Can lice appear from... Can lice live in things?

Psychosomatics of lice

Can lice appear on nervous soil? For this reason alone, pediculosis cannot occur.

Among all the assumptions that are associated with the causes of lice from nerves, the following can be identified:

As you can see, these assumptions give a person food for thought and, through inference, come to an affirmative answer to the question: “Can lice appear from nerves?”

However, everything these assumptions have no scientific basis. Stress lice are nothing more than a myth, which, unfortunately, is common among many people, both in the provinces and in large cities.

Moreover, people with different levels of education and intelligence can believe in these myths. Be that as it may, all these assumptions are nothing more than relics.

We hope that you have now figured out the question: “Can lice be caused by nervousness?”, and in order to convince you of the negative answer, we propose to analyze this topic from a scientific point of view.

Scientific explanation

Lice are transmitted from person to person. If a person has not had contact with sick people, used only his own comb and did not sleep on a pillow on which a sick person had previously slept, and also has a personal hat and did not bathe in public places, there is no chance of getting sick.

If you carefully read the versions according to which lice allegedly appear from stress, you will understand how unscientific this is. If you follow basic hygiene rules, infection is unlikely to occur.

If you are experiencing stress that causes an itchy scalp, the best thing to do is change your environment and eliminate the causes of stress. If you can’t cope with stress on your own, you can consult a psychologist.

Sometimes approximately the same effect occurs not from stress, but from suspicious people who are very afraid of becoming infected with lice and constantly suspect that they have the disease. As already mentioned, this is a psychosomatic problem. This is in no way related to actual head lice infestation.

Thus, there is simply no such thing as “nervous lice.” We hasten to assure you that lice do not appear in humans due to nerves!

Who is at risk?

So, let's talk about who can actually get head lice:


A disease such as pediculosis often develops unexpectedly. But they appear precisely upon contact with a sick person and with his pillow, hat, comb, and everything that comes into contact with the head.

We hope we were able to answer the question: “Can lice appear from stress?” and convince you that only through contact with a sick person can you become infected with lice. There are no other ways of infection.

Speculation that lice appear due to nervous conditions is widespread, not only in provincial areas, but also among the urban, well-educated population

Lice on scalp

When using the same comb, nits and adult nits spread. The source of infection may be personal hygiene items. Using the same towel, pillow, or hat increases the risk of lice passing from one person to another.

Can lice get caused by stress?

Less standard options may include swimming in bodies of standing water.

Lice can exist for a long time without oxygen; they can live in water for several days.

Psychosomatics of lice infestation

Treatment of pediculosis in adults

Increased nervous tension promotes the production of sweat, lice are very sensitive to it.

However, if there are no people in the immediate environment infected with head lice, then lice will not just appear, even if the person is under deep stress. However, his head may itch, but the reason will be hidden in a psychosomatic reaction.

Theories of the appearance of lice from nerves

Several theories are popular among people that explain how lice can appear in a person experiencing deep stress. Among the existing theories are the following:

It has been suggested that the predisposition to lice is inherited. In fact, genetics has no influence on this factor.

Preventive examination for the presence of pediculosis

Nerve lice – myth or reality? The information received suggests that under certain circumstances, lice can develop in humans under the influence of stress.

However, a scientific explanation and confirmation of none of the versions cannot be given.

Therefore, this remains just a theory, or more precisely, a delusion that many people believe in, both from large cities and from the provinces. This myth is believed by people with different levels of intellectual development.

Important! You can only become infected with lice from an infected person through close contact.

Under what circumstances can lice infestation occur:

Pediculosis due to nervousness - myth or reality?

Can a person get lice due to severe nervous shock? The answer is clear - “no”.

If a person did not come into contact with an infected person or his personal items, then he could not become infected with lice.

Reference: psychosomatics studies the influence of psychological factors on the emergence and development of bodily diseases.

Itchy scalp may also indicate other diseases, such as:

  • Scabies. The scabies mite lives under the skin. The movements of this insect cause unbearable itching. Most often, scabies mites live on areas of the body where there is no hair, but sometimes they are found on the scalp. A specialist can identify it by the characteristic passages that remain on the skin.
  • Dry scalp. Moisture deficiency and nutrients in the scalp area causes it to dry out. A person feels a slight itch, dry dandruff appears, and the hair becomes dull and brittle.

Why won't stress be a catalyst for illness?

If you place a person in an isolated, completely sterile room and subject him to extreme stress, then even in such circumstances he will not get lice. After all, the whole point is that these insects simply have nowhere to come from.

Most people assume that pediculosis affects disadvantaged citizens who lead an immoral lifestyle. But this is not always the case; there are several categories of people who are at risk of infection more often than the rest of the population. So, these categories include:

  1. Children attending kindergarten, school and traveling to summer period to the sanatorium. Children are very active and inquisitive, they are often in close contact with peers, so outbreaks of head lice in children's groups are not uncommon.
  2. Refugees, prisoners, soldiers. All people who are forced, due to life circumstances, to stay indoors at the same time as a large number other people.
  3. Social workers. Due to their profession, social workers are forced to constantly be in contact with disadvantaged citizens, often suffering from head lice.

Perhaps precisely because pediculosis always appears unexpectedly, there are so many myths and assumptions associated with it. But you shouldn't believe everything. It has been scientifically proven that lice can only be transmitted from one person to another and nothing else.

Even animals such as dogs, cats, rats, mice are not carriers of lice. Even as a result of severe nervous shock, neither lice nor nits can appear on the human body.

Whether lice can appear on nerves is a question that interests many. Since it has been repeatedly noted that after suffering stress, nervous shock appears. There is some truth in this. It’s also amazing that lice can just as mysteriously disappear on their own.

The appearance of lice is a myth

Nervous lice are a situation that people don’t like to discuss; they simply state a fact. But there was one version that some people in modern society believe.

Lice eggs are constantly in the human body. They are located under the skin, forming small tubercles and compactions. They are in a calm state until a certain moment.

After nervous stress or shock, blood flow in the head is activated and they begin to come to life. The eggs develop, after some time they approach the surface of the skin, make holes, and come out as formed lice.


Even specialists of past centuries adhered to this version of the occurrence of the disease. It was confirmed that during surgery, lice eggs were found under the skin on the head.

Debunking the myth

The life cycle, stages of development, have been studied inside and out. Experts can confidently answer where lice comes from and whether lice appear due to nervousness.

A louse is an insect that requires:

  • oxygen access;
  • humidity.

IN modern society There are supporters of the version that it happens because of nervousness. People often tell stories when, after experiencing unpleasant events, lice appeared.

My mother died very early. I couldn't handle that kind of stress. She walked around not herself and fainted. And immediately after the funeral, lice appeared. At first I didn’t pay attention to the itching. Because this condition often appears due to nervousness. But a few days later I discovered a live louse on my comb. When I told my grandmother about this, she was not particularly surprised. I just stated that lice are caused by stress.

Irina, Moscow

When my grandmother told me that lice appear from nerves, I just smiled in response, surprised at her ignorance. I knew about the ways of infection with lice since kindergarten. Because I once contracted lice. But then I encountered an unpleasant phenomenon. They began to appear. And always after he had to be nervous. Quarrels with classmates, passing exams, any other problem. I had to think about whether lice from nerves are a myth or reality. I did not observe a mysterious disappearance.

Irina, St. Petersburg

Some truth

But if a child or an adult is nervous, lice can develop:


There is some truth in the fact that lice appear on nerves. But they completely refuted the fact that insects live in the human body, the eggs are under the skin. Infection occurs from the outside.

A pediatric dermatologist or pediatrician can easily diagnose head lice in children using a visual examination or a special Wood's lamp.

Unfortunately, children under the age of 14 are in second place in the age statistics of those infected with head lice. The first place is occupied by persons from 15 to 24 years old, third – persons from 35 to 50.

Where do head lice come from in children? There is an opinion that this disease widely spreads to children growing up in socially disadvantaged conditions, but this is far from the case.

Every fifth child regardless of social affiliation suffers from pediculosis Accordingly, almost every child who is in contact with a carrier of the infection is at risk.


What are the causes of lice in a child? One of the main reasons the occurrence of pediculosis in children is infection through close contact from a sick child to a healthy one. At first glance, it is impossible to understand whether a child has lice, and prohibiting your child from communicating with peers is simply savagery.

What else causes lice to appear on a child’s head? : at school, kindergarten, in the yard through general funds hygiene or during play. most susceptible to this disease.

Lice crawl away from their previous owner to a new victim. They lay eggs, reproduce and cause a lot of problems to their new owner.

You can learn about the reasons for the appearance of lice from the video:

Myths about lice

One of the most common misconceptions What causes head lice in children is the assumption that lice can be transmitted from animals to humans. Animal fleas or lice, of course, can bite a person once or twice, but their main habitat is an animal, be it a cat or a dog or even a parrot.

Another false rumor that causes lice in children is believed to be due to severe stress.

Lice are transmitted only from an infected person to a healthy person. There are no other variants of the disease. Even unsanitary conditions do not cause head lice, but only increase the likelihood of contracting an infection.

Why lice may appear again

Why does my child constantly (often) get lice? Reappearance of lice on the child’s head is possible for two reasons:

And yet, if a child has lice, what should you do in this case? Compliance with basic rules, which parents should know about will allow you to maximally protect your child from lice infection. is to increase the sanitary discipline of children, explain the rules of personal hygiene and cleanliness.

Regular change of bed linen and underwear combined with regular bathing of the child in clean water with relevant detergents. Washing clothes in hot water and thorough cleaning of premises where children are located will help avoid the appearance of blood-sucking insects.

Very important point is a systematic visual examination of children, and if a source of disease is detected, immediate isolation and timely treatment.

Only the parents themselves can save parents from the serious hassle associated with head lice. Take a closer look at your child's lifestyle, to his surroundings. Education, including lessons in cleanliness, will help solve numerous issues.

Useful video

Video about preventing head lice: