What should you do to enjoy your work? Life in the flow: how to enjoy work and everyday activities.

Life is structured in such a way that we spend most of our time performing long-familiar actions, every day we take the same route to work and back, we live according to a long-established routine. And interesting trips and holidays, compared to the main content of our lives, take up very little space. And a person gets tired - from monotony in general and from his work in particular.

Is it even possible to enjoy work?

First, it is important to understand yourself and understand: are you just tired or are there other reasons why you stopped enjoying work? Below are the most basic reasons and ways to overcome them.

1. You are completely disappointed in what you are doing.. Not every person feels his calling from early youth, one might even say, few people... Often people master a profession primarily as a source of income, without any particular attraction to it, and find their calling later. Or they don’t find it... In this case, if it is not possible to change jobs right now (more often than not, this happens), it helps a lot to realize that whether you like your business or not, it feeds you, and for that you need to be grateful to it. This approach is very calming.

Do your job well. When you do your job well, you feel satisfied with what you have done. This gives you incentive and purpose to keep working.

And if you have already decided on your vocation, but for now you are working “for money” and confidence in the future, do not rush to cut from the shoulder! Let your favorite activity grow out of your work field gradually, without denying the resources and possibilities of your current experience.

2. Relationships with work colleagues did not work out. If the relationship with the team does not work out, it is simply impossible to enjoy work. To prevent this from happening:

Don't gossip: silence is golden.
Do not get involved in intrigues, remain neutral.
Don't criticize your colleagues, even if they deserve it.
You are not given the opportunity to choose your colleagues, so be a philosopher: remember that every person has his own positive traits.

3. Your life is too monotonous. Making it more saturated is easier than it seems at first glance. Find time to do things that make you happy. Most often, the routine at the workplace seems so unbearable to us because life outside the office is no brighter. Have you been visiting for a long time? At the theater? The list of activities that can relieve boredom can be continued for quite a long time. The only reason we don’t take advantage of the opportunity to get fresh emotions is laziness and inertia. It is within our power to fix this.

4. You don't get enough rest. It is common for a person to feel mentally tired from time to time from any activity, even the most beloved one. Feeling the desire for novelty... This is normal: just accumulated fatigue makes what we are doing today insipid and boring. But it is very important to maintain in your mind an understanding of the benefits of your today's activity. The most best solution in this case, take a vacation and change the environment, of course, if possible. Surely, you will return to work full of enthusiasm again.

Don't confuse work and home. Learn to set boundaries beyond which work will not go: don’t take work home, relax, this time is yours. Don't even dare think about your work when you are resting.

Change the “picture” before your eyes more often. Change your environment periodically. Change your travel routes and lunch spots.

But, if you are completely fed up with work, it makes sense to think about how much the benefits of this work cover your psychological costs. There is no job for which you can sacrifice your mental health and slip into depression.

In general, it is very useful to periodically remember that work is only part of life. A very significant one, but still a part. And you can just pick up and leave any job. Life will, of course, change somehow, but it’s unlikely to stop... And in a few years you’ll hardly even remember it.

The newspaper tells for 15 minutes how to learn to find only the best in your work.

  1. Any task, even the most boring one, brings more pleasure if you focus on the positive aspects, writes the website faqlife.ru. After all, they probably exist. Write a list of arguments in favor of your work today. For example, “she makes me independent, I am able to buy food and clothes for myself, pay my rent,” “she provides me with a certain social status,” etc. This way you will consciously replace negativity with positive thoughts.
  2. If you are not satisfied with the labor process itself, then use all your wit and ingenuity to make it a source positive emotions. You can mentally challenge your colleagues to a “who is faster” competition. At the end of a certain stage, you declare yourself the winner and arrange a tea party or a short walk.
  3. Relax and think back to your first days in this job. Most likely, at the very beginning it did not seem boring and monotonous to you. Remember in detail how happy and a little worried you were on your first day of work, what you were wearing, how you looked from the outside, what you felt and saw around you. Relive pleasant moments of the past without comparing it with the present. Surely this will give you a charge of good mood.
  4. Take a closer look at yourself. How do you dress and act at work? Would you like to work with such a person? Everywhere, in addition to professionalism, a person’s friendliness, cheerfulness and reluctance to gossip are valued. Try to think of work as a place where a lot of interesting and fun things happen. After all, here you can enjoy a lot of things - informal communication with colleagues, exchanging jokes with your boss, communicating with interesting clients. Change your behavior and maybe even your wardrobe.
  5. Many people are convinced that you can’t trust anyone at work and it’s better not to be friends with anyone. Remember that your aloofness can alienate your co-workers. Their negative attitude will not make you happier. Even if a person considers himself independent of the opinions of other people, it still influences even the most insensitive. Whatever you do, feel like you're part of a team. In a team, you can gain confidence in your professionalism, find friends or at least buddies with whom you will always find something to talk about, and receive support in difficult times.
  6. Once you learn to have a positive attitude towards your work, remember that it will definitely respond to you in kind. After all, professional and career growth occurs only for those people who enjoy the process of work. Let us remember the famous saying: happy is he who is happy both when he goes to work and when he returns home.

Source: http://www.15minutes.com.ua

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Today's best companies, including Google and Zappos, have discovered that a fun work culture is populated by happy and positive people, leads to greater productivity and success for both businesses and people. Over the years in business as an employee, startup investor and CEO, I have found many reasons for positive results:

1. People are more productive at what they love to do.

When you have fun and are completely engaged in what you love, time flies and you get more done. Happy employees have been shown in studies to be able to increase their pace (productivity) without sacrificing quality. This, in turn, increases their self-confidence and motivation to do even more.

2. Happy people maintain a positive “can do” attitude.

A negative attitude can often lead to failure. If you don't believe you can do something, you usually won't do it. With a positive attitude, any new challenge that a business is never short of becomes an invigorating opportunity rather than an annoying waste of time.

3. Relaxation tends to improve creativity.

Constant stress, time pressure, tension and unhappiness causes people to switch off and reject new solutions or customer ideas. It becomes difficult for them to think outside the usual framework, to be creative and open to colleagues and managers. That's why companies like Twitter offer free yoga classes and free meals to employees.

4. Support collaboration in groups gives better results.

Teams where people are happy and respect each other are fueled by their energy. Joint brainstorming provides more innovative solutions. An unlucky member of the group “falls out” and ruins everything, or at least slows everyone down. Productive group decision making requires trust among team members.

5. Positive team members are not afraid to make mistakes.

They know that the joy of learning from failed experiments far outweighs the risk of being blamed for failure. There is no right or wrong way to go into an unknown new business. There are just new avenues that need to be tested to meet customer needs and stay ahead of the competition.

6. Leaders love to be surrounded by happy, productive people.

If you enjoy new business challenges and great opportunities, you should look at the leadership position from the employees' perspective. If you - a leader - exhibit a negative attitude and unhappiness, you have little chance of gaining the trust and attention of people who can change the situation for you.

7. Happy people are not afraid to ask for and give support.

Smart people surround themselves with people they respect and trust, and don't try to solve every problem alone. They step on their pride, ask for help when things get tough, listen carefully, and use people's recommendations. They also get satisfaction from mentoring.

8. Show leadership or be a happy employee.

Understand and take advantage of your strengths and weaknesses. Not everyone should or can be a leader. But every leader values ​​a productive employee who puts in the hard work, makes no excuses, and gets the satisfaction of a grateful customer and positive feedback from management. Enjoy your strengths.

If you can't find a job you enjoy in this age of entrepreneurship, it may be time to start your own business. According to a classic Wharton School of Business study, people who work in their own businesses are happier than those in any other profession, no matter how much money they make or how many times they fail.

If you are one of those people who still insists that business and pleasure are incompatible, I encourage you to look at it from a different perspective. Fun is the satisfaction of being able to do new things, develop your mind, and work with other people. If you can't find satisfaction in your own business or in any of the many interesting companies today, then I say you haven't been looking in the right place. Just enjoy it.

Does the thought of going to work cause you an involuntary shudder? Does work make you feel blue? The workday has just begun, and are you already thinking about lunch? It's time to stop being sad! Let work be a joy!

Decorate your workplace

What's the first thing you see when you come to work? That's right, yours workplace. The mood will depend on how you make it.

In addition to those items that are needed for work, put on the table things dear to your heart: photographs of relatives, souvenirs. Replace the default wallpaper on your computer desktop. Hang a calendar or poster with a slogan on the wall near your workplace that will certainly lift your spirits. Let every little thing bring joy. Create a positive work atmosphere around you!

Combine business with pleasure

At work, you need to take care of your health and beauty. For example, you can buy a small foot massage mat at the pharmacy and lightly move your feet on it several times a day. No one will see this, but your health and mood will improve.

You can also keep hand cream in your desk drawer to take care of your skin. This is both pleasant and useful.

Manage your time

Manage your time wisely. Time management has not yet been canceled. This system effective use Working time will also save a lot of nerves and mood. After all, no one likes the state when you can’t get anything done and it seems as if someone is constantly chasing you. Any work needs to be optimized and prioritized. It is best to plan your day in such a way that unpleasant tasks are completed in the first half of the day. If all the work is done on time, then psychologically it is perceived much easier.

There is safety in numbers

Of course, it’s impossible for everyone to like it, and there’s no need for that. Communicate with employees, take an interest in their activities and hobbies. It has a great effect on your emotional state, and going to work will be much more pleasant.

Lunch is not just for lunch

Lunch time can be used for more than just eating. Take a walk, go to the store, go to the solarium, read a book. There are countless options. The main thing is to be able to take your mind off thoughts about work.

Light is our everything

Lighting affects the working mood. If in the room where you are constantly located there is not enough time sunlight, the body begins to produce melatonin, the sleep hormone. As a result, you begin to feel drowsy. If you use an additional table lamp, it is possible to preserve not only your vigor, but also your vision.

Animals in the office

IN lately Pets began to appear in offices. Psychologists say that those who communicate more with their pets are less stressed. Of course, no one will let you have a St. Bernard in the office, but aquarium fish won’t bother anyone. And besides, watching them relaxes, gives you the opportunity to escape and relax.

Tasty and healthy

Eat dark chocolate, bananas, strawberries, grapes, milk drinks, bell peppers. These products contribute to the production of “happiness hormones” - endorphins. They don't harm your figure, but they really lift your spirits.

Life is full of colors!

Work is only part of life. Attend concerts and exhibitions, dance, go on dates and discos. Don't let work take away these colors of life. And the workday will go by faster if you know that something interesting awaits you in the evening.

Smile and remember: everything is in your hands, which means you can’t put them down. Have a good day!

There are so many ordinary employees in large companies who are dissatisfied with their work and do not get any pleasure from it.

Heavy thoughts also do not add to their work enthusiasm. What to do?

“People love to do something that makes them feel completely fulfilled,” explains Heather Wright, director of personal development company Leading Light. “Look at those who run marathons: they don’t do it for the sake of blisters on their feet, but for the sake of to feel the taste of victory when you reach the finish line. To feel like a happy worker, you should stop paying attention to those little things that you don’t like, and consider them as part of the final result that you are striving for.”

Set goals

The best way becoming happy in what you do means setting realistic goals for yourself. After all, how can you focus on the end result if you don't know what you want to achieve?

Whether your goals are related to work in general or just completing a task so you can spend more time on your personal life, it all comes down to the same basic principle. The secret is simple - you need to enjoy any successes and look at everything you do in life as part of a journey that will help you achieve your goals.

Change your thinking style

The advice that you should change the way you think may seem too bold to you, but many who have completed personal development training will confirm that it is possible and it will truly help change your prospects in your professional and personal life.

“We tell people to show how they usually behave, what they do and think,” continues Wright. “This way we give them the opportunity to see for themselves what they did wrong and what they were wrong about, and when they We are ready for this, we teach them to change their way of thinking, nipping at the root any negative impulses.”

For the uninitiated, this simply means applying a positive attitude to all areas of the work being done. Very often, those who are unhappy at work spend all their time thinking about aspects of the job that they don't like, or about the impact of boss or government decisions on their positions. They simply drag themselves down, and at the same time everyone around them.

“Instead of complaining about a job you hate, try to learn to love it,” suggests Wright. “For example, I learned to enjoy traffic jams because I listen to audiobooks in the car. When I get stuck on the road, I allow myself to listen to a book only until next chapter. So if I find myself in a tight traffic jam, it brings me real pleasure."

Strive for Excellence

"Be successful person at work is not only the ability to demonstrate your talents, but also the ability to demonstrate a positive attitude towards work, says Wright. “If you strive for excellence in everything you do, you will certainly be better at your job, which means you will have a better chance of being recognized and promoted.”

So, you need to overcome the negative attitude and break out of vicious circle failures. Anyone who feels like they're not getting anywhere in the workplace will be doomed to have a negative attitude toward work, but by taking a different look at the ingredients of success, it's possible to break this cycle. Even if you're in a low-level position and doing tasks that don't bring out your talents to their fullest potential, striving for excellence in everything you do can actually help you be happier. You will get satisfaction from achieved successes, and your positive attitude will help you stand out as a person with great potential.

So, to love your job, you need to.