Business card kindergarten 1939. Group presentation business card

  1. 1. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTAN Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of a combined type Kindergarten No. 16 “Romashka” in the city of Birsk [email protected] municipal district Birsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan Our address: Russia Republic of Bashkortostan 452455, Birsk, Internatsionalnaya street, 120 Phone 8-(34784)-2-15-33 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
  2. 2. Meet us - this is our kindergarten! For 34 years, kindergarten No. 16 “Romashka” [email protected] every morning he carefully greets his students. Currently there are more than 300 of them aged from 1.5 to 7 years.
  3. 3. [email protected] There are 12 groups in the kindergarten: The first youngest from 1.5 to 3 years - 1 group General development from 3 to 7 years - 6 groups For children with speech impairments - 2 groups For children with visual impairments - 3 groups
  4. 4. [email protected] Plan - diagram of the territory kindergarten
  5. 5. The child’s mind, soul and body are improved [email protected] a wide range of specialists: educators speech therapists teachers - defectologists educator - psychologist music directors physical education instructor Bashkir language teacher ophthalmologist head nurse nurse
  6. 6. Level of education Higher pedagogical education Secondary specialized pedagogical education [email protected] We employ highly educated and qualified teachers. Among them there are many young specialists Qualification level highest category first category without category 49% 16% 35% 95% 5%
  7. 7. High level The work of our kindergarten has been awarded with awards and certificates [email protected]
  8. 8. Main areas of work: Cognitive development. Physical development. Organizing a health-preserving space. Artistic and aesthetic development.  Corrective work with children. Moral and patriotic education. [email protected]
  9. 9. The team works according to the program “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Approximate basic general education program preschool education"/Ed. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. – M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2012 In groups for children with speech impairments,  “Program for training and education of children with special needs” by T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina are used  methodological developments T.A. Tkachenko, N.V. Nishchevoy, V.V. Konovalenko In groups for children with visual impairments, “Programs of special (correctional) educational institutions of type IV are used. Kindergarten programs. Corrective work in kindergarten" edited by [email protected] L.I.Plaksina
  10. 10. We partially use the programs R.B.Sterkin, N.N.Avdeev, O.L.Knyazev “Safety” S.N.Nikolaev “ Environmental education preschoolers" L.G. Peterson, E.E. Kochemasova "Playing Game" L.G. Peterson, N.P. Kholina "One is a step, two is a step" [email protected] Regional programs and manuals  F.G. Aznabaeva, Z.G. Nafikova “Oskon”  R.L. Agisheva “I am a Bashkortostan”, “I know Bashkortostan”  F.N. Fazlyeva “My land is Bashkortostan”  L .I. Marchenko “Integrated development of children in the process of their communication with nature”  V.A. Molcheva “Program for decorative activities based on Bashkir folk applied art”
  11. 11. We attach great importance to improving the professional literacy of teachers. Forms of work with the teaching staff: Pedagogical councils Workshops Open classes Consultations General meeting of the workforce Competitions Work with young specialists Advanced training Study and generalization of PPO Innovative activities [email protected]
  12. 12. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH WORK During 2004 - 2008, the creative group carried out scientific research work. The result was the release of a manual with methodological recommendations for teachers of kindergartens and primary schools, students of defectology departments of pedagogical universities, as well as for working with children who do not have visual impairments. [email protected] During 2009 - 2013 The creative group carried out scientific research work on the topic “Formation of intersystem compensatory mechanisms in preschool children with visual impairment in the process of development of auditory perception and touch” under the scientific supervision of the Birsk branch of BSU.
  13. 13. The teaching team is a regular participant in scientific and practical conferences and seminars of various [email protected] level: International, All-Russian, regional, zonal. We share new, interesting developments on the pages of all-Russian popular science and methodological journals and on the Internet.
  14. 14. Combining frontal, subgroup, individual interaction, teachers use various [email protected] forms of work with children: Organized educational activities Entertainment Holidays Leisure time Competitions Competitions Games Excursions Walks
  15. 15. In all age groups a regime of motor activity for children has been compiled, which is ensured by a comprehensive [email protected] using all forms of work:  morning exercises  physical education classes in the hall and outdoors  awakening gymnastics  dynamic breaks  walks including active play exercises  physical education minutes  sports and outdoor games  health running  health-improving gymnastics musical and rhythmic classes  physical educationsports holidays hikes, targeted walks, excursions
  16. 16. [email protected] Corrective work is carried out by teachers - speech therapists, teachers - defectologists, and a teacher - psychologist.
  17. 17. The medical staff of the kindergarten constantly monitors the health of children, carries out preventive measures, and carries out health education work with teachers. [email protected] and parents.
  18. 18. For full development The child’s personality requires interaction between teachers and parents. [email protected] Forms of work with parents: Parent meetings Conversations Attending classes Excursions around the kindergarten Joint activities, holidays, entertainment Consultations Questionnaires Information stands Thematic exhibitions (art galleries) Competitions Meetings with the administration Pedagogical Tips Parental committee
  19. 19. [email protected]
  20. 20. There are group rooms, specialists' offices, music hall, medical rooms, catering department, sports area, walking areas, [email protected] ecological trail, motor town.

Every children's institution must have visual information about the life of the institution. Such stands allow you to create a first impression of the place where you are going to send your child. For harmonious development The baby's personality should be surrounded by bright, high-quality things. Including visual aids. This is no less important for parents.

One such visual aid is the business card of a kindergarten group. The templates for such stands vary, but the information is most often the same. In this article we will talk about how to properly design such a visual aid. What should a kindergarten group business card contain? What to look for? What to do if you don’t feel like “creating” at all? First things first.

Why do you need a business card in a group?

The business card of a kindergarten group is a large information stand or group of stands. There you can find basic information about how and what the collective lives. In addition, this is a kind of advertising. Therefore, the brighter and more colorful it is, the better.

First of all, the business card contains information for parents, visitors and teaching staff. So it should be placed where guests of the group have free access. Most often, the kindergarten group’s business card is attached to the wall in the first room. There is a morning reception for children, so parents can study all the necessary information.

Basic Requirements

Most often, the teacher and his assistant are responsible for making business cards. In some cases, this task may be undertaken by the parent committee.

How to make a business card for a kindergarten group? What should you definitely pay attention to? Here are some recommendations:

  • First of all, it is worth considering that such a visual aid should be bright, recognizable and memorable. In addition, all materials from which the business card is made must be safe and non-toxic.
  • The group’s visiting stand should contain the most important information relating to the life of the group. The font used for writing should be easy to read and large enough.
  • You should not put information on the group’s business card that is not directly related to the life of the group. For example, it is better to display the rules of behavior on the playground or excerpts from the Convention on Children’s Rights in a separate stand.
  • If a large amount of information can be easily replaced with several pictures, it is best to do so. It must be remembered that an impressive amount of textual information quickly discourages you from studying it to the end.
  • The bulk of the text presented on a business card should be written in a standard, easy-to-read font. Creative spellings are best left for headlines.

In general, the group’s presentation stand should correspond to the general style preschool, be aesthetically pleasing and beautifully designed.

Designing a business card correctly

First of all, the business card of a kindergarten group should contain the name of the team and basic information about the people who work with your children. It is also worth visualizing the group's motto, if there is one.

Below is information about what exactly educational programs implemented in the group. You can also talk about what traditions are accepted in the team.

  • contacts of teachers;
  • general age characteristics of children;
  • rules of conduct;
  • daily routine and other information.

At the very bottom are the phone numbers of the kindergarten, head, teachers, medical worker and a psychologist.

If a preschool institution implements any special areas of activity, this should also be reflected on the information stand. Parents and guests of the group should immediately understand that they are, for example, in an art studio, a speech therapy group, or a group that prefers development according to the Montessori system.

If space allows, you can add a small exhibition of students’ work to the business card. This could be a small shelf for crafts or photographs from the life of a children's group.

After viewing the presentation stand, parents and guests should not have any questions about the direction pedagogical activity in a team. If so, the business card is made correctly.

How to choose a group name?

The name of the group is also of great importance for the design of the information stand. It is intended to emphasize the individuality of the team and often determines the design style of the room itself. For example, the business card of the “Bees” group in kindergarten can be designed in the form of an image of a plump, cheerful insect. You can place “flowers” ​​around it, which will provide additional space for placing information. You can decorate the entire interior in the group in the same style: hang striped curtains, wallpaper with large flowers. Place an image of a baby in the form of a striped bug on each cabinet or crib. You can also make signatures: “Nikita the bee”, “Julia the bee” and so on.

When choosing a group name, you should take into account the general style of the kindergarten, as well as the age of the students. For example, the “Fairy Tale” kindergarten may correspond to the groups “Cinderella”, “Thumbelina”, “Kolobok”, “Purky Kitty”. For an establishment called “Bell”, groups with appropriate names would be appropriate: “Ants”, “Sun”, “Malinka”, “Bees” and so on.

If you don’t want to create, but you need to

Sometimes it happens that you have absolutely no time, but urgently need a business card for a kindergarten group. The templates offered by specialists from various design companies have been tested over the years. They are so varied that you can choose exactly what suits you.

To order an information board for a group, you need to contact the selected manufacturer, select a layout and provide the information that you would like to place. Next, you should pay for the order and just wait until the finished stand is delivered to you. Of course, such a group business card will be the brightest and most colorful. But the stand, made by the caring hands of teachers, is much more soulful. Creative success!


OUR GROUP “SOLNYSHKO” Motto: “In our group the sun shines brightest There is enough warmth and joy for everyone here.”

Children to kindergarten They always go with joy, Both girls and boys

They really like it here! Our kindergarten is very interesting! We would like to take you on a tour together.

In the morning everyone came to the kindergarten We will play with friends Exercises, exercises We need it as a recharge



Here is the sports corner This is where we train. We pump up the press, do push-ups, We squat, we bend, We train the leg muscles. We stretch our fingers with massage balls.

We love physical education very much. Run, jump and play If you really need it

We can fly to the moon


Attention, curtain, bell I am a theater corner. Here you can turn into a gnome And dress up as Grandma Ezhka .


We started flowers in the group,

And we even have a globe there!

A piece of nature in a corner

He makes us all very happy.


This is all experiments - How our experience turned out Interesting moments! How long did it last? We want to know everything, everything, everything! We are surprised by everything: You need to sketch everything! How? For what? And why?


And at ten years old, and at seven, and five

All children love to draw.

And everyone will boldly draw,

Everything that interests him


There is a corner in our group, Who helped us in life! He is very, very dear to us.

And reassured dads and moms! There are magazines, books, Pictures, diagrams and album, Where are all the roads and paths, Which way we go home

The safest method is: Cross the road with mom. She won't let you down He will lead us by the hand. But it will be much better If she teaches us, How without troubles and wisely

Do it yourself.


They are still reading books to us

Educators for us.

Every day comes

Reading books is a welcome hour!

Mathematics is precise.

Mathematics is necessary!

And recognize the figures.

Explains numbers, signs,

And how to solve problems!


Aibolit treated monkeys,

I'll probably be a doctor

I will begin to heal people

I will travel everywhere

And save sick children !

We're playing machine gun

We growl like a walkie-talkie

Don't scold us - AUTOMATION is coming

We love to play!

You know friends!

How can a child live without games?

No way, no way.


We know, we know - yes, yes, yes! Leisure a little

There is water hiding in the tap! Right in the palm of your hand! Come out, water! The soap will foam

We came to wash ourselves! And the dirt will go somewhere!

I love hanging in place!

- You will remember this!

Wipe your hands, hang up,

in the washroom.


This is good advice

Secrets are hidden in them.

We will reveal to you friends

Secrets of education!

We are a gift to mom

We won't buy.

We are a gift to mom -

Let's make it ourselves

Just draw it like that

each of the guys can.

We want to show you

How everyone can draw!


Part 1.

Ved. Hello, dear friends! We present to your attention a creative presentation of the Municipal Budget Preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 50."

Our kindergarten is over 35 years old. So many years have passed, but it seems that just recently the Kovrov Mechanical Plant opened the building of the future kindergarten...

Song to the tune of “Do you remember how it all began”

Do you remember how it all began,

Everything was for the first time and again,

How the building was built and people moved into the building

Faith, hope, love.

How together we carried furniture

And they painted the doors and the floor,

How to clean windows and hang curtains

And they cleaned the yard together.

We remember everyone who worked here:

And those who built the kindergarten, and those who opened the kindergarten,

Who did not spare himself, neither in joy nor in sorrow,

Who has knowledge, skill, warmth and patience

I always gave it to children!

Ved. And now the new building welcomes its new residents.

(Teachers come out with the “children” by the hand)

1play It was a dirty swamp

Fir trees, dense forest.

Our child was born here -

The bright kindergarten is big!

Reb. It buzzed like a swarm of bees,

Kindergarten with noisy children.

Moms are happy, dads are happy -

Kindergarten is like home!

2play Lawns appeared

Trees were planted

And the paths were trodden

From the fence to the porch.

3play Flowerbeds were scattered everywhere,

It became bright from the flowers,

And flashed everywhere

Slender rows of bushes.

Reb. Been within these walls

There are a lot of preschool children.

4 playback They should be lined up in a column -

Oh, and that would be a long row!!!

(Song to the tune of “Alexander”)

Song "Educator"

Everyone leaves the stage, chairs and tables are placed on the stage. The Storyteller comes out into the middle and throws a shawl over her shoulders.

S. And now I will tell you a fairy tale. A fairy tale is not a fairy tale, it’s a fable, it’s up to you to judge, to me to tell.

In one castle (newly built), under one roof (newly covered), there lived a red-haired maiden of marriageable age and a good fellow, the son of God's father. She is Yaselka, he is Det Sadovich. He was so respectable, there was money everywhere. I could afford to eat something tastier and sweeter. And buy whatever your heart desires. And here he is!

(Det Sadovich enters. Performs a song to the tune of “Eh, full - full...”)

D.S. Eh, my box is full,

Bought new furniture

And dishes and toys

The plant-father gave it!

I saw in a foreign country

Miracle Yudo cinema hall.

I'll take it and build it for myself,

It will be as I said!

I will run a military museum,

I'll show my children

I will raise patriots

I'll tell them about the war.

Ved. And Yaselka was a modest, quiet girl...

(Yaselka enters and sits down by the crib)

Ved. In the children's group the light is burning,

Yaselka sits above the children's crib.

He will take care of the children, take pity on everyone,

Let the sonorous laughter of children sound everywhere!

S. And she lived without grieving: the children were warmed, fed, caressed. And Yaselka had tons of kids. And Det Sadovich began to notice that he had fewer and fewer children every year. So he walked around his mansions, looking at empty corners, and patting the rare child on the head.

(D.S. enters with a “child”)

Reb. I live with my grandmother, I live with my grandfather,

Mom and Dad come to visit us.

D.S. It has become fashionable to have just one baby,

And even then give it to the old people.

Reb. I don't have a sister, I don't have a brother,

They say children are a lot of trouble.

D.S. Who will come to us in the next 5 years,

What if the fashion for children goes away completely?

S. But wise people, sovereigns, were found. They wooed poor Yaselka with all her children and the good fellow Det Sadovich.

(Yaselka and D.S. come out to the wedding march. Ved. Reads out the order on the organization of the Kindergarten)


Ved. Eh, and fun wedding was!


    A star fell from the sky

On a straight line.

Nursery with garden signed up

One last name.

6. The wedding was celebrated together,

Everyone was cheerful.

They began to live as one family.

They became new settlers.

S. And they began to live in harmony and friendship, raise children, cherish and love. And now they have lived to see their 35th wedding anniversary. This is where my fairy tale ends, but life goes on.

Part 2.

Head ……………………….., please remind your colleagues that there is a teachers’ meeting on Tuesday.

Playback Fine.

Let's start the story about

How day after day goes by.

(Teachers dressed as revolutionaries enter the hall.)

The song “Our work is like this...”

    Our work is like this

Our work is simple -

Loving children selflessly

And there are no other worries.

Chorus: There is no need for peace

I don't know the count of years

And I'm your heart

I'll give it to my children.

    And just like in life everyone,

We came to the children one day,

And they stayed here forever,

Calling them your destiny.

Head Colleagues, please take your seats at the table.

(Everyone sits down at the table)

Head We are starting our teachers' meeting. Please, Kristina Evgenievna, tell us what kind of work you do in younger group.

Playback In the building there is a nursery-kindergarten

In the younger group they say:

Our children are small

Just from mom.

It's not easy to break up

It's hard to get used to the garden.

You started going to the garden,

Learn to speak.

With bunnies and bears,

Dolls and books

Let's start talking

We'll even sing songs!

Head What can you tell me, Oksana Vladimirovna?

Playback We play all day

We make up stories.

And memorize poems.

We don't know boredom

We forget about mom.

Together O.V. and K.E. Living in a garden is easy and simple

For children short!

Head Went up to the second floor -

IN senior group turned out to be.

Older age is no joke!

Stay a minute!

The kingdom is here in the Childhood program.

And they live next door to it:

Work, health, physical education,

Music, literature,

Safety and knowledge

Children's creativity and knowledge!

Margarita Aleksandrovna, please tell us how you implement the “Childhood” program?

M.A. We teach children to dream

Don't forget anything

Keep the score in order

And the way back.

Isolate the sound from the word,

Emphasis seek.

ABOUT. And we all draw,

And we sing and we dance,

We celebrate the holidays wonderfully,

This is not difficult for us at all!

Head What can you add, Natalya Nikolaevna?

N.N. We've been with the guys for a long time

Expanding our horizons:

We know forest dwellers, small and large.

And trees and leaves

We'll find out without delay.

We love experiments -

Educational moment:

We play with water and sand

Experience is highly respected.

Head Nina Ivanovna, how are things going with health-saving technologies?

N.I. We all play sports

Therefore, health improves.

We love sports holidays,

We are healthy and active.

We love to jump and gallop,

Develop strength and agility.

Health technologies

We have been implementing for many years.

And that's why the guys

We give this advice:

Everybody play in the sports hall!

Try to catch up with us!

Head Well done, you do a good job.

(one teacher raises his hand)

Head What do you want to add?

Playback And I can say that we have excellent cooperation with the surrounding society.

We go to school, to Ogonyok,

The path there is not that far.

We visit the library

We pay attention to everything!

Head Fine. And now let’s move on to the next question - our priority direction is “Moral and Patriotic Education of Preschool Children”

A.S. Yes, our main concern is

Raising a Patriot!

Our museum is the “Museum of the Soldier”

Helps us with this

We tell the guys

About soldiers by year:

Knights, midshipmen,


Generals and soldiers

Look at the selection!

N.N. We'll tell you about technology

We'll also show you the dugout.

In the dugout there are exhibits,

The guys love them very much.

The exhibits are from the war,

They are real!

ABOUT. To all kindergarten teachers

You need to pay attention

Raising children

And love for your land!

About the land of Kovrov children

Everyone knows everything in the world:

Who lived here before them, when,

How did the trains come to us?

That heroes live here,

Their feat is hard work!

M.A. But children know: patriot

A person is not only

What a homeland ahead!

The most important word in the world

Our children know for sure!

The most important word is family,

That is, mom, dad, me!

After all, family is caring,

And love and kindness!

And don't believe it if someone

He will say: this is nonsense!

A.S. We should communicate with the parent

The Internet helps.

After all, in his networks to meet -

Nothing could be simpler!

M.A. The parents' club is held in high esteem,

There is both training and play here.

You will find any question

Always the answer you need!

ABOUT. And the cafe is family-

New entertainment-

Opens doors for everyone!

Everyone without exception!

Mothers dance there for everyone,

Grandmothers and children draw.

Both parents and children

They play and sing there!

Head Well done!

(everyone gets up)

Head So we work day after day,

K.E. Enough to worry about everyone

All. Best graduates-

The result of the work!!!

Head Thanks everyone! The teachers' meeting is over!

Life goes by for all people.

But it is not good for us to be discouraged,

And we are ready to meet everyone!

But we solve important problems,

I’ll tell you, colleagues, without hiding:

I'm proud that...

All. The teacher is me!

In a world where there has been no peace for a long time,

Children really want to say:

Additional material

(The caretaker runs in)

Z. Ekaterina Alexandrovna! Some people arrived there and asked you...

Head If this is a sanitary and epidemiological station, then take them to the nurse.

If they are repairmen, then show them the scope of work.

Z. No, in my opinion, it’s from GORONO!

(silent scene)

(all standing, inspection included)

Part No. 3.

Song to the tune of "It's very, very good"

(everyone sings)

Inspection came to us unexpectedly

Suddenly came yesterday:

Insp. Tell me in order

How are things going with you?

All. We gave them the documents

And we walked through the garden,

Our knowledge has shown

Did you put it in the protocols that...

We develop children's speech.

Very good!

We teach them to be in order.

Very good!

We harden their body and protect them from colds.

This is very, very good!

We comply with the standards.

Very good!

We all have order in our plans.

Good too!

We calmly see off mothers and welcome children.

This is very, very good!

We teach them how to draw.

Very good!

And we perform with the theater.

Good too.

We observe nature and protect it as best we can.

This is very, very good!!!

(the commission signs the manager’s notebook, leaves, and the manager goes with them and sees them off)

(everyone sits tired on chairs)

1Revon.. So the next commission was held.

2Playback Oh, how good!

3 playback That's good, that's good, but nothing good. It got kind of cold.

4 playback Again, apparently, the heating has been turned off, it’s time to put on the uniform.

(everyone puts on warm clothes)


1. The poor children are sleeping, enveloped in the cold,

The teacher in felt boots is sitting at the table.

Why doesn’t my heart ache for my children? (2 times)

2. And the child is wearing mittens, a buttoned-up jacket,

Tortured by the cold, he came up to me,

I don’t dare drink juice, because the frost bites,

And the poor flowers are chilly on the window.

Eh, you, utility workers, eh, administration,

After all, the poor flowers are freezing on the window.

Head (included) Girls, the boiler room just called and said that they would turn on the heating in the evening. So tomorrow we will welcome children in full!

All. Hooray!!!

1 play But what will they wash their hands with?

Song to the tune of “Across the wild steppes of Transbaikalia...”

For different offices and databases,

Where there is soap and chlorine,

Our caretaker, cursing fate,

He still wanders.

Our caretaker approaches the chief accountant

And asks for money for soap,

Household supplies and pots wouldn’t hurt...

“No money!” everyone tells her.

All the rags are already running out,

And here is the long-awaited call:

“Run quickly to the base,

We’ll give you a piece of soap!”

Playback Let's go to the group, it's time to raise the children...

(They leave. Only the manager remains sitting. 1 player runs in.)

1Playback E.A., have you seen the carpenter?

Head No, what happened?

1Playback Yes, now the nanny was cleaning, while she was moving one table, it completely fell apart. And the other's leg falls off.( leaves)

2play Hello, E.A. Have you seen Viktor Vasilyevich?

Head Not really. Why did you need it?

2Playback Yes, in our group the taps are not turned on at all.( leaves)

(Head thinks and starts singing)

Song to the tune of “Oh, potatoes, potatoes...”

We could use some repairs, but the problem is, we have no money!

The furniture and walls are dilapidated - after all, they are 35 years old!

(everyone gradually comes out, sings, turning to the manager)

Chorus: But please never complain about GORONO,

They help us in every possible way.

They built a new basement for us this fall.

And the roof was repaired for us for 20 years!

Head We would like to find a sponsor, but where should we look for him?

He would have given us about 75 thousand!

All. We would have enough for toys, and for various debts,

If only we could live then, everyone would be jealous!

Chorus: same.

(at the conclusion everyone stands in one line)

    So every day in business, in worries

Life goes by for all people.

    But there is no more responsible job than raising children!

    Even if something is missing, there is, alas, not enough space in the gardens.

But it is not good for us to be discouraged,

And we are ready to meet everyone!

    We're not always dressed in Versace

And it’s not always Mercedes that drives us around,

But we solve important problems,

Society's progress is unthinkable without us.

    And this is how I interpret the speech, friends,

I’ll tell you, colleagues, without hiding:

I don't need another profession

I'm proud that...

All. The teacher is me!

Song “In a world where there has been no peace for a long time...”

In a world where there has been no peace for a long time,

Where people anxiously await the dawn,

Where sometimes we wait for a long time for good news,

Children really want to say:

“Stop being sad and despondent!

Everyone should believe: there is happiness in life!”

Chorus: We wish you happiness, happiness in this big world,

Like the sun in the morning, let it come into the house!

We wish you happiness, and it should be like this