“We are going, we are going, we are going” summary of a music lesson for children in the middle group. Finger gymnastics on the theme “Transport” Game “thank you for being there!”


Expand children's knowledge on the topic "Train".
To form stable knowledge about quantity (one-many), size (big-small), color (red, yellow, green, blue), shape (circle).
Teach children to count to two.
Consolidate knowledge about the voices of familiar birds and animals.
Teach children basic construction methods: overlaying and attaching.
Exercise children in onomatopoeia.
Continue teaching children to draw with a pencil and paste on details of the image.
Develop speech, thinking, fine and gross motor skills.
To develop the ability to subordinate one’s actions to the requirements of the team and adults.


Toys: a steam locomotive with carriages, a kitten, small figures of a frog, horse, cow, rooster, dog, cat.
Books. Small figurines of nesting dolls.
Counting sticks, pictures of rails.
Picture of a “locomotive without wheels”, black circles (one large, two small).
Black pencils, pictures of a “locomotive with a chimney.”
Cardboard silhouettes of cats, bandage.
Matchboxes of different colors.
Bench, tunnel, “Train” tent.
Audio recordings: “Steam Locomotive” by S. and E. Zheleznov, “Song of the Engine”.

For drawing “Smoke from a chimney”.

Progress of the lesson:

Greeting "Our smart heads"

Hello guys, it's great that you all came today!

Our smart heads
They will think a lot, cleverly.
Ears will listen
Mouth speak clearly.
Hands will clap
Feet will stomp.
The backs are straightened,
We smile at each other.

Game situation “Locomotive Gifts”

Steam locomotive, Steam locomotive,
What did you bring us as a gift?
I brought colored books.
Let the kids read!

Children are given books and they leaf through them, looking at the pictures.

Construction of "Rails"

Children, a steam locomotive needs a special railway - made of rails and sleepers. We have the rails, we just need to lay out the sleepers. Take the sleeper sticks and place them on top of the rails. Like this.

Application “Wheels for a steam locomotive”

The locomotive needs to be repaired - its wheels have fallen off. What shape is the wheel? What shape does the wheel resemble? The wheel is round, similar to a circle. Look, how many wheels do you need to attach to the locomotive? Three wheels. Place the wheels in front of you and count. One two Three. Are the wheels the same or different? The wheels are different. There is a big wheel and there are small ones. How many big wheels? One big wheel. How many small wheels? Two small wheels. Attach the wheels to the locomotive. Now glue it.

Didactic game “Find out by voice who the locomotive is carrying”

The engine chug - chug - chug,
Rushing along the rails at full speed,
Bringing animals to the zoo
Chuh-chukh-chukh, he sings to them.
(A. Kuzmina)

Who came in this trailer? Listen and guess whose voice this is?
Woof-woof. Moo. Kwa-kwa. Cuckoo. Igo-go. Meow.

After the children guess the animal, the teacher displays their figures in front of the children. Then he offers to pick up and voice their voice.

Reading a poem, onomatopoeia and drawing “Smoke from a chimney”

To the cheerful sound of wheels
A steam locomotive rushes along the rails.
Blowing smoke on the fly,
The locomotive hums: tu-tu!
(T. Vtorova)

How does the locomotive sound? Sound it like a locomotive: tu-tu!
But the locomotive stops, slows down and lets off steam: ssss.
Now take black pencils in your hands and draw the smoke that flies out of the chimney of the locomotive.

Dynamic pause "Steam Locomotive"

Children line up chairs one after another and sit down to the song “Steam Locomotive”.

Table theater "Steam Locomotive"

The locomotive runs along the rails,
On the way the kitten is sleeping.
The locomotive has stopped
And he says to the kitten:
You kitten, you kitten,
Clear the way for the car.
And the kitten answers:
You'll drive by yourself somehow.
The locomotive got hot,
I crushed the kitten's tail.
And the kitten got angry
The locomotive was scratched.
The locomotive is in the hospital,
They give him an injection.
And the kitten sleeps on the rails
With a tied tail.
(S. Ya. Marshak)

Children give an injection to the locomotive and bandage the tails of cardboard silhouettes of kittens.

Finger game "The little engine goes up the hill"

The train is going up the hill,
To visit grandfather Yegor.
(Palms placed with three edges facing each other)

And they sit in the trailers
Four little guys:
Anya and Danya are here.
Taya and Matvey.
Kotofey is with them.
(We go through the fingertips, starting with the little finger and ending with the big toe)

His eyes are closed
He purrs stories to children.

Construction from building material "Train"

Children lay out multi-colored matchboxes, placing them close to each other along one line, choosing the sequence of colors in accordance with the text of the poem.

From hazel to spruce
The train traveled for three weeks,
You won't make me drive fast
Turtle driver.

The first car on the train is
Bright yellow like a lemon.

And trailer number two
All green like grass.

The third carriage on the train
It is painted with red paint.

Here is the fourth car, new.
Blue-blue, it sparkles.
He rolls along the rails quickly
And he looks around.

So he drives through the ravines
The train moves at a snail's pace.
If there are no problems along the way,
It will arrive in exactly a year.

Didactic game "Locomotive and nesting dolls"

Multi-colored train,
Nowadays he carries all the nesting dolls.
I put everyone in a row
And he rolled through the forest.
(Children place nesting doll figures on the train from boxes)

He led them to the lawn:
Hey, nesting dolls, get out,
Run, frolic,
Sing and have fun.
(Children manipulate the matryoshka figures according to the text)

I'll sleep just a little bit
And let's hit the road.
(according to Z. Titova)

Well, the nesting dolls played, the little engine slept a little, it’s time to head back. Place two nesting dolls in each trailer.

Dynamic pause “The locomotive is moving, moving”

To the music “Song of the Engine,” children climb into the “locomotive” tent, climb into the tunnel-pipe, and walk along the bridge-bench.

Subject : Train travel. Rolling and throwing large and small balls.

Children's age: 2-3 years

Target : Formation of children's ideas about the world around them with the help of balls.

Tasks :

    Practice rolling a large ball and throwing a small ball.

    Develop perception and attention, coordination of movements.

    Develop the ability to interact with parents and other children.

Equipment :

Tape recorder,CD“Songs from cartoons” (“Blue Car”, No. 10), massage mats, Christmas tree, bunny toy, carrots, hoops, bear toy, snowballs, multimedia presentation “Physical training session (“Snowman”)”, screen, laptop, projector , fitballs, snowflake,CD“New Year's songs”, (“Snowflakes are falling”, No. 16).

Progress of the lesson:

1.Organizational moment

Teacher: Hello children, hello mothers. Today we will go with you on a train journey to our Sakhalin forest. Interesting meetings await us. Let's not waste time, we take places in the trailers. Our train sets off. Too-too-too.

2.Introductory part

"Train". Mothers build their children by holding each other. Performing the onomatopoeia “Too-too-too,” adults and children walk on massage mats.

Teacher: So you and I have arrived in the forest. We get off the train and go to a forest clearing.

Walking and running exercises “Snowflakes” (performed by adults and children, the teacher corrects the children’s posture).

- “Light snowflakes” (walking on toes, hands on the belt).

- “On an icy path” (walking on your heels, hands to shoulders).

- “Through the snowdrifts” (walking with high knees).

- “A snowstorm is blowing” (running).


We went to the forest edge,

Raising your legs higher.

Who walked confidently

Didn't trip, didn't fall.

We are with you in the forest today,

New Year's holiday is coming soon.

There is a Christmas tree at the edge of the forest,

The needles sparkle in the sun.

And there are bunnies in the snow

Runaway bunnies

Jumping and playing

They invite us to their place.

Let's bask in the sun with them.

3. Main part.

The teacher shows each exercise with a toy hare, gives individual instructions, encourages the children, and mothers monitor and correct the children’s performance of the exercises.

Exercise “Bunny warms its paws in the sun”

Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, arms down. Hands forward, turn your palms up and down, say: “Warm.” Return to starting position. Repeat 4 times. The pace is moderate.

Exercise “Bunny warms his ears in the sun”

Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Turn your head to the side. Return to starting position. Turn your head the other way. Return to starting position. Repeat 2 times in each direction. The pace is slow.

Exercise "Bunny" hides his paws"

Starting position: standing, arms to the sides. Lean forward, place your palms on your stomach, say: “No.” Return to starting position.

Repeat 4 times. The pace is moderate.

Exercise "Bunny" goes in for sports"

Starting position: standing, feet together, arms down.

Run in place for 8-12 seconds. Repeat 3 times, alternating with walking in place

Teacher: In winter, the forest is cold and hungry.

But we did not come empty-handed. Let's treat the bunny with carrots.

Outdoor game “Treat the bunny with a carrot.”

Jumping from hoop to hoop (children perform jumps, mothers support children)

Bunny: Thanks guys for the carrots. To keep you warm, I suggest you play.

Outdoor game “The little white bunny is sitting.”

White bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this

He wiggles his ears.

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws.

Like this, like this

We need to warm our paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump.

Like this, like this

The bunny needs to jump.

Someone scared the bunny

The bunny jumped and galloped away.

Bunny: Guys, did you meet my friend the bear cub in the forest?

Teacher: Yes, here he is, sleeping under the Christmas tree.

Bunny: Bear, bear, what's wrong with you? Why do you sleep in winter?

Bear: Because snow and ice are not raspberries and not honey.

Bunny: Bear, bear, stop sleeping,

We'll play in the snow.

Snowball game

We'll stomp our feet

Let's make a path

Let's take a walk in the clearing

There's a little bit of snow.

Let's scoop up the white snow,

Let's make snowballs.

We will throw them away.

Watch out, buddy!

(Children throw snowballs at the teacher and at the bear. Mothers collect and serve snowballs to the children).

Bear: I'm off to bed, goodbye guys! Goodbye, bunny.

Teacher: And what is that white thing there on the hill? Bunny, who else lives in your clearing?

Gymnastics for the eyes. Presentation “Physical Education Minute (“Snowman” No. 2)” using a laptop, projector and screen.

Teacher: Carefully watch every object that appears on the screen with your eyes. (The teacher comments on the objects and details appearing on the screen). What a wonderful snowman! What is the snowman made of? That's right, from snow, from large snow globes.

Game "Snow Globes"

The demonstration by the teacher, parents and children are performed arbitrarily.

Hey guys, come out

You make snow balls.

The balls are as big as a house

So that we can play with them later.

    A snowball appears (rotation of arms in front of chest)

I run after him (run).

There's no way to catch up with him! Slipped...Bang! (Sit down).

    Rolling fitballs to each other. (In a mother-child pair)

    Rolling fitballs with your head. (Standing on all fours, the child rolls the ball with his head, the mother performs a belay. The teacher encourages and stimulates him to perform).

4. Final part

Listen and guess the riddle.

The stars circled in the air a little,

They sat down and melted on my palm. What is this? (Show snowflake) Oh, you and I are turning into snowflakes.

Low mobility game “Snowflakes”

To the music, children - “snowflakes” fly and spin around with their mothers. The wind died down, the “snowflakes” settled on the ground. The wind blew, the “snowflakes” were flying. The wind blew stronger, the “snowflakes” gathered in a snowdrift.


Teacher: Did you enjoy visiting the bunny in the forest clearing? What did we do? Who did you meet under the Christmas tree? What games did you play?

Farewell ritual.

Teacher: Is it cold in the forest in winter?

It's time for us to go home.

Goodbye, bunny!

We take the train back.

Take seats in the carriages.

The train is leaving. Tu - tu! (Building one after another. Walking on massage mats)

The song “Blue Car” is playing, verse 1 (No. 10 “Songs from Cartoons”)

Summary of a logorhythmic lesson for children 4-5 years old

Naughty Borka.

Target. Overcoming speech disorders through the development and correction of the motor sphere in combination with words and music.



Magnetic board, illustrations: grandmother, ram, horse, goose, goat, duck, dog, cat, cat, hare, squirrel, wolf, image of a village, fox mask. Blanks for applique.

Progress of the lesson.

Teacher: So spring has come. The sun is peeking out from behind the clouds more and more often, a warm breeze is blowing and cheerful birds are singing their songs. Let's go to the village, guys. Let's enjoy the spring weather. Take the train!

Musical and rhythmic exercise "Train"

(Suvrova “Dance Baby” No. 1)

Teacher: Here we are in the village! Let's take a breath of fresh country air.

Breathing exercises.

Oh, how good I am!

How I love myself!

I hug you tightly,

I inhale through my nose!

(On the count of “one”, children hug themselves by the shoulders - inhale, on the count of “two” they spread their arms to the sides - exhale. The exercise is performed 3-4 times.)

Teacher: And here Grandma meets us and invites us into her house!

(Children sit on chairs, a picture of a grandmother is laid out on a magnetic board.)

Teacher: Grandma fed us delicious pancakes.

Exercise for coordination of speech and movements "Pancakes"


Let's bake pancakes.

"They bake" pancakes.

Clap - slap, clap - slap!

They alternately clap their hands, then clap their knees.

The dough was thoroughly kneaded, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

"Knead" the dough.

The pans were hot.

Rub your palms .


hot pancakes!

They clap their hands.

Teacher: Grandma told me how big her farm is:

(Pictures depicting animals are laid out on a magnetic board: horse, goat, goose, duck, dog, cat)

Phonopedic exercise "Hello"

Hello, horses! Eeyore!

Glissando from upper register down.

Hello, little goats! Me-me-me!

Glissando from the chest register up.

Hello, goslings! Ha-ha-ha!

Hello ducklings! Quack-quack-quack!

Pronounced with a lower register to stro-bass.

Hello puppies! Woof-woof-woof!

Hello kittens! Meow-meow-meow!

Glissando up, then down.

Teacher: And my grandmother also had a little lamb named Borka.

(A picture of a lamb is posted)

Speech game with the movement "Lamb"

(Children stand in a circle)

Tra-ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta!

They clap.

The lamb hits the goal!

And with your feet,

They stomp.

And horns

Show "horns".

The lamb hits the goal!

They knock on their knees with their fists.

Who would this lamb

They shake their fingers.

Could do: ah-ta-ta!

They tickle each other's tummies.

Teacher: Grandma was very upset that the lamb was so disobedient! All the animals helped her with housework, and the best helper was the cat Masha!

A picture of a cat is posted.

(The children sat on the floor in a circle, Turkish style.)

Speech game with sounding gestures "Cat Masha"

The cat Masha stood up quietly,

They slap their palms on the floor.

She rustled around the pots.

Rubbing with palms.

The cat loves porridge very much

They stroke their belly.

Masha cooks every day!

They move their finger over the palm.

The porridge is very hot!

They clap.

Turn to the right and say.

Turn to the left and say.

Eat your porridge slowly!

They shake their fingers.

Teacher: But the lamb just runs around and bothers everyone! So his grandmother got angry with him and decided to punish him. And the lamb got scared and ran away from the grandmother into the forest. He is running along a forest path, and a small bunny jumps out to meet him.

A picture of a hare is posted.

Dynamic exercise "Bunny"

(Musical accompaniment - r. n.p. “Will I go, will I go out yes”)

That's how our bunnies are

They jump and dance.

Jump - jump, jump - jump!

Don't spare your legs, bunny!

They jump all over the hall.

And they jump - they get tired,

And they will sit under the Christmas tree.

They sit on the floor.

They are sitting on a hillock,

They look in all directions

Turn your head right - left.

And now they will straighten their ears,

Who's walking around the edge there?

They stand up and show their “ears”.

Bunnies, it's a fox!

The teacher puts on a fox mask.

Run into the bushes!

Children run to the chairs.

Teacher: The bunny ran away and didn't even play with the lamb! The lamb got offended by him and ran further along the path. He sees a squirrel sitting on the Christmas tree and cracking nuts.

A picture of a squirrel is posted.

Speech therapy gymnastics.

1. The squirrel shows its teeth. (Lowering the lower lip so that the lower teeth are exposed. Repeat 5 times.)

2. The squirrel gnaws nuts. (Bite the folded tongue, repeat 10 times)

3. Roll the nut behind the cheek. (Mouth closed, pressing the tongue on the inside of first one, then the other cheek so that a “nut” appears behind the cheek. Repeat 5 times.)

Teacher: I wanted to play with the lamb and the squirrel, but she had no time! The squirrels need to collect mushrooms and nuts! The lamb ran further, and the sun was already getting ready to sleep, evening was coming! The lamb became scared, he wanted to go home, and he missed his grandmother. Suddenly a gray wolf came out into the clearing, saw a lamb and was happy! He hasn't eaten fresh lamb for a long time.

A picture of a wolf is posted.

Purely speaking.

Chu-chu-chu - I'll grab the lamb!

They speak and clap their hands.

Chok-chok-chok - right behind the barrel!

They talk and slap on the knees.

Chi-chi-chi - don't jump!

They talk and wag their fingers.

Teacher: Like a lamb running home, it runs and can’t feel its feet under it. Jumps over bushes, squeezes through thorny branches, jumps along streams! Our lamb was running so fast that he didn’t notice how he left all his curls on the branches!

He ran home, and all the animals were laughing at him:

Serves you right, ignoramus! This is how to disobey your grandmother!

And the grandmother felt sorry for the lamb, stroked it on the head, and asked you guys to help the lamb.

Applique "Curls for a lamb"


1 . , "Phonemic and speech therapy rhythms in preschool educational institutions"

2. "Summaries of logorhythmic classes with children 4-5 years old"

3 . "Logorhythmics in speech groups of preschool educational institutions for children 5-7 years old"

4 . "Working on rhythm in speech therapy practice"

5. "Musical education of children with developmental problems and corrective rhythm", edited.

6 . "Vocal and choral work in kindergarten"

Target: Unity, improving mutual understanding of participants.

Progress of the exercise: Everyone joins hands, standing in a circle and begins to get confused. When everyone got confused and it turned out to be one big “confusion,” one can imagine that the whole group turned into one huge beast. Now it is urgent to determine where his head is and where his tail is. (“Who will be the head? And who will be the tail?” asks the presenter). When the animal has become oriented where its right is and where its left is, it must learn to move in all directions, including backwards. And then, the animal must run through, and maybe even “eat” someone it gets along the way.

Discussion: what sensations and emotions did you experience while completing the task?

Exercise "Train"

Target: Unity, increasing mutual trust of participants, training confidence in behavior, if necessary, to act in conditions of lack of information, relying on partners.

Progress of the exercise: 6-8 participants pretend to be a “train” by standing in a column and placing their hands on the shoulders of those in front. Everyone except the first one closes their eyes. This “train” needs to pass through obstacles represented by other participants. If there are a small number of players, some of the obstacles can be represented using chairs.

The task of the “train” is to proceed from one wall of the room to the other, making sure to go around 3-4 obstacles along the way (the leader indicates which ones) and without colliding with the others. Obstacles depicted with the help of other players (it is desirable that those that need to be driven around in a circle are one of them), when the “train cars” approach them at a dangerously close distance, they can make warning sounds - for example, begin to hiss.

The game is repeated several times to give everyone the opportunity to play both the role of obstacles and part of the “train”.

If there are many participants and the size of the room allows, you can make the game more dynamic by running two “trains” at a time.


    Who liked being the “locomotive”, “cars”, obstacles more? what does this have to do with?

    What emotions did you experience while traveling on the “train”?

    What real life situations can this game be likened to?

Exercise “Counting to ten”

Target: to feel each other, to understand without words or facial expressions.

Progress of the exercise: “Now, at the “start” signal, you will close your eyes, lower your noses down and try to count from one to ten. But the trick is that you will count together. Someone will say “one”, another person will say “two”, a third will say “three” and so on +. However, there is one rule in the game: only one person can say the word. If two voices say “four”, the count starts over. Try to understand each other without words.


    What happened to you?

    If it didn't work out, then why?

    What strategy did you choose?

Game "Car with character"

Target: group cohesion.

Progress of the exercise:

The whole group must build an imaginary car. Its details are only the coordinated and varied movements and exclamations of the players. You cannot talk during the game. Ask one volunteer (player 1) to go to the middle of the circle and tell him: “I want you to start doing some repetitive movements now. Maybe you want to alternately stretch your arms up, or rub your belly with your right hand, or hop on one leg. Any action will do, but you must repeat it continuously. If you want, you can accompany your movements with exclamations.” When player 1 decides on his actions, he becomes the first part of the machine. Now the next volunteer can become the second piece. Player 2, for his part, performs movements that complement the action of the first player. If, for example, player 1 is looking up, patting his stomach and alternately saying “Ah” and “Oh” in between, then player 2 can stand behind him and each time player 1 says “Ah”, spread his arms and at the final “Oh”, jump once. He can also stand sideways to player 1, put his right hand on his head and at the same time say “Ay”, and for his “Ay” choose a moment between “Ah” and “Oh”. When the movements of the first volunteers become sufficiently coordinated, a third player can join them. Each player must become a new part of the growing machine and try to make it more interesting and multifaceted. Everyone can choose a place where they could sit, and also come up with their own actions and exclamations.

When all players are involved. You can let the fantasy machine run for half a minute at the group's chosen pace. Then suggest that the speed of work increase slightly, then slow down slightly, then begin to stop. Eventually the car must fall apart.

“How to teach a baby to talk?” - Concerned parents are increasingly coming to see pediatric neurologists and psychologists with this question. Unfortunately, nowadays there is often a situation where a child of two and a half, or even three years old does not speak a word. But before you start solving the problem with the help of medications, try to take corrective measures yourself. It has long been known that massaging certain points on the child’s fingertips stimulates the activity of the brain, in particular the speech centers. Therefore, warming up children’s fingers and various exercises have a positive effect not only on the development of fine motor skills of the hands, but also on the development of the baby’s speech. In this regard, we bring to your attention a finger game for kids on the theme “Transport”.

Today we are airplanes
(they sit on their heels and rotate their arms, imitating a motor)
We are not children, we are pilots.
(four hand claps)
Hands are the nose and hands are the wings
(“nose”, “wings”)
The squadron took off.
(stand up, run up, arms out to the sides)

Traffic light
Helps for a long time
Our faithful friend is the traffic light.

He has three big eyes
They don't all burn at once.
(show three fingers)
If the red light comes on,
(raise their hands up and “draw” a circle in the air)
You can't cross
We have to wait on the sidewalk
(shakes head)
And let the cars pass.
(imitate twisting the steering wheel)
If yellow lights up,
So we'll be leaving soon.
(raise their hands up and “draw” a second circle in the air)
The green eye lit up -
Stop, cars, we're coming!
(raise their hands up and “draw” a third circle in the air under the second)
We crossed the road
They went about their business.
(marching around the room)
Helps for a long time
Our faithful friend is the traffic light.
(clap their hands three times for each syllable of the word “traffic light”)