Thickening of the nail plates on the toes. Thick toenail: thickening on the big toes and little toe, deformation of the plate - causes and treatment Splitting and thickening of toenails

- a symptom of unhealthy nail plate. It is a mistake to avoid treatment, considering nail thickening to be an individual cosmetic defect and mask it with pedicure techniques.

The thickness of a healthy nail is only 1 mm. You can come to terms with a thickened nail plate only if it was passed on to you “by inheritance”. But this happens extremely rarely. Therefore, you should immediately determine the cause of thickening of the nail.

"The most common causes of thickening of the nail are: fungus, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, psoriasis, mechanical damage to the nail plate."

Can influence the process of nail thickening pinching shoes. Constant pressure on an already changed nail is fraught with the formation of ulcers. A thickened nail injures the skin and nails of neighboring fingers.

Thickening toenails: home treatment

You can begin self-treatment of the nail plate only after making a diagnosis and receiving doctor’s recommendations.

If the cause of thickening is nail fungus, then in combination with drug treatment, folk remedies will be all relevant and effective.

1. Lemon compress. Thinly sliced ​​lemon slices are placed on the nails and secured with a bandage or film. It is advisable to wear warm socks and leave the compress on all night. Carry out the procedure every day for 1.5 weeks. Lemon compress is especially suitable for the treatment of thickening of the nail on the little finger.

2. Iodine is mixed with acetic acid in equal proportions. Lubricate your nails with the resulting product every day (you can use a cotton pad or swab for application) until they are completely healed.

3. Apple cider vinegar baths. Mix apple cider vinegar with warm water - water and vinegar in equal proportions (increasing the proportion of apple cider vinegar or mixing the ingredients poorly is dangerous - you can get burned). Vinegar baths should be done every day; the feet are “soaked” for half an hour or an hour if the bath is done before bed.

4. Apple cider vinegar compress. Mix apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil in equal parts. Soak a cotton pad in the home remedy and place it on your finger so that the compress covers the nail plate and nail fold. Secure the cotton pad with film, bandage or a wide bandage (but do not overtighten). Walk around with this compress for four hours. After five days of daily use, you will notice amazing results!

5. Iodinol compress. Mix pharmaceutical iodinol with crushed celandine herb in a volume of two teaspoons. The consistency of the home remedy should resemble a paste. Apply the healing agent to your nails and leave for 40-50 minutes. Do this procedure for a week and do not forget to cut off the diseased nail. You will quickly notice the appearance of a new healthy area of ​​the nail plate.

The only exception that does not require drug treatment is thickening of the nail as a result of injury. In this case, you just need to wait until the nail grows to a naturally healthy thickness.

For a speedy recovery of nails after mechanical injury take vitamin and mineral complexes and include in your diet those foods that are rich in nutrients for the growth and strengthening of the nail plate.

“If your problem is constantly brittle and dry nails and there is thickening along the edge of the nail plate, this is a clear indication of a lack of calcium, iodine, magnesium, vitamins A and E in the body.”

For prevention

After you have successfully gotten rid of the problem of thickened nails, do preventive maintenance regularly. Baths with sea salt or herbal infusions are suitable for this purpose.

You can make a compress based on celandine infusion. To prepare it, pour the crushed dry herb (2 teaspoons) with a glass of boiling water. Stir slightly and place in a water bath and boil for about fifteen minutes. Let cool, leaving the infusion in a dark place. Soak a cotton pad in the infusion and apply to your nails. Keep the compress for about 20 minutes. Repeat the preventive measure daily for 2-3 weeks, repeat again after a month until you are 100% sure of recovery!

Thickening of the toenail plates can be caused by various factors. These include genetic characteristics, improper care, and various diseases.

Restoring thickened nails or treating them will vary depending on the cause, and the same can be said about measures to prevent thickening of toenails.

Symptoms of thickening on the legs

Many people live for years with increased thickness of toenails and do not even suspect that this is a violation of the norm. Healthy nails on the legs should not be much thicker than on the arm. The functional size of the stratum corneum of the plate rarely exceeds 2 mm, A minimum thickness starts from 0.5 mm. When trimmed, the toenail plate cannot require more effort or any particularly strong tool. The nail itself should be clear, slightly pink, but not completely dull white or yellow.

Thickening of the stratum corneum for any reason is common causes color change- darkening or yellowing of the nail, and only later does the plate increase in size. The transformation can take different forms: nails grow only laterally or suddenly gain vertical thickness, as with onychogryphosis.

A uniform increase in the stratum corneum over the entire surface can be small, 3-4 mm, or have an impressive size - 1 cm or more. Thickening of the nail in older people should not be attributed to age-related changes - it may be a disease not related to the years lived.

Regular self-diagnosis is good for health, but the final verdict must be made by a physician. Fungal diseases of the nails are dealt with by a mycologist, but in other cases there is no need to consult a dermatologist.

There are dozens of diseases that can cause thickening of the nail plates. Some of them are infectious, others are somatic, and some are congenital. Some diseases can be cured or stopped, but there are a number of causes of thick nails that cannot be permanently changed.

Possible reasons for increased nail thickness

There can be quite a lot of reasons causing thickening of the horny plate on the legs, but one of the most common is fungal infection.

Various mycoses are easy to distinguish from other types of thickenings: a fungal disease is a gradual process, rarely involving all the toes at the same time. If 1-2 toenails are damaged, but the others remain healthy, then most likely it is a fungal infection.

Also, an increase in the horny plate can cause narrow shoes: It puts pressure on the nail, causing it to increase thickness to prevent injury. Various injuries- also one of the reasons for the growth of the stratum corneum, although there are other culprits for the increase in thickness.

The most common reasons are:

  • Fungal infections
  • Congenital hyperkeratosis
  • Physical or chemical injuries
  • Vitamin deficiency or microelements
  • Psoriasis, eczema, gout and other diseases

Some diseases have nothing to do with the stratum corneum, but can cause thickening of the nails - this skin and vascular disorders in the body, and they also require treatment.

The age of the patient is not of fundamental importance for thickening of toenails. In children it is usually caused by the same reasons as in older people and adults of both sexes. But most often, thickening of nails in children and the elderly occurs due to various mycoses.

Medication and folk treatment of thickened nails

Depending on the cause, you can choose the type of treatment: fungus requires regular and long-term use of medications, and psoriasis may not respond to therapy at all. These two diseases have a fundamentally important difference: the fungus independently damages the stratum corneum, and with psoriasis, changes in the nail are a secondary phenomenon.

To treat different types of fungus, a combination of classical and traditional medicine may be required. This is a long process, and during it the following means can be used:

  • oral medications
  • antifungal creams and ointments
  • foot baths with salt and decoctions
  • nail treatment iodine, vinegar or lemon
  • application of medicinal antifungal varnish

All these remedies can be used together, but you must strictly adhere to your doctor’s recommendations. Mycoses of the stratum corneum are sometimes difficult to treat, and traditional medicine may be ineffective.

Unsystematic treatment of fungus can lead to serious damage to the nails. Treatment of the stratum corneum should be regular and continue until the nail is completely replaced.

Vascular and skin diseases that cause thickening of the nails do not require an urgent need to treat the plates themselves. In this case, the main task is fighting the root cause, that is, with the underlying disease. The same applies to congenital growth abnormalities of the stratum corneum; for incurable cases, all that remains is to fight the symptoms and slow down the changes.

Changes in nail thickness due to injury are treated quite simply - it is necessary to exclude the possibility of secondary damage- do not wear uncomfortable shoes, prevent heavy objects from falling on your toes, etc.

You just need to wait until the plate is changed, trying to additionally moisturize and soften the nails using foot baths, creams and oils.

Impaired nail growth due to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals will require the use of herbal foot baths, lemon juice compresses, the mandatory use of oils and creams, as well as eliminating the lack of essential microelements.

Ways to prevent deformation of the nail plate

In case of congenital incurable disorders in the nail plates, symptomatic treatment remains, but other causes: fungus, trauma and lack of minerals and vitamins can be prevented without much difficulty.

In order to prevent thickening of the stratum corneum, it is necessary choose your shoes carefully to eliminate friction and excessive pressure on the nail plate.

Daily thorough hygiene and periodic baths at home with sea salt, iodine, lemon or herbal infusions will reduce the risk of mycosis and the development of increased growth of the stratum corneum.

Proper nutrition and seasonal intake of vitamin and mineral complexes will help reduce the likelihood of nail deformation.

Thickening of toenails is caused by very different reasons: some require urgent treatment, others only require constant cosmetic procedures. In some cases, prevention and careful attitude towards one’s own health are sufficient. If thickenings appear, you need to consult a doctor and follow his recommendations, and in most cases this will help to quickly restore the well-groomed appearance of the stratum corneum.

Let's consider the phenomenon of thickening of toenails, the reasons for its formation and ways to get rid of this defect. The thickness of the nail plate may indicate the manifestation of various diseases.

Toenails also need special care. A normal healthy nail should look appropriate: have a natural pale pink color and a smooth surface. When thickening of the toenails (more than 1 mm) with a yellowish tint becomes noticeable, this may indicate the presence of pathology.

The main reasons causing thickening of nails:

  1. Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease in which the top layer of the skin dies off quite quickly, which leads to thickening.
  2. Fungal diseases. They lead to deformation of nails, which acquire a dull unnatural color, thicken, and begin to crumble.
  3. Poor circulation in the lower extremities.
  4. It is a hereditary process that is embedded in genes, so it is almost impossible to get rid of it forever and it is unlikely to be cured completely.
  5. Damage to nerve endings (neuropathy), which develops after suffering various injuries and infectious lesions. This disease is very insidious: it can develop either too slowly or quite rapidly. The diagnosis of the disease can be made by palpation of the nerve trunks to determine the presence of a thickening on the finger. In addition, a number of examinations are carried out, selected by the attending physician. People suffering from diabetes are especially susceptible to this disease.
  6. Skin disease of the legs. Manifests itself in significantly noticeable changes in the skin. They signal obvious deviations in the functioning of the body. A dermatologist will help you sort out this problem after examining your leg.
  7. An improper diet, as well as a lack of vitamins and microelements, contribute to the development of various chronic diseases, including metabolic disorders in the body, which also negatively affects the condition of hair and nails.
  8. Deformation of the nail often occurs due to improperly selected shoes: tight, narrow, high heels. Additional stress on your feet puts you at risk of developing calluses, corns, and distorted nail shapes.

How to deal with thickening

When you are concerned about thickening of your toenails, you first need to find out the cause of its occurrence by seeking help from a doctor. Otherwise, you can purchase many medications, but they will not give the desired result. This can happen, for example, if the cause of the disease is psoriasis, which should not be treated with antifungal drugs. The same can be said for nail detachment due to wearing tight shoes.

A slightly different situation arises when it is discovered that the thickening of the toenail is still caused by a fungal infection. You can’t just leave things to chance, hoping that everything will go away on its own. And incorrectly selected antifungal agents will not give the desired result. This is explained by the fact that fungi are different. You won’t be able to determine this by yourself “by eye”. To determine the type of fungus that is causing the infection, a scraping must be made. And only a laboratory analysis will give an accurate answer to the question of why the nail plate thickens.

In parallel with drug treatment, you can also use traditional medicine:

  1. Strongly brewed coffee effectively fights finger fungus. Coffee baths relieve discomfort and soften rough areas.
  2. Baths with soda solution.
  3. Baths with milkweed decoction. After 20 minutes of use, you should not wipe your feet, but let them dry on their own.
  4. Lotions made from alcohol tincture of propolis.
  5. Apply birch tar to the affected area.
  6. Baths made from a decoction of the celandine herb are often used for various skin diseases, including foot fungus; treatment with pure juice also gives a positive result.
  7. Applying the pulp of aloe leaves at night.


The fungus is not a deadly threat. Fungal infection is dangerous because it tends to progress, and also acts as a catalyst for other existing diseases of the body. The fungus can also spread, moving from one nail to another, and can also affect the skin.

To prevent feet and nails, you need to follow some rules:

  • proper hygiene;
  • use only a personal towel;
  • wear individual house shoes;
  • when choosing shoes, try them on, putting on socks, and when you come home with your purchase, wipe the inside with alcohol;
  • when visiting, also do not put someone else’s shoes on your bare feet;
  • When visiting a bathhouse, swimming pool or sauna, wear waterproof shoes;
  • Wear comfortable, non-squeezing shoes every day.

Another good remedy for prevention would be to use baths with the addition of sea salt or herbal infusions that have disinfectant properties (yarrow herb, wormwood, calendula flower and sandy cumin).

The thickness of the nail affected by the fungus often does not allow the applied ointment to penetrate deep into where the causative agent of the infection is located. Therefore, careful removal of the detachment should be carried out. The main thing here is not to overdo it.

Regular removal of the affected part of the nail and the use of an antifungal agent will eventually help cope with the disease.

Treatment is carried out until all symptoms disappear completely.

Healthy, beautiful nails are, first of all, an indicator indicating that everything is in order with the body.

Yellowing and thickening of the nail plate is not so much an aesthetic defect as a medical problem that requires immediate treatment. Most often, complaints are received about thickening of the nails on the toes, rather than on the hands. This problem can occur in both men, women and children. The most common cause of nail deformation is trauma.

But more often, with the pathology of thickening of the toenails, the reasons may be associated with a deterioration in health. In any case, if such an ailment appears, be sure to make an appointment with a doctor. The sooner you contact a specialist, the sooner the disease will be identified. And therapy for a particular disease at the initial stage is always more effective.

A problem such as thickening of toenails, the causes of which can be very different, is more common in older people. Young people often suffer from the disease. No matter how old you are or what gender you are, you must understand that this defect requires immediate treatment. Changes in the nail plates, or rather their thickening, may indicate problems not related to diseases; you can eliminate them yourself.

Nail damage can be caused by the following factors:

  • Wearing uncomfortable, ill-fitting shoes. We love beautiful shoes, but it would still be better if they were also comfortable. Frequently wearing shoes with unstable high heels is fraught not only with tired legs at the end of the day, but also with slowed blood flow and impaired lymph circulation, changes in the color and structure of nails, as well as their layering and softening. There may also be an increase in the thickness of the nail, usually the thumb. But thickening of the remaining nails is also possible.
  • Mechanical damage. It is enough to do a pedicure incorrectly or drop something heavy on your finger.
  • Poor nutrition, frequent diets. A lack of vitamins, minerals, and microelements has a negative effect on the condition of the body, in particular on the condition of the nails.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Having bad habits.
  • Decreasing the body's defenses.

But still, most often the causes of pathologies of thickening toenails are associated with diseases.

The nail plate can become deformed due to the presence of such diseases:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • nail fungus;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • neuropathy;
  • pachyonychia;
  • eczema;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • gout;
  • pathologies of the upper respiratory tract;
  • rheumatism.

One of the most common causes of the disease is pachyonychia. This disease is congenital and does not affect health. As a rule, only the aesthetic component suffers. Thickening of toenails, the causes of which you already know, must be eliminated immediately. Ignoring the problem can lead to severe deformation of the nail surface and aggravation of the underlying disease.

It is not recommended to use any medications without the knowledge of your doctor. Treatment of the disease can only be prescribed by a specialist and only after a thorough examination and diagnosis. To this day, no universal tactics for examining patients with such a problem as thickened nail plates have been developed.

In order to identify the root cause of thickening of the nails, the following studies are prescribed:

  • culture for onychomycosis;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • chest x-ray (in case of suspected tuberculosis, pneumonia or other lung diseases).

After identifying the underlying disease, therapy is prescribed. However, it will only be successful if you follow preventive measures.

Toenails turn yellow and thicken: treatment and prevention of the problem

Treatment for the disease is selected depending on the cause. As you already know, the reasons can be very different: mechanical damage, decreased immunity, poor nutrition, as well as various diseases. If your toenails turn yellow and thicken due to injury, no treatment is required. After some time, the nail will recover on its own.

The following help speed up the healing process:

  • providing peace. In the first days, it is recommended to limit physical activity and avoid wearing tight, closed shoes;
  • proper care: hygiene, use of home remedies;
  • the use of external agents, in this case ointments: Heparin, Troxevasin.

If the defect is caused by a disease, then therapy will be aimed primarily at curing it. A fairly common question on forums is: “What should I do and what should be the treatment if my toenails turn yellow and thicken?” So, you shouldn't do this.

The person who recommends this or that remedy does not know the reason. And this can cause the underlying disease to worsen. Reviews of this or that drug will not help either. The only thing that can be effective is the use of medications prescribed by your doctor. A common cause of deformed nails is fungus. If your fingers itch and your nails turn yellow and thicken, treatment should be immediate.

As a rule, for the treatment of fungal infections, the use of topical drugs is prescribed:

  • Terbizil;
  • Lamisil;

These drugs are applied to the nails twice a day for a week. In addition, the use of systemic antifungal agents is prescribed: Flucostat, Fluconazole, Diflucan. In addition, if your toenails turn yellow and thicken due to a fungal disease, you can use folk remedies prepared at home as a treatment. However, the use of alternative remedies must be approved by the attending physician.

Thickening of toenails and treatment with folk remedies:

  1. A good effect can be achieved in the treatment of the disease using an alcohol-iodine solution. It is recommended to apply it twice a day using an ear stick.
  2. Using baths. For this purpose, it is recommended to use tar soap. Grind the soap using a coarse grater. Dissolve a few tablespoons of soap shavings in just boiled water - about two liters. Cool a little, pour the mixture into a basin and lower your feet there for a quarter of an hour. Carry out the procedure every other day.
  3. Sea salt will help in healing. Dilute forty grams of salt in boiled water. Cool and steam the legs in saline solution. The duration of the procedure is until the water cools down. Carry out the procedure every day. The course of therapy is one and a half weeks.

If the nails are deformed due to onychodystrophy - a non-fungal lesion resulting from one or another pathology or metabolic disorder, therapy is prescribed only after the root cause has been established.

As a rule, drug therapy for onychodystrophy consists of the use of vitamin and mineral complexes, calcium and iron supplements. Prescribed use: Retinol, Phytin, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Cyanocobalamin, Tocopherol acetate.

In addition, the use of physiotherapy will not be superfluous:

  • paraffin therapy;
  • iontophoresis;
  • phonophoresis;
  • massage.

In order to eliminate yellowing and thickening of nails of non-fungal etiology, you can use alternative medicine.

  1. Application of essential oils. Tea tree and celandine oils are especially effective. Treat your nail plates with the chosen oil and put on socks.
  2. Lemon juice. Apply freshly squeezed lemon juice to your nails several times a day. It has whitening properties.
  3. Application of garlic ointment. Chop a few cloves of garlic and combine with butter - 10 grams. Treat each nail with the resulting mixture, then wrap it in plastic and put on socks.

In order to prevent thickening of nails, it is recommended to purchase and wear only high-quality shoes. It should not squeeze your fingers, and should be made of natural, breathable material. Avoid damaging your nails and maintain personal hygiene in public places. Do not go barefoot in swimming pools and saunas. Treat concomitant pathologies in a timely manner and strengthen the immune system, eat right.

The nail on the big toe turns yellow: how to treat the fungus

As you already know, one of the significant reasons for deformation of the nail plates is fungus. If you notice that your nails have changed color, become grayish, yellowish, become very crumbly, dry and flaky, you may have fungus. As a rule, the disease manifests itself more often on one or more nails.

The initial manifestation of the disease is damage to the tips of the nails, followed by the formation of whitish or yellowish spots or stripes, which eventually spread to the entire nail surface. In addition to the fact that the fungus causes the nail on the big toe to turn yellow, there is also severe itching of the dermis around the nail plate and pain around the affected area. Next, the nail on the big toe thickens and becomes keratinized.

The thickness and structure of the nail changes, the smooth surface becomes porous. The nail, instead of being strong and pink, becomes brittle and yellow. Ignoring the manifestations of the disease is fraught with detachment of the nail bed. Both children and adults can face this problem. Treatment for yellowing of the big toe nail should be timely and appropriate.

In order to eliminate thickening of the nail on the big toe, the following is prescribed:

  • antifungal drugs;
  • means that help improve blood circulation in the peripheral tissues of the feet;
  • physiotherapy;
  • removal of the nail (with severe thickening).

For systemic therapy, Griseofulvin, Ketoconazole, and Itraconazole are prescribed.

The use of topical products is also prescribed:

  • drugs containing clotrimazole: Amyclone, Imidil, Kanizon;
  • containing miconazole: Dactarina, Mycozone;
  • bifonazole preparations: Bifasama, Bifosina, Mycospora.

The use of nicotinic acid and calcium dobesilate is often prescribed. These products help improve blood circulation.


Only a doctor can select the medicine; do not self-medicate. As an auxiliary therapy, you can use folk remedies.

To treat thickening of the nail on the big toe, you can use the following medicine. Grind two cloves of garlic and combine the raw material with melted natural beeswax - 10 grams, one chopped onion, finely chopped aloe leaf and melted butter. Simmer the mixture over low heat and cool. Apply to the affected nail and place a piece of fresh cabbage leaf on top.

Bandage your finger and put on a warm sock. After six hours, replace the compress with a new one. Now you know why the nail on your big toe turns yellow, and you know how to treat such a disease. You should not self-medicate. Remember that thickening of the nail on the big toe, as well as its peeling, itching of the skin - all these are symptoms of fungus - a very dangerous disease.

If your big toenail turns yellow, consult a doctor. In order to prevent the development of fungus, it is recommended to follow the rules of personal hygiene, avoid injuries to fingers and nails, wear shoes on the beach, in the pool, sauna, and do not wear other people's shoes. Violation or non-compliance with these recommendations may result in fungal infection.

Problems associated with nails can cause a person a lot of reasons for concern. But if the fingernails are almost always in sight, then the feet are not always in sight. Thickening of toenails is more common in older people, but is increasingly common among young people. In order to avoid possible complications associated with this problem, you need to understand the cause of its occurrence.

The need to contact a specialist in this field is not only due to the aesthetic component, but also because of the consequences. Any shoes can cause discomfort in the case of thickened formations. Over time, this can lead to the formation of ulcers. A thickened nail itself can injure neighboring fingers, which again leads to inflammation.

For healthy nail plates, a normal thickness of 0.5 mm for fingernails and 1 mm for toes is considered normal. In addition, healthy nails are characterized by smooth surfaces, without roughness, and a pinkish tint.

Reasons for deviations

The main reasons that cause thickening of toenails, experts include the following:

  • poor nutrition. A lack of vitamins and microelements always provokes the development of pathologies. A deficiency of necessary elements for the growth and development of healthy nails or metabolic disorders can lead to thickening of the plates;
  • impaired blood circulation in the fingertips, which can cause abnormalities in the development of plates on the legs. Often accompanied by atherosclerosis;
  • are the most common cause of changes in the thickness and color of the keratinized fingertip. Treatment should be started without delay, as there is a risk that the fungus will spread to nearby areas;
  • injury or inflammation of the nail bed;
  • , wearing tight shoes can cause deformation of the nail plates;
  • other non-fungal diseases, in particular, or, can cause the formation of thickenings. Naturally, in this case it is necessary to treat the disease itself;
  • congenital nature of thickening of the nail plates. Taking vitamin complexes and medicinal baths will help alleviate the patient’s condition.

The exact cause of this pathology is determined by the doctor based on the examinations performed, after which a course of treatment and other related recommendations are prescribed.

If the fingernail turns yellow or changes in its density, the doctor should request a test for the presence of fungus. Scraping of biomaterial is done using a metal spatula.

A common cause of deformity can be a leg injury. If there is a strong blow or a heavy object falling from above, the nail plate may be damaged. Thickening of the nail does not appear immediately, because its growth is quite slow. In this case, the healthy part will grow back to normal thickness and you just need to wait until the nail plate is completely renewed.

Treatment of nail plates

In cases where deviations in the development of nail plates on the toes are caused by fungal diseases, you should not despair. Although treatment is not quick, there are a significant number of antifungal drugs on the market today. For treatment, both general and local agents are used. And in addition there will be drugs with general strengthening properties that increase the immunity of the human body. As you know, the fungus often settles in patients with a weakened immune system. Since mycotic (fungal) diseases are easily transmitted from one person to another, precautions should be taken, especially in common areas such as public showers, saunas, swimming pools, etc.

Antifungal medications come in a variety of forms, with ointments, creams, tablets, and capsules being the most common. They can not only destroy fungal cells, but also prevent their development in the future, that is, they reduce the risk of relapses.

Based on the active substance, a product from one of the following groups can be used to treat toenails:

  • containing terbinafine. Such drugs include binofin, terbizine, terbix and others;
  • containing itroconazole. You can highlight, intramycol;
  • based on fluconazole - diflazon, mycosist, ;
  • containing griseovulfine and ketoconazole, for example, mycozoral.

The most commonly prescribed are Lamisil, Orungal, Tekbizin, which eliminate fungus in almost all cases.

In addition to pharmaceuticals, such recipes, accessible to everyone, can help in the treatment of thickening toenails. To soften the nail, take a piece of butter. Softened or melted butter needs to be soaked in a gauze bandage, which is used to wrap fingers with thickened plates. The bandage should be wrapped tightly in any convenient way, you can even use an elastic band. This compress is left overnight, and to achieve the effect you will need to perform from 5 to 10 procedures.

Kalanchoe or propolis are often used to treat thickened nail plates affected by fungus. Fresh leaves, crushed to a mushy state, are tied to thick nails with a bandage. Leave it like this for several hours.

To soften existing thickenings, you can take overnight baths with the addition of soda or medicinal herbs. When moving, in order not to injure the nail, it is better to wear slightly loose shoes or wrap sore toes in any soft cloth.

The main rule for maintaining healthy nail plates is to take care of them regularly, especially when reaching middle age.