Do you want to hear pleasant words? Romantic words to a girl

The stronger sex needs attention no less than the weaker, so it’s worth talking as often as possible nice words to your beloved man in your own words.

Learn to talk about love out loud, and one day you will see that your beloved man will begin to answer you in kind.

Do you want to hear nice words? Meet a linguist!
Rick and Morty

Sweet words that men like

Your admiration will always be flattering for him - ordinary warm and heartfelt words help a man to open up to the fullest.

But the psychology of the stronger sex is different from that of women, so florid and lengthy confessions are useless.

In order for your compliments to reach their goal, you must also take into account the character of the individual.

It could be:

  • a fluffy bunny or a tiger;
  • a baby, sunshine, kitten or brutal macho;
  • Igor, Tolik, Yurik or Olezhka;
  • relatives, loved ones, gentle ones, the only ones, etc.

Warm words to your beloved guy in your own words

What words will please a particular man is known only to the woman who is next to him. But the compliment must not only correspond to his style and lifestyle, but must also be sincere and said without irony. Otherwise, you will achieve the exact opposite effect. He may be offended.

For example, a sporty and brutal man will only be annoyed by lisps and “seals” and “bunnies”. Better tell him how strong, courageous he is and how his touch takes your breath away. You can tell a guy who is interested in science that you value him first. mental abilities etc.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and choose new ones tender words love. But always pay attention to the reaction of your betrothed. If he doesn’t like any of them, he will definitely let you know about it, directly or indirectly.

Naturally, the morning wish can be anything, for example:

  • my dear, the dawn today is simply stunning, how good it is that we are celebrating it together;
  • I want to wake up in your arms all my life, my love;
  • I thank God that I wake up every morning with you, honey;
  • when you leave in the morning, I start to get bored in the first minutes; love you baby;
  • With good morning, dear, you and I are not just husband and wife, we are one whole; I can’t imagine life without you; Good morning, my sun, my light, my joy.

Warm words to your loved one for the night

Affectionate words for the night can also be anything.

The most important thing is that they please the man and give him confidence and peace of mind:

  • my only one, I wish you words as sweet as my love for you;
  • sleep sweetly, dear, may you have the most vivid and sweet dreams;
  • you are tired, dear, lie down, rest and let you dream of the sea, the sun, the surf and me nearby;
  • come to my dream, where we will hold hands and watch the sunset;
  • Good night, my beloved, may a fairy tale come into your dreams.

Nice words to your beloved man in prose

You don't have to be a poet to express your feelings.

can become very important for a loved one if he knows for sure that they come from the heart:

  • I’m so lonely without you, darling, to be next to you - ;
  • I can never stop loving you; you are my desire, my light, my sun; I am grateful to fate for such a gift;
  • I'm going crazy, drowning in your eyes; I look at you so often and think: “God, I thank fate that it brought me together with you”;
  • listen to the beats of my heart; if you stop loving me one day, it will stop;
  • you are an ideal; such men are one in a billion; I’m so glad that I had the good fortune to meet you;
  • I will never get tired of your kisses and touches; I am capable of giving everything in the world, if only it would never end, etc.

We list where you can leave kind words in prose, written for a loved one:
  • computer desk: believe me, he will be happy to one day find a love message on the screen;
  • email: it can be sent regardless of whether you are at a great distance from each other or spend the weekend together in a 1-room apartment;
  • TV remote control: stick a small piece of paper on it with a frank confession;
  • mailbox: ask your loved one to look in it on the way home from work;
  • : we think that this is another excellent way to please your betrothed; if you want to intrigue, add that a surprise awaits him when he gets home; try to make it unusual; with the help of such a game you can diversify your relationships;
  • bathroom mirror: let him see your message before bed or early in the morning; many will say that this is familiar and banal, but love simply cannot be banal;
  • a plate or mug with coffee: your recognition can even be immortalized if you order an inscription made on them from a special office.

Pleasant words to your beloved man in verse

During the meeting, tell him that you wrote poetry for him. This will show that communication with him is very, very important to you. Anyone, even the most stern macho, is capable of melting from romantic and sincere words.

It was poetry, a short and very succinct way of self-expression, that at all times conveyed the emotions and experiences of lovers. In them you can also tell your erotic fantasies, if in ordinary life you are ashamed to repeat them out loud.

So that he understands that it was you who wrote these cute quatrains, try to use those special gentle and kind words, which only your couple uses. In this case, the man will understand that the verse is addressed specifically to him. It doesn't matter if the rhyme isn't perfect. If the feelings are sincere and the words come from the heart, he will be touched.

Write about your feelings on the asphalt!

You can write a pleasant and warm message not only on paper. Warm words with chalk on the asphalt (you should not use indelible paint) will delight your loved one. Be sure to write his name in it so that he knows that this unique letter is addressed to him.

Young people often write such messages on the asphalt. So why not please your loved one in this way? Imagine what a surprise and joy it will be for him to learn that you are ready to declare your love to the whole world.

Words of gratitude

Women's gratitude is the wings that lift a man up.

So don't forget when you say nice words to your beloved man in your own words:

  • I thank you and fate for your presence in my life; you are my ideal;
  • thank you for opening up the whole world to me, the world of love and fairy tales;
  • thank you for making me feel like a real beloved woman;
  • thank you for the feeling of happiness that you give me every day;
  • I thank God for creating such an ideal creation - you;
  • thank you for existing, for the fact that I can see and kiss you every day.

Affectionate and warm words from a distance

Words spoken at a distance are very important. In this case, the man will be sure that you will never forget about him.

They will help add passion and romance to your relationship:

  • I miss you so much, come back quickly;
  • I'm counting the seconds until your arrival;
  • Today ; I miss you, your touches, your hugs, your kind words;
  • I’m waiting for you, my love, and I’ll wait as long as it takes; but I miss you so much;
  • the house is empty without you, it is not filled with your laughter, your love; I'm waiting for you, my sun, my light, my joy.

The art of complimenting men

By nature, every person is happy when he receives a compliment. At the same time, male psychology is structured differently than a woman’s and, while a woman simply enjoys a compliment, a man perceives it as a guide to action.

For any representative of the stronger sex, a compliment is recognition of his dignity and confirmation of his importance.

Complimenting a man wisely

Considering that boys know from childhood that a man’s beauty is not the main thing, compliments about appearance leave the male sex indifferent. Mention of such natural qualities as strength, strong-willed spirit, perseverance and sexuality is more pleasing. Such compliments are highly valued and spur men to great victories. Recognition of professional skills and hobbies also does not go unnoticed.

Flattery and highlighting talents or qualities that a person does not have will not play into a woman’s hands. It is necessary to find exactly the quality that a person is most proud of and praise it. Such compliments speak not only of a desire to win over a man, but also of a woman’s attentiveness and desire to get to know the person better.

The insincerity of compliments can be easily read by facial expressions. If you still need to give a compliment, you should watch your facial expression so as not to alienate your interlocutor. Compliments made in lower tones, with a hint of excitement in the voice, are especially pleasant.

You have to be very careful with ambiguity. It is necessary to make sure that the person does not have complexes about his appearance, professional skills, etc. Otherwise, the desire to win over a man can be read as bullying.

Recognition of talents, praise, and compliments are one of a woman’s secret weapons. You should not constantly shower compliments; a person easily gets used to good things and may feel delusions of grandeur. Here's a confession positive qualities from time to time it gives a man the opportunity to understand how dear the woman who is nearby is.

By addressing her by name, a woman captures the attention of her interlocutor, so a compliment that begins with an address is always more valuable and pleasant. The nuance is that by pronouncing a person’s name or addressing him affectionately both before a compliment and before a request, you can devalue the compliment. A man will subconsciously associate the beginning of a sentence with a request and may believe that in this way they are trying to manipulate him.

Third-person compliments are great for relationships that are just starting out. The recognition that a woman is incredibly pleased to spend time with such a strong and confident man will never go unnoticed.

Compliments and praise on occasion are too banal. This kind of attention seems rather mediocre. It is much more valuable if they praise just like that, for the mood, as a manifestation of tender feelings.

A compliment sent through a third party is absolutely unacceptable. When it is not possible to show admiration in person, it is best to use email, call or message.

One more important point is the lack of comparison with anyone. Even when the comparison is in favor of the partner, it causes a feeling of anxiety and uncertainty, as the man begins to think that he is in constant competition with someone.

Features of compliments

As you know, each person is individual, and everyone perceives compliments and words of praise in their own way. Some people are ready to listen for hours, others perceive them only on occasion. In order not to make a mistake and not to alienate the chosen one, a woman must remember that a compliment given on time is always valued more and means recognition of talents and qualities, and is regarded as approval.

A man who receives sincere, warm compliments, after some time, is ready to do a lot for the sake of the woman who is nearby and so attentive to him. And if we talk about compliments in bed, then we should remember that this is also the key to a trusting, full-fledged relationship between partners.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that representatives of the stronger sex really do not like compliments in public, diminutive addresses and exaggeration of their talents and qualities. Any person, no matter how modest, always knows his capabilities, and compliments made in an exaggerated form will always be perceived as rude flattery, and it does not contribute to the development of long-term and strong relationships.

You should not be afraid to give compliments, praise your partner and admire his qualities. Mastering the art of giving compliments is a fairly simple task. The main thing here is the desire to sincerely emphasize the positive aspects of a person and show concern for his person.

Rules and restrictions

The main purpose of your words should be to emphasize his superiority over other males. He must also understand how irreplaceable and necessary he is for you.

Finally, we list the rules that you should not apply when communicating with your loved one:

  • Maximum sincerity - YES!
    Any falsehood or outright flattery can scare off any person, including a man; therefore, try to select only those words that come from a pure heart;
  • Mockery or irony - NO!
    Comic confessions are possible, but in no case should they offend a man’s dignity;
  • Excessive compliments - NO!
    In order not to turn into an obsessive maniac, try to observe moderation; watch the man's reaction.


So, we have described to you only the basic words that women all over the world use to keep the attention of the stronger sex.

Say pleasant words to your beloved man more often. There are thousands of such words in the world, but only you can decide which ones are right for you.

What words do you use?

They say that women love with their ears, but the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. However, this does not mean that men do not want to hear kind words, praise or compliments. Together we talk about phrases that men really expect from their ladies.

"You look great"

Compliments are pleasant not only for women - men are also not very confident in themselves. Even when it doesn’t appear outwardly, a man inside can be plagued by doubts about whether this shirt is right for him. Therefore, a small compliment can boost his self-esteem and mood, especially if he takes care of his body and exercises. Praise him, celebrate his successes and he will definitely appreciate it.

"You're sexy"

Telling your partner that he looks good is one thing, but it will be a completely different thing for him to be excited by your confession that he is very sexy and you cannot resist his charm.

"Last night was amazing"

Don't be shy to tell your man that the night you spent with him was truly unforgettable. This will only flatter him and encourage him to continue sensually.

Photo: Shutterstock

Sincere "I love you"

Not a hasty “I love”, not a heart-shaped SMS, but a serious and sincere declaration of love can bring you even closer together and give intimacy to communication.

"I really like..."

A compliment in itself can please your partner, but if you are more specific, you will hit the mark. Praise the fallen beer belly, new haircut or notice his behavior in bed. Sometimes men are embarrassed by certain things individual parts body and therefore such a compliment can improve your relationship. The main thing is not to say anything that will make you blush and giggle, as you will achieve exactly the opposite effect.

"I like it when you..."

By expressing such praise, you will please not only your man, but also yourself. According to psychologist Diana Zande, firstly, a man is not an x-ray, he does not read minds to do everything the way you want. Therefore, in order for both to be happy, you just need to talk and talk about your desires - this way you will let the man know what exactly you like. Secondly, having revealed his “wants” and “likes” to his partner, he will definitely try to implement them. In a healthy relationship, partners try to fulfill desires to please each other.

Photo: Shutterstock

"You're doing so well..."

"That woman just looked at you"

Oddly enough, other women's attention to your man can benefit your relationship. Of course, if we're talking about only about looks. The attention of the opposite sex is pleasant in itself - a person feels attractive and becomes more confident. Moreover, it shows that you noticed this look, which means you are looking at your man. But the most important thing is that you are so confident in yourself, in your partner and in your relationship that you can directly talk to him about such things.

"You were right"

Whatever one may say, everyone loves to be right, and the phrase “I told you so” brings special pleasure to many (despite the fact that it can be very annoying to a partner). Don't forget about this and sometimes allow a man to enjoy his small triumph.

"I'm on your side"

Support is very important for men. No matter what - in a dispute with someone else or just a difficult period - be close to your partner.

Photo: Shutterstock

"Tell me, I'm listening"

Women are often credited with the ability to talk for hours without stopping, but sometimes a man needs to talk too. At this moment, be an attentive listener and allow your partner to relieve your soul.

"Thank you"

It is worth remembering a simple “thank you” - in everyday life it also has a magical effect. We usually say “thank you” for actions that are much more meaningful than opening the door or making coffee, but even such little things are worth your gratitude.

"Will you help me?"

Men love to feel needed and strong. When you ask him for help, he understands that you can’t do it without him. Of course, you don’t have to worry about every little thing that you supposedly can’t do, but sometimes it’s worth “turning on your weakness” and asking for advice or fixing something.

"I feel safe with you"

A man tries to protect his beloved from everything in the world, so it is important to remind him that you feel safe with him because you know that he will protect you.

Say nice things to women! Tell your chosen one, your beloved, about your feelings. Yes! Not all men can do this! Yes! Men don't like to talk. And, yes, you men are from another planet and your psychology is completely different, not the same as ours - women! But damn you, you men! Be them until the end!

Do you want to be happy with a woman?

Do you want to live in peace and harmony with your chosen one? Do you just want to drag the lady you like to you? Just take it for granted that a woman loves with her ears. That's how we are built, period! It is not enough for a woman to be chosen, she needs to constantly hear why you chose her, hear how much you love her and what you are ready to do for her.

Of course, actions are more important! But words are also very important.

Don’t expect a woman to ask “do you love me?”, don’t grin and joke about this topic. Don't know how to say nice things to a woman? It's worse for you! Start studying immediately! You don’t need to be a poet at all, to compose poems for your woman in order to win her favor or cheer her up. Just sincerely tell the object of your dreams what you like about her. Tell her how you feel when you look at her. What do you feel when you touch her, when you make love to her, sorry?

Fools are those men who expect admiration, complete submission and admiration from a woman, without giving any emotions in return. Sooner or later you will be hit by a wave of reproaches from your woman. But we, women, know how to endure, and we endure and accept our lot as it comes to us. But believe me, the time will come and blood will be shed. Your nerves will be spoiled and you will be rewarded for your silence! And don’t wring your hands and tear out what’s left of your hair, wondering, “What have I done? She just went crazy!”

Remember the joke where the husband complained to his neighbor that his wife was terribly tired of him with her unkempt appearance, the fact that she did not cook delicious food, did not caress her husband, and was generally angry all the time? And how did it all end in the joke? Exactly! The woman has become who she should be - a beauty singing with pleasure, dashingly managing all matters, she can handle everything. And why? You know the answer - she is loved, and she knows it. Knowing that we are loved and important in our man’s life is our inspiration! Create a favorable atmosphere of peace and love in your home.

List of words your woman needs to hear more often

So, let's sketch out a rough, so to speak, list of words that your woman urgently needs to hear more often. It is necessary for her good mood, and therefore for your peace of mind. These are the words:

  1. darling
  2. desired
  3. tender
  4. the most beautiful (very beautiful)
  5. beloved
  6. amazing hostess
  7. passionate and insatiable
  8. flexible
  9. graceful
  10. you look great
  11. you look so young
  12. you have amazing eyes
  13. you won my heart once and for all
  14. only with you I'm happy
  15. you're gorgeous
  16. I will never get tired of telling you that I love you
  17. I admire you
  18. you are so cheerful and communication with you is easy and relaxed
  19. I will always love you
  20. you have an amazing sense of humor
  21. you have excellent taste in everything
  22. I will never understand how you manage everything so easily
  23. what do you find in me, I'm not worthy of you
  24. I am amazed at you, you are always on top
  25. I never cease to be amazed at your talents
  26. this dress suits you very well
  27. these trousers flatter your figure
  28. this blouse (dress, blouse, etc.) emphasizes your bust
  29. you are beautiful in any dress
  30. I love your ears, shoulders, arms, legs, chest, dimples, etc.
  31. I can't take my eyes off you
  32. I don’t want to be separated from you for a minute
  33. you always smell very nice
  34. I constantly think about you at work (on a business trip, trip, etc.)
  35. I look into your eyes and drown
  36. I melt thinking about you
  37. I can’t find words to express how passionate I am about you
  38. if I could, I would write a poem or a song for you
  39. my heart beats faster when I think about you
  40. you are a wonderful wife (friend, colleague, etc.), mother of our children

The list of words can be much longer. It all depends on you and your feelings. When speaking pleasant words to a woman, remember that they must correspond to the moment. Roughly speaking, you should not tell your woman “you are the most beautiful” at the moment when she is in tracksuit I just scrubbed the floors in your apartment or took out the trash. Feel the situation, when and what words to say. Don't overdo it with admiration, as it can become boring and seem untrue.

It is also important HOW you say your pleasant words. Intonation, context, and the conversation leading up to your wonderful words all matter!

A little practice and you will succeed! And, believe me, your woman will be grateful to you!

Reading time: 7 minutes. Published 04/11/2016

Your words can make a man a God or... cause him suffering. And your relationship with him will depend on this. So what do representatives of the stronger half of humanity want to hear from their women?
I bring to your attention several of the most common phrases that will sound like music to your man. And of course they will improve the quality of your relationship! Variants of this phrase:

  • How can I help you?
  • How can I ease your condition?
  • What would you like right now?
  • What would make you happy?
  • Is there anything I can do to make us both feel better?
He really wants your care for him. Caring gives your man a sense of the depth and strength of your relationship. After all, this is how you make it clear that his physical, moral and emotional well-being is important to you. Here's what men say when they hear these phrases:
  • “I feel like a person who is cared for, listened to, heard and understood.”
  • “I understand that she really cares about how I feel in difficult situation, and she really wants to help me.”
Variants of this phrase:
  • You solved this problem so easily!
  • I'm delighted how you... (fixed the TV, set up the computer, nailed the hanger, pulled the clothes cord...)
  • You took a weight off my shoulders.
  • I couldn't do this alone!
  • You did a great job for me.
When a man loves you, he wants you to feel comfort, coziness and security next to him. By letting him know that his efforts were not in vain, you inspire him to continue making efforts in this direction. Here's how men respond to these words:
  • “I realized that I had created a good base on which we could build much more and develop our relationship.”
  • “I would do even more for her!”
Phrase options:
  • I'm proud of you.
  • I believe in you.
  • You definitely can do it!
  • I'm with you anyway.
  • I don't care what others think, I know you better and I have confidence in you.
  • In my eyes, in any case, you are a wonderful (strong, talented, purposeful...) man.
“My wife is my fortress,” - this is how the famous artist Evgeny Zharikov paraphrased the famous catchphrase. Best Look, meaning support, is perhaps difficult to find.
Your man needs to know that he can count on you. Always. Both when he takes risks and when he pours champagne to celebrate a victory.
But a man is the embodiment of strength. Does he need support?
You are significant to your man like no one else. AND when you support him, believe in him and are proud of him, he becomes even stronger:
  • “Her support gives me confidence that I can solve many problems.”
  • “I have more strength.”
  • “I feel prepared to withstand the harsh conditions that I have been put under.”
  • Let's have a picnic!
  • Let's play tennis (ride bikes, swim...)
  • Let's go on an excursion.
  • Let's go to the festival.
  • Let's stay home and order dinner.
Your man wants you to spend time with him, and not only in case of important and useful matters. He needs shaking, switching, play, a positive charge of emotions like air! Relationships become insipid and turn into a routine if they always follow the model “home - work, work - home, weekends - TV”.
Therefore, arrange small holidays. And don't get hung up on one thing. If he usually takes you to cafes or restaurants, host the reception at your place. And if you also prepare a dish that you master or that he likes, you will win doubly!
What do men think?
  • “The pleasure of spending time together is so refreshing to our relationship!”
  • “We usually have special sex after events like this.”
  • You turn me on so much!
  • When you do things like this, I lose control...
  • Touch here...
  • More please...
  • I'm going crazy from your smell...
  • Where did we stop last time?
Your man wants to know that he is still desirable to you, excites you, and you can't wait to get into bed with him. And it’s not at all necessary to hope that he initiates sex every time. Take the first step! Let him know how much you want him. You don't risk being intrusive or immodest.
Men are delighted with this:
  • "It helps me feel sexually powerful."
  • “It fires me up!”
  • “I know that I am interesting, desirable, this adds warmth to the relationship, makes us closer.”
  • I'm so grateful to you!
  • I have no words...
  • I can't tell you how great you did!
  • Your help is so important to me!
  • Your care makes me truly happy.
  • I'm very pleased that you thought of this.
A huge number of men want a simple thing: to be appreciated for what they do. He knows that you need him. He strives to help you. Loving man wants to make you happy, it’s in his blood.
Therefore, sincerely express your gratitude to him. Don't skimp! This is the fuel that motivates him to continue in the same spirit:
  • “I know that she will highly appreciate my hard work and results. So I’m willing to put in the effort.”
  • “Her gratitude is a sign to me that I make her happy, which means I’m a real man!”
  • “When I do something for her, she feels special and is willing to give a lot in return.”
  • I love it when you smile.
  • I love your hands.
  • I love your hugs.
  • I love watching you when you make things.
  • I love your voice.
  • I love listening to you snore in your sleep.
  • I love your confused look too.
  • I love your shirts, ties and socks.
When you say “I love...”, you are turning to him with your heart. And his heart responds. He feels with all his being that your love is unshakable and unconditional.. He stops being afraid of his vulnerability and gains the ability to express his love in return. Isn't this what you want?
  • “A woman who can speak about her love openly and strongly is a gift from fate.”
  • “Words are very important to me. But if these words are accompanied by a loving look, or even better, a gentle touch or hug, it’s just a thrill!”

So, if you want to show your man how much he means to you, use all the phrases that were discussed. Let your wise instinct tell you how and in what combinations to do this. And you will become the one and only for him.

You are my clear sun, the light wind on the shore, you are the beautiful starry sky, I can’t live without you! 30

I can’t imagine my day, my life without you, without you it’s empty and there’s no meaning in it. Only with you I understand how beautiful the dawn of life is! 6

My love for you is unearthly, that’s how I love you! I don’t need anyone else, my heart beats only for you! 35

You are my star, my clear sun, my most beautiful in the world! I hug, kiss, lovingly, you are the only one for me in the whole world! 38

I want to be with you always, my love, and not lose a single moment of happiness! Without flattery, I want to say: there is no one better than you in the world, you are the best on the entire planet! 25

In the whole world there is no one more beautiful and desirable than you! You are my dream, a beautiful fairy tale! In my soul there is a burning, burning, feeling so strong passionate love to you! 20

I love you very much, my little bunny! You make the world more beautiful every moment! I hasten to tell you how madly in love I am with you! 16

There is an intensity of feelings and passions in my soul, you are beyond all praise, I better girls I don’t know, I dream about you every moment! 16

You are as radiant as the sun in a clear sky, as bright as the first snow, and as sparkling as a newly lit flame! 22

I kiss, love, hug, gently press to my heart! Imagine it all, smile! Your smile gives meaning and life! 12

I need you, my star,
Like a desert needs water.
I need you, my joy,
Just like ships need the seas.
Like a homeless person needs shelter,
I need you, my love! 27

I want to see you, be next to you, not let go, not part, all my life, like on a river, swim with you, love you and kiss you tenderly, and hug you, and dream about the future! 30

You are my most beloved, sweetest, kindest, gentle and affectionate kitten in the world! I love you madly! 9

I love you very much, my dear! You are beautiful, you are wonderful, you smell of care and affection! I thank fate for giving you! 21

You excite my blood, I’m terribly in love with you! And I endlessly fall in love with you again and again! 11

You are my real, most beautiful treasure, there is no one you are more precious and desirable, there is no gift of fate more long-awaited! Always be with me, my love! 10

I love your uniqueness
Tenderness of heart, beauty,
A soul full of fire!
An image like a dream! 12

Since you have been with me, my soul has become lighter. And nothing more is needed, I just ask, always be mine! 26

I’ve never met anyone like you, you’re the only one on the whole earth. I am ready to kiss you endlessly, if only you smile at me. 22

Love for you reigns in my soul, it excites my blood so much! You are the only one in the whole world... You are my main treasure in life! 10

My heart is knocking, knocking, knocking, all this knocking is about you, it beats for you, you are my joy and soul! I forget about everything with you, without you everything becomes lazy, I only know one thing for sure - that I want to see you every day! 15

You are the owner of my heart, and without you it suffers! 18