Is it possible to comb wet hair? What is the best way to comb long hair after washing and with what comb? Special combs for wet hair

This question began to worry me when I was fifteen years old, when I finally grew long hair. Before that, my mother took me to the hairdresser and they gave me the hated “garcon” haircut. Coming out of the salon, I looked more like a boy than a girl, and how could it be otherwise if “garçon” is translated from French as “boy”. It’s clear that my mother wanted what was best for me, since she believed that short hair much less fuss than with long ones. Well, to me, naturally, what was more important was not “how is it easier”, but “how is it more beautiful”! :))) Therefore, as soon as I was able to make my own decisions regarding my appearance (with minimal interference from my mother), I immediately grew long curls.

But let's get back to combing your hair. Since I wash my hair often, the question of how to comb wet hair with minimal loss is very relevant. And in the summer season, and even at sea, caring for long hair turns into a real problem... My hair is quite thin and gets tangled all the time, and after sea water it completely turns into a tangle of thin fishing line and attempts not only to comb, but even to unravel this tangle, they plunge into despair...

Is it possible to comb wet hair?

I've heard many times that you can't comb wet hair. When I didn’t yet know why it wasn’t possible, I thought it was because it was simply impossible to comb them! Because then half of the hair will remain on the comb. This happens because hair can absorb a large amount of water, we can feel it when we wet our hair - wet hair becomes much heavier than dry hair. Therefore, when combing wet hair, you can easily damage its structure, break it, or simply tear it out. Hence the conclusion: you cannot comb wet hair.

How to care for your hair after washing?

After washing your hair, it is best to wrap it in a towel and sit there for half an hour. I usually sit for even an hour, and so that the waiting is not so painful, I combine it with either watching some interesting movie or reading a book. After my hair is dry, I remove the towel from my head and spread it with some nourishing oil or leave-in balm. But even after such procedures, combing wet hair is a real problem for me.

“Magic comb” that doesn’t pull out hair

And so it was until I accidentally found out on the Internet about “magic combs” with which you can comb wet hair in a few minutes. At first I thought that these were just fairy tales... Well, how can you, after running through wet curls several times, not only comb them easily, but also not pull out hair??? But it really is possible, and it’s easy and simple! And now the process of combing my hair after washing is a very pleasant experience for me, and not a painful ordeal.

Karina Ulnitskaya

Stylist-makeup artist

Articles written

Proper hair care requires diligence and special care, but in return we get luxurious and silky hair. One of the stages of this process is combing the curls, but we are so accustomed to this procedure that we do not attach due importance to it. Meanwhile, it is very important for our hair, and it must be followed according to all the rules. Most people have heard that you should not comb your hair while it is wet, while others, despite this prohibition, begin to comb their hair with ease immediately after taking a shower. So who is doing the right thing?

Experts advise that after washing, you should let your hair dry by squeezing out the water and wrapping your head in a towel that will absorb excess moisture. Only after the strands become dry can you handle the comb.

The hair shaft is highly hygroscopic; this is a special property, the essence of which is that the strands perfectly absorb moisture. When wet, curls become several times heavier, which makes them more vulnerable. When subjected to mechanical stress, they are easily injured, break off, and even be pulled out along with the bulb. As a result, we have many problems: split ends, dull and lifeless strands, loss of part of the hair. This is how trichologists explain why you should not comb wet hair.

But sometimes situations arise when there is no time for drying at all. What to do in this case? There is a way out - you can comb wet curls without causing them much harm, but you need to do this correctly, following a few tips.

How to comb

  1. It is necessary to thoroughly comb your curls even before water procedures, so they will become less tangled during washing.
  2. After washing your hair, you should wait at least 5 minutes until the skin cools down a little, especially if you washed with hot water, this technique will help to injure the follicles less.
  3. Wet curls need to be lightly separated with your hands and shaken to remove moisture.
  4. Then you should wrap your head in a towel, preferably a thick terry one, and sit there for a few minutes - the fabric will absorb the water and the curls will dry out a little more.
  5. When washing your hair, it is advisable to use a hair rinse or balm; this will significantly simplify the subsequent combing procedure. After a shower, you can also apply a special leave-in product in the form of a spray or mousse to your strands to make combing easier. These cosmetics They will also prevent or reduce the degree of damage to the curls, as they will be wrapped in an invisible protective film.
  6. To comb wet curls, it is advisable to use a wide-toothed comb or a comb made of wood or bone. In this case, you should not use brushes with synthetic bristles and metal combs.
  7. The hair should be divided into several strands and carefully comb each one in turn.
  8. You should start moving the comb at the ends, and then gradually rise higher to the roots, all manipulations should be smooth and neat, no need to pull the strands.

Following these simple recommendations will help minimize negative consequences and less damage to wet curls when combing. But you shouldn’t overuse this method; the correct thing to do is to dry your hair naturally, and then start using a comb.

Greetings, dear readers!

Because of constant rush we forget to pay proper attention to our hair. A wrong caring for them leads to their fragility, cross-section, dullness and loss. Those who have been blessed with strong hair by genetics are lucky, but most girls and women are dissatisfied with their hair.

There may be many reasons why hair deteriorates, but today I will dwell in more detail on only one question. Is it possible to comb wet hair after washing? I think many have heard that it is better to let the strands dry thoroughly, and only then perform any manipulations with them.

Perhaps you know about this, but do not comply? Or is this the first time you’ve heard such news? I’ll say right away, combing wet hair - harmful, if you do not take precautions! Details below!

We washed our hair, jumped out of the bathroom, grabbed the first comb we came across, a quick fix They combed their hair, turned on the hairdryer, dried their hair with hot air, combed their hair again, looked in the mirror - they didn’t like it, and finally took up the iron. Don't recognize yourself in the morning? I'm glad if not.

But because modern the rhythm of life sometimes turns out that way. We want to sleep longer, and in the morning everything happens on the fly. And then we get upset when we see that our hair no longer pleases us with its appearance. Well, of course, as we are to them, so they are to us.

Hair after washing under no circumstances straightaway You can't comb it. Now I will explain why.

  1. This will lead to fragility curls. Wet hair is 30% heavier than dry hair, so such hair is very heavy, it stretches easily, and with a comb we can easily tear and break it off, which is why it becomes split. The hair should also have time to be saturated with moisture, and with a comb we shake off the liquid from the hair, and the strands become much drier.
  2. It might start prolapse hair. The scalp is steamed immediately after washing, the hair itself is heavy, and by combing it right away, we can easily pull it out of the hair follicles. I’ve noticed this phenomenon on myself: when you comb wet hair, much more of it remains on the comb than when it’s dry.

They especially suffer from such executions thin hair becomes noticeably drier, loses its shine, becomes porous, and small bald patches may appear. Although any hair requires proper treatment, even thick and strong curls can be difficult to return to their original appearance if poorly cared for.

How and when to comb your hair after washing?

In order to reduce hair trauma, it is necessary to make it more elastic and pliable. If I'm in a hurry, I always follow these rules. Perhaps they will also be useful to you, although I will not open any America.

  1. Before washing your hair, it is better to comb your hair thoroughly so that it does not get tangled during the cleansing process and does not look like a haystack afterwards.
  2. Wash your hair with warm water, and then don’t forget about the balm and conditioner; if you’re not in a hurry, you can also apply a mask. Maintain temperature conditions.
  3. It is good to squeeze your hair into the bath without twisting it and put it on terry towel on your head, it absorbs moisture better, hold it on your hair for 10-15 minutes.
  4. At this time, you can take care of your face and apply the necessary moisturizers.
  5. After the time has passed, remove the towel and hang it to dry, just don’t rub it on your wet hair, as this will cause it to deteriorate much faster.
  6. Now you can slightly untangle your hair with your fingers and lower it back, because under the towel the strands can tangle in any way you like. This will dry them out a little and bring air to the scalp.
  7. If your hair is long, then combing it from the roots is not recommended, because such strands get tangled much more, and it is much easier to pull them out. Start only from the ends, smoothly moving upward.
  8. If the hair is short, then it practically does not tangle and can be combed from the roots.
  9. Next, you can apply a leave-in hair product that will make your hair more manageable and reduce damage from using hot tools. You can skip this step if your hair is smooth and does not require special nutrition. But usually long hair needs this.
  10. Now you can dry your hair with a hairdryer, first you can use hotter air, and then work only with cold air, so as not to harm your hair.

These 10 points will allow you to keep your hair in excellent condition. Don't be afraid to blow dry your hair if you have one. ionizing properties, then there will be no negative effect.

Even if you washed your hair at night, it is better not to go to bed with unkempt strands; this is no less dangerous than using a hair dryer or straightener. It is best to start drying your hair after 30 minutes after washing. Read more about what time of day is best to wash your hair.

Did you know that hair is hygroscopic? This is the ability to absorb moisture from the air.

Girls with mixed hair type, because such curls have to be washed often, and if you do not follow the basic rules in caring for them, you can completely ruin your hair.

Which comb is best for combing wet hair?

All experts agree that it is better to comb your hair with combs made of natural materials, because they are the most safe for hair. But not all of them are suitable for wet strands.

I opted for the Tangle Teezer. At first I was skeptical about it, since I don’t like massagers, but later I realized that this is the best comb for wet hair. Due to the presence of teeth of different lengths, made of special plastic, it untangles very easily. thin hair. Therefore, the process itself is quick and painless, and it does not electrify the hair.

Although I don’t fully believe in the advertising campaign of this product for combing hair, I use it only 15 minutes after washing my hair, thoroughly drying my hair with a towel. A quality Tangle Teezer comb doesn't come cheap. You shouldn't expect any special results from a fake.

What else could be important?

Many girls and women are now doing different procedures for hair, so there are also some nuances in combing strands. Hairdressers advise paying special attention to:

  1. If a perm or bio-perm is done.
  2. In order not to damage the curls and hair structure, you can comb the strands only when they are already sufficiently dry and very carefully, using a wide-toothed comb. After such procedures, the hair is especially vulnerable.

  3. If you have hair extensions.

They are very easy to damage and tear, so you need to take care of them very carefully. Such hair can be combed only after it is completely dry and preferably with a comb specially designed for this. Carefully start from the ends and gradually move higher.

Well, that's actually all I wanted to say. Treat your hair carefully and then they will delight you with their beauty, thickness and natural shine for a long time!

Have healthy hair! See you!

Hi all! Being an important component of the image, women's hair needs no less attention than the face, body or nails.

In addition, under the influence of various fixing agents, curls often stick together, and therefore they need to be combed regularly.

Today I will tell you how to comb long hair correctly, how best to comb wet hair after washing your hair, strands tangled by the wind, how many times a day you need to comb and with what comb.

After reading the article, you will stop tearing out pieces of hair with your brush, which will improve the thickness of your strands.

Special models with cone-shaped teeth have been developed. If your scalp is particularly greasy and dusty, then you need to use a comb-brush equipped with a layer of hygroscopic material at the base of the teeth. The cleanliness of combs and brushes also affects the cleanliness of your hair, so you should wash all accessories regularly.

Combs made of hard rubber are especially popular, and to clean them, use warm soapy water, but not boiling water. This can cause the material to soften, fade and lose shape, causing the product to become unusable.

The brush gets dirty faster than the comb, so it is washed with a soap-vinegar solution several times a week. To make it easier to clean all the hard-to-reach places on your brush, you can use a hand wash brush or an old toothbrush. And remove hair from the comb every time after combing.

The brush is washed by running its bristles over the surface of the soap solution, and then rinsed clean water. Let the brush hang dry. To add shine to the polished side, you can rub the surface with oil. I'm planning to write a separate article about combs, so...

How to comb your hair without a comb?

If you don’t have a comb at hand, all you have to do is turn your brush into a kind of comb and comb with four fingers. Of course, it will be careless, but it will still be possible to bring very tangled hair into at least some decent form.

How to comb your hair correctly?

The first thing to remember is that long hair always begins to be combed from the ends, and short hair from the roots. Short strands (7-12 cm) are combed only with a comb. If the length of the curls reaches 25-35 centimeters, then they are combed with a brush, and then a comb is used. Very long hair begins to be combed by grasping each strand individually and running a brush through it. Do not pull the strands while combing.

You need to comb your hair in different directions: from the crown to the forehead, from one side to the other, changing direction. Lower your head and comb from the crown to the forehead, in this position the blood flows to the head and the blood supply to the bulbs improves.

Although some shedding is normal and increases in autumn-spring period, in 1 day a person should not lose more than 100 hairs. When hair falls out, it is removed along with its bulb, but the remaining hair papilla gives rise to new hair growth. You can find out how hair works and how it grows by reading the article.

This is why the hair growth process is constantly ongoing. If hair falls out a lot, and little hair grows in its place, this is a sign of weakness caused not so much by combing, but by disorders of nervous activity, the endocrine system and metabolic processes. Hygienic care alone will not do, as serious and complex treatment will be required.

Is it possible to comb wet hair after washing?

This question still gives rise to disputes between masters hairdressing. But let's try to find a compromise. I don't support combing my hair immediately after a shower or bath, but I don't like combing completely dry hair either.

There is only one way out: comb your curls when they are in a semi-dry state. How I do it. After leaving their shower, I wrap a towel around my head, a la a turban, and walk like this for 30-40 minutes. Then I remove the towel and apply some leave-in treatment to my hair and distribute it thoroughly.

During this time, excess water is absorbed into the towel and the hair is not wet, but simply damp. At this point, I dry them a little with a hairdryer until they are semi-damp without a comb, and only then start combing them, as I wrote above. When I do the procedure in this order, I lose significantly less hair.

Why can't you comb wet hair?

And yet, why do many masters not recommend combing wet hair at all? Let's try to figure it out. After a shower or bath, the scalp is steamed and the hair follicles may weaken, making it easy to fall out. Therefore, they recommend combing semi-dry hair.

How to comb very tangled hair, for example, after backcombing?

In some rare cases, tangles may form in the hair and the head may look like a hornet's nest. Such hair is very difficult to comb, and sometimes simply impossible. What to do and how to untangle very tangled hair? If you act roughly, you can lose a significant amount of hair, so you need to act gently.

Rules for combing tangled hair

  • Never try to detangle dry hair.
  • Wash your hair with shampoo without combing.
  • Apply balm or mask immediately and walk for 20 minutes.
  • Dry some strands with a towel and begin the detangling procedure.
  • Do this one strand at a time using a wide-toothed comb or even your hands.
  • Start from the ends, gradually moving towards the roots.
  • After detangling, apply masks again and wait 15 minutes.
  • Rinse off the product and dry your hair with a towel. Let them dry on their own without a hair dryer.

How to comb artificial hair extensions?

Hair extensions require special care, this applies not only to washing, but also to combing. If you want your artificial hair to last longer, then follow a few rules that will help you in this matter.

  • Wash your hair only in the shower, and not “over a basin” or “over a bathtub.”
  • Comb only with special tools. The comb should have soft teeth and no balls at the ends.
  • Hair extensions should only be combed when dry.
  • Start from the ends, holding your hair in a ponytail, then move towards the roots.
  • Brush at least 3 times a day.
  • While you're walking with artificial hair you will have to forget about backcombing and tight hairstyles.

How to comb curly hair correctly?

Some professionals advise women with curly hair completely forget about the comb and use your fingers. But if this sounds crazy to you and you can’t imagine your life without a comb, then choose only one with sparse teeth. Brushes and “massages” will make your hair even more fluffy and unruly. And be sure to take care of your hair, as I described in the article

We all comb our hair not only for the sake of... beautiful styling, at the same time the scalp is massaged, accumulated dust and dirt are removed, and natural fatty secretions are distributed along the entire length of the strands.

Curls medium length- up to the shoulders, comb from the roots, long ones - from the ends, gradually rising higher.

Basic The reason why you should not comb wet strands is that they are brittle..

The hair follicles of wet hair after washing are greatly weakened. When combing, the strands are subject to severe deformation, which increases the degree of hair loss.

Due to excessive fragility, the appearance of the hair deteriorates and split ends appear.

Some people with thick manes find it really difficult to comb dry locks. In such cases, it is recommended to use a conditioning balm, which will help make the curls manageable and easy to comb.

But before you start combing, walk around for a few minutes with a towel turban on your head? This procedure is very useful - the towel absorbs moisture, while the head and hair dry.

What combs can be used for wet strands?

The question is often asked: is it still possible to comb wet hair? If it is not possible to wait for them to dry completely after washing, then it is best to carry out the procedure with a wooden comb or brush with natural bristles. Plastic and metal tools are least suitable.

To minimize the harm from combing wet curls, follow simple recommendations.:

  • Strands that are highly susceptible to brittleness, with split ends, should be combed not with a brush, but with a comb.
  • Do not use metal combs and brushes with slanted ends, they can injure the scalp and can worsen the condition of the dermis.
  • The choice of brush or comb depends on the type and structure of the strands and their length.

Every person individual approach to the combing process, but the use of brushes made of natural materials, without any defects, promotes the growth of healthy and beautiful curls.

The mechanism for combing hair is as follows: the longer the strands, the wider the distance between the teeth of the comb should be.


Aromatherapy for hair not only gives a noble fragrance, but also nourishes and improves appearance strands.

Cosmetic effect of action essential oils multifaceted:

  • Increases elasticity;
  • Hair growth increases;
  • Elasticity tone is stimulated;
  • The secretion of the sebaceous glands decreases;
  • Dandruff disappears;
  • The loss stops.

However, given that aromatic oils are applied to damp hair, special attention should be paid to the choice of comb for the procedure.

Metal and plastic brushes are not suitable for it, as essential oils may react with these materials.

What hairstyles you can do in the summer with wet hair without combing, watch the video:

Methods for preventing fragility

A variety of methods can help reduce hair loss and hair breakage., none of which should be neglected:

  • Use for night rest bed sheets made of silk. A silk or satin pillowcase seems to polish the strands, preventing them from getting tangled and tangled.
  • Braid your long hair into a light braid, so your hair will not be tangled and will be easy to comb during the morning routine.
  • If your hair gets wrinkled during sleep, there is no need to wash your hair again; a warm stream of air from a hairdryer is enough to fix everything.
  • Dry shampoo can be an excellent cleansing and styling product. It is recommended to use it if the hair quickly becomes oily, and frequent washing further causes sebum secretion.

Care after chemotherapy

After a perm, you will have to take care of your hair more carefully, carefully taking care of the spiral curls:

  • To preserve the desired curls, Never comb wet hair. Without pulling the wet spirals out with a brush, you will maintain the desired curls for a long time.
  • IN first three days when the fixing agents are still in effect, hair should not come into contact with water.
  • After washing the strands only lightly blot with a towel, without pulling or twisting.
  • Professional hairdressers do not recommend going to bed with wet hair.

It is permissible to dry them a little with a hairdryer, helping to shape the hairstyle with your hands and using a special wax or gel.

How to deal with extensions after washing?

It is advisable to let them dry naturally, but in emergency cases, before combing, it is permissible to dry them with a hairdryer.

Try handle wet hair as carefully as possible. If in a dry state the hair fibers are very strong, then when wet, the outer scales swell and become very sensitive, so when combing, the elasticity and shine of the curls deteriorates.