What is an antiseptic? The meaning and interpretation of the word antiseptic, the definition of the term. Convenient broad-spectrum antiseptic

What is an antiseptic? The meaning and interpretation of the word antiseptic, the definition of the term

Ways to inhibit the growth or destruction of bacteria. This problem concerns not only the treatment and prevention of diseases, but also agriculture, food preservation, fermentation processes, etc. Methods of inhibiting the growth or destruction of bacteria can be divided into physical and chemical. Examples of the former are irradiation, drying and heating; the use of chemicals, i.e. antiseptics, based on their ability to suppress the vital activity of microbes. However heat or the use of chemical disinfectants does not instantly kill all bacteria, because bacterial cells differ in their sensitivity to such influences. Many bacteria die immediately, but then the rate of death of the rest slows down dramatically. Spore-forming bacteria are much more difficult to destroy. Some types of bacteria, such as tubercle bacillus, have a waxy protective shell, or capsule, which makes them relatively resistant to drying and the effects of antiseptics.

Chemical antiseptics act differently on bacterial cells. For example, soap and water reduce the surface tension of the cell membrane; acids and alkalis change the concentration of hydrogen ions (pH) in bacteria; under the influence of minerals and many cytoplasmic poisons, coagulation (coagulation) of bacterial proteins occurs; dyes have a selective toxic effect; other compounds oxidize various components of the bacterial cell.

Standardization of antiseptics. Differences in the speed and completeness of action of different antiseptics require their standardization by comparison with a substance with a "reference" antiseptic activity. Phenol is such a substance. Historically, phenol, or carbolic acid, is the prototype of all antiseptics. The possibility of its use for disinfection was discovered in 1865 by the great English surgeon J. Lister, who discovered that preoperative treatment of the surgeon's hands, instruments, and patient's skin with phenol sharply reduces the frequency of postoperative infections. The phenol coefficient of any antiseptic is found by dividing the reciprocal of its minimum effective concentration by the reciprocal of the minimum effective phenol concentration, both values ​​being determined under the same conditions and in relation to the same microorganisms. List famous antiseptics(in descending order of their phenol ratios) includes merphenyl nitrate, metaphene, merthiolate, mercury bichloride, hexylresorcinol, tincture of iodine, lysol, chromium mercury, hypochlorite, formalin, pepsodent, listerine, and hydrogen peroxide. Antiseptics that have a structure close to phenol include cresols, resorcinol, guaiacol and thymol.

Although the phenol coefficient sets the main standard, there are still many problems in assessing the effectiveness of antiseptics. For example, a substance may be highly active against microorganisms, but toxic to living tissues. Or it destroys bacteria in the external environment, but is relatively inactive in the body.

Dyes-antiseptics. Microorganisms vary greatly in their ability to stain with certain dyes and their affinity for some of them. Many dyes turned out to be antiseptics. For example, gram-positive bacteria stain intensely with gentian violet, an aniline dye that inhibits their growth. Another representative of this class of compounds is acriflavin. This also includes the yellow dye atabrine, which has antimalarial activity.

Oxidizers. Various compounds release oxygen, which is highly toxic to some bacteria. Such compounds include potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and sodium perborate, which effectively destroy the flora on the skin and in the oral cavity. Solutions of halogens - chlorine and iodine - also have an oxidizing effect. Of all the external antiseptics, the standard 7% alcohol solution (tincture) of elemental iodine is most widely used, however, as tests have shown, a 0.5% iodine solution is just as effective and less irritating to the skin. In surgery, a closely related compound, iodoform, is sometimes used. Among the chlorine compounds used as antiseptics (mainly for the treatment of infected wounds), hypochlorite, dichloramine-T and azochloramide should be mentioned.

metal-containing compounds. This group of substances is of interest because it includes a number of compounds with a highly selective or specific effect. Since the degree of their toxic effect on body tissues and on microbes varies greatly, these compounds can be used for infections of sensitive systems such as the eyes or blood. Mercury, bismuth and arsenic in the composition of various organic and inorganic substances have long been successfully used in syphilis. Modern remedies acetarsol (used for amoebic dysentery), as well as triparsamide (used for African sleeping sickness) are analogues of the famous Ehrlich arsenic compounds - salvarsan and neosalvarsan (antisyphilitic drugs). Pentavalent antimony is active against the causative agent of leishmaniasis. A 1% solution of silver nitrate has a highly selective effect against gonococci and is therefore widely used as an ocular remedy for the prevention of gonorrheal blindness in newborns. A cheap and powerful bactericidal agent is mercury bichloride; it is sometimes used in high dilutions (0.1% or less) and as an antiseptic. Less dangerous and less irritating mercury antiseptics include synthetic organic compounds - merthiolate, metaphene, as well as red dye chromium mercury.

Other antiseptics. Among them, we should mention two alkaloids of plant origin - quinine and emetine, which have a pronounced effect on protozoa - the causative agents of malaria and amoebic dysentery, respectively. Some alcohols (ethyl, isopropyl), as well as glycol and glycerin, have moderate antiseptic activity. Ethyl alcohol is widely used in the optimal concentration for the antiseptic effect (70%). In some cases, especially with fungal skin lesions, weak acids (boric, benzoic and undecylenic) are used. External antiseptics also include hexachlorafen (used with some restrictions) and detergents such as cefiran chloride. Studies of the antiseptic properties of sulfanilic acid derivatives made it possible to obtain powerful antiseptics - sulfonamides. Compounds such as penicillin, streptomycin, and other antibiotics are described elsewhere. See also ANTIBIOTICS


any substance that inhibits the growth of microorganisms, in particular bacteria. Unlike antiseptics, compounds that cause the death of microorganisms are called disinfectants or bactericides. Many substances, depending on the concentration, time of action, temperature and other conditions, have both properties, and therefore in everyday life these terms are used as synonyms. However, antiseptics, as a rule, are introduced into the body of animals or plants, where they inhibit the growth of viruses, bacteria, fungi, or protozoa, without endangering living tissues, and disinfectants are usually treated with non-living objects, where their toxic effect is not so dangerous. The destruction of higher parasites - worms, mites and insects - is called disinsection, the complete destruction of all microorganisms and their spores is called sterilization. Ways to inhibit the growth or destruction of bacteria. This problem concerns not only the treatment and prevention of diseases, but also agriculture, food preservation, fermentation processes, etc. Methods of inhibiting the growth or destruction of bacteria can be divided into physical and chemical. Examples of the former are irradiation, drying and heating; the use of chemicals, i.e. antiseptics, based on their ability to suppress the vital activity of microbes. However, high temperatures or the use of chemical disinfectants do not instantly kill all bacteria, because bacterial cells differ in their sensitivity to such influences. Many bacteria die immediately, but then the rate of death of the rest slows down dramatically. Spore-forming bacteria are much more difficult to destroy. Some types of bacteria, such as tubercle bacillus, have a waxy protective shell, or capsule, which makes them relatively resistant to drying and the effects of antiseptics. Chemical antiseptics act differently on bacterial cells. For example, soap and water reduce the surface tension of the cell membrane; acids and alkalis change the concentration of hydrogen ions (pH) in bacteria; under the influence of minerals and many cytoplasmic poisons, coagulation (coagulation) of bacterial proteins occurs; dyes have a selective toxic effect; other compounds oxidize various components of the bacterial cell. Standardization of antiseptics. Differences in the speed and completeness of action of different antiseptics require their standardization by comparison with a substance with a "reference" antiseptic activity. Phenol is such a substance. Historically, phenol, or carbolic acid, is the prototype of all antiseptics. The possibility of its use for disinfection was discovered in 1865 by the great English surgeon J. Lister, who discovered that preoperative treatment of the surgeon's hands, instruments, and patient's skin with phenol sharply reduces the frequency of postoperative infections. The phenol coefficient of any antiseptic is found by dividing the reciprocal of its minimum effective concentration by the reciprocal of the minimum effective phenol concentration, both values ​​being determined under the same conditions and in relation to the same microorganisms. A list of known antiseptics (in descending order of their phenol ratios) includes merphenyl nitrate, metaphene, merthiolate, mercury bichloride, hexylresorcinol, tincture of iodine, lysol, chromium mercury, hypochlorite, formalin, pepsodent, listerine, and hydrogen peroxide. Antiseptics that have a structure close to phenol include cresols, resorcinol, guaiacol and thymol. Although the phenol coefficient sets the main standard, there are still many problems in assessing the effectiveness of antiseptics. For example, a substance may be highly active against microorganisms, but toxic to living tissues. Or it destroys bacteria in the external environment, but is relatively inactive in the body. Dyes-antiseptics. Microorganisms vary greatly in their ability to stain with certain dyes and their affinity for some of them. Many dyes turned out to be antiseptics. For example, gram-positive bacteria stain intensely with gentian violet, an aniline dye that inhibits their growth. Another representative of this class of compounds is acriflavin. This also includes the yellow dye atabrine, which has antimalarial activity. Oxidizers. Various compounds release oxygen, which is highly toxic to some bacteria. Such compounds include potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and sodium perborate, which effectively destroy the flora on the skin and in the oral cavity. Solutions of halogens - chlorine and iodine - also have an oxidizing effect. Of all the external antiseptics, the standard 7% alcohol solution (tincture) of elemental iodine is most widely used, however, as tests have shown, a 0.5% iodine solution is just as effective and less irritating to the skin. In surgery, a closely related compound, iodoform, is sometimes used. Among the chlorine compounds used as antiseptics (mainly for the treatment of infected wounds), hypochlorite, dichloramine-T and azochloramide should be mentioned. metal-containing compounds. This group of substances is of interest because it includes a number of compounds with a highly selective or specific effect. Since the degree of their toxic effect on body tissues and on microbes varies greatly, these compounds can be used for infections of sensitive systems such as the eyes or blood. Mercury, bismuth and arsenic in the composition of various organic and inorganic substances have long been successfully used in syphilis. Modern remedies acetarsol (used for amoebic dysentery), as well as triparsamide (used for African sleeping sickness) are analogues of the famous Ehrlich arsenic compounds - salvarsan and neosalvarsan (antisyphilitic drugs). Pentavalent antimony is active against the causative agent of leishmaniasis. A 1% solution of silver nitrate has a highly selective effect against gonococci and is therefore widely used as an ocular remedy for the prevention of gonorrheal blindness in newborns. A cheap and powerful bactericidal agent is mercury bichloride; it is sometimes used in high dilutions (0.1% or less) and as an antiseptic. Less dangerous and less irritating mercury antiseptics include synthetic organic compounds - merthiolate, metaphene, as well as red dye chromium mercury. Other antiseptics. Among them, we should mention two alkaloids of plant origin - quinine and emetine, which have a pronounced effect on protozoa - the causative agents of malaria and amoebic dysentery, respectively. Some alcohols (ethyl, isopropyl), as well as glycol and glycerin, have moderate antiseptic activity. Ethyl alcohol is widely used in the optimal concentration for the antiseptic effect (70%). In some cases, especially with fungal skin lesions, weak acids (boric, benzoic and undecylenic) are used. External antiseptics also include hexachlorafen (used with some restrictions) and detergents such as cefiran chloride. Studies of the antiseptic properties of sulfanilic acid derivatives made it possible to obtain powerful antiseptics - sulfonamides. Compounds such as penicillin, streptomycin, and other antibiotics are described elsewhere. See also ANTIBIOTICS; BACTERIA.

Ways to inhibit the growth or destruction of bacteria. This problem concerns not only the treatment and prevention of diseases, but also agriculture, food preservation, fermentation processes, etc. Methods of inhibiting the growth or destruction of bacteria can be divided into physical and chemical. Examples of the former are irradiation, drying and heating; the use of chemicals, i.e. antiseptics, based on their ability to suppress the vital activity of microbes. However, high temperatures or the use of chemical disinfectants do not instantly kill all bacteria, because bacterial cells differ in their sensitivity to such influences. Many bacteria die immediately, but then the rate of death of the rest slows down dramatically. Spore-forming bacteria are much more difficult to destroy. Some types of bacteria, such as tubercle bacillus, have a waxy protective shell, or capsule, which makes them relatively resistant to drying and the effects of antiseptics.

Chemical antiseptics act differently on bacterial cells. For example, soap and water reduce the surface tension of the cell membrane; acids and alkalis change the concentration of hydrogen ions (pH) in bacteria; under the influence of minerals and many cytoplasmic poisons, coagulation (coagulation) of bacterial proteins occurs; dyes have a selective toxic effect; other compounds oxidize various components of the bacterial cell.

Standardization of antiseptics. Differences in the speed and completeness of action of different antiseptics require their standardization by comparison with a substance with a "reference" antiseptic activity. Phenol is such a substance. Historically, phenol, or carbolic acid, is the prototype of all antiseptics. The possibility of its use for disinfection was discovered in 1865 by the great English surgeon J. Lister, who discovered that preoperative treatment of the surgeon's hands, instruments, and patient's skin with phenol sharply reduces the frequency of postoperative infections. The phenol coefficient of any antiseptic is found by dividing the reciprocal of its minimum effective concentration by the reciprocal of the minimum effective phenol concentration, both values ​​being determined under the same conditions and in relation to the same microorganisms. A list of known antiseptics (in descending order of their phenol ratios) includes merphenyl nitrate, metaphene, merthiolate, mercury bichloride, hexylresorcinol, tincture of iodine, lysol, chromium mercury, hypochlorite, formalin, pepsodent, listerine, and hydrogen peroxide. Antiseptics that have a structure close to phenol include cresols, resorcinol, guaiacol and thymol.

Although the phenol coefficient sets the main standard, there are still many problems in assessing the effectiveness of antiseptics. For example, a substance may be highly active against microorganisms, but toxic to living tissues. Or it destroys bacteria in the external environment, but is relatively inactive in the body.

Dyes-antiseptics. Microorganisms vary greatly in their ability to stain with certain dyes and their affinity for some of them. Many dyes turned out to be antiseptics. For example, gram-positive bacteria stain intensely with gentian violet, an aniline dye that inhibits their growth. Another representative of this class of compounds is acriflavin. This also includes the yellow dye atabrine, which has antimalarial activity.

Oxidizers. Various compounds release oxygen, which is highly toxic to some bacteria. Such compounds include potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and sodium perborate, which effectively destroy the flora on the skin and in the oral cavity. Solutions of halogens - chlorine and iodine - also have an oxidizing effect. Of all the external antiseptics, the standard 7% alcohol solution (tincture) of elemental iodine is most widely used, however, as tests have shown, a 0.5% iodine solution is just as effective and less irritating to the skin. In surgery, a closely related compound, iodoform, is sometimes used. Among the chlorine compounds used as antiseptics (mainly for the treatment of infected wounds), hypochlorite, dichloramine-T and azochloramide should be mentioned.

metal-containing compounds. This group of substances is of interest because it includes a number of compounds with a highly selective or specific effect. Since the degree of their toxic effect on body tissues and on microbes varies greatly, these compounds can be used for infections of sensitive systems such as the eyes or blood. Mercury, bismuth and arsenic in the composition of various organic and inorganic substances have long been successfully used in syphilis. Modern remedies acetarsol (used for amoebic dysentery), as well as triparsamide (used for African sleeping sickness) are analogues of the famous Ehrlich arsenic compounds - salvarsan and neosalvarsan (antisyphilitic drugs). Pentavalent antimony is active against the causative agent of leishmaniasis. A 1% solution of silver nitrate has a highly selective effect against gonococci and is therefore widely used as an ocular remedy for the prevention of gonorrheal blindness in newborns. A cheap and powerful bactericidal agent is mercury bichloride; it is sometimes used in high dilutions (0.1% or less) and as an antiseptic. Less dangerous and less irritating mercury antiseptics include synthetic organic compounds - merthiolate, metaphene, as well as red dye chromium mercury.

Other antiseptics. Among them, we should mention two alkaloids of plant origin - quinine and emetine, which have a pronounced effect on protozoa - the causative agents of malaria and amoebic dysentery, respectively. Some alcohols (ethyl, isopropyl), as well as glycol and glycerin, have moderate antiseptic activity. Ethyl alcohol is widely used in the optimal concentration for the antiseptic effect (70%). In some cases, especially with fungal skin lesions, weak acids (boric, benzoic and undecylenic) are used. External antiseptics also include hexachlorafen (used with some restrictions) and detergents such as cefiran chloride. Studies of the antiseptic properties of sulfanilic acid derivatives made it possible to obtain powerful antiseptics - sulfonamides. Compounds such as penicillin, streptomycin, and other antibiotics are described elsewhere. See also ANTIBIOTICS

Not every home has a properly selected first aid kit: someone buys medicines as needed, someone generally tries to do without pills. But for sure in every house there is an antiseptic. It is absolutely necessary for both adults and children with various wounds, cuts and burns.

Antiseptics include:

Preparations containing chlorine (chloramine, pantocid, etc.), iodine;

Substances that split off oxygen (hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate);

Some acids (boric, salicylic, etc.) and bases (bicarbonate soda, ammonia);

Mercury compounds (sublimate, mercury ointments, etc.);

Preparations of silver (silver nitrate, protargol, etc.), lead (acetic acid lead), aluminum (Burov's liquid);



Some dyes (brilliant green, etc.);

Antibiotics for external use (polymyxin, etc.).

Since the first mention of the antiseptic, it has gone through several significant stages in its development:

1786 - production of potassium hypochlorite;

1798 - production of bleach;

1811 - discovery of iodine;

1818 - synthesis of hydrogen peroxide;

1863 - the use of carbolic acid in medical practice for the prevention of postoperative complications;

1867 - Beginning of the use of formaldehyde;

1881 - potassium permanganate was introduced into medical practice;

1888 - The first use of iodine for the treatment of wounds.

Since the first use of iodine for wound care, it has become the most popular and available antiseptic for use both at home and in medical settings. However, medicine does not stand still. If earlier home antiseptics were limited to two drugs - iodine and brilliant green, today the choice is much wider. And buyers have become much more demanding. It is important for them that the antiseptic does not cause burning - how else to treat the wound to the child? They don't want antiseptic to leave colored stains on their clothes and on their skin - who likes to walk around dressed up? Yes, and the release forms are also of great importance - on the road it is much more convenient and safer to take an antiseptic in the form of an ointment, rather than a solution, with you.

All these requirements are met by a drug based on povidone-iodine. It is antiseptic and disinfectant. Being released from the complex with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), upon contact with the skin and mucous membranes, iodine forms iodamines with bacterial cell proteins, coagulates them and causes the death of microorganisms. It has a rapid bactericidal effect on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (with the exception of M. tuberculosis). Effective against fungi, viruses, protozoa. At the site of application of the drug, a colored film is formed, which persists until the entire amount of active iodine is released, which means the termination of the drug.

The drug based on povidone-iodine is highly effective:

Iodine is the strongest oxidizing agent; it forms iodamines with bacterial cell proteins, coagulates them and causes the death of microorganisms;

The widest spectrum of antimicrobial action: gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, spores;

Lack of resistance to iodine among microorganisms;

Quick start of action (up to 30 sec.);

Long-term antiseptic exposure and prolonged exposure to microorganisms due to the gradual release of iodine from the complex with polyvinylpyrrolidone.

The drug based on povidone-iodine is well tolerated in 99% of cases and is more comfortable for patients:

Does not cause burning, irritation in the wound and surrounding tissue due to the gradual release of iodine;

Can be applied to damaged tissues and mucous membranes, because. does not contain alcohol;

Stains on the skin and clothes are easily washed off with water;

Various and convenient forms of release: solution in bottles of 30, 120 ml with a special dropper, ointment.

All this suggests that when recommending a particular antiseptic to a pharmacy visitor, it is worth giving preference to more modern and effective means. The buyer will appreciate such a recommendation, because we are talking about his health and comfort. And you will get a loyal customer.

Expert opinion
Tatyana SOKOLOVA, Dr. honey. sciences, prof. department of skin and venereal diseases with a course of cosmetology of the Medical Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education MGUPP, Moscow

Antisepsis is a set of measures aimed at destroying microbes in a wound, a pathological focus or the body as a whole, at preventing or eliminating an infectious inflammatory process. There are several types of antiseptics:

Biological - carried out using means of biological origin (antibiotics, bacteriophages, phytoncides, etc.);

Mechanical - is performed by removing foreign bodies infected with pathogens from the wound by excising tissues and / or draining the inflammatory fluid;

Physical - the use of hygroscopic dressings, hypertonic sodium chloride solution, dry heat, ultraviolet irradiation, ultrasound, etc .;

Chemical - application of various antiseptics(iodine preparations, acids and alkalis, alcohols, aniline dyes, salts of heavy metals, etc.);

Mixed - simultaneous or sequential use of biological, mechanical, physical and chemical antiseptics.

Depending on the method of application of that type of antiseptic, there are:

Local antiseptics, which can be superficial and deep;

General antiseptics, the purpose of which is to saturate the whole organism with one or another preparation. In everyday life, the most accessible is chemical antiseptic, in particular iodine preparations.

Iodine is an antiseptic from the halogen group. However, conventional iodine has a number of disadvantages that limit its use, especially in children. The most commonly used alcohol tincture of iodine, available in every home first aid kit. It causes a strong burning sensation, especially when applied to areas where the integrity of the skin is broken. It should be remembered about the possibility of developing an allergic reaction to iodine with the occurrence of dermatitis. With prolonged use, acne may occur. Alcohol-based preparations dry out the skin and leave stubborn stains on clothing.

Therefore, doctors of various specialties (dermatologists, pediatricians, surgeons, cosmetologists, etc.) are increasingly turning to modern, effective and easy-to-use antiseptics. One of them is povidone-iodine.

It is a complex water-soluble compound of iodine and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). For 18 PVP molecules, there is one iodine atom associated with the complex not by chemical, but by electrostatic bond. The microstructure of a complex molecule has a helical shape, while the macrostructure is globular. Having strong oxidizing properties, iodine actively interacts with protein amino acids. As a result, the quaternary structure of the protein changes, its catalytic enzymatic activity is lost, which leads to the death of pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, due to the constant release of iodine, the drug acts for a long time. Gradually and evenly released iodine does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes, and penetration into tissues to a depth of about 1 mm does not interfere with normal regeneration processes. Polyvinylpyrrolidone is a non-toxic inert synthetic polymer that acts as a carrier. It ensures the outflow of wound exudate from the wound (osmotic effect) and the delivery of iodine deep into the tissues. PVP is hydrophilic and is able to adsorb exudate.

Povidone-iodine has a wide spectrum of activity against various pathogens. It has a detrimental effect on gram-positive (streptococci, staphylococci, etc.) and gram-negative bacteria, fungi, incl. on their spores, yeast, protozoa, viruses (herpes, human papillomavirus and HIV) and pale treponema (the causative agent of syphilis). The wide spectrum of action of the drug is very important, taking into account the high prevalence of mixed infections. The absence of mechanisms for the development of resistance (resistance) to iodine in microorganisms allows the use of preparations based on it for more than one century.

The experience of using povidone-iodine in practice has shown that in 91% of patients, discharge from the wound disappears already on the second day *. At the same time, a protective film is formed on the surface of the damage, and the epithelialization of the skin defect is 1.6 times faster. We have proven the high efficiency of povidone-iodine in the form of an ointment in the treatment of primary and secondary pustular skin lesions (pyoderma). There were no medical complications. The treatment was carried out without the use of aniline dyes, given the drying effect of the ointment itself. A wide range of specific activity made it possible to use it without conducting a study of the contents of the pustules for flora sensitivity to antibiotics.

Povidone-iodine has the following advantages:

It has the highest specific activity against most infections - it inhibits the reproduction of microorganisms at a minimum concentration of the drug (dilution up to 1:256);

The physico-chemical state of the focus of inflammation (blood, enzymes) has little effect on the effect of the drug;

There is no burning sensation, which allows the drug to be successfully used in children;

The presence of several dosage forms (ointment, solution, suppositories) allows the use of the drug for various diseases of the skin and mucous membranes;

The absence of a systemic effect due to the large size of the complex (400-4000 kDa) of povidone-iodine;

Compliance - comfort is much higher than when using alcohol tincture of iodine and fucorcin.

When treating wounds, abrasions, scratches, burns, skin areas after depilation;

Rinsing the mouth with thrush, infections of the upper respiratory tract, trauma to the oral mucosa with removable dentures;

In the treatment of primary and secondary pustular skin lesions, microbial eczema, in the complex therapy of acne vulgaris and herpes;

When treating bedsores;

For the prevention of infection with airborne infections during the period of epidemic trouble.