Quick dating and meetings with real people online without registration. Will speed dating help you find love? Speed ​​dating 40 years

The crazy pace of life often does not leave many people time for personal life and pleasant meetings, which does not make it possible to find a loved one with whom they would like to live the rest of their lives. How can we make it so that two lonely people can find each other in a huge metropolis? Dating parties, which were first held at the turn of the millennium in America, and for such a long time, will help turn the situation around and change life for the better. short term have gained incredible popularity all over the world.

The point of such a party is that in just one evening each participant gets the opportunity to meet 10 - 20 representatives of the opposite sex, and each date will last very short - 5 - 7 minutes. Then an exchange of impressions follows, and in case of mutual interest, the participants can agree on further communication. And what’s most surprising is that the effect is quite impressive. Participants in such date nights are usually selected according to certain criteria or based on the theme of the party. So, age restrictions may be introduced here. In addition, meetings held in restaurants or clubs, where with good music and light wine you can plunge into a relaxed atmosphere of light flirting, also achieve an excellent effect.

Dating parties in Moscow

This hobby has not spared our capital either. More to the point, dating parties in Moscow are incredibly popular today. The answer to the question - why this type of dating attracted the attention of our compatriots lies on the surface. This is due to several compelling arguments in favor of such date nights, among which, first of all, the following should be noted:

  • opportunity to get to know each other in a minimum of time a large number people;
  • absence of the slightest obligations and any inconveniences;
  • relaxed atmosphere and absolute safety;
  • there is no fear of refusal, which will not cause any harm to the pride of the participants in the date night in Moscow;
  • and finally, saving time, which is very important.

Sign up for a date night in Moscow

Today, many clubs organize meetings and acquaintances in Moscow, but not every one of them does it efficiently and in a truly interesting way. If you want to go to a promising dating evening in Moscow, where you can meet interesting people, then best option You can't find anything like the Seventh Heaven dating club. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, every party held by the Seventh Heaven club is a lot of pleasant impressions, regardless of whether you managed to meet love right away. Secondly, the variety of party formats, each of which is unique in its own way. And thirdly, it just so happened that at such meetings, organized by the club“Seventh Heaven”, for the most part, is visited by people whose communication brings joy and pleasant sensations.

So, if you have not yet found your soul mate, then you are welcome to best evenings dates in Moscow, organized by Seventh Heaven.

The question of finding your soulmate is relevant for many of us. Unfortunately, not all of us are lucky enough in life to immediately meet our destiny. Often, sometimes you have to be in an active search, over and over again looking closely at this or that person - is he the right one? It is especially difficult, of course, for shy people. They cannot ask a stranger on the street to get acquainted. Their embarrassment often takes precedence over the desire for family happiness and well-being. What should such people do? It's good that there is a way out. And this way out is a dating evening.
This truly wonderful invention has helped quite a lot of people open up. But the result in such a situation is the only thing that matters, right? When they mean something like this, then there is no time for shyness. Under such circumstances, there is no longer any point in worrying about being considered too intrusive or inappropriately decisive.

Who's coming to the dating night?

Everyone present at this evening came here for exactly the same purpose as you. Therefore, no one will think badly of you. On the contrary, they will understand and support you. One of the delights of such evenings is that you find yourself in a circle of your own kind. So you can immediately relax and get ready for a pleasant evening. Today, similar events are held in almost all cities. Dating evenings in Moscow are no exception. Of course, residents of the capital, like any other people, have a chance to both have a pleasant time and meet their one and only destiny.
Dating evenings are organized and held in Moscow by a variety of companies. They often differ in approach, methodology and style. But the essence, frankly speaking, remains the same. In other words, all of these organizations make an effort to create an atmosphere conducive to establishing a pleasant relationship with another person. The company LetNaDate has been successfully holding dating evenings in Moscow for several years, so feel free to leave a request and come.
If you are interested in these in Moscow, then you can use our services, which is written about in more detail on our website. We have already helped quite a lot of people meet their soulmate. Therefore, we definitely have something to be proud of. In no case do we intend to stop there, and therefore you, perhaps, will become the next lover whose personal happiness we were able to contribute to.

What do we know about speed dating evenings?

We will organize speed dating evenings for quite some time now, and therefore we have . We know what exactly you should pay attention to when organizing and conducting speed dating evenings. Perhaps this is why our dating evenings have such good results.
By the way, in order to attend a dating evening in Moscow, you don’t have to be lonely and desperate and modest. On the contrary, you can throw this image out of your head once and for all. Many of the visitors to such events are cheerful and active middle-income people. They have already achieved something in life, they have friends and people dear to them, but all that is missing is a soul mate nearby.
As for the age of the participants, it can be very different. Sometimes a date night brings together exclusively young people, sometimes – those whose age can be called rather middle-aged. Everything depends on each specific evening, and therefore it is best to simply discuss this issue with the organizers in advance. Often such events are attended by simply people who strive for pleasant acquaintances and new experiences. They do not prepare themselves for the fact that their life will change dramatically tonight, but they also do not dismiss such a possibility. Their journey begins with a search for an answer to the question - where to go in Moscow in the evening. Therefore, sometimes it is not at all necessary to consider dating evenings as solely an opportunity to meet the love of your life, because they also provide many other opportunities. For example, with their help you can find a friend or simply meet a nice person.
By the way, especially popular in lately is . You may have already heard about them. Perhaps some of you have seen dates of this format in foreign films. One way or another, they are quite popular and, I must say, for good reason. Such speed dating evenings are quite a fun and exciting way to spend time. They allow you not only to establish communication with other people, but also to have a lot of fun.

How are dating evenings held in Moscow?

By the way, their idea is so simple that it is almost brilliant. People sit in pairs. They have a certain amount of time to communicate, after which a signal is given and the couples are seated. Thus, men will have the opportunity to communicate during the evening with all the ladies present at the event. Women, accordingly, get to know all the gentlemen.
A short period of time allocated for communication allows you not only to get to know each of those present, but also to reveal yourself as much as possible with best side. After all, when you only have a few minutes to communicate, there is no time for long foreplay. And the mafia game will allow you to better feel the true character of a potential life partner.
This kind of dating evening is extremely effective. Studies have shown that people only need a few minutes to evaluate another person. We evaluate it instantly appearance, we take a closer look at his gestures and ability to hold himself. Sometimes it doesn’t matter at all what exactly this person manages to tell about himself. Much more important is how he speaks, how he carries himself, and how confident he is.
If you are interested in a speed dating evening, reviews will help you finally see how successful and useful this event is. Other people who attended such dating evenings often share their thoughts and feelings with others. Thanks to such descriptions, you unnecessary problems you will conclude how good an idea it might be to attend such a speed dating evening.

Dating evenings for over 30s

It should be noted that not only very young boys and girls go to speed dating evenings, but the main contingent of dating evenings in Moscow are those over 30 years old. Therefore, if you are over 30, then feel free to leave a request and come to our events. We can also say with responsibility that the likelihood of you meeting your soul mate is extremely high. At such evenings of quick acquaintances, there are well-established men and women, they really know what they want from life and they are really ready for a relationship morally and financially.

Dating evenings for those over 40

At dating nights for those over 40, it should be noted that there is an interesting imbalance of power. At these evenings often more women than men. If you are a man, then you, of course, have the choice to go to a more junior group and find a younger girl. But it is also interesting to note the fact that some visitors to dating evenings over 40 are not even looking for young girls, they are interested in people their own age, so women will not be left without attention, although there will be a few more of them. Don't worry about this issue. Our experience says that you can find your person even from 5-7 men, although recently 15 - 20 come.

Dating dance evenings

This is a separate area of ​​dating evenings in Moscow. Our company also holds similar evenings. We invite a professional dancer to attend them and give a master class. Don't be scared! :-) In just 10 minutes you will understand the basic movements and will be able to dance with ease. Another 10 minutes will pass and you will be able to do even interesting pirouettes. We can say with confidence that you will remember such an evening for a long time on the good side. And if from this dating evening you find your soulmate, then you will have something to talk about in the future. Come!

What does a speed dating evening in Moscow give?

Again, the evening can bring more than just a meeting with your soulmate. Of course, this is the wonderful goal that everyone who is going to such a meeting sets for themselves. But you shouldn’t just focus on it. After all, in addition to the love of your life, at such an event you can meet a friend, a potential partner, or just an interesting person with whom you would be happy to continue your relationship.
That's why you shouldn't neglect such interesting options. Thus, if next time you are thinking about what to do in the evening in Moscow, then take this option into consideration. It is a little unconventional, but no less interesting and useful for that. One way or another, this is much better than spending this evening alone with yourself. One way or another, additional pleasant communication with new interesting people has never harmed anyone. We wish you a pleasant stay and happy new acquaintances! Be loved!

Modern services for finding a soul mate are coming up with more and more interesting and exciting ideas. People are no longer interested in meeting people under normal conditions and in the same environment. One of the ways to “ignite” a relationship is speed dating.

Speed ​​dating – what is it and who is it suitable for?

This type of dating came to us from the USA and Europe. It is suitable for those people who do not have enough time to find a partner, as well as for those who want to try something new.

For this event, a group of 10-20 couples is recruited. It is important that all participants in the speed dating party are from approximately the same age group. Therefore, they are also formed according to age. A pleasant atmosphere is created in a cafe or restaurant, creating real comfort. The room contains a number of small tables corresponding to the number of couples. A man and a woman sit at each table. They are given a certain time to communicate (5-7 minutes). During this time, the couple has a conversation, they take a closer look at each other, and also determine for themselves whether they like this person and whether they want to see each other again.

Then the pairs change, and communication begins with the other participant. So, in an hour and a half you will get to know at least 10 new people.

After communication, you should make notes about each interlocutor. You will be given a list with all the participants, opposite whom after the conversation you put either “+” (you want to continue communication) or “-” (you do not want further meetings). Then the organizers compare your answers, and if the positive ratings with your partner coincide, then you exchange contacts with him and continue further communication.

The main advantage of speed dating is that you save your time and also quickly expand your social circle. This is very important for business and busy people.

Pros and cons of speed dating


  • You spend a minimum of time searching for your soulmate.
  • The first meeting takes place in person, so there will definitely not be any disappointments about appearance (unlike social networks).
  • The relaxed atmosphere and communication make spending time enjoyable.
  • You don’t feel guilty or uncomfortable because your interlocutor didn’t impress you. After all, someone else will like him!
  • Good and enjoyable leisure time for a single person.
  • This is unusual. New emotions, pleasant acquaintances and vivid impressions are guaranteed.


  • Lack of romance. After all, only 5-7 minutes are allocated for each date. Not enough to sit and stare at each other in silence, is it?
  • This evening may seem tiring, because in a couple of hours you will have to communicate with a dozen people.
  • You may not have time to make a first impression in a 5-minute date.
  • They are not always present at such meetings. educated people. Be prepared for the fact that you may receive unpleasant offers.
  • Express dating does not guarantee that you will find love here.

, go on a date, find a place to go with friends, where to sit in a cafe, a poster of the most current events in Moscow.

Our site is the best among dating sites. Here are profiles for dating and meetings, places for dates.
All of them belong to real people who are looking for love or, for example, company for a free evening.
Registration is very simple and free. Don’t think that in order to meet the person of your dreams, you need to have a certain status in society, just young age or model appearance.
All this does not matter, because, as you know, the sun shines equally on everyone. You just need to help your luck a little and register on the site.
Become one of the regular visitors to the site and dream about happy life with your beloved and only person will very soon become a reality.
Quick acquaintances with “Lonely Moscow” will put an end to your loneliness forever - go ahead and meet new faces and interesting places in the capital!

How to properly meet people on the Internet:

Our dating service is the ideal place to meet, flirt or start serious relationship. If you are looking for your soul mate in Moscow or the Moscow region, you urgently need to register on our website. Here you can earn a high rating and, accordingly, attractiveness in the eyes of potential partners.

Where to start!

Take a short tour through the pages of our portal. Please note that here every person can find a partner according to their preferences. Just mark the filters you need using the advanced search function and view the suitable profiles. A user's rating is, in a way, his social status in the dating world. The higher his performance, the faster you can see him in the search and make sure that he regularly visits his page, which means he will instantly respond to your message.

Rules of communication on our portal ONEINMOSCOW

Many dating in Moscow end in nothing because people do not know how to interest their virtual interlocutor. Remember, the success of online flirting depends only on you. Attract your potential soul mate interesting stories from life, give her the opportunity to show her imagination. It happens that during the correspondence, disagreements regarding certain life positions are discovered. You should not criticize your interlocutor or try to direct him to the path that you consider true. Remember, there are over a million profiles on the site. Maybe it would be more advisable to try to find a like-minded person? Online dating is an ideal opportunity to find bright, purposeful, interesting people to spend time with. The main thing is to fill out your application form, post good photos and accept active participation in the life of the site.

Every person has the right to love and be loved. On our free dating site in Moscow You will meet many interesting, cheerful and sociable people.

Meet, communicate, meet in real life, because you deserve to get rid of loneliness!
We are interested in everyone meeting new friends for an exciting time in Moscow and the Moscow region. Use all the opportunities provided by our service, observing the rules of mutual respect.
Find your soul mate with us. Remember, we believe in you!

Such a social phenomenon as dating parties exists in many cities of our country. Sometimes they are called, or If we look at how many single guys and girls are registered on the largest dating sites in Moscow, we can safely say the figure is more than 2 million. Indeed, according to world statistics, every fourth resident of a metropolis is single, that is, not in a relationship. At the same time, on average, more than 100 people attend dating parties per day.

On ours. More than 5,000 couples met. Find out:

Dating parties for over 20s

It should be noted that dating parties under 30 are extremely popular. They often take place in a very large composition of both young men and women. Quite a fun and interesting event. At the end of the event, after 10-15 minutes, everyone receives mutual sympathy. Here everyone will find a place for themselves, because everyone is interested in getting to know each other and learning something new.

Dating parties for over 30s

Young people just over 30 also actively attend speed dating; in this age category you can quite often meet interesting and successful girls and men who want to try new way dating After all, as you know, the more eventful a person’s life is (and its most intense period is from 30 to 40 years), the less time he has for himself and for his personal life.
We recommend that you read about our company

Dating parties for over 40s

Typically, people after 40 years of age, especially women, realize the urgent need to find a partner and become more loyal to attending speed dating and dating parties. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why some young girls are dismissive of the dating party crowd. This is a mistake!
We recommend that you read about our company

The company LetNaDate holds dating parties in Moscow at 2 age groups: from 20 to 30 and from 30 to 40. Sign up below:

Speed ​​dating party

This may seem strange at first glance, but speed dating parties are more popular among the fairer sex. Why does this happen, you ask. After all, we all know that it is men who are most active on dating sites. The answer lies in the fact that many men are skeptical about speed dating for various, sometimes fictitious, reasons. But all the men who come to the events often find their girlfriend much easier than on dating sites or others. Surprising but true!

Dating party reviews

According to reviews from men, there are main stopping factors that make men refuse to visit. In the first place you can put an objection, which we will call: “I can meet a girl anyway.” The essence of this objection is that it is quite difficult for a person of our mentality to admit that he needs something (especially psychologically). For him, the fact of coming to a speed dating evening is a public admission of his own weakness. It would be better for him to try his luck on a dating site - because in this case this public act of recognition will not take place.

Speed ​​dating party

There is also a very widespread fear among men that the girls they come to are “dummy”. In our opinion, such thoughts arise from a certain emotional illiteracy, because for an experienced man it is quite obvious that girls want relationships no less, and often even more, than men. In addition, a woman by nature has an instinct for selecting men, which is why they like to attend speed dating parties so much.