How did the idea of ​​organizing a family club come about, what problem was it in response to? Help for mothers: what opportunities does the city give to women with children? Interest classes for mothers.

Hello, mother country! I want to talk about something that is very close and dear to me, to share my experience, so to speak.
When I gave birth to my first child, I was sure that I would not stay at home for long and that in a couple of years I would go to work. I didn’t think about a second child at all, although I always wanted a daughter. When I became pregnant with my second child, the eldest was not yet two years old. And then I started thinking, because at least another 3-4 years will pass before I can go to work and in general among people. I have always been an active person, so while I was still pregnant with my daughter, I began to think about how I could spend these years so that I could be with my children constantly and find a use for my unbridled activity. It so happened that we never had grandmothers to help us. My parents live far away, my mother-in-law works, so I don’t know what it’s like to leave a child with someone.
One day a friend called (we have children the same age) and said that at the base of one resource center An experimental interest society is being organized, namely a club for young mothers. How it will function, what will be there and how - there was no information. But we were invited for a test drive in botanical garden for dating. The trip was organized very competently and professionally. There were about 10 of us mothers with children of different ages, some, including me, are also pregnant. We had a great time, a big excursion and a picnic were organized.
The project manager, Natalya Nikolaevna, said that at the resource center where she works, a club of interests will be organized specifically for young mothers with children for a pleasant and useful pastime. The goal of the project is communication, exchange of experience on various issues of raising children, organizing joint leisure time for young families, acquiring skills in applied arts, organizing sports events for children, organizing various competitive events for young families. If you say in a simple way, then the main goal of the project was to prove that young mothers with small children can also live a full life, be active, mobile, while constantly being with their children and bringing many ideas to life.
We were allocated separate room(free), where we could come with the children once a week for almost the whole day. I would like to note that all participants in the project did not know each other before the club began functioning. What were we doing there? The most important thing is that a playroom with sports equipment and toys was organized for the children. It was something like a kindergarten, the children were huddled together, playing, we were nearby, watching them, while our hands remained free.
In the first year of the club’s existence, a decoupage specialist, Galina Fedorovna, was invited to teach us everything she knew. Our day at the club goes something like this: we arrived early in the morning, prepared for the next decoupage lesson, and at the same time prepared tea and snacks so that the children could refresh themselves at any time. After a 3-hour lesson, the girls and I usually drank tea, chatted, relaxed, played with the children, and then we all went for a walk together. After the walk, everyone usually went home.
Needless to say, we all became very friendly and united. After a year of the club's existence, we wanted to develop. We began organizing social events to attract other families to our club. Several times we organized culinary competitions in which families competed with each other in preparing various dishes, organized sports events for children, and fun starts. We took part in charity events to raise money for the poor, and made things with our own hands to sell at charity sales fairs. And finally, we decided on the main thing - participation in a competition of projects from public organizations to receive a grant and the subsequent implementation of our project.
Our project was aimed at strengthening children's health by introducing children to sports and a healthy lifestyle. According to the project, we included in the estimate a visit to the children's pool with an individual trainer, outdoor sports events, visits to our huge zoo throughout the summer season, the organization of the work of a speech therapist, a family psychologist on issues of raising children and intra-family relationships, as well as courses in knitting, stained glass and decoupage for mommies. Our joy knew no bounds when we won this grant and were able to bring this project to life.
Over the course of 4 months, we did everything we had in mind - we took the children to the pool, organized a large-scale trip to a summer camp for several days to hold sporting events for children, constantly went to the zoo (our zoo is located in a huge forested area where you can spend the whole day with children and family), an invited speech therapist conducted individual lessons with each child, the lessons with a psychologist were very good, both individual and group. And of course, the mothers received additional skills in classes in knitting, decoupage and stained glass.
Now, after the end of the project, we returned to the usual functioning of the club, we also met once a week, but no longer organized classes, and everyone did their own thing - some knitted, some painted, some could simply relax from household chores and spend time with friends. Every holiday, be it New Year, someone's birthday, Mother's Day, etc., we definitely organize a big holiday for ourselves and the children. I want to say that throughout the existence of the club, the composition of the participants was constantly changing, new mothers with children came, old ones left and organized their own clubs..

Here is a short photo report from our club

Our first meeting, a trip to the botanical garden

The idea of ​​creating a family club, the target audience of which would primarily be parents, arose from an analysis of one’s own needs - the needs of a young mother with a small child (or several children) for self-development, acquiring new knowledge and skills, and lively communication with other people.

In general, the initial idea of ​​our project was to create a special, child-friendly space where parents could go about their business (communicate with friends, attend educational classes and trainings), even work. And at the same time, do not lose contact with your child.

For a long time, in our close circle, we heard from young parents: “What a pity that in our city there is no place where you can come with a small child at a convenient time for you and comfortably do something useful while being close to your baby.” This is true. You can hardly even find a cafe here where you can safely come, for example, with a romper. The maximum that you will be offered is a high chair for feeding. But a 6-9 month old child will not sit quietly in it for more than a few minutes, and then will begin to spin around and ask to be “freed,” depriving parents of the opportunity to simply enjoy tea. After all, you can’t let your baby crawl on the tiled floor. Means, the only way out- hold in your arms or finish the meal as quickly as possible.

Many mothers who have children under 3 years old do not even think about attending some interesting classes or master classes: often there is simply no one to leave the child with. And to take it with you means to disturb others. Or the conditions are unsuitable.

We were inspired by the experience of our friend, who created such an ideal child-parent space called “Zelyonka” in Kyiv, where there are always a lot of interesting events for adults and children, and where adults can come to work for a couple of hours, leaving the child in the playroom with others children and teacher. We began to seriously explore this idea for our city. Participation in the “Business Platform” project, which taught aspiring entrepreneurs the basics of business and Anna’s experience, helped a lot! We drew up a detailed business plan, received expert advice, assessed the risks, and realized that we could not financially handle the project on our own. We were also suggested alternative financing options, which took time to attract. While searching for co-financing, we decided to at least somehow make ourselves known. We began to exist online (on social networks) and periodically hold events at the children's development center. At the same time, we managed to realize our main goal: we could take children of any age with us to meetings for parents.

How and who implemented your plans?

Two young mothers from Zaporozhye, both Yulia, both have two little daughters from 0 to 5 years old

What difficulties did you have to face?

Yulia Matsienko: In fact, any external activity related to organizing something outside the family is a complete difficulty for almost any young mother :). Starting with finding free time to new project, organizing a new daily routine for the whole family and coordinating their daily tasks with the tasks of the new project, ending with the search for a truly suitable premises. In addition to the usual “mom’s” work, throughout the five years of maternity leave I did not stop working from home (my husband and I have a common business). But in the midst of the creation of the “Greenhouse”, the work faded into the background, and sometimes I forgot to prepare dinner on time :).

It took me a lot of courage to finally decide to take active steps to implement the project. And if it weren’t for the “magic kick” in the person of my partner, the project might still be at the stage of discussing the idea.

Yulia Zabelina: This is a completely new activity for me. I had to learn a lot, in particular, we are trying to distribute responsibilities to me - SMM promotion of events.

And the real challenge for a mother is combining household responsibilities with external activities. At the time of the first meetings of the club, my youngest daughter was only 1.5 months old. I had to learn to delegate))).

And when you have small children, force majeure always arises. I'm very glad that there are two of us. We try to protect each other.

What joy does the club bring you?

Every successful meeting, every successful negotiation with potential speakers, every new interesting acquaintance related to the activities of the club, as well as every grateful review from satisfied visitors - all this is a joy for us.

The greatest joy is to know that people apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practice. This gives an understanding that energy was not wasted, that there is real benefit from our activities.

What's the warmest thing that happens in the club?

It is difficult to single out one warmest meeting or series of classes. We try to fill all events held by Teplitza with a feeling of comfort, goodwill towards all participants, care and warmth.

The most vivid thing I remember are inspirational meetings with active Zaporozhye mothers of many children, seminars with family psychologist, musical picnics for adults and children, creative master classes, meetings with a stylist-image maker and much more.

Almost all of our events are accompanied by friendly tea with fragrant homemade cakes and warm communication on abstract topics. We create a kind of common circle, mothers get to know each other, find common interests, share interesting experience... We try to ensure that people leave every “greenhouse” meeting “full.”

Are your meetings paid or free?

Initially, the project was not planned as a charity. After all, we do not have any external sponsors - all costs associated with holding Teplitsa meetings are borne by only two families of organizers. However, at the very beginning of our activities, we managed to agree with the “Children’s Smile” charity foundation to use the premises of their children’s center for holding meetings without paying rent. Thanks to this, we were able to hold a number of free events for young parents in Zaporozhye. Subsequently, the nature of the center's activities and work schedule changed, and we moved our meetings to rented premises. In addition, there are many other costs other than rent. Therefore, participation in our events is paid. Although the price is actually symbolic.

Are there famous/interesting people invited to club meetings?

All our speakers are interesting people and excellent specialists in their field, many of them are popular and respected by other professionals in their industry. Perhaps we have not yet had events with famous “stars” on a national scale, but at the city and regional level, most of the speakers who visited us are well known.

Advice: if readers want to organize such a club, where is the best place to start? What mistakes to avoid and what to focus on?

First of all, decide on your personal goals and objectives.

Be sure to calculate the project and determine for yourself how prepared you are for the fact that this activity may not generate income at all, especially in the first months. If this is your first time running a business, talk to the owners (or administrators/managers) of children's centers and time cafes in your city. Ask what problems and risks they face. We would like to warn you right away: a family club is more of a social activity than a business.

Consider which format of the club’s work is most preferable for you. Will these be online conferences or offline meetings? Will you be renting the space on an ongoing basis or just on a one-time basis for individual events? If you do not plan to make significant investments in the development of the club at the initial stage, it would be ideal to seek mutually beneficial cooperation with existing organizations engaged in related activities.

Also, it would be useful to enlist the support and understanding of your household. Prepare your family for the fact that at first you will have to devote as much free time as possible to the new project. But there will be a sharp lack of time to perform routine household duties. It will be easier for you to focus on new tasks if you are confident that your “backs are covered” and your loved ones are ready to help with housework and childcare in the event of force majeure.

Focus on promotion.

To look decent on the Internet, you should use the services of a designer. Keep in mind that developing a corporate identity (logo, corporate colors and fonts, templates for printed products and design of posts on social networks) also takes time. It took us at least two months.

Are there family clubs in your city? Tell us about them, write

Coworking "Mom Works"

A new place where you can come with your child and still work full-time. For many mothers, you must admit, this used to be an unaffordable luxury. In the “Mom Works” space there is, most importantly, a children’s room and a teacher, wireless Internet, office equipment, full-fledged workstations and free parking at the office.

Coworking is open from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 13.00 at the address: st. Nizhnyaya Pervomaiskaya, 48/9.

An hour of work, depending on the tariff, will cost from 175 to 300 rubles.

Official website:

Space for moms Kidsterra

This unusual cozy place combines many functions: coworking space, anikafé, offline meeting place, space for performances, master classes and beauty days, a showroom for newfangled children's brands (from beds to dresses). Key idea: mothers who want to have a place to realize their ideas gather here. There is a children's room, an animator or nanny works periodically, you can organize birthdays and parties.

Kidsterra is located at Nizhnyaya Syromyatnicheskaya 10/3, in ARTPLAY, so there is an opportunity to get involved in art at the same time. For example, children are very warm towards interactive exhibitions.

Official group on Instagram:

Concerts for mothers and children “Together with Mom”

When a child is born, many parents suddenly realize that for at least the next three years the path to classical, and especially chamber music, concerts is closed to them. Of course, there are unique children who are ready to sit in the Great Hall of the Conservatory for two hours without making a single sound, but this is the exception rather than the rule. For those who are not ready to give up music and who want to introduce their children to this art form, there are special projects. One of them is “Together with Mom.” Thanks to its organizers, adults can come to concerts of music of various genres and genres, even with the smallest children. The space is organized very democratically: dancing, singing along, running, playing, standing, sitting, lying down and doing anything is allowed. A huge plus: the child perceives music without comments or prohibitions, can be inspired and express himself.

See the site addresses and poster on the project website:

Concerts of this kind are organized by many organizations, for example, the WowBaby club near Troitsk is distinguished by its love of nature and in the warm season holds concerts on fresh air in an ecologically clean forest village. Other concerts are held at the Concertini and Babyconcert centers

Developmental center for mothers and babies Mama’s Place

Mama’s Place clubs are located in popular places in the capital: a creative space in the building of the Museum’s Educational Center contemporary art"Garage" and a space dedicated to books and reading in Sokolniki Park. There is a total child-friendly atmosphere here, you can choose activities for yourself and your child to your liking. The main thing is that mothers have their own “developmental activities”, such as yoga, painting, master classes on creating interior items and toys.

Official website of the project:

Mom's kindergarten Seasons

This is a space for mothers with children, located in the very center of Moscow in the Hermitage Garden. Here you can bring children of any age to classes, here you can watch a play, do yoga with your child, visit a soft school for children under two years old, you can visit an architecture or theater studio, improve your English skills or go to a meeting with “children’s people.” The place is cozy, welcoming and extremely useful for the whole family.

Official website:

Healthy lifestyle for those who always have a baby with them: dancing with Baby Contact

Many mothers want to return to a healthy lifestyle and exercise as quickly as possible, but this is not as easy as it seems, especially if there is no one to leave the child with. For such a case, smart people came up with fitness for children, baby yoga, sling dancing and other similar activities. The mother not only engages in physical activity, but also develops the baby. Activities like these help you have fun, bond, and lose those extra pounds.

An extraordinary approach to questions healthy image life, namely dances for adults and children, more precisely, for adults with children, can be found at Baby Contact.

The main task of such classes is to establish contact with the child, learn to understand and feel him. Without children from 3 months to 3 years old, you are unlikely to be allowed into such classes. But those who attend the classes will be able to try a unique technique that allows you to establish a connection with children through movements.

Official website:

Here you can practice yoga with your child; listen to an interesting lecture or take part in creative master classes on creating interior items, accessories and toys; start painting from scratch or strengthen your skills; listen to a concert or watch a play with the whole family. Developmental classes for children are also held.

2. Trilingual Metland Kids Club
From 1.5 to 7 years

The club operates on the basis of the Metland English Language School. Here you can practice capoeira, combine work in an art studio with Spanish lessons, English lessons with music and Portuguese lessons with capoeira. The club also opened a group “English for Moms”. Club address

3. Mom's Sadik Seasons
From 0 to 6 years

An absolutely wonderful space for mothers with babies belongs to Seasons Project. Since 2014, the project has been located in a separate wooden house right on the playground of the Hermitage Garden. The Sadik hosts classes for mothers and babies, photo shoots, performances, concerts, and on weekends – children’s birthday parties and family parties in the spirit of Seasons magazine festivals. There is also a café and a hairdresser for children at Mama’s Sadik. Sadiq's address

4. CitYkids Family Center in the Bauman Garden
From 0 to 6 years

Creative workshops are open at CitYkids; you can come here for yoga or a children's play, a music lesson or a psychology seminar. During classes, the baby can be left under the supervision of a teacher in the company of peers. The center's schedule includes: yoga for newborns, music with mom, fairy tales, dancing, art therapy. And right next to the club there is an amazing playground “Inhabited Fence”. Address CityKids

5. Kids club"Shardam"
From 2.5 to 12 years

In the classes of Tatiana Krasnova's Creative Workshop, children from 2.5 years old are introduced to the basics of painting, graphics and design using handy tools, which will allow them to expand their own creative experience and understanding of fine art. Shardam address

6. Project “Concertini” (CONCERTiny)
From 1 month

The new project “Concertini” gives children their first acquaintance with the world of classical music. Mothers come here with babies. Professional musicians from famous Moscow orchestras and laureates of international competitions perform for the audience. The program is designed for the musical tastes of sophisticated adults and at the same time adapted for children's perception (from 0 years). During concerts, babies can lie on pillows, crawl, play and communicate with peers.

7. Project “Together with Mom”
From 1 month

This project is a “veteran” of the Moscow children’s movement; classical music concerts for mothers and babies have been organized here since 2009. Adults listen to music, and children dance and play tambourines and maracas with the musicians. Sitting quietly in your seats is not at all necessary. The project also conducts English classes, yoga, master classes on image, joint summer holiday at sea or in the Moscow region, family discos, mother's council. There are also courses for children together with their dads and a children's theater for the little ones.

8. Musical and educational project “SemiNotka”
From 2 to 12 years

The family project of the Turchin musicians is also well known to Moscow families. Nastya and Alexander come up with cycles of musical meetings and conduct them at different venues. These are not boring lectures, but a real creative interactive experience. Among the programs of “SevenNotes” are “His Majesty the Organ”, “Princess Violin and Her Family”, “Royal - both Forte and Piano” and others. A special series of classes “What does nature sing about?” for children from 2 to 6 years old, it is built around the four elements - water, fire, earth and wind. For children from 1 year old there is a cycle “Musical Years”.

9. Studio early development"Mozart effect"
From 1 year to 12 years

Another musical project for kids, where you can listen to classics. The project is already 12 years old. During classes in the studio, live classical music is performed by professional musicians and soloists of the best orchestras in Moscow. Children draw and sing, and also try their hand at playing children's instruments. Kids get acquainted with the masterpieces of classical music by Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Bach, Vivaldi, Prokofiev and many others, and independently try to play along with the musicians. Children from 4 years old need to pass an audition to enter the studio. Studio address

10. Babyconcert project
From 0 years

Children from birth to school age enjoy the melodies of Mozart, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Strauss, Gershwin and other outstanding composers performed by the best musicians of Russia. Concerts take place in the “Sea Inside” cafe in Sokolniki, on the basis of the CityKids project and in other pleasant places in Moscow. The kids are not forced to sit still - at meetings, children dance and sing, walk freely around the hall and look closely at the instruments.

11. Jewish Cultural center on Nikitskaya (ECC)

From 2 years

The ECC has many interesting studios for children and adults. Children from 2.5 years old can attend classes in the “Read-Play” literary club. Children's theater on Englishshows in the Center a series of interactive performances in English for children from 2 years old. There is also a wonderful development center “Tapuz”. You can bring your child for the whole day, here they will feed him, take him for a walk, and the baby will have many interesting activities: in-depth study of Russian, English and Hebrew, acquaintance with fairy tales and literature; choreography and music, solfeggio and rhythmics, yoga and fitness, ballet and choreography. ECC address

12. Baby Contact Club
From 3 months to 3 years

The club conducts dance classes for mothers, fathers, grandparents and children. The main goal of the classes is to establish contact between mother and baby. Through special techniques, close contact, elements of dance, dance movement therapy, round dances and games, mothers learn to better hear and understand their child. During classes, the baby is in your arms, in a sling, or just next to your mother. Club address

13. Children's space "Dvigalki"
From 0 to 5 years

A hall in the center of Moscow, specially equipped for movement, creativity and harmonious development kids. Children under 3 years old study together with their mothers. Classes are based on the principles of orf pedagogy and dance-movement psychotherapy. The youngest participants, aged 0 to 12 months, study in the BabyContact dance and movement psychological group, which is described above. Hall address

14. BrightFamily Positive Lifestyle Center
From 0 to 5 years

The main direction of the center’s work is the parenting practices of Birthlight (Birthlight™, UK, Cambridge), developed by the founder of Birthlight, Francoise Friedman, in the 80s of the last century. The course is based on a combination of Eastern wisdom and advanced Western scientific developments. BrightFamily presents the following areas of yoga: yoga for pregnant women, aqua yoga, baby yoga from birth to 4 years, children's swimming programs (from 1.5 months). Center address

15. Workshop “Little children and great art”
From 2 years

The workshop is run by Moscow sculptor and mother Lisa Lavinskaya. In a playful and exciting way, children get acquainted with the history of art, visit museum exhibitions, draw, sculpt, and do ceramics. Typically, classes begin with a short lecture on the history of art; for the little ones it can be a ten-minute fairy tale or a short cartoon. Children get acquainted with the works of artists from different times, and then create their own. The Workshop also offers a course for adults. Workshop address

16. Children's center"Golden Cockerel"
From 1.5 to 17 years

The Golden Cockerel children's center has been operating in Moscow since 1987. At the center, children from 1.5 to 17 years old can study in a comprehensive program that combines the basics of music, choreography, visual and theatrical arts. Classes are taught by professional musicians, directors, artists and choreographers. The Golden Cockerel Center cooperates with Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Russian Institute of Cultural Studies and State Slavic Academy. Center address

17. Early development center in English Gymboree Play&Music
From 0 to 6 years

Children are taught here using the Gymboree early development method, which was invented more than 35 years ago. It is assumed that every child has the inclinations given to him by nature. If you start to develop them correctly and on time, abilities will appear. Today the company implements its training programs in 33 countries and in more than 700 centers operating under a franchise system. All classes at the center are held in English: “Play and Learn” from 0 to 3 years; Music (6 months - 6 years), fine arts(18 months - 6 years); Sports (3-6 years); Family activities(0-6 years); School skills (3-6 years). Center address

18. Early language development club Baby Bilingual Club
From 1 year

Classes are taught only by native speakers and early development specialists. The main principle of the club’s work is active communication using the TPR (Total Physical Response) method, which implies that during classes students use all organs of perception and constantly change types of activities. Children learn English through games, music, creativity and reading or listening to books in English. The youngest (1.5-2 years) come to lessons with their mothers. Club address

19. Family eco-club “Drevo”
From 9 months to 7 years

The club operates an Early Development School, where children get acquainted with the world around them and play with designer toys. self made and communicate with peers. Among the interesting programs it is worth mentioning the School of Etiquette and the School of Rescuers. The sports block is represented by the Krepysh fitness studio, rhythmoplasty and dance studio, yoga classes and self-defense lessons. In addition, the club has a children's playroom and a library with an extensive collection of children's literature.

If you didn’t find your favorite place for kids in the review, write to our editor about it: editor@site.