Cleaning fur from yellowness at home. How to clean white fur at home? We use wheat bran

Expensive and beautiful chinchilla fur is soft and delicate. You can clean such fur in a special dry cleaner or at home.

Fur cleaning products at home

  • starch;
  • bran;
  • semolina;
  • powder for children (talc);
  • a special product for caring for the hair of domestic chinchillas.

The last remedy is the best choice for cleaning a large item - a sheepskin coat or fur coats. It is intended for gentle care of the coat of chinchillas living at home as a pet. The product consists of tiny granules that look like fine sand. This substance is sprinkled on the dirty areas, massaged into the fur with gentle movements and left for up to an hour so that all the dirt is absorbed. You can use a brush with natural bristles, the main thing is to avoid sudden movements and not to rub the fur coat too much - chinchilla fur, like squirrels, is very delicate and thin, it is easy to damage. Afterwards, you need to thoroughly comb the fur, and then shake out the product to get rid of any remaining sand.

They clean the chinchilla with other means in the same way as with special sand. The principle of operation is the same - dry mixtures are distributed over dirty fur, gently rubbed in, left to act and the substance that has absorbed the dirt is thoroughly removed. After treatment, the fur product can be ventilated in the fresh air, avoiding contact with moisture. You cannot clean wet fur; it must first be dried.

A very dirty item is cleaned in two stages. Particularly contaminated areas are first sprinkled with bran, gently wiping the fur. Leave to act for 1-2 hours, during which time large particles of bran absorb most of the fat, moisture and dirt. The fur is shaken out and combed with a brush or comb with large, sparse teeth. It is very convenient to do this with a special brush for grooming pet hair. Then the product is sprinkled with a finer powder, such as starch or baby powder, rubbed into the fur and left overnight or longer if the product is very dirty. After the expiration of the period, the fur coat is combed and thoroughly shaken out. Typically, such exposure is sufficient to clean the most serious and persistent contaminants.

In order to properly clean chinchilla fur at home, you need to follow several rules:

  1. The fur must be absolutely dry, otherwise the applied powder will get wet and tightly adhere to the fur. It will be very difficult to remove such “lumps”.
  2. You need to work with very soft, smooth movements so as not to damage the valuable delicate fur.
  3. After cleaning, the fur product must be thoroughly cleaned of powder residues and ventilated.

If these conditions are met, the fur coat, hat or collar will look like new.

Darina Kataeva

White fur is a sign of luxury, beauty and wealth! Clothes containing fur are immediately transformed, becoming more impressive and attractive. However, one can both envy and sympathize with the owners of such things, because caring for these clothes is extremely difficult! Cleaning fur at home is not so easy, so you should know the rules for caring for a white fur coat made from natural or before purchasing.

Natural fur: rules for cleaning at home

Before cleaning, it is recommended to find out whether the fur needs to be washed. For this you will need a hairdryer. Blow on the fibers and notice if the fur flies easily and freely in different directions? If after this procedure it shines and looks like new, then this indicates its purity and impeccability. If the fur does not fly apart and has a yellowish tint, then it needs to be cleaned.

To check the degree of fur contamination, use only the cold air of a hair dryer so as not to ruin the clothes.

Methods for cleaning white fur:

Using 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Buy hydrogen peroxide at a pharmacy or store, which will be the best cleanser for white fur. Dilute peroxide with water 1:1, and then pour the resulting mixture into a special container with a spray bottle. Now spray all the fur with this mixture and wait until it dries completely. After this, comb it and shake it well. This is a simple but effective way to quickly clean white fur. Be extremely careful, especially in cases where white fur is only part of your fur coat. Be careful not to get peroxide on other areas, as this may damage the product.

Using shampoo.

This product can be purchased at a pet store. Its feature is good cleaning from both dirt and yellow tint. First, dilute the shampoo in warm water, then soak a rag in the mixture, and then work the fur in the direction of lint growth. Then gently wipe the fur coat with a paper towel, wait until it dries and shake the product well.

Dry your fur naturally, away from a fireplace, stove or heater.

Using alcohol.

A solution based on soda and alcohol, which are mixed in a ratio of 1:3, removes dust and dirt. When the composition is ready, soak a sponge in it, and then apply the composition to the villi. Move only in the direction of fur growth.

Using flour, starch or semolina.

Every housewife has the products used for this method in her home. In order for flour, semolina or starch to give a good result, preheat them in a clean and dried frying pan to 70 degrees. Then sprinkle flour over the fur product, gently rub it, and then shake the fur coat to get rid of the semolina.

Using sawdust.

Such hardwood sawdust is sold at pet stores. In this case, the best option would be pine needles. The sawdust must be filled with a small amount of gasoline. After this, wait until it is well absorbed. Then carefully distribute the sawdust throughout the product so that its composition is absorbed into the fibers. Then shake the fur to get rid of any remaining sawdust.

You can use different methods to clean your fur. Try it on a small area first, and then feel free to apply the mixture to the entire product. Thanks to this care, your fur coat will always be beautiful, clean and attractive!

Faux white fur: cleaning rules at home

Like natural, it is vulnerable to dirt, dust and the appearance of yellowness. It is important to constantly and carefully take care of it so that your clothes look beautiful and expensive. To do this, usually use soap as needed. Both solid and liquid soap are suitable. Dissolve it in water, foam the composition, then soak a sponge in it and apply the product to dirty areas. With a damp cloth, soap can be easily removed from the surface of the fur coat. Be sure to dry the fur and comb it with a brush.

Never use acetone or vinegar to clean fur, as this will ruin the product!

Is it possible to machine wash white fur?

Any product containing , is not allowed to be washed! It immediately loses its beautiful color, the fibers break and become stiffer. If you forget about the consequences and wash it, it may even change in size due to the shrinkage of the fur.

Faux white fur can be washed if indicated on the product itself. Use only delicate washing. It is desirable that the pile is cotton and not synthetic.

To dry, do not use a radiator, stove or fireplace, just smooth out the fur coat and wait for it to dry naturally. After this, be sure to comb the pile so that the fur lies evenly on the surface of the clothing.

Rules for storing clothes with natural fur

A fur coat will be attractive if you take good care of it. Remember that in the summer it is necessary to pack it. But first, dry it, comb it, and, if necessary, clean it from dirt and yellowness.

The shelf where the fur coat will be stored must be clean. It is important that it is not exposed to direct sunlight.
There must be no heating devices in it!
The fur will be preserved if it “breathes”. Therefore, you should not pack things tightly near items with fur.
The closet should not be damp.
To store clothes with fur, use a paper bag or regular plastic.
To avoid loss of shape, insert thick fabric into the sleeves.
Don't forget about the danger of moths, so use aromatic products! Do not use mothballs, as the item will absorb an unpleasant odor. Geranium leaves or dried orange and lemon peels are better suited.

Using the rules for caring for white fur and cleaning features, you will make your fur coat, hat or boots beautiful and attractive. Even with constant wear, they will look like new! You should not allow severe contamination; it is better to immediately remove any dirt or yellowness that has just appeared on the product. At the same time, you do not have to resort to expensive dry cleaning services. Every housewife has such products in her home; the main thing is to know the rules and conditions for their use.

January 26, 2014, 11:20

Products made from natural fur have always been popular. Fashionistas, knowing the excellent qualities of fur material, are happy to purchase fur coats, sheepskin coats, and sleeveless vests made of mink, arctic fox or silver fox. But white fur loses its former attractiveness over time. The once snow-white coat may turn yellow. How to clean fur from yellowness at home?

Popular methods

It must be remembered that the process of cleansing snow-white stains at home may not bring the desired results. Moreover, there is a risk of spoiling any item. To choose the most suitable cleansing method, it is recommended to test a product on the lining side. Having checked the method in this way, you will not have to worry about the product as a whole.

At home, you can clean white fur from yellowness using the following means:

  • Potato starch or semolina.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Wheat bran.

Let's put it into practice

The simplest and most accessible method is to clean fur with starch. After sprinkling a little starch, you need to carefully rub the fur with a natural absorbent between your palms. Thanks to this method, starch will absorb all the dirt and dust from the surface of the fur. After shaking off the spent powder, you can repeat the procedure until the fox fur becomes clean and snow-white. After the product has acquired the necessary cleanliness, you should thoroughly shake off the fur coat and then comb the mending with a special brush.

If there are stains that are difficult to remove, in addition to starch, you can use shampoo or an aqueous solution of a delicate washing gel. After sprinkling the fur with starch or semolina, the product should be treated with a soapy mixture from a spray bottle. The resulting slurry also needs to be rubbed with your palms, grabbing the fibers. Then the fur coat must be dried at room temperature, and the powder must be carefully removed from the surface with a brush.

Chemical bleaching

How to clean silver fox fur from yellowness at home? Provided the fur product is clean, it is recommended to use the following product.

You need to make a solution consisting of:

  • A teaspoon of peroxide.
  • A glass of water.
  • A few drops of ammonia.

Having combined all the ingredients, apply the solution to the surface of the fur using a spray bottle. You need to be very careful not to wet the flesh. After processing the mending, hang the product on a hanger and dry it at room temperature. You should not dry a fur coat made from arctic fox, rabbit or mink fur outdoors in the open rays of the sun. Unfortunately, from direct exposure to sunlight, white fur turns yellow and loses its attractiveness.

We use wheat bran

Many housewives claim that you can clean mink fur from yellowness using wheat bran heated in a frying pan. After heating, the bran is immediately sprinkled onto the bran and thoroughly rubbed into the surface with your hands. Having shaken off the bran, we check the whiteness of the product. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

To prevent mink or silver fox fur from losing its whiteness and attractiveness, it is important to store the product correctly. Practice shows that a white fur coat should be stored in a bag made of fabric or blue paper. In this case, the product will not be exposed to ultraviolet radiation and will not suffer from lack of oxygen.

Despite the variety of proposed methods, experienced housewives claim that the best way to clean the yellowness of arctic fox fur is to turn to professional dry cleaners. However, not every dry cleaner takes care of fur items. Before taking any silver fox or rabbit fur coat, you need to ask the employees whether such products are cleaned in this establishment.

The video shows in detail how to quickly and efficiently clean white arctic fox fur.


If your favorite fur coat made of white natural fur has turned yellow, do not rush to throw it away. There are time-tested and practice-tested methods that allow you to restore the former beauty and whiteness of a fur product. For fear of damaging the fur of a silver fox, arctic fox or mink, it is recommended to test each method on the underside of the fur coat. If the result satisfies you, you can use this method to clean the entire product.

White mink products quickly lose their attractive snow-white shade during wear. Under the influence of environmental factors, the fur becomes yellow, which is difficult to get rid of. To remove yellowness from mink fur at home, you can prepare an effective product yourself. Hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, vinegar, blue, citric acid and other active ingredients are useful as components for bleach, allowing you to quickly restore the original appearance of white fur.

You can clean mink fur at home using dry bleaching methods. To do this, use substances that absorb excess moisture and dirt well and remove dust deposits. The following gentle components are used as dry bleaches:

  • semolina;
  • starch;
  • talc;
  • bran;
  • sawdust.

The main feature of this cleaning method is that it does not require the use of liquid, so the product will not need to be dried.


Semolina grains perfectly absorb dirt and also remove dust. For processing, the product should be placed on a table or clean floor. If you need to clean your hat with semolina, you need to put it on a three-liter bottle wrapped in a towel.

You should clean the fur with semolina according to the instructions:

  1. Sprinkle problem areas with a small amount of semolina.
  2. The entire surface is carefully combed with a brush with soft bristles.
  3. After the semolina turns gray, it is removed. If necessary, cleaning can be repeated.

You can remove semolina by shaking the product or vacuuming it. In the latter case, only weak devices should be used.

Gasoline based mixtures

A mixture made from potato starch and gasoline will help deal with yellowing. Both components are mixed until a mushy mass appears. The mixture is distributed over all contaminated areas and left until completely dry. The fur is carefully combed out using a fine-toothed comb. If desired, you can remove the applied product with a low-power vacuum cleaner.

Another effective remedy is sawdust soaked in a small amount of gasoline. The resulting product is distributed over the yellowed pile, and then gently rubbed into the product and left for 2 hours. The sawdust is shaken off and the pile is carefully combed out with a comb.

Wheat bran

The fur collar can be cleaned using wheat bran heated to 60 degrees. The product is heated in a clean frying pan, and it should be stirred regularly. Hot bran is poured in an even layer onto the pile, and then gently rubbed into it using a soft brush.

The applied product should be removed only after it has completely cooled. To remove small bran particles, comb the pile with a fine-toothed comb.

Talc, chalk, combed out with a comb

White talc, which is sprinkled evenly on the product, will help clean dirt and dust from a fur coat or hat. The ingredient is gently rubbed into the pile using a brush or fingers. After 2 hours, the talc is shaken off, and its remains are combed out with a special brush.

In a similar way, chalk or potato starch can be used to clean a fur coat or hat. For processing, chalk powder is used, which you can buy or prepare yourself by grinding a block.

Wet methods for removing yellowness

In addition to dry methods of combating yellowing of fur, there are wet methods. They involve the use of products prepared on the basis of active liquid ingredients. After such cleaning, the fur product should be dried or cleaned of the applied product with a damp sponge moistened with running water.

It is necessary to dry the product only naturally, by hanging it on hangers or on stands. Drying near radiators, other heat sources or ironing should be completely avoided, as such exposure can damage the fur.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

You can quickly and effectively remove yellowness from white mink fur using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. To prepare the product, you need to make a solution of 1 teaspoon of a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and 1 glass of water. Add 3-5 drops of ammonia to the resulting liquid, mix everything thoroughly.

Apply the bleach liquid to the fur carefully, using cotton balls. After processing, the product is combed and dried in the fresh air. You can hang the product on the balcony; if it is glazed, the window should be opened slightly.

Soap solution

There are several ways to clean white fur from yellow plaque using soap solutions. Each of them has its own characteristics.

  1. You can use pet shampoo as a cleaning agent. These products contain a blue pigment that completely neutralizes the yellow tint. The basin is filled with warm water, and a small amount of pet shampoo is dissolved in it. To enhance the effect, you can add 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the solution. The fur product must be carefully treated with a sponge soaked in the prepared product. The sponge should be guided in the direction of the pile. After the procedure, the fur is washed with a damp cloth and dried.
  2. If the yellow tint is unsaturated, you can deal with it using regular liquid soap. The detergent should be white or clear. Add 3 drops of liquid soap to a bowl of water and thoroughly foam the water. A clean sponge is soaked in a soapy solution and wrung out. The pile is wiped several times with a damp sponge, combed and dried.

Liquid soap can be replaced with shampoo or shower gel, which does not contain a coloring pigment.


In this way, not only natural fur, but also artificial fur can be cleaned. This product must be used very carefully, as its excess can lead to the appearance of a purple tint on the pile.

A small amount of blue is dissolved in a basin so that the liquid acquires a pale blue tint. The resulting composition is poured into a spray bottle. The product is sprayed in an even layer over the entire fur product. The applied solution does not require rinsing. After processing, the fur is dried and then carefully combed.

Alcohol and salt

To prepare the bleaching liquid, dissolve 1 teaspoon of fine salt in a glass of warm water. Add 1 teaspoon of ammonia to the saline solution, mix everything and use it for cleansing.

  1. The sponge is moistened in an alcohol solution, and then the entire yellowed surface is treated with it.
  2. The product is dried in the fresh air so that the smell of ammonia completely disappears.
  3. The procedure is completed by combing the lint.

When removing a weak yellow tint, you can avoid using ammonia by treating the pile with a saline solution.

Vinegar with lemon juice

This product effectively removes yellow stains on the pile. It should be used spot-on, avoiding processing the entire fur product. To prepare the product, mix 1 teaspoon of vinegar and the juice of a quarter of a lemon.

A cotton swab is moistened in the prepared liquid, and then all stains that appear are wiped with it. The yellowness is gently rubbed with a brush with soft bristles, and then the fur is dried.

Any described method will quickly and effectively eliminate the yellow tint on a product made from mink fur. These products should be used very carefully, avoiding strong mechanical impact on the pile or its excessive wetting with prepared liquids. Otherwise, the fur may lose the attractiveness of its structure and lose its shine. If, during the cleaning process, the housewife did not calculate the amount of product needed, and the fur product has lost its attractive appearance, you can restore the shine of the pile by wiping it with a 10% glycerin solution.

However, it’s no secret that fur coats and hats made from light natural pile are capricious and therefore require special care. Over time, the white fur begins to turn yellow, and its former attractiveness disappears.

So how can you clean it from the yellowness that has appeared and return the product to its original flawless appearance?

Cleaning a fur product at home is a very difficult task, as it carries the risk of ruining the item. Before you begin the cleaning procedure, you should choose one of the most effective methods and test it on a less noticeable area of ​​the product (on the back side).

You can clean time-contaminated fur at home in the following way:

Sprinkle the fur pile with a natural adsorbent, which tends to absorb all the dirt and dust. For light fur, semolina or dry potato starch is quite suitable. Then gently rub the fur between your palms so that the adsorbent absorbs all the dirt. Shake off the starch and repeat the process until it is completely clean. All that remains is to shake the product thoroughly and clean it with a special brush.

To clean yellowed fur or heavily soiled fur items, it is recommended to sprinkle the item with the same potato starch and spray it with a solution of shampoo or delicate powder from a spray bottle.

Rub the resulting mixture with your hands all over the fur, and when it dries, clean off the powder mass with a brush, shake it out thoroughly and comb the fur. Dry the item naturally, avoid exposure to the sun and heating devices, otherwise the fur will turn yellow again.

To prevent white fur from turning yellow, wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of hydrogen peroxide. To prepare the solution, dissolve a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of warm water and add a few drops of ammonia. You can return the whiteness to already yellowed fur with the same solution, but more concentrated. Apply the solution to the hair using a spray bottle, but only along the very top of the hair, so as not to spoil the inner layer.

Products made from tanned skins of domestic animals and fur-bearing animals Wheat bran (pre-heated in a frying pan) or sawdust are excellent refreshers, but not coniferous trees. Sprinkle them onto small areas of the pile and rub thoroughly with a soft brush or your hands, then shake off the sawdust. It is recommended to clean heavily yellowed and dirty fur two or three times. White fur will not turn yellow for a long time if stored in a blue linen bag or blue paper.

But the best way to deal with yellowness and any kind of dirt is with a well-proven dry cleaning (special for fur products). When choosing a dry cleaner, do not skimp on quality, so as not to spoil the fur item.