Letter of thanks to parents from kindergarten teachers. Congratulations on gratitude to kindergarten teachers from parents in prose

On graduation party It is not customary to pay a lot of attention to the main heroes of the occasion - kindergarten students or students of grades 4, 9, 11 who are graduating from school. Of course, the graduates themselves are very worried and worried on this day, so they undoubtedly need words of support. But besides the children, graduation party- a very exciting event for adults too. In particular, we're talking about about mothers and fathers who, along with their children, have gone through a long journey of learning. They also worried about their children's successes and failures, learned homework and prepared for tests, lacked sleep and were worried. Therefore, preparing words of gratitude to parents at graduation is the easiest way to recognize their merits and express admiration for both children and teachers. In our article today we tried to collect best options touching and beautiful words of gratitude addressed to moms and dads, which are ideal for graduation events.

Beautiful words of gratitude to parents at the graduation party in kindergarten from teachers

Children's first graduation celebration takes place in kindergarten. And, of course, the heroes of this celebration themselves, due to their young age, do not yet fully understand the importance of parental support. They don’t yet know how much effort and labor their mothers and fathers, together with their teachers, put into them so that they could joyfully celebrate the graduation party. That's why beautiful words thanks to parents at graduation party in kindergarten most often the teachers themselves prepare them. Touching poems and beautiful prose with words of appreciation and gratitude for the wonderful graduates.

Options for beautiful words of gratitude to parents at the graduation party in kindergarten from teachers

Here are some beautiful options for words of gratitude to parents at kindergarten graduation from teachers.

Parents, today is an important day for you,

After all, your children have become a little older

And soon the path promises them to first grade,

Please accept our wishes.

May children bring joy every day,

Let spring always bloom in your soul,

May life be like sweetness for you,

May luck always be true.

Thank you, dads, moms

For what is in our common cause

Ready just like us

Go back to childhood and believe...

What is a magic river?

That Santa Claus is real,

What a miracle the rainbow-arc is

For everyone, for everyone brings happiness.

Thank you for being

They always helped us with everything:

You sewed the costumes at night,

We created and drew with the children.

Thank you for your warmth,

For friendship, peace and understanding.

Thank you for the children too

Because they trusted us with them.

We are together day after day

We live as one big family.

And this kindergarten is a common home,

So cozy and dear!

Parents, don't be sad!

And take our bow

For such wonderful children,

There are a million rays of sunshine.

Our flowers have grown up

And now it’s time for them to move forward.

Our dear daughters and sons

They leave us forever.

According to our little crumbs

We will miss you very much

Sometimes being sad inadvertently

And remember with a smile!

Words of gratitude in poetry and prose to parents at 4th grade graduation from children

An already conscious graduation celebration takes place for the first time after graduating from primary school. Grown-up 4th grade graduates understand that they are on the verge of a new important stage in their lives. And how successfully they will travel this path largely depends on their parents. Or rather, from the love and support of mothers and fathers who are always ready to help their dear children. Based on past experience, 4th grade graduates already realize the importance parental role in their school life and therefore are happy to prepare words of gratitude in poetry and prose for the graduation party for mom and dad.

The best words of gratitude to parents for graduation in 4th grade from children in prose and poetry

You will find the best beautiful and touching words to thank parents at the 4th grade graduation party in the form of poetry and prose in the following selection.

Finished 4th grade

And now we have graduation!

I congratulate the parents,

And I wish you great joy,

Be proud of the children's successes,

And enjoy the result!

Help them with everything

And everything will be your way!

Today we say thank you

Of course, to your parents too,

Your care, attention, and patience

They always help us like that!

But we admit with regret:

We are deaf sometimes

We are here for your requests and concerns,

Doubts, sorrowful reproaches.

wall of misunderstanding

Suddenly it grows between us.

And sometimes it seems: she

Can't collapse

Even with the help of a tsunami!

But we love, we love you!

But we often keep our feelings secret!

And sometimes only restraint

Our dear and wonderful parents, you were always there and supported us, you helped us overcome all the difficulties of studying and any obstacles on the way to our victories. On our graduation day, we tell you from the bottom of our hearts, “ Thanks a lot"and we want to wish you, dear, many years health, prosperity, peace, spiritual happiness and warmth. We love you.

Touching words of gratitude to parents at the 9th grade graduation from teachers and high school students

Not everyone finishes school in 9th grade, but quite often this graduation becomes a preparatory year for many high school students and parents. Sometimes after the ninth grade only a few people leave and this does not mean that farewell to them should be formal. They, just like their classmates who decided to continue their education at school, deserve attention and support. Exactly like their parents, for whom this holiday is important. Therefore, you should not neglect the opportunity to express gratitude to mothers and fathers whose children decided to take an independent path in life a little earlier. Especially for this occasion, you can choose touching words of gratitude to parents at the 9th grade graduation on behalf of teachers and high school students.

Options for touching words of gratitude for graduation in 9th grade to parents from teachers and high school students

You will find original versions of touching words of gratitude for moms and dads at the 9th grade graduation from teachers and children in the following selection.

Thank you parents for your patience,
Anxious heartbeat to the point of tears,
For days and nights and great love,
For your restless, dear soul!

May joy flow into your hearts today,
And everything in the world just works out,
Believe me, we love you very, very much,
Both graduate sons and daughters!

May kindness be with us all the time -
Not schoolchildren, but graduates,
Students, workers, anyone,
We are always with you - dear, dear ones!

We thank our parents for everything,
We want to say kind words
For your care and attention,
For love and understanding always!

That your patience is limitless,
And control over everything all year round,
That they loved us and did not scold us,
And they accepted anyone at home!

For heartfelt words, smiles,
That children's mistakes were forgiven,
We were greeted joyfully from school,
And they hugged me sincerely and tenderly!

Happy graduation, parents,
I congratulate you,
Dear children
I wish you happy.

In the parent's nest
It's going to get crowded soon
Youth of the wind
They call and beckon you to fly.

Help the children
Stand on the wing
So that we can stop crawling
In life, but to fly.

Let them fly towards the sun
Let them strive for the stars
Both children and parents
I wish you happiness.

The best words of gratitude to parents from high school students at the 11th grade graduation party

The most touching and beautiful school holiday- graduation party in 11th grade. This is exactly the event that all graduates and parents look forward to after long and exhausting exams and tests. Of course, this event is very exciting for all its participants and it is important to support each other at this difficult moment. For example, high school students can prepare beautiful words of gratitude to their parents for their 11th grade graduation party. With their help, you can not only express deep gratitude to moms and dads, but also help them relieve excess nervous tension at such a crucial moment.

The best words of gratitude from high school students to parents at their 11th grade graduation

Below you will find options for the best words of gratitude to parents for the 11th grade graduation party from high school students.

Today from the heart our friendly class
“Thank you” wants to say to all parents,
After all, you always raised us,
We taught you to look for the positive in everything!
We won't let you down, we promise
Let's enter universities and achieve all the peaks!
We will be your pride, we know
That we will always be number one!

Let's say thank you to our parents today,
We love you very much, you are our support,
All our successes are only your merit,
It's time for all of us to say goodbye to school soon,
Let's quickly join hands,
Be with us on our graduation day,
Good luck awaits us all, just don’t cry,
And happiness will come, it’s just around the corner!

Dear parents! Would you like to hear
How can we congratulate you on our graduation?
Let's say thank you, we even learned
Making the impossible: making the complex simple.
You've been through enough with us - we've accomplished a lot,
And for that we thank you.
We wish you health, congratulate you with love,
Let it be your reward that we are graduates!

Moms and dads are the most important companions and friends on the path of learning. For them, the graduation party in kindergarten or school (in grades 4, 9, 11) is an important and responsible event that they experience with trepidation and pride. Beautiful and touching words of gratitude to parents at graduation from children and teachers are a simple way to express gratitude for their work and love. Therefore, dear graduates and teachers, do not forget about this and choose the best words of gratitude in poetry or prose from our article.

Do you want to thank the parents of the children who helped you, your kindergarten and did a lot for its further growth and prosperity. Then you need to choose beautiful and memorable words of gratitude that apply to parents and that can be said at a kindergarten graduation. But it’s not so easy to do this, because you want to say so much, there’s so much in your head, but only a little comes out. That's why we wrote for you sample text words of gratitude that you can take as a model. After reading, you can change the text itself, make it to suit your style of speech and adapt it to the kindergarten teachers. It is also recommended to use the first and middle names of the people you are addressing in the text. It will be more solid and beautiful this way.

Dear and respected parents! We are all a little sad now that we are releasing your children from our kindergarten. We lived together for so many years, we were together for so many days, side by side, hand in hand. But time does not stand still, it moves forward, moves with the children. Children grow, develop, kindergarten is not enough for them, and for further growth they need to go to school. And we are sad to part with them. But we are happy and proud that we were able to raise your children to the level of a schoolchild. We have prepared them for school, and now they can show their literacy and good manners.
We thank all parents for the support that each of them provided to us, their children, throughout the long period of their children’s stay in kindergarten. We are glad that you entrusted your children to us, and we were able to justify your trust. Thank you for your children, for your help. We really hope that we will see you and your children again when they become adults.

It would seem like just yesterday you brought your children to us. They were so small, shy and timid. They looked around, stood in the corner and said to themselves: Mom, don’t leave me. They didn't want to leave you, they didn't want to stay in kindergarten. But years have passed and now the children do not want to leave kindergarten. Over the years that the children spent in kindergarten, they learned a lot, learned a lot, and made new friends. They became more mature and began to look at many things differently. And this is not only our merit, but also yours. After all, it was you, the parents, who entrusted your children to us, it was you who chose our kindergarten the first place where the child will learn to live, to find common language with other children. It was you who helped your children and taught them what they would never teach in kindergarten. And we want to thank you very much, because these are your children, and it is your merit that they have become like this.

Dear moms and dads! Today is a real holiday for your children and you. Today you and your children have taken a step forward, you have become more mature. On behalf of the entire kindergarten staff, we want to thank you for entrusting us with the upbringing of your children. To thank you for helping us and our kindergarten all these years. Thank you for always coming to the rescue and responding to our requests. We sincerely hope that you can continue to be exemplary parents for your children. And they will grow up to be exemplary children for their parents.

These are the words you can say to your parents at graduation. And your parents can respond by telling you theirs, which you, educators, deserve no less than others. And children can read

At graduation in kindergarten, both adults and children should say words of gratitude to the teacher. After all, these teachers helped the kids learn to work in a team, always find a solution to any problem and help others. You can find beautiful and touching speeches in both poetry and prose. All of them have an original style and good content. Among the considered ideas and video examples, you can easily choose words of gratitude for each teacher in the group.

Touching words of gratitude in verse to a kindergarten teacher for graduation - examples of texts

Cute and touching poems are perfect for congratulating your favorite teachers. They include kind words to express respect and appreciation.

Examples of touching words of gratitude in poems for kindergarten teachers

Among the proposed examples, you can easily find words of gratitude to teachers in verse. They can be used to congratulate teachers after graduation or during a festive sweet table.

Thank you, teachers,

For affection and love,

For work and charm,

For many kind words.

For wiped noses,

Wiped away tears

For fairy tales and walks,

Exercises and warm-ups.

Happy graduation today

Let's congratulate and be sad,

And in the fall with a briefcase

Let's go to first grade.

We wish you inspiration

And strength to create.

We wish new children

Give your warmth.

The work of a teacher is not easy -

You need a whole lot of skills:

Draw and play

Collect a bag of different toys

And know the plots of many fairy tales.

On the street, dig in the sand,

Run around in tag, don’t be lazy,

Feed and caress everyone,

Don't even think about getting tired.

Of course, it’s impossible to count all the things to do.

You have a big heart.

Thank you for the days in the garden,

For your affection and kindness.

We wish you inspiration,

Creative success, patience,

Well-deserved big salaries.

Thank you for the kindergarten!

Dear teachers,

Our mothers are second,

Your chicks now

Move to first grade.

We congratulate you on this,

We appreciate and respect you very much.

Let your pupils

They will be able to make our world more beautiful.

Thank you for your work,

For kindness, warmth, care

From the bottom of our hearts we want to say,

Wish you happiness in life!

Words of gratitude to the teacher in short prose - for kindergarten for graduation

Short prose is ideal for expressing bright feelings and gratitude. Parents will be able to include it in the holiday script or say it in the kindergarten assembly hall. Beautiful words of gratitude to teachers in prose will help to express gratitude for caring for children, understanding and support.

Short words of gratitude in prose for a kindergarten teacher at graduation

Small texts can be used as a basis for writing new words of gratitude. Individual sentences can complement a ready-made speech dedicated to educators.

We would like to thank the teachers for their work, dedication, attention and love for our children, who today have their first graduation in their lives. We wish you to continue to enjoy your work. Wishing you obedient students and bright days, joyful and amazing events, high salaries and patience!

On the day of graduation of our kindergarten children, we must say a big thank you to the wonderful teachers. Dear and respected, always remain so kind, sweet, understanding, sincere, caring and radiant. We wish you great success, joy in work and good health.

Dear and respected teachers, we congratulate you on your graduation holiday! Let this day be remembered with touching children's smiles and sparkling eyes. You gave our children a piece of yourself, surrounded them with care and love. Thank you, sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts. We wish you many years of health, happiness and unbridled vitality. Thank you!

Cute words of gratitude from children to the kindergarten teacher for graduation - ideas and video example

Teachers will be most pleased to hear kind and warm speeches from their favorite children from the group. It is better to choose words of gratitude from children to the teacher in rhymes or short prose: they are easier to remember and will help the child perform beautifully in front of teachers.

Ideas for writing words of gratitude for a kindergarten teacher at graduation from children

When writing prose of gratitude, it is necessary to include those memories of children that allow you to fully describe the character of their teachers. You can talk about how they helped the kids, how they supported them. They can be complemented by words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher and beautiful personal wishes.

Thanks to the teachers

For care and for work,

Children love and appreciate them

They are called very affectionately,

We express our gratitude

And we say thank you

We respect you very much,

We will repeat it to you a hundred times!

Thank you for everything today,

Teachers are expensive.

During this time you have become for us,

The closest people, relatives.

We wish you a long life,

May fate cover you with goodness.

Enjoy, live well,

Life will give you beauty and warmth!

You rush to work every morning,

To take care of children, to give them warmth of soul,

And they only answer the same to you,

Educators from God, thank you for your love,

What do you give to children so openly and easily?

Let the little ones listen to you, and sometimes without further ado

They will tell you all the secrets - what is sad and funny!

Video example of words of gratitude from children for a kindergarten teacher - for graduation

You can see an example of a child’s speech at graduation in the following video. This hint will help you choose the most beautiful texts of gratitude that the child can easily dedicate to their teachers.

What words of gratitude from parents should be dedicated to the kindergarten teacher for graduation?

For all moms and dads, kindergarten graduation is a significant event. Therefore, the parent committee must necessarily prepare words of gratitude to the teacher from the parents, which will help express respect to all teachers.

Beautiful words of gratitude from parents for kindergarten teachers at graduation

Personal gratitude and universal texts can also be included in a speech from parents as a form of gratitude. The following examples will help in writing a beautiful speech:

Dear teachers, today your children are leaving these walls. Thank you for always being reliable friends and faithful helpers for the aunts, for giving the children a fairy tale and believing in miracles, and for teaching everything new and interesting. Your children will always remember the happy and kind moments that you gave them. May your work always be successful, your work honorable and truly respected.

Dear bee educators! In our collective, such a noisy and restless children's evidence, hover over our children, take care of them, teach them all the best, give instructions that are understandable to the child's mind for the future adult life. Patience, strength and joy, may the sun light up in your eyes with bright and radiant children’s smiles! Thank you for your work!

Dear educators, today say “Goodbye” to our children. We thank you because the boys felt like they were at home. We wish you health, good luck, creative and professional success. Let your new students be as glorious as today's graduates!

Original gratitude to the teacher for graduation in kindergarten - examples of poems

Prepared words of gratitude to the teacher for graduation can be not just official or universal, but also quite sweet and unusual. They can also express gratitude to parents and children and include warm good wishes.

Spring time brings with it warmth, blooming nature and just a good mood - everything that we miss so much during the long winter. In addition, in the midst of spring, kindergartens and schools traditionally hold proms, gathering many smart and cheerful participants under one roof. Indeed, on gala event In honor of graduation, there is always a particularly touching and sincere atmosphere. In such important point The support of parents - their closest and dearest people - is extremely important for every graduate. Indeed, largely thanks to parental support, patience and wise advice Today's graduates have successfully passed another stage in life, and are now ready for further victories and achievements. According to tradition, the young “heroes” of the occasion pronounce sincere words of gratitude to their parents at graduation - in poetry and heartfelt lines of prose. On our pages you will find interesting ideas to prepare a thank you speech for parents from children to the graduation party in 4th, 9th or 11th grade. In addition, their most warm congratulations Kindergarten teachers or school teachers can express this to the parents of graduates using the prepared texts provided.

Beautiful words of gratitude to parents at kindergarten graduation - from teachers, in poetry and prose

The graduation party in kindergarten is an important and responsible step for preschool children, their first step into adulthood. Looking back, many parents of graduates fondly remember “how it all began,” while educators have difficulty containing their excitement and sadness. After all, very soon we will be saying goodbye to our beloved students - girls and boys who have noticeably matured. According to the graduation scenario, parents express their sincere gratitude to the entire team preschool, which became a real “second home” for the guys. In turn, the teacher of the group or the head of the group says beautiful words of gratitude to the parents at the graduation in kindergarten - for their help in improving the group, active participation in all events. We bring to your attention a selection of beautiful words of gratitude for parents from kindergarten teachers in poetry and prose, which will definitely be remembered by everyone present at the holiday.

Poems and prose with words of gratitude for parents in honor of kindergarten graduation

So the boys have grown up,
First graduation in my life.
Group, cots –
Our dear kindergarten!

And mom and dad's eyes
They're already sparkling with tears.
It's very sad to part,
But we are happy for the guys.

You, parents, have patience,
And only praise for the kids.
So that your child is at school
I only got straight A's.

Thank you very much for that,
That I can rely on you
In calm times, dashing
Contact you for help!

Live calmly, richly,
IN beautiful love harmonious,
You - best mom and dad,
We wish you a great life!

Dear and respected parents! We are all a little sad now that we are releasing your children from our kindergarten. We lived together for so many years, we were together for so many days, side by side, hand in hand. But time does not stand still, it moves forward, moves with the children. Children grow, develop, kindergarten is not enough for them, and for further growth they need to go to school. And we are sad to part with them. But we are happy and proud that we were able to raise your children to the level of a schoolchild. We have prepared them for school, and now they can show their literacy and good manners.
We thank all parents for the support that each of them provided to us, their children, throughout the long period of their children’s stay in kindergarten. We are glad that you entrusted your children to us, and we were able to justify your trust. Thank you for your children, for your help. We really hope that we will see you and your children again when they become adults.

Dear moms and dads! Today is a real holiday for your children and you. Today you and your children have taken a step forward, you have become more mature. On behalf of the entire kindergarten staff, we want to thank you for entrusting us with the upbringing of your children. To thank you for helping us and our kindergarten all these years. Thank you for always coming to the rescue and responding to our requests. We sincerely hope that you can continue to be exemplary parents for your children. And they will grow up to be exemplary children for their parents.

Dear moms and dads,
We want to say thank you
For healthy, happy children,
What did you manage to educate!
Today they are older
We will take them to first grade,
But let's leave them in our souls -
They have become family to us!

Words of gratitude to parents from children graduating from 4th grade

The end is approaching academic year and very soon, 4th grade students will “officially” become fifth graders. Of course, for many it is important step not easy to do, because elementary school children are accustomed to their teacher, their place at their desk, and a certain daily routine. However, thanks to parental support, fourth-graders will adequately cope with any obstacles on the path to success and new knowledge. Thus, words of gratitude to parents at graduation from children invariably touch the most delicate strings of the soul, causing touching excitement in listeners. We have selected several simple examples words of gratitude in verse - every 4th grade graduate will be able to easily learn any piece to please their beloved parents on such a joyful and bright day.

How to express gratitude to parents from children at graduation in 4th grade

I thank my parents
For understanding
For being condescending
They did the same to me.

Today is a bright holiday,
Today is graduation!
I wish you happiness
Smiles, kind words!

From first grade I was led by the hand
From dancing, to dancing, they pushed into science,
They always helped, taught lessons...
We haven’t forgotten all this, dear ones!
Low, heartfelt, sincere bow
To our parents from graduates!

We want to say thank you to our parents,
We are on this bright holiday - graduation.
Thank you for being with us
and helped us with all their hearts.

Thank you, dear ones, for science,
for your help and support to us.
After all, you are the dearest to us,
We love you all very much and appreciate you.

Dear mothers, dear fathers!

The first stage of school has been completed.

Year, second and third,

And behind him the fourth -

Ended successfully

Our praise!

You helped us

In the portfolio they wrote,

Problems before dark

With us you decided.

We had such a great time in fourth grade
To the sound of a loud bell!
This sincere happiness was wonderful -
Read Yesenin, learn English words...

But we are growing and quickly striving for something new,
And time is quickly pushing us forward.
Today we want our parents to be proud,
Why are we moving into fifth grade?

And this is your precious merit.
Let's celebrate graduation together today!
Always supported when things were tough.
Thank you, dear ones, for your love!

Heartfelt words of gratitude to parents at the 9th grade graduation - in prose from the teacher

For many girls and boys, ninth grade will be the final year of schooling - ahead of entering college or starting labor activity. Today it has become extremely popular to celebrate the graduation party in the 9th grade on a large scale, inviting teachers, parents and friends of the “culprits” of the occasion as guests. With special warmth and gratitude, the parents of the graduates address the teachers present at the celebration, saying “thank you” for their professionalism, emotional sensitivity and boundless patience. In response, the teachers express heartfelt words of gratitude to the parents of their beloved students, who have become the real pride of their school. As a rule, such a speech is made in prose on behalf of the entire team class teacher or another subject teacher. Of course, not everyone has the gift of improvisation to give such a speech “on the spot” - in this case, we recommend choosing one or more words of gratitude in prose presented below.

Texts with words of gratitude in prose for parents of 9th grade graduates

Dear parents of graduates! Let me, on behalf of our entire school, all our teachers and staff, express our gratitude to you for your children. For being able to raise them as they are. For helping them in their studies, in life and giving them necessary and correct advice. It is you who will always be both parents and teachers for your children.

Because looking at you, your child strives to be even better, to make you proud of him. Continue to help your children, and in the future they will help you. Thank you for the great students!

Dear parents! On behalf of the entire team of our school, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to you. You and I are one, because you worked at home, and we worked at school. Together with you, we did everything to ensure that our children were ready for adulthood. And no matter how strange it sounds from the lips of a teacher, grades are not the most important thing in life. The main thing is that over all these years, together with you, we have raised and raised real people whom we want to be proud of. I am sure that very soon we will experience a sense of pride when learning about the achievements of our graduates - your daughters and sons!

For children, parents will always come first. And this is right, because parents are educators, teachers, and educators for life. And today I want to say words of gratitude from our school to all the parents who helped not only their children over the years of study, but also our school. I am truly sorry that your children are graduating, because it was a pleasure to work with such students. I want to wish you to follow the same path in the future, not to turn away from it and to constantly help your children. And let this graduation party be a big step forward to an adult and independent life, where success, a brilliant career and a friendly family will await everyone.

On this beautiful summer day, our friendly school team is in a hurry to congratulate all parents and their children on graduation. Our dears, we will really miss your cheerful laughter, funny jokes and exemplary behavior. We want to say to parents: “Thank you for your children!”

May all the wishes and congratulations on today’s graduation be for you, dear parents. You raised your children properly and maybe someday they will thank you for it. And we, the school staff, want to wish you and your beloved children all the best.

Words of gratitude from 11th grade graduates to parents - poetry and prose

Every parent is pleased and at the same time excited to realize that the child has grown up and will soon go to a new independent life. Thus, words of gratitude to parents from 11th grade graduates always evoke the most vivid emotions, often bringing tears to the eyes - from joy for the future of the children and sadness from the imminent separation. In gratitude for parental support and participation, graduates dedicate beautiful poems and songs, and heartfelt speeches in prose to moms and dads. Having chosen several options for words of gratitude, you can recite them at the graduation party, giving your beloved parents a bright and memorable holiday.

Options for words of gratitude in poetry and prose to parents of 11th grade graduates

Thank you parents for your patience,
Anxious heartbeat to the point of tears,
For days and nights and great love,
For your restless, dear soul!

May joy flow into your hearts today,
And everything in the world just works out,
Believe me, we love you very, very much,
Both graduate sons and daughters!

May kindness be with us all the time -
Not schoolchildren, but graduates,
Students, workers, anyone,
We are always with you - dear, dear ones!

On our farewell evening with school, in the simultaneously happy and sad moments of graduation, we want to say “many thanks” to our wonderful and dear parents. You gave us life, a happy childhood, confident support and sincere love, you always believed in us and were proud of us. Thank you, dear ones, for being you. May God grant you good health, patience, peace, understanding and happiness.

Stepped into life. And this important step
Like a path on an unknown planet,
And behind the back is the parental hearth.

Look, we are the best in the world
Yesterday's girls, boys.
Parents, be proud! Your children
Beautiful, young, worthy and smart!

Today from the heart our friendly class
“Thank you” wants to say to all parents,
After all, you always raised us,
We taught you to look for the positive in everything!

We won't let you down, we promise
Let's enter universities and achieve all the peaks!
We will be your pride, we know
That we will always be number one!

Let's say thank you to our parents today,
We love you very much, you are our support,
All our successes are only your merit,
It's time for all of us to say goodbye to school soon,
Let's quickly join hands,
Be with us on our graduation day,
Good luck awaits us all, just don’t cry,
And happiness will come, it’s just around the corner!

It is best to prepare heartfelt words of gratitude to parents at the graduation ceremony of grades 4, 9 and 11 in advance - poems and prose from our selection are ideal for expressing gratitude from children and school teachers. Little kindergarten graduates and teachers will find here excellent options for words of gratitude for parents on their graduation day. Thank you, dear parents!

When a child goes to kindergarten, parents are most worried about how the team will greet their new little member. Whether a child will be able to find his place among his peers and a common language with adults in kindergarten largely depends on one person - the teacher. It is the teacher who becomes the main teacher and assistant for the child, a kind of “temporary substitute” for his parents. Often, by the time they graduate, children and their parents become so close to their teachers that they perceive them as members of their family. It is not surprising that both the first and second, realizing the imminent separation, strive to express special gratitude to the teacher at the graduation party in kindergarten. As a rule, words of gratitude to the teacher are included in the main holiday scenario. Most often, children prepare short, beautiful poems, and parents prepare words of gratitude in prose. Also, words of gratitude from parents and children are used to sign a memorial card for the teaching staff of the kindergarten. Next, you will find options for original, touching and beautiful words of gratitude and appreciation for the teacher at the kindergarten graduation.

Beautiful words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher for graduation in verses from parents

Only parents can fully understand how responsible and difficult the daily work of educators can be. Moms and dads know from their own experience all the “delights” of the educational and training processes, which rarely happen with children without whims and hysterics on their part. The more valuable and respectful parents are to educators who have inhuman patience and endurance. Beautiful words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers at graduation in verses from parents are a great way to say “thank you” to these wonderful people. Such beautiful poems performed by parents are a manifestation of respect and gratitude for the difficult work of education. The most beautiful words of gratitude from parents to the teacher at kindergarten graduation, including short options, you will find in the following collections.

Thank you, teachers,

For affection and love,

For work and charm,

For many kind words

For wiped noses,

Wiped away tears

For fairy tales and walks,

Exercises and warm-ups.

Happy graduation today

Let's congratulate and be sad,

And in the fall with a briefcase

Let's go to first grade.

We wish you inspiration

And strength to create.

We wish new children

Give your warmth.

The work of a teacher is not easy -

You need a whole lot of skills:

Draw and play

Collect a bag of different toys

And know the plots of many fairy tales.

On the street, dig in the sand,

Run around in tag, don’t be lazy,

Feed and caress everyone,

Don't even think about getting tired.

Of course, it’s impossible to count all the things to do.

You have a big heart.

Thank you for the days in the garden,

For your affection and kindness.

We wish you inspiration,

Creative success, patience,

Well-deserved big salaries.

Thank you for the kindergarten!

You raised them like family,

They were given care and affection.

Parents to you every moment

They said thank you for them.

But now the kids have grown up,

We have already stepped into the school yard.

Let them remember forever:

You loved them very much.

And we wish you happiness,

Huge, bright, pure love,

Good health on your journey,

Support from family and friends.

Love and tenderness for all children

And raise new kids.

They really need you, believe me.

Short beautiful poems with words of gratitude to the teacher for graduation

You gave our children

A piece of your warmth

You taught them a lot

But it's time for us to say goodbye.

Our boys have grown up

First class is on the horizon.

We wanted to say thank you

Let happiness not bypass you.

Our kids have grown up a lot,

We didn't even have time to blink an eye,

After all, the years of kindergarten flew by instantly.

We send kids on their learning journey.

We are grateful to everyone for their upbringing,

For painstaking, very important work,

For contribution to children, care and attention,

That the kindergarten has become like the most faithful friend!

We congratulate you on your graduation

All kindergarten teachers,

We wish each of you

So that happiness is always nearby,

From all parents now

Please accept many wishes,

We are grateful to you for everything

For your sensitivity and efforts!

Words of gratitude from parents to a kindergarten teacher at graduation in prose

In addition to poetry, which is great for expressing gratitude to a kindergarten teacher at a graduation party, words of gratitude from parents can also be in prose. Moreover, this form is always perceived much easier and more pleasant - the effect of “said from the heart, in your own words” arises. Therefore, if you are looking for truly sincere and touching words of gratitude from parents to a kindergarten teacher for graduation, then prose is ideal. The main thing is to choose words of gratitude that will fully correspond to the truth. For example, if a teacher is famous for his ability to quickly and effectively resolve conflict situations in a children's team, then this should definitely be mentioned in the speech. In addition, do not forget that parents can always write down ready-made words of gratitude to the teacher in prose. greeting card and supplement your speech in this way.

Dear teachers, today your children are graduating from kindergarten and leaving these walls. Thank you for always being reliable friends and faithful helpers for the aunts, for giving the children a fairy tale and faith in miracles, for teaching everything new and interesting. Your children will always remember the happy and kind moments that you gave them. Let your activities always be successful, and your work honorable and truly respected.

We would like to thank the teachers for their work, dedication, attention and love for our children, who today have their first graduation in their lives. We wish you to continue to enjoy your work. Wishing you obedient students and bright days, joyful and amazing events, high salaries and patience!

Dear bee educators! In our collective, such a noisy and restless children's evidence, you circle over our children, take care of them, teach them all the best, give instructions, understandable to a child's mind, for their future adult life. Patience, strength and joy, let the sun light up in your eyes from the bright and radiant smiles of children! Thanks for your hard work!

Words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers at graduation in your own words

Congratulations to our flowers, the kindergarten staff, and of course our parents on their graduation! Hearts are filled with love and pride for children's successes; all the words in the world are not enough to express gratitude to teachers, and gratitude knows no bounds! Thank you for being with the kids during this important time for them, caring for them, protecting them, and helping them grow up. Health, kindness and new little smiles.

Thanks to everyone who works in kindergarten! You guys felt comfortable, warm, and interesting. You did everything for our children to make friends and develop together, learn something new. They have grown up, school awaits them, but their beloved teacher and nanny will forever remain in their memory. All the best to you and remember us, because we will never forget you!

Dear and respected teachers, we congratulate you on your holiday - happy graduation! Let this day be remembered with touching children's smiles and sparkling eyes. You gave our children a piece of yourself, surrounded them with care and love. Thank you, sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts. We wish you health for many years, happiness and unbridled vitality. Thank you!

Words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at graduation from children in verse

Of course, kindergarten graduates themselves feel special sadness from parting with their beloved teacher. Words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at graduation from children in poetry or prose will help kids get through this feeling of sadness. Poems that are short and beautiful are best suited to express gratitude to the teacher for children. It is with their help that it is easiest for kids to express those sad feelings that they experience at the moment of parting with kindergarten. In addition, words of gratitude to the teacher from children in the form of poetry are much better remembered by kindergarten graduates, in contrast to prose. You will find touching versions of poems that are ideal for expressing gratitude at a graduation party from children.

For a long time you were like mom and dad to us,

And days, And weeks, and even years.

For this I am very grateful to you,

We will always love and remember you.

More patience and health to you,

Be satisfied with your work.

We wish you success in your work, which is so difficult,

And many bright and juicy ideas.

The best of the best

Our teachers

How much effort and time

You spent on children

Now be quiet

You wipe away your tears,

Here's graduation

Say goodbye to the kids.

The kids have grown up

It's time for everyone to go to school

How much did you invest in them?

Knowledge and goodness.

Happiness to you, success,

New achievements,

Sadika world of childhood

We will definitely remember.

Today is a day with a taste of sadness -

It's time for us to say goodbye.

Today we'll lower the curtain,

The children will leave the garden.

But don't cry, don't be sad,

Other kids will come to you.

Let them into your heart,

They won't let you get bored.

We wish you easy everyday life,

We wish you well and warmth.

And if life gets difficult,

Remember us more often.

Short poems for gratitude to kindergarten teachers for graduation from children

Dear teachers,

Our mothers are second,

Your chicks now

Move to first grade.

We congratulate you on this,

We appreciate and respect you very much.

Let your pupils

They will be able to make our world more beautiful.

Thank you for your work,

For kindness, warmth, care

From the bottom of our hearts we want to say,

Wish you happiness in life!

The toys are all in order on the shelves,

The childish laughter and noise and din died down.

Kids getting ready for kindergarten

Towards responsible steps outside of kindergarten!

Thanks to the teachers and nannies

For a gentle, attentive welcome.

For the fact that we perceived the kindergarten,

What a warm, dear, cozy home!

Our children are getting ready for school,

Time flew by so quickly.

We wish you exciting work,

May you all live in happiness and love!

Kindergarten is left behind -

School is coming soon, first grade is waiting for us.

We are parting, teachers, you and I,

But we are sure that we will not forget you!

For warmth, care and attention

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Your kindness and understanding

We will keep it in our hearts forever!

Gratitude to the teacher at kindergarten graduation from children in their own words

If among the kindergarten graduates there are children with good memory and excellent diction, then they can be entrusted with reading gratitude to the teacher in prose in their own words. In this case, the already prepared version of wishes can also be supplemented with your own words from the heart. Of course, it is better to think in advance what exactly the graduate will say on his own behalf, since small child may well become confused in public. Remember that gratitude to the teacher at kindergarten graduation from children in their own words in prose should not be too long and monotonous. It would be better if there were fewer words, but they would convey main idea— gratitude and love of graduates for their dear teachers.

Dear and dear teachers, thank you very much for your invaluable work and care, for your understanding, kindness and your love, for your excellent upbringing, exciting activities and positive emotions. Happiness to you, dear ones, prosperity, respect and great success.

Our dear educators, we want to say “thank you very much” for your faithful and hard work, for the kindness of hearts and sensitivity of souls, for understanding and individual approach to every child, for fun leisure and good education, for interesting hobbies and wonderful games. May you raise more than one generation, may your hearts never tire of wonderful work and caring for children.

Thank you, dear educators, for your patience and understanding, for your love and sensitivity, for the kindness of your hearts and generosity, for your excellent education, interesting development and exciting leisure time.

Beautiful words of gratitude for graduation in prose for children

Today we say thank you to our wonderful teachers. You always helped us cope with difficulties and overcome various obstacles, you believed in us and taught us everything new. Thank you, dear ones, for everything. We wish to always remain in the status of respected and revered educators, in good mood and with good spirits.

Dear, beloved, patient, kind, sweet teachers, we express our deep gratitude to you for your work, for your care. Thank you for your understanding at any moment, for your help and your efforts. You are doing a great job, helping parents raise and educate their children. Thank you very much. We wish you good health and happiness, strength and good luck.

Our dear and respected teacher! I would like to sincerely thank you for the warmth, kindness and care with which you envelop each child. Thank you very much for your faith and development, as well as for your love, tenderness and individual approach to each of us. We wish you health, happiness, peace and goodness!

Words of gratitude to the teacher, said at the graduation party in kindergarten by parents or children, must first of all be sincere. Try to choose really touching and beautiful options such words in poetry or prose. Let the farewell words of gratitude be remembered by educators for many years, giving joy and deep moral satisfaction from the worthy education of their little graduates!