Swelling of the legs. Reasons during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the volume of fluid circulating in the body almost doubles. So it would seem that there is nothing surprising in the fact that a woman expecting a child sometimes suffers from edema. But doctors consider them an alarming symptom, especially if they are accompanied by increased blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine.

So if wedding ring does not fit on your finger, and the shoes have become too small - immediately consult a doctor. And you must definitely follow the recommendations that he gives, because self-diagnosis and self-medication will not lead to any good. But prevention is available to everyone to the expectant mother.

Eliminate salt

Why? Included table salt sodium is included. This element has the property of retaining water in the body. The more salt, the more fluid will remain in the tissues.

How in practice? Remove from the diet (or greatly reduce the dosage) pickles, herring, sauerkraut, black bread, sausage, not to mention such unhealthy, in every sense “garbage” products as crackers, chips, snacks, smoked meats and canned food. It is better to cook even familiar dishes without salt or under-salt.

Important: There is no need to be afraid that you and your baby will not get enough sodium: this element is found in many foods in its natural form or in the form of salts.

Love healthy eating

Why? If there is a tendency to edema, the expectant mother should not only eliminate salt, but also observe some other restrictions. After all, problems with blood vessels, for example, also lead to the formation of edema. Therefore, you need to eat in such a way as not to give swelling the slightest chance.

Like in practice. Do not fry meat and vegetables, but boil or steam them. Eat fatty, spicy, sweet, and rich foods as little as possible, and be sure to regularly cook porridge, eat vegetables and fruits. Tea or coffee can affect the condition of blood vessels and, as a result, blood pressure - it is better not to abuse these drinks. And even “hyper useful” green tea— it contains more caffeine than black coffee, and you should not drink more than two cups a day. But freshly squeezed juices and mineral water without gas.

Important: The average daily calorie intake of food should not exceed 2800-3500 calories. That is, the expectant mother does not have to “eat for two.”

Maintain drinking regime

Why? Previously, it was restrictive: the expectant mother was prescribed to drink only 1-1.5 liters of liquid per day, including soups and compotes. But then studies showed that such a restriction is not useful: it worsens the condition of the venous wall, affects the quantity and quality of the mother’s blood, and its coagulation. After all, during pregnancy, blood volume increases, and if it is not maintained at the required level, the formation of blood clots and other problems cannot be avoided.

How in practice? The most common recommendation is that the expectant mother needs to drink 2.5 or even 3 liters of fluid daily. This amount includes any liquid, including that contained in liquid dishes, fresh juicy vegetables and fruits. Water should be at least 1.5 liters per day, and it should be drunk not all at once, but in small sips, a little at a time, but often. The water should be still.

Important: In case of gestosis, it is better to drink not water, which washes out many salts and microelements from the body, but tea with milk, sweet juices and fruit drinks, which “pull” water from the tissues and thereby reduce swelling.

Be careful with diuretics

Why? Medicines during pregnancy can harm not only the expectant mother, but also the baby. Therefore, the use of any medicinal and even natural herbal diuretics must be coordinated with your doctor.

How in practice? Usually, expectant mothers are prescribed homeopathic remedies, as well as herbal remedies with a mild diuretic effect - bearberry, lingonberry leaf, parsley decoction.

Important. Together with the fluid, potassium is washed out of our body, which, in particular, is important for the proper functioning of the heart muscle, for the health of the mother’s bones and teeth, and for the construction of the baby’s skeleton. Therefore, potassium needs to be replenished - with a diet or taking appropriate vitamin complexes (you should also ask your doctor about which one to choose).

Give your legs a rest

Why? 40% of women show some signs of varicose veins during pregnancy. One of its symptoms is swelling of the legs, which, fortunately, is the most harmless and does not require special treatment.

How in practice? While resting, raise your legs relative to your body position. For example, when sitting at a computer, place your feet on a stand. You can take an example from the Americans and put your feet on the table (or a chair standing nearby, if otherwise inappropriate). In a lying position, you need your legs to be elevated up to 30 cm high. This position will be ensured by placing a high pillow or a bolster made of blanket under the mattress. There are beds in which the height of the footboard and headboard can be varied.

Important.“Varicose” swelling is also reduced with the help of creams with extracts of horse chestnut or hazel.

Lie on your left side

Why? During pregnancy, 80% of women develop so-called physiological edema. They are considered normal because, unlike pathological edema, they disappear on their own after eliminating the causes (and they can be a diet violation or a quick walk on a hot day that causes increased sweating). The main “medicine” is to give yourself a rest, to lie down.

How in practice? When lying on the left side, the kidneys experience the least load and work in the best possible way and move urine through the excretory system faster.

Important. If your face swells, it is difficult to clench your fingers into a fist due to excessive swelling, it is impossible to bend down due to swelling of the lower back and abdominal wall - see a doctor immediately. Such severe swelling is a sign of pregnancy, a very dangerous and insidious complication.


Why? The risk of fluid accumulation in the legs decreases if a woman moves a lot (but as much as possible!). U active mother the chances of developing edema are reduced by about half!

How in practice? Walking (only in the park, not on a polluted street) is an activity that is accessible and useful to almost all expectant mothers. You need to walk for at least 40 minutes a day, and even better - 2-3 hours. Special gymnastics for pregnant women, swimming with aqua aerobics, and yoga with belly dancing will help (it’s best to do all this under the supervision of specialists).

Important: If your work is predominantly sedentary, take “dynamic breaks” every hour - spin your feet in different directions for 5-10 minutes, stand on your toes and heels. But sitting cross-legged is not recommended at all!

Special underwear

Why? You need to acquire special support underwear no later than mid-pregnancy. The bandage will relieve the back, support the stomach, ease the load on the veins lower limbs. Compression stockings and tights prevent the development of varicose veins, which means they relieve the feeling of heaviness and swelling in the legs. Lingerie designed specifically for expectant mothers protects blood vessels from excessive accumulation and stagnation of fluid in them.

How in practice? The bandage must be selected according to size, and it must be adjusted so that it does not squeeze, but rather supports. The degree of compression of the tights (weak or strong) will be determined by a phlebologist after studying the problem.

Get treatment if necessary

Why? Preeclampsia, kidney and heart problems are very serious abnormalities that require hospital treatment. Preeclampsia is fraught with preeclampsia and eclampsia - deadly conditions for mother and baby. The kidneys and heart may not be able to withstand the load and fail. In general, if a doctor, based on the results of observations and tests, is in a hurry to prescribe a referral to a hospital, do not resist: a specialist knows better.

How in practice? Cardiac edema never occurs on the hands and face, and is accompanied by some other symptoms (persistent palpitations, shortness of breath, bluish discoloration of the mucous membranes). Renal edema occurs with certain kidney diseases. Puffiness of the face, bags under the eyes appear, and later swelling of the legs and arms. Usually a woman knows that the kidneys are her weak point, and will be able to recognize specific swelling in order to contact a nephrologist or urologist.

Important: If such diseases arise or worsen during pregnancy, treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting - self-medication and hope for chance are unacceptable!

Extensive physiological edema almost always accompanies pregnancy with twins or large fruit. But even such swelling after childbirth disappears very quickly: the fluid accumulated during pregnancy leaves the body (and that’s almost 8 extra liters!). And if the swelling remains in place a few days after the birth of the baby, then this is either excess weight, not swelling, or the cause of this swelling is not pregnancy at all.


I once treated minor cystitis, I was 7 months pregnant, and drank capsules with cranberries. Phytolysin prenatal. They relieve swelling in one go, and you don’t have to choke on fruit drinks

Eating for two is not only unnecessary, but also undesirable. I'm only 10 kg. gained during this period. Nothing bothered me, but in the last month my legs started to swell a little. The doctor advised rubbing in Thrombocide gel, because... it is safe and effective. I got rid of this problem very quickly.

“Important: The average daily caloric content of food intake should not exceed 2800–3500 calories. That is, the expectant mother does not necessarily have to “eat for two.” - if you eat 3500 kcal a day you can become an elephant)))) however..

Comment on the article "Pregnancy and edema: causes and treatment. What and how much to drink?"

Dad's legs are very swollen. First there was swelling of one leg, then the other. Doesn't tell me anything, I saw it by accident. Are your legs and arms swelling? How to avoid gestosis and other complications of pregnancy. Print version. Remove from the diet (or greatly reduce the dosage)...

girls, a problem out of nowhere - I’m swelling. Moreover, the legs swell so much that they become like columns. gained 4 kilos. I was examined - ultrasound, hormones, tests - everything is ok, in any case there is nothing that could give Or do your legs swell in the evening from the heat and walking, is this swelling?

Shoes for severely swollen feet. He says that the leg, which did not move, was always swollen, the doctors saw it. Now it has become even thicker, but the changes, in his opinion, are not so significant. Who has swollen feet, what shoes are you wearing now? Pregnancy calendar.

About alcohol and swelling. Need some advice. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and talk with About alcohol and edema. Tell me, those who know. WHY does alcohol retain water in the body and how to deal with it?

The legs swell either from sitting for a long time or from standing for a long time. Why do you need to stuff yourself with pills? It's better to warm up more often. However, swelling (of the legs) can be a sign of more than just beginning varicose veins. Pregnancy and edema: causes and treatment.

What is prescribed for edema? Analyzes, studies, tests, ultrasound. Pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnancy and edema: causes and treatment. What and how much to drink? With such a number of reviews, the rating can be considered quite reliable.

My father-in-law's legs were very swollen. 9 years ago he suffered a stroke, since then he has been walking only a little at a time with a hospital walker. He is in the village, usually sits outside in the summer. There were worn-out dyes on his feet. This year my legs have become very swollen, especially at the instep area, no shoes...

My legs are swelling...what should I do? At about the same time, my legs became very swollen (like an elephant’s). I couldn’t do anything...Then I gave birth and everything went away right away. True, a week to a week and a half after giving birth, severe swelling of the legs reappeared and persisted for another 2 weeks...

edema - the reason for hospitalization???? I gained a kilo every week. The doctor kept scolding me, making me nervous and worried. I say: the engagement ring has become harder to come off, but there is no swelling. She touched it herself, they are not there. But she diagnosed swelling and sent her to hospital... This...

Pregnancy and edema: causes and treatment. What and how much to drink? Edema during pregnancy. Swelling - what else to do??. Medical issues. Pregnancy and childbirth. sign up for the pool, just don’t forget to step up, otherwise it will be difficult with swelling... or...

Pregnancy and edema: causes and treatment. What and how much to drink? One of its symptoms is swelling of the legs, which, fortunately, is the most harmless and does not require special treatment. How in practice? But even such swelling after childbirth disappears very quickly: fluid...

My legs and face are swollen. My mother (80 years old) never had much pain or swelling in her legs. and then a week ago one of my legs became swollen at the ankle and began to hurt a lot. The second is the same, but smaller. The cardiogram has not worsened, we are now waiting for the results of blood tests.

Legs swell. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Medicine and health. Legs can also be a heart. My legs and face are swollen. My mother (80 years old) never had much pain or swelling in her legs. and then a week ago one of her legs became swollen at the ankle and became what did she eat? No...

Pregnancy and edema: causes and treatment. What and how much to drink? 80% of women develop this during pregnancy. Everyone knows that pregnancy is often accompanied by toxicosis. Causes of leg swelling in pregnant women. How to relieve swelling and reduce leg cramps.

Swelling in the 1st trimester? Medical issues. Pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnancy and edema: causes and treatment. What and how much to drink? During pregnancy, 80% of women develop so-called physiological edema.

I’ll say right away that my swelling is most likely not due to my kidneys (for some reason it is believed that if a baby’s legs are swollen, it means the kidneys Pregnancy and swelling: causes and treatment. What and how much to drink? I started looking online for information on how to get rid of them, and honestly...

Again about swelling... Medical issues. Pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnancy and edema: causes and treatment. What and how much to drink? “Varicose” swelling is also reduced with the help of creams with extracts of horse chestnut or hazel.

Pregnancy and edema: causes and treatment. What and how much to drink? During pregnancy, 80% of women develop the so-called I know that one is apple and the other is cottage cheese, but I forgot the details of what, how much and when to eat. Pregnancy calendar.

How to remove pregnancy edema? Moms who experienced swelling during pregnancy, please respond! My ankles swell very much and no shoes can fit. Diuretic herbs, fruit drinks, fasting days do not help. Maybe someone's doctor prescribed it drug treatment?

Pregnancy and edema: causes and treatment. What and how much to drink? Section: Medical questions (does swelling cause labor). edema - the reason for hospitalization???? + 1000. I would go to the hospital if there were really severe swelling and (or) + high blood pressure.

There are various causes for peripheral leg edema, including: injury or injury, such as a sprain or broken bone. Swelling in the legs is a problem for many people. Most often, people over 35 years of age are predisposed to swelling of the legs. The causes of leg swelling can be different. Doctors advise treating not the swelling itself, but the reasons why it occurs. Varicose veins are the cause of edema. Sometimes the cause of leg swelling is a malfunction of the valve apparatus of the veins, then venous blood is not able to move to the heart at the required speed. Edema of the legs is a symptom that is manifested by visible swelling of the lower extremities, an increase in their volume due to the accumulation of fluid in soft tissues. Swelling of the legs can occur due to varicose veins. The development of leg swelling is often the reason for seeking medical help. The expectant mother has later pregnancy swell legs and hands, however there are times when edema spreads throughout the body and the woman begins to quickly gain weight. Swelling of the legs during pregnancy is inevitable. They are directly related to a woman’s weight gain, as well as to impaired fluid metabolism in the body. Swelling of the legs during pregnancy is in most cases associated with an increased need for water. Let us immediately hasten to reassure you: physiological swelling of the legs during pregnancy is not dangerous for the unborn child. Typically, such swelling is observed on the feet and legs, and disappears after rest.

Edema of the legs is a symptom that is manifested by visible swelling of the lower extremities, an increase in their circumference, and, as a rule, other symptoms. Swelling occurs when tiny blood vessels Fluid begins to leak out and accumulate in surrounding tissues - blood may begin to accumulate in the legs and feet, causing swelling.
Depending on the cause, the following types of edema are distinguished: hydrostatic - develops due to the fact that the outflow of blood from organs is difficult due to the weakness of the heart muscle, the presence of various obstacles to blood flow; hypoproteinemic, in which, due to the fact that the amount of protein in the blood is reduced, fluid enters the tissues in the direction of increasing osmotic pressure; membranogenic, in which there is a violation of the integrity of the wall of blood vessels, as a result of which fluid freely leaves them; neurogenic - as a result of the fact that the nervous system inadequately controls vascular function; inflammatory process - swelling is always an integral part of inflammation of an infectious or allergic nature.

Below you will find information about the causes of swelling of the legs and methods of treating this small, but still a nuisance. So, let's first define what edema is?

The appearance of swelling in the legs is a good reason to see a doctor. It is better not to engage in home treatment and self-diagnosis

Edema ( lat. oedema) - excessive accumulation of fluid in body organs, extracellular tissue spaces of the body. Below we will look at the most common causes and types of leg swelling. Swelling of the legs is usually the initial manifestation of varicose veins. Swelling of the legs with varicose veins has one feature - it develops gradually. The main cause of varicose veins is insufficient elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. Edema is associated with fluid retention.

Types of edema

Hydraemic edema is associated with the accumulation of excess fluid in kidney diseases;

Cachectic edema appears as a result of cardiovascular diseases or when the body is exhausted;

Congestive edema is formed due to vascular permeability, pressure in the capillaries, and a decrease in albumin protein in the blood;

Mechanical edema is the result of injury and can appear during pregnancy and tumors;

Neuropathic edema appears in diseases such as alcoholism and diabetes;

Allergic edema (Quincke's edema) - is a deep swelling of the skin. Quincke's edema develops very quickly and also quickly resolves after proper treatment.

Most often, edema appears in the extremities, abdominal or pleural cavity, and subcutaneous fat.

Causes of leg swelling

The cause of edema can be various factors: edema is caused by chronic or temporary diseases, a certain condition of the body. Leg swelling caused by fluid accumulation in the tissues of the legs is known as peripheral edema. With the modern pace of life, swelling of the legs is becoming more and more common and commonplace. Almost all women also experience swelling in their legs during pregnancy. Edema during pregnancy is usually temporary and goes away very quickly. They may have various causes.

The most common causes of leg swelling are:

Drink plenty of fluids, especially before bed.

Metabolic disorder.

Flat feet.

The habit of sitting with crossed legs.

Sitting for long periods on low or too soft seats.


Incorrectly selected shoes. You shouldn't wear shoes too much high heels, and on completely flat soles. It is better to wear shoes with low heels. Shoes should be spacious, not constrict your feet, and your toes should be in a natural position.

Varicose veins. Swelling in the legs due to varicose veins occurs gradually, at first unnoticeably. Increased swelling in the legs is associated with a person being in an upright position and is observed in the evening. After sleep, swelling in the legs disappears and may reappear only in the afternoon. As other signs of the disease progress, swelling in the legs becomes more noticeable. As a rule, swelling in the legs is combined with trophic disorders. More often, swelling in the legs is not located symmetrically and, as a rule, only on one leg.

Swelling in the legs occurs as a result of the blood flow being disrupted and the hydrostatic pressure in the veins significantly increasing. Prolonged stagnation of blood causes an increase in pressure, first in large veins, and then in the smallest vessels.

In capillaries, hydrostatic pressure is usually higher than in the intercellular spaces, and therefore tends to squeeze fluid out of the vessels into the tissue - edema occurs.

Impaired cardiovascular activity.

Kidney diseases. Severe swelling of the legs can occur with kidney disease. This swelling usually spreads over both lower extremities and affects mainly the back of the leg, without itching, pain or local fever. It is accompanied by some swelling of the eyelids, the appearance dark circles under the eyes, often a change in the color of urine and a decrease in its amount.

For intestinal diseases. Externally, such edema is similar to “renal” edema, but is accompanied not by impaired urination, but by prolonged diarrhea

Legs also become severely swollen after a person has had an acute respiratory infection. This symptom is a consequence of kidney disease, which arose as a complication from an infection.

- "Elephant" disease. With this disease, lymph flow in the skin and subcutaneous tissue is disrupted, which leads to disruption of protein and water metabolism in tissues and stagnation of lymph. Because of this, severe swelling occurs, most often in the legs, and the legs become like those of an elephant.

Problems with the thyroid gland can also manifest as elastic swellings that do not leave pits when pressed, located in the lower parts of the legs. This disease also causes swelling of the tongue and shoulders, lethargy, drowsiness, chilliness, and a tendency to constipation.

Swelling in the legs can also occur with acute thrombophlebitis of both deep and superficial veins. But in this case, they are always accompanied by clinical signs of inflammation - redness, heat, pain along the vein. Swelling due to impaired outflow of lymphatic fluid through the lymphatic vessels is much less common. As a rule, swelling signals the presence of some disease, and therefore, if they appear, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Swelling during pregnancy is a very common occurrence. After all, during pregnancy, a woman’s hormonal levels change dramatically. If swelling of the legs occurs during pregnancy, you should inform your doctor about it. The causes of edema during pregnancy are quite difficult to immediately identify, so the gynecologist requires additional examination (ultrasound of the kidneys, blood tests).

Other causes of leg swelling include blood clots, leg infections (existing or past), chronic venous insufficiency, varicose veins, and burns. Also, swelling of the legs can be both a cause and a consequence of other diseases. Legs swell due to various diseases: edema of various origins, gout, and so on.

Exercises to relieve swelling of the legs

While standing or sitting for a few minutes a day, alternately press your heel to the floor and lift your toe, and vice versa (press your toe and lift your heel).

Walk on your toes for a couple of minutes.

Spread and curl your toes.

With your bare feet, try to pick up a pencil or small ball from the floor.

Make rotational movements with your feet (from left to right and from right to left).

Place your right foot on top of your left. Raise your toe as high as possible, then do the same exercise with your right leg.

Stand on your toes and stand for a few seconds. Then do 5-10 jumping jacks.

Bend your toes down and sharply straighten them up.

Medicines for swelling of the legs

Important! Before using any of the following medications, consult your doctor for precise definition determine the causes of edema and prescribe appropriate medications. However, in the vast majority of cases it only gets worse, since the main cause of swelling of the legs is not identified and eliminated

- “Essaven gel” helps strengthen the walls of capillaries and veins, also helps blood circulation and eliminates microthrombi;

Heparin ointment, which improves blood circulation, dissolves microscopic blood clots, and has an anti-inflammatory effect;

- “Venitan”, which contains horse chestnut extract, strengthens the walls of capillaries and veins;

- “Troxevasit has an analgesic and cooling effect, at the same time strengthening the walls of capillaries and veins.

- "Lioton" - ointment.

Ointments made from horse chestnut are good against edema.

The above ointments contain rutin and heparin, which strengthen the capillary system.

Traditional methods of treating leg swelling

In addition, there are a large number of traditional medicine recipes that help cope with swelling of the legs.

1 part turpentine to 2 parts castor oil. Heat the oil, pour turpentine into it and rub your feet. After the massage, put cotton socks on your feet.

Mix 1 egg yolk with a teaspoon of turpentine and a tablespoon apple cider vinegar. Rub your feet vigorously with the resulting mixture.

Astragalus (plant). A decoction of it reduces swelling and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. To prepare a decoction, steam 10 g of astragalus with a glass of boiling water, cool slowly and strain. The decoction should be taken 2-3 tablespoons 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks. After a three-day break, repeat the course of treatment. The general course of treatment lasts 4-6 months.

For tired and swollen feet, it is very good to massage with pieces of ice. It is better if the ice is made not from ordinary water, but from an infusion of medicinal herbs and plants. For example, from sage, montane arnica flowers, navel tincture, yarrow, peppermint, eucalyptus.

Bath. You can add sea salt to the bath water; it helps with swelling and will relax your legs. Immerse your feet in cold water, then use light pinches to massage the swollen areas from bottom to top.

Contrast baths. Excellent help with tired legs, heaviness and swelling in the feet. You should keep your feet alternately in hot (5 minutes) and cold water (10 seconds), with the addition of herbs and salt.

In addition to foot baths, massage is also useful. After an evening shower, dry your legs and begin to stretch them first from the feet; self-massage begins from the big toe along the shin, then from the knee to the thigh. It is useful to press on the following points: on the nail plate, on the base of the finger.

You can stretch your feet by rolling a small rubber ball on the floor.

After 7 pm, try to drink less liquid. To remove excess fluid from the body, use herbal decoctions.

Decoctions of elderberry bark and berries are effective for swelling of the legs and kidneys.

If you have varicose veins on your legs, apply steamed elderberry leaves to them.

Dissolve a packet of rock salt in a bucket of cold water, then take a shaggy towel, thoroughly moisten it with this water, then wring it out and apply it to the lower back. Repeat the procedure ten times. As a result, urine production begins and swelling disappears.

Drink diuretics made from birch buds and horsetail extract. Recipe: take horsetail, knotweed, birch buds– 2-3 tablespoons of each ingredient. 1 teaspoon of the mixture per 1 glass of boiling water, then 15 minutes in a water bath, leave for 30 minutes and strain. 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals. Drink for 3 days, break for 1 day. Course 3 weeks. The decoction should be stored in a cool place.

Important! Hot baths are contraindicated for varicose veins!

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy - what to do?

Swelling during pregnancy is a very common occurrence. After all, during pregnancy, a woman’s hormonal levels change dramatically. The amount of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for controlling contractility uterus so that a miscarriage does not occur. But progesterone also promotes fluid retention in tissues and the formation of edema. During pregnancy, water-salt metabolism changes in a woman's body, which can lead to disturbances in the outflow of lymph and blood through the veins of the legs, and to changes in the blood and vascular wall. Let's figure out what types of edema are and what prevention can be done to avoid them or improve your condition.

How does swelling appear?

Water is not retained in the body immediately. In the first trimester of pregnancy, swelling rarely occurs. Already closer to the second trimester, a pregnant woman may notice that the skin of her legs and arms loses its firmness and elasticity and becomes “loose.” Later, the roundness of the face increases. In the last trimester of pregnancy, swelling of the legs and, less often, the arms, face, and abdomen often appear.

You can check whether there is swelling by pressing your finger on the skin of the lower leg in front (an area where there are no muscles). If pressing leaves a dimple that does not immediately go away, then there is swelling.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body weight increases gradually; a sharp increase may indicate the appearance of edema. Therefore, the antenatal clinic monitors the weight of the pregnant woman.

Types of edema during pregnancy

Physiological edema during pregnancy. Some women, even during menstruation, experience slight swelling of the legs, heaviness and fatigue. Most likely, during pregnancy these symptoms will be frequent companions.

Physiological edema is the tendency of a pregnant woman’s body to retain sodium and water in the body, this is especially provoked by the abuse of salty foods, physical overload and can appear in the heat. Also, an increase in body weight, and therefore the load on the legs, leads to swelling of the legs. Such swelling is natural, they do not pose a health hazard, and as your figure recovers after childbirth, your legs will regain their former lightness.

Pathological edema during pregnancy. Swelling during pregnancy can be symptoms of the disease. The so-called dropsy of pregnancy is expressed by a sharp increase in body weight of more than 20 kg, severe swelling of the legs, arms, face and lower back. It is difficult for a woman to put on shoes, bend over, her eyes become small due to swelling of the eyelids. With dropsy, the child practically does not suffer; this is the initial form of gestosis. It needs to be treated so that dropsy does not develop into a more severe form of gestosis, which is also accompanied by the release of protein in the urine and an increase in blood pressure. With gestosis, both mother and fetus suffer.

Treatment of minor edema is carried out on an outpatient basis, but if, despite treatment, the condition does not improve, then the woman is sent to a hospital. If there is no improvement after a course of treatment, then premature delivery is carried out. It is necessary to visit the antenatal clinic in a timely manner in order to notice and prevent possible illness in time.

What is the danger of edema in pregnant women?

Russian obstetricians believe that edema needs to be treated, since dropsy in pregnancy is the first stage of gestosis and in 90% of cases, after edema, protein in the urine and high blood pressure appear. Timely treatment can prevent the transition of dropsy to subsequent stages of gestosis.

Edema is one of the three main signs of gestosis (also known as late toxicosis). It usually manifests itself in the third trimester, but individual development of the situation is also possible.

Prevention of edema during pregnancy

Previously, for “prevention”, pregnant women were recommended to limit fluid intake, but now they have come to the conclusion that if you limit fluid intake, the body will try to retain it, thereby increasing swelling. You should drink 1.5 - 2 liters of liquid (including fruits, soups and juices). But it is advisable to drink bound liquids - such liquids are retained in the bloodstream and do not leak into the tissues, therefore, they avoid swelling. These include freshly squeezed juices (fresh juices) and milk.

You should also completely avoid thirst-causing foods. Try to avoid products such as glazed cheese curds, ice cream, cakes, halva, curd masses, vanillin, processed cheeses, kefir, smoked, pickled, spicy and fried foods.

Do not drink sweet or carbonated liquids that make you thirsty. Reduce your salt intake or even switch to a salt-free diet. Food should be under-salted, as salt retains fluid in the body. You can consume up to 8 g of salt per day instead of the usual 12-15 g.

Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, cereals. They can be stewed, boiled and baked. Sometimes you can quench your thirst by eating a juicy apple, orange or cucumber.

Eat better food, steamed or boiled, stewed, but not fried!

In consultation with your doctor, you can drink herbal teas with diuretic properties (infusions of bearberry leaves or bears ears, horsetail, kidney tea). A glass of infusion is drunk during the day in 3-4 doses (1/3-¼ glass at a time). The course is long - from 3 to 4 weeks.

Important! Diuretics are prescribed only for severe swelling, and even then not for long. You cannot take this remedy on your own!

To prevent edema during pregnancy, try to lead an active lifestyle. Moving every hour can prevent fluid buildup.

An effective way to combat swelling is to lie with your legs elevated.

Put on tights in the morning high waist before you get out of bed. This way, blood will not stagnate in the ankles.

Try to stay in a hot place as little as possible.

Do foot baths with cold water. The procedure time is 20 minutes.

Massaging your feet in the evening will also help prevent swelling of the legs, and if this occurs, then relieve swelling.

Drink a glass of hot milk at night, 1 day a week on apples and juice and try brewing dried apricots at night, and first thing in the morning drink water from it and for the next 30-40 minutes do not eat or drink anything;

Regular tea with lemon without sugar or just water with a slice of lemon;

Lingonberry compote also prevents swelling of the legs.

Preventing leg swelling

- If possible, try to change your shoes throughout the day, especially if you wear high heels.

After 7 pm, try to drink less liquid.

During the day, try to give your legs rest. Stroke them, massage them.

Purchase special therapeutic stockings or tights that prevent swelling.

Follow a diet with limited salt and water intake. Avoid drinking sugary sodas.

Sleep with a bolster (pillow or folded blanket) under your feet.

Massage your feet daily and take decongestant baths.

In the evening, when you come home, take this position: lie on the floor, raise your legs and rest them against the wall. Stay in this position for 10-15 minutes. Then massage your legs from the feet to the knees. Movements should be energetic.

Important! If all these tips do not help, swelling becomes regular, you feel hardness and increased skin temperature in the swollen areas, be sure to consult a doctor.

In order to restore health to your feet and get rid of pain and swelling, you should completely change your daily routine.

Even those who have observed the process of bearing a child only from the side know that edema is a frequent accompaniment of pregnancy. Due to its prevalence, the phenomenon is taken for granted and not considered serious. So why do doctors prescribe a bunch of additional examinations to the patient at the slightest suspicion of swelling? Maybe pregnant “swelling” is not as innocent as it seems at first glance?

Edema during pregnancy: what is it?

Edema is an excessive concentration in the space between tissues liquids. They form approximately from the 30th (in some cases from the 21st) week of pregnancy and appear on all possible parts of the body. The most common locations are the face, legs to the knees, hands, nasopharynx, fingers. During pregnancy, even the stomach and lower back can swell.

It’s very simple to check whether we are dealing with swelling or too tasty buns: in the lower leg area, where the leg bone is not hidden under the muscles, press firmly with your finger and look at the skin. Levels off instantly - congratulations, you have an overdose of high-calorie food; levels out slowly, as if reluctantly - consult a doctor soon, fluid is retained in the body.

Edema appears during pregnancy due to an increase in the volume of fluid circulating in the body. The latter is necessary for the circulatory system of the fetus, “maintenance” of the growing uterus and placenta, for amniotic fluid And. At the same time, the kidneys work under increased load: not only do you have to filter 1.5 liters more fluid per cycle per day, but the level of sodium in the blood, known for its “ability” to retain water, also increases. The pressure of the uterus on the internal organs contributes, constant feeling thirst and hormonal changes.

Severe swelling rarely avoids women with multiple pregnancy or carrying a large child.

What are the dangers of edema during pregnancy?

Swelling, especially noticeable, is not only an unaesthetic symptom that brings discomfort. Fluid accumulation can impair oxygen transport and nutrients child, disrupt the balance in the “mother – placenta – fetus” system and the work internal organs. Severe swelling often indicates inflammatory processes in the kidneys and a number of diseases of the endocrine system, heart and blood vessels.

Edema during pregnancy is often a manifestation of gestosis, a complex disease consisting of failures in the pregnant body’s adaptation to a new state. The disease may not affect a woman’s well-being; it is identified by swelling and the presence of protein in the urine. Later, a decrease in the volume of urine during urination, excessive (more than 300 g per week) weight gain, increased blood pressure, a decrease in the level of coagulation indicators and platelets in the blood, nausea, fever, liver disorders and others are added. The condition is dangerous not only due to early termination of pregnancy, but also the death of the pregnant woman and child as a result of renal and/or heart failure, hemorrhages in the internal organs and brain, placental abruption, intrauterine hypoxia and many other life-threatening conditions.

Physiological and pathological swelling

There are two types of edema - physiological and pathological. From the name it is clear that physiological edema is nothing other than visual swelling and deterioration appearance, the woman is not threatened and is considered normal. Their occurrence is explained by the enlarged uterus squeezing the blood vessels in the pelvic area and the ureters - this leads to fluid retention. The phenomenon occurs more often in short and “round” women.

Pathological edema is predominantly a sign of gestosis. However, the disease may not be accompanied by fluid accumulation. “Dry” gestosis is recognized as more dangerous - along with the “standard” symptoms, dehydration and severe cramps are observed. Despite business and a strict boss, you cannot hide the slightest doubtful conditions from the gynecologist - the earlier the disease is detected, the less likely it is to progress to a severe stage and cause consequences.

Hidden edema during pregnancy

It would seem that swelling is an obvious phenomenon, but this is not always the case. Not only visible parts of the body can swell, but also the tissues of internal organs. The pregnancy gynecologist leading the pregnancy will help to detect them with the help of simple examinations:

The doctor is able to tell about the patient’s tendency to edema during pregnancy already at early stages, based on a study of the existing history, genetics, biochemical blood parameters and body constitution. The sooner a predisposition to swelling is discovered, the sooner a woman will receive recommendations to prevent an unpleasant and sometimes dangerous symptom.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy

The most swollen part of the body during pregnancy is the legs. The shins of boots and favorite shoes suddenly turn out to be tight, comfortable sandals begin to press and rub. Most often, women are susceptible to leg swelling during pregnancy because they walk or stand a lot during the day, or sit for a long time without regular small stretches. Think, maybe there is an opportunity to delegate “walking” responsibilities to one of your colleagues, or will your husband do a little more housework?

To avoid swelling of the feet during pregnancy, avoid wearing uncomfortable shoes (especially with heels!) in the third trimester, avoid long walks between the two of you, try not to overwork and rest more often with your feet higher than your body. It would be great if your spouse also massages your feet and rubs your legs.

Swelling of the hands and fingers during pregnancy

Swelling of the upper extremities during pregnancy manifests itself in swelling, numbness of the hands and a tingling sensation. Swelling of the hands and fingers is mainly observed in women with sedentary, monotonous work: PC operators, needlewomen, seamstresses, confectioners, etc. Stagnation of excess fluid occurs due to monotonous movements. To avoid an unpleasant symptom, it is recommended to do gymnastics every 1-1.5 hours and give your hands and fingers a rest for 5-7 minutes.

Also, in the second half of pregnancy, it is better to stop wearing bracelets, jewelry and rings (even wedding rings). If the jewelry is not hidden in the box in time, the swollen tissue will be pinched, which will only aggravate the situation: sometimes the only way to remove the jewelry is to damage its integrity.

Nasal swelling during pregnancy

Swelling of the sinuses, nasopharynx and, in fact, the nose mainly occurs due to swelling of the face, occurs through allergic reactions, or can be a feature of pregnancy. Rhinitis in pregnant women is common; almost every expectant mother suffers from it, starting from the second or third trimester. An increase in blood volume plus a decrease in resistance to infection leads to the fact that best friend women take vasoconstrictor drops for many weeks. This cannot be done: taking such drugs should not last more than 5 days, and the release of the active substance into the bloodstream is fraught with the development of hypoxia in the fetus.

Often, sealing the airways leads to inflammation of the nasal sinuses: and this requires an urgent visit to the otolaryngologist. Complications in the form of purulent sinusitis, sinusitis or sinusitis are possible, but the expectant mother definitely does not need a bacterial infection in her blood.

Nasal swelling during pregnancy causes women a lot of discomfort: due to difficulty in nasal breathing, the quality of sleep deteriorates, fatigue appears, and the tendency to ARVI increases. Rinsing with salt water, decoctions of chamomile and sage, and inhalation with menthol oil help effectively combat the symptom. Within two to three days after birth, the swelling disappears.

Nasal swelling in response to allergic irritants is treated by eliminating the allergen. But if it is impossible to remove it (for example, if you are allergic to flower dust), you should contact an allergist for prescriptions.

Prevention and treatment of swelling during pregnancy

“Swollen” pregnant women can boast of increased attention in the LC: they are more often prescribed examinations, which means they are weighed more often, blood pressure is measured and directions for urine tests are given. To some women, such measures may seem like an attempt to siphon money, but all the actions of the gynecologist are aimed at the timely detection of severe complications. To avoid falling under the doctor's gaze, follow these recommendations:

1. Drink more water (not the other way around!). Make sure that the amount you drink per day clean water was at least 1.3-1.6 liters. For the rest (soups, teas, juices) leave everything as is. Most of the fluid should be “concentrated” in the first half of the day to reduce the degree of swelling after the night. , and prefer soda, and . Drink often, but in small sips.

2. Limit your salt intake. The daily norm of sodium chlorine is 1-1.5 g. We eat 3-5 times more. During pregnancy, in order to avoid edema, food should not only be under-salted, but also pickles, salted fish, sausages, and similar snacks should be excluded.

3. Adjust your diet. Abruptly take and refuse fried, spicy, smoked, sweet, butter and pickled foods, i.e. tasty, difficult, but try to change your usual cooking method. Now bake foods in foil or a sleeve, steam or in water, and do not overuse seasonings. If you want something forbidden, buy it in small quantities to set your teeth on edge. Carry out fasting days, for example, kefir days, and make sure that there is enough protein in your diet.

4. Do not neglect gymnastics for pregnant women. Active expectant mothers are at risk of any complications, incl. and the appearance of edema is reduced by half. Choose an activity you like - yoga, swimming, fitness - and don’t skip. But remember that pregnancy is not the time for overdoing it: you will “lose” the gained weight after childbirth.

5. Avoid heat and stuffy rooms. High temperature air contributes to an increase in blood pressure and the occurrence of edema.

6. Do not neglect the recommendation to wear compression accessories. Edema during pregnancy is often accompanied by varicose veins, the treatment of which is the responsibility of a phlebologist. He prescribes accessories with the required degree of compression.

7. Allow your legs to rest. If possible, try to sit with your legs folded on a low stool. Do not throw one on top of the other, periodically walk around and stretch your feet in a circular motion. In the evening, massage your feet and give them cool herbal baths.

If protein is detected in the urine, especially if it is accompanied by high blood pressure and shortness of breath, the woman will be offered hospitalization. In a hospital setting, therapy will be carried out with the prescription of vitamin preparations (magnesium, lipoic acid, vitamin E), aimed at eliminating the root causes of swelling and improving metabolism in the uterus-placenta system.

Drug treatment of edema during pregnancy is not prescribed without compelling reasons: it is necessary if the functioning of the kidneys, heart or liver is impaired. Diuretics cannot be taken without a doctor’s prescription: they have a large number"side effects", incl. and toxic effects on the fetus.

Folk remedies for edema during pregnancy

There is no condition or disease that we would not try to cure. traditional medicine. Edema during pregnancy is no exception. Choose any of the recipes below and do not forget to consult your doctor.

Swelling: when is it time to see a doctor?

For most women, pregnancy is not a reason to “fall out of action,” and sometimes consultations with a doctor are postponed due to work, older children, or other reasons. But you can’t put a visit to the gynecologist on the back burner if:

In most cases, swelling during pregnancy is normal and safe. However, telling your doctor about them to be on the safe side will never be a bad idea - sometimes seemingly vain fears save two lives. Be healthy!

Of course, any woman expecting a child has encountered a common “companion” of pregnancy in the form of swollen legs.

The causes of swollen legs and a feeling of heaviness are divided into a number of categories. These factors include:

  • Related to the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • Associated with metabolic disorders;
  • Associated with kidney pathology;
  • Allergic.

The listed reasons are associated with changes occurring in a woman’s body during pregnancy. The changes are physiological in nature and are quite natural when a woman is preparing to become a mother.

The main cause of swollen legs during pregnancy is considered to be a change in water-salt metabolism. An important role is played by disturbances of venous and lymphatic outflow from the lower extremities, changes in the quantitative composition of the blood and the condition of the capillary walls.

They often become evidence of gestosis, a systemic pathology of pregnancy that affects the kidneys and blood vessels. This is not the only reason. If the period is long, the uterus greatly increases in size due to the rapidly growing fetus, amniotic fluid and membranes, and begins to put pressure on neighboring organs, including the kidneys.

The intensity of edema during pregnancy comes in 4 degrees:

  1. The lower parts of the limb - the foot and lower leg - swell and become pasty.
  2. Swelling involves the entire lower limbs, spreading to the lower abdomen and lumbosacral region.
  3. Swelling takes over upper limbs. Fingers and hands become puffy.
  4. Generalized generalized swelling of the body.

How does swelling of the legs manifest?

Pregnant women often experience swelling in their feet and ankles. The phenomenon is associated with a deficiency of fluid in the body. Due to fetal development needs female body increase significantly - he has to function “for two”.

Swelling usually appears at 20 weeks of pregnancy. It is recommended to be wary. The patient should be carefully examined to determine the cause of the swelling of the legs.

It is not difficult to detect the presence of edema of the lower extremities. You will need to press the ball of your finger on the back of your foot or shin. If there is no swelling, the skin immediately returns to its place. If there is even slight swelling, a hole remains at the site of pressure.

Mechanisms of edema

What examinations should I take?

The doctor is able to detect the presence of edema immediately by examining the legs and palpating. To obtain the most complete picture, a series of clinical and laboratory studies are required.

  1. A biochemical blood test is done to determine the amount of protein. With severe protein starvation, edema can develop. The analysis determines the qualitative and quantitative composition of microelements in the blood serum, indicators of the proper functioning of the liver, heart, and kidneys.
  2. Electrocardiography evaluates the functioning of the heart.
  3. An ultrasound examination is done to assess the condition of the kidneys.
  4. Doppler ultrasound will reveal possible pathology of the veins of the lower extremity.
  5. A specific test with saline solution is known. 0.25 ml of saline solution is injected intradermally, and the result is assessed after 40 seconds. If the “button” does not resolve over time, it means there is hidden swelling.
  6. Routine weighing, which is done for pregnant women during visits to the antenatal clinic, helps to identify hidden edema. Abnormalities are indicated by excessive weight gain.

Treatment of edema in pregnant women

Treatment is prescribed taking into account the possible risk for the mother and the unborn child. If drug treatment is needed, you should choose drugs that do not penetrate the hematoplacental barrier and do not enter the fetal blood.

The treatment plan for pregnant women is built in accordance with the cause of the pathology.

It is imperative to normalize the daily routine, dose the loads, rest more often in horizontal position.

If the appearance of edema is not associated with chronic diseases, it is enough to massage the legs, take a contrast shower, and baths. It is useful to lie down for a while, raising your legs, placing a pillow or cushion under your limbs.

It is possible to use gels that strengthen the walls of blood vessels. For example, Troxevasin.

If the legs begin to swell due to gestosis, complex treatment is prescribed.

The first and most important point is diet. Salty, spicy and smoked foods should be excluded from the diet. The amount of table salt is limited to 8 g per day. Sugar consumption should be reduced.

The amount of liquid should not exceed 1 liter per day. Not only the water or drinks you drink are taken into account, but also first courses and juicy fruits.

Taking diuretics during pregnancy is prohibited. In exceptional cases, the doctor will prescribe soft herbal preparations - Canephron, Fitolysin. The drugs are diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. It should be taken in short courses due to the negative effects on the fetus.

An important component of the treatment of edema will be strengthening the walls of blood vessels. This will reduce the leakage of fluid from the vessels into the tissues, preventing the development of edema. For this purpose, doctors prescribe drugs that include magnesium, ascorbic acid, and lipoic acid.

If the acid-base balance in the body is disturbed, intravenous drip infusions of saline solutions are indicated.

If blood pressure increases, short-term antihypertensive drugs are prescribed - Nifedipine, Obzidan, magnesium sulfate.

If swelling is caused by concomitant diseases, the woman should be hospitalized and receive appropriate treatment.

In case of severe gestosis, when other methods cannot eliminate the swelling, the issue of emergency delivery by cesarean section is resolved.

Swelling during late pregnancy is a common occurrence. The last months of gestation are considered the most difficult for a woman: body weight increases, the growing baby requires space in the abdomen, so there may be compression of some nerves and blood vessels, as well as the intestines.

The pastiness of the limbs itself does not pose a threat, but then why are doctors so afraid of its appearance and closely monitor the condition of the pregnant woman? The fact is that edema can be one of the signs of late-term toxicosis, which poses a threat to the life of both mother and child.

Swelling on the face

The less time remains before the baby is born, the more often women experience facial swelling, especially in the morning. Initially, swelling of the eyelids appears; in more severe cases, the contour of the face changes.

Often, expectant mothers complain for no apparent reason. This occurs due to the fact that fluid is retained in the tissues, the vessels of the nasal turbinates dilate, which makes it difficult for air to pass through.

For the mother, this condition is practically harmless, but it is better to seek treatment from a doctor, as this can cause disruption in the supply of oxygen to the child, which negatively affects its development.

Swelling of the legs

First of all, swelling of the legs occurs during pregnancy. Particularly pronounced pastiness occurs in the evening, as fluid accumulates in the body and, under the influence of gravity, falls into the lower extremities.

When in a horizontal position, the water is again evenly distributed throughout the body, so in the morning the woman wakes up without strong signs of pastiness. If this happens, then there is no reason to worry - this is a normal condition for an expectant mother.

When swelling of the legs is constantly present during late pregnancy, this may indicate disturbances in the functioning of the whole organism. In this case, a mandatory consultation with a therapist is required.

With an intense increase in swelling, if the legs, arms, back, abdomen and face swell during late pregnancy, the woman needs urgent hospitalization, as this is one of the first symptoms of gestosis.

Swelling of the fingers

Women are especially often concerned about swelling of the hands and fingers during late pregnancy. . A slight tingling and numbness occurs, it becomes difficult to squeeze the palm tightly, and the rings cannot be removed - they dig into the fingers.

If only the hands are swollen, and the pastiness is not detected anywhere else, then this may be individual feature or the imprint of the profession. When working monotonously at the computer, while embroidering or knitting, the hands are in a sedentary state, which causes their swelling.

If the legs swell first, then the arms, and the woman notices that the swelling rises higher and higher during pregnancy in the later stages, the gynecologist must be immediately informed about this.

Hidden swelling

While carrying a child, the doctor constantly monitors weight gain not only to track how many extra pounds the pregnant woman has gained. A sharp jump in body weight may indicate accumulation of water in the internal organs.

The greatest danger comes from hidden edema during pregnancy, which appears in the later stages: a woman may not even be aware that she is accumulating excess fluid.

You can identify hidden swelling yourself. To do this, it is necessary to compare the amount of fluid consumed and excreted. If less than 75% of the water you drink is excreted, this indicates that it is accumulating in the tissues.

When should you see a doctor?

If swelling appears on your legs, you should inform your gynecologist about this during a routine examination. If you notice that the swelling is getting worse and worse, you should immediately visit a doctor. During pregnancy, excessive vigilance only benefits both mother and baby.

Which doctor should I contact?

If fluid accumulates in the tissues of pregnant women, examination by a therapist is required. If he cannot independently identify the cause of this condition, then the doctor prescribes consultations with specialized specialists (phlebologist, endocrinologist, urologist).


External swelling of the extremities in late pregnancy is quite easy to determine, and they are also less dangerous than hidden ones. The pastiness of soft tissues is determined by pressing on the skin - if a dent remains, which persists for some time, this indicates an accumulation of fluid.

If hidden edema is suspected, an analysis of the protein content in the urine is required, as well as blood pressure monitoring, and daily diuresis is monitored.


Before you try to relieve swelling on your own in late pregnancy, you need to consult a doctor to determine the cause of this condition.


Drug therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor according to indications.

To reduce swelling of the extremities, the following drugs are usually recommended:

  • Canephron. Medicine, consisting of phytocomponents - rosemary and lovage extract. It has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antiseptic effects.
  • Eufillin. Has a diuretic effect. It is unacceptable to use for heart disease and low blood pressure.
  • Phytolysin. A herbal medicine that allows you to cope with mild swelling.
  • Lipoic acid and vitamin E. This complex improves the condition of a pregnant woman, restores disturbances in placental blood flow, and prevents the occurrence of hidden edema.

Traditional medicine

To eliminate swelling that occurs during late pregnancy, you can not only adhere to a salt-free diet, but also take relaxing foot baths, after which you should position yourself so that your feet are elevated. A foot massage using ice cubes will help relieve the condition. Diuretic decoctions (bearberry, horsetail, kidney tea), cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks are effective.


To reduce the likelihood of edema occurring during late pregnancy, you need to follow simple rules:

  • lead an active lifestyle;
  • eat right and limit salt intake;
  • drink enough water;
  • alternate periods of activity and rest;
  • avoid overheating.

Swelling of the arms and legs during pregnancy causes considerable discomfort. If edema occurs during pregnancy in the later stages, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor, since their timely treatment will prevent the development of gestosis.

Useful video about edema during pregnancy

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