The world of a preschooler's first personal account experience. The procedure for conducting the competition of educational projects “The World of a Preschooler - First Experience”

Psychological workshop for beginners Tatyana Vladimirovna Barlas

The world through the eyes of a preschooler

The world through the eyes of a preschooler

Everyone remembers themselves in childhood, but many features of how a preschool child perceives and understands the world around them escape memory and seem surprising to adults: it is difficult and unusual for us to go beyond the “correct” and seemingly only possible understanding of reality. It turned out, however, that the world of a preschooler is built according to completely different principles, many of which were discovered at the beginning of our century by the Swiss scientist Piaget. Here are some of his experiences that anyone can repeat.

Two glasses of water are placed in front of the child, one low and wide, the other tall and thin. The first one contains water. An adult or the child himself pours the water into the second glass. Although everything happens before the child’s eyes, if he is 3–6 years old, he, as a rule, believes that there is more water.

They place two rows of small objects in front of the child (buttons, construction parts, candies, pieces of chocolate, etc.) and ask which row has more of them.

After the correct answer “Equal,” the objects in the bottom row are moved apart.

Now the child believes that there are more objects in the bottom row.

Depending on the age and individual characteristics of the child, different forms of manifestation of the described phenomena can be observed. If the experience can cause delight in younger children (“Look, they (figurines) are all over the table!”), then in older children - bewilderment (“I poured the water myself”), attempts at explanation (“Is this some kind of trick? "), worsening mood, doubts and even attempts to “correct the situation”, for example, sneaking a candy in the top row so that there are definitely fewer of them. Some children give the correct answer in the second experiment with a small number of objects being compared (5–6), but begin to doubt and make mistakes if there are 10–12 of them.

Jean Piaget explained the results obtained by talking about such properties of the psyche of preschool children as concentration and inability to focus on changes. Centering is the inability to perceive objects or phenomena as a whole; For children, there is only one side of them, for example, the height of water in a glass or the length of a row of buttons. The inability to focus on changes is the inability to keep track of how an object changes and moves into another state. The child records stable states in memory - initial and final, but the transformation process eludes him, so he sees only the final result, for example, two rows of buttons, one of which is longer than the other. Some features of children’s behavior in life are also associated with these properties, for example, the desire to drink their favorite juice from a tall glass (there will be more of it) or cut delicious cookies into small pieces (there will also be more of it, because there are more pieces).

Other properties of the child’s psyche are clearly revealed when talking about some abstract topics. Let us present several similar dialogues (the highlighted remarks best reflect the essence of the phenomena). Here are excerpts from Piaget's conversation with nine-year-old Fran; time of action - 1920s (see: Subbotsky, 1991).

– Fran, is the sun moving?

- Why?

- Because it wants to shine strongly.

- Because sometimes there are ladies and gentlemen who go for a walk, and they like it when good weather.

– Does the sun see them?

- Yes.

- And when we walk, what does it do?

Sometimes it looks at us, sometimes it follows us.

It's amazing how little children have changed over the past century. True, the age limits of the phenomena discovered by Piaget have changed somewhat. Here's a conversation with five-year-old Rika.

– Rika, why is the sun shining?

- To make it light.

- Why do you need light?

- So that we can walk, so that we can read books, so that it is warm and we never get sick.

- Is the sun alive?

- Yes. It sees us, it tells us stories about how it is doing. And it also protects us from the Snow Queen.

- Rika, why is the car moving?

- To take dad to work, I kindergarten IR.

- And for what else?

- To go to the forest and take a walk with us.

– When a car is parked, what does it do?

- She takes a break from work, sleeps, so that later she had strength take me to McDonald's.

The children's responses show animism– endowing inanimate nature with the properties of living and intelligent things (the machine rests, gains strength, sees the sun, walks, tells fairy tales, etc.). J. Piaget sees the source of animism in the fact that the child has not yet learned to distinguish himself from the surrounding world and does not know exactly what belongs to him (mental, subjective), and what belongs to the surrounding world, objective and material, therefore he not only endows the inanimate thoughts, feelings, desires, but also mental phenomena (for example, one’s own dreams) - properties of the objective world. Here is a dialogue with Seva (7 years 10 months):

– Can anyone see your dreams?

– No one can see my dreams, because another person has his own dreams. Mom can. Only in the stomach. I saw my mother's dreams when I was in her belly, because through the navel.

Seva's answers require a little comment. The boy is at that age when the phenomena discovered by Piaget either disappear or are on the verge of extinction. He is sure that “the sun does not think about us, because it is inanimate nature.” The situation with dreams is quite complicated: only mother and child can see other people’s dreams, and only when the child is in the mother’s stomach. But they still can!

The described phenomena manifest themselves not only in abstract conversations, but also in real life, serving as the basis for children's fears. A child who does not have clear boundaries between living and nonliving, possible and impossible, fairy tale and reality, may be afraid of some objects or fairy tale characters. Moreover, having no boundaries between the subjective and the objective, between thought and action, he may even be afraid of what he has come up with himself. Even at an older age, children are not always able to clearly draw the line between fantasy and reality and may be known as liars among adults or peers.

Another feature of children's thinking emerged in a conversation with Rika, when she talks about why the car drives (to take it to kindergarten, to the forest, etc.). Here is another typical fragment of dialogue.

– Why does winter come?

- Because I really want to ride a slide(Vladik, 5 and a half years old).

These examples demonstrate such a property of children's thinking as egocentrism– perception of objects and phenomena only “through oneself”, inability to take someone else’s point of view. With age, a more objective assessment gradually develops. As “residual phenomena” of egocentrism, some children may express a kind of “reversal of cause and effect,” for example, “the sun shines so that there is light,” “a bicycle rides so that a person does not get tired,” etc.

Knowing that preschoolers are characterized by egocentrism to one degree or another, some serious problems can be explained and prevented. Children often consider themselves the cause of what happens around them, even if in fact it has no direct relation to them, for example, they blame themselves for quarrels or divorce of their parents, or for the illnesses of close relatives. Understanding such phenomena and providing a timely explanation can greatly help children.

Piaget's phenomena gradually disappear in modern children by the age of 6–8 as the little person's life experience increases, he learns more about the world around him and joins school education. Now he no longer needs to compare rows of objects “by eye”, he can simply count them. (True, some “relapses” persist, such as belief in Santa Claus, sometimes even among 10-12 year olds.) And yet the world of childhood does not disappear irrevocably. Fairy tales and myths, dreams and fantasies are largely based on its laws; belief in psychics and astrology is based on them; the world of childhood permeates many areas of adult life.

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Annotation scientific article on educational sciences, author of the scientific work - Kolmogorova L.S., Balabekyan E.S.

Analysis of children's readiness to study at school indicates the presence of problems in the organization preschool preparation. Despite numerous studies, the effectiveness of various forms of training for preschoolers has not been identified. Based on an analysis of the experience of practicing teachers and existing programs preschool preparation a team of authors (L. S. Kolmogorova, L. A. Nikitina, L. I. Shvarko, O. I. Davydov, O. R. Meremyanina) developed the concept preschool preparation, on the basis of which the “My World” program was created, aimed at preschool preparation children from 5.5 - 6 years old. Based on the task of equalizing the starting capabilities of children from different social strata of the population, the problem arises of identifying the effectiveness of the educational and methodological set “My World”. In order to resolve this problem, in 2011 - 2016. an experimental study was conducted on a group basis preschool preparation schools and preschool educational institutions in Barnaul and Novosibirsk. The study used theoretical (analysis of literary sources) and empirical methods (testing, conversation-survey, study of products of activity). The results of the experimental study indicate that the level of children's psychological readiness for school has increased. This confirms the effectiveness of using the program preschool preparation“My World” when organizing the activities of older preschoolers.

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The analysis of children’s preparedness for studying at school indicates the problems in preschool training organization. In spite of numerous investigations the effectiveness of different preschool children training forms is not discovered yet. On the basis of teaching experts’ experience and present preschool training programs the conception of preschool training was developed by the authors’ group which included L. S. Kolmogorova, L. A. Nikitina, L. I. Shvarko, O. I. Davydova, O. R. Meremyanina. On the basis of this conception the program “My World” oriented on preschool training of children aged from 5.5 – 6 was developed. Since the aim was to balance the starting opportunities for children from different social levels, it became necessary to check the effectiveness of the educational-methodical complete set “My World”. To solve this problem the experimental investigation was held in 2011 – 2016 on the basis of the groups for pre-school training of Barnaul and Novosibirsk schools and Children’s Educational Institutions. In the investigation theoretical (the analysis of the bibliography) and empirical (the testing, question-and-answer discussion, investigation of the activity) methods were used. The results of the experimental investigation show the increase of the children’s preparedness for school. This confirms the effectiveness of the preschool training program “My world” during the activity of the elder pre-school children.

Text of scientific work on the topic “Experience of pre-school preparation of children using the example of the “My World” program”

UDC 159.923+ 37.015.3


Lyudmila S. Kolmogorova " Elizaveta S. Balabekyan

1 Altai State Pedagogical University, Russia, 656031, Barnaul, st. Molodezhnaya, 55 @1 [email protected]@2 elisaveta. 8 [email protected]

Received by the editor on September 8, 2016. Accepted for publication December 26, 2016.

Key words: pre-school preparation, pre-school preparation program “My World”, psychological readiness for learning at school, cognitive mental processes, attention, memory, thinking, imagination.

Abstract: Analysis of children's readiness to study at school indicates the presence of problems in the organization of pre-school preparation. Despite numerous studies, the effectiveness of various forms of training for preschoolers has not been identified. Based on an analysis of the experience of practicing teachers and existing pre-school preparation programs, a team of authors (L. S. Kolmogorova, L. A. Nikitina, L. I. Shvarko, O. I. Davydov, O. R. Meremyanin) developed the concept of pre-school preparation , on the basis of which the “My World” program was created, aimed at pre-school preparation of children from 5.5 to 6 years old. Based on the task of equalizing the starting capabilities of children from different social strata of the population, the problem arises of identifying the effectiveness of the educational and methodological set “My World”. In order to resolve this problem, in 2011 - 2016. An experimental study was conducted on the basis of pre-school preparation groups in schools and preschool educational institutions in Barnaul and Novosibirsk. The study used theoretical (analysis of literary sources) and empirical methods (testing, conversation-survey, study of products of activity). The results of the experimental study indicate that the level of children's psychological readiness for school has increased. This confirms the effectiveness of using the “My World” preschool training program when organizing the activities of older preschoolers.

For citation: Kolmogorova L. S., Balabekyan E. S. Experience of pre-school preparation of children using the example of the “My World” program // Bulletin of Kemerovo State University. 2017. No. 1. P. 130 - 136. B01: 10.21603/20788975-2017-1-130-136.

An analysis of the level of preparation of children for entering school confirms the presence of problems in organizing the development, training and education of future first-graders. Relevance of the problem of quality improvement preschool education is confirmed by the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO). The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard is due to the fact that currently there is a need to standardize the content of preschool education in order to provide all children with equal starting opportunities for successful schooling.

Peculiarity preschool age is such that the achievements of children of a given age are determined not by the sum of certain knowledge, skills and abilities, but by the totality of personality qualities, including those that ensure the child’s psychological readiness for school.

One of the important tasks of modernizing regional preschool education systems in the context of the state program Russian Federation“Development of Education” for 2013 - 2020. is to increase the availability of preschool education.

An analysis of the modern practice of pre-school preparation of children on the basis of schools, kindergartens, and additional education centers identified the following problems:

Information overload of children in preschool education;

Duplicating a part educational materials primary school; transfer of forms and methods of teaching from school to kindergarten;

The teacher’s orientation to the principles of obedience, repetition, imitation;

Formalism in resolving the issue of continuity of school and preschool education in preschool preparation (knowledge component when admitting a child to school: reading, writing and counting skills), etc.

In this context, researchers are increasingly considering the potential of various areas of pedagogical science and various concepts of teaching. IN modern world There are many studies on the problem of preparing children for school, which reveal the concept of readiness for school (L. A. Wenger, N. I. Gutkina, E. E. Kravtsova, Ya. L. Kolominsky, N. G. Salmina etc.); programs for diagnosing the formation of age-related neoplasms of a child entering first grade are provided (G. Bardier, L. A. Wenger, Yu. Z. Gilbukh, L. L. Semago, etc.); options for working with children who are not sufficiently prepared for learning are proposed (G.V. Burmenskaya, O.A. Karabanova, A.G. Leaders, etc.). Despite numerous studies, the problem of a child’s readiness to study at school has not been resolved.

Based on an analysis of the experience of practicing teachers and existing programs for senior preschool age, a team of authors (L. S. Kolmogorova, L. A. Nikitina, L. I. Shvarko, O. I. Davydov, O. R. Merem-yanina) a concept of pre-school preparation was developed, on the basis of which the “My World” program was created, aimed at pre-school preparation of children from 5.5 to 6 years old.

The educational program “My World” is used to implement pre-school preparation in the Altai Territory. It was tested as part of a regional experiment in educational institutions of the Altai Territory (2005 - 2010). The results were considered positive.

Since 2011, the Federal experimental site for testing the educational and methodological set “My World” has been operating in Barnaul (scientific supervisor L. S. Kolmogorova).

The “My World” program implements an approach that takes into account the need to prepare children for new living conditions, as well as the value of all periods of childhood. In it, preparing a child for school is perceived as an aspect of education, and not as the main goal.

The “My World” program was created for teachers (primary school teachers, teachers of preschool groups, teachers of additional education institutions) who provide pre-school preparation for children who do not attend preschool educational institutions. The program can be implemented in the conditions of preparatory groups of kindergartens (preschool educational institutions) and groups of short-term stay of a child in an educational institution.

“The goal of the program is to ensure the continuity of the formation of the basis of the child’s personal culture and to update the children’s capabilities necessary for their successful entry into the new educational space.”

Objectives of the “My World” program:

1) create conditions for the development of the child in accordance with age;

2) contribute to the formation of children’s personal culture, its basis;

3) develop the child’s psyche, basic mental neoplasms in accordance with age;

4) ensure good psychological and social adaptation to the new educational environment;

5) to form cognitive motivation and prerequisites for educational activities;

6) ensure the prevention of contradictions in the development of personality and the correction of unfavorable lines of development of its cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres.

The theoretical and methodological basis for constructing the program is the cultural-historical theory of L. S. Vygotsky - the doctrine of the development of complex mental processes of a child during his acquisition of cultural values, indirect interaction and communication with adults. This theory continued to develop in the works of his followers and students: L. A. Venger, G. G. Kravtsov, E. E. Kravtsova, V. V. Rubtsov, N. G. Salmina, L. F. Obukhova and others.

phenomena, self-understanding. In this regard, the “My World” program was based on the concept of preschool education developed by E. V. Bodrova, V. V. Davydov, V. A. Petrovsky, R. B. Sterkina and others.

The choice of the content of pre-school training under the “My World” program was based on the position of V. T. Kudryavtsev on the cultural, historical and mental features of the modern type of childhood, which is characterized by the function of the child mastering already established universal human abilities and generating new forms that are absent in adults).

The “My World” program involves the development of children in the following areas:

Development of cognitive mental processes and activity;

Formation of the child’s personal culture;

Formation of interest and need for joint activities with peers;

Development of skills to manage one’s behavior and overcome difficulties;

Development of initiative, subordination of motives of behavior, independence;

Development adequate self-esteem child;

Formation of communicative-behavioral reflection;

Fostering a culture of feelings and emotions.

The “My World” program includes sections:

1. I am in the world of people - entering a new educational environment (“Let’s get to know each other”, “We are all different”, “The ABC of communication”, etc.).

2. I am in the world of beauty - the formation of ideas about beauty in the surrounding reality, in the actions of people, relationships between people and nature (“Beauty in me and around me”, “I am in the world of colors”, “The ABC of beauty”, etc.).

3. I am in the natural world - the formation of ideas about man’s place in nature, his relationship with the outside world, the formation of an ecological culture (“My living planet”, “I am friends with nature”, “Ecological ABC”, etc.).

4. I am in the world of knowledge - children’s entry into cognition as a special type of activity that allows them to discover new things around them and in themselves (“I am learning the world”, I am in the world of books”, “I am in the world of numbers”, etc.).

5. We develop perception, attention, thinking, memory, imagination.

6. Prepare your fingers for writing and draw.

The first four sections reveal the content educational areas(Man. Man-made world. Nature. Society.), and sections 5 - 6 are cross-cutting and are implemented in the content of the first sections.

Classes are combined in nature and are held, as a rule, two to three times a week, four lessons a day (each 25-30 minutes), depending on the model of the educational institution providing the training.

Thus, based on the task of adjusting the starting capabilities of children from different social groups and segments of the population, the problem arises of identifying the effectiveness of the educational and methodological set “My World”, which includes a program methodological recommendations for teachers and workbooks for children.

The experiment was carried out in 2011 - 2016. on the basis of school preparation groups of MBOU "Lyceum No. 122", MBOU "Lyceum No. 121", MBOU Secondary School No. 97, MBOU Secondary School No. 91, Preschool educational institution for children garden No. 239, Barnaul (sample 1 -181 people). The experimental sample includes children who either attend only the preparatory group at school, or are preparing for school in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. As a control group, we considered children attending preschool groups at the Lyceum No. 176 in Novosibirsk, Lyceum No. 122 in Barnaul and kindergarten (sample 2 - 134 people).

During the experimental work, the hypothesis was tested: the implementation in practice of the pre-school preparation program “My World” will ensure the organization of work to equalize the starting capabilities of future schoolchildren and their successful entry to a new educational level, which will create the basis for the successful social and psychological adaptation of the child to new living conditions.

The experimental study was organized in three stages: ascertaining, formative and control. At the ascertaining and control stages of the experiment, a diagnosis of the level of readiness for school of older preschoolers was carried out, using the methods of the diagnostic program “Readiness for School” by L. S. Kolmogorova. The methods that make up the program make it possible to give a qualitative description of a child’s psychological readiness for school, since they are not tests.

The diagnostic program of L. S. Kolmogorova includes the following methods:

Introductory diagnostic conversation with the child (ability to navigate in time and space, level of motivational readiness for school and the child’s outlook);

Graphic dictation(ability to focus on a pattern, arbitrariness of attention, sensorimotor coordination, fine motor skills of the hand);

Attention and observation;

Perception and understanding of the content of the text (features of children’s understanding of the meaning of the stories offered to them);

Indirect memorization (the child’s ability to use means (“pictograms”) when memorizing, the nature of the associations being established, the conciseness of the means, the degree of mastery of generalizing concepts, the ability to plan one’s actions);

Meaningful memorization (memorizing pairs of logically related words);

Operations of analysis, comparison and generalization in verbal and non-verbal forms (“The Fourth Odd One”);

Features of imagination;

Inferences by analogy (the ability to make inferences by analogy on a non-verbal basis (fragment of the Raven test);

Kern-Jirásek School Orientation Test.

For each method, based on the percentage completion of tasks, we determined the levels of readiness for learning at school.

High level - (65% and > tasks completed) -85 points and above.

A child who has a high level of readiness for school pursues a social motive for learning; he has a cognitive need that he cannot satisfy at home. Such a preschooler has a certain vocabulary and competent everyday speech. He has the skills of indirect and meaningful memorization, is able to understand speech addressed to him, the meaning of the proposed stories; answer questions related to yourself and your family; navigate in time and space.

A future first-grader should have the following skills:

The ability to listen carefully to the speaker and accurately complete the tasks proposed in the orally;

The ability to independently complete the required task according to a visually perceived model;

The ability to systematically master objects and phenomena, highlight their various properties, find missing details, highlight unnecessary objects;

The ability to describe an object, picture, event in a coherent, consistent, understandable way for others, to convey the train of one’s thoughts, to explain this or that phenomenon, rule;

Ability to clearly perceive and pronounce speech sounds.

Intellectual maturity is judged by the following criteria:

Differentiated perception (perceptual maturity);


Analytical thinking, expressed in the ability to comprehend the basic connections between phenomena;

Logical memorization;

Sensorimotor coordination;

Ability to reproduce a sample;

Development of fine hand movements.

Average level - (40% of completed tasks) -53 - 84 points.

Low level - (39% and< выполненных заданий) -0 - 52 балла.

As a result of the diagnostic program, the following results were obtained: at the ascertaining stage, a high level of readiness for schooling was shown by 35 preschoolers, which is 11% of the entire sample (sample - 315 subjects), a low level - 95 people (30%), an average level - 185 preschoolers (59%).

Then, teachers and psychologists of the experimental groups (EG) of pre-school preparation conducted the formative stage of the experiment according to the “My World” program. Children in the control group (CG) did not take part in experimental training.

After the formative stage, a control diagnostic was carried out according to the “Readiness for School” program. Having analyzed the data obtained, we can conclude that the number of subjects with high level readiness to learn at school increased to 159 people (50% of the entire sample), an average level was identified in 145 preschoolers (46%), a low level in 11 people (8%). The results of the ascertaining and control stages of the experimental study are presented in Fig. 1.

To prove or disprove the research hypothesis, we analyzed the indicators of the experimental and control groups of children separately.

The control stage of the experiment allows us to conclude that the number of preschool children from the EG with a high level of psychological readiness to learn at school increased by 53%. At the ascertaining stage, a high level was identified in 12 people (6%), and at the control stage the number of subjects with this level of readiness for school increased to 107 people (59%). The number of students with an average level of readiness

ity decreased by 18% (ascertaining stage -59%, 106 subjects; control stage - 41%, 74 people). No subjects with a low level were identified (at the ascertaining stage - 35%, 63 preschoolers). Comparative analysis The results of the ascertaining and control stages of the experimental study are presented in Fig. 2.

High Medium Low level level level

□ Ascertaining stage ■ Control stage

Rice. 1. Comparison of the results of the ascertaining and control stages of the experimental study 1. The comparison of the results of the summative and check stage of the formative assessment

Based on the results of two stages of the study in the CG, the results presented in Fig. 1 were obtained. 3.

The number of children in the CG with a high level increased by 22% (ascertaining stage - 17%, 23 preschoolers; control stage - 39%, 52 people), with an average level it decreased by 6% (ascertaining stage - 59%, 79 subjects; control stage -53%, 71 people), with a low level - 16% less (ascertaining stage - 24%, 32 preschoolers; control stage - 8%, 11 subjects).

If we compare the results of the ascertaining stage of the experiment, we see that subjects with high

level was 11% higher in the control group, with an average level of 59% each in the control and experimental groups. There are 11% more children with a low level of readiness for school in the EG. The result is presented in Fig. 4.

As a result of the control stage of the experiment, the number of preschoolers from the EG with a high level of psychological readiness for learning at school became 20% more, subjects with a low level by 11% and an average level by 12% less than in the CG of the control stage of the experiment.

Rice. 2. Comparison of the results of the ascertaining and control stages of the experimental study (EG) 2. The comparison of the results of the summative and check stage of the formative assessment (Experimental Group)

Rice. 3. Comparison of the results of the ascertaining and control stages of the experimental study (CG) 3. The comparison of the results of the summative and check stage of the formative assessment (Check Group)

Rice. 4. Comparison of the results of the EG and CG of the ascertaining stage of the experimental study 4. The comparison of the results of the EG and CG summative stage of the formative assessment

Rice. 5. Comparison of the results of the EG and CG of the control stage of the experiment

Fig. 5. The comparison of the results of the EG and CG check stage of the formative assessment

A comparative analysis of the results of the control stage of the experimental study is presented in Fig. 5.

The results of diagnosing children's readiness to study at school indicate the importance of pre-school preparation. Pre-school education contains various areas that contribute to the formation

motivation and development of qualities necessary in the learning process. For the organization and scientifically based content of preschool education, preschool preparation programs are being developed that contribute to the formation of children's readiness for school. Based on the analysis of the programs, it was suggested that thanks to systematic classes

using the kit educational materials“My World” can increase the level of psychological readiness of children for school.

Based on the analysis of the data obtained, we determined that based on the results of the formative stage of the experiment, the level of psychological readiness of children for schooling increased in both groups of the sample. It should be noted that readiness for school was subject to certain dynamics, both positive and negative. In most cases, psychological readiness for school underwent positive dynamics (more strongly represented in the EG). Negative dynamics were revealed in some children from the CG with a high level of readiness.

A child’s readiness to study at school determines the level of development of cognitive processes, since the central new formation of a preschooler is the rapid development of the cognitive sphere. Therefore, in order to identify the dynamics of cognitive mental processes of preschoolers (memory, attention, thinking, imagination), we analyzed the results using some methods from the diagnostic program “Readiness for School.” The dynamics of cognitive processes were clearly expressed both in the group of short-term stays at school and in the preparatory group of preschool educational institutions. This confirms the effectiveness of using funds for the development of cognitive mental processes of the pre-school preparation program “My World” when organizing activities

older preschoolers. Thus, the goal of the study was achieved, the problems were solved, and the hypothesis was confirmed.

Based on the obtained group and individual results of each preschooler, in order to increase the level of psychological readiness of children for learning at school, consultation work was organized with parents and teachers. For parents of older preschoolers, recommendations have been prepared on educational and developmental work with the child, which will allow them to increase the level of their psychological and pedagogical literacy.

It must be remembered that if shortcomings and omissions in the development of a child of early and junior preschool age due to the lack or imperfection of preschool education can be corrected, then the insufficient level of development of a child of senior preschool age entails serious problems at the stage of schooling. For this reason, propaedeutics for developmental problems in preschool age is most effective.

We consider the following promising directions for studying the problem of children’s readiness for schooling: identifying possible reasons the child’s unpreparedness for school; creation of optimal socio-pedagogical and psychological conditions that ensure positive dynamics of cognitive mental processes during the period of pre-school preparation of children.


1. Federal state educational standard for preschool education. M.: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2014. 32 p.

2. On the provision and distribution in 2015 of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the modernization of regional preschool education systems within the framework of the subprogram “Development of preschool, general and additional education of children” of the state program of the Russian Federation “Development of Education” for 2013 - 2020. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 71 of January 29, 2015. Published: February 4, 2015 on the Internet portal of Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Access mode: (access date: 02/04/2015).

3. Nikitina L. A., Kolmogorova L. S., Shvarko L. I., Davydova O. I., Meremyanina O. R., Gorbunova V. N., Tyumeneva E. A., Zarubina S. P. Methodological materials for pre-school preparation of children according to the “My World” program. Barnaul: BSPU, 2005. 186 p.

4. Kolmogorova L. S., Nikitina L. A., Shvarko L. I., Davydova O. I., Meremyanina O. R. Program “My World”: Basis of personal culture of children 5 - 6 years old. Barnaul: BSPU, 2007. 60 p.

5. Pre-school preparation of children: content, forms, problems and ways to solve them: collection of scientific articles / ed. L. S. Kolmogorova. Barnaul: AltGPA, 2010. 461 p.

6. Mayer A. A., Kolmogorova L. S., Nikitina L. A., Shvarko L. I., Davydova O. I. Variable models of pre-school preparation of children at the regional level: collective monograph. Barnaul: AltGPA, 2012. 234 p.

7. The concept of preschool education // Preschool education. 1989. No. 9. P. 48 - 69.

8. Kolmogorova L. S., Meremyanina O. R. My world. I am in the world of people: workbook No. 1. 4th ed., additional. Barnaul: AltGPA, 2010. 60 p.

9. Shvarko L. I., Nikitina L. A. My world. I am in the world of beauty: workbook No. 2. Barnaul: BSPU, 2005. 75 p.

10. Davydova O.I., Gorbunova V.N., Tyumeneva E.A. My world. I am in the natural world: workbook No. 3. Barnaul: BSPU, 2005. 67 p.

11. Nikitina L. A., Demina E. S. My world. I am in the world of knowledge: workbook No. 4. 3rd ed., additional. Barnaul: BSPU, 2007. 72 p.


Ludmila S. Kolmogorova ", Elizaveta S. Balabekyan

1 Altai State Pedagogical University, 55, Molodezhnaja St., Barnaul, Russia, 656031 @1 [email protected]@2 elisaveta. 8 [email protected]

Received 09/08/2016. Accepted 12/26/2016.

Keywords: preschool training, preschool training program "My World", psychological preparedness for school studies, cognitive psychological processes, attention, memory, imagination, intelligence.

Abstract: The analysis of children's preparedness for studying at school indicates the problems in preschool training organization. In spite of numerous investigations the effectiveness of different preschool children training forms is not discovered yet. On the basis of teaching experts" experience and present preschool training programs the conception of preschool training was developed by the authors" group which included L. S. Kolmogorova, L. A. Nikitina, L. I. Shvarko, O. I. Davydova, O. R. Meremyanina. On the basis of this conception of the program "My World" oriented on preschool training of aged children from 5.5 - 6 was developed. Since the aim was to balance the starting opportunities for children from different social levels, it became necessary to check the effectiveness of the educational-methodical complete set "My World" To solve this problem the experimental. investigation was held in 2011 -2016 on the basis of the groups for pre-school training of Barnaul and Novosibirsk schools and Children's Educational Institutions. In the investigation theoretical (the analysis of the bibliography) and empirical (the testing, question-and-answer discussion, investigation of the activity) methods were used. The results of the experimental investigation show the increase of the children's preparedness for school. This confirms the effectiveness of the preschool training program "My world" during the activity of the elder pre-school children.

For citation: Kolmogorova L. S., Balabekyan E. S. Opyt predshkol "noi podgotovki detei na primere programmy "Moi mir". Bulletin of Kemerovo State University, 2017; (1): 130 - 136. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.21603/2078-8975 -2017-1-130-136.

1. Federal"nyi gosudarstvennyi obrazovatel"nyi standart doshkol"nogo obrazovaniia. Moscow: Tsentr pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniia, 2014, 32.

2. Opredostavlenii i raspredelenii v 2015 godu subsidii iz federal"nogo biudzheta biudzhetam sub "ektov Rossiiskoi Federatsii na modernizatsiiu regional"nykh sistem doshkol"nogo obrazovaniia v ramkakh podprogrammy "Razvitie doshkol"nogo, obshchego i dopolnitel"nogo vaniia detei" gosudarstvennoi programmy Rossiiskoi Federatsii "Razvitie obrazovaniia" na 2013 -2020 year. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from 29th January 2015. Available at: (accessed 02/04/2015).

3. Nikitina L. A., Kolmogorova L. S., Shvarko L. I. Davydova O. I., Merem"ianina O. R., Gorbunova V. N., Tiumeneva E. A., Zarubina S. P. Metodicheskie materialy predshkol"noi podgotovki detei po program "Moi mir". Barnaul: Publ. BSPU, 2005, 186.

4. Kolmogorova L. S., Nikitina L. A., Shvarko L. I., Davydova O. I., Merem "ianina O. R. Programma "Moi mir": Bazis lichnostnoi kul "tury detei 5-6 let. Barnaul: BSPU, 2007, 60.

5. Predshkol "naia podgotovka detei: soderzhanie, formy, problemy i puti ikh solution: sbornik nauchnykh statei. Ed. Kolmagorova L. S. Barnaul: AltSPA, 2010, 461.

6. Maier A. A., Kolmogorova L. S., Nikitina L. A., Shvarko L. I., Davydova O. I. Variativnye modeli predshkol"noi podgotovki detei na regional"nom urovne. Barnaul: AltSPA, 2012, 234.

7. Kontseptsiia doshkol "nogo vospitaniia. Doshkol"noe vospitanie = Pre-school education, no. 9 (1989): 48 - 69.

8. Kolmogorova L. S., Merem "ianina O. R. Moi mir. Ia v mire liudei: rabochaia tetrad" No. 1. 4th ed. Barnaul: AltSPA, 2010, 60.

9. Shvarko L. I., Nikitina L. A. Moi mir. Ia v mire prekrasnogo: rabochaia tetrad" No. 2. Barnaul: BSPU, 2005, 75.

10. Davydova O. I., Gorbunova V. N., Tiumeneva E. A. Moi mir. Ia v mire prirody: rabochaia tetrad" No. 3. Barnaul: BSPU, 2005, 67.

11. Nikitina L. A., Demina E. S. Moi mir. Ia v mire znanii: rabochaia tetrad" No. 4. 3rd ed. Barnaul: BSPU, 2007, 72.

about the All-Russian competition


General provisions

1. The competition is held on the initiative of the All-Russian project of electronic publications “Publisher”.

2. All-Russian contest“Preschooler’s World” is held in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 77 and paragraph 22 of Art. 34 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 (as amended on December 31, 2014) and is aimed at supporting the creative potential of participants.

Goals and objectives of the Competition

1. Goal: realization and support of the creative potential of preschool children.

2. Objectives: development creativity children; providing them with the opportunity to compete on a scale that extends beyond the educational institution and region; identification and support of gifted children.

Participants of the Competition

1. Participants in the competition are pupils of various preschool educational and educational institutions.

2. Participation can only be individual.

Subject and content of the Competition

1. The results of creative activity of preschool children are accepted for the competition:

- arts and crafts (crafts) (any technique and materials)

- fine arts (any genre and technique)

- other categories (at the discretion of the participants and their leaders).

2. The competition is held in absentia. The subject of materials is not limited, but they should not contradict ethical standards and legislation of the Russian Federation.

Criteria for evaluating Competition materials

2. The quality of the work performed.

3. Compliance of the work with the age parameters of the participant.

4. The author's wealth of imagination and creativity.

Requirements for competition materials

1. Materials for the Competition are accepted in electronic form in Russian.

2. Works are presented in MS WORD format or as a separate photograph, which clearly and close-up shows the product of the participant’s creative activity (drawing or craft). The file name is the surname of the author of the work (for example, “Petrov, work”).

3. The competition work is accompanied Application in a separate file (for example, “Petrov, application”) according to the proposed form:

Title of work

Material and technique

Section (decorative arts, fine arts or anything else at personal discretion)

Institution and its location

Manager's name, position

Contact Email

How did you hear about us?


1. Contest materials are being accepted from August 10 to September 20, 2016(inclusive)


1. All participants receive electronic certificate of participation in the competition for 3 days already after acceptance of competition materials!

2. Winners (I, II, III degrees) will be identified in each submitted category of competitive materials. After summing up the results, they will be sent the corresponding diplomas.

Free electronic thank you letter, if the educator (teacher, director, etc.) organizes the participation of five or more works.

To participate in the competition you must:

1. Complete the job and application.

2. Pay the registration fee in the amount 150 rubles for one job and prepare a copy of the payment document (photo, scanned document, screenshot).

3. Send the work, application and a copy of the payment document in three files in one letter marked "Preschooler's World" to the address until September 20, 2016 (inclusive).

Payment details

You can make a payment using any payment terminal that has a transfer to Yandex.Money. Or use the automatic payment form.

It is also possible to transfer to a card at a branch of Sberbank of Russia.

Yandex.Money wallet number 410013606218051

Sberbank card number 639002429013221027

If you have any questions, you can ask them by writing a letter to

1.1. These Regulations determine the purpose and procedure for holding the City Competition of educational projects “The World of a Preschooler - First Experience” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).

1.2. The competition is announced by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education.

1.3. Preparation and holding of the Competition is carried out by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City Methodological Center.

1.4. An organizing committee is created to organize and conduct the competition.

1.5. A competition of educational projects for teachers carrying out educational activities with preschool children based on the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is held within the framework of the City educational project “Unusual in the Ordinary.”

1.6. The competition is aimed at implementing the objectives of the development of the education system, formulated in the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, and the State Program of the City of Moscow for the medium term (2012–2018). .) “Development of education in the city of Moscow (“Capital education”).”

2. Purposes of the event

Support and transmission of best professional practices, implementation of Federal educational standards for preschool and primary general education in educational organizations in Moscow.

3. Objectives of the Competition

3.1. Identifying best practices in early childhood education.

3.2. Promoting variability in the content of educational programs for preschool education in educational organizations.

3.3. Realizing the creative potential of teachers educational organizations.

3.4. Ensuring the continuity of goals, objectives and content of education implemented within the framework of the main educational programs of preschool and primary general education.

3.5. Increasing the competence of parents in matters of education of preschool children.

4. Organizer and organizing committee of the Competition

4.1. The organizer of the Competition is the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education.

4.2. Organizing Committee of the Competition:

  • Lebedeva M.V. – Director of the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education;
  • Borodin M.V. – Deputy Director of the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education;
  • Surkova E.P. – senior methodologist of the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education;
  • Egorova T.I. – methodologist at the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education.

4.3. Organizing Committee of the Competition:

  • organizes registration of participants in the Competition;
  • forms the Festival jury and organizes the work of experts;
  • approves the results of the Festival;
  • organizes awarding of the winners.

5. Participants of the Competition

5.1. Participants in the Competition can be teams and individual teachers of educational organizations implementing the main educational programs preschool education.

5.2. Registration of participants in the Competition with the posting of a brief annotation of the methodological development is carried out on the website.

6. Competition nominations

6.1. The competition is held in the following categories:

  • “Health-forming technologies in preschool education”;
  • "A game in continuous educational activities»;
  • “Cognitive and research activities of preschool children”;
  • "Formation technologies safe behavior in preschool children";
  • “Technologies for the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children”;
  • “Speech development of preschool children”;
  • « Intellectual quizzes for preschool children";
  • “Technologies of labor training for preschool children”;
  • “Legal education of preschool children”;
  • “Information and communication technologies in continuous educational activities”;
  • “Project activities for preschool children”;
  • “Methodological support for teachers in educational organizations”;
  • “Socialization of preschool children”;
  • “Model of psychological and pedagogical support for adaptation of preschool children”;
  • “Ethnocultural education of preschool children”;
  • « Additional education children of preschool age."

6.2. A Competition participant can take part in several nominations.

6.3. Works that correspond to the topics of the nominations, reflect technologies for implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education and are the result of the methodological, design or research activities of the authors of the work are accepted for participation in the Competition.

6.4. Competition materials must be formatted in accordance with the regulations published on the Competition website.

6.5. Materials submitted to the Competition will not be returned, and reviews will not be sent.

6.6. Publication of works submitted to the Competition is carried out only with the consent of the author and subject to compliance with copyright law.

7. Procedure and timing

7.2. The first stage (correspondence) includes the selection and examination of competitive materials. As part of the activities of the first stage of the Competition, correspondence examination of submitted materials and selection of the best for the second stage are carried out. Participants independently upload materials for competition works from October 1, 2016 to April 1, 2017 into the information system on the website: .

7.3. To participate in the Competition, participants provide the following materials:

1) Explanatory note;

The explanatory note must contain:

  • name of the methodological development, last name, first name, patronymic of the author, place of work, position, contact telephone number;
  • summary of methodological development;
  • list of used literature;
  • link to Internet resources.

2) Methodological development.

7.3. The second stage (in-person) involves a public presentation of the competition work, which will take place May 24, 2017 on the main site of the Competition.

8. Criteria for evaluating work

8.1. Correspondence examination and assessment of the public presentation of competitive works are carried out on the basis of the following criteria:

  • compliance of the content of the work with the stated topic;
  • the possibility of use in professional activities to ensure educational results in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education;
  • authorship of the work;
  • originality of the work.

9. Summing up the Competition and awarding

9.1. The winners of the Competition are determined by nomination.

9.2. The winners are awarded diplomas.

10. Responsible organizers of the Competition

Surkova Elena Panteleevna, senior methodologist of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the State Medical Center for Dog and Mathematics, e-mail: ;