assyria, wrote the following: “One Saturday evening I was trying to the point of exhaustion to decipher the meaning of two small fragments of agate that were supposed to have once adorned the rings of the Babylonians. It was already approaching midnight when I, absolutely tired and exhausted, went to bed, and I had the following remarkable dream: a tall, thin priest from Nippur, who looked to be about forty years old, led me into the treasury of the temple - a small room with low ceilings and no windows. Pieces of agate and lapis lazuli lay everywhere on the floor. Here the priest addressed me with the following words: “Those two fragments, the description of which you gave on pages 22 and 26, are part of a single whole and were never in rings. The first two jewelry served as earrings for a statue of a god, and both fragments that are with you, are part of these earrings. If you put them together, you will be convinced of the truth of my words." I woke up immediately. To my amazement, the pieces actually fit together. Finally, my problem was solved."

As you can see, this example clearly demonstrates the creative power of the subconscious mind, which knew the answer to all its questions.

How the subconscious worked for the famous writer during sleep

Robert Louis Stevenson, in one of his books Across the Plains, devoted an entire chapter to dreams. He always had very clear dreams and developed the habit of giving his subconscious some specific tasks every night before going to bed. He used to ask his subconscious mind to come up with stories for him while he slept. Sometimes Stevenson ran out of money, and he commanded his subconscious something like: “Give me a good, exciting novel that would sell easily and profitably.” And his subconscious gave him a great answer.

Sleep well and wake up in joy

Those suffering from insomnia will find the following prayer very effective. Repeat it slowly, calmly and lovingly before going to bed: “The muscles of my feet are relaxed, my legs are relaxed, my abdominal muscles are relaxed, the rhythm of my heartbeat is even, my breathing is calm, the muscles of my arms and neck are relaxed, I am absolutely calm, my facial muscles are relaxed, my eyes are relaxed. , my whole body and mind are completely relaxed. I don’t hold a grudge against anyone and forgive everyone everything and sincerely wish harmony, health, peace, tranquility and all the blessings of life. I am calm, my mind is clear. I am completely safe and at peace of mind. Silence envelops me and my whole being calms as I become aware of the Divine Presence within me. Understanding life and love heal me. I wrap myself in the mantle of love and fall asleep, full of good feelings. Throughout the night I am in complete peace, and in the morning I wake up filled with life and love. A circle of love is drawn around me. I am not afraid of vice, because You are with me. I sleep in peace and awaken in joy, and in Him I live, move and abide.”

Briefly, what you should remember

  1. If you are afraid of oversleeping, tell your subconscious mind before going to bed the exact time you need to get up, and it will wake you up. He doesn't need a watch. Do the same when solving all your problems. There are no tasks too difficult for the subconscious.
  2. Your subconscious never sleeps. It's always at work. It controls all your vital functions. Forgive yourself and everyone before going to bed, and the process of recovery and wound healing will happen much faster.
  3. During sleep you receive instructions, sometimes in the form of dreams. Healing currents are released, and in the morning you feel fresh and rejuvenated.
  4. If you are upset by the troubles and problems of the day, calm your mind and think about the wisdom and intelligence inherent in your subconscious mind, ready to answer you. This will give you a feeling of peace, strength and confidence.
  5. Sleep is a vital element for peace of mind and a healthy body. Lack of sleep can cause irritability, depression and mental distress. You need to sleep at least eight hours a night.
  6. Medical scientists indicate that insomnia is preceded by a nervous disorder.
  7. During sleep, you are spiritually recharged. Normal sleep is very important for a joyful and fulfilling life.
  8. Your tired brain is so hungry for sleep that it will sacrifice anything to get it. This can be evidenced by many of those who have fallen asleep while driving a car.
  9. Many insomniacs or sleep-deprived people have bad memory and are incorrectly oriented in events and time. They are completely confused and disoriented.
  10. While you sleep you get wise advice. Before you fall asleep, tell yourself that the infinite intelligence of your subconscious mind guides and guides you. After that, wait for a response.
  11. Trust your subconscious completely. Know that it is always life-affirming. Sometimes your subconscious mind can give you the answer in the form of a very vivid dream. In a dream, you may receive the same warning that the author of this book received at one time.
  12. The future is already in your consciousness now. It is based on your habitual way of thinking and beliefs. Constantly tell yourself that the infinite intelligence is guiding and guiding you, that all the blessings of life belong to you and your future will be wonderful. Believe it and accept it. Expect only the best and surely only the best will come to you.
  13. If you are writing a story, play or book or working on an invention, go to your subconscious at night and boldly say that its intelligence, wisdom and power guide you, guide you and reveal to you the plot of the ideal play, story or book or the perfect solution to any problem. If you pray in this way, wonderful things will happen in your life.

Many people do not deny the fact of the existence of a subconscious system and its use in the process of life. Some even attribute the roughness of their character to the game of the subconscious. But the actual state of affairs suggests that if a person finds willpower in himself and learns to manage his inner world, then inevitable success in life awaits him. Every person needs to learn to control subconscious processes, because it is then that the mind, and not emotions and feelings, will control life. All decisions will be made harmoniously. So, in order to understand how to control the subconscious, you need to understand the basic facts.

What is the subconscious?

The subconscious is not a fictitious concept. This is a very real component of the human body, which is considered even in medicine. It is what helps a person navigate certain life situations. Some people confuse the subconscious with intuition. Throughout his life, a person accumulates a lot of information in his subconscious, which is acquired through the experience of life. Certain thoughts create habits or encourage a person to take some actions, sometimes actions that are unusual for him.

Habits acquired in this way are called psychological skills. They are instilled in a person by parents, acquaintances, and personal experience. Thanks to this, a personality is subsequently formed with his own unique view of the world around him. It is this fact that explains the diversity of opinions and characters of people.

The subconscious doesn't regenerate new ideas or anything like that. The whole point is that a person creates his own subconscious information. Thoughts, feelings, subconscious - in this order the transfer of information occurs. Thus, everything that is reproduced in a person’s thoughts becomes part of the inner world. People program themselves. This quality can be used for yourself with incredible benefit, but otherwise you can get the opposite negative effect. The accumulation of this information is also influenced by the external environment, so a person must carefully select his social circle so as not to subsequently become part of a not entirely favorable company people. Subconscious attitudes are not so easy to change. Although there are certain techniques that help completely eliminate negative programs.

The initial task of the subconscious is to systematize and filter out unnecessary information. The choice, so to speak, of a rational grain. This happens in the process of transforming thoughts into visual images. The subconscious mind helps a person achieve his programmed goals, which will help him achieve success and accomplish certain desired tasks. The power of the subconscious is quite a powerful thing, which can make a person more resistant to difficulties, thereby making life’s journey easier.

But, despite a number of such positive and important properties for a person, not everyone can use such skills rationally. This suggests that with his thoughts a person can program his subconscious for negative phenomena, which can subsequently lead to disastrous results. That is why it is important to monitor not only your actions, but also your thoughts. Psychologists recommend thinking positively.

If a person constantly thinks that, for example, he cannot start a family. After some time, thoughts move to the programming stage and the person’s desire to have his own family completely disappears. And already in progress serious relationship he avoids his family, psychologically alienating his partner.
This is how, with simple actions, a person can harm himself and completely destroy his life.

Functions of the subconscious

For many, it will be a discovery that the work of the human body is determined by the functions of the subconscious. For a more visual representation, the human body can be compared to some kind of large production facility that employs a huge number of people. Thus, the subconscious is the large working class that carries out the necessary processes for the normal functioning of the enterprise. Consciousness and subconsciousness are in close cooperation. The role of consciousness is to set global goals, that is, it is the director of the enterprise.

In addition, you can find other ways of comparison. For example, human body in its properties it can be similar to a kind of computer. The human consciousness acts as a kind of programmer who is able to install certain programs and other components for the normal operation of the machine. But the subconscious mind ensures the operation of these programs, their reliability and the precise execution of the necessary tasks. Only when consciousness and subconscious form a harmonious tandem can a person be happy.

The functions of the subconscious mind are quite simple to understand. They are, first of all, aimed at systematizing and storing the necessary information in the human brain. If you develop his capabilities, you can come to the conclusion that it is simply unrealistic to limit them; a person can remember everything he needs. It is a known fact that by the 21st year of life an individual is able to accumulate an incredible amount of information in his head, which is several hundred times greater than the volume of the large Encyclopedia Britannica. But the problem is that many do not know how to use this gift of nature and how to apply this or that knowledge at the right time. Working with the subconscious can take a person to a different level of life.

Scientists have conducted studies in which they have found that a person in a state of hypnosis can depict any events in his life in great detail. But older people can even tell what happened 50 years ago, and the details will not be omitted. Such an experiment once again proves that the human brain is limitless and has amazing capabilities. All the secrets of the subconscious have not been fully revealed, but some points have already been studied.

The presence of such a thing is quite simply explainable. The brain contains a huge amount of information thanks to processes occurring at the subconscious level. In addition, a large number of variable actions are constantly taking place in the brain, for example, rewriting information, building logical chains. Unfortunately, man has not yet reached the point of managing such phenomena. This is quite simple to explain, because the process of assimilation of information and its systematization has not yet been fully studied. All the secrets of the subconscious have not yet been revealed.

The process of subconscious transformations is very complex. One of the most important functions is a homeostatic process. For example, this includes human body temperature. It is the subconscious that maintains it at a level of 36.6. The subconscious mind controls the process of breathing and heartbeat. Thanks to this, a person is maintained in a normal and stable state. The nervous system operates autonomously, supporting chemical metabolism and many other processes. Thanks to such well-functioning work, the body feels comfortable and continues its vital functions.

The balance of the body is maintained by other functions; this also happens in the sphere of thinking. Your subconscious mind has the ability to remember the most comfortable conditions you have ever experienced. Based on these conditions, our body strives to return to that comfort zone again. If a person tries to go beyond it, the body begins to react not quite correctly, discomfort is felt both on the physical and emotional levels. This only means that the person’s subconscious has turned on its old functions and is trying to return to a state of complete comfort.

Any new sensations for a person, both physically and emotionally, can cause inconvenience, a feeling of awkwardness and fear. Such sensations can manifest themselves, for example, when searching new job, passing the first exams, meeting new strangers, trying to establish a connection with the opposite sex. This is exactly what the whole palette says that a person needs to get out of his comfort zone, but the subconscious, unfortunately, does not allow this to be done, because of this nervousness and a feeling of discomfort arise. To avoid such phenomena, people should learn how to control the subconscious.

Human development depends on the activity of the subconscious

The comfort zone can become a kind of trap. This is especially true for creative and creative people. After all, a flight of thought is required here. Sometimes it is useful to endure physical stress. The calm and measured fluidity of life is truly the hell of a creative person. Those people who decide to become leaders need to leave their comfort zone. A person gains new experience, new skills that will later help him. But over time, all this again enters the comfort zone.

Let’s say if they decide to promote you up the career ladder or force you to make an expensive purchase, you will feel discomfort and inconvenience for some time. In general, this process leads to the fact that a person builds a new comfort zone for himself based on the rules that are necessary to achieve a certain goal. If a person cannot overcome these feelings, then it will be almost impossible to build a new comfort zone, but if he copes with this test, then, in the end, he will gain new knowledge, experience, as well as a new comfort zone that expands his capabilities .

If someone has set a goal too high for themselves, then they need to be prepared for a long road. He will need to learn to let go of stereotypes and remove labels. And this process takes time. This is working with the subconscious.

The main rule is that a person must formulate a goal for himself. Moreover, this goal should be similar to a law that he will constantly scroll through in his thoughts. It is thanks to this that this goal will be written down, so to speak, on the subcortex. A person will gradually begin to believe in this, and soon events will begin to come true. The power of the subconscious will itself push you to take the right actions that are necessary to achieve a certain goal. A person will become sensitive to the information that needs to be obtained in the process of achieving a goal, and then he will actually embody a greater goal in his ordinary life.

How does the subconscious mind work?

As previously stated, the subconscious mind is truly an amazing tool. It is this that can influence all areas of life. But how does this happen? If you understand this issue, you can understand how to change the subconscious.
A person constantly builds some of his own internal beliefs and principles. Thus, its development or degradation occurs. Consciousness independently attracts to itself the factors of interest in a person’s life, forces him to get acquainted with those people who correspond to his principles and beliefs, and much more. The surprising fact is that whether a person believes in it or not, the subconscious will still exist. This does not depend on the desires of people or on their social status. This law operates constantly. All troubles in life will happen only thanks to beliefs, because the subconscious can do anything - make a person happy or lead to problems. For example, if he is convinced that he is doomed to poverty, then this is exactly what will happen. We need to start with the world and help change the outer shell. Starting with the latter makes no sense. There will be no changes. Situations will be repeated until the internal deep causes are eliminated. Therefore, it is very important to know how to control the subconscious. It must initially be programmed correctly. In order for life to be harmonious in all areas, it is necessary to study the world around you. That is, thoughts must be literate and combined with real events. In this situation, a person will be able to achieve well-being by changing not only the world around him, but also by changing something in himself. will give you the opportunity to get what you want, improve yourself in some way and help other people.

Concentration of the subconscious

Not every person knows how to control the subconscious, although many have heard about it more than once. Not everyone understands its nature and methods of use. Its power is limitless, and scientists have long proven this. If a person has learned to control his own subconscious, it means that he has received additional vital energy that will help him later. Having learned to control his own subconscious, he can direct his life in the direction that he needs.

There is a wonderful book “Techniques for controlling the subconscious mind” (Murphy Joseph). The author reveals in it the secrets of such a thing as “mental treatment”. This term has several interpretations. Firstly, by changing his subconscious, a person can change his essence. The author says that all people’s problems lie in unfulfilled desires. A person is deeply worried about the fact that he did not achieve results, his plans did not come true. In this case, you should not count on life in harmony. Secondly, mental treatment also means improving a person’s physical health.

Subconscious Control Methods

The subconscious can do anything, a person just needs to set it up correctly. Many people want to receive some specific recommendations on how to do this. There aren't many of them. Below are some of the subconscious mind control techniques:

  1. Before going to bed, you need to give your subconscious a task - to solve the problem that is bothering you. The thought form accepted by truth travels from the brain to the solar plexus and ultimately materializes.
  2. You should not limit your subconscious to traditional methods. You need to think big.
  3. You should not react deeply to painful sensations in the body. You need to trust fate.
  4. Before going to bed, visualize the fulfillment of your desire several times. Thoughts, feelings, subconscious - all these are links in one chain.

Abilities of the subconscious system

The subconscious is often compared to a computer into which certain types of programs can be inserted. This is how inner conviction and regeneration of thought occurs. As for the formation of human habits, their regeneration occurs due to the repeated repetition of certain formulations.
Having formed certain psychological habits, a person begins to gradually move towards the goal. In this process, he acquires certain beliefs, new views, exactly what he needs to perceive environment already in a new role. The subconscious system regenerates certain tasks through visual and mental images. It is these aspects that are necessary for a person to receive such a mindset for success.

Tasks of the subconscious

The unconscious part of the human mind has a rather difficult function - this is the systematization and interpretation of certain data that is laid down in the process of thinking and visualization. The subconscious mind is obliged to help a person receive exactly those desired thoughts and images that he imagined. But, in addition to this, it also helps a person control the functioning of all internal organs and vital systems; this process is also incredibly important.

Possible difficulties

The problems that a person may face is the lack of knowledge for correct formation own thoughts. People can fix in their subconscious something completely different from what they want. This happens because the unconscious reaction cannot determine whether the thoughts are good or bad. Therefore, he perceives everything as truth. In this situation, you need to be very careful not to insert destructive thoughts into your own unconscious reflexes.

How to deal with problems?

To overcome the destructive effect of thought, you must first understand why a person programs himself for failure. If he can cross this border, he will receive truly invaluable knowledge that will open a lot of doors for him. First of all, you need to accustom yourself to think positively in any situation, to find positive aspects even in the most hopeless situations, so as not to send negative energy flows into your own unconscious system.

Georgy Sidorov offers effective ways to change the paradigm. “Managing the Subconscious and Exiting the Matrix” is one of the best seminars that provides techniques for working with your inner world. Many other authors in their works also reveal implemented practices for controlling the subconscious. Valery Sinelnikov’s book “Secrets of the Subconscious” will help you believe in yourself, confront difficulties, get rid of guilt, learn to forgive, eliminate depression and become a truly happy person.

4 chosen

It is believed that only very superstitious people believe in prophetic dreams. It's unfair though. After all, a dream is such a special means of communication through which our subconscious speaks to us. In a dream, our secret desires or subconscious anxieties can manifest themselves, a disease developing in the body can be expressed, or a long-standing problem can be solved. It’s not for nothing that many creators come to their works in their dreams, and scientists – brilliant discoveries. By the way, World Sleep Day was celebrated at the end of last week. In this regard, I propose to talk about dreams, as well as how they help to cope with our problems.

Olesya was finishing 11th grade at school and preparing to enter MEPhI, an institute from which her parents and older brothers graduated, and where, according to established tradition, she was to study. Graduation year for a student is a nervous and difficult time. Olesya was tired, didn’t get enough sleep, and was simply in a terrible mood. Besides, she kept having the same dream. It doesn’t seem scary, but it’s unpleasant – she’s riding a train rushing into the distance. Nothing special happens, but Olesya feels anxiety and disappointment, she doesn’t want to go further, but there are no stops, and the girl can’t do anything.

Maybe if Olesya had tried to figure out what this dream was talking about, she would have understood: the train is the life she is leading now. He inexorably carries her towards admission to MEPhI, where she, in fact, does not want to study at all. But the preparation process has begun, her family is counting on her, and it seems that nothing can be changed. Hence the anxiety, disappointment and general condition depression. Olesya left MEPhI a year later and entered the history department - the girl loved history since childhood. Now she has chosen her direction and her train.

This dream was a clue that reflected the girl’s psychological state and warned her against taking the wrong step. Let's see what other dreams there are.

Sleep is a hint

These dreams give vent to our subconscious desires, doubts and anxieties. Dreams speak about them not directly, but through various symbols. So, a train that you do not control and in which you feel uncomfortable does not necessarily warn you against a quick trip. It may mean that a person does not like living in the rut along which his life is rolling. Falling autumn leaves can indicate wasted time or missed opportunities. Or if a girl, shortly before the wedding, dreams that she painfully cannot make a choice, perhaps she is not sure that she loves her chosen one.

It is useful to listen to such dreams and try to understand what they are talking about. After all, internal discontent or anxiety, if not given a way out, can later result in more serious psychological problems.

Dream is a revelation

In fact, we know much more than we think. Our peripheral vision is constantly working, we see and hear much more moreover, what we pay attention to. All this information does not reach our consciousness, but remains on a subconscious level. Intuition is based on this, when we subconsciously guess about something. So, dreams also tell us what we already know, we just don’t know about it yet.

These could be “prophetic” dreams. For example, an applicant has passed a written exam and is anxiously awaiting the result. At night she dreams that she received the highest grade - and, lo and behold, the dream comes true. But in fact, the girl already subconsciously knew that she had not made mistakes.

These could be solution dreams. In reality, a person thinks for a long time about some problem, and the solution comes to him in a dream. Perhaps, on a subconscious level, he already knew the answer, he just didn’t realize it yet. By the same principle, people dream of scientific discoveries or creative works about which they have thought long and hard. No wonder the Russians folk tales the hero, faced with some problem, was offered: “Don’t worry, and go to bed.” This is not due to the legendary Russian laziness. And due to the fact that sometimes it’s really better to “sleep” with some problems, it helps.

Sleep - diagnosis

Another sleep option is sleep diagnosis. It is believed that the human body, even without any doctors, knows about the diseases arising in it. And he can suggest this information with the help of sleep. But not in direct text, but, again, through images, so you will have to think about the riddles of the subconscious. Some scientists have even studied the dreams of sick and healthy people. Normally healthy people don't have nightmares. So, if you are haunted by horrors at night, it is worth thinking about their cause.

There is even a conventional typology of which dreams speak about which diseases. For example, in case of poisoning or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a person dreams that he is eating rotten or inedible food. With a respiratory disease, a person in a dream feels as if he is being strangled, or something heavy is being placed on his chest. I don’t know how serious such a sleepy diagnosis can be, but I remember dreaming that I was being strangled when my throat started to hurt.

On the other hand, a dreamed illness may not mean a real illness, but your fears associated with it.

How to decipher dreams?

Understanding your dreams is always useful. Another question is how to decipher them. Unfortunately, this matter is very complex and individual; stereotypes from dream books cannot be used. For some, a fish in a dream really means pregnancy, for others it means a dream of the sea, for others it’s just a fish. But you can still try to understand these clues.

First you need to remember the dream. Better yet, write it down immediately after waking up. Particular attention should be paid not to the circumstances of the dream, but to the feelings that you experienced in it. The same events and symbols can mean both good and bad things, and your emotions in a dream are the key to deciphering them.

Consider your dream in relation to real life events, try to make associations between them.

However, dreams do not always contain some important information. Sometimes these are just plots related to your daily impressions, and the symbols do not imply anything. As in the joke about Freud: “You know, daughter, sometimes a banana is just a banana.”

Do you often dream? Have you tried to decipher them? Have you ever had prophetic dreams?

Incredible facts

Did you know that our subconscious communicates with us? It is only important to notice the right signs in time, and you will understand what it wants to tell you.

Our psyche is so full of mysteries that even scientists cannot reveal all its secrets. At the same time, our deepest thoughts and desires are a product of our subconscious mind.

We are often aware only of those thoughts that are on the surface, not realizing that we are driven by something that is deep inside us.

Sometimes the subconscious makes itself felt through various events, pushing us to certain actions and forcing us to change the course of our destiny.

How not to miss and, most importantly, how to recognize these signs of the subconscious?

The key to the subconscious

1. Intuition tips

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It often seems to us that intuition is some kind of mystical force that guides us along the right path. In fact, intuition is nothing more than the last word of our subconscious, which made conclusions based on the information received and sensations from the senses.

When you intuitively understand something, you are simply translating the signals that your subconscious mind sends. Although it seems to you that the intuition prompt came out of nowhere, it is only because you were not aware of all the work going on in your psyche beneath the surface.

Many of our decisions are made subconsciously without us giving it much thought. When our instinct tells us something, it means that our subconscious requires confirmation from our consciousness.

Often this occurs in a situation where an event may seriously affect our life or there is a conflict between different areas of our brain.

2. Random thoughts

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Has it ever happened to you that you were walking down the street and suddenly a memory of your childhood friend appeared in your head? Or you suddenly started thinking about learning how to play chess while you were busy with important things at work.

Our imagination never stops working, but most of the time we don't give importance to the thoughts running through our minds throughout the day because they don't affect us emotionally. However, from time to time, random thoughts burst into this continuous stream, seemingly out of nowhere, and capture our attention.

Sometimes these thoughts don't mean much, but if they are persistent, they are most likely trying to convey something to us. Most often this a hidden feeling that you suppress or a desire to do something or see someone.

To determine whether a random thought has any meaning, pay attention to your emotions. Do you accept the thought with indifference, or does it affect you emotionally? If the latter, ask yourself what this thought is trying to tell you.

3. Dreams

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When we go to bed, our consciousness turns off. We stop thinking consciously, do not respond to external stimuli, and enter a state of sleep.

The ancients considered dreams to be visions sent from above. They believed that if you see recurring dreams day after day, then a guardian angel is trying to contact you to warn you of upcoming events.

We now know that in dreams, our subconscious is trying to convey signals that we continue to ignore. While awake, we often do not pay attention to small clues, and therefore the subconscious tries to convey them to us in dreams.

It could be unfulfilled desires or warnings about your health. The subconscious mind is simply trying to make you aware of something that you need to pay attention to on an emotional or physical level. Don't ignore these signals.

4. Physical symptoms

© Valeria Ushakova

Dreams are not the only way our subconscious mind tries to communicate with us. Sometimes our body becomes a conductor of our deepest signals.

Just think: we breathe, digest food, deliver nutrients to every cell of our body, we make very precise movements - and all this without conscious control.

Our the intestines are especially susceptible to any changes in our mental state, and any disruptions in its functioning may indicate emotional problems that you can't work through.

Skin is also a mirror of our subconscious, reacting with acne, rashes and spots to internal discomfort and irritation.

When you experience these symptoms, your subconscious wants to pay attention to the stress you are experiencing so that you can take action to eliminate it.

5. Painful sensations

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As you know, any pain is rooted in our common mental state. Pain that occurs in various parts of our body can indicate emotional and mental problems that you do not want to face.

Therefore, any changes in the functions of the body carry a message from our subconscious. These may include chronic back pain, headaches, bloating, neck and shoulder pain, fatigue and anxiety.

    For example, knee pain indicates stubbornness and lack of flexibility, as well as internal fears.

    Gum problems often reflect your indecisiveness, and lower back pain speaks of fear of the future.

    Headaches and neck pain often caused by stress, an internal state of confusion and overwhelm, although consciously you may feel calm and balanced.

Of course, not all symptoms originate in the subconscious. They are often associated with structural problems in the muscles, nerves and bones.

However, sometimes discomfort and discomfort occur even when you have no underlying medical conditions. When something like this happens, the likely source of your condition is underlying mental anxiety.

6. Fatigue and yawning

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When you feel like you are physically broken, your psyche plays an important role in this. Feeling tired and exhausted, even if you're getting enough sleep, is a sign that something needs your attention.

Often when we feel tired and constantly yawn, we want avoid problems and painful experiences in our lives. Ultimately, this leads to emotional and mental exhaustion to such an extent that no rest can help us.

Thus, your subconscious is trying to tell you that you need to solve some very important problems.

Moreover, it works hard to find a solution for you, which makes you feel deprived of energy. Deal with what's bothering you and you'll find your strength again.

7. Lack of free will

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Have you ever experienced a time when you want to do something, but you don't have the willpower to do it? Free will can be explained as the mental state required to fulfill your deepest desires.

In fact, desire alone is not enough, and it will not lead you to fulfill your dream. It is free will that drives our aspirations and desires. When you want to become someone or create something, you need strong free will to carry out your plans.

Therefore, when you feel like you are doing something against your own free will, your subconscious mind is trying to get through to you so that you take care of your mental health.

How to use the power of the subconscious

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As you already understand, our subconscious constantly communicates with us. Moreover, by understanding these messages and learning the lesson given to us, we can grow and overcome all our inner fears and inhibitions, which enables us to discover our inner potential.

Here are some tips on how you can use the power of your subconscious.