How to properly develop a child's speech. How to develop not only coherent speech in a child, but also thinking

If up to two months the baby expresses all his needs only by loudly screaming or crying, then the situation changes radically.

The child’s speech develops like a snowball, progressively: first, an unconscious hum appears, imperceptibly it flows into babbling, and now the first syllables are heard, which gradually begin to form into the simplest words. The task of parents is to develop the child’s speech correctly, as pediatricians advise to do: talk to the baby without excessive “lisping”, clearly pronouncing all the words. This material is dedicated to how to quickly develop a child’s speech.

Early speech development of a child: humming, babbling, first syllables

The baby begins to make its first sounds very early, at 2-3 months. This is how a child’s speech develops up to one year: in response to his mother’s appearance and affectionate address, he will begin to pronounce drawn-out sounds consisting of the repetition of individual vowels: a-a-a-a, o-o-o-o, o-o-o-o- y and so on. From this baby's humming and babbling, the child's early speech development begins, speech is formed, and its formation and development depends on the quality of your communication with the child.

How to help a child develop speech correctly? In the first year of life, it is important for a child to hear how and what his mother and other family members say to him. He must learn to understand speech addressed to him and only then try to pronounce sounds himself. Conversations between adults are incomprehensible and uninteresting for a child, sometimes even tiresome when several people talk at the same time.

The peculiarity of the speech development of young children is that long before the child utters the first word, he already begins to master the language with the help of his ears. First, he listens and begins to understand the speech of his parents and loved ones, and then tries to imitate them by pronouncing sounds. It is still too early to call the sounds made by a child speech, because in the appearance of speech it is important not only the development of the speech apparatus, but primarily brain activity.

When a child meaningfully pronounces the word “mom” when his mother appears, this already indicates the formation of a speech function. In the meantime, he makes arbitrary sounds, and even syllables similar to words “ma-ma-ma”, “ba-ba-ba”, “da-da-da”, etc., he trains the speech apparatus and prepares it for many years of intensive work.

How to properly develop speech in a child under one year old

The task of the mother and other family members is to ensure that the baby hears spoken language more often and learns to understand it. Whenever addressing a child from birth, for the development of his speech, words must be pronounced correctly and clearly, any action must be commented on, all objects and the child’s environment must be constantly named so that he understands what the conversation is about.

How to develop a child’s speech in one year so that the baby quickly masters communication skills? You need to respond to the sounds he makes with words so that the child realizes that there is full communication between you.

The baby pronounces the first meaningful words at 11-12 months; Of course, these words become simple and understandable to him: mom, dad, baba, here, give. But he expresses all other various emotions with rich intonation and babble, consisting of more complex sounds. Until the age of one and a half, such communication is quite satisfactory for the baby and parents, but closer to the second birthday, speech begins to develop rapidly.

A real speech leap occurs, due to the development of brain activity, which is tuned to the perception, understanding and assimilation of the speech of an adult. And once speech becomes understandable, then mastering it is not difficult for a child, especially since his brain is more ready than ever to master everything new.

It is worth noting that the baby best understands the speech of people close to him, to whom he is accustomed, whose intonations and facial expressions are familiar to him from birth. The speech of a stranger may be incomprehensible to him because it has a different timbre, different intonation and articulation.

Speech development of a child at 2 years old: how to quickly help a child develop speech

The speech development of a child at 2 years old allows him to pronounce not individual words, but short sentences, actively uses not only the names of objects, but also denotes their actions, qualitative characteristics, and includes prepositions and conjunctions in his vocabulary.

How to develop speech in a child at this age? During this period, your communication with him becomes even more important. When talking with a child or among themselves, parents must pronounce words correctly and clearly, because he repeats after you not only the pronunciation, but also the intonation and pattern of speech.

Voice every desire and every action when going for a walk, washing the dishes or preparing the bath for a swim. Read books out loud, recite poems, sing songs, and involve your child in repeating and singing them together. Rhythmic nursery rhymes are easy to remember and are recited with pleasure by your child at your request.

He already knows the meanings and names of many objects and repeats them in various cases: “this is my shirt,” “I’m putting on a shirt,” “the dog is barking,” “I see a dog.”

A child masters any skill, including speech, better through play. Therefore, turn acquaintance with new words and memorize them into a game: put a familiar toy (doll) in a mitten (an unfamiliar object, an unfamiliar word) in front of the child’s eyes. Ask: “Where did this doll hide? Let's see if she's wearing a mitten? Let the baby get the toy himself, and you praise: “What a great guy!” I found a doll in a mitten.”

If you cannot pronounce a word correctly the first time, do not force your child to repeat it several times, as this will discourage you from mastering speech. But when the word is finally pronounced correctly, praise the child. And in general, never skimp on praise and affection. Positive emotions stimulate a child’s development and give impetus to understanding the world, including language development.

The age-related characteristics of children's speech development are such that girls begin to speak earlier, and boys lag behind in this matter, sometimes quite significantly. Finally, the girls will take revenge for the fact that they started walking later. If your baby is stubbornly silent, you should contact a specialist to rule out serious causes of silence: hearing loss, organic damage to the nervous system, genetic disorders.

If examinations by an otolaryngologist, psychoneurologist, or speech therapist do not reveal any pathology, then continue to work on speech development - and you will achieve success. After a long silence, your “mute” will speak - you cannot stop it, in full accordance with the wise saying: “It takes a person 2 years to learn to speak, and a whole life to learn to be silent.”

Hello, dear parents! Today I offer you an article about how to develop speech in a child, what you should pay attention to during certain periods, what games and entertainment will help you in this process, and how not to spoil the matter yourself. Many parents are in too much of a hurry, don't pay enough attention, and are impatient. All this can have a bad effect on the baby.

Up to 12 months

The very first way a child resorts to to begin to communicate with this world is screaming. This is how the baby shows how he feels, how he treats his parents, what he wants. Many mothers easily determine the intonation with which their baby screams. After all, the child needs to be shown that he is hungry, that he is uncomfortable with a wet diaper, that he is awake and wants attention.

The next stage is walking. At this moment, you can start playing goat and hide and seek with your baby. Remember that at any age, simple communication will contribute to the development of speech much more effectively than any games.

You need to talk kindly and calmly. Here it is important to catch the line and not overdo it when cooing with the baby, but also not to choose an adult tone that is too serious. When a child roars, it is your job to respond. Talk through all the actions you perform with your child.

Next, the toddler learns to babble. Tastes different syllables. This is “ma-ba-pa-la-ka” and so on. Here you can already focus on the words “ma-ma”, “pa-pa”, “ba-ba”. Speak clearly, let the baby try to copy you. Repeating after adults contributes to the good development of one’s own speech.

When pronouncing short words, watch the articulation, how the lips move, what the tongue does. The little one will look at you and try to repeat. At this moment, you can introduce your baby to music, show how different objects knock, what sounds toys make.

By the age of 1, you can safely ask your child to give you something or point to an object. Remember that the request must be short and clear. “Get up”, “Give me the doll”, “Drop it” and the like. Between one and a half years, the child begins to develop his first words. This is the next stage.

You may find the book very useful. Album on speech development for little ones».

Up to two years

Very often, children make the sound “Y” accompanied by a pointing gesture. Thus, your baby is trying to ask what this object is. He points at literally everything. Here you must be patient and calmly name item by item.

If it is a toy, please specify which one it is. You are currently developing a passive vocabulary. These are the words that the little one understands, but cannot yet say himself. The stock will become larger and larger and at one point will move from passive to active. Therefore, calmly name any object that the child points to with a greedy cry of “Y?”

As I already said, in the period from one to 1.5 years the baby begins to develop his first words. The simplest and easiest. Children begin to identify mom and dad, favorite toy, food. Many items can fall into the same category. For example, all toys can be designated by the word “yoke,” so the daughter of one of my clients meant all the toys and asked to be played with.

Different children focus on different categories of words. Some people use nouns more, while others focus on verbs.

Never forget about physical reinforcement. The little one gets to know the world through tactile sensations. What is a carpet? It's something soft and fleecy. Be sure to touch the carpet with your child if this is what you are talking about.

If the baby pays attention to the flower, then you can smell it and touch it. Try to give words in different combinations. “The flower smells”, “the flower loves the sun”, “the flower grows in a pot” and so on. This way children will remember the words better.

A child at 2 years old learns to generalize objects. Your task is to teach how to operate with objects. If you are learning the word spoon, then don't just show the spoon, but eat with the spoon, dig with the spoon, turn the spoon, wash the spoon. Thus, the baby will better remember the word and will not attribute the concept of spoon only to a specific object, but will make an association for all spoons.

Up to three years

It is very important to pay attention to articulation. You can purchase various wind instruments: pipe, whistle, waxwing. Thanks to the tools, the baby will blow, blow, and exercise his lips and tongue. All this, in turn, will lead to better development of the speech apparatus.

At 2.5 years old, many children can freely name objects, use generalized concepts, use the words “cold”, “dark”, and so on. Now your task is not just to teach your child to say everything, but to understand the structure of the sentence, teach him to connect words and construct the correct phrases.

You can start with an exercise on personal pronouns. You alternately say “I”, “you”, “we”, and your baby points with his finger: I - at myself, you - at you, we - at both of you.

Children do not always use verbs correctly. This is due to our multifaceted and complex language. Do not scold your child under any circumstances or say that he is stupid. This only aggravates the situation and the baby may stop trying to speak altogether.

Instead, teach him to conjugate verbs correctly. Take the verb “to eat” and repeat: I eat, he eats, you eat. And exactly the same with other verbs. Be patient.

Offer to play replay. First, you name different words, and the child repeats them, and then vice versa, he says the words and you repeat them. This game helps develop pronunciation, vocabulary and thinking.

At age 3, you can start retelling your favorite fairy tales or cartoons. Such games not only develop speech, but also help with memory and composing sentences.

Not all children develop at the same rate. If he doesn't speak to you at two years old, don't panic. First, consider whether your child has always refused to interact with the smoky world. Gesticulation, facial expressions, individual sounds - all these are moments of communication.

Adult child

At the age of 4 - 5 years, the child can already express himself clearly, talk about himself and his family, describe what happened to him. Yes, the vocabulary is still poor and difficulties may arise because of this. Try to explain as many words as possible, calmly correct and correct, explaining what the baby did wrong.

To make your speech coherent, try to often retell fairy tales, today, cartoons. Repeating history structures and builds actions, which helps to better grasp the connection between incidents. If the little one confuses something, don’t swear or rush him. Give him time to think, and if he reaches a dead end, calmly help him.

At the age of 6 - 7 years, you can place more emphasis on thinking. Try to catch how your child reasons, why he makes this or that conclusion, how he constructs a phrase. In order for the baby to be developed, it is necessary to constantly talk to him.

Remember that simple conversations are much more effective than all games.

Another important point - never imitate children's speech. You must speak like an adult, in simple and understandable language, but just like an adult.

Possible difficulties

Another common point is the embodiment of your fantasies. The mother of one of my clients dreamed of becoming a TV presenter all her life. Hence the early visits to modeling agencies, various television shows and other “non-children’s” activities. Because of this story, the woman developed an inferiority complex due to the clash between her desires and her mother's needs.

Be patient, pay attention to all the child’s attempts to interact with you and the world around him, communicate with him calmly and in an adult way, do not overdo it. If you are adherents of early development programs, then be very careful and careful. Many programs pose great challenges in the future.

The baby’s development should proceed calmly, without sudden leaps, according to his abilities and capabilities. Remember that not all children develop the same way.

Tell us about your methods for developing speech in your baby. What games do you use? When did your child say his first word? How did you help him and what did you teach him?

Be patient and soon you will be talking with your child about interesting topics!

In the modern world, beautiful and competent speech is the key to success. Correct speech helps a child communicate freely with others, study successfully and be self-confident. How to teach a child to express his thoughts?

Where to start classes

The mechanism of speech formation in a child starts from the very first day of life. In order for this process to proceed quickly and smoothly, we, adults, need to become its most active participants. This long-term investment of our strength and emotions will pay off in spades in three to four years, when we get an interesting interlocutor with his own unconventional thinking and judgments. Speech development in children is the daily work of the baby and parents. Let's look at the stages of speech development in a child.

Where to start? Parents are a speech model for the child. That's why it's so important to be careful not only about what you say, but also how you say it. From the very first days, stimulate the baby’s speech: talk to the child as much as possible - pronounce the words clearly, slowly, but emotionally. Voice everything you do, but try not to limit yourself to everyday speech. Read nursery rhymes, poems - everything that is rhythmic and good for the ear. Look together, or rather, study the pictures in the book your child loves, ask questions. At first he will only show what you ask, and then try to repeat after you. Play toys and theater with your child. Give him an example of how to structure dialogues and situations, and gradually the child will answer you, and then he will come up with the conditions of the game himself.

Speech is life itself, so don’t limit your learning to printed materials and interactive toys. The surrounding world and nature will inspire your baby to new verbal discoveries, develop imagination and awaken the imagination. While walking, try to pay attention to such details as a curled dry leaf that looks like a tube, which can become a spyglass, or a drop of dew, which could very well become a real sea for ants. In the summer, build sand castles with winding passages, fly paper airplanes together, and lay out drawings from natural materials in the sand. In the fall, collect bouquets of leaves (at the same time learn the names of trees, shades of flowers), acorns, maple seeds, which will then be used for crafts. In winter, make snowmen and paint them with paints, bring home an icicle and let it melt in a basin. In the spring, launch boats in streams, show your child some drops, listen to the chirping of sparrows. All these actions fit into the child’s routine moments and do not require special costs. But if you miss time and leave the baby to his own devices, then closer to school you will have to make up for lost time by leaps and bounds, and what was so naturally laid down in childhood will have to be crammed in in large portions. And from such information overeating, you know what happens: nervousness, reluctance to learn.

Unfortunately, not every parent has the time and opportunity to work systematically with their child. Specialist teachers can come to the rescue, including children's speech therapists in children's development centers. Most often, their programs are aimed at ensuring that the child develops harmoniously, receiving and assimilating information in accordance with age and individual characteristics.

A child is like a small copy, he always tries to repeat after you, you are a parent - you are an authority...
The article explains everything wonderfully.
But don’t forget that your child listens to fairy tales.
There are quite a lot of sites on the Internet with children's audiobooks, try going and downloading them.
Then put it on the computer or burn it to disk and let the child listen.
Correctly pronounced words in the same fairy tale... will make it possible to get used to correctly delivered speech. And the child will like his native language. Because songs, fairy tales, stories... will take him to another world... And his eyes will strain less than when sitting in front of the TV.
Give it a try. Yes, and ask the child to tell you what he heard...
Leave the room for 5 minutes... and... let him restore to you the course of events while you were away... and compare with what is on the disk... that's work on the mistakes...

29.04.2012 06:32:00,

I don’t know how to explain this, but my eldest child couldn’t tell stories from pictures at all, didn’t understand the order... no matter how much I struggled, there was no result...
But he was a very developed child, he spoke fluently from the age of one and a half, had a large vocabulary, easily and quickly learned to read and count, and generally thought well, now everything is in perfect order too...
In short, my conclusion is that this skill doesn’t mean anything... It’s just that some people see these pictures and know how to put them together in stories, others don’t. I also admit that this is useful :) But inability is not fatal :)

28.04.2012 16:36:45,

Total 10 messages .

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Little speaker. How to develop a child's speech? Speech development in children is the daily work of the baby and parents. Let's look at the stages of speech development in a child. In any case, be guided by the individual characteristics of your child...

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Very often, young children have problems developing speech skills. For many parents, this can be a real challenge. However, in most cases, there is no reason to panic. Minor problems with , can be resolved on your own, without the help of a speech therapist.
Special exercises will help develop your baby’s speech. It's not difficult to do them at all. Classes for speech development can be conducted with any child under school age.

How does a child’s speech develop?

In order to help a child develop speech skills, it is important for parents to know how speech and communication skills develop in children.
The first stage of communication is crying. By crying, the baby conveys information about his needs and attracts the attention of adults.
Over time, crying turns into other sounds, which are commonly called baby talk. In the process of “babbling,” the child involuntarily forms syllables, which he then repeats, but consciously.
Forming syllables from sounds, the baby begins to relate these syllables to what surrounds him. With the help of pronounced syllables and letters, he describes objects and phenomena (“av” - dog, “bi-bi” - car, and so on). A little later, letters and syllables are formed into words, and a little later into short sentences.
Thus, the baby goes through a path called speech development.

Exercises for developing a child’s speech: tips for parents

In order for the classes to achieve their goal, namely to stimulate the development of speech skills in the baby, you need to take into account some tips and recommendations.

The right hike. It is easier for kids to perceive information in the form of a game. Long, uninteresting lessons will bore them and will not bring the desired result. In view of this, exercises for speech development should be carried out in the form of a game that the baby would like.

Duration of classes. The time spent on exercise should not exceed 15 minutes per day. This is the most optimal duration of classes for a small child.

Varied presentation. Children quickly get bored with monotony. Therefore, the form of information presentation should change regularly.

Comfortable conditions. It is best if classes take place in a calm environment. The smallest children can be placed on your lap, older children - on the contrary. The main thing is that the parent is on the same level as the child and can freely look into his eyes.

What do exercises for speech development include?

Speech development is a whole range of activities aimed at improving and stimulating children’s speech skills. This includes:
-Articulation gymnastics;
-Exercises for the development of fine motor skills;

Let's look at classes for speech development in order.

1. Communication. Communication is the most basic means for speech development. You need to talk to a child from the very first days of his life, and even before his birth. However, it is important to speak correctly, without distorting words or distorting sounds. Children copy what they hear from adults. Hearing clear, correct speech around him, the baby remembers the sounds and will subsequently learn to pronounce them.

2.Massage. Massage promotes the development of the speech apparatus. It is necessary to massage the baby's face and palms. This can be done from the very first days of his life. To begin with, the movements should be light, reminiscent of stroking. Over time, as the baby grows up, the movements can be slightly increased. The massage can be arbitrary, but it is better if it is accompanied by fun and nursery rhymes (“okays” and others).

3.Articulation gymnastics. Such gymnastics includes several simple exercises: wide opening and closing of the mouth, stretching the mouth in a smile, stretching the lips with a tube and some others. Articulation exercises will help your baby learn to speak faster and easier.

4.Exercises for developing fine motor skills. The main activity for the development of fine motor skills was and remains modeling. You can sculpt from plasticine, clay, plastic. You can start with simple figures: balls, sausages. As the child grows up, you can move on to more complex figures and objects. Along with the development of speech, the baby’s creative skills will also be formed, such as a sense of color, the concept of shape, volume, and others.

For very young children, fine motor skills activities may involve getting to know objects and their shapes. Objects of various shapes and textures should be placed in the baby’s hand. In addition, you need to let the child hold long and oblong objects (pencil, stick) with two fingers.

5.Games. Game activities can be different. They can be selected depending on the age and preferences of the child. Almost all children love to draw. Exercises with finger paints are excellent for developing a child’s speech. With the help of such paints, you can first paint traces, then more complex patterns, for example, flowers.

Speech development is an important stage in the formation of personality. With the help of classes and exercises, parents will be able to make this period of their baby’s life as easy and comfortable as possible.


As scientists and doctors have established, a child can already hear while in the womb, so the first rule for stimulating the development of a baby’s speech is obvious: from the first days of a child’s life, it is necessary to constantly talk to him, pronouncing words clearly. When the baby is six months old, you can start showing him various objects and toys, clearly pronouncing their names. Of course, the child will not be able to immediately reproduce these names, but a certain vocabulary will begin to accumulate in his memory.

Any action performed with the baby, be it washing, feeding, etc., must be spoken out by the mother and accompanied by simple words. For example, “top-top” and “yum-yum.”

Games such as “The Mouse Cooked Porridge” or “Ladushki” are good for developing fine motor skills of the fingers and pronunciation of words. It has been proven that the development of fine motor skills stimulates the speech center. Therefore, play with your children more often, let’s touch objects of different shapes, textures and temperatures. Now there are many games and toys that help diversify exercises. Many people prefer to use items such as buttons and beads for this, but the baby can swallow them, so the child should be under the constant and vigilant supervision of the mother.

Every day you should spend at least half an hour talking with your baby. Ask leading questions in determining the name of an object or toy. All this must be done with great attention and patience. Patience and regularity are the first helpers in the development of a child’s speech.

If the mother notices that the child understands, but finds it difficult to speak, then special exercises should be used that will help the child master the spoken language. This can be any available game, but if the mother sees that the child has lost interest, his attention should be switched to another game or activity.

The first children's books with bright illustrations can be a good help in mastering spoken language. When showing a child a picture, you don’t need to force him to say the word “cow” or “goose”; it is enough if the child at first simply points to the picture and meaningfully says “mu-mu” or “ga-ha.”

If the child has a persistent reluctance to speak, you should contact a speech therapist. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis, if there are developmental physiological disorders, he will probably prescribe medication and massage; if there is a mental disorder or suppression of the speech center, he will need to start regular classes at a medical institution. If the reason is behavioral, you will have to patiently and monotonously return again and again to speech development games, tongue exercises and other exercises.