Properties of paper for children of the 2nd junior group. Lesson on experimental activities in the second junior group “Properties of paper”

Tatyana Shchukina
Abstract of the GCD “Introduction to the properties of paper”

Final work

on the advanced training course in IOC

educational and research activities

preschool children"

on the topic:

“Development of the content of cognitive and research activities of preschool children

in direct educational activities


training time:

06.04. – 10.04.2015


Shchukina Tatyana Nikolaevna


MBDOU No. 400

g.o. Samara

Samara, 2015

Plan- abstract directly educational activities

with preschoolers

middle aged

Subject: « Introduction to paper properties»

Integration of educational regions: Cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.


1) Introduce children with qualities and properties of different types of paper; teach to identify common qualities and differences paper in research activities (tears, crumples, gets wet); develop imagination, cognitive activity, curiosity of children ( "Cognitive Development").

2) Develop readiness for joint activities with peers; develop communication and interaction of the child with adults, independence, purposefulness of one’s own actions; develop responsiveness, empathy and respect for others ( "Social and communicative development").

3) Expand children's vocabulary; develop dialogic and monologue speech, make assumptions about the expected result ( "Speech development").

4) Develop an aesthetic attitude towards the world around us ( “Artistic and aesthetic development”).

5) Develop large and fine motor skills of the hands ( "Physical development").

Methods and techniques:

Practical (conducting experiments, experiments)

Visual (examination, observation)

Verbal (riddles, conversations, stories, questions)

Materials and equipment: small leaves paper different types for each child (napkins, cardboard, foil, velvet paper, color plain white paper, containers with water, scissors, glue, individual trays for handouts, gnomes from various types paper, snowflakes cut from napkins, a painted sun on whatman paper, an easel.

Forms of organizing joint activities

Children's activities Forms and methods of organizing joint activities

Motor Game exercises, motor breaks.

Game Game situations.

Cognitive and research Observations, problem solving, experimentation,

modeling, educational research projects

Communicative Conversations, speech problem situations, guessing riddles, situational conversations, questions

Fine Applique, activities in the art studio.

Construction Making mock-ups, modeling

Basic household work

Self-service Errands, shared (collective) work

Logic of educational activities

No. Activities of the teacher Activities of pupils Expected results

1 The teacher holds a sheet paper: I am white as snow. I am friends with a pencil.

Where he goes - he puts a note. The children answer that this is paper. Children are interested.

2 It's not easy paper, but a telegram in which they ask us for help. It turns out in Paper the sun is not shining in the town and we are asked to help light it. Do you want to help the residents of the magical town and go on a journey? The children happily agree, sit on the chairs and imitate riding on a train. Children have a developed imagination, they are able to distinguish between a real and a conditional situation.

3 And here it is paper town. Everything from here paper: houses, furniture, clothes and even people here paper. First stop "Multicolored" and on it we are greeted by a multi-colored gnome. Which one is he from? paper and where do we use it? This gnome is from colored paper. We use it in appliqué and for making various crafts. Children speak oral language and can express their thoughts.

4 We take this gnome with us and move on. Next stop "White" and there we are met by 2 white gnomes. They invite us to go to their workshop and determine how they differ from each other. Children approach the tables. There are sheets of white on the plates paper and cardboard. Children have developed a readiness for joint activities.

5 The teacher offers to take paper, stroke it, crush it, tear it and tell how it differs. Children take thin paper, stroke it, crumple it, tear off a strip and say that this is an ordinary album leaf. It is smooth, thin, wrinkles and tears well. They take the cardboard in their hands, stroke it, try to wrinkle it and tear it. They say that this is cardboard, it is thick, hard, does not wrinkle well and is difficult to tear. Children are able to identify qualities and paper properties through research activities (crumples, tears).

6 The white residents thank the children and move on with them. Next stop "Brilliant". Everything here is made of foil and shiny gnomes live here. The teacher offers to repeat a new word "foil", explains that this paper made of a thin layer of metal, suggests bending it in half and cutting it with scissors. Children repeat the word - foil, bend it in half, cut it with scissors and conclude that it shines, bends easily and is easy to cut, even though it is made of metal. Children easily remember new words, analyze, and make conclusions.

7 Next stop "Snow". And it is called that because snowflakes live here and they want us to play with them. What are they made of and how can you play with them? Children find snowflakes, throw them up, blow on them, and the snowflakes fly. The children say that they are made from napkins, beautiful, light and can fly if you blow on them. Children know how to play and interact with each other.

8 Next stop "Velvet" and everything here is made of velvet paper. Let's look at it. Children touch the velvet paper, they say that it is not like any other, it is rough because it has fibers. Children are curious and tend to observe and experiment.

9 Next Stop "Experienced" and on it the white gnomes offer us to conduct experiments with water. What will happen to paper when meeting water? There are leaves on the table paper, cardboard, napkins and plates of water. Children put all the leaves into the water, observe, and explain that the napkin sank first because it was soft, thin and got wet the fastest. Then the usual one got wet paper and last cardboard because he is the thickest. The children concluded that paper is afraid of water. All paper objects deteriorate when exposed to water. Paper material is fragile.

10 Next stop "Sunny". There were many different gnomes on it, but they were all sad because the sun was not shining. Let's help Paper town. Children take yellow napkins, crumple them into round balls and stick them on the sun depicted on the easel. Children have developed gross and fine motor skills. They know how to help their neighbors. The sun is shining brightly, paper the gnomes are satisfied and happy.

Final event: Compose together with your parents fairy tale: « Paper magic» .

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

“Combined kindergarten No. 216 “Polyanka”

Summary of a lesson on experimental activities in the second junior group with paper

"A Gift for a Mouse"

prepared by the teacher

Leikom Irina Alexandrovna

Kemerovo 2014

Target : development of experimental activities, activation and enrichment of vocabulary.

Educational objectives:

    Introduce children to the properties of paper and paper napkins;

    Develop the ability to make discoveries and conclusions;

    Teach smooth directed approach to an object.

Developmental tasks:

    Develop experimental activities;

    Develop children's speech;

    Develop sensory abilities, tactile sensations, fine motor skills;

    Develop attention, thinking, memory.

Educational tasks:

    Foster independence and activity throughout the lesson;

    Develop the ability to listen to each other, a sense of mutual assistance, the ability to work in a team, goodwill and responsiveness.

    Cultivate accuracy in work.

Demo material:

napkins, paper, pool of water, Mouse toy, sun, glue.


Fizminutka“Who has it higher?”

Handout: napkins, paper for each child.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: I have a friend whose birthday is coming up. He really wanted to meet you. So where is he? Guys, look at the house, let's knock. A little mouse looks out the window.

Mouse: Hello!

Children: Hello, Little Mouse!

Mouse: I am Mouse, what is your name? Let's get acquainted (children say their names).

Educator: Little mouse, what happened, why are you so sad and shaking.

Mouse: Oh, guys, the sun hid behind a cloud, that’s why I’m so sad and cold.

Educator: Don't be sad, Little Mouse, we know how to help you.

Educator: Guys, look how many napkins are on the table. They are paper, different colors. What color are the napkins? (children look at the napkins and name the colors of the napkins).

Educator: Now let’s put the napkins on the table and run our finger over them, the napkin is rough. Now let's see, what kind of paper? The paper is smooth (children run their fingers along the napkin and paper).

Children: Conclusion: Paper napkins – red, yellow, green, blue, white; napkins are rough, but paper is smooth.

Educator: Now let's try to crumple the napkin. Does it wrinkle? Now let’s crumple the piece of paper (children crumple the napkin and paper). Look, guys, the napkin and piece of paper are crumpled. Let's take a lump of napkin in our hand. What is he like? It (the children squeeze their hand) is soft and does not rustle. And the lump of paper is hard and rustling.

Children: Conclusion: Paper and napkins wrinkle, napkins are soft and do not rustle, but paper crumples with difficulty - it rustles.

Educator: Mouse, let's see if our paper lumps can be smoothed out. Will they become the same as they were (children smooth out napkins and paper).

Children: Conclusion: Napkins and paper were not smoothed out, they were wrinkled.

Educator: You can tear a napkin into small pieces, but try to tear the paper, is it easy to do? (children tear napkins and paper). What tears easier: napkin or paper? Show us the pieces of paper that we tore easily, and which paper we tore with difficulty.

Children: Conclusion: Napkins are thin and tear easily, but thick paper is more difficult.

Educator: Guys, we have wrinkled and torn our napkins, and now let’s blow on our little napkin pieces and watch their movement. We will blow strongly and weakly.

Blow lightly on the leaf. It will move quietly. Blow harder on the leaf. It will fly more cheerfully. (Breathing exercise) M. Mikhailova

Children: Conclusion: The napkin pieces are light and fly.

Educator: What will happen to our napkins and paper if we try to wet them? To do this, we lower them into our pool of water. (Children put napkins and paper into the water). The napkins quickly got wet, but the paper did not. Guys, let's get the napkins out of the water, what happened to them? The thin napkins became wet and torn. What about paper? The paper just got wet, did not tear, the paper is thick and dense.

Children: Conclusion: Thin napkins get wet quickly, but thick, thick paper doesn’t get wet well.

Educator: Guys, tell the Mouse what new things have you learned about paper and paper napkins?

Children: Conclusion: Napkins of different colors: red, green, blue, yellow, white; soft, wrinkled, easily torn, thin, get wet quickly.

The paper is white, dense, thick, smooth, rustles, wrinkles, breaks with difficulty, gets wet.

Mouse: Well done, guys!

Educator: Little mouse! We know it's your birthday and we want to surprise you. What do you think it will be?

Educator: Guys, look what I have. This is a large sheet of paper, it is thick. Now we will stick our yellow lumps (napkins) on it. Mouse, look what we got? (teamwork).

P/I "Sunshine"

We are rays of sunshine

Mischievous people.

(Children stand in a circle and show rays - palms)

We are with the cheerful sun

We dance in a circle.

(They lead a round dance)

We’ll hide, then we’ll look out,

We simply cannot be stopped.

(Close eyes with palms, open)

Hey, funny sunshine,

Try to catch up with us.

(Children run away)

A. Brodsky

Mouse: Thank you guys, I had a lot of fun with you and learned a lot about napkins and paper. Goodbye guys. Until next time.

List of used literature

    Nikolaeva S. N. “Methods of environmental education in kindergarten.” M.: Education, 1999 (methodological manual).

    Ivanova A. I. “Methodology for organizing environmental observations and experiments in kindergarten.” M.: TC Sfera, 2004

    Dybina O. V. “Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the second junior group of kindergarten” M.: Mozaika - Synthesis, 2007 (methodological manual).

    Marudova E. V. “Introducing preschoolers to the world around them” (experimentation). Saint Petersburg. Childhood-press 2011.

  1. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Professor Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Professor Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Professor 3 A Mikhailova 3 A Mikhailova JI K Nichiporenko


    ... ACTIVITIES TUTORS BY CHILDREN'S MASTERING OF EDUCATIONAL AREAS IS IN THE FOURTH YEAR OF LIFE. SECOND JUNIOR GROUP ... By based on familiar fairy tales, prepare concert For... A.E. Experimental activity middle-aged children... notes classes. - SPb.: DETST IN- ...

  2. G. B. Gorbasheva Chief Specialist of the Image Directorate


    Terms For efficient work educators By successful development of experimental activities preschoolers. I NOTES COGNITIVE CLASSES WITH ELEMENTS...

  3. Order No. dated 20, the basic general educational program of preschool education of a municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

    Educational program

    Movements of Garnyshev T.P. life safety For preschoolers. Work planning, notes classes, games. Socialization Program... activities Name of age groups GKP (evening) GKP (morning) First younger Second younger Middle High Will prepare ...

  4. Methodological materials for pre-school preparation of children according to the “My World” program


    ... in all types activities in accordance with the sensitivity of the period, thereby creating a base For ... younger – ... abstract first classes By ... For theater from paper ... prepare ... experimental ... Mouse... in a word second

Lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the second junior group

Prepared by teacher Nikolaevskaya M.O.

Topic: “Which is better: paper or fabric?”

Program content:

To consolidate children's knowledge about paper and fabric, their properties and qualities;

Learn to establish relationships between the material from which an object is made and the way the object is used;

Teach children to make inferences and conclusions;

Continue to teach children to respond without shouting or interrupting a friend;

Cultivate kindness and a desire to help.

Activating the dictionary: paper, fabric, smooth, hard, rustles, fabric does not make sounds, a paper scarf gets wet, a fabric scarf gets wet, wrinkled, consists of threads, magnifying glass.

Equipment and visual materials: finger puppet Humpty Baltai, glasses of water, a casket, oilcloths (according to the number of children), fabric towels (according to the number of children), paper scarves (according to the number of children), fabric scarves (according to the number of children) children), things made of fabric and paper, 2 trays.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment:

Educator: Guys, do you know who Humpty-Baltay is? Want to meet him? (Yes!)

II. Introductory part:

Humpty Dumpty is in tears (the teacher, wearing a finger puppet, plays the role of Humpty Dumpty) and talks about his misfortune.....(about how his friend Knopochka asked him to help her sort things into those made of paper and those that are made of fabric, but he knows nothing about paper or fabric).

Educator: Children, let's help Humpty-Baltay? (Yes!)

Educator: But in order to help him, we ourselves must learn a lot about paper and fabric. I have a surprise for you: now we will go to the workshop together with Humpty Dumpty. Please go through these magical gates and take your seats, but don’t touch anything with your hands yet. Agreed? (Yes!). (Children take their seats.)

III. Main part:

Educator: Children, look at so many objects on the table: water in a glass, a piece of paper, cloth. Now miracles - discoveries - will begin for us. In order for them to work out, you need to listen to me very carefully.

Educator: And now each of you will come up and touch the fabric and paper, you need to rub them

fingers. Now let’s close our eyes and “remember” what paper feels like and what fabric it feels like. (Fabric is soft, warm. Paper is hard, cold.)

Educator: Well done, guys!! I really liked your answers, did you like Humpty Dumpty? What do you remember?

Humpty Dumpty: I liked how the children answered cheerfully, because I am cheerful! What I remember is that the paper is warm and soft, and the fabric is hard! (Children correct Humpty Dumpty's answer.)

Educator: And now the next experiment, I have glass in my hands. It is not simple, but glass that can magnify objects, for example, look at how the petal of the flower in this picture enlarges. This glass is called a magnifying glass. Let's repeat its name: magnifying (children repeat after the teacher).

Educator: Now we will take this magnifying glass and first look at the fabric: what do we see? (Threads, gray color).

Educator: That's right guys, we see the threads that make up the fabric. Now let's look at the paper. What can we say about her? (We don’t see the strings).

Educator: That's right, when we look at paper through a magnifying glass, we don't see any strings, but we see only the yellow color. Let's repeat it again so that Humpty Dumpty remembers that fabric consists of threads, but paper does not.

Educator: Guys, do you want to know if paper and fabric can talk? (Yes!)

Educator: But for this we need silence to come to us. Let's tell a poem about her in a quiet voice? (Children tell everything together):

Silence by the pond, the water does not sway,

The reeds don't make noise and the kids fall asleep.

Well done, the kids told a good story, and now we open our eyes, sit quietly, quietly, and first take the paper, and so we begin to crumple it. What do you hear? (She talks, rustles).

Educator: That's right, she rustles. Let's repeat - the paper rustles. Put down the paper and take the fabric and let's listen to see if the fabric talks. We all begin to wrinkle the fabric together. What do we hear? (Nothing).

Educator: Correctly, the fabric does not speak, does not make any sound. So what can we explain to Humpty Dumpty? Humpty Dumpty, remember that when you crumple the paper, it rustles, but when you crumple the fabric, it is silent and does not make a sound.

Educator: Guys, look how crumpled our leaves are, let's try to straighten them, first we smooth the paper with our hands. What are you doing? (Can't smooth it out).

Educator: Yes, you are right, our paper is so wrinkled that it does not straighten out. Now, let's see if the fabric will straighten if we do the same thing, smooth it with our hands. Answer, what do you see? (She straightens up.)

Educator: the fabric straightens correctly when smoothed.

Humpty Dumpty: Oh, I’m tired...... I want to play!

Educator: Guys, let's play. We get up, pull up the chairs and relax.

Physical education session (to music).

Pinocchio stretched,

Once - bent over,

Two - bent over,

Three - bent over.

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently I couldn't find the key.

To get us the key,

You need to stand on your toes.

Educator: Well done, they played well! And now another experiment awaits us - now we will find out if our paper and fabric get dirty and we decide to wash them, what will happen to them.

Educator: First, we take the fabric, immerse it in water, and wring it out. What do we see? (She became wet).

Educator: Straighten it out and show it to Humpty Dumpty. You see Humpty Dumpty, the fabric has become wet. Now let's try to immerse a piece of paper in water. Squeeze it out. Try to straighten it. What do you see? (It got wet and began to tear.)

Educator: That's right, let's explain to Humpty Dumpty that if we decide to wash the fabric, it will get wet, and if we wash the paper, it will get wet, start to tear and have to be thrown away. So what is stronger, fabric or paper? (textile).

Educator: Humpty Dumpty, now do you understand what paper and fabric are? Guys, let's repeat it again for him:

Paper Textile

Hard Soft

Does not consist of threads Consists of threads

If its crush rustles If its crush does not make sounds

Doesn't straighten when smoothed When smoothed, straightens

In water it gets wet and torn In water it gets wet and becomes wet

IV. Final part

Educator: Now that we know everything about paper and fabric, we can help you! Yes guys? (Yes).

Educator: Stand in a semicircle, near the casket, and you Dunno, be nearby. Now we will open the casket and see what lies there (the teacher opens the casket). Oh, there are so many things made of paper and fabric. I will give each of you one item, and you will place them on these two trays: if the item is made of fabric, then please put it on this tray, and if the item is made of paper, then on this one! (Children complete the task)

Educator: Now we’ll see how you helped Humpty Dumpty! (the teacher checks and mistakes are corrected together with the children).

Humpty Dumpty: Thank you guys, you are real friends!

Lesson summary socialization

Topic: “Introduction to the properties and qualities of paper and fabric”

Target. Introduce children to the properties of paper (fragile, tears, wrinkles, it can be glued together) and fabric (strong, difficult to tear, wrinkles less than paper, it can be sewn). Cultivate a caring attitude towards surrounding objects, especially books.


1. “Cognitive development”: to generate interest in experimental activities; consolidate ideas about the properties of paper and fabric: smoothness-roughness, hairiness-lack of hairiness, strength, getting wet-getting wet; develop tactile sensations in the process of practical actions with different materials; consolidate the idea of ​​the functional purpose of the iron;

2. “Speech development”: expand the active vocabulary on the topic; develop the ability to reason and draw conclusions;

3. “Social and communicative development”: to develop the ability to act in a team according to the rules.

5. “Physical development”: develop coordination of movements in accordance with the text of the physical education lesson;

Material. Doll Masha, paper ribbons and fabric ribbons for the teacher and for each child; objects sewn from fabric and glued from paper.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher brings the doll Masha to the group.

Educator: Look, the Masha doll has come to us. She's coming to visit today and wants us to tie a bow for her. She brought this paper ribbon and asks me to tie a bow out of it. I tell her that a bow cannot be made from paper ribbon, but she doesn’t believe it, she says that this paper ribbon is very beautiful. What do you guys think, will a paper ribbon make a bow or not?

Children's answers.

Educator: To make sure that Masha can’t make a bow out of paper ribbon, let’s try tying one.

Guys, what happened to the paper tape?

Children offer their answers

Educator: Why did the paper tape break?

Children's answers.

Educator: The paper tape broke because it is not strong.

Educator: Matvey, why did the paper tape break? What do you think, Alena?

Children's answers

Educator: You see, Vika, the bow made from paper ribbon didn’t work out, because the paper is fragile, it breaks. But don't be upset, I have a fabric ribbon. Let's guys try to tie a bow from this ribbon. Guys, is the fabric ribbon torn?

Children's answers

Educator: Why do you think the paper tape tore, but the fabric tape did not?

Children's answers

Educator: The paper tape tore, because what kind of paper?

Children's answers

Educator: But the fabric ribbon didn’t break, because what kind of fabric is it?

Children's answers

Educator: Guys, look, there are ribbons on your tables. Let's find a paper ribbon together.

Educator: Maxim, which ribbon did you take? (Paper). And you, Linara?

Children's answers

Educator: Now guys, take the paper tape by the edges and pull it.

What happened to the paper tape?

Children's answers

Educator: Why did the paper tape break?

Children's answers

Educator: Now take the fabric ribbon and pull it. Is the fabric ribbon torn?

Children's answers

Educator: Why?

Children offer their answers

Physical education minute: I'll wash the handkerchief
I rub it in my fists,
And then I'll rinse
I'll squeeze it really hard.
I'll shake the handkerchief deftly,
To dry quickly -
I'll pin it to the rope.

Educator: You have another paper tape on your tables. Place it on your palm, squeeze it into a fist, then unclench it. What happened to the paper tape?

Children's answers

Educator: Yes, the paper not only tears, it also wrinkles a lot. Try to smooth it out. Did it work?

Children's answers

Educator: The paper tape does not smooth out.

Now place a fabric ribbon on your palm, clench your fist, and unclench it. Is the fabric ribbon wrinkled?

Children's answers

Educator: The fabric is almost not wrinkled. Here, Lera, now you will know which ribbon is best to tie a bow from. Don't tie it with paper tape. Why guys? Children's answers

Educator: But the fabric will make a very beautiful bow, because the fabric is durable, does not tear, and if wrinkled, it can be easily smoothed out with an iron.

Educator: Look, I have two short paper ribbons in my hand, but I need one long one. Does anyone know how I can connect them?

Children offer their answers

Educator: Yes, paper can be glued. We glue the paper during the appliqué class.

How can I connect two short ribbons of fabric to make one long one?

Children's answers

Educator: You can sew ribbons from fabric.

Today you learned that paper is not very durable, it wrinkles, and therefore objects made of paper must be handled very carefully so as not to wrinkle or tear them.

Educator: Guys, now you will go through the group, everyone will find and bring one paper object to Sasha and me.

Children disperse into the group and bring paper objects.

Educator: You found paper items. Now bring me each item made of fabric.

Children disperse into the group and bring fabric objects.

Educator: Guys, the book is made of paper, which means it is not durable and can easily be torn if you handle it carelessly. You no longer want to look at a torn book; it will no longer be possible to read it. Therefore, you now know that paper is fragile and tears easily, and you will handle books with care. And in our book corner there will always be beautiful books and it will be a pleasure to read them.


1) N.V. Aleshina “Familiarization of preschoolers with the environment and social reality in the second junior group” Moscow.

Svetlana Ovchinnikova

Educational area: Cognitive development.

Type of activity: Cognitive and research.

Age group: second junior group.

Subject: Introduction to paper properties.

Target: Expanding knowledge and understanding of paper, development of active and passive vocabulary on the topic.

Program content:

Educational objectives: Introduce children with qualities and properties of different types of paper; teach to identify common qualities and differences paper in research activities (tears, crumples, gets wet).Enrich children’s vocabulary with defining words paper properties: cardboard, thick, smooth, thin, rough.

Developmental: Develop tactile sensitivity in children; cognitive and creative activity; emotional sphere of children, be able to establish cause-and-effect relationships in the process of performing paper of various actions(creases, tears, absorbs water);develop fine motor skills;

Educational: Cultivate an interest in learning about the world around us, a careful attitude towards books, and curiosity. To instill in children a love for their hometown, goodwill, and a desire to help.

Materials and equipment: Paper different quality and type, city street panels, handouts papers for each child, items from paper, colored napkins, Christmas tree toys, tape recorder, chest, ICT.

Progress of activities:

Fairytale music sounds (The children enter group)

(There are Christmas tree decorations on the table in tinsel. The teacher draws attention to the toys)

Educator: Oh, guys! Look, what is this?

Children: Toys, balls.

Educator: What toys are these?

Children: Christmas tree toys.

Educator: Yes, these are Christmas tree toys, we used them to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year.

Educator: Who came to visit us for the holiday?

Children: Grandfather Frost, Snowman, Snow Maiden.

Educator: What did we do with Santa Claus?

Children: They sang, danced, read poetry, played.

Educator: Let's remember our "Have a fun workout"

Educator: Children! The toys are not simple, they are magical, so I just touch them with my hand and a miracle happens. (Remove the napkin from the chest)

Educator: Guys! A magic chest appeared. Let's see what's in this chest. (I show the color paper, cardboard, white sheet paper)

Educator: What is this?

Children: This paper.

Educator: What color paper?

Children: Red, blue, yellow.

Educator: Look what it is paper: Thick or thin, feel it with your hands. How do you think?

Children: Thin.

Educator: Now feel this one (cardboard)

Educator: What is it paper, thick or thin?

Children: Fat.

Educator: This paper is called cardboard. What is it called paper?

Children: Cardboard.

Educator: Now take a thin white paper and squeeze it into a ball like this. What happened?

Children: Ball, ball, snowball...

Educator: What have we done to you? paper?

Children: Crushed.

Educator: Means soft paper, she hesitates. Which paper?

Children: Soft, wrinkles.

Educator: Guys! Paper can be both smooth and rough. Let's find a rough one paper. Stroke this piece of paper with your hand, see how well your hand glides, what paper: smooth or rough?

Children: Smooth paper.

Educator: that can be said about this paper? Feel it. Does your hand glide the same way?

Children: No

Educator: So this one what kind of paper?

Children: Rough paper.

Educator: Children! Now pick up a colored one paper and let's make beautiful paths out of it. Like this. (By cutting off) What did we do?

Children: They tore up the path.

Educator: How did you make it?

Children: Tore paper.

Educator: Means the paper is still torn. So we found out that the paper is torn, crumples. What have we learned?

Children: The paper is torn, crumples.

Educator: Now go to this table and take the pieces paper in your hands and lower them into the water. What will happen to paper? Let's watch. What has become paper?

Children: The paper has become wet.

Educator: Right the paper became wet, it may get wet and tear.

Educator: Guys! What do you think can be done from paper?

Children: You can make books, newspapers, magazines, albums...

(The teacher pays careful attention to the book)

Educator: Well done guys! Now I will touch magic toys again. For a miracle to happen, close your eyes. Oh guys! Look paper white napkins turned into snowflakes. Let's play with them. Place a snowflake on your palm. Look how beautiful, airy and light she is. To make sure it is light, let's blow on it. Children blow on snowflakes.

Educator: What happened?

Children: Snowflakes flew

Educator: So what kind of snowflakes?

Children: Lungs

Educator: Let's spin like snowflakes. (Slide1)

Physical exercise to music "Snowflakes"

The teacher approaches the toys.

Educator: Thank you magic toys for making us happy. Guys! Magic toys still have a surprise in store for us. (Draws attention to the panel)

Look how beautiful our city is, and on holidays there are bright fireworks sparkling with multi-colored lights. (Slide2)

Let us now make fireworks over our city, and we will make fireworks from napkins. These napkins are not ordinary. They are colorful.

Educator: What color is this napkin?

Children: Red

Educator: This?

Children: Blue.

Educator: What color do you think this one is?

Children: Green.

Educator: And another one, what color?

Educator: Every napkin can be used to make beautiful lights. Look, you need to take a napkin, crumple it into a ball and you will get a beautiful yellow lump.

Now take napkins and make a lot of colorful fireworks lights. (Children do the work)

Educator: Well done guys! We made a lot of lights. Let's show how the lights soar into the sky. Fireworks are thrown.

Educator: Let's take the lights and decorate our city with them, stick them high in the sky above our city (Children stick lights on the panel)

Music plays when they finish work "Surprise".

Educator: What a beautiful fireworks display we have. Let's enjoy him.

Educator: What did we make the lights from?

Children: The lights were made from napkins, paper.

Educator: Why were we able to make fireworks lights out of napkins?

Children: Because soft paper, wrinkles easily.

Educator: Well done! Let's enjoy our fireworks once again.

Music is playing. The children say goodbye. They leave.