When will the pension increase? Raising the retirement age

In the current demographic, economic and institutional conditions, provide pensioners with decent size pensions are impossible, Liliya Ovcharova, director of social research at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, told RBC. According to her, the increase retirement age in other countries it was accompanied by changes in the health care system, as well as the implementation of programs to support the employment of older people. “If these measures are not taken, then, of course, there are significant risks associated with the fact that, firstly, unemployment among older people will increase. Secondly, the proportion of people who apply for a pension not for old age, but for disability, may increase quite avalanche-like,” Ovcharova warned.

“63/65” is not the only option that was discussed when deciding on the new retirement age. According to RBC sources, the government also considered other parameters, in particular increasing the retirement age to 65 years for men and 60 for women, as well as to 62 and 60 years, respectively. The “65/63” parameters chosen by the government are an “extreme” scenario and a “proposal for bargaining,” says Alexander Safonov, vice-rector of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations. First Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, at a briefing following the government meeting, refused to consider the adopted option “the most stringent.” The fact is that the government is raising the retirement age in stages, he explained.

For old times' sake

The government did not equalize the retirement age for men and women, although women in Russia, according to statistics, live longer than men (life expectancy is 77 years versus 66.5 years, according to Rosstat (.pdf) for 2017). There are no demographic or economic reasons for maintaining the difference in retirement age for men and women, Ovcharova believes. “But it is an ingrained social norm that women have some kind of social bonus for caring for children and the elderly,” the economist said. “Given that women live longer, the retirement age of both men and women should be the same from an economic point of view,” says Ovcharova.

Who can retire and when?

When raising the retirement age, a 10- and 16-year transition period is provided. The increase itself will occur at a pace of “plus one year every year,” follows from the statement of Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova. The increase will affect men born in 1959 and younger and women born in 1964 and younger. For example, men born in 1959 and women born in 1964 will receive the right to retire in 2020 - at the ages of 61 and 56 years (if current rules they would have retired in 2019). Men born in 1960 and women born in 1965 will be able to retire in 2022, at ages 62 and 57, respectively.

Overall, the transition period will last until 2028 for men and until 2034 for women (see infographic). From now on, all men and women who do not belong to preferential categories will retire at the age of 65 and 63, regardless of the year of birth.

Retirement age and for some categories who have the right to retire early. For example, citizens working in the Far North and equivalent areas will be able to retire at 60 and 58 years of age (for men and women, respectively). Now their retirement age is 55 and 50 years. 2.9 million people receive pensions on this basis, it was noted in materials for deputies and senators. The transition period for them will be the same as for retirement on a general basis.

Exit age early retirement(for the same five and eight years) also for teaching, medical and creative workers. Social old-age pension, which citizens who do not have the required work experience receive, also - from 65/60 years for men and women to 70/68 years. And people with extensive work experience—40 years for women and 45 years for men—will be able to retire two years earlier (this opportunity still exists).

The current amendments do not provide for changes to the length of service required by the military upon retirement (currently 20 years), but the Ministry of Finance, according to Siluanov, believes that it “should also be adjusted.” “We have similar studies with the Ministry of Defense, this will be one of the elements of our proposals,” said the First Deputy Prime Minister.

Who will not be affected by raising the retirement age?

The government has identified categories of citizens who will be able to retire on the same conditions as now, Medvedev said. Among them are those working in harmful and dangerous industries; women who have five or more children; visually impaired people of the first group and war trauma; one of the parents or guardians of people with disabilities since childhood; citizens injured in the Chernobyl accident.

How does this relate to life expectancy?

Since the approval of the current boundaries of the retirement age (some of them were adopted in the 1930s, and the basic rules were approved in the 1950s-1960s), “life expectancy has increased by more than 30 years, in addition, both living conditions and working conditions,” Medvedev said. Now this figure is almost 73 years, and by 2030, according to President Vladimir Putin, it should reach 80 years.

But at the current retirement age for men (60 years), the probability of 20-year-old men surviving to retirement age is 68%, RANEPA economists Yuri Gorlin, Viktor Lyashok and Tatyana Maleva. With the retirement age increasing to 63 years, the probability of living to this age and living a long retirement for Russian men becomes one of the lowest among developed countries (below the level of Ukraine, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Belarus), they emphasized.

Dmitry Medvedev and Anton Siluanov (Photo: Mikhail Japaridze / TASS)

The authorities “dramatically changed the situation in terms of life expectancy since 2000, the situation has changed even more dynamically since 2007, when various national projects in the field of healthcare and demography were adopted,” Labor Minister Maxim Topilin said on Thursday.

Not the last stage

The pension age bill has yet to pass through parliament and the presidential administration. The document will be submitted to the State Duma “in the very near future” so that deputies can consider it in the first reading before the end of the spring session, Medvedev said (thus, the main discussion of the reform will take place in the fall). Vladimir Putin, who must put the final signature on the bill, has not previously spoken out clearly about raising the retirement age.

“As for the retirement age, you know my position; I have always treated and treat this today with the utmost caution and accuracy. What would you like to pay attention to? One of the key tasks that I have formulated for the government is to increase the incomes of pensioners, and significantly increase their incomes,” he said during the annual direct line in June.

What will citizens and the state get?

After increasing the retirement age, pensions for current pensioners will increase by 1 thousand rubles. per year, Medvedev said. Now insurance pensions are indexed to last year’s inflation level - so, in 2018, the average pension will increase by 481 rubles; in the past two years it also grew by 400-500 rubles. The growth of pensions above inflation is prescribed in Putin’s May decree. Thanks to the change in the retirement age, pensions will be indexed not only on February 1 according to inflation, as before, but then on April 1 (due to additional income), Tatyana Golikova said. But the government does not yet plan to return the indexation of pensions for working pensioners, which was suspended in 2016. Golikova told reporters on Thursday that there is no such measure in the current package of amendments.

“The decision to raise the retirement age is one of the steps to increase the resources of the Pension Fund, which will certainly be used to increase pensions for pensioners,” Siluanov said, without specifying specific figures on the economic effect.

The financial effect of increasing the retirement age will increase from year to year and will exceed 1% of GDP by the early 2030s, Vladimir Nazarov, director of the Research Financial Institute of the Ministry of Finance, told RBC. “In the first year [of raising the retirement age], it will be about 150 billion rubles, then the figure will increase and reach over 1% by the beginning of the 2030s,” Nazarov said. According to him, part of the funds will most likely be used to increase pensions. “At current prices, this will be approximately an increase of 1 thousand rubles. By the beginning of 2030, we will be able to at current prices (that is, adjusted for inflation. - RBC) bring the pension to 20 thousand rubles,” the economist noted. If the retirement age increases, GDP may grow by an additional 0.5 percentage points. per year from 2019 to 2028, Kuzmin calculated.

Raising the retirement age could reduce the Pension Fund deficit by “several hundred billion rubles, but will create social and macroeconomic problems,” believes Sergei Suverov, director of the analytical department of BKS Savings Management Company. “In particular, there may be pressure on wages, and consumer demand is also likely to decline,” he said.

Will there be unemployment?

The economic effect of raising the retirement age in the proposed scenario does not justify the social risks, Safonov believes. The authorities will be faced with the need additional expenses to bring the income of unemployed citizens to the subsistence level, he emphasized. “At the same time, a decision was made to increase VAT (it was increased from 18 to 20%). — RBC), which will affect the income of the population. The real incomes of citizens will fall, and accordingly this will worsen the employment situation,” the expert said. According to him, the likelihood of unemployment rising is “very high.”

“Considering that we are now in unique demographic conditions, when a very small generation of the 1990s is entering the labor market, and a huge generation of post-war baby boomers are leaving the labor market, then purely statistically there can be no increase in unemployment,” argues Nazarov . Moreover, it will decline, “because raising the retirement age, even at the stated pace, closes the deficit [ labor force] only half,” said Nazarov.

Siluanov assured on Thursday that the government is not abandoning “building an insurance pension system”, and also creates “voluntary pension insurance systems”. He recalled the concept - a system developed by the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank and providing for the automatic subscription of citizens to pension contributions, which will increase from 1 to 6% of salary over five years.

On October 3, 2018, the law on retirement age in Russia No. 350-FZ was signed by the President and officially published on the state legal information portal. A week earlier, it was adopted by State Duma deputies in the third and final reading, taking into account numerous amendments (the main ones were proposed by the President and aimed at mitigating the consequences of the pension reform). The law came into force on January 1, 2019.

The implementation of the reform began on January 1, 2019. Moreover, all changes are made in stages - with a gradual increase in the “working age” by 1 year annually, except for the first two years of the reform, when preferential retirement will be provided (six months earlier). Thus, the new retirement age standards will be finalized in 2023 for men and women.

Pension reform in 2019

The Law contains a whole range of changes to Russian pension legislation relating to the following types of pensions:

As part of the pension reform, adjustments are also being made in relation to early pensions:

For all these types of pensions, the age requirements for the right to receive them are being revised in one form or another. The adjustment began on January 1, 2019 and will occur through a gradual increase in age to the standards provided for by the new law. Let us consider in more detail each of the proposed changes (by types of pensions and categories of their recipients).

Consideration of the bill

The main change that was proposed by this bill in its original version was the increase in the retirement age from 2019 to 63 for women and 65 for men. However, these parameters of the law were adjusted by presidential amendments. The President proposed the following main measures to mitigate the pension reform:

  • lowering the upper limit of the retirement age for women from 63 to 60 years (i.e., the increase will be not by 8, but by 5 years);
  • the opportunity to retire 6 months earlier than the statutory period during the first two years (i.e. for those who, according to the old law, were supposed to retire in 2019 and 2020);
  • easing the conditions for early retirement two years earlier than provided for by the new retirement age - this can be done if available;
  • the possibility of preferential registration of pensions for those who raised not only 5 children, but also 3-4 (for three children - retirement 3 years ahead of schedule, for four - 4 years).

Increasing the retirement age for receiving an old-age insurance pension

The new pension law provides for a gradual increase in the age at which it will be assigned (which since 2015 is now called “insurance”). Taking into account the proposed adjustments by President V. Putin, it is envisaged that the age will be fixed at 60 and 65 years for women and men (i.e., the increase will be the same and will be 5 years).

Changes will be made by increasing the value of the retirement age: annually by 1 year during the transition period, but with some adjustments:

  • in the period from 2019 to 2020 it will be possible to leave six months ahead of schedule;
  • from 2021 until the end of the transition period (i.e. until 2023), the age value will increase by 1 year.

You can determine in which year a citizen will be able to apply for an old-age pension based on the data in the table.

Table - Retirement age in Russia since 2019 (the law taking into account the adopted amendments proposed by V. Putin)

2019 60 + 0,5 55 + 0,5 2019 and 2020
2020 60 + 1,5 55 + 1,5 2021 and 2022
2021 60 + 3 55 + 3 2024
2022 60 + 4 55 + 4 2026
2023 60 + 5 55 + 5 2028

It should be noted that these changes will not affect those who are already retired in any way - they are aimed only at future pensioners who have not yet received an old-age pension according to the standards in force in 2018 (55 and 60 years).

Thus, the envisaged changes were the first to affect women born in 1964. and men born in 1959 - they can retire only in the second half of 2019 and the first half of 2020. Women born in 1965 and men born in 1960 will be able to retire in the second half of 2021 and the first half of 2022. Thus, only those citizens (women and men) who are under 55 and 60 years of age in 2018 will be subject to the changes.

The law provides for a small “compensatory measure” for such an unpopular decision: employees will be given the right to retire 2 years earlier than the established retirement age. This reduction is provided for women with more than 37 years of experience, subject to reaching 55 years of age, and for men with more than 42 years of experience, upon reaching 60 years of age.

Retirement in areas equated to the Far North

It is planned to raise the retirement age for similar localities for 5 years for men (up to 60 years old) and women (up to 55 years old). The transition period is the same as for old-age pensions - every year the age increases by 1 year until it reaches the new established indicators (taking into account the first two years with the provision of preferential retirement).

The authors of the bill motivate these changes by the change in life expectancy in the northern regions due to the positive impact of the implemented demographic program, as well as by the improvement of living conditions in these regions since the establishment of these benefits.

This initiative is for those who work in difficult working conditions (miners, railway workers, machinists, etc.) - the same preferential conditions will apply to them.

Preferential pensions for teachers and health workers from 2019

To retire, it was previously required to have 25 to 30 years of work experience. According to the new law, the retirement age will be increased by 5 years, however, the length of service requirements remain the same. To establish a new retirement age, a transition period is also provided, during which the retirement date is postponed annually by a year (except for the first two years, when preferential retirement is provided).

The deadlines for assigning insurance pensions for doctors and teachers under the new law are presented in the table.

This means that teachers and medical workers will be able to retire after the number of years established by the new law after purchasing the necessary preferential length of service work (or according to the new generally established standards - at 60 or 65 years). For example, if the required length of service is accumulated in 2019, then a citizen will be able to apply for an early pension no earlier than six months later (in the second half of 2019 or the first half of 2020).

For workers in creative professions (on the stage of theaters and in theatrical and entertainment organizations), early retirement was established at 50-55 years (depending on the nature of the work) with at least 15-30 years of experience. According to the bill, it is established new age early retirement for such employees if they have the required length of service - at 55-60 years old. The age increase during the transition period is also carried out by 1 year annually until the values ​​​​established by the new law are reached.

Dates for retirement under the new pension reform

A number of changes will also occur in relation to social pensions for the disabled: the conditions for assignment will be adjusted (to persons who are required to assign a regular insurance pension). Previously, such pensions were assigned 5 years later - to persons who had reached 65/60 years of age (men/women). According to the new law, such a pension can also be issued 5 years later, but already relative to the new retirement age - that is after reaching 70 and 65 years of age.
A transition period is provided for these changes until new values ​​are established. Each year, the age will increase by 1 year during the period from 2019 to 2023 for men and women (taking into account the preferential retirement proposed by the President in 2019 and 2020 - 6 months ahead of schedule). This means that the final provisions of the bill will be set for men and women from 2023.

Changes in pension legislation for civil servants in 2019

The bill, in addition to the changes already discussed above, also provides for an adjustment to the retirement age. From January 1, 2017, their retirement age increases by six months every year. The final values ​​according to the then-adopted schedule were to be set in 2026 for men (65 years) and in 2032 for women (63 years).

The new law provides for a change in the rate of increase in the retirement age for civil servants in accordance with the rate of increase in the generally established age - an annual increase of 1 year, starting January 1, 2020. Then the increase in the retirement age of civil servants will occur according to the schedule presented in the table below.

Year of retirement under the old lawRetirement age under the new lawYear of retirement under the new law
2017 60 + 0,5 55 + 0,5 2017-2018
2018 60 + 1 55 + 1 2019
2019 60 + 1,5 55 + 1,5 2020-2021
2020 60 + 2 55 + 2 2022
2021 60 + 3 55 + 3 2024
2022 60 + 4 55 + 4 2026
2023 60 + 5 55 + 5 2028
2024 55 + 6 2030
2025 55 + 7 2032
2026 and following years 55 + 8 2034

Thus, the new retirement ages for civil servants defined by the bill (65 and 63 years) will be established in 2023 for men and in 2026 for women.

Who will not be affected by raising the retirement age?

The bill clearly defines the categories of pension recipients who will be affected by the proposed changes. Therefore, the “method of exclusion” can clearly identify those who can't expect any changes regarding raising the retirement age.

Adjustments The following citizens will not be affected:

  1. Working in:
    • in whose favor contributions are paid at the appropriate rates based on the results of a special labor assessment;
    • in underground and mining operations (coal, ore mining, mine construction, etc.);
    • civil aviation pilots, in the engineering and technical staff for aircraft maintenance;
    • in expeditions, geological exploration, prospecting, prospecting and other teams;
    • on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet;
    • in the textile industry with heaviness and increased intensity (for women);
    • as part of locomotive crews and workers involved in the organization and safety of transportation on railway transport and the metro;
    • truck drivers in mines, quarries, mines;
    • in the form of imprisonment;
    • drivers of construction, road and loading and unloading equipment, tractor drivers in agriculture;
    • drivers of buses, trams, trolleybuses on regular city routes;
    • other professions included in the “small lists”.
  2. Recipients of pensions for health or social reasons:
    • women who gave birth to 5 or more children and raised them until they were 8 years old;
    • women who have given birth to 2 or more children and have the required work experience in the Far North or equivalent areas;
    • one of the parents or guardians of disabled people since childhood, who raised them until they reached the age of 8;
    • visually impaired (disability group 1), patients with pituitary dwarfism (midgets), and disproportionate dwarfs;
    • disabled due to war injury;
    • citizens permanently residing in the Far North or equivalent areas who worked as reindeer herders, fishermen, commercial hunters and others.
  3. Persons affected by radiation and man-made disasters (in particular).
  4. Citizens who have worked and are engaged in flight testing of aviation, parachute and other equipment.

Economist. Experience in management positions in the manufacturing sector. Date: September 13, 2018. Reading time 6 min.

For 1,000 rubles. will increase payments to non-working pensioners from January 2019, which exceeds the forecast inflation rate. This dynamic will continue until 2024, that is, the income level of pensioners will increase every year.

Promotion labor pensions is regulated annually by legislative acts that are signed in parallel with the adoption of the budget. The fact that the indexation scheme would change radically became known in 2018, when in the “May Decrees” No. 204 of 05/07/2018, President V.V. Putin. gave guidance for ensuring sustainable income growth for pensioners until 2024.

The government announced in June the first steps to implement the presidential decree, announcing ., which was announced by Tatyana Golikova, Deputy Prime Minister, at a meeting of the tripartite commission.

Quote : “... all the funds that will be received from raising the retirement age ... will be used to ensure the pension system and to increase the pension provision of our citizens,” - T. Golikova.

For the first time, pension reform was justified as a tool to ensure income growth for pensioners. This position was subsequently confirmed during changes in pension legislation by the Minister of Labor and social protection Maxim Topilin. The official confirmed that the corresponding changes will be made to the next federal budget and the Pension Fund budget, which will be linked to the new pension bill.

Pension indexation

For ordinary citizens, the officials’ wording did not reveal the essence of the increase. The questions remained unclear: For 1,000 rubles. will all pensioners receive an increase in their pension from January 2019? Will it be a fixed amount? How long will it take to pay the promised thousand?

In fact, the Government had in mind the annual indexation of pension insurance, which was traditionally carried out in February. But unlike recalculations that were made before, the promised increase will not be tied to the actual level of inflation. Until 2018 inclusive, payments to non-working pensioners were increased twice: in February by the planned figure and in April, based on the results of the past year, namely by the level of actual inflation.

Indexation will be carried out in a new way, regardless of inflation set at the end of 2018, since the planned increase coefficient initially exceeds it. This will allow not only to increase insurance payments at a faster pace, but also to postpone the indexation period to the beginning of the year.

Promotion deadlines

Application for an increase in payments by 1,000 rubles. per month or 12,000 rubles. per year, many pensioners were misled. Will payments in 2019 really increase monthly by 1,000 rubles, which will increase pensions by 12,000 rubles by the end of the year?

In fact, indexation will be carried out only once - at the beginning of 2019. From January 1, pensioners will receive an increase of 1,000 rubles. benefits throughout the year, which in total will give an increase of 12,000 rubles. by year. The increased level of pensions, taking into account the growth, will remain throughout 2019 until the next indexation, which will be carried out in January 2020.

The price itself is 1,000 rubles. was designated by the government as the statistical average amount. Pensions will be indexed by 7.05%, which, based on the size of the average pension, is one thousand.

That is, the average pension payment, amounting to 14.4 thousand rubles, will be increased in January 2019 to 15.4 thousand rubles. Throughout the year, the average pensioner will receive 15.4 thousand rubles. monthly (1 thousand rubles more than in 2018). Over the course of a year, his income will increase by the promised 12 thousand rubles.

Such indexations are planned to be carried out annually in January until 2024 inclusive, that is, over 6 years, payments will increase by 1,000 rubles, which will ultimately result in an increase in pensions from 14 thousand rubles. up to 20 thousand rubles.

How much will payments increase?

Amount of 1,000 rubles. was designated by the Government as a guideline. Conventionally, the increase was tied to the average pension in Russia.

Note! Before the reform, the pension increased on average by 500 rubles.

But the increase will not be carried out in the form of adding a fixed amount, but according to an indexation scheme. That is, a coefficient will be used to calculate the increase.

The promised “increase of 1,000 rubles.” – this is 7.05% of the average pension of 14,141 rubles.

This means that retirees receiving higher benefits can expect a significant increase. For example, those who receive 25,000 rubles will receive an allowance of 1,762.5 rubles, and security of 40,000 rubles. will increase, accordingly, to 42,820 rubles.

However, not everyone receives retirement pensions above the average level. Therefore, the bonus for many pensioners will not reach the promised 1,000 rubles. So, for payments of 10,000 rubles, only 705 rubles will be added. and a pension of 7,000 rubles. will increase by 493.5 rubles.

Who is scheduled to receive a 1,000 ruble increase in their pension in 2019? per month

Labor Minister Topilin called non-working pensioners the “main beneficiaries of the reform”. This means that the funds received as a result of raising the retirement age will be used to increase payments to this particular category of Russians.

The promised additional payment from January 2019 will be given exclusively to non-working pensioners who receive insurance pension payments.

Russians of retirement age who continue to work will not receive additional payment. Indexation for this category of pensioners was frozen back in 2016, and no changes are expected in the future. The only thing working pensioners can count on is by increasing their pension points. But the amount of such additional payment will not exceed 250 rubles, since the amount cannot increase by more than 3 points per year.

In order to receive increased payments taking into account all missed indexations, including the recalculation planned for the beginning of 2019, a working pensioner can quit his job and retire.

Further increase in pensions

The standard indexation scheme will completely change from 2019. If the recalculation was carried out according to the old standards, in 2019 the additional payment would amount to an average of 570 rubles.

At the end of 2018, the projected inflation rate is about 4%. Despite these indicators, payments will increase by 7%, which will significantly exceed inflation. Therefore, the increase will not only compensate for the depreciation of the pension, but will also ensure an increase in real income.

The Russian government plans to increase the retirement age in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This reform will take place as part of a general fundamental change in the pension system and will most likely begin in 2019. How will the retirement procedure for police officers change, will their situation worsen significantly, and why does the government want to make such unpopular changes?

Discussions that the government plans to increase the retirement age for police and military personnel have been going on for at least 5 years. But only now they have every chance to move from the category of discussions to the category of innovations. The project to increase the retirement age in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation provides for the postponement of the retirement period for all police officers by 5 years. However, the promise of indexation of all payments in 2019 may be good news for police officers (ordinary citizens have not seen indexation for many years).

Recent news also reports that another innovation may be the merger of two departments - the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Penitentiary Service. The authorities have long been looking for ways to optimize security forces and such a union could be one of the solutions. On the other hand, there is no ready-made project for such a reform yet and it is too early to characterize it in any way.

Good news for police officers could be the promise of indexation of all payments in 2019

Why reform the retirement age of police officers now?

Before you understand what changes await police officers, you need to understand why they want to increase the retirement age for police officers, like all other citizens. There are several reasons why the government is preparing a law to increase the retirement age in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Pension reform for law enforcement agencies will help save the country's budget

The main basis for pension reform is the desire to spend the budget more economically. It's no secret that police officers have good salaries (moreover, regularly indexed and growing), a strong social support in the form of monetary and non-material benefits, as well as many other bonuses.

All this costs money - and the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not have an infinite amount of it. Already, a huge part of the department’s budget, totaling 400 billion rubles, is spent on salaries and pensions for former police officers. At the same time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs needs to update its material base, introduce innovations and constantly improve the qualifications of existing police officers. So cost savings will soon become a reality for most law enforcement agencies.

How are police pensions determined?

The main problem with money is that police officers, unlike most other employees of private and public organizations, do not make contributions to the pension fund during their service. Their pension benefit based on the results of their service is paid from the budget of the department under which they were employed.

If the procedure for assigning pensions to security forces is not reformed, in the near future the Internal Affairs Department may become completely unable to fulfill its financial obligations to current and former police officers.

Are there other reasons for the pension reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

The common basis of all pension reforms - basic ones, for the military and police, for teachers and doctors - is the desire to save budgets (pension fund and state) in conditions of a long-term crisis. Therefore, all other reasons for the reform are secondary.

In any case, among the indirect reasons for increasing the requirements for the professional experience of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are:

  • eliminating the large gap between the age of former police officers and ordinary pensioners (can reach 20-25 years);
  • the desire to retain professional and experienced specialists among our employees;
  • increased life expectancy makes 45-50-year-old citizens vigorous and young, they are able to continue full-time work in organs.

The common basis of all pension reforms is the desire to save budgets in conditions of a long-term crisis.

The main content of the pension reform for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Since socialist times, our country has developed an order in which police officers have the right to so-called “preferential” retirement - after accumulating 20 years of professional experience. This way of life is largely explained by dangerous working conditions, irregular work schedules and increased physical fitness requirements.

Most police officers now retire at age 45.- 15 years earlier than their peers working in other industries. But if the amendments to pension law will come into force in January 2019, the gap between the retirement age of police officers and other citizens will increase to 20 years. This is very long term and police reform will aim to reduce it.

The main essence of the transformation is to increase the length of service required to accrue a police pension: from 20 to 25 years. In this case, the gap with ordinary citizens will remain at the level of 15 years, the budget of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will receive funds through savings, and many professionals will remain in the bodies. However, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should not expect changes in 2018: the bill has not yet been developed and has not entered into legal force.

How many former “siloviki” are there in Russia?

Expert estimates regarding the number of all citizens applying for early retirement after serving in law enforcement agencies range from 1 to 3 million people. This includes former police officers, military personnel, employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, FSB and FSO. In any case, this is a large number, especially considering that during work, such people do not do anything pension savings in public funds.

The pension of most of them is higher than that of other citizens and rarely falls below 17 thousand rubles. All pension payments to former security forces are made by the country's budget. Therefore, the load on him is really very high and is growing year by year. For example, in 2018, about 685 billion rubles will be spent on these purposes - approximately the same amount they plan to save per year after the general increase in the retirement age in 2019.

Like most Russian citizens, police officers are not ready for reform and have a very negative attitude towards raising the retirement age.

Options for transformation: what could be the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Since the bill on raising the retirement age for police officers has not yet been approved or even fully developed, there are a number of options for reforms, including:

  • raising the minimum retirement age from 45 to 50 years;
  • increasing the required professional experience from 20 to 25 years, and in the future - up to 30 years.

Russian pensioners turned to the Pension Fund for clarification on what date their pensions would be paid in February 2019, because this month there will be a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day, and most likely post and bank branches will be closed. Representatives of the Fund reassured citizens that the payment will be timely.

Russians can find the exact payment schedule for the February pension on the Pension Fund website. In general it is the same as in previous years.

Pensions will be paid to citizens on time next month. The holiday on February 23rd falls on Saturday, so there are no shifts in the schedule. Payments will be provided on the dates when pensioners usually receive them. If the date falls on a weekend, the pension will be paid on Friday.

Receiving a pension through Russian Post: the pension payment period is from the 1st to the 24th. Banks and post offices will not be open on February 23, and pensioners who should receive payments on the 23rd and 24th will receive them on the 22nd.

Receiving a pension through Sberbank: by order of the Ministry of Labor No. 885-dated November 17, 2014, funds are transferred according to the approved schedule, starting from the 3rd. If the payment deadline falls on a holiday or non-working day, the schedule is shifted “backwards”, but no more than 3 days. The first to receive pensions are war veterans, survivors and disabled people.

In February 2019, pension payments will take place as usual according to the working schedule of post offices and banks.

How many indexations are planned for 2019

Back in the summer of 2018, some officials pointed to double indexation of pensions in 2019. And therefore, many are interested in what month of 2019 pensions will be increased for the second time. To answer this question, let’s break down all the pension increases planned by the authorities.
January 2019 – old-age/end-of-service insurance pensions for non-working pensioners.
February 2019 – increase in social support from the Pension Fund of Russia, that is, indexation of the daily wage, funeral benefits, NSO.
April 2019 – social pensions.
August 2019 – recalculation (correction) of pensions of the working category of pensioners.

As can be seen from the list, there is no talk of double indexing. Let's look at each indexing option in a little more detail.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners

As in previous years, due to the difficult economic situation in the country, indexation for working pension recipients is not planned in 2019. But this became known in the fall of 2018, but at the same time a rumor appeared that, in principle, there would be no increase.

Moscow working pensioner Fedor Zh. turned to a lawyer for help: his pension was not indexed. The man explained that he fears that indexation will not affect him even if he quits his job. The lawyer explained that his pension would be raised 3 months after his dismissal, and all missed indexations would be taken into account.

Of course, many working pensioners fear that when the pensions of non-working pensioners are increased in 2019, they will simply be “forgotten” and they will not have to wait for an increase when they finally retire. But this is not so, and all due amounts will be paid to them 3 months after dismissal, and for the 3 “missed” months too.

February 2019

The February increase in pensions will not affect all pensioners, but only those who receive EDV and NSU, and the payments themselves do not relate to the amount of pension benefits. Recipients of one-time cash payments include veterans, disabled people, Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

The indexation coefficient is only 1.034, so for disabled people of group I, the increase will be only 123.32 rubles. Some other categories will not have to count on this amount either. For example, disabled people of group III will be “pleased” with only 70.49 rubles.

April 2019

The April increase applies only to recipients of social pensions and pensions, which are based on the basic rate of social pension. Of course, at the end of 2018 there were rumors that there would be no increase. And, alas, it really won’t happen. However, indexation will still take place, so the question of whether pensions will be increased in 2019 for “social workers” can still be answered positively.

Another conversation about the increase factor. It will be only 2.4%, which is lower compared to 2018 (2.9%), but higher than in 2017 (1.5%). From April 2019 the base rate social pension will increase to the amount of 5,304.57 rubles. However, taking into account the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other legal acts, a pensioner cannot receive a monthly allowance that is less than the subsistence level of a pensioner, which is set at the federal level at 8,846 rubles.

August 2019

The August adjustment applies exclusively to working pensioners and does not affect the rights of non-working pension recipients. This is not a classic increase or even indexation. The maintenance amount is adjusted taking into account:

the cost of pension points, which in 2019 are regarded as 1 point = 87.24 rubles;
number of pension points earned per year, but not more than 3.

Consequently, the maximum possible increase in pension benefits will be only 261.72 rubles. to the pension received.

Are you wondering what pensions will be increased in 2019 and by how much? Ask a question to a site lawyer for free by phone or online.

Pension increase from February 1, 2019

The pension increase from February 1, 2019 due to annual indexation was postponed a month earlier. So, some Russian pensioners received an increase of 7.05% already in December, the rest received it in January 2019. In February, it is planned to increase social payments to pensioners, including federal beneficiaries, in the amount of 3.1%.

For whom the pension increase is provided from February 1, 2019 and in what amount: latest news

Monthly cash payments are indexed every year and are paid from both the federal departmental budget and the regional one. From February 1, 2019, the draft Government Resolution provides for an increase in the indexation coefficient of 1.034%. However, the document has not yet been adopted, so changes are possible taking into account the level of inflation in 2018, in which case the increase will be 3.1%

Indexation from February 1, 2019: who will be affected by these payments and what is their size?

However, indexation from February 1, 2019 will affect certain social payments– monthly cash payments (MCP) will be increased. As in previous years, the indexation of the EDV in 2019 will take place on February 1. The monthly cash payment will be increased by the inflation rate of the previous year (2018).

On January 16, 2019, the Government of the Russian Federation announced that all federal monthly cash payments will be indexed from February 1, 2019 by 4.3%. This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova.

“From February 1, all federal monthly cash payments will be indexed to the actual inflation rate for 2018, which is 4.3%. Rosstat has already published the data. An additional 25 billion rubles will be spent on this. More than 15 million of our citizens will receive increased financial support,” Golikova said.

The federal ones, in particular, include the monthly cash payment established by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:

veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military operations;
disabled people, including disabled children;
former minor prisoners of fascism, as well as persons affected by radiation

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, a draft resolution on the indexation of payments was submitted to the government the day before.

“In the near future it will be submitted to Dmitry Anatolyevich (Medvedev, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation) for signature,” said the deputy chairman of the government.

T. Golikova also reported that “in 2019, it will be ensured that the achieved level of salaries of doctors, teachers, secondary medical workers and social workers."

“For this purpose, all wage funds for federal and regional public sector employees have been increased by the growth rate of wages, which are provided for in the socio-economic development forecast for 2019-2021,” said the Deputy Prime Minister.

Payment of pensions for February 2019 will be timely or early

You can view the pension payment schedule in 2019 in your region on the website Pension Fund. It has already been published and is almost no different from the charts of previous years.

When will the pension for February 2019 be paid?

The schedule for issuing pensions in February 2019 will be normal, since the holiday on February 23 falls on a Saturday. All pensioners will receive their money on the appointed day and there is no reason to worry.

Payment of pensions in February through Russian Post

In the whole country, pensions begin to be issued on the 1st of the month, and usually end by the 23rd-24th.
Since there is only one holiday in February 2019 - February 23rd, the Russian Post and banks do not work on this day.
Therefore, the pensions of those late pensioners who were supposed to receive their pension on February 23-24 will receive it earlier, on February 22 at the latest.

Payment of pensions in February through Sberbank

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, transfer cash According to social obligations of the state, it must be carried out according to schedule. (Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 885 dated November 17, 2014). The billing period begins on the 3rd day of each month.

If the established deadlines fall on holidays and non-working days, the schedule is shifted to an earlier period, but no more than 3 days before the standard calculation time. Payments for days falling on weekends will be made on Fridays. First of all, according to the schedule, pensions are given to disabled people, war veterans, military pensioners, as well as pensions for the loss of a breadwinner.
Typically, adjustments to the pension payment schedule are made in connection with additional holidays or non-working days. There will be no such additional days in February. This means that pensions will be paid according to the schedule, from the 3rd to the 24th.

When will the pension for February 2019 be given?

According to the production calendar, in February 2019 there are no additional days off due to holidays. This means that pension delivery will be carried out as usual, according to the schedule of post offices and the Savings Bank. The first of February this year falls on a Friday, which means postmen can begin delivering pensions even earlier than usual. The issuance of pensions will be completed by February 23. There are no additional holidays in February, so all pensioners will receive their pensions strictly on schedule.

Date of payment of pensions for February 2019?

Nothing unusual should happen in the pension payment schedule in February 2019, since the holiday of February 23 falls on a Saturday.

All pensioners will receive their money on the appointed day and there is no reason to worry.
If, for example, the day the pension is issued falls on a Saturday or Sunday in February 2019, then the pension will be issued earlier - on Friday.
This is a generally accepted rule for all payments - they are not delayed due to weekends or holidays, but are issued a day or two earlier.

a delay can only occur due to the bank if the citizen’s pension is deposited into a bank account. But even there the delays are minimal since the pension is one of the primary payments.