How to defeat a larger and taller opponent in a street fight. How to win a fight on the street without knowing martial arts


If you think that the most important thing in victory is strength, combat, and self-defense skills, then you are mistaken. Of course, all this is important, but the first most important condition is the strength of spirit and psychological preparedness of the fighter. The fighter’s psychological level provides 85%.
How to develop the psychological abilities of a fighter:

Develop the ability to intuitively sense the threat of attack. Observe who is in your field of vision, whether a threat can be expected, and what kind of threat it is. If an attack occurs, it will not be sudden, and you will have time to take control of the situation.

If someone may pose a threat, immediately replay in your imagination your actions during an attack (which ones to use, how you avoid attacks, what handy means you can use for self-defense, etc.).

Learn to assess the situation as a whole. Is it possible to avoid a fight - for example, to get the attackers to talk and resolve the situation peacefully. Or even escape. (In fact, the best self-defense is a failed attack!)

If your intuition tells you that things are really bad for you, attack first. The goal is to incapacitate the enemy with 1-2 hits.

Principles of winning in a street fight:
- The best defense is attack.
- The attack must be sudden and as painful as possible for the enemy. Therefore, you need to attack as hard as possible.
- Use the most effective techniques for self-defense, aimed at vulnerable parts of the enemy’s body. Or use handy means for self-defense.
- From the first or second, your opponent should be out of action. You have 1-2 seconds to deliver 1-2 more crushing blows.
- There are no rules of honor in street fighting. Your opponent will not feel sorry for you if you lose. On the contrary, he will become even more cruel. Therefore, the enemy must be neutralized.

When an attack occurs, the enemy always surpasses you (in strength, weight, height, number of attackers). Your opponent may be armed. In any case, he feels his advantage. Otherwise he would be afraid to attack you. Therefore, you can win in a street fight only with appropriate preparation. A well-planned plan will help you with this. Moreover, training should be regular, at least 2-3 times a day.

Please note

Do not exceed self-defense!
We must act within the framework of the law.

Useful advice

If you want to learn how to defend yourself, you need a well-designed combination training:
- practicing techniques 2-3 times a week
(5-6 techniques to start with, but they need to be worked out until they are automatic and have crushing impact power);
- use chained strikes;
- the techniques should be simple, but effective, suitable for you personally;
- train on simulators that simulate opponents;
- also include physical training for endurance and reaction speed in the training;
- train with your friends or take part in sparring in the sports section, or sign up for the hand-to-hand combat section.


Some athletes, even with impeccable technique, cannot find their way to victory. Maybe it's a psychological thing. Character traits that ensure victory are cultivated from childhood. These are not the most positive qualities for life - aggressiveness, cruelty, perseverance. But they are indispensable for victory in battle.


Work on your ability to enter a state of aggression. To do this, use the “grin” exercise. Have you ever noticed how two cats fight? Yes, they don’t fight at all, they just hiss at each other for a long time, showing their bared mouth. The one who loses his grin first is inferior. Your task is to learn to reproduce an animal grin on your face with all the emotions attached to it in your soul. This grin should appear on your face as soon as you see enemy. Along with your grin comes aggression, and it gives you extra strength.

The next quality required for unconditional is cruelty. It can be characterized as the inability to feel pity for painful sensations enemy. Your task is to learn to include this quality in yourself at the moment when it is necessary. For example, . The best way to develop cruelty in yourself is through self-coding. Remember more often those life situations when you showed cruelty. Try to experience this state again.

And finally, perseverance. It is impossible without him. Perseverance must be understood as intransigence. You were offended and you couldn’t fight back? It's okay, you're not defeated yet. Victory over you can be recorded when you come to terms with the fact that you have been insulted. Repeat to yourself several times a day: “I am a superman. I always achieve my goal. I can do anything. Everything obeys me.” In the ring, try not to allow even small ones above you. It relaxes and gradually deprives you of self-confidence. Persist and you are invincible.

Video on the topic

You should know that conflict is a normal situation. It’s not without reason that they say: “How many people, so many opinions.” Therefore, disputes and conflicts occur both in the family and at work. But a protracted, insoluble conflict threatens to develop into enmity and hatred, which should never be allowed. We need to learn how to get out of conflict situations, since you happen to fall into it.


You can end a conflict by force if one of the parties is higher on the hierarchical ladder. This makes it possible to quickly end the conflict, but leaves the very cause of the conflict unresolved. The one who stopped the conflict by acting will have to constantly be on combat readiness and confirm his right to use force.

If you separate the conflicting parties, the conflict will also end, but both parties will remain in a post-conflict situations without any satisfaction, which can have a most painful effect and leave a mark on your entire future existence.

The conflict can be ended when both sides make concessions and come to some kind of compromise solution that partially takes into account the interests of both sides. This could be a completely new solution that will suit both parties and completely reconcile them. This is the most constructive form of situations, it is used even after a military confrontation.

Sometimes resolved with the help of a third party. And it is not a fact that if a violent method is used, the last word will remain with the party to the conflict who is stronger. A striking example of such a conflict resolution is participation in covering up the weaker.

With the participation of a third party, conflicts are resolved in court and in arbitration, where the correctness of each participant in the conflict is considered from the point of view of the system of law and public authority.

It is wrong to think that a conflict always presupposes that one side has won and the other has lost. Of course there is situations, which can be attributed to the “lose-win” option, but there are others. There is a “lose-lose” scenario, when the losing side prevents the other from winning and acts in such a way that no one wins.

The most effective option will be the “win-win” option, which allows the two sides to use their differences not as a reason for a battle, but as a reason for finding the most optimal solution that can satisfy both sides. Which option to choose is up to you.

Video on the topic


  • Children's ability to resolve conflict situations

It already turns out that no two people are identical in the physical sense, and sometimes you have to deal with a more serious and powerful opponent.
Moreover, the issue here is not even about sports. There are people who are simply psychologically stronger, they have stronger nerves.
So, what can a weaker opponent do?

You will need

  • Constant training


Every athlete and not only progresses only if he competes with a stronger opponent, such is the pattern. There is no escape from this. This is necessary, first of all, for progress in some direction and not only.
There are several effective advice, which can be applied to various situations: be it sparring, racing on the track, or a street fight. Knowing and applying these strategies, you can count on success in a particular fight, even if your opponent is obviously stronger.
1. First, just think and analyze: your opponent cannot be superior to you in all respects, he must have an “Achilles heel” - his weak point. This is what you should focus on. If, for example, he outweighs you, then his reaction is slower. Also, he may not be as hardy as you - use this in a certain situation.

2. To win over more strong man on the street or, you just need to really want it! This statement may be cliche or sound strange. But that's not true! Very often you have to see an absolute passive attitude or ordinary people, which does not bode well. You win only when you have an inner fuse, the core of a winner is the absolute truth.

3. Defeating a larger opponent will not be so difficult if you use the element of surprise in your actions. Just attack the unprotected area quickly and mercilessly. And do it with all your might! Then he will not have time to take reverse action. As the popular saying goes: “The bigger the closet, the louder it falls!” This applies precisely to moments of surprise.

4. Never, never, never lose faith in yourself! This indirectly coincides with the psychological state of the champion, but it is a deeper and more long-term concept. You must live with this faith constantly and even in difficult situations she will come to your aid. Even when others no longer believe in you.

5. Get stronger. Yes. It's simple. To defeat a more serious opponent, you need to become one yourself. It's in your best interests. Becoming stronger means developing. Train every day, be better than you were yesterday. If you don't do this, no one will help you! The main victory is victory over yourself. Take action and everything will work out for you!

Please note

On your physical fitness and mental attitude

Useful advice

Get stronger
Train every day
Don't lose faith in yourself
Attack quickly and suddenly


  • how to gain mental strength
  • how to defeat an opponent stronger than me

Brad Pitt's character from the movie "Fight Club" said: "You don't know anything about yourself if you've never fought." How true this is is not worth judging. Another thing is that a street fight can lie in wait for you not only in a dark gateway, but also in the shining lights of the hall of a high-class restaurant. Therefore, you need to know how to win in a fight.


Try to get rid of excess clothing that might catch you. Take off your jacket, scarf, stay in just a shirt or sweater. Try to stay away from objects such as steps or curbs - they can cause you to trip or cause a serious head injury if you fall.

To cope with the anxiety that arises before a fight, do not remain silent. Speak and breathe actively. Do not grow into the ground in front of the enemy, move, shake, jump. This will prevent the attacker from grabbing your breasts.

If you see that it is inevitable, strike first. Yes, it’s not gentlemanly, but you’re not in the ring. But you get a certain advantage, since you hit a stationary target. Such a blow will be more effective and, perhaps, after it the fight will end altogether.

Don't be limited. A few quick, sharp blows cause much more damage and cause serious psychological pressure. Strike in series of two or three hits and immediately retreat to a safe distance.

Forget about the rules of decency. Strike with your head, knees, elbows, bite, spit in your opponent's face. Your task is not to win on points, but to remain as undamaged as possible.

Headbutts to the face at close range, otherwise they are useless. A strong blow to the bridge of the nose can knock out your opponent for a long time.

Don’t necessarily try to hit the body or head. Kicks to the legs are no less effective, as they allow you to stop the opponent's movement. A sharp blow to the shin is one of the most painful. Hit the groin only if you are confident in the strength of your blow, otherwise you will only enrage your enemy.

Move constantly. Don't give your opponent the opportunity to land a powerful blow. Avoid direct blows to the head. Don't let yourself be driven into a corner - it will be impossible to get out of there without severe damage.

The main task is to always remain. If you are nevertheless knocked to the ground and kicked, do not lie still. Move, try to crawl, spin - this will make it harder for you to get hit and you will get fewer hits. Strive to get back on your feet faster. You can pretend to have an epileptic seizure - this will confuse your opponent and give you a chance to return to a fighting position.

Having stopped the attacker, do not try to finish him off. Leave the battlefield. There is no guarantee that a well-armed company will not rush to the aid of your enemy. It is better to leave the scene of the fight in one piece than to prove your fighting worth to a company of aggressive people.

Victories in the life of every person depend on his knowledge and skills. Therefore, in order to have more victories, you need to work a lot and carefully on yourself. Moreover, psychologists helped and developed a number of recommendations on how to achieve success in all your endeavors as often as possible.


First, analyze yourself. Your task is to determine your strengths and weaknesses. This determines which goals you should pursue and which ones you should give up. This way you can minimize the number of things that are “not yours” and direct more energy to complete truly important tasks.

Throw away feelings of guilt or shame - they only pull you back. You should not feel bad for your actions in achieving your goals. This means that you need to think very carefully about the tactics of your behavior in order to complete all tasks with dignity and benefit. You need to defend your beliefs and goals calmly, without raising your voice or trying to humiliate your interlocutor. In this case, they will respect you, which means they will listen to your opinion and advice more often.

To become successful in everything, you need to change your attitude towards yourself. You should not use negative words and words with the prefix no in relation to yourself. If you often say that you are old, ugly, lazy, lacking initiative, and other equally “nice” things, you run the risk of ending up like that person. Have you ever heard of successful people who are uninitiated, lazy and stupid? successful people?

Don't be discouraged if you fail. Remember that this is also an experience, albeit a negative one. After all, everything that does not kill makes a person stronger. The main thing is to correctly draw conclusions from what happened. If you have offended someone as a result of your actions, do not hesitate to apologize to them. If you mess up something in a project or other task, spend some free time to correct the mistake.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. A person can endure a lot. And troubles and failures only harden you. In addition, by analyzing your mistakes, you learn something new and find other options for getting out of the current situation.

Don't live in the past. We analyzed, corrected errors and moved forward to new achievements, taking into account existing achievements.

Don't rush things, feel environment. It is she who will tell you the best moment to perform this or that task. This way you can develop your intuition.

Video on the topic

Useful advice

If you feel that there are some invisible barriers in front of you that are preventing you from moving forward and becoming a winner in life, contact a professional. A psychologist will be able to understand what the reason is and help you get rid of it.

Negotiations are an integral part of any work process. These may relate to hiring employees, communicating with clients or suppliers, etc. Victory in negotiations can only be achieved with experience and the ability to correctly move towards your goal.


Prepare for negotiations in advance. To emerge victorious, you need to know as much as possible about your opponent’s position. Gather as much information as possible about the issue that will be discussed. You must have strong arguments that can turn the tide of negotiations in your favor.

If you want to emerge victorious from negotiations, never reveal all your intentions to your interlocutor. The main mistake that you can make during a conversation is revealing your actions that will follow if events unfold not in your favor. By telling your partner in advance what you intend to do, you give him the opportunity to prepare for the consequences. Thus, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to use new trump cards to protect your position. Try to be prepared for any actions of your interlocutor, but never warn him about possible retaliatory actions.

Good way to win negotiations is to expose oneself as incompetent in the issue under discussion. Make your interlocutor believe that you have absolutely no understanding of the topic. Let him believe that your loss in the upcoming negotiations is inevitable. During these negotiations, you will need to appear as a completely different person, possessing a whole set of tools that can easily destroy any of your opponent’s arguments. This tactic will help you make your opponent lose his guard. He will not be ready to communicate with you and, most likely, will lose the negotiations.

Make your interlocutor speak first, extract as much information as possible, let him say as much as possible. Negotiation is a verbal duel during which the parties exchange arguments in an attempt to weaken the opponent’s position. The more a person talks, the more he reveals his cards. Remember that your interlocutor may be an experienced negotiator. He most likely knows these tricks. If you fail to stick to your line, try to put pressure on emotions and become a certain irritant for your opponent. Make him make emotional decisions.

Act like you have nothing to lose. Do not show your interlocutor that the results of the negotiations are very important to you. Experience shows that a person who has nothing to lose almost always wins. A good example would be communication with a supplier of any product who is ready to make discounts, does not do this, and at the same time has many competitors in his field of activity. If you cannot negotiate with him on terms acceptable to you, show him that he is not a monopolist, and you are ready to turn to other suppliers.

There is always a chance to get into a situation where you have to use physical force. At the same time, even a trained person with a set shot sometimes gives up, forgetting about his skills, falling into panic.

It has long been noted that the strongest fighters participating in fights without rules come from disadvantaged neighborhoods, where they have to constantly defend their rights with their fists. Such fighters have a reflexive instinct to fight without fear of receiving a painful blow. Their every movement is perfected, although it does not look as beautiful as shown in films or in martial arts demonstrations.

The psychology of a winner

In order to win everyone in a fight, you must have the psychology of a winner, that is, be confident in your abilities. How is such confidence acquired? In practice - when there is a contact battle and victory is won. But in a calmer world, spartan training conditions are not suitable for everyone. You can increase your self-confidence by sparring in the gym, striking your opponent lightly so as not to cause or sustain injury. Gradually, skills are developed that are deposited at the level of reflexes.

Before a fight, even if it is against five or ten opponents, there is no need to think about defeat or consequences. If a fight cannot be avoided, you need to relax and try to use all your skills for the benefit of a future victory. The city takes courage.

Inner peace

Famous champion fighters say that you cannot hate your opponent. Emotions overwhelm and cloud the mind. Only cold reason and clear calculation can bring victory. You need to imagine that in front of you is a simple person, a reflection of yourself, who simply needs to be defeated.

When maintaining inner peace, it is best to look into the eyes. You can tell about an upcoming attack by your opponent's eyes, as they reflect intent. Even if you missed an attack, don't despair. There is not a single fighter who has not been hit in the body or face at least once.

Against a group of people. Choose a leader

If you have to confront a group of people, you can resolve the conflict very quickly by incapacitating only one person. To do this, you need to determine who the leader is and knock him out. When the “clingers” see that the leader is knocked out, the herd instinct will tell them to run wherever they look. They will forget about their intentions, since they are dictated by the will of the defeated leader.

Victory over any opponent is good. But you need to remember that your main opponent is yourself. Having conquered yourself, your laziness, cowardice, indecision, you can compete with others. At the same time, there is no need to attack first - this is a sign of a low level of development and inner cowardice.

Very often, a conflict begins because an unfounded claim or accusation is made to you. This can happen at work, in the family, in transport, when communicating with friends or acquaintances, and in general, a conflict can arise simply out of the blue. I sincerely hope that by following my instructions, you will come out of any conflict situation with honor.

Summary: in a conflict situation, never make excuses, do not ask counter questions and immediately move on to the first stage of your counterattack!

It is necessary to counterattack immediately, without allowing the opponent to come to his senses. However, determine the direction of the attack not on the personality of the conflicter, but on his statements, paraphrasing the latter exactly the opposite. For example:

You: “This is a superficial and, I would say, amateurish statement”!

Thus, through a counter-statement (rather than a question), we destroy a conflict attack at its very beginning, like, for example, you swat a mosquito that has not yet managed to sting you.

The next stage is aimed at consolidating its dominant position in the conflict. Again we speak immediately, not allowing our opponent to get a word in. Let's expand our dialogue:

Conflict: “You are bad at your responsibilities”!
You: “This is a superficial and, I would say, amateurish statement! In fact, I take my responsibilities extremely seriously, and I always do my work correctly and efficiently!”

Summary: Never explain anything to the aggressor, but instead of making excuses, formulate a confident statement that is the opposite of the conflicter’s statement.

Now we proceed to the main stage of the counterattack. Attack the aggressor with a whole set of arguments confirming that you are right. Let's return to the dialogue:

Conflict: “You are bad at your responsibilities”!

1. This month I was repeatedly awarded by management for excellent work.

3. Managers set me as an example to other employees and so on...

Summary: you need to clearly remember or have at hand facts confirming your positive qualities or merits.

And the last stage - we emphasize the incompetence or immaturity of the opponent, indirectly classifying him as people with limited knowledge and bearers of malicious intent. Let's return to the dialogue:

Conflict: “You are bad at your responsibilities”!
You: “This is a superficial and, I would say, amateurish statement! In fact, I take my responsibilities extremely seriously, and I always do my work correctly and efficiently! The following facts speak about this:

1. This month I was repeatedly awarded by management for excellent work.
2. I regularly meet and exceed my personal plan.
3. Managers set me as an example to other employees and so on...”

Again you: “I have always been surprised and at the same time amused by people who make such stupid, categorical and amateurish statements. A reasonable person would have provided logical reasons rather than stoop to such cheap provocation. And why do people love to show off their incompetence so much?!”

Summary: be sure to perform the third, finishing blow! In 10 seconds, the conflicter will forever be discouraged from doing business with you.

Video on the topic

Please note

Be careful. This technique should not be applied to your boss or to the person on whom your comfortable existence depends in the future. This is a cannon, and you shouldn’t shoot sparrows with it.

Useful advice

Don't ask counter questions. Never make excuses.

This question is relevant for many - for women, for men, for children, for the elderly. In fact, the attacker will almost always be much larger than you - he specially chooses a weaker, smaller victim. To win for sure. Well, what can I say as a primer: if you find yourself in such a situation, you violated the basic rule of self-defense: The best self-defense is not to attack. If you find yourself in this situation, recognize for the future what you did wrong—and how to avoid it happening again.

Maybe not during the fight, but after :).

But let's continue.

The self-defense portal “Weapons that are better than weapons” recommends.

What to do if the enemy is much larger and stronger? In principle, the answer to this question has already been touched upon on the site more than once. This will be a generalizing article in which we will go through the already published material, generalize and summarize. Basics:

Well, now we continue in order. Usually, when such a question arises, for some reason the advice to “run away” cannot be used (either the person did not run in the morning, or there is someone with him who cannot run...). So we will proceed from the fact that it is impossible to escape.

The first thing that must be is the intention to WIN. Without the intention to win, you can even swing a chainsaw - losing is still guaranteed. The intention to win is based on several components. We have already studied such as the purpose of self-defense, observation and distance. Let's look at each element in more detail.

The goal of self-defense is what you want to achieve and do to your opponent. How will you achieve this? And what you want to get later when you achieve it. Any of your decisions should be checked by asking “But how?” and “What next?” If there is no answer, then it is a bad decision. If there is an answer, but it is negative, this is also a bad decision. So, you decide: “I’ll hit him in the balls!” And you think “How?” Well, for example, with a foot. "And then?" And then he will grab your leg and break it. Or I'll still get there. Probability 1:1. It won't work. Or, for example, “Stick a pencil in the eye!” “How? “I’ll pretend that I agree to everything, I’ll get close and stick it in.” Good decision. "And then? “A policeman will come, interview witnesses and imprison me for 10 years for murder.” It won't work.

Three questions - what?, how? and then? — determine your goal of self-defense. And it’s better to think through the answers to these questions in advance, so that later it won’t be excruciatingly painful.

Next, an important nuance: the enemy can BE so much more you, and maybe APPEARS SO MUCH BIGGER you. These are two different things. And if you make a mistake in your assessment, you can lose badly. Nothing will help here except observation, attention and present time. How else can you determine whether he is bigger and stronger or not?

Observation also reveals: HOW MUCH the enemy is bigger and stronger than you. Not in terms of kilograms and muscle volume. This means that it is difficult to be stronger in everything: in weight, and in height, and in strength, and in endurance, and in breathing, and in speed, and in intelligence and intelligence. It is very rare to come across such station wagons. But you won't notice their attack. They attack from behind and from above. They're smart :)

Your task is identify weaknesses a large and strong enemy. This can only be done through observation. Look, search - and find. And, having found it, use it. So, for example, through observation you notice that a person smokes and drinks. That's it, half the work is done - what kind of strongman is he after that? He will exhaust himself after a minute of active action and will expose all the necessary vulnerabilities and pressure points for your attack. Unless, of course, you run out of steam first :)

Oh yes, I almost forgot. For such tactics, the results of one more observation are needed - one’s own state. And it’s better if the main conclusion is in relation to the use of your extraordinary mental abilities.

Next, distance in self-defense. No one can hit you if you keep between yourself and the enemy safe distance. Of course, it would be nice if this distance tended to infinity. But we agreed that this is impossible. In this case, you should run around the enemy. Jump (a little), jump to the side, make threatening movements. Provided that you have correctly identified your capabilities, you will succeed. So, a safe distance negates the advantages of a large and strong enemy.

So, you have determined that the enemy is REALLY stronger. Accordingly, the first thing to do is do not counteract its power DIRECTLY. Why? Yes, because he is obviously stronger, obviously bigger. He will squeeze his hand harder, push him harder, hit him. And the energy of your blow will not even penetrate the fat layer, not to mention defeat internal organs. That is, the rule is do not confront head-on.

As Akayama Shirobei, the founder of jujutsu, said, “ A strong oak breaks under the weight of snow and dries up, and a thin willow, bending, sheds the snow and lives on.«.

The consequence of this rule is flexibility. Give in to win. The attack will not reach its target if you are not on the line of attack - you retreated. They gave in. A practiced departure from the line of attack is a guarantee that the enemy will not hit you. No matter how strong he would be.

And another consequence is not to stand still. If you stand still, you are a good target. If you are constantly moving, then even a missed enemy blow will glide and cause less damage. Mobility is the key to physical integrity.

  1. arm yourself (you are not monkeys - use weapons!) with improvised weapons;
  2. use sneaky tricks;
  3. suppress morally and psychologically.

There is such a useful quote: “ If the enemy is stronger, your actions should go beyond his understanding". Bernard Werber.

In light of this expression, previous possibilities become facets of one whole: ways to go beyond the enemy's understanding.

If the enemy is larger, stronger than you or better prepared - use tricks. Show a weakness (start limping, open the area for him to hit, move slowly) that your opponent will fall for. But you must be prepared for his actions, because he will act exactly the way you wanted. If you move quickly, show that you are moving slowly. Then, at the moment of your attack, the opponent will not have time to do anything, deceived by your previous pace. Use this and don't forget to deceive your opponent.

Well, back to basics: as they say, the worst opponent in a fight is a runner. If you are stronger, you will not catch up with him, if he is stronger, you will not run away from him. On the subject of a video on self-defense against a much stronger and larger enemy. WARNING - video contains obscene language. And if you might be offended by swearing, watch the video without sound:

Conclusion - you need to learn to run and teach those you protect to run.

And the best thing you can do when the enemy is much larger and stronger is to think and train. And have a HUGE intention to win!

Unfortunately, there are situations in life when you are in serious danger, and not only is your opponent several times superior in strength, but he is also aggressive. And the fight that begins can end not only in bruises and abrasions, but also in the death of one of its participants.

How to knock someone out with one hit?

It is at such moments that you need to defend yourself in all possible and impossible ways. When you find yourself in such a situation, the question involuntarily arises: how to knock out a person with one blow? There are several ways to unbalance a person. Let's start with the most vulnerable area of ​​a person - the eyes. By hitting your opponent diagonally from bottom to top with your palm facing you, you will not cause severe injuries, because you only need to stop the fight, but pain and injury to the eyelids and upper covers of the eyeball are guaranteed. There is even a chance that the attacker will lose consciousness and you will have time to escape.

It is very important not to miss, otherwise all your attempts will end in tragedy for you. The blows must be fast, accurate and unexpected, otherwise how else can you knock out with one blow a person who is aggressive and physically stronger than you?

Hitting the enemy's nose is very painful. Direct contact with the respiratory system leads to short-term shock. But if you hit a little higher with the base of your palm, then this shock will be much stronger and longer lasting. Don't forget the famous movie trick, hitting your head in the nose. If you are a prepared person or have experience of fighting behind you, then it will not be difficult for you to do it. This method will result in or be knocked out.

There is another wonderful technique for knocking out an enemy with one blow, you probably already guessed where - this is the groin area. It is very sensitive and is the main target because it is the most unprotected area of ​​the male body. In the beginning of a fight, you will be given a certain advantage by an accurate blow to the manhood, which can plunge a person into unconsciousness.

How to knock someone out with one hit? As you continue to look for ways, think about another part of the body where a crushing blow can cause significant injury. Of course it's the ears. This is a wonderful target for attack. Accurately and simultaneously in both ears will lead to rupture of the eardrums, as well as bleeding in the nasal cavity, ear, throat and

John Gilbey's book "Secrets of the Martial Arts of the World" talks about a Russian wrestler named Slimansky. He served in state security agencies for a long time. And he describes hitting the ear with cupped palms. The fingers are pressed tightly against each other. As a result, the enemy receives a middle ear injury and is lost in space. The blow should be delivered in such a way that the palm of the hand rests on the shell.

Even if you hit only one ear, and you fail to stun, the enemy will in any case receive a ton discomfort from a blow to the cartilage. And you will have two options for the development of events: to finish off your opponent or to quickly escape from the scene of the brawl. This option is not considered when the opponent is two meters tall.

Hit to the temple

How to knock someone out with one hit? Continuing to study the enemy’s weaknesses and memorize methods of fighting, you need to remember that the skull has different thicknesses over its entire area, in front it is 5 mm, and in the frontal part it is almost a centimeter. Only in the temporal part of the human skull the thickness is only two, or even one millimeter. As you already understood, this area is quite vulnerable to attacks.

Just do not hit with the bones of your fist, this can lead to fatal outcome your opponent, and this is very undesirable. Hit with your palm only. Although this method can also lead to the death of a person. If your palm is placed in such a way that your blow can hit the eye, then this is considered a combined blow.

Where to hit?

The head is a truly unique organ that combines many things. How to knock out a person with one blow? Let's look at another place to hit. This option is the jaw. Hitting the lower jaw requires precision, sharpness, correct trajectory and a strong fist. If you combine all this, you will knock out the enemy with one blow.

How does this happen? A blow to the jaw must be applied straight from the bottom up, this will cause the head to make a sharp jerk, and the brain, which obeys the laws of physics, will hit the skull. This leads to a temporary blackout, that is, a knockout.

Just hit him so as not to hit him in the teeth. Hitting a person's teeth can damage your hand. Such injuries are accompanied by infections, inflammation, and suppuration.


There are many more ways to withdraw human body out of order. But, if you find yourself in such a situation, it is better to resolve everything peacefully, without starting a fight.

How to fight without screwing up

Rules of combat or how to behave in a fight

Many boys imagine getting into a fight and coming out victorious, having scattered a dozen villains in all directions. In reality, the fight turns into an annoying misunderstanding, fraught with injuries and unpleasant memories. The BOC offers a set of recommendations to help you swing your fists effectively and minimize damage.

“How not to screw up” is a section in which the editors of VOS lovingly piece together the accumulated experience and draw conclusions: how not to screw up, how to find answers to difficult questions, how to get out of difficult situations, how to make your own life is easy and joyful.

If you understand that you are near the epicenter of aggression, but have not yet participated in the showdown, you need to quickly understand whether you will get involved. You can never be completely sure whether it is appropriate to intervene in a quarrel or a scene that at first glance seemed unfair to you. You just need to decide whether this is your business and not return to this issue again. Sometimes it happens that no one asked you at all, and you suddenly find yourself in the middle of a fight.

1. Try to avoid a fight until the end.

The best fight is the one that didn't take place. Diplomacy may not always help, but it never hurts to try to nullify a person’s aggression - check to see if there is still a misunderstanding between you and your opponent. If talking cannot resolve the conflict or this is a matter of honor, always start the fight first, but in such a way that it is unexpected and gives the desired result.

2. The calmer you are, the more effective you are.

Try to focus not on the adrenaline rush and excitement, but on the surrounding factors.

A couple of calm breaths through your nose (if you have time for them) will help you focus on more important things than your own fear. Remember that the tension only increases inside you, while everything around you remains the same.

3. Determine the purpose of the fight

3. Determine the purpose of the fight

There are two main types of fighting. They usually fight in order to defend someone’s honor, to vent their grievances, or to restore order and calm. Such a fight can occur if it is necessary to ground a show-off person, cool down the ardor of an aggressive person, or prevent the offender from going down. Sometimes this offender may be your own friend who needs to be calmed down. In such a situation, certain rules of polite combat should be followed.

In other cases, the goal is to neutralize the person at any cost. These are situations where there is a threat to someone's life or you are faced with unmotivated violence and decide to intervene. Then we forget about honor, rules and decency and turn to animal instincts, in the world of which there is no place for fear and remorse.

The essence of polite combat:You cannot seriously injure your opponent if the goal is to compete or calm him down.

Dastardly techniques are techniques, the correct application of which instantly leads to the neutralization of an opponent. Often, using them, you risk seriously injuring a person, so they are only allowed in extreme situations.

4. Be alert and prepared for anything

Remember: there are no general concepts about the rules and laws of combat in a street or bar fight. Each participant determines them for himself. And if you are not ready to use sneaky techniques because they seem undignified to you, then you need to understand that your opponent may be more than ready to use them.

Don't count on your opponent's integrity and fairness by default.

5. Reasonably assess your strengths and the enemy’s strengths

This will help to understand whether it will be necessary to resort to vile, but effective techniques or run away completely. There is nothing wrong with running away if your opponent’s forces are noticeably superior to yours or you are simply not ready for battle. Do not try to snatch a knife or a traumatic pistol from the attacker’s hands with a beautiful movement, just run. The exception is situations when you need to protect a friend or girlfriend, but you were unable to escape together.

6. Pay attention to details

5 Rules for Polite Fighting

If you manage to twist your opponent's hand, don't break it.

If your opponent falls in battle, you should not kick him in the face or liver.

The use of piercing or heavy objects is prohibited.

There is no need to pour boiling water in a person's face.

If a defeated enemy hits the floor with his fist and begs you to stop, then the fight is over.

Estimate the mass and height of the enemy. It depends on this whether it will be necessary to impose close combat or keep a distance. It’s difficult with lanky ones from a distance, but with strong short ones it’s more convenient to work from afar.

See if the knuckles on your opponent's fists are full: if so, then he has a punch and he may turn out to be a boxer. Broken ears, a strong hand with fingers and a pumped-up trapezoid behind the neck give away a fighter: as a rule, there is no chance against them in a fight.

7. Determine the specifics of the space

In a feast situation, if you suspect something is wrong, look for a container with liquid (ideally, if it is alcohol or a hot drink): in the event of a sharp attack, you can splash it in the attacker’s face. Have an ashtray or other heavy object that can be thrown at the attacker's head. You can make a rose out of a glass bottle, but in order to simply scare the attacker, otherwise you risk inflicting too dangerous injuries on the person, after which you will still have to take him to the hospital and sit in prison yourself. If you are engaged in a battle against several opponents, always move towards the outermost one to reduce the number of attackers at the same time. Drive them in circles.

8. In extreme situations, use fail-safe techniques

Most likely, few of those reading this have taken special training courses, but if you do not rule out an extreme situation for yourself, you need to remember the most vulnerable places of the human body.

You can resort to the methods listed below only in cases of extreme necessity and more often in the form of protection.

Neck, Adam's apple

Even the most powerful blow with the edge of the palm or the knuckles of bent fingers is enough to gain time, or even neutralize the opponent, simply not giving him the opportunity to breathe.


By confidently hitting your opponent's ears with your thick palms, you will definitely give yourself a few seconds to think about further actions while the stunned person is disoriented. You should hit both ears at the same time.


No one has yet canceled the good old kick to the balls in order to completely discourage the enemy from continuing to act. Most often this has to be done with the foot, or the knee, or with a good swing of the ankle.

The main thing is to do it unexpectedly.


Even the most fragile and light woman capable of breaking the nose of a healthy man with a well-directed blow from the bottom of his palm from bottom to top. If you are a woman, then run away immediately.


If you correctly land a strong object on it with a normal swing, it will at least crack.


Press on them and poke them with whatever you want - the eyes are almost impossible to pierce unless you have an awl or a knife in your hands. This is the only thing you can try to do against fighters whom you still let too close to you. Although if this happens, little will help you.


Back of the head

Hitting him is dangerous, but extremely effective.

Theory and practice are different things, so remember that in reality everything can go completely differently. Usually everything happens quickly and rather awkwardly. A wise and experienced fighter will always try to avoid a fight, because he understands that no one needs it. Don’t be fooled by stupid and primitive provocations: most often they incite you to act first in order to make you guilty.

Take care of yourself and those around you.

Good day to all athletes. IN lately The topic is increasingly being raised regarding how to fight against a wrestler? The relevance of the topic is due to the growth of fights in the style of mixed martial arts, where both strikers (boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai, etc.) and wrestlers (freestyle wrestling, sambo, judo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, etc.) come. . Accordingly, it will be quite difficult for a person who has never encountered a fighting technique to defend himself, especially at medium and critical distances.

In fact, a wrestler takes as much risk as a striker. Representatives of two radically different styles have some clear advantages over each other, as well as disadvantages. For example, a boxer has the best technique with his hands (strikes, various combinations, reaction speed), but at the same time he does not know what to do in the clinch and how to protect his legs from getting through. The freestyle wrestler does not have sufficient reaction, so it will be quite difficult to evade the blows of even an average boxer.

What to focus on

Let's take a closer look at how to fight against a wrestler on the street. Wrestling involves close contact with further capture (grabbing an arm, shoulder, leg, etc.), reception (passing to the legs, throwing through the hip, bending, going behind the back and bending again) and subsequent transfer to the ground.

A fighter against a boxer in a street fight strives primarily to avoid a long distance. As you know, the task of a boxer is the ability to keep a favorable distance and subsequently strike successful combinations. This is the strategy that the drummer should follow. But we must be prepared for the fact that the passage to the legs is still carried out. Often before the passage there is a distracting straight or side kick to the head.

Counterattack Basics

Defending a leg pass involves pulling your legs away from your opponent, pushing your head to the side, and placing your arm under the attacker's shoulder. When pushing up your head, you can try pressing on your eyes. Instead of pulling back the aggressor's shoulder, the free hand strikes the back of the head. It is worth noting that such strikes are prohibited in both boxing and wrestling as they are excessively traumatic. In a street fight, such a “technique” can be of great service. In order not to lose balance, the center of gravity must be shifted and to do this, bend your knees slightly. It’s better to keep your back straight, it’s harder to knock you over.

As a counterattack from passing into the legs, straight or lateral ones are ineffective for the following reasons:

  • The opponent's head is tilted, so it is quite difficult to hit the jaw;
  • The wrestler's neck is well-developed and therefore he can withstand a blow.

If you have some kicking skills, a good defense would be a knee to the head. Even if it is not accurate, its main advantage is its high stopping power.

Quite often, sambo wrestlers and judokas use lifts, sweeps and holds. To avoid this technique, it is important not to allow the hands and forearms to be grabbed, especially if you are wearing a jacket or sweater with long sleeve. Rotating the hand towards the opponent's thumb helps to break the grip. Sweeps are usually performed on the substep, at the moment when you move. Often, to do this, wrestlers can push you and throw you off balance in every possible way. The best solution will not enter critical distance and keep the attacker at jab distance.

A fight between a fighter and a boxer is often very dynamic, with each trying to impose their own rules on the other. In extreme situations, athletes mainly use established techniques. In the case when a style is used that has not been previously worked out at the proper level, the probability of defeat is high.

When asking the question “How to protect yourself from a fighter”, it is enough to remember that main mistake striker is to allow the wrestler to take the hold. Some people prefer to work in the clinch (grabs by the torso) rather than going to the legs. There are many ways to transfer to the ground. The most common are deflection, falling on the side with a rear sweep.

Work in the clinch

How can a boxer fight against a wrestler in the clinch? The goal here is to break the clinch as quickly as possible. At the beginning, it is important to stretch your body and move your legs as far away as possible, so you will block the possibility of passing into the legs and cutting. The back and legs play an important role in this position. The opponent often tries to “turn off” the back by force and thereby throw it off balance. Against strong back and strong legs, this is extremely difficult to do. You can try to tuck the shoulders from below while simultaneously diving under them. This is possible when your hands are more or less free. If you have minimal skills, you can strike your opponent with your knees to the body, stomach, and head strikes to the opponent’s face. The painful shock experienced by the aggressor can disorient.

What to work with additionally

Considering the peculiarities of a boxing match, it is not difficult to guess that the boxer’s zone of attention is concentrated on the opponent’s torso, and its lower part is usually outside the control zone. Also, very often the left, leading leg of the striker is pulled far forward. This is a very advantageous position for the freestyle wrestler, from which he can easily pick up his heel and make a sweep.

To the question of how a drummer can fight against a wrestler correctly, I would like to talk not only about theoretical training. It would be right to visit the wrestling room and practice counterattacks. Participation in fights according to the rules of wrestling makes it possible to experience the features of this style, in which static muscles are involved, the features of the stance force you to adjust your breathing, and the loads can be very exhausting.

The main advantages of boxing

Still, when protecting the striker from the fighter, remember the advantages that boxing develops:

  • High response;
  • Sustainable volitional resources;
  • Great speed and force of blows;
  • Endurance;
  • Physical training;
  • Resistant to opponent's attacks;
  • Worked combinations;
  • The feeling of distance and the ability to control it.