6 year old story about the new year. New Year: history and traditions

Stories about New Year, Christmas and winter

5-6 grade

New Year wishes

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! I ran down the steps of the school porch and almost fell, slipping on a frozen puddle covered with snow. And still! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! The last day of the second quarter has ended. Tomorrow is already vacation. AND - New Year! My favorite holiday! How I love decorating the Christmas tree! Dad always brings it on the eve of the holiday, December 30th. It is cold, fluffy, a little prickly... In some places there are pieces of ice stuck to the needles. In the warmth they begin to melt, and some unique aroma of the approaching holiday fills the entire apartment... Christmas tree, tinsel, garlands, gifts, carnival costumes, and again gifts. Gifts, gifts... Perhaps the New Year can compete with another of my favorite holidays - Birthday.

This New Year is special for me. Mom said that I would celebrate it with the whole family and with all the guests who would come to us. I'm already in the fifth grade, and they won't send me to bed at half past nine. I myself will wait until the Kremlin chimes strike twelve and maybe I’ll be able to see how Santa Claus puts gifts under the tree...

To tell the truth, I understand that it is most likely my mother who puts the gifts. But... “And my heart really wants a miracle, even a small one, but a miracle.” Somewhere in my memory these lines came from, and I always repeat them when I hope for something good and joyful. ... Mom laughed when I recited these poems with expression: “Where did you hear that, Aska?” - she grinned and repeated: “But my heart so wants a miracle... Wow...”. And I myself don’t know where. Only I liked it. And my mother shrugged her shoulders: “It’s some kind of nonsense.” I don't understand why this is nonsense. It’s true, you always expect a miracle on New Year’s Eve. And you always believe that it will definitely happen.

Mom said that at the table they would pour lemonade into my glass, and while the chimes were ringing, I should make a wish. And it will definitely come true. After all, it’s New Year’s Eve, and miracles happen on New Year’s... Well, she laughed at me when I said, “But my heart wants a miracle so much...”

...I was walking home through the park. A few days ago he was naked, unfriendly and gloomy. There was no snow, the park was empty and uncomfortable. “What would New Year be without snow?” - I thought. And my mood was also gloomy and gray.

And yesterday was Sunday. I woke up later than usual and couldn’t believe my eyes! Snow! “Frost and sun! It’s a wonderful day!” - I screamed. It truly was a wonderful day, just as ordered: frost, dazzling white snow, and frost-covered trees. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Now for sure: a real New Year!

The boys rolled out a path in the park, and I started riding too. You just need to run up and get your feet into the place where the ice begins, and then you roll down the slippery path. Imagine how great it is! I rode until I got hot. I fell several times - but not painfully, but fun and funny.

Then I went up to the birch tree and shook the branch. Frost covered me from head to toe, but I didn’t even bother to shake myself off, and so, covered in snow, I went home. It seemed to me that I looked like a Snow Maiden. I walked and people looked at me and smiled. Only a few said: “Wow, a real snow woman!” And I'm not a snow woman. I am the Snow Maiden! Is it really not visible? I walked and thought that I would make a wish when the clock struck twelve.

Well, first of all, of course, I will wish that my little sister Verochka never gets sick. I can’t see how my mother worries when Verochka lies there, doesn’t eat anything, doesn’t stomp around the room, doesn’t try to open my backpack with textbooks... She doesn’t even act up. Breathes heavily and frequently. Her small triangle mouth is slightly open, her lips are cracked from the temperature... Even if I tore up my notebooks in Russian and mathematics, I would copy everything from beginning to end into new ones, if only she was healthy. Mom is all tense, doesn’t see or hear anything, pays almost no attention to me and only repeats, barely audible: “As long as it’s not asthma.” And I don’t even dare to ask her what “asthma” means. I will definitely wish that Verochka will always be healthy. And mom and dad too. And grandparents. And mine best friend Lena. And her mother. And in general, I will wish that all people, familiar and unfamiliar to me, will always be healthy! It's so good when no one gets sick! Everyone is cheerful, joyful and happy then! Yes, and, of course, I will wish for everyone to be happy!

And so that all the girls and boys in our class study well and do not upset their parents. Look how upset Vanya’s mother was when he got bad marks! She even cried. And she is young, beautiful and cheerful. The most beautiful mother in our class. My mother is also very, very beautiful, but, to be completely honest, Vanina is more beautiful. And she cried. And she immediately looked like a high school girl. But somehow I felt uneasy: I’m an adult, but she’s crying. My mother cried when my grandfather's brother, Grandpa Pavel, died. Then everyone cried... And the best thing will be when all the children study well! It's so great: in the class there are only excellent and good students. And the parents will always be cheerful and joyful.

And also... And I also want there to never be terrorist attacks anywhere. I saw the explosion in Volgograd on TV. Yesterday. Everyone has a holiday tomorrow. And some will never have a decorated Christmas tree, lit garlands, tinsel, or gifts. Because they themselves no longer exist. How scary it is: an explosion - and there are no people who were just preparing for the New Year. I wish that such terrible events would never, never, never happen anywhere. And so that there would be no war. Also never and nowhere. And no natural disasters. It’s dad who always talks about cataclysms, but I didn’t even know such a word before. “Drought” - I knew, and “flood” - I also knew... In the Far East, how many people died because of this flood. And three years ago, when I was still little, the heat was unbearable. The forests were burning. Smoke is everywhere, you can’t breathe at all. It's also scary. And nothing can be changed. That's what dad said. I remember it too. I will definitely make a wish on New Year’s Eve that everything will always be fine: in the spring the flowers bloomed and the birds sang, in the summer it was sunny and warm, in the fall there was a multi-colored carpet of leaves under my feet, and in the winter every day I could say: “Frost and sunshine! It’s a wonderful day!”

What else could I wish for on such a wonderful night? I want there to be no bad people, so that no one deceives anyone, so that the grandfather-veteran does not cry, from whom his awards received for participating in the Great Patriotic War were stolen. This was also shown on TV.

And so that mothers never abandon their children! I can’t even imagine: how is this so? A year ago, my mother brought Verochka from the hospital! We've all been waiting for her! They immediately let me hold her, they said that I was the older sister and should love Verochka and take care of her. And I loved her for a long time, even before she was born. I dreamed that I would read books to her, roll her in a stroller, show her to everyone and say: “This is my little sister Verochka.” And then suddenly someone doesn’t take theirs small child from the hospital. And who will take care of him then? After all, he himself still doesn’t know how to do anything at all. Even there is. Mom still feeds Verochka from a spoon. And she is already over a year old. And when Verochka was only two weeks old, she was so tiny, small, red, and cried all the time. Mom said that it was her tummy that hurt. She took Verochka in her arms, pressed her to her, sang a lullaby and walked around the room with her. And Verochka calmed down, only sometimes she sobbed somehow. It's like it's really hard for her. And when dad came home from work, he took Verochka from mom and walked with her, and mom lay down on the sofa to get a little sleep, but didn’t sleep, but jumped up every minute and said: “Well, how is she doing?” And I sat in the next room and cried quietly, I felt so sorry for Verochka. And mom. And dad.

... And if you just leave the child in the hospital, who will sing him songs, hold him close and walk around the room with him when his tummy hurts so much?

I will also wish that each of my classmates will have true friend. And in general, every person on earth had a true friend. A friend is someone who is always next to you, on whom you can always rely, on whom you hope and to whom you can trust all your secrets. Even the fact that on your birthday a boy from sixth grade “B” called you and congratulated you... I didn’t even tell my mother about it, but I told Lena.

I will also make a wish that no one will hurt the dogs. They are dedicated and faithful. They can be friends no worse than people.

I will wish all this at the moment when the clock strikes twelve. These will be mine new year wishes to all people: relatives and friends, acquaintances and strangers, living in our country and far from us. After all, we are all people, which means we must always understand each other, respect, love and take care... Take care of your home, nature, animals, birds... Take care of our planet Earth. This is what my grandmother and another artist always say, she is often shown on TV. And I think so too, so I’ll say this too...

Tomorrow I will sit at the table with everyone, look at the decorated Christmas tree and from time to time run up to the crib in which Verochka is sleeping (what if it opens up?), and when midnight approaches, I will get up and say everything that I want to wish everyone , and I’ll try not to forget anything... And suddenly the words somehow formed in my head:

I wish you peace and goodness,

I wish you happiness and good luck,

So that the children laugh loudly,

There would be no troubles, war and crying.

I wish everyone friendship and warmth,

Holiday, fun, peace, light,

To bloom with eternal youth,

My homeland is my planet.

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! I composed this myself... It turns out that I can still write poetry! Or maybe I heard this somewhere? No, it’s still me...

And I am sure that my wishes will definitely come true. I really want this! I just have to wait a little longer: tomorrow, at exactly midnight, I will wish everyone what I dream of...

New Year is one of the oldest and most joyful holidays in the whole world.. At the same time, it is surprising that there is no other holiday that would be celebrated around the world on such different dates and whose traditions would be so different. In Russia, as in most European countries, as well as in the USA and Australia, the new year begins on January 1. Back in 1700, Russian Tsar Peter I issued a decree according to which the onset of the new year should be celebrated. People decorated their houses with pine, spruce and juniper spruce branches, arranged fire fun and festive shooting. Over time, they began to decorate the Christmas trees brought into the house. So the green tree turned into one of the symbols of this holiday, becoming its main decoration, along with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. By the way, Santa Clauses look different in all countries. Our Russian Father Frost wears a red fur coat down to his toes, felt boots, a tall fur hat, and holds a staff and a bag of gifts in his hands.

In America, New Year's grandfather - Santa Claus - wears a short red jacket and a funny cap on his head. He travels through the air on a reindeer sled and enters children's homes through a chimney.

In Belgium and Poland, New Year's grandfather Saint Nicholas is considered the very first Father Frost, because, as an ancient legend says, he left golden apples in a shoe in front of the fireplace for the family that sheltered him. Saint Nicholas wears a white robe and rides a horse, accompanied by a Moorish servant, Black Peter, who helps carry a heavy bag of gifts for obedient children.

Naughty people do not receive gifts - Black Peter carries the rod for them.

In France, a grandfather with a staff and a wide-brimmed hat, called Père Noël (“Grandfather of Christmas”), puts gifts straight down the chimney.

The Swedish grandfather - Jologomten - puts gifts by the stove, and the German Father Frost leaves his gifts on the windowsill.

Mexican children find gifts in their shoes, and English children in their socks. At the first stroke of the clock on New Year's midnight, the English and Scots open the back door of the house to let out Old year, and with the last stroke of the clock they open the front door, letting in the New Year.

In Italy, on New Year's Day, grandfather Babo Nattale and the good fairy Befana come to visit children. They give gifts to obedient children, which they leave on the balcony, while lazy and capricious children only get a coal. And on New Year's Eve, Italians also throw old things out of windows - cracked flower pots, tattered chairs, holey boots fly onto the pavement... The more things you throw away, residents of sunny Italy believe, the more wealth the new year will bring.

The funniest name, perhaps, of the Finnish Santa Claus is Joulupukki (in Finnish “joulu” means Christmas, and “pukki” means goat). This name was not given to him by chance: many years ago he wore a goat skin and delivered gifts to children riding on a small goat.

Not far behind Joulupukki is the Uzbek snow grandfather Korbobo, who, dressed in a striped robe, delivers gifts to children on a donkey. The Snow Maiden Korgyz accompanies him. In Mongolia, Uvlin Uvgun's grandfather wears a cattle breeder's outfit because the Mongolian New Year coincides with the cattle breeding holiday.

An Australian Santa Claus named Sylvester rides a kangaroo across the country wearing only swimming trunks and on a scooter: it is unusually hot there on the holiday. The local Snow Maiden in a swimsuit helps Sylvester deliver gifts.

In Greece and Cyprus, the New Year's grandfather is called Saint Basil, in Spain - Papa Noel, in Cambodia - Grandfather Zhar, in Colombia - Papa Pascual, in the Netherlands - Sanderklaas, in Romania - Mosh Jerile, in the Czech Republic - Grandfather Mikulas.

But, for example, in Norway, little brownies - nisse - give gifts to children. They wear knitted caps and love sweets very much. Therefore, in order to appease them and receive more gifts, on New Year's Eve children lay out various delicacies around the house in secluded corners.

In India, on New Year's Eve, parents place small gifts on a tray, and on New Year's morning, children must wait with their eyes closed until they are brought to the tray.

In Japan, on New Year's Eve, bunches of straw are hung in front of the entrance to the house, which, according to residents, attracts happiness and scares away evil spirits. When the New Year begins, the Japanese begin to laugh, believing that laughter will bring them good luck in the coming year. The Japanese Santa Claus is called Oji-san.

In Belgium and the Netherlands, there is a belief that a person’s behavior on the first day of the new year determines what awaits him in the coming year. Therefore, on this day people try to do nothing. They prepare a lot of delicious food in advance and wear something new.

In Hungary, on the morning of the first day of the New Year, they wash their hands not with soap, but with coins - so that money does not transfer in their hands all year.

In the Balkan countries, for the New Year, various objects are placed on the table: a pine twig (for good luck), a ring (for a wedding), a doll (for the birth of a child), money (for wealth) and cover them with a fur hat. Then everyone sitting at the table must pull out an object three times, and if he gets the same one three times, this means that in the new year the event that this object symbolizes awaits him.

In Iran, a few weeks before the New Year, wheat or barley grains are planted in a small dish: sprouted grains symbolize the beginning of spring and a new year of life.

The clever Chinese celebrate the New Year twice: on January 1 and again somewhere between January 23 and February 19 - the date changes all the time, since on this day the New Year begins, calculated according to the Chinese lunar calendar.

Celebrating the New Year during the new moon is an amazingly beautiful sight! Street processions with firecrackers and firecrackers scare away evil spirits from their homes, and to make sure they don’t get inside, residents seal their windows and doors with paper. Chinese New Year grandfather Shou Xing takes part in all this fun.

Preparations for the New Year in eastern countries, as elsewhere, begin long before the holiday. In about two weeks, holiday markets open in all crowded squares, where you can buy various toys, stars, lanterns of all sizes and shapes - in the form of fish, dragons, horses, birds. Candles are lit inside these fancy figures. A lot of toys made from dough are sold these days: warriors galloping on horses with swords, boats with oarsmen in colorful clothes, amazingly beautiful lotuses, figurines of animals and birds. And also clay figurines of animals and people.

In Vietnam, New Year usually begins in February. Local residents believe that God lives in every home, and in the new year this God goes to heaven to tell the Supreme Ruler in detail how each family member spent the past year.

On a certain day, in front of the image of the Spirit of the Hearth, people light candles and incense sticks, and also place sweet dishes. Sweets are offered for a reason - so that the Spirit’s lips stick together and he does not say too much there, in heaven. And since the Vietnamese believe that God swims on the back of a carp, on holiday they buy live carp and then release it into a river or pond. In addition, in Vietnam, for the New Year, you must buy a hat, which are also sold in many different styles and colors at New Year's bazaars.

There is a special attitude towards hats in the East. The hat is a symbol of power there and an indispensable attribute of the wardrobe of a big boss.

In Korea, for the New Year, numerous Christmas tree markets sell not Christmas trees, like ours, but peach branches and trees, symbolizing the onset of spring.

The colorful rituals that accompany the celebration of the New Year in the East have a very specific meaning. In addition to the incessant crackling of firecrackers, which drive out evil spirits so that they do not overshadow the holiday, there are many more traditions. New Year celebrations usually last for several days. On the second day, you must definitely visit your parents and close relatives if they live separately, and on the third day, do not forget to go to the teacher and congratulate him. In the first days of the New Year, you cannot wear white clothes (in the East this is the color of mourning), you cannot talk about death, make faces imitating monkeys, and take out the trash.

And in some countries, the New Year is not celebrated at all in the winter months. So, in Indonesia this event occurs in October. On the first day of the new year, all the people there ask each other for forgiveness for the trouble they caused in the past year. In Burma, New Year celebrations occur on the hottest days of April. Starting from April 1, for a whole week people pour water on each other with all their hearts and have fun at the New Year's Tinjan Water Festival. Iranians celebrate New Year on March 21st.

Jews celebrate the New Year most often - as many as four times. At the beginning of autumn, during the harvest season, there comes a holiday of sacrifice to God of the collected fruits. Turning to the Almighty, people ask to save the harvest. From this holiday, the ancient Jews counted the days of the new year.

Later, in mid-September, Jews celebrate Adam's birthday and Rosh Hashanah. It is considered the beginning of the New Year for chronology purposes.

It is believed that on this day the Lord determines how a person lived. Therefore, on this holiday, people rejoice over the past year and pray for peace, harmony and happiness in the next year. The prayer says: “May this year be good and sweet!” A festive meal certainly includes honey, in which you need to dip pieces of apple and bread.

At the beginning of spring, Jews celebrate the New Year of Trees; in Israel, almond trees bloom at this time. People welcome the blossoming buds and the first green leaves, thereby celebrating the beginning of a new life in the promised land. On this day it is customary to plant trees. And, of course, everyone celebrates the traditional New Year - January 1st. In fact, it doesn’t matter when and how people celebrate the New Year or what the name of the snowy grandfather is, the main thing is that on New Year’s Eve all kind and obedient children always receive wonderful gifts from Santa Claus!

You can always write a letter to Santa Claus at the following addresses:

Official postal address:

162340, Russia, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, house of Father Frost.

Moscow residence:

109472, Russia, Moscow, Kuzminsky forest, Grandfather Frost.

And remember, baby, that Santa Claus answers every letter sent to him, and his friends help him in this - the Snow Maiden, the Bunny and other fairy-tale characters!

There is lace on the window

Frost weaves -

It's New Year's holiday

Winter meets.

Crystal frost on the glass

Painted patterns

New Year's Eve, blue

Visible from behind the curtain.

Santa Claus is already at the doorstep,

Like in a fairy tale:

He brought a lot of gifts

Kindness and affection!

The magical winter forest sleeps,

The old year is passing.

Will bring a bag of miracles

Santa Claus as a gift!

Happy New Year! Happy new takeoff

With a new twist in life!

Let him sweep the paths

Snowfall is a prankster,

New Year is coming to us -

The best holiday!

And let the frost strike

White bad weather!

The New Year will give us all

Joy, laughter and happiness!

Christmas tree - beauty

All the guys like it

She's all covered in toys

Beads, rattles,

There are garlands and balloons here

Look at the branches:

They hang there for the kids

Delicious sweets,

And under the Christmas tree there is a car,

Doll, plush pig,

Steam locomotive, lotto, coloring books,

Scooter, construction set, fairy tales!

Along paths, without paths,

Through the impassable thicket

A winter SUV is rushing,

Only he's not real.

No asphalt, no crushed stone,

And around there are birch trunks.

That car is magical

And Santa Claus sits in it!

By car, like a bird,

Grandfather with a bag rushes through the forest

He must be in time for the children,

Congratulations to everyone!

We sculpted Baba with Vovka,

We tried to take our time.

Baba came out - her nose was like a carrot,

Snow-white, good!

The sticks are like eyebrows,

And a bucket on the head.

Let's call you for the New Year

Snow beauty!

Will join us in a round dance,

All your friends will love it!

Shrouded in a snow-white blizzard,

The long-awaited New Year has come to us.

May he fulfill his plans and hopes,

And it will bring love and happiness to the house!

Where to start preparing for the New Year? Maybe to learn more about this wonderful holiday with your children. “Where did Father Frost and Snow Maiden come from when our ancestors celebrated the New Year, what were the first Christmas tree decorations in Rus'?”– you will find answers to these and other questions in the article “Tell your children about the New Year.” And, of course, Russian New Year's tales!

How to celebrate the New Year in Rus'

In Rus', the New Year for several centuries began on March 1, with the spring awakening of nature, because spring is a symbol of the beginning of a new life. Later, the celebration was moved to September 1, since it was on this day that the harvest ended. The New Year was celebrated very solemnly, on Red Square in the presence of the Tsar. The Patriarch sprinkled holy water on the assembled people and wished them a Happy New Year. The bells were ringing.

In 1699, the New Year was celebrated for the last time on September 1; in 1700, by decree of Peter I, the New Year began to be celebrated as in Europe - at midnight on January 1. On New Year's Eve they organized folk festivals, burned bonfires, exchanged congratulations, set off fireworks, set off firecrackers, put up a Christmas tree in every house or decorated the house with fir branches. It was then that Father Frost appeared - as a replacement for the European Santa Claus.

The story of Santa Claus

The prototype of Father Frost was found in Russian fairy tales - Father Frost Red Nose, Father Treskun, Morozko - the king of all winter months - a village old man dressed in a sheepskin coat with a red nose. (In contrast to Western European Santa Claus, who even at the beginning of the 20th century was often depicted as a monk, dressed in a brown robe and belted with a rope.)

It was believed that Frost lived in an icy hut in the forest and gave gifts to those who came to see him.
In the Middle Ages, people in villages even “fed” Frost to appease him. The head of the family himself went out onto the porch with a spoonful of jelly.

Now Santa Claus lives in Veliky Ustyug (Vologda region). You can go visit him or write a letter, here is the address: 162340, Veliky Ustyug, Santa Claus.

The story of the Snow Maiden

It’s hard to imagine a New Year’s holiday without the Snow Maiden. In Russian fairy tales, Snegurochka or Snegurushka is the name of a girl who was molded from snow by an old man and an old woman, and who melted in the spring after jumping over a fire. There are many versions of the tale. Here's one of them.

Snow Maiden
Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. We lived well, amicably. Everything would be fine, but one misfortune - they didn’t have children.

Now the snowy winter has come, there are snowdrifts up to the waist, the children poured out into the street to play, and the old man and the old woman look at them from the window and think about their grief.

“Well, old woman,” says the old man, “let’s make ourselves a daughter out of snow.”
“Come on,” says the old woman.

The old man put on his hat, they went out into the garden and began to sculpt a daughter out of the snow. They rolled a snowball, fitted the arms and legs, and placed a snowy head on top. The old man sculpted a nose, mouth, and chin. Lo and behold, the Snow Maiden’s lips turned pink and her eyes opened; she looks at the old people and smiles. Then she nodded her head, moved her arms and legs, shook off the snow - and a living girl came out of the snowdrift.
The old people were delighted and brought her to the hut. They look at her and can’t stop admiring her.
And the old people’s daughter began to grow by leaps and bounds; every day it becomes more and more beautiful. She herself is as white as snow, her braid is brown to the waist, but there is no blush at all.

The old people are not overjoyed at their daughter; they dote on her. My daughter is growing up smart, smart, and cheerful. Affectionate and friendly with everyone. And the Snow Maiden’s work is progressing in her hands, and when she sings a song, you will be heard.

Winter has passed. The spring sun has begun to warm up. The grass in the thawed patches turned green and the larks began to sing. And the Snow Maiden suddenly became sad.
- What's wrong with you, daughter? - asks the old man. - Why have you become so sad? Or can't you?
- Nothing, father, nothing, mother, I’m healthy.

The last snow has melted, flowers have bloomed in the meadows, and birds have flown in. And the Snow Maiden is becoming sadder and more silent day by day. Hiding from the sun. She would like some shade and some cool air, or even better, some rain.

Once a black cloud moved in, large hail fell. The Snow Maiden rejoiced at the hail, like rolling pearls. And when the sun came out again and the hail melted, the Snow Maiden began to cry, so bitterly, like a sister by a brother.

After spring, summer came. The girls gathered for a walk in the grove, they called Snegurochka.
- Come with us, Snow Maiden, for a walk in the forest, sing songs, dance.
The Snow Maiden did not want to go into the forest, but the old woman persuaded her.
- Go, daughter, have fun with your friends!

The girls and the Snow Maiden came to the forest. They began to collect flowers, weave wreaths, sing songs, and lead round dances. Only Snow Maiden is still sad. And as soon as it got light, they gathered some brushwood, built a fire, and started jumping over the fire one after another. Behind everyone, the Snow Maiden stood up.

She ran in her turn to fetch her friends. She jumped over the fire and suddenly melted and turned into a white cloud. A cloud rose high and disappeared in the sky. All the girlfriends heard was something plaintively moaning behind them: “Aw!” They turned around, but the Snow Maiden was not there. They began to call her.
- Ay, ay, Senugrushka!
Only the echo in the forest responded to them.

New Year's Snow Maiden is the granddaughter of Father Frost, who helps him give gifts to children and organize a real holiday.

How our ancestors decorated the Christmas tree

The very first New Year's toys were edible: sweets, apples, nuts. Then they appeared Christmas decorations made of fabric, straw, colored ribbons, and later - from paper and foil. Glass toys, real christmas balls began to be done only in the 19th century.
Do you know why on New Year’s Eve people decorate the Christmas tree with golden and silver rain?

The Tale of the New Year Tree

It was a long time ago. There was a decorated Christmas tree in a closed room on the night before the New Year. All covered in beads, multi-colored paper chains, and small glass stars. The tree was locked so that children would not see it ahead of time.

But many other inhabitants of the house still saw her. A fat gray cat saw her with his big green eyes. And the little gray mouse, who was afraid of cats, also looked at the beautiful Christmas tree with one eye when no one was in the room. But there was someone else who didn’t have time to look at Christmas tree. It was a small spider. He was not allowed to get out of his modest corner behind the closet. The fact is that the housewife drove all the spiders out of the room before the holiday, and he miraculously hid in a dark corner.

But the spider also wanted to see the Christmas tree, and therefore went to Santa Claus and said: “Everyone has already seen New Year tree, and we spiders were kicked out of the house. But we also want to look at the festive forest beauty!”

And Santa Claus took pity on the spiders. He quietly opened the door to the room where the Christmas tree stood, and all the spiders: big, small, and very tiny spiders began to run around it. First they looked at everything they could see from below, and then they climbed onto the tree to get a better look at everything else. Little spiders ran up and down all the branches and twigs and examined every toy, every bead up close and personal. They looked around and left completely happy. And the tree was covered in cobwebs, from the bottom to the very top. Cobwebs hung from all the branches and entangled even the tiniest twigs and needles.

What could Santa Claus do? He knew that the mistress of the house hated Spiders and cobwebs. Then Santa Claus turned the cobwebs into gold and silver threads. This, it turns out, is why the New Year tree is decorated with golden and silver rain.

In Rus' they believed that How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. Therefore, you cannot do hard and dirty work on New Year’s Day. But you need to decorate your home, set an abundant table, wear everything new and beautiful and, of course, give gifts!

"New Year" New Year! The most wonderful holiday! Night.. 12 o'clock. Chimes. President. Firework. The clink of glasses. Joy. Laughter. This holiday is celebrated in different ways. But they wish the same thing: happiness, good luck, health. New Year! Wonderful holiday! We are waiting for you! Come soon!

"New Year's Eve" New Year's Eve is the most wonderful and magical night of the year. After all, millions of people of different nationalities, in different corners our planet, this night they do not sleep, as usual, but celebrate with family and loved ones New Year's Eve- replacing the old year with a new one.

“New Year” This joyful and beloved holiday, frosty and colorful New Year In our family, it is customary to meet in a quiet and warm home environment, in the circle of dear and close people who sincerely enjoy each other’s company. We are never bored together, and I will always prefer a family feast to the company of cheerful peers.

“Favorite holiday - New Year” New Year is the best holiday in the world! Since childhood, he remains in our hearts and lives forever... Every year we expect magic, striving to finally touch a miracle, a magical holiday!

How much joy do New Year's troubles bring? How many worries do they portend? And only when the chimes strike we can breathe easy and enjoy this unforgettable moment. Smells.. How many magical New Year's scents do we know? The smell of a Christmas tree, tangerines, we look forward to the smell of your favorite sweets and cakes, and of course the smell of a miracle visiting the house! My heart is filled with joy at these moments! It's so good that there is such a thing holiday - New Year!

About “New Year” New Year is a holiday that everyone loves very much. Although many nations do not celebrate the New Year (for example, the British celebrate only Christmas), in Russia they really look forward to New Year's Eve. On New Year's Day There are a lot of treats on the table, obligatory Olivier and tangerines. Everyone is cheerful and happy, waiting for midnight. Everyone probably loves this wonderful holiday.

“New Year is coming!” New Year is coming very soon! - a favorite holiday for children! Children happily play in the snow and go sledding. And the best thing is that Grandfather Frost will come and give you long-awaited gifts. At matinees and New Year's celebrations, the guys will have fun with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden! All children love and look forward to the New Year!

"Why I love New Year" Of all the holidays of the year, this is my favorite New Year. Why? You ask.

First of all, you look forward looking forward to next year. You know that next year you will become one year older.

Secondly, you gather at the table with the whole family, counting how many seconds are left until the first of January. You open a gift and rejoice with your loved ones. It is especially joyful to give a gift with your own hands; imagining the face of the person you receive, you are more happy than he is. Looking out the windows, you see the joyful faces of people holding sparklers.

Here why do I like this holiday!

A story about how animals celebrated New Year in the forest, about the friendship of animals, about how they care for each other.

New Year's gift

It was New Year's Eve. Outside the windows there was wonderful winter weather: snow was falling in such large flakes that it thickly covered all the streets and houses, and huge snowdrifts appeared in the courtyards to the delight of the children.

It was also real winter in the forest, all the animals sat at home and were afraid to even stick their noses out into the street. Baby animals decorated their houses with funny New Year's toys, and the adults, of course, were preparing New Year's dinner.

Only the little white bunny was not in the mood for the holiday: all his supplies at home had run out, and he did not know what to cook the holiday dinner from. And he really wanted something tasty!

He was sitting by the window and suddenly came up with an idea. The Bunny dressed warmly in his yellow fur coat, put a striped hat on his head, a smart striped scarf around his neck and went into the forest to look for a treat for the New Year's table.

The Bunny wandered for a long time through the forests and fields, but found nothing - everything was covered with snow. He was about to return home empty-handed when he noticed that something red was visible behind a bush in the distance. The bunny came closer and was stunned: “What luck!”

There were two large beets lying under the snow. In the summer there was a large beet field here, the crop was harvested, and these two beets went unnoticed. Without hesitation, the Bunny grabbed the beets and joyfully ran home, singing a cheerful song along the way:

Fruitful fields

We were there in September

And I found it, la-la-la,

Beetroot in December!

I’m bringing a couple of beets

In a hole behind the mountain,

And I will arrange it in the forest

Invited feast by the mountain.

I'm a guest for the New Year

I can invite you.

Animal treats await

Delicious stew.

Even though the ground lies in the snow

The blizzard howls

Mood, la-la-la-

It couldn't be better!

Having run home, the Bunny began to prepare a delicious stew from one beet, and put the other one in reserve.

While preparing dinner, Bunny composed this New Year's poem:

Snow is blowing outside the window

White carousel.

New Year is coming, my friend,

Joy and fun:

Toys and sweets are waiting

Under the green tree

A bright ball on every branch,

There are needles in silver.

Finally, the Bunny prepared a delicious stew, ate a little, sat down at the table, full and satisfied, and began to think: “It’s cold outside, and the snowdrifts are very deep. New Year is coming soon, and little Donkey is probably sitting hungry right now. I’ll take him the second beet.” And the Bunny went to the Donkey.

He came to his house, knocked on the door - no one answered. Then the Bunny opened it and looked inside: the Donkey was not at home.

But the whole room was decorated with fragrant spruce branches. Right on the wall hung a large piece of paper with poems that Donkey composed for the New Year. Here are the verses:

Dancing in the velvet snowstorm

Snowflakes dance - round dance.

Garlands and balls are on the spruce tree.

The holiday is coming - New Year!

Let everything we have long wanted

He will bring us a gift!

“Probably,” thought the Bunny, “the Donkey also went to look for a treat. But it’s unlikely that he will be as lucky as me: since I went to the field, there has been even more snow.” The bunny decided to leave the beets for his friend and put them on the table. “When Donkey comes, he will be very happy!” - thought the happy Bunny.

And Donkey really got hungry and went to look for something for New Year's dinner.

Only the Bunny made a mistake, thinking that his friend wouldn’t find anything: the Donkey, of course, had to walk around the field for a long time, he even dug up the snow with his hooves, but he still found a big, tasty potato.

The donkey jumped for joy and hurried home to enjoy delicious mashed potatoes for dinner.

Donkey runs home, carrying a huge potato in his bosom - and his soul is so good! Dazzling white snow is sparkling all around, bullfinches are jumping on the branches and humming something - in general, everyone is in a great pre-New Year mood.

The Donkey is skipping and singing a song:

In the field, digging the snow with your hoof,

I found potatoes in it!

The tuber will be useful to me

It's a frosty day in December!

Ding-dong, ding-dong!

There's a hut on the mountain -

This is my cozy home

Where will I make mashed potatoes?

TV after the feast

I'll turn it on today.

He will come to the house from television

New Year's holiday.

Dear Grandfather Frost!

I'll be waiting for you to bring

I need a bag of gifts for my house!


Donkey ran home, and there was juicy red beets lying on the table: who could have brought him such a luxurious gift?! What a surprise!

The surprised Donkey could not understand where the beets came from in his house. He began to prepare New Year's dinner, but he kept thinking: “Who brought me such a generous gift?”

I see beets - miracles!

Dili-ding, dili-bom!

Who brought it here

To my cozy warm home?

Maybe my sister

Have you been here this morning?

No, from a distant warm farm

She probably won't get there.

Squirrel? She is small

And beets are heavy.

Friend Bear is sleeping in his den,

In the hole the Hedgehog sniffles in his sleep,

Snake sleeps under a heavy stump

Under the bark are Spiders and Bees.

Well, of course, Santa Claus

I brought juicy beets!

Or still a faithful friend,

What doesn't sleep during blizzards?