List of foods for weight loss, what can you eat and what is prohibited on PP? List of products for proper nutrition Healthy eating - what foods you can eat.

Try to eat 5-6 times a day with an interval of 2-3 hours between meals. This way you won't have time to get hungry. Your body will always have fuel. And by applying this principle of nutrition, you will be able to improve your metabolism, which is good for debugging the functioning of the digestive system and for losing weight.

Fractional nutrition means reducing portions. First try reducing the portion by 1/3. Then listen to your feelings, experiment, maybe half of the original portion sizes will be the most optimal for you.
Some adherents of proper nutrition take 200 grams of food as the optimal serving unit. But still, this is not an ideal solution: 200 g of nuts is too much and filling, but 200 g of tomatoes is small and low in calories. The quality of food (in terms of calories, nutrition and digestibility) is more important than just its weight. Determine for yourself best size portions can only be achieved empirically, but the good old advice that you need to leave the table slightly (!) hungry makes sense. It is better if the last meal is the lightest in all respects (calorie content, digestibility, portion). Sometimes it’s better to just drink kefir 1-1.5 hours before bedtime.

Metabolism is faster in the morning than during the day and even more so in the evening, so at this time of day you can afford to eat more heavily. Cook porridge, for example, oatmeal, make an omelet or just boil eggs, eat a light salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and fresh herbs. You can diversify your morning diet with durum wheat pasta, wild rice or rice noodles. By the way, if you like to eat sweets, then it is better to do it in the morning, while your metabolism is fast (“evening” sweets are stored in the form of extra pounds).

Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates, they protect against heart and vascular diseases, are essential components of an anti-cancer diet, and also have antioxidant properties and participate in detoxification of the body.
Vegetables are also good because a significant part of the energy obtained from them is spent on their digestion, that is, the likelihood of gaining weight when eating them is minimal. Vegetables are best eaten raw or steamed. They should be consumed at lunch or afternoon snack.
For dinner, you can also prepare a light vegetable salad, but it’s better not to eat fruit at night. Many of them contain a large amount of acids that irritate the stomach; in addition, sour and sweet and sour fruits whet the appetite, while starchy ones, such as bananas, are very high in calories. Ideally, fruits should be consumed at 11-12 noon, the recommended later acceptable time is 17.00.

If you are not a vegetarian, then the “meat” issue is undoubtedly important to you. With proper nutrition, you can and should eat meat, but try to replace fatty meat with lean veal or poultry fillet. Limit your consumption of smoked meats, sausages, and fried meats. Try steaming, baking or boiling meat. And remember the portions. It is better to eat meat in lunch time, ideally with meat or vegetable broth. Choose vegetables for a side dish!

Dairy products contain fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins that our body needs. Drink milk, kefir and fermented baked milk, eat natural cottage cheese.
Choose foods with medium and low calorie content. Be sure to enrich your diet with hard cheese with a low fat content. But it is better to keep the consumption of sour cream and cream under strict control, especially if you want to watch your figure.
It is better to eat dairy products during the second breakfast and before bed (let you always have a glass of kefir with your last meal).

Maintaining normal water balance in the body is an important task that requires self-control. There is a simple formula for determining your personal water norm. Just divide your current weight by 20. That is, if you weigh 60 kg, you need to drink about 3 liters of water per day, but again! Everything is individual and requires consultation with a doctor.
Break the volume down into the number of glasses of water you need to drink per day. Try to drink most of your water in the first half of the day. Please note: you need to drink slowly, in small sips, the water should be at room temperature. The first glass of water should be 15 minutes before breakfast. This way you awaken the body and prepare it for the work ahead - digesting the first meal.

By the way, you can add a little lemon juice to the water: it contains substances that break down fat, it helps speed up metabolism and has powerful antioxidant properties.

Some people also add a spoonful of honey in the morning, claiming that this is the best drink to start the day. If you love and eat honey, why not try it?!

Saving perfect health and excellent health is impossible without proper nutrition. Both doctors and representatives of unofficial medicine advise consuming healthy and natural products. A healthy lifestyle and poor nutrition are simply two completely incompatible concepts. And in order to count yourself among those who care about their own health, you should not only monitor what is on the daily menu, but also have a clear idea of ​​how certain food groups affect the body.

Vegetables are present in literally every healthy nutrition menu. This group of products includes not only fruits, but also roots, leaves, and tubers. There are fruits that are biologically classified as berries, but, due to their taste and characteristics, are actually classified as vegetables. One striking example is tomatoes.

Any vegetables grown exclusively in a natural way have health value. They are vital for humans. Without them, the full functioning of cells, organs and tissues is impossible. This is due to the fact that they contain:

  • trace elements and minerals;
  • a small amount of vegetable protein;
  • dietary fiber - fiber;
  • vitamins.

The benefit of fiber for humans is that it promotes natural cleansing of the body. Against the background of a deficiency of this substance, decomposition products with toxins begin to accumulate first in the intestines, and then in other organs.

The list of vegetables that can be included in the usual diet is determined by which of them are most accessible. In our latitudes these are:


It is a valuable source of carotene - vitamin A, has high nutritional and antioxidant properties, helps stimulate digestive processes and improve the quality of blood.


The most useful varieties are considered to be cabbage and broccoli. Cabbage contains a high concentration of fiber, several dozen microelements and vitamins. The vegetable crop is highly valued by doctors because it cleanses the blood of harmful cholesterol, resists the development of malignant tumors, and increases the protective functions of the immune system. Cabbage is no less valuable for dietary nutrition.

Garlic and onion

Champions in the number of phytoncides that have a positive effect on the immune system. These vegetable crops increase the body's resistance to bacteria, viruses, and toxins.


Plant foods, supporting everything vitally important functions body, have a therapeutic effect, help in the treatment of dysfunctions, disorders of organs and systems. Their use on a regular basis allows you to resist the development of many pathologies and diseases.

Natural, fresh, unprocessed fruits are of great value for the endocrine, cardiovascular, and digestive systems. They also contain a large amount of fiber and also normalize weight indicators. Fruits have a similar composition to vegetables and are an integral part of the diet.

The greatest value for a person is:


Rich in pectin, iron, fiber. The multicomponent composition has endowed this fruit with the ability to stimulate the process of natural elimination of harmful cholesterol and toxins, have a positive effect on intestinal motility, and reduce weight if consumed regularly.


A natural source of natural carbohydrates, fructose and potassium.


Contains unsaturated fats, microelements, vitamins, has an anti-carcinogenic effect, stimulates the process of collagen production, and, therefore, promotes rejuvenation of the body.

Fruits, according to the recommendations of doctors and nutritionists, should be present in the daily menu, since they support the normal function of the gastrointestinal tract, vascular and nervous systems, and prevent many diseases. However, when choosing these products, you should give preference to those grown in ecologically clean regions, without the use of synthetic and chemical stimulants.

They have properties similar to vegetables and fruits, with the exception of the composition, in which vitamins, nutrients, and microelements predominate, and the amount of fiber is not so high. They are natural antioxidants that regulate metabolic processes in the body, have a great taste and are a product that can be consumed as an independent dish.

There are many berries that are useful for humans, including strawberries, cloudberries, cherries, sea buckthorn, raspberries, grapes, blueberries, black currants, game, cranberries, and bird cherry. There are berries that are used as medicines and raw materials in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of herbal preparations.


They contain complete plant protein, fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, and microelements. Legumes do not contain harmful fats, but due to the presence of special substances, which, according to scientists, effectively resist the process of formation of abnormal cells, which subsequently form cancerous tumors.

The fiber present in them cleanses the digestive tract of undigested food and toxins. Since legumes belong to the category of “complex” carbohydrates, they are digested rather slowly, but they saturate the body with a large supply of nutrients and provide it with energy for a long time.


Rich in iron, protein, zinc, carbohydrates, chromium, vitamins C, E and B, they are hard-skinned fruits containing kernels that can be eaten plain or used in a variety of dishes. Distinguished by their excellent taste, nuts can give you a feeling of fullness almost immediately after consumption and are a ready source of energy.

Nuts are not just a tasty and nutritious treat, but also an excellent therapeutic agent in the fight against various ailments. It is especially useful to eat chestnuts, walnuts and hazelnuts, cashews, peanuts and almonds.

A natural source of many valuable components and glucose. Collected in ecologically clean areas, prepared without the use of heat treatment, it has an antibacterial, immunostimulating, restorative, and tonic effect. This natural medicine is recommended for use for vascular disease, digestive disorders, and anemia.


Contains omega fatty acids, protein, phosphorus, has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, strengthens the immune system, helps increase the concentration of cholesterol beneficial compounds, and is a product of high nutritional value. The most useful fish is from the salmon family.

Green tea

The drink, obtained by brewing the leaves of a tea bush, is a natural antioxidant containing minerals, polyphenols and vitamin C. It has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems, and with regular use reduces the risks of strokes and stone formation. People who drink it constantly are less likely to suffer from heart and liver diseases, and are less susceptible to caries and cancer.

Olive oil

A natural remedy to combat high cholesterol. The olive oil obtained as a result of the first pressing contains components such as oleic and linoleic acids, vitamins D, K, E, as well as many trace elements. Thanks to this composition, it is a scientifically recognized preventative against cancer.

Wholemeal baked goods

The main feature of unprocessed flour is that it does not contribute to excess weight gain, since it contains complex carbohydrates. In addition, it preserves almost all the beneficial substances and vitamins that are present in cereals. Bread and other products made from such flour reduce the risk of developing diabetes, vascular pathologies, and digestive diseases.

Food is considered healthy if it has an optimal balance of plant foods, fats, which are healthy acids, and dietary protein. Knowledge about the valuable qualities of a particular food helps you choose a diet that will meet the needs of people involved in sports or suffering from any illness. Having information about the benefits and harms of a particular product, you can easily determine which ones will help maintain health and which, on the contrary, you should stop using.

There are many different theories about how to get your body in shape. Some people prefer not to eat after six, others exhaust themselves with strict diets, and others simply give up sweets. The correct solution to this issue may not be choosing a special diet at all, but switching to proper nutrition. Find out what you need to eat to lose weight and how to choose a comfortable diet for yourself.

What is proper nutrition when losing weight?

Many nutritionists call the principles of proper nutrition a free diet. This is one of the most popular areas for normalizing weight. IN modern world The concept of proper nutrition (PN) is interpreted differently. Some argue that for this it is necessary to completely give up meat, bread, and sweets. The proposed method does not require such sacrifices. All you need to do is follow some recommendations and make the right diet.

A balanced diet improves metabolism, thereby promoting weight loss. This regimen will be optimal for people who have digestive problems, patients suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), cardiovascular system, and diabetes. Natural foods with moderate amounts of fat, protein and carbohydrates will help improve performance and improve your mood.

How to eat right to lose weight

Reset overweight When adhering to a balanced diet, the main thing is to take into account the body’s need for calories and your daily activity. The basics of proper nutrition for weight loss are to replace high-calorie, fatty and fried foods healthy products, rich in vitamins and minerals, and avoid snacking on the go.

If you follow all the recommendations and calculate calories, PP helps you lose weight by an average of 5-7 kg per month, depending on the characteristics of your body. The following advice from experienced nutritionists will help you understand the essence of the diet and master the principles of its construction:

  • The energy value of meals per day should correspond to the body's expenses. For obese people, the total calorie content of meals should not exceed 900-1000 kcal. Standard rate energy value for people with moderate activity – 1200 kcal, for athletes – 1600-1900 kcal.
  • The chemical composition of products must fully satisfy the body's needs. Try to eat a variety of foods with magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and other essential macro- or microelements.
  • Learn to follow a diet. You should eat small portions, but often, at regular intervals


Proper nutrition when losing weight is not a diet, in the classical sense of the word. This is a way of life, so the rules will have to be followed regularly. They are not burdensome; to master them, you only need the desire to succeed:

  • Drink enough water. You can calculate the required volume of liquid using a special application on your phone or use standards. The norm is 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day, including tea, compote, water or other drinks.
  • Follow the regimen strictly. Don't allow yourself to snack on the go, even if you feel a little hungry. Over time, the body will get used to receiving the right food at the right time.
  • Choose your products wisely. Not all of them go well together. Find, print and hang a compatibility table on the refrigerator.
  • When purchasing food, carefully study the ingredients. The less everything is listed there, the healthier and more natural the product will be.
  • Bake, not fry – this is the main rule of PP. When frying, you use a lot of vegetable oil or animal fat, which is invariably deposited in the body. If you want to lose weight, steam, bake, or eat fresh foods.
  • Dress salads not with mayonnaise, but with a spoon of olive, linseed or sesame oil mixed with lemon juice.
  • You should eat in small portions, from small plates. The maximum break between meals (not including sleep) is 4 hours.
  • Chew your food thoroughly and don't get distracted by reading a newspaper, surfing the web on your smartphone, or watching TV.

Proper diet for weight loss

In order for the body to regularly receive the vitamins and microelements necessary for work, you need to eat frequently - 5-6 times a day. The regimen should be scheduled so that each meal occurs at approximately equal intervals of time:

  • Start your breakfast at 7-9 am. This is the time to eat carbohydrates. They are digested by the body longer than other components. Eat oatmeal with fruit or an omelet with vegetables for breakfast, and drink freshly squeezed juice. If you play sports, go for a workout before eating.
  • Have lunch no later than 12 noon. A good time to eat some first courses. Light vegetarian soups, borscht without frying, cabbage soup, and cream of mushroom soup are suitable.
  • Have lunch from 1 to 3 p.m. At this time, the body can still digest complex foods, so eating pasta, cereal, whole grain bread or potatoes for lunch is acceptable. If you prefer to exercise in the afternoon, then use complex carbohydrates should be minimized and the emphasis should be on protein foods.
  • Before dinner, you can have a snack between 16 and 17 hours. If you had a heavy lunch, then you can skip the afternoon snack. Otherwise, eat an apple, pear or other fruit, drink a glass of juice or kefir.
  • The ideal time to finish your meal is 18.00-20.00. Protein foods are ideal for dinner - fish or lean meat with vegetables, as an alternative - fruit salad, cottage cheese casserole or egg white omelette. If you want to lose weight, be sure to have dinner no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

How to switch to proper nutrition

Once you understand how important it is to correctly create a diet, correctly distribute food throughout the day, following the regime will be pleasant and easy. Some rules will help you switch to a balanced diet without stressing your body:

  • There will be times during the day when your appetite has already awakened, and lunch or dinner is still far away. To avoid situations where you have to eat fast food when leaving home, take lunch or afternoon snack with you in containers.
  • Before going to the store, make a list of the products you need. Be sure to include fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, and herbs.
  • Forget about canned food, smoked meats, fast food. This is the most harmful food, it contains a lot of preservatives, additives, and flavor enhancers.
  • Avoid refined sugar and candy. Replace sweets healthy honey, fresh sweet fruits.
  • Place healthy foods in a prominent place. A plate of fruit in the center of the table or a cereal cookie in the center of the table is sure to catch your attention.
  • At first, do not completely give up “unnecessary” food. Make the transition smooth - remove fast food from the menu in the first week, sugar in the second week, and so on. If you feel close to a breakdown, eat a piece of dark chocolate or another favorite treat.


The result of losing weight directly depends on what kind of food you prefer to eat. Switching to proper nutrition will help not only achieve success, but also consolidate the result. The diet should include nutritious but low-calorie foods, lots of vegetables, fruits, and cereals. For convenience, print out and hang on the refrigerator the list of permitted and prohibited products:

Junk food

Healthy Products

white bread, yeast baked goods, puff pastry

bread made from whole grain flour, rye or with added bran

soups with strong rich broth, milk, and legumes

vegetarian soups, pureed vegetable soup, liquid dishes with lean broth

fatty meat, fish, smoked foods

crumbly porridges – rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, couscous, bulgur

canned food, homemade pickles, shelf-stable fish or meat

stewed, fresh, baked vegetables - tomatoes, cabbage, turnips, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin

sausages, frankfurters, semi-finished products

lean meats – skinless poultry fillet, rabbit, beef, veal

full-fat cottage cheese, cream, salted cheese

lean fish – bream, pike perch, cod, pollock, carp, flounder

sweet store-bought juices, carbonated mineral water, alcohol (except natural wine)

steam omelette, hard-boiled eggs (no more than 2 pieces per day)

cooking fats, hot sauces, mayonnaise

low-fat dairy products - cottage cheese, kefir, milk, cheese, yogurt

some types of fruits and berries - raisins, bananas, grapes, dates, figs

fresh berries and fruits

fast food, crackers, chips, other “dry” food

green tea, red tea, natural coffee, rosehip decoction

Power scheme

Studying the principles of digestion of certain substances by the body, scientists came to the conclusion that some types of products do not combine well with each other and provoke digestive disorders, heartburn, flatulence, and fermentation in the intestines. In addition, incompatible foods are not completely digested, not only bringing no benefit to the body, but also being stored as fat.

There is a special table that indicates product compatibility. So, you cannot combine meat with potatoes or pasta. It is better to serve baked or grilled vegetables as a side dish for chicken or veal. It is advisable to cook all dishes with a minimum amount of oil or fat. When switching to proper nutrition for weight loss, nutritionists advise studying this plate in detail.

In addition, experts have noticed a pattern between the desire to eat “junk” food and the lack of certain substances in the body. To avoid losing your diet, try replacing sweets and other dishes with healthy foods without disrupting your diet:

What do you want to eat

What's missing

What to replace

Fatty foods

Fermented milk products (natural yogurt, kefir), nuts, sesame seeds

Muffins, pastries, white bread

Amino acids, nitrogen

Nuts, seeds, eggs

Chips, crackers, fried


Beans, lentils, potatoes


Seafood, seaweed, fish


Champignons, turkey, cucumbers, tomatoes, white cabbage


Almonds, cashews, buckwheat, chickpeas

How to drink water correctly

Nutritionists always advise drinking at least two liters of fluid per day. This can speed up metabolism and prevent overeating and dehydration. In addition to the fact that you need to drink water, it is important to understand how to do it correctly. There is a certain scheme:

  1. Be sure to drink two glasses of water before breakfast. The liquid will fill part of the total volume of the stomach, helping to fill up faster. You can start eating in 15-20 minutes. If it is difficult to drink plain water in such quantities, add half a teaspoon of honey or a few drops of lemon juice to it.
  2. Drink two glasses of water closer to 12-14 hours, after 20 minutes have lunch. After lunch, you cannot drink anything for 2 hours; it is strictly forbidden to consume any liquid with meals.
  3. Before dinner you need to drink 1 glass of water. It is forbidden to drink food. To avoid swelling, you should not drink tea, kefir or other liquid drinks 2 hours before bedtime.

It is a well-known fact that the rate of weight gain and loss depends on a person’s metabolism. So, some can literally gain weight from water, while others eat cakes without the risk of gaining weight. Scientists have found that there are drinks that can affect the speed of metabolic processes:

  • Green or Monastery tea. It not only affects the metabolic rate, but also has a diuretic effect, promoting rapid weight loss.
  • Ginger decoction. Ginger root contains capsacin, a substance that gives the drink a “panginess”, improves digestion, and has a slight antibacterial effect.
  • Juice. Natural, freshly squeezed juices (especially orange, grapefruit, celery) have been proven to improve metabolism. It is better to consume them on an empty stomach, for example, in the morning, replacing 1 glass of water with juice.
  • Sage tea. The drink not only promotes better digestion, but will also help prevent colds.
  • Liquid chestnut. The medicinal drink energizes and cleanses the body of waste and toxins.

How to create the right diet for weight loss

The menu needs to be planned so that it takes into account all the principles of proper nutrition for weight loss. It is important not only to schedule your food intake by the hour, but also to take into account its calorie content. Nutritionists recommend dividing the daily diet according to calorie content:

  • breakfast – 500-600 kcal;
  • snack – 150-200 kcal;
  • lunch – 300-400 kcal;
  • afternoon snack – 150-200 kcal;
  • dinner – 300-400 kcal;
  • drinks – 100-200 kcal.

Menu for the week

When preparing a diet for 7 days, you need to take into account the calorie content of the dishes, because proper nutrition for weight loss does not imply a complete rejection of your favorite treats. To regulate the amount you eat per day, you will need a table of caloric content of foods. Manufacturers indicate the energy value on the label of their products, or you can find a table with calorie content on the Internet. To get enough, but not to overeat, it is recommended to adhere to the following indicators:

  • People leading a sedentary lifestyle are allowed to eat up to 1200 kcal per day.
  • Activists, athletes, and when doing fitness, the diet should be increased to 1800 kcal.

Breakfast (30-40% energy value)

Lunch (40-50%)

Afternoon snack (10%)

Dinner (up to 20%)


Muesli with fresh fruit (100 g), green tea with honey, bread with cheese.

Boiled chicken (70 g), sauerkraut or stewed cabbage (100-150 g), rosehip decoction.

Vegetable casserole with cheese (100 g), chamomile tea.

Steam omelette of 2 eggs (200 g), apple, unsweetened black tea.

Champignon puree soup (200-250 ml), meatballs with rice and vegetable side dish (100 g).

Vegetable salad (100 g), 150 grams low-fat cottage cheese with fruit.

Buckwheat porridge with water (150 g), fruit salad (100 g), rosehip decoction.

Pumpkin soup, vegetable salad (250 ml), boiled veal (100 g).

Curdled milk.

Steamed fish and broccoli (200 g), tea.

Toast with curd cheese, vegetable salad with avocado (150 g), fruit juice.

Whole grain pasta (150 g), vegetable salad (150 g).

Dried fruit compote, biscuits.

Boiled turkey (150 g), grilled vegetables (100 g).

Baked potatoes stuffed with spinach and cottage cheese 2-3 pcs., tea.

Cabbage soup – 1 soup plate, salad with tomatoes and herbs – 100 g.

Cottage cheese 0% fat.

Carrot cutlets (2 pcs.), rabbit stewed in sour cream (100 g).

Oatmeal with honey (200 g), fruit juice.

Vegetarian cream soup – 1 soup bowl, baked chicken with rice on the side (100 g).

Stewed cabbage with carrots (150-200 g), turkey (70-100 g).


Omelet with vegetables (150 g), a piece of rye bread with cheese, fruit drink.

Steamed veal (100-150 g), baked vegetables (200 g), tea.

Salmon baked with lemon (200 g), tea.

Menu for the month

Based on your weekly diet, you can create a menu for the whole month. The main condition is to make it as diverse as possible. The proposed menu is just an example of how you can combine products. It describes three options for breakfast, lunch and dinner; for a snack you can eat any fruit or berries, drink a glass of kefir:

First week

  • Oatmeal with fruit (200 g), tea;
  • 2 whole grain toasts with cheese, boiled egg, juice;
  • cottage cheese with honey and fruit (150 g), almonds, rosehip decoction.
  • Salad with cherry tomatoes, chicken and bulgur (150 g), 1 hot sandwich;
  • vegetable soup (200 g), rice with steamed fish (150 g);
  • stewed vegetables with veal 300 g).
  • Rice with seafood (100 g), vegetable salad (100 g);
  • cottage cheese casserole (150 g), fruit salad (100 g);
  • steamed omelette with green beans or asparagus (150 g), unsweetened fruit (100 g).

Second week

  • Steamed egg white omelette (200 g), cheese (50 g), coffee;
  • baked apple with honey and almonds, 2 toasts, green tea;
  • buckwheat porridge with onions (200 g), natural yogurt (80 g), ginger tea.
  • Soup with chicken and vegetables (200 g), lettuce with tomatoes, seasoned with olive oil (100 g);
  • pumpkin soup (200 ml), baked vegetables (100 g), piece of fish (80-100 g);
  • couscous with vegetables (200 g), apple.
  • Baked fish with green cabbage salad with cucumbers (total weight of dishes – 250-300 g);
  • steamed broccoli (150 g), a piece of chicken fillet (150 g);
  • Stewed rabbit with sour cream and onions (200 g), cottage cheese (100 g).

Third week

  • Cheesecakes with honey – 3-4 pcs., fruit salad (200 g), tea;
  • cottage cheese casserole (200 g), salad (100 g), apple, juice;
  • muesli with warm milk and dried fruits (200 g), hard cheese (50 g).
  • Warm salad with turkey (200 g), kefir;
  • soup with croutons and egg (200 ml), vegetable salad (100 g);
  • steamed fish cutlets with rice (300 g - total weight of the dish).
  • One pita with chicken and avocado, natural yogurt (150 g);
  • baked pumpkin with cottage cheese (200 g);
  • steak with vegetable side dish (200 g).

Fourth week

  • Sandwich in pita bread, any fruit (100 g), coffee;
  • boiled eggs - 2 pcs., apple, piece of cheese (50-70 g), rosehip decoction;
  • yoghurt with fresh fruit – 100 g, green tea, 2 pieces of toast.
  • Stewed veal with vegetables (200 g);
  • buckwheat with onions (200 g), vegetable salad (100 g);
  • a plate of mushroom cream soup, a 100-gram piece of boiled chicken, a tomato salad with mozzarella (100 g).
  • Flounder baked in foil with lime and rosemary (200 g), vegetable salad (100 g);
  • baked vegetables (100 g), steamed veal (200 g);
  • peppers stuffed with minced turkey with tomato sauce (2-3 pcs.).

The best diets for effective weight loss

Losing excess weight quickly is impossible with proper nutrition. This technique involves a long process of losing weight, but it guarantees that extra pounds they won't come back to you. For these reasons, many people who are losing weight prefer to try a diet first, and then switch to a balanced diet. Doctors recommend sticking to this menu for no longer than 2-3 weeks, so as not to harm your health.

Buckwheat diet

It belongs to the group of mono-diets, because you need to eat exclusively buckwheat throughout the entire period of weight loss. This cereal is a very filling product; it contains a lot of protein and valuable macroelements, but buckwheat has very few carbohydrates compared to other cereals. With this mono-diet you can lose 5-7 kg in 7 days, but sticking to this diet for more than a week is not recommended.

The main disadvantage of the buckwheat diet is that you need to eat only one product, which means that during weight loss the body will not receive enough of those substances that are not present in buckwheat or are contained in minimal quantities. Therefore, many doctors recommend diversifying a strict menu with vegetables, fruits and berries. The cereal can be boiled, but it is better to pour boiling water overnight. To lose weight on a buckwheat diet, you need to eat no more than 1 glass of porridge per day.


This nutritional plan is unique in that it includes protein foods that are loved by many - cottage cheese, milk, meat, fish, eggs. Due to the sharp restriction of fats and carbohydrates, the body will be forced to draw energy from its own fat reserves, thereby burning subcutaneous deposits. With the help of a protein diet, women can lose 10-12 kg in 3 weeks.

The standard protein menu is designed for two weeks, after which you should gradually adhere to the basics of proper nutrition when losing weight. The diet has its limitations, for example:

  • It is strictly forbidden for pregnant women, women during lactation and those patients who have problems with the liver or kidneys to adhere to such a diet.
  • People with diseases of the cardiovascular system, especially patients with arrhythmia, should approach the choice of a protein diet with caution.
  • Consulting a doctor before starting to lose weight on proteins is necessary if you have digestive problems, have been diagnosed with gastritis or other diseases.
  • It is not recommended for older people to lose weight on proteins, due to an increased risk of thrombosis and changes in the structure of cartilage tissue.

Dukan diet

The principle of nutrition developed by the famous French nutritionist Pierre Dukan is especially popular. The weight loss method is divided into 4 stages, each of which has its own characteristics when choosing food:

  • Stage 1 – attack. Lasts from 2 to 7 days, during which you can eat only proteins.
  • Stage 2 – alternation. Lasts 1-2 weeks. At this time, you need to add fresh vegetables to the menu, alternating the intake of fiber with proteins.
  • Stage 3 – consolidation. Lasts until you get the desired weight loss result. You need to adhere to the rules of alternation, gradually introducing new dishes to the menu from the list of permitted ones.
  • Stage 4 – stabilization. You need to stick to it all your life. The principle of this stage is simple: 6 days a week you can eat whatever you want, but on the 7th day only proteins are allowed.

It is possible to lose weight on the Dukan diet, and how much to lose will depend on you and your diligence. On average, women manage to lose 10-15 kg in 2-3 months. Before you start following the diet, you should take into account its contraindications. The diet is strictly not recommended:

  • pregnant women;
  • women who are breastfeeding;
  • patients with diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, blood vessels;
  • people with metabolic disorders;
  • patients with gastrointestinal diseases or gout;
  • those people whose activities involve heavy mental or physical stress.


Proper nutrition means meals scheduled at specific times. Products are distributed throughout the day according to the number of calories, micro- and macroelements they contain.

Proper nutrition is needed not only by those who want to lose weight, or people suffering from any diseases, but also by every person who cares about their health. There are a number of ingredients that are recommended to be consumed to maintain proper nutrition.

General principles of healthy eating

Healthy eating consists of observing the following principles:

The optimal portion for a person is considered to be the size of a fist. This principle helps stabilize the balance of hormones and regulates appetite.

  • Including a variety of foods in your diet, which also contain useful microelements and vitamins.
  • Food hygiene (chewing thoroughly, slowly).
  • Avoiding overeating.

For proper nutrition, it is important to adhere to drinking the required amount of water. This is an important factor in the normal functioning of the human body.

The daily dose of water should be at least two liters. It is recommended to start the morning with a glass of water.

This contributes to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare the stomach for digestion of food, it is also recommended to drink a cup of clean water before meals.

However, food should not be washed down, as this provokes a decrease in the production of gastric juice, and therefore slows down digestion.

Limitation harmful products in the diet will help to avoid many problems in the functioning of organs and their systems. It is advisable that there are no such ingredients in the daily menu at all. Fast foods are considered especially harmful foods for the body. Therefore, snacks should consist of healthy ingredients.

Eating should be done several hours before going to bed. The optimal time is two hours before bedtime. Eating food later interferes with the body’s proper rest. It is not recommended to talk, watch TV or read at this time. Despite this, dinner should be light.

A healthy diet also includes eating plant products. The most useful are fruits, vegetables, and herbs that grow in the area where a person lives. This principle is the basis of a proper diet.

For convenience, all food products are divided into groups such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And it is very important to be able to combine them with each other. Because for proper absorption of food by the body, nutritionists advise consuming similar foods.

The right combination of foods helps not only to better absorb healthy elements, but also not to gain excess weight. For example, it is not recommended to simultaneously consume sour fruits with foods containing starch. In this case, they will be poorly processed by the body.

Meat should be combined with vegetables and herbs. This promotes better protein absorption. And you need to cook it in a double boiler or on the grill. Yogurt should be combined with apples. At the same time, the body is cleansed of toxins.

Fish and durum wheat pasta are also the right food combination. Omega-3 acids together with pasta improve memory and give more energy to a person.

Boiled or baked potatoes together with cottage cheese help to absorb protein well and improve metabolic processes. But fried potatoes in this combination can only harm your figure.

Before defining what foods for proper nutrition are, it is necessary to understand the concept of proper nutrition itself, what foods to eat, in what quantities and in what ways to process them.

Proper nutrition involves an integrated approach to organizing nutrition that satisfies all the body’s needs in nutrients and energy value, contributing to its growth and development.

The system of proper nutrition includes the organization of the diet and the diet itself. Proper nutrition is governed by certain principles:

  • Balance of the energy value of the diet and human energy expenditure - proper organization of the diet;
  • Balance of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • Proper distribution of food during the day - proper organization of the diet;
  • The actual diet (number of meals, intervals between meals);
  • Cooking methods;
  • Individual factors: age, weight, social status, lifestyle, general condition health, determining the body's needs at a certain point in time.

Having organized a proper nutrition regimen, what to eat and which products to give preference remains a paramount task. Products for proper nutrition, first of all, must be safe for human health, which is determined by their freshness and shelf life, the content of harmful plant impurities, biological objects, and hazardous chemical compounds in their composition.

Any “healthy” product can be classified as “harmful” by using heat treatment methods (for example, frying in animal fat), adding fatty sauces, unnatural seasonings, and combining them with easily digestible carbohydrates.

Conventionally, all products present in the human diet can be divided into harmful and beneficial. The list of harmful products includes:

  • All fried foods. However, the roasting methods used must be taken into account. For example, light frying olive oil will be less harmful than frying foods in animal fats;
  • Sweet carbonated drinks, as well as drinks made from dry mixtures;
  • Sausages and semi-finished products, smoked meats and fish, canned food;
  • High-fat fermented milk products, cottage cheese desserts, fruit yoghurts;
  • Most confectionery products;
  • Snacks (chips, nuts, crackers and other goodies);
  • Products containing dyes in high concentrations;
  • Chocolate bars, milk chocolate with and without fillings;
  • Fatty meats;
  • Animal fats;
  • All dishes from the menu of fast food restaurants, as well as fast food products;
  • Any alcoholic drinks;
  • Pastry and bakery products.

The list of healthy foods for proper nutrition includes:

  • Cereals – buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat, rice;
  • Lean varieties of meat and fish;
  • Low-fat fermented milk products;
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • Purified water, green tea, freshly squeezed juices;
  • Dark chocolate, honey, dried fruits
  • Vegetable fats;
  • Whole wheat bread;
  • Eggs;
  • Legumes.

The choice of products for proper nutrition is not limited to these lists, however, this is the basis of a healthy diet, which today will help eliminate harmful foods from the diet, replacing them with “healthy” alternatives.

To live long and happily, you need to eat right, ensure a balance of calories, water, fats and salt. This approach is relevant in all cases, whether for weight loss or weight gain (excessive thinness also requires correction through a balanced diet).


Take it as a habit:

  • get rid of sympathy for fast foods (they contain too few natural ingredients, often use waste frying fats with carcinogens, GMO mayonnaise, synthetic flavors and taste enhancers);
  • make a list of foods for proper nutrition in advance for at least a week;
  • Drink water regularly and as often as possible (drink at least 1.5-2 liters per day) pure form, that is, in addition to soups and juices);
  • Minimize salt consumption; any food for proper nutrition can be eaten unsalted. The natural taste of the product will become even brighter and more distinct. Believe me, this can and should be achieved, the only question is the formation of new habits;

Attention! Salt deposits on the walls blood vessels, and also complicates water exchange. Both lead to metabolic disorders, the development of hypertension and atherosclerosis.

The list of products for proper nutrition, approved by nutritionists, is primarily based on a balanced intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals necessary for normal functioning.

That is why the diet should consist of a variety of foods. The main thing that all experts agree on is that the consumption of sugar and sugar-containing sweets must be minimized, as well as the consumption of fat.

The body needs the listed products in fairly limited quantities; an excess of glucose and fats leads to their deposition in tissues in the form of fatty layers. A properly balanced amount of nutrients activates the body's metabolic processes, so proper nutrition plays a major role in normal metabolism.

The list of healthy foods opens with whole grains. These include cereals, some types of rice, pasta made from durum wheat and flour products made from wholemeal flour.

When organizing proper nutrition, it is necessary first of all to make vegetables, fruits and cereals the basis of the diet. These are the foods that should be on the table every day. Vegetables and fruits should also be consumed fresh, at least after minor heat treatment. Products should be chosen only fresh; semi-finished products and fast food should be excluded from the diet.

Nutritionists pay special attention to the fact that when planning proper nutrition, the list of permitted foods should be compiled in such a way that all food groups are included in it. The main principle of proper organization of a healthy diet is compliance with the proportions and variety of the diet.

Among vegetables, special preference should be given to consuming different varieties of cabbage, since cabbage has a number of beneficial properties, while modern medical research proves that its consumption significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer.

Basics of proper nutrition

Before moving on to a specific list of products recommended for proper nutrition, you need to familiarize yourself with the general principles (an article on the principles of proper nutrition for weight loss may also be useful for understanding the issue):

  1. Try to eat regularly and at the same time. Create an optimal eating regimen for yourself. It is not recommended to break the regime.
  2. Eat according to your body's needs. Don't overeat, but don't limit yourself to what you need.
  3. Give preference only to fresh food.
  4. Correct does not mean monotonous. The more varied your menu, the more nutrients you will receive.
  5. Don't forget about raw fruits and vegetables.
  6. Observe the seasonality of food. In the spring and summer months, focus on plant foods, and in the winter and fall, focus more on animal proteins.
  7. Please note that the combination of food components with each other is very important. More details about this in the section below.
  8. Any food, including healthy food, should be enjoyable. If you are choking on some useful product, then it will still be of no use.
  9. Drink as much fluid as possible. Simple filtered or settled water is best.
  10. Don't forget about vitamins.

Secrets of familiar strangers: vegetables and fruits on the table

Vegetables are very beneficial for the body. Many people underestimate their role in saturating the body with vitamins and beneficial microelements, so they treat vegetables superficially, perceiving them as an optional addition to other dishes.

Despite the fact that vegetables are low in calories, they make you feel full quickly due to the sufficient water and fiber content in their composition. Nutritionists recommend giving preference to raw vegetables, since when they are consumed, the body receives all the vitamins and microelements they contain.

Those who decide to adhere to the basic rules of a healthy diet should not ignore fruits in their daily menu. Fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Their use helps stimulate the body's immune system and slows down the aging process.

Product names

Products are divided into easily and difficult to digest. Our body needs both the first and the second. However, their number on the menu should not be equal.

To compile a grocery list for the week, you need to understand the proportion and quantity of products we need. After all, there is absolutely no need to give up our favorite foods, because they are not very healthy for the body.

You just need to reduce their number and increase the amount of healthy foods. Products can be easily digestible and difficult to digest.

Naturally, their ratio should be 80% to 20%.

  • vegetables and fruits (seasonal);
  • cereals, porridges based on them;
  • dried fruits, candied fruits, nuts;
  • green tea;
  • fresh seasonal berries;
  • poultry meat products;
  • fermented milk products;
  • seafood, especially red fish.

Difficult-to-digest foods, the consumption of which would be good to minimize:

  • fried foods, especially fried pork;
  • sugar (replace it with natural sweeteners, such as honey);
  • mayonnaise, ketchup and other unnatural sauces;
  • pickles, smoked meats;
  • bread, fresh baked goods;
  • strong coffee, strong black tea,
  • salt, spices and seasonings;
  • chocolate and other sweets of unnatural origin;
  • spicy dishes;
  • sausages, sausages, and other non-natural meat products;
  • fast food;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • flavored crackers, chips, etc.

Meat and fish delicacies, their role in catering

Meat and fish dishes contain a sufficient amount of protein, which is the main building material for the body. The highest protein content is found in lean meats, such as poultry, veal, and beef.

For those who choose products for proper nutrition, the list must necessarily include fish. Fish dishes are good for everyone.

They form the basis of dietary nutrition. Saturating the body with proteins and phosphorus, fish also eliminates the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Plant based proteins

The amino acids present in plant proteins are in no way inferior to those found in animal proteins. For the correct balance of amino acids, the body must receive sufficient amounts of proteins of both plant and animal origin.

That is why nutritionists recommend including soy, lentils, beans, nuts, seaweed, peas, and legumes in the list of foods for proper nutrition. These products successfully protect the body from viruses, help cleanse the blood, and reduce cholesterol levels.

Dairy products - a means of improving health

Anyone who has firmly decided to lose weight or improve their health is interested in the question of what can be eaten with proper nutrition.

Main Products

Water and other drinks

For normal metabolism, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure filtered water per day: other drinks have a different structure. Insufficient water consumption can cause dehydration, dry skin and slow weight loss Freshly squeezed juices, green tea, coffee with milk, fruit drinks should be an additional 1 liter.

Dairy products are also rich in protein. The benefits to the body from consuming them are equal to the benefits from consuming meat and fish.

Nutritionists believe that the most beneficial are low-fat fermented milk products: yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese. In addition to proteins, milk brings calcium to the body.

Specialists, when selecting products for proper nutrition for a patient, adjust the list so that the fat content of the consumed fermented milk products was not too high, and the menu was varied.

Dairy products should be included in the diet daily, but in small quantities. It is recommended to consume kefir, cottage cheese, and cheeses no more than once a day.

Weekly food list

Having switched to proper nutrition, it is better to divide foods into several groups, which must be present at every meal. This is necessarily fiber, carbohydrates, fats and proteins.


Fiber is an important component of the diet of those who want to lead a healthy lifestyle. In this case, it performs 2 functions when entering the body.

Firstly, it normalizes stool - the functioning of the digestive tract is also important for normal metabolism and metabolism.

Secondly, the benefit of fiber is to remove waste and toxins from the body, resulting in natural prevention of intoxication.

Fiber is found in the following food groups:

  • vegetables and fruits - should be included in the diet only fresh;
  • some types of legumes - beans, lentils and beans themselves;
  • other whole grain products.

Below is an approximate set of products for proper nutrition for the average family, which can be used within one week.

Cereals and porridges, cereals, legumes

  • rice ( different types and mixtures) 1 pack (approximately 140 grams will be used);
  • buckwheat 150 grams;
  • oatmeal 210 grams;
  • corn 390 grams.
  • green peas 400 grams.

Vegetables, fruits, berries (seasonal)

  • large tomatoes 4 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper (1.5 kg);
  • about a kilogram of cucumbers;
  • beans (210 grams);
  • onions (about 100 grams);
  • garlic;
  • two large bunches of fresh herbs;
  • mushrooms (200 grams);
  • white cabbage (90 grams);
  • fresh carrots (0.5 kg);
  • kiwi (240 grams);
  • sour apples (6 pieces);
  • seasonal berries, frozen in winter (0.5 kg).

Fermented milk products

  • kefir no higher than 2.5% fat content (350 grams daily);
  • cottage cheese no higher than 2% fat (250 grams daily);
  • natural yogurt, better prepared at home (210 grams);
  • hard cheese (about 100 grams).

Animal origin

  • white fish (750 grams);
  • red fish (150 grams);
  • canned tuna in its own juice (1 pc.);
  • poultry fillet (chicken) (600 grams);
  • chicken eggs (5 pcs.).

Vegetable fats, spices, seasonings

  • Vegetable oil virgin, whatever your family prefers (preferably olive);
  • Salt and pepper;
  • dried herbs.

Sweets, snacks

  • dry almonds (45 grams);
  • walnut (20 grams);
  • avocado (100 grams);
  • cashews (15 grams);
  • sesame (10-15 grams);
  • dried apricots (35 grams);
  • honey (1 tablespoon);
  • bran (60 grams);
  • chocolate.

The list of foods for proper nutrition includes a significant number of them. Among them are the 10 most beneficial products for human health. According to nutritionists, they can not only enrich the body with nutrients, but also maintain a slim figure.

Apples are included first on this list. They are considered the ideal fruit. They contain fiber, anti-inflammatory elements, and vitamin K, which is responsible for strengthening the body’s bone tissue. Apples contain vitamins A, C, B1, B2 and B5, as well as minerals, organic acids and iron.

The second product for proper nutrition is broccoli. One medium-sized stem contains approximately 90% daily norm vitamin K and approximately 100% of the vitamin C norm. And in order for the body to receive maximum quantity beneficial elements, broccoli should be consumed raw.

In order not to think every day about what to eat tomorrow, it makes sense to plan a menu for the week at once. When choosing dishes, you should be guided not only by calorie content, but also by variety. The diet must include:

  • various cereals;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • potatoes (only baked and steamed);
  • fish and meat in limited quantities;
  • low fat dairy products;
  • water – a glass of water 30 minutes before meals will help you feel full.

Friends, regardless of whether you want to switch to proper nutrition for gaining weight or losing weight, all products are classified into 5 main categories:

Now we know 5 product categories that will become the basis of our daily diet. I suggest we don’t stop there and identify the foods that are most beneficial for our bodies. Let's get started. ?

A must read, dear subscribers: “I couldn’t stand it in separate category products that negatively affect our body. This includes not only food, but also alcohol and tobacco products. Remember that sticking to proper nutrition means leading a healthy lifestyle, so drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes should be a priori excluded.”

What foods can you avoid?

If you have set a goal to save money family budget, here are some tips and recommendations on foods that can be easily avoided. First of all, these are sweets and a variety of confectionery products.

Store shelves are littered with all sorts of sweet culinary delights, which are not always beneficial to our body, due to the excess content of sugar, dyes, and preservatives. It is much more useful to learn how to prepare sweets yourself, this will help you save money and will be much healthier for your body.

Secondly, refuse to buy sausages; the percentage of meat in such products is close to zero, and the percentage of harmful genetically modified fats tends to 100%. We also recommend that you stop drinking sweet carbonated drinks, cook compotes, fruit drinks, or, best of all, drink clean water. Your body and wallet will thank you.

But if you still cannot resist and you really want to buy something from not very healthy products, do not deny yourself categorically, just reduce the serving size by at least half.

Proper nutrition is the path to cleansing the body

It is impossible not to mention that a healthy and balanced diet can be organized in such a way that eating will not only promote health, but also cleanse the body. An alternative to many advertised modern remedies will be products for proper nutrition.

There are countless diets based on skin type, blood type and body type, but only a few of them actually give positive results. This is because a diet should not be a temporary restriction, but a complete and regular way of eating. Proper nutrition can change not only your figure, but also your well-being. We have prepared for you a list of PP products useful for weight loss, as well as recommendations for diet and lifestyle.

To lose weight, you don’t need to torture yourself and your body, because most often they do more harm than good. Proper nutrition with a regulated diet and regular meals will allow you to lose weight without sacrifice, while your health will only benefit.

Before moving on to studying nutrition issues, let’s remember the basic rules for losing weight:

  1. Give up bad habits – alcohol, tobacco products, coffee, frequent consumption of fast foods cannot in any way be associated with PP, much less help in losing weight. Therefore, when deciding to change yourself, start with bad habits.
  2. Replacing fast carbohydrates with slow ones – implies refusal of heavy meals rich in so-called fast carbohydrates, healthy products for slow digestion. Eating slow carbohydrates allows you not to store food in fats, but to use it to meet the body's needs.
  3. Optimal drinking balance – no diet will give the desired result if the body is dehydrated; the body needs water for fast work and normal processing of food. By neglecting it, you disrupt the digestion processes and gain weight.
  4. Eat slowly and thoroughly – this may sound stupid, but many people rapidly gain weight not so much because of an unbalanced diet, but because of constant rush. Chewing food thoroughly will not only transmit signals of satiety to the brain, but will also improve its digestion.

There is nothing scary or repulsive about proper nutrition. There are quite a lot of acceptable foods for weight loss, so you don’t have to suffer from a lack of your favorite sweets. The PP nutrition rules are simple and easy to follow even for novice dieters, and when the right approach they will help you change your body and life for the better.

What can you eat on PP for weight loss: list of products

How often have we heard the phrase “Eat this to lose weight”? Unfortunately, it sounds through and everywhere, but not everyone interprets it correctly. This means healthy food that is good for digestion, and not at all goodies from McDonald's. To lose weight from the list of all products for proper nutrition, it is recommended to give the greatest preference to fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as boiled and steamed foods.

It is best to include more low-calorie foods rich in minerals and vitamins in your diet:

  • cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, beans, sweet peppers;
  • unsweetened cereals;
  • milk, kefir;
  • yogurt, sourdough;
  • cereals, bran, whole grain bread.

Preference is given to natural vegetables, cereals, bran, and cereals. Vegetables can be eaten in almost any quantity, regardless of the time of day, but a sense of proportion still won’t hurt.

Power supply mode on PP

To fully lose weight and improve the health of the body, it is not enough to simply refuse to eat fatty and high-calorie foods, regardless of their benefits to the body. This is why many mono-diets do not work, and often give the exact opposite effect of weight loss. It is important to adhere to a certain diet. It will help the body develop a habit and know exactly when it will receive a new portion. According to the PP, it is better to divide products for weight loss and proper nutrition not into 3, but into 5-6 meals, in addition to the usual breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The optimal daily diet would be the following:

  1. Breakfast (6–9 hours) - a sleepy, sluggish body in the morning needs easily digestible, low-fat food; oatmeal, muesli, unsweetened porridge, yogurt, kefir, as well as raw vegetables and fruits are best suited for this purpose, while caffeine should be consumed according to to the best of our ability.
  2. Snack (10–11 o’clock) – a light, healthy snack to maintain the body’s performance; a glass of kefir, fruit, a handful of dried fruits with yogurt, but in no case a bun or cookies, is best.
  3. Lunch (12–14 hours) – in the middle of the day, the ideal option is to consume first courses and foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates, including salads, pasta, fish and meat casseroles, cereals and whole grain baked goods.
  4. Afternoon snack (15–17 hours) – a glass of juice, a handful of dried fruits or natural low-fat yogurt will give you a boost of vitamins for a successful end to the day.
  5. Dinner (18–20 hours) is moderately light and nutritious, but not high in calories; all sorts of main courses, salads, casseroles, stews, stewed fish and lean meat will cope with this role, while it is recommended to avoid potatoes, grains and bread in the evening.

Compliance with the established diet will help maintain normal functioning of the body, eliminate disruptions in digestion and intestines, and help not only lose weight, but also maintain optimal weight without changes.

List of desirable healthy foods for weight loss

Proper nutrition is not a diet, so it does not impose strict dietary restrictions. The main rule for losing weight is to choose natural, low-calorie foods, rich in vitamins and excluding large amounts of carbohydrates. The list of products for proper nutrition and weight loss is quite large. It includes many nutritious foods from which you can prepare a wide variety of healthy and delicious dishes.

The products that are allowed to be consumed during PN include:

  • tomatoes;
  • eggs;
  • beans/legumes;
  • oatmeal/muesli;
  • berries;
  • green;
  • easily digestible cereals (buckwheat/rice);
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • yogurt/yogurt;
  • lean meat;
  • seafood/fish;
  • nuts/dried fruits;
  • olive and sunflower oil;
  • colored vegetables;
  • cucumbers;
  • fruits;
  • pasta.

It is important to adhere to a diet, combine foods wisely and consume in moderation.

What not to eat on PP for weight loss: list of products

Despite the simplicity of proper nutrition, this regime imposes certain restrictions, due to which weight loss is ensured. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the consumption of unhealthy foods high in fat and calories.

The list of foods that are best avoided when eating properly for weight loss includes:

  • fast food;
  • chips, seeds, crackers;
  • soda;
  • flakes;
  • crackers, cookies;
  • sausage products;
  • fatty cheeses;
  • salted nuts;
  • bakery and pasta products made from premium white flour;
  • chocolate;
  • sweets.

How to create a menu?

To ensure that the weight loss process goes smoothly and without stress, it is recommended to develop a menu for every day, week or month, using the list of products for proper nutrition above. The PP menu does not have to be strict and monogamous, quite the opposite. A large list of acceptable products allows you to prepare a wide variety of dishes, not only dietary, but also healthy and tasty.

When creating a menu, the main thing is to adhere to the following rules:

  • do not completely exclude fats from the diet;
  • the daily diet should consist of 50% proteins, 40% carbohydrates and 10% fats;
  • BJU must be distributed evenly throughout the day;
  • It is recommended to alternate dishes so that they are not repeated every day;
  • will definitely include snacks in the daily menu;
  • for breakfast, preference is given to protein foods, for lunch, fats and light carbohydrates, for dinner - healthy carbohydrates and proteins.

The list of healthy food products for weight loss is quite extensive and varied, so with its help you can create a very varied and rich menu, pampering yourself with new culinary delicacies every day.

Calorie content of products on PP

Although the principle of proper nutrition is not based on counting calories, for complete weight loss it is important to take into account the calorie content of food. The basic rule of losing weight is to eat fewer calories than your body uses. Thus, the body will spend more energy and burn fat.

The following table with a list of foods for weight loss will help you determine what you can eat with proper nutrition, what should be present in your diet, and what is best to limit:

Category Product Protein Fat Carbohydrates Calories (100 gr.)
Fruits Apricot0,8 0,1 10,3 68
Pineapples0,3 0 11,6 46
Orange0,8 0,1 8,2 39
Banana1,6 0 22,8 89
Grape0,3 0 17,4 66
Vegetables and greens Eggplant0,8 0 5,2 25
Polka dots5,1 0,4 13 70
Zucchini0,4 0,2 5,8 25
Cabbage (regular)1,6 0,1 5,2 29
Cauliflower2,4 0,1 4,7 23
Potato2,1 0,2 19,9 88
Green onions1,2 0 4 20
Onion (leek)3,1 0,1 7 42
Tomato0,5 0 4,4 17
Cucumber0,3 0 3,4 14
Parsley3,8 0 8 48
Beans4,2 0 4,5 31
Nuts and dried fruits Walnut13,9 62 10,4 650
Almond18,5 58 13,5 658
Hazelnut16 67 9,6 708
Dried apricots5,4 0,1 65,3 270
Raisin2,1 0 72 276
Prunes2,2 0 68 262
Apples3,8 0 66 271
Meat and poultry Lamb meat16,8 15 0 201
Beef meat18,7 12,6 0 185
Turkey meat21,3 13 0,6 194
Rabbit carcass22 12 0,2 189
Chicken breast21,1 8,9 0,4 162
Pork fillet16,2 27,1 0,2 320
Fish and seafood Pink salmon21,2 7,1 0 144
Flounder16 2,9 0 89
Carp13 3,5 0,1 90
Shrimps17 0,7 0 88
Macrurus13,4 0,9 0,1 66
Cod17,6 0,8 0 74
Hake16,8 2,3 0,2 87
Dairy products Milk2,6 3,3 4 55
Low fat yogurt5,2 1,7 3,2 53
Kefir (1.5%)3,3 0,6 3,6 36
Ryazhenka3,2 6,1 4,4 84
Sour cream (10%)3,1 11 2,6 111
Low-fat cottage cheese15 0,5 1,9 85
Bakery products Rye flour bread4,4 0,8 48,7 221
White flour bread (prime)7,3 2,2 52,5 249

Losing weight is a complex process that requires time, diligence and willpower. Some people benefit from temporarily cutting back on daily calories, while others are unable to achieve the desired results even after years of dieting. It all depends not only on whether you add to your diet only what you can eat for, but also on many other independent factors.

To help your body get rid of extra pounds, follow these simple recommendations:

  • drink more fluids;
  • exercise at least 2 times a week or at least try to move more;
  • do cosmetic procedures for weight loss and skin tightening;
  • follow the daily routine;
  • take an additional vitamin complex;
  • get enough sleep;
  • try to avoid stress.

A normalized diet with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, moderate exercise, perseverance and self-love will help you change your appearance for the better without problems or stress.

IMPORTANT! Informational article! Before use, you should consult a specialist.