Volumetric autumn applique "Rowan". Volumetric autumn applique Rowan crumpled paper applique Rowan branch

Lesson equipment

Lesson plan

  1. Organizational moment.
  2. Conversation "Rowan".
  3. Summing up the lesson.
  4. Reflection

Methods and techniques: showing, explanation, conversation.

Progress of the lesson:


Russian beauty
Standing in a clearing
In a green blouse
In a white sundress.

It's not even a mystery
Let's say right away
If only someone would say -
There are acorns on it!

What kind of girl is this?
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
She doesn’t sew anything herself,
And in needles all year round.

I dropped my curls into the river
And I was sad about something,
What is she sad about?
Doesn't tell anyone.

Takes from my flower
The bee has the most delicious honey.
But they offend me:
The thin skin is torn off.

A relative has a Christmas tree
Non-thorny needles,
But, unlike the Christmas tree,
Those needles fall off.


Everything is calm, the wind has stopped
And the trees are all silent.
No, not yet - these
The leaves rustle quietly.

Everyone knows what's at the Christmas tree
Not leaves, but needles,
And just like her
With needles.

From the trees in early summer
Suddenly snowflakes flutter
But this does not make us happy -
This makes us sneeze.

Teacher: Well done guys. We remembered the trees. And guess my last riddle!

Small and unsightly
And they turn modestly green,
But in the fall their leaves
And the berries turn red.

Rowan - from the word pockmarked.
In their beliefs, the red rowan had magical powers and protected against the evil eye and witchcraft. The red rowan was planted near the house; damaging the rowan is still considered a bad omen.

Practical part. (25 min)

Finger gymnastics

I want to build a house

Hands above your head like a house.

So that there is a window in it,

Hands before eyes. The ends of the fingers are closed into a “window”.

So that the house has a door,

The palms are turned towards you, closed at the sides.

Nearby for the pine tree to grow

Fingers spread out. We pull our hands up.

So that there is a fence around

Hands in front of you in a ring, fingers connected.

The dog guarded the gate.

One hand is a “dog”, disconnect the little finger from the other fingers.

There was sun

Cross your hands, fingers spread.

It was raining

Clap your hands
And the tulip bloomed in the garden

Forearms are pressed. Petal fingers point up.

Stages of work:

“Rowanushka is a beauty.

You are very good

Decorated the rowan

Today kids.

Exhibition design.

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“Lesson project “Red Rowan” (applique from napkins)”

Municipal budgetary institution additional education

Children's Youth Center "Fantasy"

c./p. "Edelweiss"

Lesson project

additional education teacher

Nurieva Marina Alexandrovna

Volume applique from napkins

« Red rowan"

For students in grades 1-3

Nizhny Tagil


"Red Rowan"

Type of activity : workshop

Target: to form students’ knowledge about performance techniques; arouse interest and desire to create an application with your own hands.

Lesson objectives:

    Getting to know the technique.

    Study the main stages of implementation.

* Develop a sense of color, imagination and fine motor skills hands by performing appliqué.

    Develop perseverance, patience, a sense of rhythm and artistic taste.

    Foster a love of folk art.

Lesson equipment

For the teacher and students: Sketch on cardboard, red napkins, green paper, markers (brown, green, black), glitter, scissors, glue stick, rag.

Lesson plan

    Organizational moment.

    Conversation "Rowan".

    Gymnastics for arms “I want to build a house...”

    Practical work. Creating a volumetric applique.

    Summing up the lesson.


Methods and techniques: showing, explanation, conversation.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational part. (10 min)

Guys, today we will devote our lesson to trees. Tell me, what trees do you know?


I'll tell you some riddles now. Can you try to guess what kind of tree this is?

When the children solve the riddle, the teacher shows the picture.

Or the teacher shows a picture and the children guess the tree.

Teacher: Well done guys. We remembered the trees. And guess my last riddle!!

This is Rowan! (teacher shows a picture)

And when, guys, do the rowan berries turn red? That's right in the fall.

Where do they disappear during the winter? That's right, birds eat them.

Do you know that medicine is made from rowan trees? They also paint dishes, trays, and furniture. And before, girls made beads from rowan trees. (teacher shows pictures)

Rowan - from the word pockmarked.
In their beliefs, the red rowan had magical powers and protected against the evil eye and witchcraft. The red rowan was planted near the house; damaging the rowan is still considered a bad omen.

According to one legend, a young man and a girl lived in this world. They loved each other so much that neither the machinations of enemies, nor the betrayal of friends, nor the promised wealth could separate them. But a misfortune happened, the young man was killed at her feet, then she prayed to God not to separate them. The prayer was heard and the woman turned into a beautiful red rowan. And since then she has been swaying in the wind, talking quietly with the wind, and in the fall the clusters of berries turn bright red as a sign of mutual love.

And now we will also try to make rowan!

Look what rowan I made! (shows work)

Practical part. (25 min)

Guys, there is a branch of rowan tree drawn in front of you, look carefully, what is missing from it? That's right, leaves and the rowan itself. You will trace the leaves with a pencil according to the template on green paper folded several times and cut them out. Next, draw veins on the leaves with a green felt-tip pen and stick them on the top and right branches. The branch needs to be outlined with a brown felt-tip pen. Our berries will be made from lumps that we will make from napkins.

Finger gymnastics

I want to build a house

Hands above your head like a house.

So that there is a window in it,

Hands before eyes. The ends of the fingers are closed into a “window”.

So that the house has a door,

The palms are turned towards you, closed at the sides.

Nearby for the pine tree to grow

Fingers spread out. We pull our hands up.

So that there is a fence around

Hands in front of you in a ring, fingers connected.

The dog guarded the gate.

One hand is a “dog”, disconnect the little finger from the other fingers.

There was sun

Cross your hands, fingers spread.

It was raining

Clap your hands
And the tulip bloomed in the garden

Forearms are pressed. Petal fingers point up.

Stages of work:

1. We make an applique from colored paper and napkins.

2. Outline the branch with a brown felt-tip pen

3. Trace the leaf template onto green paper and cut it out.

4. Cut red napkins into squares and roll into lumps.

5. Glue on the leaves and lumps.

6. We finish drawing the birds, the sun... we come up with a name for the picture.

The final part. (5 min)

Amazing! And the birds are happy that they will peck the berries and be full.

And I even have a poem about your mountain ash:

“Rowanushka is a beauty.

You are very good

Decorated the rowan

Today kids.

The children are happy that they have succeeded and that all the birds are fed. The teacher suggests coming up with a name for the picture and, one by one, naming and showing the work to the children. We review the resulting work with the children.

Exhibition design.

Today I want to talk about the application, but don’t rush to get it colored paper– we will talk about thread applique.

Amazing material - threads! Whatever they do with them: they sew, knit, weave: carpets, tapestries, panels; they embroider amazingly beautiful pictures. We found another use for leftover threads from knitting - these are amazing applications in which threads are used as paints. Products using the thread applique technique look original, the techniques for working with it are simple and provide endless opportunities for creative self-expression.

Today we will show you what colors the rowan branches are painted in autumn.

So, to create the application we needed:

  • A4 sheet of white cardboard;
  • a simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush.
  • and, of course, we will need threads. The most common wool threads, used for knitting.

Now you can start. First you need to choose autumn colors for the rowan leaves. Well, it's a matter of taste! The color for each leaf has been chosen, it is necessary to prepare the “paints”.

To do this, take a thread, fold it several times and cut it into small pieces, no more than 0.5 cm long. This process stimulates good development hand motor skills in children. If he is very tiny, you will have to work alone.

When all the threads are cut and laid out separately, it’s time to start sketching the future picture. Let's draw with a simple pencil autumn rowan branch (you can take any coloring book, or download a picture from the Internet).

When the diagram of the future application is ready, you can move on to the most interesting part. First we glue the outline of the drawing.

To do this, apply the thread to the outline and cut off the excess.

Then we apply glue in a thin stream and carefully apply a pre-prepared thread of the required length.

And then we arm ourselves with a brush and begin to apply glue to the image. Please note that we apply the glue thickly enough so that our threads stick well.

We paint over the leaves and fill them with cut threads.

For berries, take a red thread 4–6 cm long. Hold one end of the thread between your thumb and index finger, and wind the thread.

Now lightly press the threads onto the paper and leave the applique to dry for several hours.

After drying, shake slightly, but without fanaticism, to get rid of unadhered threads and admire your masterpiece.

Abstract of GCD on application for the senior group « Rowan branch »

teacher,Yalysheva Natalya Vyacheslavovna, teacher of the Mikhalevskaya Secondary School, Ivanovo.

Project participants: childrenoldergroups, group teachers.


    To evoke in children a joyful mood about the coming autumn - as the most beautiful time of the year.

    Develop fine motor skills of the hands.


Educational: to cultivate children's interest in applications; arrange parts in a certain order; strengthen the ability to work with glue and a brush; to develop children’s ability to carefully glue appliqué parts; learn to roll napkin balls.

Educational: develop children's creative initiative and independence; the ability to notice the beauty around us; develop compositional skills.

Educational: cultivate love and respect for nature; desire to protect nature.

Preliminary work:

    on a walk looking at rowan trees

    pay attention to the appearance and shape of the leaf, the color of the leaves and berries

    in the evening, practice children in cutting out leaves by cutting off two opposite corners

Integration of educational areas : « Cognitive development», « Artistic and aesthetic development",« Social and communicative development», « Physical development».

Materials and equipment: a plot picture depicting a rowan branch, colored cardboard, PVA glue, tassels, pieces of fabric, oilcloth, colored paper for applique (yellow and green); red napkins (for rowan berries).

Rules for handling sharp objects:

    Taking and cutting with scissors is only possible with permission and in the presence of adults.

    Do not swing the scissors to avoid injuring someone.

    Hold the scissors straight away from you, do not open them wide.

    You can pass scissors to each other only with the beaks-knives closed, with the windows-rings facing forward.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator .

Guys,guess the riddle:

In that forest and in the garden,

Only autumn is coming,

She has a new outfit

Red beads hang.

Thrush, bullfinch, other bird,

They can treat themselves to it,

As the frost gets worse,

The demand for food will increase.


( Children's answers)


Rowan is an incredibly beautiful tree, and its fruits are so bright and colorful that they attract the attention of everyone: people, animals, and birds. The berries ripen in early autumn, but you can enjoy them throughout the long and cold winter.

This berry brings great benefits to birds. She saves birds.

Educator .

How does rowan save birds?

(Children's answers:birds feed on rowan berries in winter.)

Educator .

I brought it today kindergarten sprig of rowan. Let's look at it. What color are the berries? What shape are they? What shape are the leaves? How are the berries arranged? ( Children's answers)

Educator .

And now you guys and I will tryportraysprig of rowanusing colored paper.Think about the placement of a rowan sprig on a piece of paper. Where do we depict it?? ( Children's answers)

Educator .

Yes, that's right, in the center of the sheet.

And before we start work, let's stretch our fingers and relax at the same time.

Finger gymnastics

We remove the berries from the branches.

(we stroke our fingers one by one, as if« remove the berries».)

We treat our birds.

(show palm)

The birds pecked the berries

(with the other hand we imitate the movement« peck the grains")

And they waved their wing to us

(we wave our palm.)

We do it a second time with a change of hands.

Practical activities.

Demonstration of cutting out a rowan leaf.

The teacher reminds the children how to cut out leaves (hold the rectangle in the shape of a diamond by the side corner; cut from the bottom corner to the side and to the top corner, smoothly turning the rectangle with your left hand; then turn the part over, take it by the cut arc, and repeat the procedure, cutting from the bottom corner to the side and towards the top corner). The teacher accompanies the explanation with a demonstration.

Children begin making rowan leaves using green colored paper and scissors.

The teacher helps with advice and guiding questions, monitors the children’s work and actions with scissors.

Demonstration of gluing techniques.

The teacher shows a sample of a rowan branch glued to cardboard. Reminds you what to spread reverse side parts must be carefully applied, trying to spread glue over the entire surface of the part; stick it on a yellow sheet of paper, next to the rowan branches drawn with a marker; remove excess glue with a piece of fabric; smooth the part with a piece of cloth.

Children begin gluing rowan leaves using cut out leaves (7 pieces), glue and a brush.

Demonstration of the technique of rolling rowan berries.

The teacher tears off a small piece of red napkin, begins to roll it between his palms (rowan berries), dips it in glue and places it on a rowan branch.

Children begin to roll up pieces of red napkin, dip them in glue and glue them onto a rowan branch.

The result of practical activities.

Educator : Well done, guys! The rowan branches turned out like real ones.

Finished works are attached to the board.Children admire rowan branches.Children, if desired, talk about their painting: what colors were used to depict leaves and berries.

Corrugated paper applique for children

Autumn applique for kindergarten

Application for children: Rowan

Bright bunches of rowan against the blue sky sparkle like little suns. The leaves have already begun to change their color from green to yellow and orange. A light wind tears leaves from the branches and circles across the sky.


For the background - blue cardboard 15x20 cm.

Orange, yellow, red, green, black corrugated paper.

Rowan branches.

Glue stick.

Sequence of work

Look at the rowan branches with your child. Pay special attention to the color, shape of the berries, and how they are attached to the branch. Consider the rowan leaves.

Cut three 2x20 cm strips from black paper. Twist the strips into flagella. Make rowan branches from the flagella and secure them with glue.

Cut out 2x6 cm strips from green, yellow, and orange paper. Make curves on one side of the strips with scissors. Roll the strips into leaf shapes. Glue the leaves to the branches.

Cut out 8x8 cm squares from red paper. Fold the squares into a shape