Balayage for black hair. Balayage - hair coloring technique

Hairdressers surprise us with interesting and stylish new products more and more often. This season, the Balayage hair coloring technique is very popular, which is suitable for all hair without exception: blondes, brunettes, long-haired girls, and ladies with an elegant bob look great with this coloring! Don't believe me? See for yourself!

Balayage coloring technique

WITH French“balayage” is translated as “sweeping” - and this accurately reflects the technique of performing such coloring. The dye is distributed through the hair with a careless and light movement, reminiscent of sweeping - this is where the name comes from! Undoubtedly, French masters are best at this type of coloring, but our specialists can also perform excellent this technique. However, before going to the salon, look through the master’s portfolio so as not to get the wrong result!

There are several variations of balayage coloring:

  1. Closed dyeing, in which each strand is wrapped in foil or film. This will help you get a richer result in short time, however, this method can damage your hair. In addition, the master cannot monitor the color change;
  2. Open dyeing that does not use foil. This classic version, but only professionals with good experience such coloring: as a result, this option is more expensive;
  3. Straight coloring done without pulling the hair. Otherwise, it is similar to the second option, but it looks more natural. Typically used on short and medium length hair

Balayage differs from ombre in that the hair is not dyed with a sharp transition from one color to another, but chaotically, in separate strands. That is why this effect is most noticeable on long hair: if a girl has short hair, this coloring can be confused with both ombre and California highlighting.

The easiest way to color balayage is on dark hair. This is an easy and least expensive option: dark-haired girls do not need to pre-tint or darken their roots! For them, the whole procedure comes down to lightening the strands and then shading them.

But for blondes and fair-haired girls, such a procedure will cost more: their hair is quite light by nature or after dyeing it will first have to be dyed darker natural color so that the color transition is noticeable. Most often they make a transition from dark or medium brown to blonde; it looks very natural and beautiful.

Balayage for long hair

This is the simplest coloring that looks very impressive. When performing balayage on long hair The artist must consider several things: the difference in tones that suits his client, the strands she wants to highlight, and her preferred technique. Most craftsmen use foil, despite the fact that this is not a classic method - it’s just faster and easier. If you are afraid of ruining your hair, refrain from this method!

Balayage coloring for long hair is done as follows:

  1. If necessary, the hair at the roots is darkened to a natural and natural color. It's important to discuss root color in advance unless you want to be too dark. Red hair is pre-lightened on those strands that were chosen by the master and the client;
  2. The lightening paint is applied to the stretched strand with a flat brush using light, sweeping and slightly careless movements. This is called "color stretching" and it is important that your artist is experienced in this type of paint application;
  3. The dyed strand is wrapped on top with a film or left in a free state - it all depends on what technique your master uses. The dye stays on the hair for some time and is then washed off;
  4. After dyeing, the bleached strands are additionally shaded if their shade contains unnatural yellowness. If the resulting color suits both the client and the artist, this point is skipped;
  5. And finally, another layer of paint is applied - this time to the roots, just a few strands. These strands should be located far enough from each other, but at the same time look very natural and simple.

Balayage coloring for long hair is complete!

For medium hair, this type of dyeing is performed in almost the same way, but it is worth considering that such a soft and smooth transition of colors as when dyeing long hair will not work. However, on medium-length hair, “balayage” looks no less impressive - with an elongated bob, styled beautiful curls, this coloring will be simply incomparable!

Balayage for short hair

On short hair ah, balayage coloring is done in rows, so the effect can be similar to highlighting. It is unlikely that most of your friends will notice the difference, and you will have to pay quite a bit more! Some masters even refuse to do this type of coloring for short hair, but, fortunately, there are craftsmen who can do it.

The balayage dyeing technique for short hair is performed as follows:

  1. If necessary, the hair roots are dyed in a more dark color;
  2. Strands along the entire length are combed so that the ends of the hair are on top - one might say, the master turns you into a “hedgehog”. The bouffant is secured with varnish for convenience;
  3. Paint is applied to the ends so that it does not flow down and secured with foil. It's worth noting that there is no tension on short hair when performing this technique;
  4. The coloring composition is carefully washed off, the hair is dried, and then tinted into a more natural, cool shade if the color of the bleached strands looks yellow.

So, balayage coloring for short hair is done!

And finally, a few unusual examples of such coloring in the photo:

You enthusiastically look through magazines with photographs of celebrity hairstyles and think, “maybe I should dye my hair like that?” You doubt whether this color will suit you, how it will look, and in general whether it will work... Now fashionable words - shatush, ombre, bronding beckon you with their mysterious names. Well, then it’s time to talk about how coloring is done balayage hair what it is and how to care for it.

Balayage is a beautiful and sonorous hairdressing term that came to us from France. We can literally translate it as “sweeping.” The point of this coloring is to create the effect of sun-bleached strands. Technically and visually, this technique is very unusual, it requires a creative approach from the master, it gives fresh impressions, new sensations to you - as a direct participant in this action.

We are tired of classic highlights, rich chocolate shades, expensive blondes. I want something new and fresh. Here we remember that there is the good old balayage coloring technique. There is a lot of disagreement and controversy surrounding this coloring. Each stylist means something different by this term. Let's remember that everything new is well forgotten old. Balayage was once popular a long time ago, then forgotten, and now it is returning to us, having found a new breath.

Hair coloring using the balayage method is suitable for many girls and will also suit women of any age. But let’s not rush, let’s talk in detail about why and for whom this procedure is.

Why do we need balayage?

Nature never makes mistakes - this is a well-known expression. In this case, its meaning can be fully understood. For a long time we preferred cool shades and experienced a boom in delicious chocolate colors. We went to the other extreme - blondes, of all shades and levels of tone depth. So what do we have?

Every girl knows for sure that when you paint a very dark color, your skin often looks paler. You have to adapt, use different makeup tricks. The same thing with light colors - you have to fight either with pale skin, or focus on the eyes or lips. Let's remember the rule of the golden mean and the fact that there is balayage hair coloring. This method is a good way out of the situation; this coloring is very convenient, one might say, universal. Ideally, it is performed on natural hair.

The main work happens only at the tips. If the balayage coloring technique is performed correctly, we get a smooth stretch of color, from dark or natural to any shade of light. Natural hair goes perfectly with your eye color, skin tone, you don’t look pale or colorless, because nature has thought of everything!

Light ends and the right shade for tinting will complement the beauty already created by nature, add freshness and enthusiasm, plus - it’s very fashionable. This method also works on colored hair. The result is interesting, and there can be a lot of options for such work. The master must work with different shades to create volume, play of color, subtle transitions and highlights.

Balayage helps solve quite a lot of problems regarding volume, haircut silhouette, and growing roots. Perfectly refreshes the face. Naturalness is the trend now - the main principle of this method. A well-executed balayage dyeing technique kills two birds with one stone - it saves time and does not damage the hair.

Benefits of coloring

  • For those who do not want to part with their hair length, coloring allows you to refresh your haircut and give it new accents, thanks to the color transition
  • By correctly placing the highlights, you can correct the oval of the face. Emphasize the texture of the haircut
  • Balayage refreshes the face, which means it will be relevant for middle-aged women. Gray hair can be touched up as the roots grow. Light ends, especially if the hair is short, make the roots less noticeable. In fact, you can paint less often than with plain coloring.
  • Looks good on curly hair. Even a sharp transition in color will be softened by soft curls. If desired, straighten your hair and get a completely different hairstyle. A more graphic technique of balayage coloring allows you to change the image very effectively.
  • Not the entire hair fiber is involved in the work. Dye and lightening powder are applied only to the ends of the hair. This is the biggest advantage of this technique
  • The hair is not wrapped in foil, there is no need to keep it under the climazone. That is, we do not create additional conditions for acceleration chemical reaction. The brightening composition is working naturally. This means that the quality of the hair suffers minimally. This is another big plus.

Disadvantages of coloring

  • It does not always look aesthetically pleasing and beautiful. This can happen for two reasons. The first is that the transition is made very abruptly or it simply does not exist. On straight hair, if you do not style it with curling irons or brushing, it will look rough. The second reason is that if balayage hair coloring is done on previously colored dark hair, the ends may turn out red or dirty red.
  • Daily styling is necessary. Yes, there are no miracles. Balayage looks expensive and only effective with styling. Ideally - on curls. But you can also simply curl the ends with brushing. If you don’t do this, you’ll get the effect of roots growing over half your head.
  • Hair coloring using the balayage method is best done by an experienced hairdresser. The technology for doing the work is not as simple as it seems at first glance. You need to take into account the texture, quality, type, length of hair, haircut. In fact, the technique is selected individually
  • Sometimes, before applying the dye, it is necessary to backcomb the hair to achieve special effects. A lightening agent is applied to the backcomb, and this can adversely affect the quality of the hair. Very often the ends end up having to be trimmed.

We recommend that you carefully weigh the pros and cons. Photos of stars with natural flowing curls are hard work large quantity professionals, appropriate care, styling. Are you ready to pay $1000 for the work of a master of this level? There is a myth that balayage is a coloring for the lazy, but, alas, this is far from the case.

Modern balayage

Modern stylists and technologists have revived and breathed new ideas, colors and meaning into this coloring. The balayage coloring technique as interpreted by the Loreal brand is very interesting. They were among the first to revive and actively promote this method. A wide variety of dyes, personal dyeing techniques, care and special styling tools allow you to create trendy looks. The effect of burnt hair, “beach styling” is new look from a hairdressing guru.

Modern materials, individual approach masters will help you create an image that reflects your mood and essence. It is very important to color bleached ends in pink, blue, lilac, green (malachite) shades.

The massive popularization of balayage hair coloring has given rise to corresponding professional products. You will be at the peak of fashion by purchasing special colored hair chalks or toners. They apply very easily and wash off in 1 – 2 washes. The composition of these products does not penetrate deep into the hair and does not affect its structure or quality. Gives the image a zest, very suitable for young girls. Looks impressive on brunettes, especially blue shades. Pink strands go well with blonde shades. Yes, yes, this is also true for hair dyed in one tone, and not just for balayage.

Modern fashion tends to maintain naturalness in the image. ABOUT beautiful hair all women and girls dream.

You can add luxury and at the same time naturalness with the help of balayage. The play of colors gives the hair a natural look. The hair acquires a depth of color, and the curls begin to sparkle and shimmer.

Balayage is highlighting done in a slightly different way. The ends of hairs dyed using this method differ in color from the rest of the strands.

Translation into Russian from French of the word balayage means sweeping. When dyeing using this method, the old dye is, figuratively speaking, swept away from the ends of the hair.

After balayage, there is no need to apply makeup often to maintain a neat appearance of your hair.

This helps protect hair from harmful effects. chemicals and reducing harm to them. In addition, this allows you to save on visiting the salon.

The result of hair coloring in this way looks more impressive on the hairstyles of those with dark curls. You can experiment with different color schemes , creating the image you like.

For bold personalities, brightness and contrast of the colors used are suitable. For women of a calm nature, it is enough to add only sun highlights to the strands. Romantic girls They prefer honey, golden or caramel colors.

Brunettes should try coffee or chocolate shades. On blue-black hair you can add a silver tint or imitation of gray hair.

Those who like to stand out from the crowd prefer shades of aged bronze, autumn foliage or red wine. A bright color will look unusual on your hair.. You can use it to slightly shade the length of the strands or simply color the ends.

Balayage depending on hair color

The balayage technique for dark hair (photo below) is selected depending on the hair color. Coloring can be done either with one color or using several shades.

By using this technique on dark strands, you can create the appearance of thicker hair., while sparse hair acquires additional volume thanks to non-uniformly colored strands. For the second tone, paint similar to the natural color is selected.

The use of contrasting and bright colors will give a woman individuality.

Balayage will also help if a brunette has a desire to feel like a blonde, transforming herself with minimal harmful effects on her hair. In this case, the top of the head remains its natural color, but the rest of the strands acquire lighter tones.

This dyeing method can be used on both straight, wavy or intensely curly hair. After that there is no need to regularly touch up regrown roots, as if you had to do with a radical change in shade.

Variants of coloring results can be compared in the presented photographs of women.

Ash balayage for dark hair

The color of the paint using the balayage technique is selected based on the color type of the woman’s appearance.

Usage ashy shades Suitable for women with lighter hair. On dark strands this color looks much more contrasting. But women who like to experiment may like this option.

The difficulty of such coloring lies in the obligatory bleaching of the ends, followed by the application of an ashy tone.

Attention! If there is a lot of red pigment in your hair, then the desired color may not work out, and when applying ash dye, the ends of the curls will acquire a greenish tint. Therefore, it is better to first consult with an experienced specialist on the issue of such coloring.

Red balayage on dark hair

This season, balayage of red flowers on dark hair is the most fashion trend. Shades range from copper to bright red.

The paint can be applied to the ends of the strands or a smoothly transitional stretch of color can be done to approximately the middle of the length.

Caramel balayage for dark hair

The shade of toffee or caramel candy looks natural on the hairstyles of brown-haired women. Natural transition to more light color provides the effect of sun-bleached hair, especially with a smooth transition of shades.

A clear border between colors will look interesting on girls who like to stand out.

Red balayage for dark hair

Applying red shades to dark hair suits extravagant female representatives.

This type of balayage will look more impressive on girls if their hair is colored eggplant.

Gray balayage on dark hair

When dyeing gray ends of dark hair, creating a noble shimmer. This is achieved if stretching of shades is carried out almost along the entire length of the curls. This way you can give your hair a metallic sheen and add naturalness to your hairstyle.

Gray dyeing is best used for hair that does not have a reddish tint.

Balayage highlights on dark hair

Using the balayage highlighting technique allows you to quickly transform your appearance without radically changing the main shade of your hair. Dyeing thin strands with this technique will not only add color variety, but will also visually increase the volume of the hair.

The paint can be selected from the proposed options of the same color or from radically opposite shades. The colors of the paints used for this method of painting may vary. depending on the time of year and individual desire.

Balayage on colored dark hair

If a woman has to wear full makeup, for example, because of gray hair, then this is not a reason to refuse to use the balayage method. By applying paint along the length of the hair, the master gives it visual volume and achieves a unique shade.

Using this dyeing technique, you can create the effect of burnt strands. Of course, such hair will require additional care using masks and balms to soften and heal the strands after the aggressive effects of dyes.

Then, if necessary, for 2-3 months on such hair periodically you will have to carefully apply paint to the regrown roots so as not to spoil the strands dyed using the balayage technique.

Balayage on dark brown hair (photo)

In our country The most common women are those with dark brown hair. It is believed that using the “balayage” technique on such strands can add both harmony and effectiveness to them.

On dark brown hair, this dyeing technique can be used to create from light natural highlights to radically provocative strands. If you look at the photographs presented, you can see the result of such a transformation of women.

Balayage for dark long hair (photo)

This method is used for hair of almost any length and all shades., but it looks most successful on strands of dark colors.

Using the balayage technique on very long hair creates highlights along the entire length.

If desired, on hair of dark shades, you can use dyes of contrasting colors, which are replaced without stretch marks. This gives the owner of such a hairstyle individuality.

This method allows hair to look well-groomed for a long time., since the procedure does not change the color of the roots. Even if it is not possible to visit the hairdresser often, regrown hair will look beautiful for a long time.

You can compare the results before and after staining in the photo below.

Balayage for medium-length dark hair (photo)

When using the balayage technique on shoulder-length hair, you can create a natural, smooth transition using several colors or one, but with different intensities.

Dyed strands, being close to the face, add color not only to the hairstyle, but also highlight the color of the skin.

That's why When choosing paints, you should also pay attention to skin color. Photos of girls with dark hair after applying paint using the balayage technique confirm this.


Balayage for dark short hair (photo)

The dyeing method in question is intended mainly for hairstyles for medium or long hair, but a skilled hairdresser using this method can add volume and naturalness to short hairstyles.

Here, as well as for long hair, It is recommended to use two shades, to create a more natural look.

Balayage on dark hair (photo): bob

A bob haircut done on medium-length hair looks more impressive after applying balayage.

This dyeing technique is relevant for thin and sparse hair. Using color you can imitate visual splendor.

For women with a bob, curls lightened at the ends will add romance to the look.

Balayage for dark (short and long) hair with bangs (photo)

On hair of dark shades, the dye using the “balayage” method begins to be applied after retreating some distance from the crown. Almost the entire parietal surface of the head retains its primary color.

Therefore, in order not to disturb the intended image, on short bangs no paint is applied. If the bangs are long, then its bottom is also lightened or a shade similar to the rest of the range is applied.

Balayage for dark straight and curly hair: dyeing features

The balayage technique can revive both straight strands and wavy curls. Curls will help hide the sharp transition of colors.

According to the method of applying paint to straight or wavy hair there is no difference. The mixture is applied after dividing them into strands, depending on the color transition planned by the master.

Balayage for dark hair at home (technique and step-by-step photos):

Undoubtedly, a master hairdresser will color your hair with high quality. But you can experiment and apply the balayage technique yourself at home.

Knowing the basic techniques of this method will help you achieve the desired lightening of your strands. It is much easier to achieve the expected result if you follow step by step instructions with photos attached to the article.

Required materials and tools

The use of chemical dyes requires caution when working. It is necessary to eliminate the possibility of paint getting on clothing. For this purpose, it is better to use a special oilcloth cape.

If you want to do balayage for dark hair, the photo of which you see, use the services of professionals for the first time.

Besides this, you will need:

  • glass container for preparing the mixture;
  • crest;
  • brush or sponge;
  • hairpins;
  • food foil;
  • gloves;
  • paints of the required shades.

Step by step guide

Important to remember! Before you start dyeing your hair using the balayage technique, be sure to apply the main dye to the roots, and their ends are blond or lightened with chemical dyes. Only after this stage can you proceed directly to coloring the strands.

You should wash your hair first so that there are no such things left on them cosmetics, like foam, gel or balm, and then lighten the ends.

Balayage dyeing for dark hair, as in the photo, is suitable for hair of any length and any type.

Long hair is divided into equal 4 parts and secured with hairpins. Then each curl is dyed at the ends with the selected shade. You should start coloring the strands from the bottom. Thick hair painted with a sponge.

After the time required for staining has passed, the paint is washed off with water without adding shampoos, and then the hair is treated with balm. After 2 minutes of exposure to the product, the hair is finally washed and dried.

For medium length, a slightly different technique is used:

  1. The hair is pulled into a bun at the top of the head and tied tightly with an elastic band;
  2. The ends of the strands are treated with a lightening agent;
  3. The ends of the hair are smeared with the prepared dye (you must ensure that it does not flow onto the roots).

Medium hair can also be dyed by attaching small ponytails to the back of the head, crown and temples.

For short hair, the procedure for applying dye is simpler. After backcombing, the strands are fixed with varnish, and a small amount of dye is placed in prepared food foil caps. They are then attached to the ends of the hair.

Shatush and balayage for dark hair: distinctive features of the techniques

These techniques have several significant differences.

Using the “shatush” technique, dye is applied to individual strands, while balayage involves applying it to all ends without significant gaps.

Hair after dyeing using the “shatush” technique more closely resembles iridescent natural curls, and Balayage provides for a clearer separation of hair shades along a vertical line.

The balayage hairstyle lasts longer than the shatush type., since even regrown roots do not spoil the image conceived by the master, and a repeat visit to the hairdresser can be postponed for a longer time.

In terms of complexity, balayage is simpler, and if they wish, girls can handle this on their own. And shatush requires certain skills, so it is better to do it in beauty salons.

Balayage for dark hair: cost in salons

If you do not want or have the opportunity to do balayage yourself, you should use the services of a professional master.

The cost of such coloring varies depending on:

  • salon categories;
  • length of dyed strands.

On average across the country, dyeing short hair this way will cost about 1,500 rubles. If at the time of visiting the salon your hair has reached medium length, the cost of the service will increase by 1000 rubles. To the owners long curls you will have to part with an amount of 3,000 to 4,000 rubles.

Balayage hair dyeing: photo for dark hair

The advantage of hairstyles after coloring with this technique is that It will take less time to get your hair in order, while appearance It will remain interesting and vibrant for several months.

Thus, you can independently choose the color and type of balayage for yourself, consult with your hairdresser or stylist, and for a long time forget about constantly tinting your hair roots.

In this video you will see balayage on dark hair, photos before and after dyeing.

From this video you will learn how the procedure of coloring using the balayage technique takes place.

Balayage on black hair is far from a new coloring technique, which only gets better every year. It looks great and is perfect for those who want to change but are afraid to do so.

What is balayage?

Translated from French, the name of this technique means “revenge”. In principle, this is the word that can be used to describe the entire dyeing procedure, because during balayage, the paint seems to be swept along the entire length of the hair. The ideal basis for this technique is considered natural hair dark colors - it will be easier to lighten them than previously painted ones.

Benefits of painting

Balayage on dark hair is in great demand for several reasons:

  • Makes hair thicker, gives volume and fullness;
  • Helps change your look without radically changing your natural hair color;
  • Does not require frequent corrections;
  • Has a gentle effect - does not affect the roots;
  • It has an affordable price;
  • Opens up a lot of scope for fashionable experiments, because during the procedure you can safely apply any shade you like;
  • There are no age restrictions - both young girls and those over 40 can try on a new look. Moreover, balayage can hide gray hair, which women of all ages will certainly appreciate;
  • Can be safely used for hair of any length, structure and thickness - it looks equally beautiful on both straight and curly strands. By the way, if the transition turned out to be very abrupt, then it is the curls that will correct this nuance;
  • Looks very nice - stylish effect balayage has already been appreciated by stars, famous business women and ordinary beauties;
  • Thanks to the play of color, it softens facial features.

Advice! To make the transition of tones smooth and almost imperceptible, lighten the ends of the strands by only 2-3 tones. It is not worth trying to completely remove the black pigment - this harms the hair and makes the gradient clearer and brighter.

Who suits balayage?

Balayage dyeing for black hair suits many women. This is the optimal solution for those who want to transform from a brunette to a blonde. Owners of thin and weak hair can also use this technique. The main thing is that they are not processed natural dyes(for example, henna and basma). Then the result of painting can be very unexpected.

Advice! When deciding to do balayage, first choose a haircut, and only after that consider the shades.

Types of balayage for brunettes

Balayage for black hair is performed using several techniques. The transition of tones into each other can be smooth, blurry, or strict and clear. The coloring composition itself can be safely applied along the entire length of the hair or only at the ends. Let's look together at the main types of this coloring.

Full balayage

This technique involves processing most of the hair. Perhaps it will give your hair the most voluminous volume. Full hair balayage is performed in stages. To begin with, the master lightens the strands in the crown area, then treats the middle part with the main tone, and at the end of the session, paints over several front strands framing the face.

Medium balayage

In this case, the master selects several thin strands from the bulk of the hair and dyes them with a lightening composition. Then the tone is applied. Everything looks very gentle, unobtrusive, light and as natural as possible. Thanks to the chaotic choice of curls, you can get the effect of burnt strands. If the hairstyle has bangs, do not dye it completely - a few strands will be enough.

Balayage on the tips

This dyeing method is based on working only the lower part of the strands. The method of tinting the ends depends entirely on the client’s preferences - you can paint them in both perfectly even and asymmetrical areas. TO last option The daring young girls should take a closer look. It will certainly allow you to stand out from the crowd and declare your originality.

Photo balayage

A very unusual method, in which the color stretching is done very smoothly, and the tips differ from the main shade by about 2-3 tones. For all its blurriness and softness, the contrast of photo-balayage will be quite obvious.

Balayage near the face

As you can see in these photos, this type of coloring involves highlighting and tinting only those strands that frame the face. This refreshes the face, emphasizes the oval and attracts the eye to expressive features. It’s not for nothing that this method is considered the most gentle, because you don’t have to radically change the color.

Gradient balayage

The gradient technique uses several shades at once, smoothly transitioning into each other. Colors can be both classic and bright. In any case, the image will be quite unusual.

Colored balayage

With the help of colored balayage, both curly and straight hair will shine with completely new colors. Red, blue, emerald - the choice is quite large. When doing it, take into account your natural color type and highlight your eyes with a new hair color.

Coloring for different lengths

The choice of dyeing technique is influenced not only by a woman’s personal preferences, but also by the length of her hair:

  • Short hair - first the strands are combed to such a state that the ends “stand” almost vertically. If they are soft and difficult to comb, you can use varnish. Then the foil is cut into small squares (according to the size of each strand), smeared with a coloring compound, applied to the ends and wrapped on all sides. After some time, the paint is washed off with water. Of course, not all hairstyles are suitable for balayage. This technique looks best on a graduated bob and black bob;
    Medium length hair - the hair is divided into several equal zones and tied into ponytails. The area near the elastic bands is wrapped in foil, and the ends are lightened and tinted with the composition using a wide brush or an ordinary sponge;
  • Balayage for long black hair is done in two ways. The first - using rubber bands - is simpler and faster. The second one needs more time and effort. In this case, several thin strands are randomly selected from the total mass, placed under foil, coated with paint and wrapped. It is better to apply the composition somewhat asymmetrically - then the painting result will look natural.

In the following video you can familiarize yourself with the technique of performing balayage on dark hair:

How to choose a shade?

For this coloring technique, either one or several shades are used. The following tones are the most popular.


Ash notes look perfect on a dark base. This type of balayage is suitable for girls with fair skin and gray eyes. The optimal length is slightly below the shoulder blades.

Important! Remember, gray strands can add extra years and highlight all the wrinkles. It is for this reason that ladies over 30 need to be more careful with this complex shade.


Balayage in red tones is a real trend of the season. Different colors are in fashion - from bright red to copper. The dye can be applied only to the ends of the hair or smoothly stretched along the entire length of the hair.


Caramel shades are considered traditional for balayage. They perfectly emphasize the depth of dark strands and make the hair more stylish and light. If you make the transition at the ends lighter, you will get the effect of burnt strands. For those who like non-standard solutions, we advise you to make a clear and clearly visible border.


Quite a bold choice that will surely appeal to extravagant women. Experts say that red balayage looks most impressive on black with an eggplant undertone.


To perform this technique, blonde, beige and golden are often used. Light colors They add lightness and romance to the image, refresh the complexion, and make it look younger. Moreover, all of them can be combined with each other - it will turn out even better.

Advice! Burning brunettes will need to be lightened with a special superblonde to dye their hair in light shades. This is a powerful powder that is mixed with a gentle oxidizing agent. Some may need several of these sessions.

For colored hair

The need to regularly cover your gray hair is not a reason to refuse coloring. Balayage on black dyed hair looks very beautiful and is in no way inferior to others fashionable options. Thanks to this technique, you will be able to dilute the depth of the dark color and give volume to the strands.

Important! Such hair requires special care, because it is dyed along its entire length. Be sure to use masks and balms - they will soften the negative effects of chemical components. In order not to spoil the strands dyed using the balayage technique, be very careful when applying paint to the root zone.

We do the coloring ourselves

The good thing about balayage is that it can be done at home. Detailed step-by-step instructions will help you do this.

You will need:

  • Foil;
  • Dye;
  • Elastic bands;
  • Clarifier;
  • Wide-toothed comb;
  • Brush or sponge;
  • Mixing container;
  • Cape;
  • Gloves;
  • Clamps;
  • Towel;
  • Shampoo;
  • Balm.

The process itself looks like this:

  • Separate top part hair and secure it with clips.
  • At the bottom, select several thin strands (3-4 cm).
  • Secure each strand with a silicone rubber band.
  • Prepare clarifier according to package directions.
  • Apply the lightener, moving a few centimeters away from the roots.
  • Massage with your hands so that the product lies evenly.
  • Use the fine tip of a comb to separate a new layer and repeat the process. Place foil under the dyed strands.
  • Wait right time(10-15 minutes) and rinse the strands with water. Exact date depends on the result you want to get.
  • Mix the paint with the oxidizing agent in the proportions specified in the instructions.
  • Tint bleached curls.
  • Wrap them in foil.
  • Wait the required time (no more than half an hour).
  • Wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Apply a mask or balm.

Important! To make the transition soft, apply the composition with a brush or comb the strands. For sharp and clear lines, you can use a sponge.

How to care for balayage?

This technique does not require complex maintenance, but a few important rules still worth doing.

  • Rule 1. Wash your hair with shampoo specially labeled “for colored hair.”
  • Rule 2: Apply moisturizers regularly.
  • Rule 3: Apply once a week nourishing mask home or store made.
  • Rule 4. Do not repeat the procedure too often - 4 sessions per year will be quite enough. If absolutely necessary, touch up your curls with neat strokes.
  • Rule 5. Lubricate the ends with oil - olive, castor, burdock or almond.
  • Rule 6. Protect your hair from exposure to chlorinated water and direct sunlight. They wash out the paint.
  • Rule 7. Do not comb wet strands.
  • Rule 8. Eliminate the use of hair dryers, straighteners and curlers.
  • Rule 9. Do not abuse styling products.
  • Rule 10. Take vitamins for hair, nails and skin.

Surely many people are familiar with this hair coloring technique called highlighting. However, over the past couple of years, modern stylists have given us such techniques as ombre, shatush and, of course, balayage. These names don’t mean anything to us, but each of these highlighting techniques has its own subtleties and features. In this article we will talk in detail about such a technique of highlighting and dyeing hair as balayage.

What is balayage?

In general, “balayage” means “revenge” in French. Indeed, the stylist, wielding the brush like a broom, creates stunning color transitions, professionally maneuvering between darkened roots and lighter ends. This play of shades creates naturalness and naturalness. The balayage technique differs from others in that hair coloring begins approximately from the middle. Balayage implies the presence of a maximum of three different shades, which should flow very smoothly into one another. There are no clear boundaries in this coloring. The paint is applied to the strands like the Latin letter “V”. The coloring itself begins from the sides and gradually moves to the middle.

Balayage coloring is suitable for absolutely any hair type. Even thin and porous hair can be given the desired volume and stunning shine using this technique. In addition, using this technique, hair damage is minimized, since only half of the hair length is dyed. However, many stylists also resort to full hair coloring, slightly changing the main shade.

Balayage hair coloring technique

Of course, stylists recommend turning to professionals for any type of coloring. After all, only a trained and prepared master with extensive experience can really transform you and perform coloring with high quality, quickly and skillfully. However, the services of such a master cost quite impressively. Hair coloring using the balayage technique can be done at home. But be prepared that you may not succeed the first time. In any case, if all the rules and subtleties are followed, the coloring should be on par.

So, first of all you need to prepare materials and tools:

  • Paint in suitable shades;
  • Dishes for mixing components;
  • Brush for applying paint;
  • Comb with a sharp tip;
  • Film, pre-cut into rectangles measuring approximately 30 by 15 centimeters;
  • Hair clips;
  • Hand protection (gloves).

After preparing everything you need, you can start painting:

  1. Initially, you need to put on means to protect your hands and clothing (gloves and a cape so that the paint does not stain your clothes).
  2. Next, you need to prepare the paint by mixing all the necessary components according to the instructions on the package.
  3. We start dyeing from the bottom of the hair, and secure the entire top with a clip. First of all, we paint the temporal and occipital parts.
  4. We divide the hair into separate strands, approximately 2-4 centimeters wide (the width depends on the thickness of your hair: the thicker the hair, the wider the strand).
  5. Most light shade We apply paint along the edges of the strand, shading a little towards the middle; we usually paint the ends.
  6. Apply paint of an intermediate shade to the middle of the strand, also not forgetting to shade it.
  7. Cover the dyed strands with film and move on to the next row of hair.
  8. We dye all the hair in the same way.
  9. After the time specified in the instructions has expired, wash off the paint.

Balayage dyeing for blonde hair

Balayage dyeing for dark hair