Moth drawing. Moth tattoo

Images of insects are often used for tattoos, and the most common is the “moth” tattoo. After all, a moth is a rather funny and pleasant insect that has beautiful wings and is distinguished by many variations of possible colors.

In ancient times, moths were given magical meaning, there was an opinion that they have connections with all other worlds. A tattoo depicting an insect was considered an intermediary between its owner and the world. higher powers. It was also believed that a person who has a tattoo of an insect has its powers, and the depicted insect protects him from evil spirits.

IN different countries The moth has its own meaning, but people still do not stop admiring their beauty and lightness. A butterfly tattoo now has several meanings, and it is especially popular among young girls. Nowadays, only positive meanings are attached to the moth, because it is associated with joy, lightness, beauty and activity.

Male version

A “moth” tattoo is not often seen on a guy’s body, because these beautiful insects are more associated with girls. But despite this, men also get butterfly tattoos. This insect is associated with freedom, activity and joy. That is why such a tattoo is preferred by men who like freedom and who know how to enjoy every day of their life.

It has long been a known fact that a moth flies towards the light, even if there are life-threatening obstacles on the way. For this reason, the moth often dies and is therefore considered by some to be a symbol of frivolity. But there is also an opinion that the moth strives for its goal without fear of any dangers or obstacles. That is why the moth has become a symbol of determination and the fight against limitations. It can be concluded that such tattoo would be fine freedom-loving and purposeful men. Guys most often get a butterfly tattoo on their back or forearm.

Female version

Girls often choose a butterfly tattoo, usually in this way they want to focus attention on their femininity and beauty. Girls usually decorate the following parts of their body with a moth: shoulder, wrist, neck. Girls also prefer tattoos with a bright butterfly color to attract attention.

Previously, a girl who had a moth tattoo on her body was considered dissolute and frivolous.

This is due to the fact that the life of a moth is short, and these insects are forced to find a mate as soon as possible.

Nowadays, this meaning is no longer relevant; now a tattoo with the image of a moth is inherent in the meaning of tenderness and femininity.

In places not so distant

A tattoo in the form of a moth also has a prison meaning, and it is not difficult to predict that it is associated with the desire to gain freedom. These insects strive for their goal, despite any, even dangerous, obstacles, so “in the zone” this tattoo means the desire for liberation, and the desire to escape.

We suggest you understand the meaning of a tattoo in the form of a moth. Our ancestors were not indifferent to various insects. And therefore it is not surprising that images with them were used as original tattoos. People believed that these special creatures united different worlds. They assumed that insects had access to the realm of different worlds. That is why people considered insects to be real messengers, messengers and even helpers of otherworldly forces. In their opinion, they could have super powers, and those with insect tattoos were getting closer to them.

One of the most beautiful and popular tattoos depicting insects is a moth. Such an original body image is often made by both men and women.

Mexicans once believed that moths were the personification of stars and the flicker of flames. They symbolized the fragility, as well as the transience of being in this world.

For the Chinese, the butterfly meant family harmony, and for the inhabitants of the land of the rising sun it was a symbol of grace. For the inhabitants of Germany, the insect represented rebirth. Each nation has its own special understanding of this elegant symbol. However there is general meaning– beauty.


A spectacular tattoo in the form of a moth often becomes a choice for the fair sex. But sometimes men also choose the original design. Often representatives of both sexes do beautiful tattoo in old school and realism styles.

A body engraving with a moth will mean freedom, optimism, joy of existence, love, beauty, impermanence. Moths can very rarely sit in one place. They are always in a hurry to fly somewhere, as if they want to quickly find their happiness.

Meaning for women

Often beautiful tattoo with the image of a moth is chosen by the fair sex. Women prefer styled images and watercolors. Such body designs can be called an exquisite decoration for every lady. A butterfly tattoo for women means:

  • freedom
  • Love
  • beauty
  • impermanence
  • joy of existence
  • desire to find happiness

A tattoo with a moth on a delicate female body will tell about its owner’s desire to find love and, finally, find happiness. Women with such spectacular tattoos are freedom-loving and are able to enjoy every new day. At the same time, they are not used to staying in one place.

Meaning for men

Sometimes spectacular tattoos with the image of a moth are chosen by representatives of the stronger sex. Men more often prefer body images in graphic and tribal styles. A butterfly tattoo for men means:

  • freedom
  • optimism
  • desire to find love
  • impermanence

A beautiful body image on a male body will tell about the inconstancy of its owner. Such a man cannot be called frivolous. However, he does not like to sit in one place and is ready to constantly seek his happiness.

In addition, a tattoo in the form of a moth will signify the freedom-loving nature of its owner.
Although sometimes men can make body designs with a moth because of the effectiveness of the design, and not because of any special meaning.

Which image to choose for a tattoo?

There are many different options moth tattoo. One of the most popular is an old-school style drawing. This image looks very impressive on both female and male bodies. A colorful design can be made on any part of the body.

Body drawing in tribal style often chosen by men. This tattoo is distinguished by the presence of original patterns.

Since ancient times, people have been attracted to insects, and their images - and also as tattoos - have been widely used in different cultures. People believed that these incomprehensible and mysterious creatures connected all worlds with each other. Allegedly, insects have access to the spheres of the upper world and to the lower world, where demons live.

Therefore, according to the ideas of the ancients, insects can be messengers, messengers and assistants of certain otherworldly forces; they are endowed with superpowers. And a person who has such a tattoo becomes familiar with these abilities.

Times have changed and now we look at tattoos a little differently. One of the most popular pictures is a butterfly, a moth. The meaning of the “moth” tattoo is hidden in the very image of this unusually graceful creature. The moth represents freedom, the joy of existence, love and beauty in their most varied manifestations, and it is also impermanence. Butterflies rarely sit in one place; they always rush further and further, as if trying to find happiness.

Moths are delicate moths with silky wings in neutral shades. Lightness, play, freedom, some naivety, receptivity, interest in gender issues - this is the meaning of the butterfly tattoo.

This is the most common symbol of freedom and its limitations - the moth is programmed by nature in such a way that it is forced to fly into the light of the lamp and hit its walls, although it could fly freely. Tattoos are often done by young girls of liberal views in order to emphasize their fragility and femininity.

Suspecting a lady with a butterfly tattoo of frivolity is considered bad form, because in our time (unlike the courtly era) this image does not carry any negative connotations. This is a positive symbol connecting with nature, esoteric forces, subtle internal energies. A naturalistic or stylized image of a moth is suitable for people of any gender and age.

In Mexican antiquity, they were a symbol of stars and the trembling of flames, personifying the fragility and transience of being in the earthly world. In China, the butterfly is a symbol of family harmony, in Japan it is a symbol of grace, and among the Germans, the butterfly represents rebirth. Each nation understands this elegant winged symbol in its own way. But there is also something in common - beauty.

However, there is also a deeper, historically developed meaning. The moth is lightness, rebirth, renewal. From the caterpillar a winged creature resembling a flower is born. The caterpillar is life on earth, the pupa is little death, and the butterfly is immortality, our soul that has received freedom. And of course, the butterfly represents the fragility of the woman herself, her sophistication and beauty.

Video of butterfly tattoo

And below are photos of tattoos with the image of a moth from different artists.

A tattoo with the image of a moth symbolizes mysticism, connection with spirits, otherworldly communication, freedom, rebirth, immortality of the soul, harmony, friendliness.

The meaning of a butterfly tattoo

Since ancient times, insects have fascinated with their appearance, and images with them - including tattoos - have been in great demand in many civilizations and cultures. The people believed that these unknown and mysterious creatures were conductors between worlds. It’s as if insects can be in the upper world and in the lower world, where demonic creatures live.

Therefore, a person with such a tattoo could be a messenger, messenger and assistant of supernatural forces.

Eras have passed and now we look at such a tattoo from a different angle. The meaning of the moth tattoo is hidden in the very appearance of this very graceful insect. The moth is a symbol of freedom, joy, love and beauty in their various variations, moreover, it is impermanence. A moth rarely stays in one place for a long time; it constantly strives upward, upward and into the distance, as if it is trying to find happiness.

A moth tattoo made in its natural form or in a modern graphic style will suit people regardless of gender and age.

Lightness, playfulness, love of freedom, naivety, increased interest in issues of gender difference - this is exactly the meaning of a tattoo with a moth. The design is often painted by young ladies of open minds with the desire to emphasize sophistication, femininity, and tenderness.

Considering a girl with a tattoo of a moth to be frivolous is an indicator of bad taste, because in modern world(which differs from the times of the courtly era, where the image of a moth on the delicate body of a girl spoke of the frivolity of the wearer, and many casual relationships with men.) This symbol does not have any negative connotations.

This positive butterfly indicates a connection with the natural environment, esotericism, and internal hidden energies. The main goal of the owner is to meet true love, find a faithful life partner and create a happy family.

A tattoo with a moth is suitable for active people who are in an endless hurry to show themselves, to realize themselves, they are always going on trips and wanderings. You definitely won’t get bored with this type of people, because they always want to be where the brightest and most unforgettable events happen, where emotions will run wild.

The tattoo will also be close to romantics and dreamers. A butterfly tattoo will help break the standards created by the surrounding society. She seems to be saying:

“Stop sitting in a tight cage, it’s time to break free and enjoy life.”

This meaning explains the growing popularity of this symbol among young girls for whom the path of life is just beginning, and they have not fully decided on the exact direction, but are trying to reach triumphant heights.

Tattoos in the form of a moth can also be seen on representatives of the stronger sex, but there is no need to draw hasty conclusions. In frequent cases, the choice of this image indicates the absence of addictions, a cheerful disposition, and friendliness. He's also in at the moment he is looking for his harmony, he cannot sit still, he strives for new emotions. And you shouldn’t accuse a man of frivolity - he is more than responsible and serious when required.

It can also be considered that there is some meaning in the fact that the moth is a symbol of rebirth. After all, the image of a caterpillar resembles the sluggish, slow, gray path of human life, the image of a pupa has similarities with death, and rebirth into a moth is nothing more than the apotheosis of the immortality of the soul.