Proper packing of the backpack. How to pack a backpack for a hike? Wise advice from experienced tourists

Preparing for an independent hiking trip is a complex task, requiring knowledge of the distribution of equipment. The weight should press evenly on the back and hips and not create discomfort. Proper packing of a backpack on a hike takes into account the availability of things and their prompt use during the trip.

Rules for packing a backpack

This article offers packing tips and explains how to properly lift the load when the backpack is full. A loaded bag will be balanced if it is located on your hips and does not move or sway while hiking or hiking. This will help you save energy and cover long distances in a day.

The packaging is divided into three zones and additional space for attachments:

  • The lower zone is convenient for bulky items and items that are not needed until the end of the hike.
  • Middle zone. It holds heavy items that may be needed on a hike.
  • Upper zone. Used for large daily necessities.
  • Accessory pockets. Suitable for things that are needed constantly.
  • External mounting points. Used to secure oversized or long items.

Plan the laying of the cable or rope. You need to form rows, not circles: fill the corners and spaces until there is a firm, stable load. Make sure the load is evenly balanced on each side. Tighten the straps to reduce the load and prevent it from shifting as you move.

Bottom part

Their choice depends on the distance of the hike and the duration of the trip. Properly packing your backpack for a hike starts with choosing these items. They cannot be fragile, since the force of the rest of the load will be exerted on their surface. Equipment can be protected with moisture-resistant film if the backpack is made of waterproof fabric.

Oversized items that are not needed before arriving at the site:

  • Sleeping bag. Many models have a bottom compartment for one.
  • Pillow for sleeping. It is inflatable and packs into a small volume.
  • Spare clothes, shoes.
  • Axes, tent posts, pieces of matting.

Layering soft things creates a shock-absorbing cushion. It will relieve pressure on your back and pelvis. But such a layer fits tightly so that when walking there is no shift in the center of gravity or distortion.

Packing the center part of the backpack

Heavy, dense equipment should be placed here, which should not be lost during the hike. Items protected by the top and bottom layers will be safe. These include fragile equipment with a soft structure. You can put containers there, filling them with products and semi-finished products. Their packing into a backpack for a hike must be done carefully, filling the entire volume of the bag.

The center contains the following equipment:

  • Food supply. These are semi-finished products, not ready-made snacks needed while hiking.
  • Cooking set - pots, kettle, mugs, spoons.
  • Water storage container. In addition to this, you need bottles that are attached to the outer part.
  • Container for food. It contains food, seasonings, salt, sugar, any items that will fill it completely.

Packing heavy items will help create a center of gravity. The load should be pointing downwards, not backwards. Equipment that is too low and too heavy causes the backpack to sag; if it is located higher, the load on the back and hips increases.

When carrying liquid fuel, make sure that the lid is closed tightly. Pack the container vertically, placing it below the layer with food and groceries. This is needed in case of a spill.

The middle part is placed in a backpack on a hike around a large and heavy object to prevent movement. Use soft items to fill voids and create a cushion between bulky items and the water reservoir. To do this, use an awning and spare clothes.

Filling the top of the backpack

This part contains essential equipment. Before we start independent travel you need to check access to these things after packing your backpack for a hike. It should not be difficult; if necessary, each item can be reached freely, without displacing the rest of the load. The rule for packing a backpack on a hike is that this should not be hampered by portable equipment - a tent, a sleeping bag, a sleeping mat.

At the top there are the following items:

  • hiking jacket;
  • spare clothes;
  • raincoat;
  • first aid kit;
  • water filter;
  • Toiletries, garbage bags.

Some tourists fasten the tent on top in order to quickly set it up in bad weather. It should be light so that the center of gravity of the load does not shift. The rods are attached to the side.

External pockets

During an independent hiking trip, some of the equipment should be accessible without removing the backpack. For this purpose, the design includes pockets, containers, and straps for attaching large items. Some are located on the side, some are located at the back. You can get the latter only by removing the bag or using outside help. This is done when packing your backpack on a hike so that the equipment does not interfere with walking.

What a tourist might need:

  • compass;
  • sunglasses;
  • patch;
  • headlamp;
  • insect spray;
  • parking lot food;
  • water bottles;
  • raincoat;
  • house or car keys;
  • passport, cash, cards.

Valuable items are packed in sealed pockets. Access to them by outsiders is limited. For safety, comprehensive packing of a backpack is done on a hike when the equipment covers money or a passport. This will make it difficult for them to fall out or be stolen.

Hinged and large items are attached to the outer frame, with belts or special fasteners. These could be parts of a tent, a large sleeping pad, a table and chair for a future camp, or walking poles. When planning a trip to the mountains, take an ice ax, crampons, and climbing equipment.

Many models have special gear loops, fasteners, or other features to secure items. To carry equipment that does not fit in the bag, pack the backpack on a hike using external modules.

How to lift a loaded backpack

A common mistake that beginners make is trying to lift a load with just the shoulder strap. This leads to damage and premature wear of the model, making it difficult to control the backpack when you try to put it on your back.

Instead, follow these steps that will allow you to put even a heavily loaded model on your back without outside help:

  1. Loosen all straps so you can lift.
  2. Place the load in a vertical position.
  3. Stand near your backside with your feet apart and knees bent.
  4. Take the top strap - this is the loop of the strap at the top of the backpack.
  5. Lift the weight up to your hips, keeping your hand on the pull loop for control.
  6. Place one strap over your arm and over your shoulder until your shoulder is covered.
  7. Place the backpack forward and tilt it onto your back. Place the arm that secures the loop through the other shoulder strap.
  8. Adjust the straps, buckle up

Important: you will have to do these steps several times during your independent travel. Therefore, it is better to try this at home so that you do not face any difficulties during the trip.

Packing a backpack for a hike

Probably, even if your experience of walking under a backpack is small, you have had the opportunity to observe crooked would-be tourists who seem to be competing with the backpack to see who can pull who over (the backpack, of course, pulls back). Usually, the owner of the backpack wins - but at what cost: after all, walking bent almost to the ground, no longer up to nature, just to quickly reach the next stop and throw off the evil “passenger”. You probably noticed that all awkwardly fitting backpacks have an almost rounded shape, which is not only the fault of the designers, but also their owners. We have already talked about the design of a comfortable backpack, but a lot also depends on how it is laid out. A skilled tourist will always figure out how to pack a backpack, even the most awkward design, so that it sits tightly on the back. But it’s still better to have a good backpack.

Many of you, if not all of you, have certainly somewhere already become acquainted with the textbook rule of packing a backpack: soft things - towards the back, heavy things - down, bulky ones - up, essentials - in the pockets. Now, guided by this rule, pack your backpack and see what happens. Don't be surprised if it sags, and not all things will fit inside - this is not at all because the rules are wrong. They’re just very general, and you also don’t have enough experience. So how should you pack your backpack? Let's discuss this problem based on the list of things that need to be taken on a hike.

Let's start with the fact that as a result of proper packing, the filled backpack should be flat and as high as possible. There should be no voids inside the backpack, especially in its corners. You should not tie various items outside the backpack unless absolutely necessary; it is better to put them inside. Having mastered this, you can begin packing your backpack. To do this, place it on the floor or on the ground with your back, straighten it so that the straps and valve do not interfere. First, place your sleeping bag in your backpack, folding it so that its width matches the width of the back of the backpack. If you are using a polyethylene liner, be sure to insert it into the backpack first. If you do not have such a liner, then the sleeping bag must be packed individually in a sufficiently large plastic bag. Don’t despair if the top of the sleeping bag placed in your backpack extends beyond its dimensions - it’s not a problem. If you are entrusted with carrying a tent, it needs to be folded in the same way as a sleeping bag - flat and across the width of the backpack and placed on top of the sleeping bag. Tent poles in the case are tucked into the side, closer to the back, so that they provide additional rigidity to the backpack. Then the remaining space inside the backpack is filled with bags of food, and then with personal items placed in a waterproof bag. The ax (in the case) is inserted vertically inside, parallel to the side wall. Flat cauldrons (in cases) are placed vertically in a backpack and filled with food. Round tanks are placed sideways at the top of the backpack. Individual voids, most often appearing on the sides, are filled with spare shoes, cans of canned food, tent pins and other small items. After this, the backpack can be placed on the bottom, folded if there is room left, top part sleeping bag and tie a tying rope. The lashing rope must be strong and long enough to hold items that protrude significantly from the backpack. Then you can fasten the tension straps, which you did not forget to lengthen. It doesn’t matter if the backpack’s flap does not cover its contents: all things covered with polyethylene are reliably protected with a tightening rope and tightening straps, and the backpack has become “taller.” To make it even flatter and take on a concave configuration in the shape of your back, you can put it on the “front” side and press it onto your “back” with your knees - of course, only if there are no fragile objects in the backpack. In order for the backpack to fit better to your back, the tightening straps (if you are not too lazy to lengthen them) can be tied to a ring or loop sewn at the top of the backpack between the straps.

If the backpack has side lacing, it should be tightened as much as possible so that there are no voids inside. It is especially important not to be lazy when filling the rear (near the back) corners of the backpack. Otherwise, they will be pulled back, becoming, as it were, a continuation of the straps; and no matter how much you shorten the latter, the backpack will crawl, leaning back.

The pockets of the backpack contain items that may be needed along the way: a flashlight, a folded rain cape, a knife, etc. At first, not all things will fit in the backpack; try to overcome the desire to tie them outside. Backpacks with smoky bowler hats tied outside, axes somehow tucked in, tents sloppily tied up usually look the same as their owners, very untidy. And carrying such a load, especially in the forest, is inconvenient - it will cling to branches, something will certainly come loose and get lost. In addition, in transport, objects tied to the outside of the backpack can injure and stain other passengers.

Much easier installation frame backpack. Here the load does not lie on the tourist’s back, but presses on a metal frame resting on the lower back (just below the lower back) with a wide, tightly stretched belt. Since the load is not in contact with your back, there is no need to start packing your backpack with soft items. However, owners of such backpacks should not completely neglect the principles of packing.

If you have packed your backpack and suddenly find a hard object or just a protruding hard “hump” in the back area, do not be lazy to rearrange your things, otherwise a painful abrasion may appear on your back. In this regard, easel backpacks are certainly better: in addition to the fact that they do not rub your back, there is ventilation between it and the backpack, thanks to which it is not so hot on the route.

The straps need to be adjusted so that they do not allow the backpack to lean back and at the same time do not put too much pressure on the shoulders. However, your shoulders will still hurt at first, you just need to endure it. If you have a very small backpack, as they call it a “school backpack,” don’t despair. It must be laid following the same rules - make it flat and grow upward. Since the length of the straps sewn onto the backpack is not enough, lengthen them or replace them with pieces of nylon cord. And make sure that the straps do not come off due to the weight...

Adygea, Crimea. Mountains, waterfalls, herbs of alpine meadows, healing mountain air, absolute silence, snowfields in the middle of summer, the murmuring of mountain streams and rivers, stunning landscapes, songs around the fires, the spirit of romance and adventure, the wind of freedom await you! And at the end of the route are the gentle waves of the Black Sea.

A regular backpack is usually larger in size than a school bag, but smaller than a travel bag or suitcase. Backpacks are very convenient and are used in all types of travel, be it camping or just cycling. However, there is an art to assembling a backpack correctly, so it is important to develop a system that will help you fit everything you need.


Part 1

Select what you need

    Choose the right backpack. Whether you're hitchhiking across the country or wanting to conquer the Himalayan peaks, your backpack should be capacious, heavy-duty, and protected from the damage you'll encounter during your trip. The weight of the backpack and its color are also important factors. In addition, a good backpack should have the optimal size for you.

    • There are many types of backpacks, ranging from a tourist backpack to a small backpack bag. However, the packing process and principles described in this article apply to all backpacks.
    • Attach a luminescent object to the outside of your backpack so you can easily find it at night. Also include the owner's name on the backpack label. This will help you quickly distinguish your backpack from others.
  1. Safe shelter, water and warmth come first. You must ensure that you have all the essentials. First of all, you should take care not to freeze at night, not to feel thirsty during the day, and also, if necessary, to take shelter from bad weather.

    • If you're traveling long distances, water should be your priority. You must have sufficient stock drinking water, or you must have a device to filter it. Everything else should fade into the background.
    • Also, you need to take care not to freeze while traveling. Even in the hot desert there are cold nights, so you should always have warm clothes, a hat and a light mylar blanket with you.
    • Ideally, you should have a lightweight tent and a good quality sleeping bag rated for low temperatures. Even if you plan to sleep indoors, you should have a multi-purpose tarp in your backpack that you can use in a pinch.
  2. Travel first aid kit. Not forgetting about your health, you should take care of a travel first aid kit in order to provide first aid if necessary. Your first aid kit should contain basic medications, but you can also take more serious medications with you so that you are prepared for anything. For example, you can put in your first aid kit:

    • Bandages
    • Antiseptics (ointment or spray)
    • Ethanol
    • Painkillers
    • Iodine, medicines for malaria or medicines to prevent this disease
  3. Moisture protection. Even if you're going on vacation in a place with a sunny, warm climate, it doesn't hurt to pack your things with the expectation that there will be rain. You don't want all your things to get wet, do you? Of course, it would be better to use a waterproof backpack, but you can also purchase separate waterproof bags to store all your essentials - phone, money, passport, etc.

    • Bring a light raincoat, good boots and plenty of socks to help you stay dry as long as possible in the rain.
  4. Bring a change of clothes with you. First of all, you should take versatile, durable clothes, but it's best to leave fashionable items at home. Again, if you're planning on spending time outdoors, make sure you have clothes that you won't mind getting ruined or dirty. It is advisable to take warm and waterproof clothes with you that can be rolled tightly so that they do not take up much space. Depending on the purpose of your trip, your travel closet may look like this:

    • Lots of socks and underwear, at least four pairs. These are the most important things to change every day
    • A warm shirt and thermal underwear that can be used in cold conditions, two or three T-shirts and a light raincoat
    • At least two pairs of pants and one pair of shorts. In addition, you can take one pair of jeans with you
    • Knitted hat and wool gloves
    • Coat if you are going to travel in the cold season
  5. Foodstuffs. Whether you plan to cook yourself or not, it's a good idea to take food items with you on the road. Make sure you have everything you need to cook food or start a fire.

    • You can also take with you a small kettle and a camp stove with matches. You can also take candles with you to keep the fire going.
    • Take only multifunctional items with you. Instead of bringing a plate or bowl with you, just grab a bowl that can double as a plate. Skip the potato peeler, grab a sharp knife that you can use in a variety of situations.
    • Depending on how much time you plan to spend on vacation, it may be helpful to take a few protein bars or more substantial prepared meals with you. Carry enough food to last you for 48 hours in case of an emergency.

    Part 2

    Think about how you pack things
    1. Place in front of you all the things you are going to take with you. Thanks to this, you won't forget anything. In addition, you will be able to check whether all these things will really be necessary for you. You can also put similar things together. Thanks to this, you can easily find what you need.

      • Again, think about the purpose of your trip. If you're going to vacation at a lake house, you probably don't need to take a camp stove or a folding ax with you.
    2. Think about what things you will use most often. Items that you are going to use during the day should be kept together and, of course, not at the bottom of the backpack. Snacks, swimsuit, phone or clothes should be placed where you can easily reach them.

      • If your backpack only has one large compartment, items that you will use frequently should be on top rather than at the bottom of the backpack.
      • If you're heading out for a hike, place your socks on top so you can easily reach them.
    3. Use bags for small items. This will make it easier for you to get them when needed. Also use bags for food, water bottles and other liquids.

      • Place soap, shampoo, toothpaste and other toiletries in one bag so you can easily get them out. In addition, your things will remain clean if something spills on them.
    4. Save space. Before you put things in your backpack, see if you can save space by putting some items in others. For example, you can put your phone in a loose pair of shoes or wrap your passport in your jeans. If you bring a small pan, you can put a camp stove and other small items in it.

      • You can also hide fragile items and valuables. If you have extra cash, stash it in your backpack. It is unlikely that a thief will rummage through it. Try not to keep money in outside pockets.

    Part 3

    Pack your things
    1. Pack the heaviest items closer to your back, but not at the bottom of the backpack. Otherwise, you will have to constantly lean forward while maintaining balance.

      The weight should also be balanced on the sides of the backpack. Place items evenly on both sides of the backpack, trying to distribute the weight evenly from left to right. This will help you reduce fatigue and tension, because the load will be applied evenly to both shoulders.

      The back of the backpack should be relatively flat. Place the flat pieces flush against the panel that will rest against your back. Avoid placing soft or bulky items in there, as they can deform your backpack, reducing its structural integrity. Plus, it can cause constant impacts that will cause discomfort to your back.

      Use clothing to fill the empty space. Pack clothes last unless they take up a significant portion of your luggage. You can easily fill the empty space in your backpack with clothes. Plus, you can always skip an extra pair of pants in case you run out of space.

      • Roll clothes instead of folding them. This will save you space and your clothes won't be as wrinkled. Make sure you don't pack too many clothes to save space for other essentials.
    2. Make sure that the total weight of the backpack is within reasonable limits. This is especially important if you are hiking or biking long distances. Opinions differ on what the optimal weight of a backpack should be. But, as a rule, it should be less than half the person's weight.

Getting ready for a hike and putting all your things in a backpack is not as simple as it seems at first glance. You need to take exactly the things you need. Extra items It shouldn't be, but running out of something would be a huge inconvenience at best. What secrets and tricks exist when filling a backpack and what to take so that there is enough, but not too heavy to carry? Read on for tips from experienced travelers.

The training does not begin on the day of release or the evening before, because everything needs to be carefully verified. It will take at least a few days.

First, the tourist must think about what things he might need. The time of year, the terrain for the hike, duration, and weather conditions are taken into account. Then It’s worth writing down on a separate sheet point by point everything you need that you are going to take. Set aside a place for packing and put things and items for the trip there, crossing them off the list at the same time. Perhaps some items will be added over time, and some things you will decide to refuse.

Once everything is put together, divide things into several categories:

  • lungs,
  • average weight,
  • heavy.

This is necessary to distribute them inside the backpack with the greatest ease of movement. For a forest hike, put a medium weight at the bottom, then a heavy one, and only light weight at the top.. This placement is convenient because the load does not pull to the ground, does not rock the tourist when walking, but, lying against the back, coincides with the center of gravity, and allows you to move as comfortably as possible.

When planning to conquer mountains, your backpack should be laid out differently: from the heaviest load at the bottom to the lightest at the top. This is explained by the fact that the torso of a tourist climbing up involuntarily bends forward. Accordingly, the main weight in the center of the back will swing it to the sides.

Important! When packing your backpack, remember that there are weight restrictions for hiking: do not load it with more than a third of your actual kilograms.

You need to arrange your equipment in such a way that the shape of the backpack becomes correct, and it does not pull down or to the side, and nothing inside knocks or digs into your back. At the same time, you should be able to quickly remove the necessary item without tearing through everything placed in the bag.

Necessary things for a hike

The list of clothing, food and equipment depends on personal preferences and the characteristics of the trip (time of year, duration, terrain). But the main things can be represented by the following list:

Important! When packing things, place them in separate bags. This will make it easier to find and remove them, as well as preserve them and provide additional protection from moisture.

Step-by-step packing of a backpacker's backpack

Important! Before filling your backpack, insert a regular trash bag inside. It will create an additional protective barrier to moisture from the outside.

The natural question is where to place the tent. There is no consensus here: some advocate that the tent and some things can be attached outside, others talk about the inconvenience of moving with equipment attached and dangling, which makes it difficult to move in the forest between bushes and trees. Having chosen the second option, place it in the center of the backpack, along with heavy items.

Before you go on a hiking route, it doesn’t hurt to consult with experienced people about how to pack a backpack for a hike. Do not think that this issue is less important than others. Not only the degree of fatigue at the end of each day of hiking, but also health, depends on the convenience and ease of movement.

Compose correct list things - this is the first thing you need to do in order to properly pack your backpack for a hike. And it’s better to take care of this in advance, because shopping on the last day is a thankless and very nervous task. Something may not turn out to be, something will not be as you planned, and many other problems may arise due to haste and limited choice.

The list may vary depending on the time of the trip, its duration and the area where you are going. However, there are things that are useful everywhere and we will list them immediately.

  • Tent. You can agree on this issue with the rest of the group members and one person will take it. Then others will carry other accessories.
  • A sleeping bag selected according to the weather and height.
  • Karemat is a tourist rug.
  • Raincoat.
    A spare pair of shoes to give your feet a rest at rest.
  • Spare pants, or better yet a pair.
  • A warm sweater for cold weather.
  • A couple of replacement T-shirts.
  • Several changes of underwear.
  • Two or three pairs of spare socks.
  • Warm socks.
  • Light trousers or shorts in case of hot weather.
  • Swimwear.
  • Unbreakable, but not disposable tableware(spoon, mug, pot).
  • Personal hygiene products (soap, towel, toothbrush, toothpaste, napkins, etc.).
  • First aid kit for personal use. The group must have a general first aid kit with the necessary set of medicines and dressings, but it would not be amiss to take sunscreen, insect repellent, and a couple of packs of bandages.
  • Matches, lighter, flashlight, compass.
  • Food products after agreement with other group members.
  • Documents, money.

This, or a self-compiled list, which must include the essentials, should be taken with you to the store and constantly checked with it. Tested by time and bad experience - without such a piece of paper you will definitely forget something.

And I would like to pay special attention to the products. If you are going on a solo hike, how and what to pack in your backpack depends only on you, including what products you will take with you. But if you are planning a group hike, some things need to be agreed upon with your comrades so that there is no misunderstanding such as the abundance of pearl barley in the absence of tea. A few days before departure, you need to get together, make a list of products, distribute it among all members of the group, and immediately a day or two later check again whether everyone has fulfilled their assigned duties.

Packing the backpack

For an experienced tourist, the question of how to pack a backpack for a hike is not worth it. If he has all the necessary things, he can handle it within a few minutes. But for a novice hiker, this is a whole art. Ideally, it should be so that nothing rests against your back, doesn’t pull down too much, and doesn’t tip forward, backward, or sideways. The straps did not rub the shoulders, and during sudden movements nothing in the backpack rattled or rolled around. Yes, and so that, if necessary, you can quickly and without bothering to get an object or thing that you may need while walking.

Before you start packing your backpack, you should lay out all the selected things and objects on the floor or table, sorting them by weight. There should be three categories: heavy, medium and light.

Here we must immediately make a reservation that you should pack your backpack differently for a hike in the mountains and for a hike in the forest. And the main difference is that climbing in the mountains is more convenient when the center of gravity of the backpack is shifted to the bottom, and not in the middle, as for forest tourism. This is explained by the fact that when climbing a mountain a person walks, leaning forward, and the shoulder burden must balance him. It’s more difficult to breathe this way because the diaphragm is pinched, but this is compensated by frequent rests, which are absolutely necessary in the mountains.

We will look at the order of packing a backpack for a regular forest hike.

Bulk and light items are placed at the very bottom. Most often this is a sleeping bag.

Then you should lay the backpack on the floor, with the straps down, and lay a wall that will directly adjacent to your back with something soft and light, for example, a change of clothes, distributing it in an even and not too thin layer. Place all the heaviest things on it: food, canned food, so that the center of gravity is between the shoulders and lower back, along the spine.

Remaining empty space fill with other things: spare shoes, dishes. If you happen to carry a pot in which food will be prepared for the whole group, it is better to put the food in it. This way you will save space and it will be much more convenient to get it out.

Personal hygiene products should be placed in a separate bag. You'll only brush your teeth in the morning and evening, so you won't need them while you're traveling.

In the top and outer pockets, place things that you may need at any time: matches, a personal first aid kit, a flashlight, insect repellent, a map, a raincoat.

It is better to attach a tent or mat outside, as well as a flask with drinking water. Agree that taking off and untying your backpack every time you want to take a few sips of water is the height of absurdity.

If you are entrusted with the honorable duty of being a photographic chronicler of the entire trip, the location for the camera should also be determined in advance. It must be reliably protected from bad weather and possible mechanical damage, but at the same time always at hand. Interesting pictures in nature are taken spontaneously, without lengthy exposure to angles and poses.

Final preparation

A well-packed backpack must meet certain rules, failure to comply with which can have a very negative impact on the entire trip. Why did we place them at the very end? Because they can only be checked and corrected after the backpack has already been packed. So:

  • The backpack should even visually look smooth without distortions or bulges and should not hang on one side.
  • It should not rise above your head. Maximum of one level.
  • A fully assembled backpack should weigh no more than a third of the weight of the person who will carry it.
  • It happens that not all things fit into the backpack. In this case, you should not run for a larger backpack and start all over again. You should think carefully and leave at home what is of the least value for the trip. As a last resort, try compacting soft things or arranging everything in a slightly different order.

Well, after you have finished packing your backpack for a hike, you should put it on, adjust all the straps and waist belt, walk around the room a little, paying attention to how you feel with such a weight on your back. Although this heaviness is pleasant because of the anticipation of all the wonderful surprises and indescribable sensations that await you in direct contact with nature.