“Leave in English” - is it beautiful? In what cases would it be quite appropriate to “leave in English?” What does it mean to say goodbye in English?

Almost every person has heard the expression “leave in English” at least once in his life. But not everyone thinks about what these words mean, when they are used and where such a phrase came from in the Russian language.

Expression value

The Russian people, when they use the phrase “leave in English,” mean “to leave without saying goodbye” or “to leave quietly, unnoticed.” But the most interesting thing is that the British themselves, when they want to say the same thing, use completely different words - “leave in French.”

In the 18th century, it was believed that guests who quickly left an entertainment event or ball without saying goodbye to their hosts were leaving in English. The British believe that leaving without saying goodbye is typical of the French, and the latter, in turn, blame the Germans for this. This is precisely what explains why the English say: to take French Leave, and the French say filer a l`anglaise. But at the same time, all translators know that both of these phrases are translated into Russian as “leave in English.”

Where did this phrase come from?

Many researchers note that the phrase itself first appeared in English during the period It was at this time that the captured French left the territory of the unit, and the British began to contemptuously and sarcastically say “leave in French.” This is how the phrase appeared in English: to take Franch Leave.

Out of spite, the French also introduced such an expression into their speech, however, “turning it over” - filer a l`anglaise. In the 18th century, they also called guests who left without saying goodbye to the owners of the house.

There is another version of the origin of the phrase “leave in English.” It is believed that it owes its appearance to the English lord Henry Seymour. He lived in Paris for a long time and had the ugly habit of leaving the house where he was invited without saying goodbye to the owners and other guests. He was considered by many to be an eccentric and a person with oddities. In addition to the habit of leaving in English, which means in French filer a l`anglaise, he could dress up as a coachman, sit in his place, cause mayhem on the roadway, and then watch the events taking place from the sidelines. After this, Henry calmly left.

On at the moment The expression “leave in English” is used only in Russian. The British or French no longer adhere to the same phrases as in the 18th century. So that no one would be offended, they began to say: to leave without saying goodbye, which means “to leave without saying goodbye.”

Now we have learned what the history of the phrase “leave in English” is, what it means when this phrase is used.

A little more about languages

There is also another expression in our language that is not inferior in popularity to the phrase “to leave without saying goodbye, in English.” You have probably heard more than once how parents tell their children: “I speak Russian to you!” So, this expression began to be used after the nobles spoke two languages: Russian and French. They spoke to each other in French, and in Russian they addressed people of the lower strata. And when they ordered them, they said: “I’m speaking to you in Russian,” thereby strengthening the effect of the order.

“Leave gracefully in English” or parting without goodbye

Often the phrase “leaves in English” began to be used in relationships between a man and a woman. Basically, this is what representatives of the stronger half of humanity do, who flee without explanation. At the same time, the woman becomes upset, she is in a depressed mood, she waits for her beloved to come to his senses. But this doesn't happen. Why then do men disappear from her life?

Leaving without saying goodbye is still more common in English for males. A man may stop calling, ignore your attempts to meet, avoid meeting your mutual friends, and will not pick up the phone. By this he shows that he would like to break up and start new life, and the woman often doesn’t even know about it. This situation becomes very unpleasant for her, and it is quite natural that she tries to find out the reason for such departure in English.

Maybe we can talk?

A woman has the right to know from her. But male representatives do not always want to report this. Below are a few reasons why men run away without saying goodbye.

  1. He is afraid that things will go too far and a serious relationship will begin. He doesn’t need a wedding, family and other “joys”.
  2. A man values ​​no one but himself. He cannot even imagine that he can love someone more than himself, so he breaks up with his companion.
  3. A man likes to date women, but he does not want to tie the knot. He likes that the lady takes care of him, feeds him, gives him water, but as soon as something more serious is planned, he leaves.

Now you know what the expression “leave in English” means, where it came from in the Russian language and when it is used. You also know how men leave women’s lives in English, and why this happens so often to modern representatives of the fair sex.

In fact, every Russian-speaking person uses the catchphrase in his speech "leave in English". Or at least heard about it.

How this expression came about, what it means and what the British have to do with it will be discussed in this article.

Origin story

Despite the fact that the English appear in the phrase, the expression has French roots. In French version it sounds like "filer a l'anglaise". It was used when talking about guests who left the host's house without saying goodbye. In Russian it still has exactly this meaning. Why did the French emphasize the impoliteness of the British?

In fact, the French idiom originated as a response tracing paper. The British, who historically did not like the French, for a whole range of reasons, used the expression “to leave French” in the 17th century during the Seven Years’ War. The idiom was negative and reflected rudeness and bad manners. In addition to quietly leaving without saying goodbye, she also implied an unpaid bill for dinner, and even hinted at the theft of something from the master’s house.

What are the reasons for the mutual negativity of the British and French? The fact is that these neighboring countries are long-time rivals in the global economic and, especially, political arena. There have been periods in history when they were enemies and met on the battlefield. “Leaving the French way” arose just during the period of hostilities, when captured French soldiers hastily left the garrison. The expression was used mockingly and with negative connotations.

Experienced translators know that “leave in English” and “leave in French” are equivalent, synonymous idioms and are translated the same way.

There is another version of the origin of the expression “leave in English.” It is connected with the name of the English lord, Parisian Henry Seymour. This controversial and scandalous character has gone down in history and is known for his characteristics. Henry had a habit of leaving balls and other entertainment events without thanking the hosts for their hospitality and without saying goodbye. But he became famous thanks to his extraordinary and not entirely adequate antics. For example, he could leave the ball, disguised as the owner's coachman, get into trouble on the road, and then flee the scene or watch what was happening from the sidelines. But still this is not the main version.

The British do not admit this habit, attributing it to the French. And they, in turn, accuse the Germans of displaying such blatant impoliteness. In any case, at the moment the expression is used only in Russian. In France and England, the expression has lost its connotation of rejection and has been replaced by the neutral and non-judgmental phrase “to leave without saying goodbye.”

It is impossible to “leave in English” in England. This idiom is not used there. In exactly the same way, the British have nothing to do with the tradition of drinking tea with milk, which was allegedly adopted from them. Phraseologism, borrowed from the British, has survived its source in Russian-speaking countries and is very widespread in spoken and written speech.

Application of phraseological units

So who can leave in English?

This expression is often used to illustrate a suddenly ended romance between a man and a woman. The counterpart, leaving in English, disappears from the lady’s life. Doesn't answer phone calls, ignores instant messengers and letters.

The reasons for this behavior can be completely different. Unpreparedness for serious relationship and responsibility, initially lack of intentions to maintain close relationships, lack of desire to explain one’s choice, and so on.

It is appropriate to use this stable combination in relation to a client who has decided to terminate cooperation with the counterparty. This can happen at different stages of a relationship: after the first personal acquaintance, a commercial offer made, the fulfillment of mutual obligations without a hint of disagreement. There may also be a whole bunch of reasons for the behavior of the client-customer.

People don't like and sometimes don't know how to say “no”. Therefore, leaving in English is an ideal way to end cooperation without explanation. This is a kind of strategy for avoiding direct refusal and an attempt to save face in a situation where another business partner is chosen or the impressions from a personal meeting and the experience of cooperation are not 100% satisfactory to the Customer.

In this situation, if you want to continue cooperation, you should ask why the client left in English and try to resuscitate him. If the customer nevertheless agrees to dialogue and voices objective reasons ignoring the continuation of interaction, then this is a good chance to correct the situation, take a set of measures to build trusting communication, adapt proposals, eliminate errors and shortcomings. If the client does not make contact, preferring to ignore any attempts to enter into dialogue or discuss details, it is worth supporting him in this decision for a while. Then return to trying if something changes for the client or performer.


Synonyms for the expression are the words:

  • disappear;
  • leave;
  • evaporate;
  • slip away;
  • leave;
  • leave;
  • refuse to cooperate;
  • end a love story.

Thus, the phraseology “leave in English” has historical roots and an interesting interpretation. It is appropriate to use it in speech depending on the context. It enriches vocabulary, makes speech figurative.

Residents of Foggy Albion do not admit their habit of “leaving in English,” but this does not prevent Russian-speaking people from imparting a certain flavor to their speech, using this expression in communication and business environment. An appropriately used phraseological unit can be called an “antidote” against speech patterns. Of course, the use of catchphrases helps to add brightness to speech and emphasize the individuality and height of intelligence of the speaker.

Leave in English- leave without saying goodbye. This is what they called in the 18th century those who left the ball without saying goodbye to the hosts. Although the British themselves attribute the roots of this bad habit to the French, and they “turn the arrows” to the Germans. Suffice it to say that the English say “to take French leave” (literal translation “to leave in French”), and the French “filer `a l'anglaise” (to leave in English), although both are translated into Russian as "leave in English."

How did this expression appear?

Presumably this phrase appeared in English during the Seven Years' War (1756-1763). French prisoners of war left the unit without permission, and then the caustic phrase “to take French leave” appeared in the English language, which means “to leave in French.” In retaliation against the British, the French turned it upside down, and it began to sound “Filer `a l’anglaise” (in English, “to take English leave”), which means “to leave in English.” In the 18th century, both phrases were used in relation to those guests who left the ball without saying goodbye to their hosts.

According to another version, this expression appeared thanks to the English lord Henry Seymour, who, having lived in Paris for a long time, used to leave evenings without bowing to his hosts. He was a big eccentric, he was considered a person with oddities. For his tricks, he received the nickname 2my Lord Polonok.” His favorite pastime was to dress up as a coachman, sit in his place, and then, having made a mess on the roadway, calmly merge with the crowd, reveling in his own dirty tricks.

Another version is related to the difference in etiquette between the British and the French. Presumably, it was not customary for the former to say goodbye to their hosts when leaving a dinner party. According to another version, everything was exactly the opposite: it was such a tradition in France.

In fact, the British have always been very prim and adherent to a polite and helpful tone. Today they no longer say “leave in English” or “leave in French.” Now they adhere to the expression “to leave without saying goodbye.” At least this is not offensive to anyone.

For example, “pardon my French” - excuse the expression (sorry for my French), “to assist in the French sense” - do nothing (help like a Frenchman). Similar lexical studies, which reflect a negative attitude towards other nations, exist in many languages. They testify to those times when the countries of native speakers were enemies.

By the way, here's another follow-up. Do you know where the expression came from; “I’m speaking to you in Russian!!” ? I'll tell you now.

Today, when we try to convey something to children who, as usual, do not understand anything the first time, we menacingly say: “I’m speaking to you in Russian!” Usually the phrase is spoken at high volume. But this expression has a rather unusual past, dating back to the relationship between nobles and peasants...

As is known, Russian nobles were usually bilingual. We spoke French and Russian. In French among themselves, but with people of the “lower classes” in Russian. To enhance the effect of the order, the nobles said: “I’m speaking to you in Russian.”

Let me also remind you of a couple of answers to interesting questions: for example, you know, and for example

But why? Serious relationship- This is a big responsibility, which is sometimes not easy. Not every person can enter into serious relationships, and if they do, then keep them afloat. Often people simply cannot stand it and “run away” from serious problems, loved ones, and first of all, of course, themselves. Women often date men who are not ready for a relationship, but nevertheless enter into an alliance with them. As a rule, such men soon disappear from a woman’s life, fleeing.

What does it mean to “leave in English” and why do men do this so often?

The situation when a man disappears looks something like this: the man suddenly stops calling and
answer calls. He avoids various contacts with a woman and sometimes stops communicating even with mutual friends. A woman may not even realize that everything is fine with a man and that he just decided to break up in this way. Of course, this is a very unpleasant situation that leaves a residue in the life of every woman.

When a woman breaks up, especially when she is abandoned, she needs to know the reason. In such a situation, the breakup is in no way related to the woman’s shortcomings. Let's look at the main reasons why men do this:

  1. The most common option. A man is just afraid of a serious relationship. A man can date a woman, spend time with her, but he will never get to the point where he proposes marriage to her. Join relationship For such men, dating a woman is an insurmountable obstacle. Fear that a woman might hurt, betray, or even leave him. Therefore, before the relationship moves to the next level, such a man disappears.
  2. A man does not value or love anyone but himself. The so-called narcissistic syndrome, when a man sees only himself positive qualities and looks down on everyone else. It is difficult for him to accept the fact that a person has appeared in his life whom he can love more than himself. A woman simply cannot become a worthy life partner for him and, sometimes, such men do not even bother to tell the woman that they are breaking up.
  3. A man, in principle, does not need a serious relationship. It happens that such men enjoy the fact that women look after them: they cook for them, take care of them, and besides, they do not need to look for a permanent partner. A man is satisfied with absolutely everything until the woman starts talking about a serious relationship and marriage.

It is possible and even necessary to avoid such an act from a loved one whom you trust! The main thing is to always notice the little things. A man who is ready for a serious relationship is always interested in your affairs, hobbies, and asks about how you spent your day. A man who doesn’t care about all this won’t even remember who you work for. A man with serious intentions will be ready to meet your family and friends. Otherwise, the man will look for excuses from meeting them. Remember that every little thing matters. Of course, this does not mean that you should remember all the man’s faults and be afraid that he will leave.

As a rule, potential departure is felt. A woman may not be ready for such an act, but inside she already has such a thought. Listen more carefully and more often to such thoughts, this can save you from unnecessary problems! From which ones? What if you don’t have time to wave after him?

Good day, visitors to my blog! This morning began unusually, with old memories. A man appeared who once disappeared from my life without explaining anything. It was a long time ago, it was quite painful then, but now I look at it a little differently.

Today, many end relationships this way, be they friendly or romantic, even work! What does it mean to leave in English? : complete indifference, selfishness or excessive sensitivity? What could be hidden behind this behavior and how to react to it? I will answer these questions in this article.

Where did the expression come from?

“Leave in English” is a stable expression that means to leave, without saying goodbye . Opinions regarding origin phrases diverge.

Most likely, it appeared in the mid-18th century during the Seven Years' War. The French were distinguished by a particularly gentle attitude towards their prisoners of war, thanks to which they could leave the unit at any time. The British were amused by this, so the phrase “leave in French” was coined. In retaliation, the French came up with a similar phrase regarding the British.

Thus, both countries use different formulations that have the same meaning. Later, the phrase finally took hold during the times of formal balls, when guests left without thanking or saying goodbye to the owners of the house.

Lord Henry Seymour also made his contribution to this story, who, after living in Paris for some time, returned to Great Britain and on the streets. Probably, after the French permissiveness, living in prim England was not easy. Therefore, the lord organized the fun himself, dressing up as a coachman and causing problems on the roadway, after which he quietly left the scene.

Special cases

Before using this phrase in a specific situation, or using this method of saying goodbye, you need to find out certain nuances.

First of all, this expression used only in situations where a person left without goodbye and without explanation. This could be a silent disappearance without any note, or one text message with the text “I left”, “It’s over” or “Don’t look for me”. The essence does not change. But the situation and format of communication are important.

In what situations can you leave without words? You might be surprised, but this also happens. This book will help you understand the topic. "According to protocol" Oleg Davtyan, Ivan Artsishevsky.

So, how to leave beautifullyand when it's appropriate:

  1. Meeting with an old acquaintance. If you haven’t seen each other or communicated for a long time, it means that both of you didn’t really want this. That's why, where did it come from such indifference, no one will ask. If for some reason you don't feel like exchanging cliched pleasantries with this person, there is a neat move you can make. Wait until the person leaves for a cocktail or switches to another person, and leave.
  2. Offense or insult. Of course, everyone understands the offense. In this case, it would be appropriate if you said that the words of your interlocutor or the topic of conversation offend you, but the person ignores it. In this case, you have every right to leave without explanation right in the middle of the sentence.

One way or another, it is better to make such a gesture either with unimportant people (preferably, mutually), or with those who are incredibly unpleasant to you. If you find yourself in the role of a person from whom they are running, you can always .

Situations of English care can affect both ordinary meetings and a total break in relationships. Above I described cases of rather situational care. However, one more, third point can be highlighted. When you never want to see this person again in your life and you don’t care what happens to him. In this case, there is simply no point in pulling the cat by the tail. Rather than ignore and worsen the relationship by getting irritated yourself and transferring it to someone else, it is better to leave quietly.

When you can't leave without an explanation

The answer is obvious: when it is a loved one. If he is like this now or was like this before. This could be a long-time friend, loved one, partner or parents. All the people with whom you spend a lot of time and who mean something to you do not deserve to quietly leave. Because a close connection is established on both sides.

It can hurt, of course. But the lack of explanation in this case will only aggravate the situation, causing pain and misunderstanding. If you care, it's better to have farewell meetings. How to see a person destined by fate can be found .

In addition, this is good because it allows you to avoid funny situations. For example, if you were hired one day and did not come to work, and then did not return there, employees and the boss may think that you died or something happened to you. And call you at home or your loved ones. Do you really need such hassle?

Or the breakup of a love relationship. Your ex-significant other may put out a wanted notice, suspecting your kidnapping. Sounds absurd? Perhaps, but such situations are quite real.

What to do if they left you quietly

Life can be different. We loved someone, but people left, and sometimes we left someone.How to get over a breakup this way? Start living on. True, if a person important to you, after a long-term relationship, did not consider it necessary to devote 5 minutes to explaining the reasons for his decision, but simply left you alone with this, then perhaps there is no need to waste your attention. You can read about how to choose the right people .

There is a certain principle of Gestalt therapy. Everything there is based on the fact that you want to end any situation. In this case, get to the bottom of the reason for this behavior. For me, this is only relevant in the case of close or family relationships, when it is simply necessary to clarify everything, because in any case you will have to contact.

So, no matter how funny it may be, another person can leave in English in 2 fundamentally different cases: if he is an egoist, he does not care about your feelings and it has become a burden, or if he himself is in great pain and he cannot bear it anymore , is too sentimental to say it openly.

We are accustomed to thinking that such abandonment of a loved one is a sign of cowardice. And to some extent this is true. The only exception is if they talked about it for a long time, tried to change something, but the person resisted or forced him to change his decision on the issue that led to such a choice.

If you are faced with the passing of a loved one men or women, it is important. My article will help with this . You should not look for this person, call his relatives or friends, try to stalk him or hire a detective. A person who leaves a significant relationship in English, without a single word, definitely does not want to see you in his life anymore. Do you really want to be annoying to someone?

By the way, if, when meeting you, you were told or witnessed the departure in English of a person with whom you plan to start some kind of relationship, think about it. If you let people go easily or are sure that this cannot happen to you, go for it! If not, think about what you will do in such a situation.

Create a relationship with someone who appreciates and loves you. And be happy.

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