"Tools". Summary of GCD in the preparatory group

Elena Lupikina
"Tools". Summary of GCD in the preparatory group

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic “Tools”

Technologies used: Dybina O. In “What happened before...”; Ushakova O. D. “Riddles, counting rhymes, tongue twisters”

Purpose of the lesson:

Expand children's understanding of different types of tools and their use in work by people of different professions.



Teach children to solve riddles, form adjectives from nouns, and expand their vocabulary.


develop children's memory, logical thinking, and coherent speech.


To instill in children a respectful attitude towards the work of adults.

Materials for the lesson: Presentation on the topic “Tools” (author’s,

D/i “Who needs what?”

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational point:

Guys, today we will talk about tools. What are tools? (Tools are objects that help people in their work) - slide 1;

II. The first instruments appeared a long time ago. They were used by primitive people. At first it was just a stone tied to a stick.

What modern instrument do you think it resembles? (it looks like an axe). Right. With the help of such tools, people built homes, obtained food, and made objects necessary for life - slide 2;

Then people learned to make tools from iron - slide 3; The profession of a blacksmith is still in demand today.

In the modern world, power tools have appeared, which has made people’s work much easier - slide 4;

III. Game "Guess the riddles"

Do you want to solve riddles about tools? (Yes)

(the teacher reads the riddle, the children guess, after which a picture appears on the slide, and then explain their answer)

1. Has a lot of teeth, but doesn’t eat anything? (Saw) - Slide 5

(a saw is needed to cut something off)

2. The fat one hits the thin one, the thin one will punch something. (Hammer and nail) - slide 6

(A hammer is needed to hammer a nail)

3 They have hard work, they press something all the time. (Vise) – slide 7

(Various parts are secured in a vice so that they can be processed conveniently)

4. She started dancing with the propeller, and he got stuck spinning in the board! (Screw and screwdriver) – slide 8

(Use a screwdriver to tighten the screws)

5. On a mirror skating rink

On a single skate.

He rode once -

And the whole skating rink fell apart. (Glass cutter) – slide 9

(A glass cutter is needed to cut glass)

6. At the Little Humpbacked Horse

Wooden sides

From under his hooves

White shavings run

Wooden river

Wooden boat

And it hovers over the boat

Wooden smoke. (Plane) – slide 10

(They cut the boards with a plane so that they are smooth)

7. We will squeeze the nail with our claws, R-time and no nails. (Pliers) – slide 11

(Pliers are needed to pull nails out of boards)

8. This stone circle

Tools are your best friend

Sparks will swirl above you

What makes something sharp is what is dull. (Sharpening) – slide 12

(A sharpener is needed for sharpening tools)

IV. Physical education minute

Tyusha Plush toast (springs)

Nailed a hook to the wall (fist knocking on fist)

Knock, yes knock

Knock, yes knock

The old nail suddenly bent (hands in fists bend and unbend)

The nail bent like a worm

And the fat man bursts from the chair! (squat down)

He sniffed his nose cheerfully,

He pulled up his trousers (gets to his feet)

Counted my freckles

Smoothed the curls to the top of the head

Tyusha Plusha does not roar (jumping on two legs)

Even if you're unlucky!

V. Didactic game “Who needs what for work?”

People of different professions use tools in their work.

Let's play the game "Who needs what?" Here are pictures of people from different professions. Name the professions of the people in the pictures and match them with pictures with the tools they need in their work.

Picture options:

Carpenter (Plane, chisel, saw, hammer);

Carpenter (Axe, saw, hammer);

Plumber (wrench, cutting machine, hacksaw);

Auto mechanic (Hacksaw, wrench, vice);

Gardener (trimmer, shovel, rake, watering can);

Lumberjack (Chainsaw, Axe);

Doctor (syringe, tweezers, thermometer);

Hairdresser (Scissors, hair dryer, comb, clipper);

Glazier (Roulette, glass cutter);

Seamstress (Iron, needles, scissors, pins);

Shoemaker (Hammer, knife, awl).

VI. Game "Finish the sentence"

For example:

Builders need construction tools;

The gardener needs... (gardening tools);

The doctor needs... (medical instruments);

The seamstress needs... (sewing tools);

The carpenter needs... (carpentry tools);

The shoemaker needs them. (shoe tools).

VII. Game "What's extra?"

Axe, pliers, glass cutter, drill. Slide 13 (Drill is a power tool, and an axe, pliers, glass cutter are manual)

Vise, needle and thread, hammer, drill. Slide 14 (A needle is a sewing tool, and a vice, hammer and plane are construction tools)

Tweezers, syringe, thermometer, tape measure. Slide 15 (A tape measure is a construction tool, and tweezers, a syringe, a thermometer are medical)

Awl, watering can, spatula, rake. Slide 16 (Awl is a shoemaking tool, and a watering can, shovel, rake are gardening tools)

VIII. Summary of the lesson.

Guys, what did we talk about in our lesson? (About tools)

What types of instruments do you remember? (gardening, carpentry, etc.)

Draw and color the tools that you have at home, in the country, or that your parents use at work.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of mathematical entertainment for children of preparatory school groups “Tic-tac-toe” Summary of mathematical entertainment “Tic-Tac-Toe” in a preparatory school group Program content: maintain interest.

Joint educational situation of the teacher with the children of the preparatory group Topic: “Tools” Goal: Create conditions for consolidation.

Summary of sports leisure “Winter games and fun” for children of senior and preparatory groups Program content. Educational area “Physical Development” - improve motor skills in a relaxed atmosphere.

Summary of a sports festival on the water for children of senior and preparatory school groups. Objectives: 1. Strengthen the ability to swim crawl on the chest. 2. Develop physical qualities: speed, agility. 3. Cultivate friendliness and feeling.

Topic: Drawing tools of the Paint graphic editor.

Lesson type: combined;

Equipment: computer, projector;

Lesson objectives:

Educational: introduction to the graphic editor Paint; practical study of the toolbar of the graphic editor Paint.

Educational: development of computer literacy, development of individual computer skills in the Paint graphics editor;

Educational: fostering a culture of communication in the classroom and in everyday life, control and self-control skills, the ability to work and think independently.

Lesson plan:

    Organizational moment

    Learning new material and consolidating acquired knowledge

    Lesson summary. Grading


Lesson progress

    Organizational moment.
    Greeting students, communicating the topic, lesson objectives )

    Studying new material and consolidating acquired knowledge.

To create an image:

    The first step is to choose a tool.

IN Paint you can use any of the sixteen tools.

To find out what a tool does, hover your mouse over it and a tooltip will appear in a small frame.

Let's now begin to explore the capabilities of the graphic editor and start with the simplest.

To draw straight lines:

Drawing rectangles, squares, rounded rectangles, ellipses, and circles

These tools can be drawn shaded or not.

Drawing Sequence

    Selecting the rectangle tool

    Select the fill type in the additional window that appears under the toolbar.

1 type circuit

2 type outline with fill

Type 3 solid figure.

    Place the mouse pointer in the place where we want to draw a rectangle.

    Press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag the pointer, stretching the frame to the desired size and shape.

    Release the mouse button.

In order to draw a square or circle, you need to perform the same steps only while holding down the Shift key.

Save the result

Drawing curved lines

    Selecting the curve tool

    Selecting line thickness

    Draw a straight line

    Let's pull the place on the line where we want to get a bend. Click in the same place again if you want to get a curve with one bend.

    If we want to get a line with two bends, pull again in a different place on the line.

Save the result

Drawing Polygons

Save the result

Using the Spray, Brush, Pencil tools.

    Selecting a spray tool

    Choosing a color on the palette

    Select the thickness of the spray spot.

    Place the mouse pointer at the spraying location and, holding down the left button, spray paint. The longer we hold it in one place, the denser it is painted.

Using the eraser, selection, fill, and magnifier tools

    Using the eraser tool, you can erase parts of shapes to create new images.

    Using the selection tool, you can select the desired area and move it.

    The Fill tool fills the selected area with color.

    The magnifying glass tool magnifies an object

Consolidation of the studied material (tasks for independent work).

    Lesson summary. Grading

To use any tool for drawing, you must follow these steps:

    Place your mouse pointer over the tool you want to draw with at the moment and click on it.

    Place the mouse pointer on the square with the color in the palette and left-click.

    Move the pointer to the drawing area where you want to start drawing.

    Press the mouse button and, without releasing it, drag the pointer in the desired direction.

    Release the mouse button at the point where you finish drawing.

    Homework. Draw a traffic light

The kids love music and everything connected with it. Therefore, they are happy to examine and study musical instruments, and, if possible, try to play them. But it can be quite difficult for kids to remember the names of so many unusual objects,

And in this case, cut-out pictures depicting different instruments come to the rescue; For children who can read well or are beginning to read, pictures with names are especially relevant.

Typically, pictures for children depicting musical instruments include the main types of instruments from different classes - keyboards, percussion, winds. The differences between them are studied at school, and at the kindergarten level, children only need to remember the name of the instrument and, if possible, find out what it sounds like. Therefore, it is very convenient if pictures depicting musical instruments for kindergarten are accompanied by a recording on a CD.

It’s easier to start learning with instruments that have a characteristic appearance and sound.

The flute is one of the very first instruments to come into being.

Saxophone and clarinet.

The organ is the largest of all instruments.

The triangle and tambourine are the main creators of additional sound effects.

The violin is the queen among musical instruments.

The cello is the larger sister of the violin with a lower voice.

The synthesizer is a real all-rounder.

Grand piano and piano are the basis of music.

Xylophone, a children's version of which children usually become familiar with at a young age.

Gusli is the most widespread folk instrument in our country.

A harmonica (or accordion) that is convenient to carry in your pocket. Makes a kind and touching sound.

The guitar and its cousin the electric guitar.

A bagpipe whose singing can often be heard in Scotland.

The drum and the whole drum set are the main pacemakers of the melody.

The accordion is an instrument with a rich sound.

Maracas make a delightful rustling sound.

For convenience, you can make cards from pictures depicting musical instruments, and then kids will be able to work with them more purposefully, looking at the instruments up close, pulling out different ones in turn and grouping them according to certain characteristics.

Musical instruments (drawn)

At school, they will already be laying out pictures, guided by the type of instrument and its sound. You can show the desired card, including a recording of the sound of a particular instrument, and then the kids will better understand and hear the melodies. And by getting involved with music, they will expand their horizons and enrich their inner world.

Abstract of GCD “Artistic Creativity” (drawing)

Topic: “All professions are important, all professions are needed. Let's help the driver."

Program content:

Educational field "Artistic creativity": continue to learn how to draw round objects, figuratively reflect simple objects when drawing with pencils, hold a pencil correctly with three fingers, paint over a drawing without going beyond the boundaries.

Educational area "Cognition": expand children’s understanding of basic professions.

Educational field "Communication": learn to express your thoughts in speech, give a complete answer to the teacher’s questions, learn to change a noun by case.

Educational field "Socialization": to form emotional responsiveness, the desire to help those in need.

Educational field "Health": form the correct posture when drawing: sit freely, do not lean low over the table.

Educational field "Physical education": develop the desire to play outdoor games with simple content.

Educational field "Music": to develop the skill of performing productive actions to music.

Material: pictures depicting people of different professions and attributes of professions, a ball, a toy doctor, a letter from Dunno, a toy car without wheels, colored pencils, for each child an A4 sheet with a picture of a bus without wheels, a radio tape recorder, classical music, cards with the image Dunno.

Progress of the lesson.

1 Organizational moment.

Ball game. Standing in a circle, children name professions, passing the ball to each other.
2. Introduction to the topic.

A stranger (Dr. Aibolit) came to visit. Guess which one
What is this man's profession? (doctor). How did you guess?
Children describe the doctor's clothes and name the objects in his hands.

3. Didactic game “Who does what.” Doctor Aibolit plays educational games with children.

The cook is cooking....
Teacher - teaches....
The seller is selling...
Educator - educates....
(hairdresser, driver, dressmaker, policeman).
4. Didactic exercise “Complete the sentence.”
The cook is cooking (what?) - soup.
The doctor treats (who?) - ....
The driver drives (what?) - ....
The dressmaker sews (what?) - ....
The teacher teaches (who?) - ....
The seller sells (what?) - ....
5. Didactic game “Who needs what.”

Doctor Aibolit gives each child a picture depicting items needed by people of a particular profession. Children guess what profession Doctor Aibolit has chosen.
The cook needs pots, a ladle, a cap, etc.
The teacher needs...
The doctor needs...
The seller needs...
The dressmaker needs....
The hairdresser needs...
The teacher needs...

6. Physical education minute. "Pilot"
It’s good to be a driver (they run in circles, “steer”)
Better to be a pilot. (run in a circle, arms to the sides)
I would become a pilot
Let them teach me.
I pour gasoline into the tank, (they stop, “pour”)
I start the propeller: (circular movements with my right hand)
“Take the engine to heaven, (they run in a circle, arms to the sides).
So that the birds can sing."
7. Statement of the problem situation. Letter from Dunno.
The teacher tells the children that he has just received a letter from Dunno. Reading the letter: “Hello guys, hello Doctor Aibolit. I am very sick, I really need your help. Come quickly, good Doctor Aibolit!” . Children sympathize with Dunno. The doctor and the guys go to help Dunno and find out how they will get there. It won't work in a passenger car, there are a lot of guys and they won't all fit in the car, but everyone can get there by bus. We find out that the driver must drive the bus. We arrange the chairs like a train, the driver gets behind the wheel, but the bus does not move. Let's find out what the reason is. The teacher shows a toy bus that has no wheels. Here's the thing. The teacher offers to fix the bus; to do this, you need to add wheels to the bus.

8. Drawing wheels.

The teacher and the children find out what color the wheels will be (black), clarify the shape of the wheel (circle), the children describe a circle in the air with their index finger. The teacher shows drawing techniques. Pays attention to children's posture and how to hold a pencil correctly. The work takes place to the music.

9. Summary of the lesson.

The children repaired the bus, the driver and Aibolit thank the children for their help. Aibolit cured Dunno. Dunno gives the guys his portrait as a sign of gratitude.

Topic of the month, week, day 12/07/2015 (Monday) “Tools, electrical appliances. Materials".


Group, subgroup



Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic: “Our helpers are electrical appliances”.

Tasks: introduce children to electrical appliances and their purpose for human life.

Examination of photographic illustrations depicting electrical appliances.

Individual work on speech development(Seryozha, Lida, Lesha).

Tasks: exercise children in selecting action words (chicken clucks, clucks, pecks, walks, looks). Enrich children's vocabulary.

Household work: cleaning the group room.

Tasks: teach how to organize joint work, create responsibility for fulfilling work assignments.

Tips for parents on organizing games with basic mathematical calculations. Providing methodological recommendations for playing games with counting elements.

Development of speech “Sound “Sh” (wind song), drawing balls, listening to nursery rhymes.

Target: continue to develop children’s phonemic hearing and speech apparatus, encouraging them to intonationally highlight the hard consonant sound “Ш” in words, to pronounce sounds clearly and clearly. Continue to introduce the term “consonant sound”, name the first sound in words. Develop graphic skills. Develop the ability to read a nursery rhyme. To develop the skill of self-control and self-esteem (E.V. Kolesnikova “From Word to Sound”, p. 26).

Drawing "TV".

Target: expand ideas about the shape of familiar objects; learn to convey the characteristic features of objects ; develop the ability to draw with a brush and paints; develop the ability to draw any image on the TV screen.


Observation adults at work: a janitor clears the snow .

Tasks: invite children to watch the work of the janitor and talk about its importance. Organize the provision of all possible assistance to him.

Outdoor games « Cat and mice", "Crucian carp and pike".

Tasks: continue to teach how to follow the rules of the game;

intensify physical activity.

Work : collecting snow for buildings on a group site.

Individual work on

movement development(Sonya, Dasha N., Danya P.).

Tasks: develop the skills of throwing a ball at a target.

Didactic game "Live Week".

Tasks: consolidate children's knowledge of the sequence of days of the week.

Sports game football .

Tasks: teach children to play together and act as one team. Promote the development of accuracy, coordination of movements, determination, courage.

Independent games for children with external materials.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Getting ready for bed.

Reading a story G. Yurshina “Curious little mouse”

Tasks: teach children to listen to the reader, understand the content of what they read, answer questions based on the content, and evaluate the actions of the characters.

Canteen duty


Tasks: cultivate responsibility, conscientiousness, and develop teamwork skills.

Game situation “Handkerchief”.

Tasks: teach children to monitor the condition of their nose and mouth and use a handkerchief when coughing and sneezing.


Experimentation game“Tricks of inertia” (the possibility of practical use of inertia in everyday life).

Didactic game “What’s mixed up”(Sasha, Yulia,

Dasha F.).

Tasks: consolidate ordinal counting skills, develop visual perception, memory, and attention.

Role-playing games “Builders”, “Firemen”».

Tasks: improve children’s ability to unite in play, distribute roles, and perform game actions in accordance with the game plan.

Organized educational activities

Physical training


Observation in nature: properties of snow.

Tasks : invite children to tell what they know about the properties of snow, to suggest whether snow is the same everywhere. Dig a hole and invite the children to look at the layers of snow.

Outdoor game "Traps."

Tasks: to develop in children the ability to concentrate and distribute attention, act on a signal, develop coordination of movements, dexterity.

Planning educational work for December.

Topic of the month, week, day 12/08/2015 (Tuesday) “Tools, electrical appliances. Materials".


Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with specialists, parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic "Tools for people of different professions."

Tasks: introduce children totools, their purpose, types.

Examination of photographic illustrations depicting instruments.

Articulation gymnastics“Puffing up our cheeks”, “Spatula”, “Fence” (Semyon, Danya P., Ulyana).

Tasks: train children's articulatory apparatus.

Class duty(Sasha).

Tasks: teach children to perform duty duties, instill responsibility.

Independent activities of children in the theater corner.

Tasks: develop children's independence, initiative, and creative abilities.

Consultations: “Children’s safety at home”, “Dangerous objects in the house”.

Organized educational activities

Cognitive development (FCDM) "Electricity and electrical appliances."

Target: introduce children to the concept of “electricity”, “electric current”, and the cause of static electricity”; clarify and expand knowledge about household electrical appliances; expand ideas about where electricity “lives” and how it helps people; introduce the rules for safe handling of electrical appliances at home.

Modeling "Tool Set".

Target: to convey in modeling the features of the shape of tools of people of different professions, to maintain proportionality between parts. Strengthen the ability to roll plasticine between the palms, improve pulling techniques. Develop fine motor skills, vocabulary, creativity.



Weather observation.

Tasks: strengthen children’s ability to independently determine the weather, name its main characteristics: cloudiness, temperature, precipitation, wind.

Outdoor games "Interceptors", "Sly Fox".

Tasks: teach children to follow the rules of the game, play the roles of players and driver-trap. Increase children's physical activity.

Work: clearing the area of ​​branches.

Individual work on

movement development(Misha, Danya H., Lesha).

Tasks: improve walking technique (walking with side steps).

Outdoor game

"Cold - hot."

Tasks: achieve the correct technique in previously mastered types of walking.

A health jog around the kindergarten.

Tasks: teach children to correctly perform basic movements when running, maintain posture, coordinate the movements of arms and legs, and breathe rhythmically through the nose.

Independent games of children's choice.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Getting ready for bed.

Reading and discussion of the story

L. Panteleeva “Big wash”.

Tasks: develop artistic perception and aesthetic taste, develop literary speech.

Canteen duty(Lida).

Tasks: Discuss with children the significance of the work being performed, teach them to plan their actions, stick to the plan, talk about the results of the work, and evaluate its quality.

Formation of a culture of behavior.

Tasks: discuss with children why people say hello to each other, form the habit of saying hello to parents and teachers, and saying goodbye when going home.


Health-improving activities after sleep: awakening gymnastics, walking along massage paths.

Work in the sensory education corner.

Tasks: consolidate children’s ability to perceive the various properties of objects using different senses, compare and classify them.

Didactic game “Long, wide”(Seryozha, Olya, Dasha F.).

Tasks: consolidate the ability to compare the length and width of objects using a conventional measure. Improve design skills.

Independent gaming activity: board games.

Tasks: teach children to choose a game based on their interests, select partners for the game, and independently select a place to play.

Role-playing games of children's choice.


Observation behind the stars.

Tasks: invite children to look at the starry sky, tell them that many centuries ago people came up with the idea of ​​combining stars into constellations. Tell children about the constellations of the zodiac, show the Big Dipper.

Outdoor game “We are funny guys.”

Tasks: to develop the ability to act on a signal, to train children in running. Develop attention, coordination of movements, agility and endurance.

Independent motor activity of children.

Planning educational work for December.

Topic of the month, week, day 12/09/2015 (Wednesday) “Tools, electrical appliances. Materials".


Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with specialists, parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



Morning exercises.

Conversation “Why can’t you play with sharp objects?”

Tasks: teach to follow safety rules in case of discovering an unfamiliar object, reinforce the rules for handling sharp objects.

Examination of plot and subject pictures on the topic.

Finger gymnastics “Friendship”, "Sharpening the knife"(Seryozha, Lesha, Sasha).

Tasks: develop fine motor skills of the hands, the ability to switch from one movement to another, synchrony and sequence of movements.

Games with building materials.

Tasks : to develop children’s ability to independently select construction kit parts for the construction of the necessary building. Develop imagination and imagination.

Parents meeting

Organized educational activities

Speech development. Theme: "Tools".

Target: teach children to name instruments, consolidate the general concept of “instruments” in the dictionary, teach them to compose stories about instruments according to the proposed visual plan. Learn to make phrases and sentences using pictures (N.E. Teremkova “Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with OHP”, album 4, p. 4).

Decorative drawing “Magic snowflakes” (winter colors).

Target: learn to build a circular pattern from the center, symmetrically arranging elements on radial axes or by symmetrically building up elements at concentric angles. Use a variety of straight, rounded lines, shapes, and plant elements in the pattern. Use a brush skillfully. To arouse in children the desire to create a collective composition from painted snowflakes (I.A. Lykova, p. 94).

Physical training(according to the plan of the physical manager)


Observation: change in day length.

Tasks: invite children, based on the results of observations, to draw a conclusion about the change in the path of the sun across the sky, the change in the length of the day.

Outdoor games « Counter dashes”, “Who’s next?”

Tasks: learn to run, holding each other, listen to the teacher’s signal.

Work: cleaning branches on the site.

Individual work on PHYS with Olya, Ulyana, Misha.

Tasks: practice running, completing a task to improve the ability to navigate in space.

Didactic game “When does this happen?”

Tasks: clarify children’s ideas about the seasons, practice them in coherent speech.

Game activities based on children's interests.

Tasks: To develop children’s independence, activity, and to develop the ability to spend their leisure time interestingly and usefully.

Role-playing game "Car Showroom".

Tasks: to form sociocultural competencies.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Getting ready for bed.

Reading poetry S. Mikhalkova “My Street”, “Bad History”.

Tasks: instill an interest in fiction.

Canteen duty

(Nikita V.).

Tasks: to help improve children’s table setting skills and to teach them to independently perform the duties of a table attendant from start to finish.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: form the habit of washing your hands before eating; continue to improve the culture of food: eat carefully, quietly, make requests, give thanks.


Health-improving activities after sleep: awakening gymnastics, walking along massage paths.

Games – dramatizations based on the contents of stories

J. Rodari "Cipollino" and others.

Tasks: teach children to dramatize dialogues, use various means of expression to convey the character and emotions of the characters in stories.

Individual work on FEMP: didactic game "Do the same"(Danya P., Lida, Semyon).

Tasks: practice counting with children

The use of strokes and shading, templates and stencils of tools, electrical appliances.

Coloring illustrations from coloring books.

Drawing "Toolbox" - and cutting along the contour.

Tasks: strengthen the ability to cut out instruments from paper, develop fine motor skills


Weather observation.

Tasks: teach children to independently talk about the state of the weather, choose the necessary symbols, and write descriptions using figurative expressions.

Outdoor games "Cat and Mice", "Planes".

Tasks: continue to teach to follow the rules of the game; intensify physical activity.

Independent motor activity .

Tasks : teach children to organize games independently, find activities of interest for themselves and their friends.

Planning educational work for December.

Theme of the month, week, day 12/10/2015 (Thursday) “Tools, electrical appliances. Materials".


Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with specialists, parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic “ Electrical appliances can cause a fire." “The TV caught fire.”

Tasks: consolidate knowledge about fire safety measures. Teach children the correct behavior in case of fire of electrical appliances at home; learn to independently draw conclusions about the consequences of careless handling of electrical appliances.

Laying out counting sticks along the contour of electrical appliances(Lesha, Danya Kh., Yulia).

Games with large building materials.

Tasks: learn to think about and plan practical actions, reason, justify your idea.

Class duty(Sasha).

Tasks: teach children to prepare the necessary materials in accordance with the topic of the lesson.

Game activities based on children's interests.

Tasks: to develop independence, activity in children, to develop the ability to spend leisure time interestingly and usefully.

The use of strokes and shading, templates and stencils of tools, electrical appliances.

Consultation for parents on the topic: “Book corner - what to read with children”, “A book is the best friend and helper”.

Organized educational activities

Cognitive development (FEMP). Number and figure 9.

Target: introduce the formation of the number 9 and the number 9; practice counting within 9; learn to increase numbers by one, be able to compare objects by thickness, explain in words the result of comparison: “thicker - thinner”, “equal in thickness” (V.P. Novikova “Mathematics in kindergarten”, p. 38).

Music(according to the music director’s plan)


Poplar observation.

Tasks: form ideas about the winter poplar, about how you can help it survive the cold winter.

The teacher asks the children questions.What do trees do in winter?Is it good or bad for them in winter?How can we help

survive the cold winter?

Outdoor games

« Two Frosts", "Entertainers".

Tasks: teach to perform characteristic movements according to the content of the game; develop agility and speed.

Work: sweeping the veranda.

Individual work with Semyon, Ulyana, Nikita V.development of movements.

Tasks: teach jumping on one (right, left) leg.

Didactic game “Count - don’t be mistaken!”

Tasks: teach children to reproduce the order of numbers

natural series, practice forward and backward counting.

Independent play activities of children.

Tasks: teach children to independently find something to do, join groups for joint games, and take into account the interests of other children.

Sports game "Band Hockey".

Tasks: introduce children to the main participants in the game (forward, goalkeeper, defender); teach how to make passes to a playing partner.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Getting ready for bed.

Reading of Sasha Cherny's poem "Wolf".

Tasks: introduce children to fiction, enrich children's vocabulary.

Canteen duty

(Dasha F.).

Tasks: teach children to independently and conscientiously perform the duties of dining room attendants, set the table, and clear away dishes after meals.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills.

Tasks: teach children to cover their mouths with a handkerchief when coughing and sneezing, and to use a handkerchief correctly.


Health-improving activities after sleep: awakening gymnastics, walking along massage paths.

Book corner work: an overview of modern children's magazines.

Tasks: introduce children to modern children's periodicals, develop the need for reading magazines and interest in them.

Didactic game “What’s extra?”(Sonya, Dasha N.,

Danya P.).

Tasks: train children in the use of nouns with prepositions; learn to reason logically and find what is superfluous among a group of objects, and give reasons for your choice.

Role-playing games “Car repair shop”, “Barber shop”.

Tasks: teach children to coordinate their actions with the actions of their partners, to observe role-playing actions and relationships in the game.

Games with rules: “Interesting models”, “What did the artist mix up”,


Observation for birds: crow.

Tasks: invite children to describe the bird, imitate its voice, and observe the bird’s habits in the winter season. Tell children about the life of birds in the cold season.

Outdoor game "Baba Yaga".

Tasks: remind children of the rules of the game, teach them to play the role of a trap driver, develop reaction speed, and develop the ability to react to the actions of their comrades.

bat at a distance, develop accuracy.

Planning educational work for December.

Theme of the month, week, day 12/11/2015 (Friday) “Tools, electrical appliances. Materials".


Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with specialists, parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic “Good mood.”

Tasks: to develop health-saving competencies in children: a positive attitude towards their health, knowledge of methods of physical self-improvement.

Didactic game “Wonderful bag”, theme “Tools” (Danya Kh., Misha, Lesha).

Tasks: teach children to use the ability to recognize and correctly name tools and their characteristics to solve a game problem.

Role-playing games “Orchestra”, “Supermarket”.

Tasks: improve and expand children’s play ideas and skills, encourage the desire to organize role-playing games.

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process, focusing on reading works of fiction with their child.

Organized educational activities

Cognitive development (FCDM). Journey into the past of the light bulb.

Target: introduce children to the history of the light bulb; evoke a positive emotional mood, interest in the past of this subject (O.V. Dybina “Acquaintance with the subject and social environment”, p. 41)

Physical training(street)


Observation behind the objects of the surrounding reality.

Tasks: invite children to pay attention to the frozen windows, look at the patterns on them, and determine what they look like. Tell the children why ice patterns appear on the windows.

Outdoor games« Shepherd and Flock", "Day - Night"

Tasks: teach children to monitor the coordination of movements of the arms and legs, to maintain posture when running. Cultivate courage and self-confidence.

Work: cleaning branches on the site.

Outdoor game "Don't get caught"(Nikita V., Danya P., Olya).

Tasks: train children to jump over a line, teach them to perform jumps technically, and maintain correct posture. Develop agility and reaction speed.

Didactic game “Find a toy.”

Tasks: to develop in children the ability to find an object, focusing on its main features.

Sports game bandy.

Tasks: teach children how to dribble a ball with a stick, avoid obstacles, and make passes to a partner. Develop coordination of movements, dexterity, cultivate endurance.

Independent play activities of children.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Getting ready for bed.

Reading chapters from A. Volkov’s book “The Wizard of the Emerald City.”

Tasks: introduce children to a fairy tale, arouse interest and a desire to listen to the fairy tale further.

Canteen duty(Julia).

Tasks: contribute to the improvement of skills related to the duties of the duty officer. Involve children in serving the second course and clearing dishes from tables.

Self-care: Locker room exercise.

Tasks: teach children to undress carefully and quickly, observing the correct sequence, and maintain order in their clothes.


Health-improving activities after sleep: awakening gymnastics, walking along massage paths.

Experimental activity “Magic electricity".

Tasks:generalize children's knowledge about electricity; introduce children to the cause and manifestation of static electricity;cultivate interest in understanding the world around us;

evoke joy in discoveries gained from experience.

Didactic game “Who will find the most?”(Ulyana, Sasha, Seryozha).

Tasks: to train children in memorizing, distinguishing and naming geometric shapes. Develop visual perception, imagination, learn to use the names of figures in various speech constructions.

Printed board games of children's choice.

Tasks: develop observation, attention, the ability to notice similarities and differences in objects, and activate the vocabulary.

Drawing along the strokes and cutting out along the contour “Musical Instruments”.


Observation for the weather .

Tasks: to clarify children’s ideas about natural phenomena united by the concept of “weather”. Invite children to characterize today's weather, compose a collective story using the concepts of dry, windy, sunny, cloudy.

Outdoor game "Geese-swans".

Tasks: invite children to tell the rules of the game, explain how the players need to act. Develop attention, dexterity, coordination of movements.

Independent activity of children.

Tasks: fostering independence, encouraging initiative and friendly relationships.