My chest is burning and my left hand is numb. online consultations

Hello, dear doctors, dear forum participants.

I would like to ask you for advice on my problem.

I would like to ask the moderators in advance to move or rename the topic if I did it incorrectly.

Anamnesis: male, 25 years old, height 182, weight 68 kg. Instability of the cervical spine (I did not have an MRI of the neck, protrusions/hernias are also possible, of course), the initial stages of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine (I did have an MRI), second-degree scoliosis of the thoracic spine.

Complaints: numbness in chest and neck (often around the heart). Sudden pain impulses in the left arm (in the triceps area, under the shoulder blade), twitching throughout the body.

Patient's comment: since the beginning of September, numbness of unknown etymology has arisen in the left side of the chest. It has a paroxysmal nature (it appeared first for 15-20, then 30-40 minutes, then 1 hour or more). I contacted a neurologist. To rule out heart problems, we first did an ECG - within normal limits. They took an X-ray of the thoracic region - initial signs of osteochondrosis. She prescribed Traumeel S and alternating Traumeel gel and Voltaren. I took a course of Traumeel and systematically used gels in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. The result is zero. The numbness remained, sometimes it got worse, sometimes it didn’t bother me for several days.

Three weeks later, a second visit to the neurologist (this time to a different specialist). She prescribed injections of Traumeel, Neurorubin and something else (vitamins, if I’m not mistaken). The course was strictly followed - the result was minimal. I feel better overall, but the numbness has not gone away and still occurs in fits and starts.

As a result, a repeat visit to the neurologist. Prescribes massage along the thoracic region and acupuncture. I signed up for a massage (there was no way to pay for acupuncture) and started going to the pool. Immediately after the fifth massage session, I felt a slight pain in the thoracic spine (on the left, just below the lungs). In the evening I went to the pool. In the morning I could not get out of bed - very sharp pain in this area and the inability to turn around.

I contacted a neurologist. Considering my frequent visits to her and the exacerbation, she suggested hospitalization. I agreed. She was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of vertebral taralgia with severe pain and muscle-tonic syndrome.

Neurological status: Cranial nerves without pathologies, paresis, plegia were not detected (sorry for possible inaccuracy in terms - I’m translating from Ukrainian). Deep reflexes are alive: hand D=S, knee D=S, Achilles D=S. No pathological reflexes were detected. “Palpation” severe pain in the paravertebral points of the thoracic spine, more on the left. Voltage long muscles thoracic spine – 3 cm.

L-lysine escinate, xefocam, mydocalm, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone, amplipulse. They did an MRI of the thoracic region - everything was clear. Initial stages osteochondrosis.

Result: the pain went away almost on the second day. I could move easily. The numbness remained, but occurred much less frequently.

Observations of the patient: It seemed to me that I was admitted to the hospital “on a cumulative basis,” as they say. On the second day I felt fine, the pain was almost gone. Numbness remained, but occurred less frequently. Having observed the reasons for its occurrence and analyzed past experience, I concluded that it occurs mainly in the “sitting” position, very rarely “lying down” and almost never “standing”. Since I mostly lay and walked in the hospital, numbness did not occur.

Discharged after seven days. The numbness remained; in response to comments about this, the attending physician advised me to do exercise therapy and try to relax the tense muscles. However, I have always been involved in gymnastics (in the common sense) and sports in general. Also, I have had an Evminov applicator at home for four years now, on which classes were also more or less systematically conducted according to a scheduled program (I contacted them in 2007 with two small protrusions in the lumbar region and instability in the cervical region. This did not cause me any particular concern then, but I decided play it safe and started studying. Everything went fine).

Immediately after discharge I went to work. Office work, sedentary. The numbness returned immediately and in a very intense form. Moreover, after treatment I began to notice “twitching” of the nerves. For example, a nerve in the arm or in the intercostal space could involuntarily begin to “twitch”. There were also sudden pain impulses of unknown origin - in the heel, in the left arm in the area of ​​the shoulder blade, even in thumb. Plus, a nervous tic in the right eyelid was noticed. Against the background of aggravated chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis and low-grade fever - you know what the condition was. However, I tried not to lose heart and continued to do exercises in the morning, practice on the board, follow a daily routine, and do small warm-ups at work.

A week has passed and the condition has not improved ( we're talking about about numbness, not tonsillitis). In general, it has been tormenting me for more than three months and it makes me think.

Judging by all the symptoms (naturally, which are described on the Internet), this is very similar to intercostal neuralgia(although for some reason not a single neurologist made such a diagnosis).

I probably would have continued working in the chosen direction (doing exercises, resuming the swimming pool), if not for the incident tonight. At two o'clock I woke up from a sharp, impulsive pain in the right region of the chest. It was a sinful thing to think in my heart. I took several deep breaths - the pain did not intensify, while remaining the same sharp and throbbing. I made several physical movements - the pain did not intensify, while remaining the same sharp and throbbing. Got up, went to the kitchen, drank water. The pain began to subside a little, but mild cramps (or severe trembling) began throughout the body. I hid myself warmer and tried to sleep. The convulsions continued for some time, then he apparently fell asleep.

This morning I remembered that a very similar “attack” first happened in August (that is, it turns out shortly before the onset of numbness). I felt a sharp pain in my chest, then I started having mild cramps and the urge to defecate. However, I cannot categorically connect this directly with the “numbness” that arose, since there was no direct connection - it did not arise the next day, but a little later.

Now the situation is not the best. Periodically painful impulses in the chest area, which, no matter how you look at it, makes you think about possible complications. Therefore, I decided to seek advice.

And so, in connection with the above I have a few questions, gentlemen, experts. I want to emphasize that I am not asking for a diagnosis in absentia, I am only asking for guidance in the direction of my treatment.

1. What additional tests would you recommend I do to determine the cause of this numbness?
Let me remind you that there is an X-ray and an MRI of the thoracic region (everything seems to be clean there).

2. Can all the above symptoms be attributed to a purely neurological problem and exclude the influence on the heart situation? If not, what examinations need to be done to rule out heart problems (I emphasize that I have never had any heart problems).

3. Do all of the above symptoms fall under the concept of intercostal neuralgia? If so, can intercostal neuralgia progress and cause heart complications, for example. And can it “go away” on its own?

4. Could all the symptoms described above become just products of the psyche? I pose this question because I anticipate possible comments and advice from a psychotherapist. Of course, they may have some basis, I cannot deny this (especially since denial in psychiatry can, in certain cases, be treated as one of the signs of a disease). My opinion on this issue: psychosomatics is present, but it only deepens the colors of this problem in my mind, but is in no way the root cause.

Thank you very much to everyone who read this long text to the end. I tried to write as briefly as possible, objectively, dryly and as if from the position of an observer.

I really hope that you, dear specialists, will be able to devote your precious time to my problem and express your opinion. If any of the forum members have also encountered this, please describe your experience.

P.S. I understand that there are people on the forum with more serious at the moment diseases, but believe me, for me this is all very serious. Therefore, I ask for your understanding.

Good health to everyone and take care of yourself!

Hello, doctor. Numb left side faces, diction became unclear. There are also periodic pains in the chest, a feeling of broken ribs, sudden suffocation and headache.

Doctor's answer:
Hello, Olga.
Unfortunately, too little information is provided to make a preliminary diagnosis. Numbness on the left side of the face and unclear diction are associated with impaired blood supply to the cranial nerves, which, due to malnutrition, function poorly. The most common causes of such disorders are vascular atherosclerosis, spasm due to high blood pressure, vertebrogenic vascular damage due to cervical osteochondrosis and the possible presence of intervertebral hernias. In this case, it is necessary to take vascular medications and B vitamins.

Headache can occur for the same reasons, and can also be a consequence of muscle tension in the cervical spine. In this case, muscle relaxants and massage of the cervical spine are prescribed. Pain in the chest is paroxysmal, sharp and occurs with intercostal neuralgia during hypothermia, stress, physical activity or prolonged forced position. In this case, muscle relaxants, massage are also used, and daily exercises are also advisable.

To identify the causes of your condition and prescribe the correct treatment, you need to undergo examinations in the form of an MRI of the brain to exclude encephalopathy, neoplasms, foci of ischemia, and an ultrasound scan of the central nervous system to exclude atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brachiocephalic trunk and vertebrogenic damage to the vessels supplying the brain. Also, to exclude osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias, you should undergo an X-ray or MRI of the cervical and thoracic spine. With the results of all examinations, you should contact a neurologist for an in-person examination and treatment.

The symptoms you indicated are quite serious and without proper treatment the symptoms can progress, leading to irreversible consequences, so it is advisable to undergo examinations as soon as possible.
Health to you!

Good afternoon A month ago, my breasts began to feel numb, or as if my milk was coming in. These sensations are momentary and quickly pass. There is no pain. What could this be connected with? I felt my chest for lumps, but found nothing.

Hello, Hello! Perhaps there is a hormonal imbalance, it is worth visiting an endocrinologist and taking hormones. With uv., Alexandrov P.A.

Clarification question

ANSWERED: 05/11/2016

Hello, start by taking pictures of the thoracic spine. It is quite possible that your complaints are related to changes in body position

Clarification question

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