Why are my fingernails not smooth? Causes of development and treatment of grooved nails

The appearance of grooves and irregularities on the nails has long been considered not only a cosmetic problem. These may be symptoms of internal problems, as well as the presence of fungal and infectious skin diseases. In this case, it is impossible to do without specialized treatment, so ribbed fingernails require visiting a specialist and taking timely measures. Our article will tell you the reason why the nails became ribbed, as well as what needs to be done.

Disease and causes of ribbed (wavy) fingernails

Possible threats can be divided into two categories: internal problems and traumatic external influences.

First of all, the risk factors for the appearance of a wavy nail are considered to be inept or unscrupulous manicure, as well as injuries. And a poor-quality pedicure often leads to problems.

In this case, the problems appear in the form of vertical grooves, from the nail hole to the tip.

People who constantly work on a computer are at risk, because hitting the keys negatively affects the condition of their nails.
A vertical groove could also appear as a result of injury, especially with a direct blow. In this case, it is better to gradually trim the nail - the deformed plate will not be able to straighten on its own.

The appearance of horizontal stripes on the nails indicates internal malfunctions in the body. Such problems can even be recognized by the location and depth of the grooves.

A specialist will be able to accurately diagnose by identifying one of the most common factors.

Horizontal, what does it mean?

  • Poor nutrition, lack of minerals and vitamins in the diet.
  • Dehydration of the body.
  • Dermatological problems.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Side effects of taking medications.
  • Fungal diseases.
  • Infection in the nail bed.

Unlike vertical stripes on nails, such problems should not be solved on your own. The best solution would be to contact a specialist who will help prescribe appropriate treatment.
In some cases, even the location of the ribbed nails will be important. Possible measures will depend on which finger the problem appears on.

Video about the causes of ribbed nails

Uneven nail on each finger

  • Grooves appear on the thumbs due to an acute lack of calcium in the body. Most often, such stripes appear on the big fingers and toes at the same time. After a course of appropriate treatment, the symptoms go away on their own.
  • The index finger is “responsible” for the functioning of the liver, lungs and reproductive system. The appearance of various defects on it indicates possible problems in these organs.
  • The middle finger is the heart, so it is worth paying attention to possible problems in this area.
  • Problems with the condition of the nail plate on the ring finger indicate a metabolic disorder. This is often related to the functioning of the endocrine system.
  • The little finger reflects the work of the heart muscle and small intestine. In addition, on this finger you can “see” a possible lack of zinc in the body.

Find out about laser removal of ingrown toenails.

The color of the nail plate also matters. Usually, if cloudiness and an unnatural color appear, for example, a bluish or yellow tint, this indicates poor functioning of the heart and liver.

Any change not caused by external influences (painting with pigmenting substances, use of low-quality varnish) already signals possible problems in the body.

This must be taken seriously, because such conditions do not go away on their own.

What health problems can your nails tell you about?


Elimination of such unpleasant symptoms should be aimed at solving existing problems.

Adjusting your diet, introducing vitamin and mineral complexes, and taking care of your hands while doing most of the housework will help maintain the beauty and health of your nails.

If the appearance of grooves on the nails is associated with fungal and skin diseases, a dermatologist will help you choose the appropriate treatment. This may include creams and ointments, as well as additional antibiotic therapy. Infectious diseases can also be treated with medications.
In case of serious problems with internal organs, an integrated approach and long-term treatment will help. How to restore nails after shellac?! It is usually not possible to eliminate such problems on your own, but it is quite possible to establish high-quality home nail care using.

Vitamins and microelements for fingernails

Taking some vitamin complexes is specifically aimed at treating the nail plate and hair. In fact, this is a selection of the most useful calcium-containing components and vitamins. To make the right decision, it is better to consult a doctor, and the following drugs can be found on sale.

Vitamins for treating nails:

  • Vitrum Beauty (Unipharm Vitrum) is specially designed taking into account the needs of nails and hair.
  • Vivasan CVS is a high quality Swiss product. Strengthen the nail plate, stimulating rapid growth and renewal.
  • Limoni product in ampoules is intended for rubbing the composition into the nail plate. Used for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency.
  • Alphabet Cosmetics, despite the more than affordable cost, are very effective for improving nail health.
  • Evalar Mountain Calcium D3 - contains an increased dosage of this important element, so it is suitable even for severely damaged and weak nails.
  • Alerana presents a whole range of care products for the health and growth of nails from a domestic manufacturer. Vitamins from this brand help strengthen the nail plate, but use must be continued for at least two to three months.
  • Ladys Formula Beauty helps strengthen hair and nails while creating a barrier against external negative influences.

Find out how to remove irritation after shaving your legs.

Before using this or that drug treatment, it is necessary to study the instructions, because the dosage and regimen may vary. If for some reason the vitamins are not suitable for you, you should not immediately buy new ones; there can be many reasons for this, including saturation of the body with nutrients.

Find out whether you can use baby cream on an adult’s face.

Video shows doctor's advice on strengthening nails

Folk remedies to make the nail plate smooth and not embossed

A comprehensive effect on the problem guarantees an excellent result, so home remedies will come in very handy. Such methods have been proven over the years, but some methods must be used with caution. Due to the natural composition, allergies may occur, so the first use must include a skin sensitivity test. If any discomfort or skin reactions occur, this product should not be used.

How to strengthen and cure ribbed nails at home:

  • Sea salt baths are a proven and very effective remedy. To do this, you need to do them every day until the condition of your nails improves. For greater effectiveness, you can additionally drop a little iodine or potassium permanganate. This will disinfect and remove possible infection. This remedy is one of the most popular remedies for.
  • The following formulations will help defeat nail fungus at an early stage. It is necessary to wipe the plate with table vinegar several times daily. Lemon juice has a similar effect, which also whitens the damaged area.
  • Herbal baths can also restore healthy nails with regular use. A decoction of chamomile, nettle, celandine and string is suitable for this. You can use essential oils as an additional component.
  • Self-massage of hands and nails using natural oils is an excellent alternative to expensive spa treatments. In any free moment, for example, while watching your favorite show, you can rub it in.

The use of folk remedies has long become an integral part of cosmetic care. Many expensive cosmetics are inferior to such methods in terms of effectiveness. A big advantage of this therapy will be the cost of treatment, which is often an indisputable argument in their favor.

How to hide manifestations - vertical stripes and ribbing on women's nails

Sometimes nail problems can be solved by using special cosmetics. These are medicinal varnishes and fixatives that help not only make the surface smoother and harder, but also saturate them with vitamins and minerals from the inside. This is the optimal recipe for camouflage, but to ensure that such flaws do not catch the eye, no less effective methods have been invented.

First of all, this is the use of a special “base” varnish. It significantly smoothes the surface of the nail plate, hiding minor imperfections and irregularities. The application of any camouflage (colored) varnish must be accompanied by the use of a base.

This will not only strengthen the nails, but will also act as a barrier between the plate and the pigment layer.

The second step in this matter should be the mandatory use of a good manicure set, preferably for individual use. If you don’t know how to properly care for your nail plate, it makes sense to watch themed videos or sign up for courses.

Often, the health of nails depends on the skill of the manicure performed, the sharpness of the instrument, and even the choice of a nail file of the appropriate fraction.

All these nuances will help not only hide the injured plate, but also restore it to its former shape.

Special leveling agents also work well to hide defects in the nail plate. You can extend your nails with biogel or use the now popular shellac, which is less harmful to your nails than regular gel polish. By the way, it is necessary to take into account one more secret.

Too weak and uneven nails are masked by colored varnish in deep dark tones, without pearlescent shine. This will not help solve the problem of ribbed nails, but it is quite possible to hide unpleasant flaws during the treatment period.

Preventive measures for ribbed nails

Of course, methods for preventing such conditions should not be neglected. All the rules are simple and logical, usually girls intuitively follow them. Our hands are already subject to a lot of external influences, and the lion's share of all the work done during the day comes to them.

How to prevent yourself from developing ridged nails:

  • Use protective gloves when handling detergents or working with soil.
  • Lubricate your hands and nails daily with special creams that care for and nourish the skin and plate. Try to do it.
  • It is very important to follow the manicure technique, especially when doing it at home.
  • In hairdressing salons, it would be a good idea to check that the hairdresser uses sterilized tools.
  • Instead of a metal nail file, use a crystal or ceramic one, which is much less harmful to health.
  • Use containers with glitter or foreign inclusions less often, which can damage the surface.

Ribbed fingernails are a sign of improper care and possible injury.

The direction and depth of the grooves can tell a specialist a lot, and our information will answer all questions in detail. It is often a symptom of serious illness.
Why grooves appear on nails and how you can get rid of this defect - all these questions are discussed in the information in our article.

The condition of the skin of your hands and nails contains no less information than a business card. In particular, it reports on such important factors as a person’s health and lifestyle.

The problem of lumpy nail plates on the hands is common. What factors lead to the appearance of waves and grooves on the fingernails, how to cure and prevent this will be discussed in this article.

The main causes of lumpy nails

The main reasons for the appearance of lumpy nails include: poor diet, weak immunity, side effects of manicure, and the like. Let's take a closer look at them.

Lumpy nails are a symptom of vitamin deficiency or nail fungus

Poor nutrition

External signs of a lack of nutrients are as follows.

  • Lumpy fingernails have similar causes to brittle hair and dry skin: a lack of iron-containing foods is obvious.
  • If, in addition to deformation of the nail plate, its fragility and delamination are also observed, this is a sure sign of calcium deficiency.
  • Nails with a fragile, wavy nail plate are a sign of a lack of sufficient elastin and collagen, the generator of which is silicon.
  • Violation of the nail structure also occurs due to a lack of vitamins A (retinol, carotene), E, ​​B7 (H, biotin).
  • A lack of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids can lead to hormonal imbalance, which primarily manifests itself in deterioration of the skin and nails.

Weakened immunity

Oxygen starvation and vitamin deficiency, as causes of weakened immunity, lead to destruction of the structure of the nail plate. It becomes thin and wavy.

Thin and wavy nail

Weak immunity allows fungi to spread freely in the nail tissues, contributes to the development of a pathogenic environment. It is not difficult to associate stress, alcohol abuse or smoking with bumps on the nails: the body is not able to resist diseases.

Consequence of manicure, extensions or improper polishing

During the manicure process, the nail plate is polished and then covered with several layers of compounds that smooth out bumpy fingernails. The reasons for the bumps are the use of low-quality varnishes, pressing the stick too hard when removing cuticles, deep sanding, acetone-containing nail polish removers.

An illiterate manicurist can harm your nails

For example, inexperienced masters performing hardware manicures often grind the nail plate too deeply with a cutter and touch the matrix - the structure responsible for the thickness and growth of the nail. Or the master removes the cuticle using metal instruments that exert traumatic pressure on the base of the nail, which inevitably leads to the formation of uneven plates.

Possible nail diseases

If the bumps are accompanied by the presence of white spots or longitudinal lines on the nails, we can say that cause - fungal diseases of fingernails. Other symptoms include swelling of the lateral ridges, thickening of the plate, flaking, discoloration, and crumbling.

Nail problems may be caused by a medical condition

Often, infection with a fungus occurs due to neglect of personal hygiene rules, as well as through contact of an infected person with a healthy person. In this case, medical intervention is necessary to determine the pathogen and adequate therapy.

Exposure to household chemicals

Household chemicals adversely affect the nail plate, drying it out, which leads to the appearance of bumps and irregularities.

When contacting household chemicals, you must take precautions: use protective latex gloves, rinse your hands thoroughly under running water after handling the reagents.

Slagging in the body and lack of moisture

Grooved growths located along the length of the nail indicate problems in removing metabolic products from the body. Lumpy fingernails are a consequence of intoxication and slagging in the body.

The causes of waves and bumps also lie in lack of moisture

This can be caused by using soap that does not contain moisturizing components (avocado oil, glycerin, aloe vera), which means it dries out the nail folds and cuticles, which leads to degeneration of the nail plate and a “washboard” appearance.

Water is essential for the entire body, without exception.

Another reason for dehydration is an insufficient amount of fluid consumed by the body. The daily water requirement for an adult is 2 liters.

How to cure nails with medications

Medication methods for treating lumpy nails: medicated varnishes, vitamin complexes.

Therapeutic varnishes for restoring nail structure

To restore the structure of nails, many brands offer entire series of varnishes aimed at maintaining the beauty of the nail plate. Such brands include “Orly”, “Smart Enamel”, “Eveline”, “Sally Hansen”. These products create a layer that gives thickness to the nail, protecting it from the effects of household chemicals and minor injuries.

Varnishes from the “Smart Enamel” series

Disadvantages include the duration of use (from two months) and thickening of the composition. The main advantage is ease of use and aesthetic appearance of the nail plate.

Preparations and vitamin complexes for nail growth

There is a whole direction in pharmaceuticals for the development of products that provide the prevention and treatment of lumpy fingernails. These include monovitamin preparations, such as vitamin A tablets. And combined complexes - “Omega 3”, “Aevit”, “Merz” dragees.

Carefully! An excess of vitamins can also lead to undesirable consequences.

Ointments, creams and oils to strengthen nails

These products should be used even by those with perfect nails to prevent diseases. Oils and creams should contain moisturizing components to prevent the nail plate from drying out, vitamins and herbal ingredients.

Problematic nails need special care using oils

The products should contain glycerin, aloe vera, olive oil, shea butter, sea buckthorn oil, vitamin E, and keratin.

Folk remedies and recipes

Folk remedies can be no less useful than medications. These include baths to strengthen nails.

Recipes for healthy nail baths

There is a way to strengthen your nails at home: make a bath for them.

Recipes can be as follows:

  • stir 1 tbsp in 250 ml of warm water. l. sea ​​salt (in this case, sea salt can be replaced with table salt with the addition of 1 drop of iodine);

Sea salt is one of the most popular bath ingredients
  • in 1 tbsp. add 1 ampoule of vitamin B1, 150 ml lemon juice to warm water;
  • to 250 ml of fresh orange juice add 250 ml of warm water, 4 drops of iodine, 2 tbsp. l. table or sea salt.

The duration of a bath for the prevention and treatment of lumpy nails should not exceed 15 minutes.

Special diet for healthy nails

These techniques will help you cope not only with problem nails, but also improve your body’s functioning.

  • It is undesirable to consume foods that impede normal metabolism. These include: carbonated drinks, coffee, strong black tea, fatty sauces (including mayonnaise), sweet pastries and white bread, alcohol.
  • It is worth filling the diet with useful elements: iron, silicon, zinc,
    selenium, vitamins, calcium.
  • In food products, iron is found in pistachios, beef liver, lentils, spinach, and buckwheat.
  • Hard cheeses, almonds, wheat bran, celery, parsley, olives and figs are top calcium-rich foods.

  • It is enough to enrich your diet with buckwheat, oatmeal, rice and barley cereals, beans, and fresh pineapples to strengthen your nails and compensate for the lack of silicon.
  • Zinc is abundant in nuts (especially cashews), beef, soybeans, shrimp and cheese. Selenium is found in octopus, chicken eggs, sunflower seeds, brown rice, corn, walnuts and Brazil nuts.
  • The body receives biotin from boiled egg yolk, oatmeal, cereals, fresh tomatoes, spinach, and potatoes. Sources of vitamin A are carrots, red peppers, tomatoes.
  • It is necessary to remember to comply with the daily consumption standards of the listed elements.

Diet changes should be followed for 2-3 months

This is exactly how long it takes for a renewed nail to grow and achieve noticeable results.

Masks for lumpy nails

The following masks are most effective:

  • Mix ½ tbsp. water and 2 tsp. gelatin, hold in a water bath until the gelatin dissolves, cool. Add 1 tsp. almond oil, 4 drops lemon oil, let harden. Apply to nails and leave for 20-25 minutes.

After applying the mask to your nails, they can be placed in such finger pads
  • Mix 1 tsp. nourishing hand cream with 1 tsp. hot pepper, apply to fingertips. Wash off after 5-10 minutes. It is important that there are no inflammations or cuts on the skin of your hands at this time.

Olive oil wrap

Mix 2 tbsp. l. olive oil and 2 drops of iodine. Bring the composition to 40 degrees in a water bath or in a microwave oven. Cover nails and cuticles with the mixture, put on cotton gloves and leave overnight. In the morning, wash off the composition and apply moisturizer to your hands. Apply the wrap 1-2 times a week for a month.

Obviously, there is no single reason for the growth of lumpy fingernails. This phenomenon may act as a marker of a disease requiring medical attention.

Self-medication can only make the situation worse

It is recommended to use methods to stimulate blood microcirculation in the tissues of the extremities (physiotherapy, massage, electrical stimulation). Thus, the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the nail cells is increased, which helps to straighten the nail plate as it grows.

It is important to consume vitamin-mineral complexes rich in vitamins A, B, zinc, iron and silicon.

Nuts are a source of large amounts of vitamins and microelements that are good for nails.

In the event that the periungual ridges or cuticle are inflamed, local treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs is used to prevent infections and fungi from entering the nail bed and under the stratum corneum.

Daily hand care is a means of preventing the causes of lumpy unevenness on the nails. Furrows are not just a cosmetic defect, but an indicator of systemic diseases, weakened immunity and an unbalanced lifestyle.

Are wavy nails a problem or a defect? How to treat nails? Find out from this useful video:

Diagnosis by nails with examples in the photo. Watch an interesting video:

Possible diseases, nail injuries in the cuticle area, as a result of illiterate manicure. Details in the following video:

You've probably encountered such a phenomenon as yourself or seen it among friends. Koshechka.ru today will tell you why this happens and what needs to be done to prevent this trouble.

What's in the article:

Why do nails become ridged?

If the nails on your hands have become “humpbacked”, this is a signal from the body about some kind of “problem”. Many scientists agree that hands are a kind of indicator of human health. Ribs or ridges on the nails may indirectly indicate respiratory diseases and disorders of the cardiovascular system, indicate problems with the thyroid gland, deficiency of iron, selenium, etc. In addition, you may have intestinal diseases or poor absorption of certain substances.

The grooves on the nails can be transverse and longitudinal (or, respectively, vertical and horizontal). If transverse grooves most often appear due to external adverse effects, then longitudinal grooves arise due to vitamin deficiency or other internal problems. This is not only unpleasant, but also looks terribly ugly. Therefore, you will most likely want to do everything possible to avoid such trouble.

Why are the nails ribbed?

There can be many reasons for the ribbing of the nail plate. Here are the main ones:

  • Lack of vitamins (vitaminosis) or other substances in the body. In general – poor nutrition;
  • Internal diseases (which ones we discussed above);
  • Fluid deficiency;
  • Infections, including fungal ones;
  • External influences (incorrect manicure - may be from an aggressive cuticle remover, from a poorly trimmed manicure or from a cuticle stick that is too hard);
  • Injuries, etc.

However, ribbed nails may simply be a feature of your body. Just try to include more greens, carrots, buckwheat, red meat, fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. They will help “saturate” the body with vitamins and microelements.

Ribbed nails are most often a sign of internal problems in the body, but sometimes the cause is improper manicure!

How to deal with “humpbacked” nails?

If you think about it, you need to deal with ribbed fingernails by working on the cause of this phenomenon. To begin with, it is best to visit a therapist and get tested (general urine test, blood test, and others that the doctor prescribes). Based on their results, it will be clear what your body is missing and the doctor will prescribe you a mineral-vitamin complex or prescribe a diet. By diet we do not mean dietary restrictions, but quite the opposite: eating as many foods as possible that contain substances necessary for the body.

Your ridged fingernails may also indicate the diseases described earlier. In this case, you need to immediately begin treating these ailments. As you heal, the nail plates will grow back evenly.

Nails become ribbed: a dermatological problem

In addition to internal problems, grooves on the nails can also provoke dermatological diseases. The most common among them is fungus. This disease not only “eats” the nail plate, but can also damage it, forming such a ribbed surface. In this case, of course, you need to consult a dermatologist who will prescribe treatment for you. Therapeutic measures include applying antifungal ointments and creams to sore nails. In addition, you can use traditional medicine methods, such as vinegar treatment.

You may notice that your fingernails have become ribbed due to psoriasis. This phenomenon is called “nail psoriasis.” In this case, you need, again, to cooperate with your doctor.

What general advice do doctors give for correcting the shape of the nail plate?

  1. Drink more fluids - at least two liters per day;
  2. Teach your nails to take salt baths, preferably with sea salt. You can also add lemon juice and iodine there. This will strengthen them and make them healthier;
  3. Eat well. Vitamins E and A (retinol) are necessary for the “construction” of the nail. And also a microelement such as selenium, which is found in large quantities in seafood, chicken eggs, liver, garlic, pistachios and other products;
  4. Use hand and nail cream, it additionally nourishes the skin and its derivatives with moisture and vitamins;
  5. To avoid contracting a fungal infection, use only your own manicure devices, and also control their use in the manicure room;
  6. To prevent the appearance of psoriasis, avoid stress and nervous shock.

Manicure for uneven ribbed nails

What girls don’t do to make their nails smoother!

  • They polish and grind their nails (for some: soft files for some, hard files for others... nails become thinner, but smoother)
  • Apply gel polish, biogel, shilak and others like them
  • Nail extensions
  • They use nail leveling products (according to reviews, the most effective are: Orly “Nail Defense”, “Calcium shield”, “Ridge filler”, Belweder “for thin and uneven nails”, Vivienne Sabo “Bon Elixir base for nails with talc”)
  • The varnish is applied in several layers: first 2 layers of medicinal, then 2 layers of regular and then 1 layer of top coat. This way you can hide uneven nails a little.
  • Use dark varnishes without mother-of-pearl so as not to draw attention to the ribbing of the nails.
  • Avoid nail polish removers with acetone and give your nails a break from polish more often.

You too can use these tips while you are looking for the cause of your ridged nails!

Well, so the question is, why nailsribbed on the arms, never interested you, just eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise. Then, not only ribbed nails, but no disease will ever visit you!

Natalya Degtyareva - especially for Koshechka.ru - a site for those in love... with themselves!

The phenomenon of ribbed fingernails and toenails has bothered almost every person at least once in their life. It is quite possible to cope with this problem if you know the reasons for its occurrence. In each specific case, the treatment method may have fundamental differences.

In most cases, the provoking factor is the internal state of the body. What does it mean if your nails become ribbed and ugly?


Before taking specific measures, it is necessary to find out the most likely causes of the problem. There are many explanations for this phenomenon. One of the most common is injury to the nail plate.

How does such a nuisance happen?

Stumbling your fingers is as easy as pie, and can be expected absolutely anywhere. In addition, there is a possibility that you will miss something or hit yourself accidentally, for example with a hammer while trying to hammer a nail. In this case, the nail may turn white and blood may accumulate under the plate. In such cases, they talk about blackening of the nail plate. In most cases, this is where the consequences of the injury end.

If the soft part of the nail at its base was directly touched or you severely damaged the already grown plate, this can be a direct cause of ribbed fingernails. It is also worth mentioning that injury often occurs during the manicure process. For example, you can hit your nail when cutting the cuticle or damage it with a stick.

How to solve the problem?

On the hands, irregularities will inevitably be evident. To bring the situation back to normal, you need to wait until the damaged part grows completely and goes away on its own. You can try sanding and masking the defect. Sometimes these measures are useless. Why? Because deep damage can leave such consequences forever.


A common problem that can affect absolutely everyone is fungus. More often, for this reason, ribbed nails appear on the toes. Mycosis is a contagious phenomenon. The fungus is easily transmitted through contact of a healthy person with a sick person and his personal belongings that came into contact with the affected area of ​​the body. That’s why you shouldn’t wear someone else’s shoes, walk barefoot, or use hygiene items that aren’t yours, including towels.

  1. A sign of the development of fungus on the hands and feet is not only uneven nails. In this case, a change in the color of the plate is observed - it darkens and becomes yellow.
  2. It can also delaminate and crumble.
  3. A common symptom is thickening of the nail plate. Itching and unpleasant odor are also observed.

It is almost impossible to hide fungus on your hands. To change the situation radically, an immediate solution is required. If left untreated, the fungus will spread to healthy nails and can threaten the entire body, as well as people who come into contact with you. The essence of treatment is the use of special antimycotic drugs. Mostly these are gels and ointments that are applied to the affected areas.

They also take pills to stimulate the body.

An additional measure is folk remedies, for example, lotions and baths. The exact list of measures should be checked with your doctor, since different types of fungus may require completely different approaches and medications.

Infections and pathologies

A much more complex situation arises if ribbed nails become a consequence of internal ill health of the body. The cause can be either temporary infections or serious pathologies that can take years to resolve.

To determine the exact reason why your fingernails have become ribbed, you must consult a doctor. After examination and passing the necessary tests, a preliminary diagnosis can be made and appropriate treatment prescribed.

Possible reasons for poor condition of fingernails may be:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • thyroid problems;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • lichen;
  • infection.

Some diseases are characterized by the formation of specific bumps and waves. For example, if you have many transverse bumps on a thickened nail, which are located close to each other, then you are likely to develop diabetes.

Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. All that depends on you is your lifestyle and nutrition. To speed up recovery, you need to reconsider your diet and get rid of bad habits.

Vitamin deficiency and dehydration

The most common reason why legs and arms suffer is a deficiency of vitamins and certain minerals. The human body reacts especially sharply to a lack of zinc, iron, copper, calcium and iodine.

In this case, the nail plate turns pale, becomes thin and fragile, and becomes covered with irregularities.

Iron deficiency is especially noticeable, which manifests itself in the development of anemia and negatively affects the entire body. It is also important to avoid vitamin A deficiency.

  1. Nutrient deficiencies are corrected by adjusting your diet and introducing auxiliary nutritional supplements. Of course, synthetic vitamins are less easily absorbed by the body, but specially developed cosmetic complexes are an excellent help to cope with the problem if there is no opportunity to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. This is especially true for the spring-autumn period and winter.
  2. If you notice that your nails are looking worse, include more healthy foods in your diet. Uneven bumps can also be the result of contact with toxic substances. For residents of large cities, it is recommended to add algae or dietary supplements containing them to the menu to remove harmful substances from the body.
  3. In addition, do not forget that the body needs at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day to maintain its functions. With regular dehydration, both a person’s appearance and his internal potential suffer. To restore the body, you need to follow the rules and regimen of fluid intake.

Solving the problem with a manicure

Some reasons why nails become uneven and ribbed lie in improper care. Rough manicure or the use of low-quality varnishes, acetone and similar substances damages the structure of the nail.

Often, vertical or horizontal grooves appear on the fingernails, which can be caused by various physiological or pathological factors.

Let's find out the causes and treatment methods to get rid of grooves on the nails.

Ribbed nails: what they look like

Nails are formed from a biological matrix consisting of minerals, vitamins, fatty acids and amino acids. For various reasons, sometimes horizontal or vertical grooves appear on the nails, white spots may also appear, or the nails become thin and brittle.

Let's take a look at different types of ribbed nails:

  • vertical grooves on the nails: Generally, the grooves run from the base to the tip of the nail. Such grooves may be accompanied by brittle nails and the appearance of white spots.
  • nails with horizontal grooves: As a rule, the phenomenon affects only one nail, and the appearance of grooves is accompanied by blackening or yellowing.
  • wavy grooves on nails: the appearance of wavy striae on the nail may be accompanied by thickening of the nail plate.
  • nails turn yellow: One or more fingernails or toenails may develop a yellowish tint without streaks.
  • ribbed nails for children: Sometimes children develop grooves on their nails, which is usually associated with nail brittleness.

Causes of grooves on nails

Let's look at the main factors that cause changes in the nails:

Vertical grooves on nails:

  • Nutritional deficiencies. The most common cause of the formation of vertical grooves on the nails, even in children, is a lack of vitamins or microelements in the diet. Vitamin C deficiency, for example, leads to dry skin and ridged nails because vitamin C is critical for the formation of collagen, a protein fiber that gives structure to tissues such as nails. Iron deficiency can cause streaky nails because this element is part of the nail matrix. A deficiency of calcium, an important component of the nail, causes the appearance of grooves, streaks and brittleness of the nails.
  • Enteropathies. Sometimes iron and vitamin deficiency can be a consequence of diseases that impair the absorption of nutrients in the intestines. For example, celiac disease, in which inflammation of the intestines interferes with the absorption of important nutrients such as iron, calcium and vitamins.
  • Chemicals. Harsh cleansers can damage the nail, causing white streaks and weakening of the nail plate.
  • Stress. Physical and mental fatigue compromises the proper functioning of certain organs, such as the intestines, causing, through the loss of vitamins and mineral salts, the formation of ribbed nails.

Horizontal grooves on nails:

  • Injuries. Horizontal stripes can be the result of injury, a blow to one or more nails, leading to the formation of a hematoma under the nail plate. Often such grooves appear on the toenails due to impacts or friction from uncomfortable shoes.
  • Medicines. When horizontal stripes appear on all toenails and fingernails, the cause may be the use of medications such as antibiotics, one of the side effects of which is a change in the process of nail formation.
  • Psoriasis. That is, an autoimmune disease that causes thickening of the skin in certain areas of the body, such as the knees, elbows, arms and legs. But it can also affect the nails, in which case thin, horizontal stripes and white spots appear on them.

Nails with wavy grooves:

  • Microtraumas. The most common cause of the appearance of wavy grooves on one or more nails is a temporary blockage in the synthesis of areas of the nail matrix caused by a local interruption of blood flow. These grooves, known as Bo lines, may appear as a result of chemotherapy or as a result of certain diseases characterized by disruption of the proper functioning of the blood circulation, such as heart disease, Raynaud's syndrome, diabetes mellitus.
  • Thyroiditis. Some pathologies of the thyroid gland of an autoimmune nature can cause serious changes in the fingernails and toenails, including detachment of the nail plate. This is because antibodies that attack the thyroid gland can aggressively attack the connective tissue structures of the nail due to their molecular similarity.

Regardless of the type of grooves, very often, especially if the nail turns yellow, the cause is onychomycosis, that is, a fungal infection that can affect the toenails or fingernails.

How to cure ridged nails

The first step to treating ridged nails is without a doubt a visit to a dermatologist.

Correct diagnosis of the causes of the pathology is important for effective treatment:

  • Manicure and protective varnishes. If the cause of the grooves is injury or improper use of detergents, it is enough to use protective nail polish. It is very helpful to apply a moisturizing hand cream daily to soften and moisturize your nails.
  • Dietary supplements. A deficiency of mineral salts can be compensated by taking appropriate supplements (iron, calcium, magnesium), but we must remember that it is always better to follow a healthy and varied diet, including daily consumption of fruits and vegetables as the main sources of vitamins and mineral salts.
  • Antifungal drugs. In the case of onychomycosis, the dermatologist will prescribe antifungal drugs aimed at removing the pathogen.

There are also natural remedies, counteracting the appearance of ridged nails, for example, vegetable oils, such as olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil, which nourish and soften the nail.