Second cardiology department. Second Cardiology Department Specialized care for patients with complications

Moscow doctors deliver births not only to healthy mothers, but also to patients with diseases of the heart, endocrine system, kidneys, blood, respiratory system, mental illness, infections and Rhesus conflict. In multidisciplinary hospitals, expectant mothers immediately receive help not only from obstetricians, but also from cardiologists, hematologists, endocrinologists and other specialists (depending on the disease). As a rule, maternity hospitals have a specialization, that is, they accept patients with a certain type of pathology. Some obstetric hospitals have several profiles.

Specialized care for patients with complications

Diabetes mellitus

Two maternity hospitals in the capital provide pregnancy services and deliver births to Muscovites. You can come here even before planning a pregnancy, since in case of uncompensated diabetes mellitus the incidence of fetal malformations increases. Correct correction of blood sugar in a pregnant woman helps prevent the development of complications for the mother and fetus. In these maternity hospitals, a child can be observed after birth.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system and vascular pathologies

Help for women with heart and vascular diseases, including those, is provided by two obstetric hospitals.

Within one medical facility expectant mother can undergo diagnostics, receive consultation from obstetricians and cardiologists, and subsequently give birth.

Now a perinatal center is being built in the capital. There it will be possible to receive qualified assistance from the moment of pregnancy planning to childbirth, as well as in the postpartum period, not only for women with cardiovascular pathology, but also for children under three years of age. According to statistics, 12-14 children out of a thousand newborns have congenital heart disease. If it's high quality medical care If provided on time, this and other heart problems can be eliminated in 97 percent of cases.

Premature birth, infectious and other diseases

Patients with blood diseases are referred to two obstetric hospitals. Here you can get qualified help from a hematologist and conduct all the necessary examinations.

The Center for Family Planning and Reproduction treats children in utero. If there are indications, blood is transfused to the unborn child, and fluid is removed from the abdominal or chest cavity. If one fetus steals from the other in identical twins, doctors divide the placenta.

There is a hospital that accepts patients with pathologies of the urinary system. Childbirth is now possible for women who are on renal replacement therapy.

Eight obstetric hospitals specialize in premature birth. But today, all maternity hospitals in the capital have intensive care beds for newborns, and doctors can care for babies with low and extremely low body weight.

A separate complex accepts pregnant women with tuberculosis. For two more profiles - infectious diseases. Among them are hepatitis, syphilis, HIV. As a rule, such women in labor are kept in isolated boxes.

Construction of new maternity hospitals

Today in Moscow there are 27 obstetric hospitals (two of them are now closed for major renovations), which are part of large multidisciplinary hospitals. Another one will open in the coming months. Just last year, six maternity hospitals in the capital were equipped with the most modern equipment: resuscitation systems, incubators for newborns, ultrasound machines, incubators. We also supply artificial lung ventilation and anesthesia-respiratory devices, X-ray equipment, and devices for monitoring the condition of mother and child. Thanks largely to this, infant mortality in Moscow decreased by 28.6 percent, maternal mortality by 32.6 percent. Last year, the capital set a new birth rate record: more than 142 thousand children were born.

The conditions of stay for patients in maternity hospitals are also improving - they are becoming more comfortable. There are even private rooms where future dads are present at births. You can give birth with your personal doctor if you sign a contract for childbirth.

After renovation in many maternity hospitals conditions are improving: wards with four to six beds disappear, instead they are equipped with one-, two-, three-bed, and family wards. A woman can stay in the room with her baby without being separated from him, and sometimes from her husband. If the patient is in the ward intensive care, for example after caesarean section, the child is looked after by the children's sister. Specialists from children's clinics at some maternity hospitals monitor babies at home for up to a year.

In obstetric hospitals, mothers and children are given clothes, as they need to be changed several times a day. But most women prefer to wear their own robe, shirt, slippers, and dress up the child in beautiful overalls and caps. This is allowed in many maternity hospitals. And for childbirth, it is best to wear hospital clothes.

Schools for mothers have been opened at maternity hospitals and outpatient centers. Pregnant women are told how to behave during childbirth, how to care for the baby and communicate with him. Particular attention is paid breastfeeding. Expectant mothers will learn why this is so important and how to feed their baby correctly.

Within a month after the baby is born, you need to obtain a birth certificate. But the registry office also registers children who are already one year old or older. Births can be registered at 50 public service centers. More information about how to get this can be found in the “City Councilor” section on the website portal.

I gave birth in November 2013. I went to the maternity hospital according to indications, although, having agreed with the doctor, you can get there without a referral (in principle, I didn’t have a referral either, I didn’t have time to get one at the clinic). When it came to choosing a maternity hospital, to be honest, I was even glad that according to the indications I would end up in the cardio center, since otherwise I would have had to go to the Semashko hospital, where I really didn’t want to go. To be on the safe side, I still preferred to agree in advance with a cardiologist, whom my gynecologist recommended to me, called him, but again did not have time to meet in person, because labor began at 3 weeks ahead of schedule. When I went to the maternity hospital, I called the doctor, but it turned out that it was not his shift that day. He ended up transferring me to another doctor.

I would rate the work of the doctors at 5: my birth went well, the stitching was good. Everything healed even without taking the antibiotics that were prescribed to me (I didn’t take them because I was afraid that they would be passed on to the baby through the milk). Everyone from our ward was discharged on the 5th or 6th day, because there were no complications.

But the very conditions of stay in this maternity hospital are only worth a C grade. I'll start with the positives.

1) The room is four-bed, there is a bedside table next to each bed, plus a large common closet. The windows are plastic. There was a refrigerator in the room!

Hmm. That's all the advantages. And now the cons:

1) Immediately after giving birth, they put me not in the ward, but in the corridor. Besides me, there were 5-6 other people lying in the corridor. This is due to lack of space.

2) Many procedures coincided in time: for example, you lie under the system, and at the same time they call you to process the sutures. Or the child needs to be taken to the children's department.

3) When the system was installed, it was often necessary to ask the neighbors in the ward to run for the nurse so that she would turn off the system. Otherwise, you could have wasted an extra half hour with an empty system.

4) In the canteen they served a lot of forbidden foods such as stewed cabbage, apple juice and fish. Once, after having stewed cabbage for dinner, half the department’s children cried all night.

5) There was no BCG-M vaccine in the maternity hospital! My daughter was born with a low birth weight, so she needed this vaccine, and not just BCG. As a result, they forced me to sign a refusal to get vaccinated, saying, well, if you want, we’ll give you BCG. Naturally, I refused. As a result, I waited 4 months for this vaccine to be available at the clinic.

6) Visitors are allowed into the maternity hospital! I myself saw how a husband and his eldest son came to a woman from a paid ward. They were also allowed into the children's department, where there should be sterile cleanliness!

7) Well, discharge from the maternity hospital is a separate story. The 5th day of my stay there was on Sunday. In the morning I asked the doctor whether I would be discharged today or not. It was necessary to warn my husband in advance, because we live far from the cardio center. They told me not to call home yet, nothing is clear yet. Fully confident that we would be discharged on Monday, I didn’t call home. Finally, at half past one, my stitches were removed and they told me I could go home. And check-out is from 14 to 17. I called home, and there the cleaning was in full swing. In general, my relatives came to pick me up only at 6 pm, and they drove home in the dark. Moreover, upon discharge I was not given a certificate for the registry office, which I found out about 10 days later, when they called from the maternity hospital with indignation, why am I not picking up this certificate. When I asked why they didn’t give it back right away, they told me: well, it was Sunday! My husband had to go there for help. When he arrived there, they also told him why I didn’t come myself!

The general conclusions are as follows: if comfort is important to you during your stay in the maternity hospital, then cardio is not suitable for this. But if you need professional doctors, and the rest is not important, then I would recommend this maternity hospital.

    Andreeva Nina Alexandrovna

    I would like to thank the medical staff of the hospital: the head of the department (B.V. Kuznetsova), the attending physician (K.G. Tkachenko), and the resident (A.A. Kuzmina).
    On November 2, 2019, my mother, Zoya Prokofyevna Frolova (born 1930), was admitted to the cardiology intensive care unit by ambulance. Then she was transferred to the ward. Many thanks to the doctors for the prompt treatment, attention and care.
    Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Health to you and your loved ones!

    I sincerely express my gratitude to the doctor of the 2nd cardiology department of hospital number 29, Yulia Vladimirovna Artamonova, for her professionalism, warmth and conscientious performance of her duties. With all my heart I wish you good health and success in your necessary and difficult work
    Sincerely, your patient, Vladimir Timofeevich Mikhailov.

    Oleg Vadimovich

    Many thanks to Dr. Nikita Yurievich Zheltov, an endovascular surgeon, for his professionalism! During coronary angiography and stent placement, he explained all his actions, there was full contact during the operation, there was no pain. The team of doctors and nurses under his leadership acted clearly and harmoniously. The attitude was friendly. A day after the operation, he personally went into the room and checked my condition, recorded the operation performed (medical procedures) on disk, gave recommendations.
    Sincerely, Oleg Vadimovich T.

    I express my deep gratitude to nurse Elena Ivanovna Alexandrova for her kind and sensitive attitude towards patients.

    Mityaeva Galina Mikhailovna

    I express my deep gratitude to the cardiologist of the city hospital No. 29 named after N.E. Bauman Grezina Elena Valerievna, for her professionalism, for her warm, sensitive, sincere attitude towards patients.
    Very attentive, responsive, kind, always ready to help in difficult times
    Sincerely, Mityaeva G.M.

    Ulyanova Irina Viktorovna

    I, Ulyanova Irina Viktorovna, express my deep gratitude to the cardiologist of the city hospital No. 29 of Moscow Kadyraliev Zholdoshbek Kaiypbekovich. In our difficult times it is very difficult to find a good doctor, but I am probably very lucky!!! I sincerely thank you for your high professionalism and humane attitude towards patients. In addition to all this, you can immediately feel the love for your work and the desire to help every patient. This was the first time I saw quality service in a hospital. May God grant you and your family Zholdoshbek Kayypbekovich good health.

    Galina Arkadyevna

    HUGE thanks to the staff of the Second Cardiology Department for the high quality of medical services and creating optimal conditions for patients!!!

    KUZNETSOV Boris Vladimirovich, head of department.

    KADYRALIEV Zholdoshbek Kayypbekovich, attending physician.

    All medical staff of the department.

    Special thanks to the endovascular surgeon Nikita Yuryevich ZHELTOV for his professionalism and golden hands.