What is the fun of women's breasts and nipples and why do they attract men so much? What is the purpose of nipples in men? What kind of halos do men like, small or large?

Believe me, a woman should not have a body without an ounce of fat and without a single hair, and guys who think so are just fetishists. Despite numerous studies describing that “symmetry” and “harmony” in appearance are the key to attractiveness, men continue to fall in love with women who are “not attractive enough” by scientific standards all the time - every day of the week. In fact, it is often a woman's "flaws" that make her attractive. Here are just a few examples of what I'm talking about, and I guarantee it's not just my opinion.

1. Glasses

Girls often consider glasses to be a real problem. But many men simply adore girls with glasses. In fact, women look smarter and more confident with glasses. If you feel like your glasses are hiding your beauty, use makeup to highlight your eyes.

2. Wide hips

Curvy hips simply exude femininity and attract men who love curves. Be proud of your silhouette and use it to highlight your sexiness.

Numerous studies show that men are unconsciously attracted to girls with wide hips: this is a sign of good fertility.

3. Humped nose

Your profile looks chic and regal, like the profile of a Greek goddess... and a man has a question: is it possible to gently bite this nose?

4. Small belly

If you’ve been in bed with a man at least once in your life, you’ve probably noticed that the stronger sex really likes to grab and feel all the soft and round parts of your body. In this regard, a small, plump tummy is a big plus.

5. Small breasts

I'm not saying that men don't like big breasts (there's no point in denying that), but at the same time, men just love... breasts. The little one is great because it looks great with a low cut blouse and in warmer weather you don't have to wear a bra at all.

The nipples showing through the fabric look breathtaking.

6. Some unkemptness

Of course, women with styled hair and manicure are good, but, believe me, women without makeup, with loose hair without styling and in big baggy panties, many men simply lose their heads.

7. Gap between teeth

For God's sake, don't let the orthodontist near these teeth! There's nothing sexier than a girl's smile with a gap between her teeth.

8. Insufficiently toned arms

Pumped arms do not attract men at all. In order to remain feminine, try not to pump up bulky muscles, especially in the arms. Guys are very often scared off by girls with a perfect and athletic body.

9. Fat butt

“You can never have too much ass!” — one of my acquaintances, a fan of fat butts, speaks directly.

There is a lot of misunderstanding between men and women. We truly don't understand why women try to make their bulges smaller. It's like trying to make something flat out of a chic size 3 bust.

Biologically, it so happens that men love women's breasts. Big, small, different shapes and different skin colors. Sometimes young ladies flirt, assuring that such close attention is not pleasant for them, but at the same time they meaningfully draw the attention of others to this clearly expressed sympathy. Some men pretend to be interested in the more exalted elements of a girl's figure or beauty, but in the end it all comes down to looking at the neckline, no matter how deep it is.

Why do men like the sight of this alluring part of their beloved’s body? From the point of view of the same biology, this phenomenon is quite inexplicable, because no other mammal is distinguished by an increased interest in this object. And only in girls of all females of this class does it increase not only during pregnancy and lactation, but also during puberty. And clearly only the human race has the desire to look, stroke and caress this part of the body during copulation. Moreover, both participants in the process are equally satisfied.

Some ladies ask a man to caress her bust without waiting for him to figure it out himself. For many partners, playing with a lady's bust becomes one of the most attractive sexual rituals. They knead, stroke, caress, squeeze, stroke, pinch, cool with ice cubes or gently touch with feathers, play with nipples - there are many options, and if they suit both playing parties, then there is nothing forbidden in such entertainment. Some are more drawn to the sirloin part of the chosen one’s body; there is even a version that, in fact, sympathy for the bust and buttocks are the same passion - after all, they are quite similar in shape. Therefore, debates about what attracts the male gender more - bust or butt - are not justified, since such objects are discussed.

First, in adolescence, it is interesting to consider a woman’s breasts as something new and forbidden. Interestingly, the sight of the bust itself or something associated with it prompts males to make the wrong decision, whatever it may be. But, if you can still understand the inexpressible craving for a lady’s bust in all its various forms and types, it is more difficult to understand why, apart from visual joy, men so like to caress their partner’s forms, to great mutual pleasure. This is especially gentle and expressive with the mouth.

Men love to suckle the breast of their wife, and sometimes even of their fleeting companion, probably for deep reasons coming from our glorious childhood, which conceals so many of the beginnings of our adult behavior. Active and rhythmic sucking, similar to that of an infant, generates very strong sexual arousal in a woman. And when she herself “feeds” a man with her bust, this, in turn, causes the same state in her partner.

Reasons for wanting to breastfeed

A mother gives birth to a child. A newborn baby triggers, by its behavior, and sometimes by the very fact of its existence, a number of mechanisms in the woman’s body. In particular, this is feeding. The sucking movements of the small mouth become a stimulus for the mother - a signal is sent to the brain along the nerve fibers, under the influence of which the hypothalamus releases neurotransmitters and oxytocins. The action of oxytocin stimulates the smooth muscles of this part of the body, which in turn promotes milk secretion. This is how the baby provides its own nutrition.

Oxytocin, when released, causes female body other reactions as well. Considering that its release is caused by the actions, albeit unconscious, of the child, the mother as a result begins to take care of the baby, devotes her attention to him, he becomes one of the most important creatures on earth for her. Thus, dopamine and oxytocin, in combination and in association with the baby’s face, smell and voice, are firmly imprinted in the neural circuits of the cerebral cortex of the child’s mother, which are directly related to the feeling of pleasure and reward for actions. Naturally, the mother is comfortable in this state, she feels gratitude for what causes these sensations, and this literally strengthens the physical connection between her and the baby.

And if a husband loves to suck his wife’s breast, it is because he is immersed in that distant but comfortable state where the mother can be replaced by his wife, but their associations remain the same.

It is also typical for humans, unlike other members of the mammalian class, to perform sexual intercourse face to face, not in the “doggy style” position common to animals. Even taking into account that physiologically this position is the most justified, people love to look at each other, moreover, if they experience mutual feelings. The eye-to-eye pose is also characteristic of mother-child interaction, and now the double attraction makes this connection even stronger.

Let's sum it up

When a guy touches his girlfriend, when he likes to suck her balls, the brain triggers mechanisms similar to those described, occurring between mother and child. The friend focuses her attention on her partner’s face, voice, smell, and concentrates on her feelings experienced from interacting with her friend. Stimulation of this organ releases oxytocin, dopamine levels rise sharply - caresses and face-to-face positions do their job. This is how a strong connection is formed in the brains of a woman and a man, uniting partners.

Sucking the bust gives a man a lasting feeling of warmth, safety, comfort, security, and, of course, closeness with his girlfriend. They plunge into the soft world of childhood, forget about their problems, business, disputes with colleagues - touching the soft skin of a woman, and sucking his wife's breast - this is the most soothing thing he can do...

So it turns out that such love and undisguised desire for a woman’s bust is not just a whim or a petty male whim, but a physiologically determined reaction.

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What breast size do men like is a question that will probably never lose its relevance. After all, every new generation of young beauties wants to have an ideal body and attract the attention of men. But what is needed for this? Does bust size really play a decisive role in the preferences of the stronger sex? Let's try to figure this out.

Women's breasts are objects of desire

How many poetic lines have been written about the female bust! How many paintings and sculptures have been created! However, in everyday life, many of us notice that men’s gaze every now and then drops clearly below the eye level of the interlocutor. Yes, if it weren’t for women’s breasts, men would look into their eyes more often! But where does this craving come from, and what kind of breasts do men like?

Representatives of the stronger sex explain their attitude by the beauty of a woman's bust or sexual desire for a woman, and psychologists argue that this reverent attitude was actually laid down in infancy. After all, at that time, a warm mother’s breast filled with milk was a sure protection for the baby from all troubles and a manifestation of love and care. It is this early childhood impression that men still retain in their subconscious. for many years, often determining their choice.

Obviously, the opportunity to kiss and caress breasts serves as clear proof for the stronger half of humanity that its owner belongs only to them - just like mom did many years ago. By the way, therefore, regardless of which breast men like best, they pay very little attention to it during fleeting relationships, but they begin to literally deify it during a serious relationship with a woman.

What lies behind the addiction to large breasts?

Sometimes, in order to figure out what lies behind men’s craving for a certain female bust size, it’s worth looking into their subconscious. And it may turn out that this craving is nothing more than a peculiar manifestation of psychological inclinations or complexes.

So, for example, answering the question of what kind of breasts men like, the researchers noticed that many lovers of big-breasted beauties generally tend to surround themselves with large objects: a big house, a massive car, etc. This range, of course, also includes a respectable breast size their chosen ones. And the whole point, it turns out, lies in the desire of such a man to give himself special significance, to assert himself.

And in general, recently it has become a kind of standard of female attractiveness, actively promoted by the media. Who knows why this is done, but taking out a partner with large (and most often, mind you, silicone) breasts has become the same manifestation of status as owning an expensive car and regularly visiting fashionable resorts.

love romance

And to understand what kind of men like small breasts, you should take a close look at their character traits. There is an opinion that they are sensitive, adventure-loving, romantic and passionate people - you must agree, any lady can dream of such a partner.

But, unfortunately, they often turn out to be jealous people who, when choosing a companion, are afraid that another man might catch his eye on her, and find a solution to the problem in a beloved who, in their opinion, will not attract the attention of a rival.

And some representatives of the stronger sex keep memories of classmates or young neighbors in the yard with whom they were in love in childhood. And now they are trying to find this romantic image of an unformed, fragile girl in girls with small busts.

By the way, as the men themselves explain, small breasts are never ugly, they sag less with age - and all this allows ladies with the first size to often do without underwear, which, of course, is very impressive and attracts the stronger half of humanity.

What kind of breasts do men from different countries like?

True, scientists have not yet been able to accurately determine why representatives of different nationalities have such different preferences for one or another size of a woman’s bust. Perhaps the idea of ​​beauty that exists in every culture played an important role in this, which, of course, was based on the forms of the female body that were already around.

So, in European countries, the most popular is the second or third breast size, but what breast size men from Spain or Latin America like most is no secret - the fourth, but it’s better if it’s larger! Representatives of the stronger sex from these countries claim that only the happy man is the one who can hide in the shadow of his wife during siesta.

By the way, researchers have drawn attention to the fact that the passion for large female breasts in these countries is often associated with a general attitude towards women as a subordinate sex. By the way, in other countries, such a choice is more often typical for men who treat their partners quite aggressively.

Which breasts can attract a man?

But let’s go back and ask again what kind of female breasts men like. As it turned out, many of our compatriots prefer the so-called French breast, that is, the one that can fit in the palm of their hand.

But wait, men's palms are different! And from this it follows that the sizes that representatives of the stronger sex may look at can also vary. In addition, please note, there is hardly a hero in whose palm a size five can fit.

By the way, even those who admitted to an addiction to a large bust made a note: “within reason.” Well, as it turns out, it is not size that plays the most important role in a man's choice.

Men like a well-groomed body

It turns out that when talking about the bust, the question should be posed somewhat differently: not what size, but what breast shape men like best. And here they are more unanimous in opinion than ever. Women's breasts, judging by their reviews, should be high and elastic, and the whole body should be well-groomed, then there will be no end to male attention. At the same time, note that 89% of them have their own, “native” bust of their beloved, rated much higher than the silicone one (although this product of the skillful hands of a surgeon also has its fans).

By the way, men complain that when they find themselves alone with a lady who has silicone implants, they often lose their virility. This happens because they are afraid of damaging their partner’s breasts, and every now and then they feel an artificial insert under their hand, causing unpleasant sensations.

Breast shape dictates everything

Having figured out what kind of breasts men like, you should definitely take care of maintaining a good shape of your bust, no matter what size it is. According to doctors, girls with small breasts should not completely ignore underwear, since even these breasts can sag and be “decorated” with stretch marks. And those who have large volumes of charms need to regularly pay attention to special exercises, cold compresses and herbal baths.

All this will help to maintain the elasticity of one of the most attractive parts of the female body for a long time. Physical activity exercise will strengthen you, increase your tone, cold compresses or herbal baths will tighten your skin and make it elastic and clean.

And yet, in love, breasts are not the main thing!

We hope you got the answer to the question of what kind of breasts men like. As you can see, in this men's world I absolutely disagree. As they say: “for every product...”. This means that ladies should not blame problems in relationships with the stronger sex only on the “wrong” bust sizes. After all, even psychologists claim that the statement about the inferiority and unattractiveness of women with small breasts was invented and supported by the representatives of the fair half of humanity themselves.

No, the reason is not the size! Look for it in your attitude towards yourself, in low self-esteem - it is this, and not apparent figure flaws, that prevents you from finding the one and only. As soon as you realize that you are the most charming and attractive, everything will change, and your partner, believe me, will love not only your breasts, but the whole of you: with your whole body, soul and thoughts! Good luck!

All men can be divided into two categories: those who love small breasts, and those who love large ones... Wanting to find out more about this, we subjected several men to a targeted question.

Knowing the tendency of men to be delighted with the first size 95C breasts they see, we

  • selected a group of males aged from 18 to 60 years
  • They directly asked them the question that torments us all: “What do they like best?”

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We expected to hear thousands of funny and lyrical incidents from life, but in the first minutes nothing was heard except stupid jokes like: “Um... breasts... well, it’s better if there are two of them,” or laconic cliches: “We need so that they fit in the palm of a decent man."

To fit in the palm of your hand - no criterion. A heated discussion followed and the picture began to become clearer.

Result? Clear, reasonable, unexpected. Large breasts - 49%, small - 41%, difficult to answer - 10%.

First surprise: the relatively modest scores received by large breasts. Young people prefer a more “flat” option: those who are not yet 25 cannot tolerate full-breasted people: “Dairy farm, what will happen in old age!” But owners of sizes 95 C and above should not despair, mature men are left to their lot. They mostly love impressive breasts, which are in harmony with their full-length apartments, respectable cars, impressive incomes: “A woman should look like a woman,” or: “Because as a teenager I was crazy about Sophia Loren.”

But so far only size has been discussed. When we tried to touch on more specific details (ideal breasts - pointed or like an apple? Are the nipple circles large or barely noticeable?) the respondents fell into a depressed state, stammered and showed a clearly lack of competence: “Big circles are ugly.”

A simpler question: “Do you like soft breasts or vice versa?” They love, they love: “Pliable breasts are so nice”; “Yes, those slightly mature breasts can be very sexy, unless, of course, they hang below the navel.” So what? plastic surgery, after which the breasts become strong, smooth, elastic? Not at all! Men can’t stand this, unless there is absolutely nowhere to go (read: if the size is 75 A or 175 Y), and all because it catches the eye. However, when Pamela Anderson is mentioned, they show touching indignation: “No, no, she has everything of her own!” (In their blindness they do not understand anything.)

So, moral: don't change anything. Or change everything if your heart tells you so. Why? The answer lies in a few words, unanimously approved by our experimental friends as a result of a three-hour group psychoanalysis: “The best breasts are the breasts of the woman you love.”

Vyacheslav Zaitsev

Fashion designer

She considers breasts “an amazing, aesthetically perfect part of the female body.” Having worked all his life with fashion models who are not particularly curvy, two years ago the couturier decided to go to expert research and found models with bra sizes 5-6. “I see people’s admiring glances. They finally saw real women on the catwalk. When modeling individual orders For clients with large breasts and curvy hips, I get a real thrill watching them transform, blossom, and find their own individuality.” I am wary of any interference with nature’s inherent nature, but if aesthetic surgery helps a woman feel more confident in life, why not?”

Andrey Konchalovsky


“Ever since I can remember, women’s breasts have worried me more than anything else in the world. This continues to this day, and probably began with my mother’s breast. But I also remember myself standing in a crib with a rope net fencing and nanny Marusya bending over me. What a pleasure it was to knead this big, soft, swaying something with your hands! Why kneading her breasts brought such pleasure, I, of course, have no idea. Now I think that this is an atavism imprinted into our genes by generations of our prehistoric ancestors.” "Low Truths" Collection “Top Secret”, Moscow, 1998.

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Vladimir Clavijo


Perceives breasts as an element of the figure, and the figure as an integral part of the image. He considers ideal models in this sense to be Yasmin Gauri with a stately figure that meets the ancient canons and her complete opposite - Kristen McMenamy with a flat, almost invisible chest. Pamela Anderson is in no way included in this value system. As a professional, Vladimir is not against aesthetic surgery, but only on the condition that the artificial breasts look as natural as possible.

Alexander Kulish

Editor-in-chief of Premiere magazine

Believes that the size and shape of the breast have no meaning apart from the personality of its owner. The owners of the most famous busts of the 20th century: Sophia Loren, for example, or Gina Lollobrigida - became famous not so much for their feminine virtues (although that’s also why), but because they were interesting in themselves. Now, in the age of postmodernism, when all styles are mixed and individuality is more important than ever, the image of Pamela Anderson Lee with her necessary attribute - a magnificent bust - cannot overshadow the no less attractive, although completely opposite in style, type of beauty of Milla Jovovich. In this regard, a woman should not feel complex about not having the desired breast size or shape.

Oleg Nesterov

Soloist of the group "Megapolis"

He admitted that it is difficult for him to describe ideal breasts in words, which is quite understandable, but nevertheless he gave several parameters that he liked: average size, dark complexion, firmness... Oleg is one of those who are frightened by large breasts. He believes that the best is the enemy of the good, therefore, in his opinion, breast prosthetics should be resorted to only when necessary.

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Korolev Mikhail


He also does not consider himself a fan of the “sovereign bust.” “Huge breasts that look like udders are just scary.” In his opinion, breasts should be “tasty.” This epithet has nothing to do with cannibalism. It's about purely about aesthetics. From a professional point of view, he considers ideal to be beautiful, not too big breasts, which looks impressive in standard-sized lingerie. Mikhail believes that one can only sympathize with the desire of women to enlarge their busts to please men.

Ivan Usachev

Host of the program “You are an Eyewitness”

First of all, he draws attention to the woman’s legs, rear view (now it’s clear why men look back after us), the second most important object of attention is the chest, side view. He has a very positive attitude towards plastic surgery. As a well-deserved eyewitness, Ivan told us a story about an American friend with a very beautiful bust, whom, out of simplicity, he directly asked if it was a prosthesis. Which, by the way, the girl was very offended by. She claimed that everything was exclusively natural.

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Yuri Grymov


He believes that a woman with 95 D breasts is pleasant to watch if she works in show business, but by and large, the size of the breasts does not matter at all. “The main thing is how a woman knows how to wear it.” He claims that he is familiar with examples where the owner of quite attractive female assets does not know how to present a product “with her face” and loses greatly as a result. An opponent of silicone busts, Yuri believes that models and mannequins with silicone breasts should not participate in beauty contests, although he does not exclude the possibility of surgical intervention if a woman has to work with these same breasts (show business, etc.).

Alexey Avanesov


“When I was asked to speak on the topic of breasts, my first reaction was bewilderment and disappointment. There are a lot of topics that are more interesting and relevant. This irritation forced me to express my opinion, and at the same time justify the person who came up with such a stupid topic.

1. The female breast is the only human organ that is uncompromisingly noble and pure. Let's take hands: they can be kind, golden, beautiful, but also merciless, cruel, corrupt. (Hands, you understand, are one of the most decent examples.) And the female breast has no anti-functions. She can only be innocent, virgin, lactating, etc. No dirt. In any case, nothing like that comes to my mind.”

2. They say you can tell fortunes by looking at your hands. I don't know, I haven't tried it. But I am sure that a lot of conclusions can be drawn from a woman’s breast about its bearer. At least about her past and present. I think any man who has seen at least a hundred pairs (sorry) of breasts will agree with this..

3. I am very against nudism. Nudity is inherent in animals and wild tribes. As far as I know, a breast evokes no more emotion among savages than a hand or an ear, no matter whether it is a neighbor or a giraffe. Dear women, do not turn us into indifferent savages. Cover your breasts so that they drive you crazy with their attractiveness and... seeming inaccessibility. It's time to finish, otherwise I'm getting excited. So, although the topic is stupid, it is very attractive.”

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Sergey Krylov

He was categorical. He is deeply convinced that normal man when meeting a woman, he is unlikely to consider any parameters other than intellectual ones as determining ones. Otherwise, he should simply be wary of sexually transmitted diseases.

Konstantin Kedrov

In response to our question, he gave out several aphorisms: “The breast is the head of everything,” “Catch, breast, big and small,” “All kinds of breasts are needed, all kinds of breasts are important,” and then quite serious information. The ancient Egyptians believed that the starry sky was an image of the naked female body of the goddess Nut. Accordingly, her breasts are the constellation Cassiopeia, which has always been depicted in the form of W. In these outlines they saw stellar breasts, feeding the world with the milk of the Milky Way, with star milk. This is clearly visible in the painting “The Creation of the Milky Way” by Titian.

Women's breasts are an inexhaustible source of inspiration for both artists and ancient astrologers.

Men are creatures of the visual type, therefore a woman's appearance plays a leading role for them. Personal qualities- this, of course, is important, but a man makes his first choice only based on your external data.

Moreover, men evaluate our body first 10 seconds meetings (this is almost instantaneous!!!) And also after 4 minutes they understand it’s worth starting with us serious relationship, or not.

  • What the signals What message does a woman's appearance send to men?
  • What kind of appearance do men think most?
  • AND How to gain the most attractive appearance in the eyes of men?

Some women are attracted to men, while others are not. Why is this happening? In this blame evolution who taught men quickly find a suitable partner. Moreover, we women do the same - literally after 4 minutes of meeting we already understand whether we like a man or not.

Ordinary biological signals turn out to be much stronger than the point according to which “you must first communicate with the person.”

First of all, a man is attracted to those feminine characteristics that speak of. Behind them come those who talk about woman fertility- that is, her ability to continue the race, bear and feed healthy offspring.

Strong chest

If you think that men are attracted to big women, you are wrong! The fact is that large breasts contain a large percentage of fat, which negatively affects a woman’s ability to breastfeed.

Know that men are not attracted to size, but rather to breast shape. Perfect breasts, from a man’s point of view, should be:

Outstanding, that is, not saggy. Sagging breasts are a sign of ill health, so they turn men off.

With protruding nipples and a bright areola. Such nipples indicate good breast tone and great sensitivity. In addition, a child can easily grasp such a nipple with his lips. Flat, pale nipples are, alas, not what men like.

What to do: Look for one that provides good breast support. A man will be able to see what kind of nipples you have only upon closer acquaintance - so try to hook him with something else besides your bust! I assure you that no man has ever left a woman because of the shape of her nipples.

Elastic body

Elastic body speaks of good women's health and great endurance. Moreover, the body must be strong- this is why men like athletic women more than women with boyish figures.

An attractive woman has pronounced backside, again, talking about the ability to bear offspring. Ratio hip size to waist size should be approximately 70% - this indicates that the woman’s pelvis is wide enough to give birth to a child.

Stomach women should be flat - this indicates that the woman is not pregnant, and therefore, she can be fertilized!

Long legs

Why do men of all times consider long legs sexy? Because long legs indicate a woman’s readiness to bear children.

The fact is that children's legs are much shorter than their bodies, and during puberty their legs begin to grow quickly. Long legs - a woman is ready for motherhood.

A man is attracted not to the legs themselves, but to the place where they connect. Therefore, the length of the legs gives scope for male imagination - and miniskirts contribute to this!

If we talk about leg shape, then men prefer women with rounded legs - after all, they differ from men’s legs.

cute face

Men are most attracted to faces that look like children's: With big eyes, small nose, plump lips, rounded cheeks and small chin. Such faces evoke in men a subconscious desire to take care of a woman, protect her, and touch her.

This is exactly the kind of faces they draw in anime and manga, this is exactly how it was made famous doll Barbie.

Long hair

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