Lessons on drawing funny palms. Preventive work of a psychologist at school

Theoretical information

Psychology is an amazing science. At the same time, it is both young and one of the most ancient sciences. Already the philosophers of antiquity reflected on problems that are also relevant for modern psychology. Questions of the relationship between soul and body, perception, memory and thinking; questions of training and education, emotions and motivation of human behavior and many others have been raised by scientists since the emergence of the first philosophical schools of Ancient Greece in the 6-7 centuries BC. But the ancient thinkers were not psychologists in the modern sense. The symbolic date of birth of the science of psychology is considered to be 1879, the year of the opening of the first experimental psychological laboratory by Wilhelm Wundt in Germany, in the city of Leipzig. Until this time, psychology remained a speculative science. And only W. Wundt took it upon himself to combine psychology and experiment. For W. Wundt, psychology was the science of consciousness. In 1881, on the basis of the laboratory, the Institute of Experimental Psychology was opened (which still exists today), which became not only a scientific center, but also an international center for the training of psychologists. In Russia, the first psychophysiological laboratory of experimental psychology was opened by V.M. Bekhterev in 1885 at the Kazan University clinic.

Marina Avaryaskina
Korean folk gymnastics “Funny Palms”

Korean folk gymnastics« Funny palms» (modification)

1. « Funny palms»

Let's clap in palms from 7 -21 times.

(improving the general condition of the body - awakening)

2. "Rays"

Connecting palms, and we spread our fingers like rays to the sides,

just clap palms from 7-21 times.

(strengthening immunity)

3. "Flower"

Connecting palms and spread them in different directions until the hands join, carefully hitting with the base of the hands 7-21 times.

(improving the functioning of the genitourinary system)

4. "Fists"

Lightly clench your fists and knock 7-21 times.

(improving blood circulation to the brain)

5. "Boat"

We fold palms boat and clap 7-21 times.

(improving heart function)

6. "Ball"

We connect our fingers in ball: thumb with thumb, index finger with index finger, etc., forming a ball of fingers. We spread our fingers apart and try to connect them into a ball 7-21 times.

(improving eye blood circulation)

7. “We quarreled and made up”

Straight arms forward, connect the thumbs, spread the arms apart and connect, lightly hit the thumbs against each other

(improving the functioning of the endocrine system)

8. "Reverse clapping"

We clap our backs palms: left below right above from 7-21 times, left above right below from 7-21 times.

(improving blood circulation in the spine)

9. "Giants Clap"

Raise your arms straight above your head and clap 7-21 times.

(to improve posture)

10. « The palms hid»

Hands behind your head put your palms together, spread your elbows to the sides and clap 7-21 times.

(to improve posture)

11. "We'll knock on the chest"

Lightly clench your fists, inhale and exhale with a sound. "A-A-A" Gently tap the chest.

(improving blood circulation in the lungs)

Publications on the topic:

The importance of drawing, modeling, appliqué and design for the comprehensive development and education of preschoolers with speech impairments is great.

"Funny Leaves" Purpose: raises children's positive mood, develops proper breathing for the development of speech. Breathing affects correctness.

Summary of a joint master class between children and parents “Cheerful palms - mischievous octopuses” Target:. Create a favorable atmosphere, a positive emotional mood of parents and children. Objectives: - To introduce parents to existence.

Open music lesson “Cheerful Palms Visiting the Sunny” Open music lesson 2 junior group “Cheerful palms visiting the Sunny” musical director Romanova E. A. G. Pavlovsk.

Long-term plan for the “Cheerful Palms” circle (first junior group) Long-term plan for the “Cheerful Palms” circle (first junior group) PERSPECTIVE PLAN “Cheerful Palms” circle 1st junior group 2016-2017.

Project “Kind Palms” Project “KIND LADOSHKI” second group of early age “Zvezdochka” Project name “Kind Palms” Type: practice-oriented, short-term.

"Cheerful Palms"

Summary of a lesson on artistic creativity using non-traditional drawing techniques

in the senior group


1 Generate interest inunconventional drawing technique.

2 Develop creative imagination, the ability to convey the character of the object being drawn, achieving expressiveness with the help of color, facial expressions, and additional details.

3 Cultivate neatness and positive relationships in group.

4 Develop figurative memory, imagination, the ability to see the unusual in the ordinary.

Equipment : a simple pencil, a set of felt-tip pens, colored pencils, sheets of paper, mats, recording calm music on a disk, a laptop with a video greeting of children.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator : Hello, golden sun! Hello, blue sky!

Hello, free breeze! Hello, little white snow!

Hello, kids, girls and boys!

Hello, I’ll tell you, I welcome you all!

My name is Zulfiya Zufarovna. I work as a teacher in the Kalinka kindergarten, insenior group , which is called "Bee". My childrengroups gave you a gift(video show) . This is a box with gifts, and to open it you need to guessriddle : In front of you are five brothers, all of them are without dresses at home. But on the street, everyone needs a coat."

Children: Fingers.

Educator : That's right, these are fingers. So the box opened. The box contains “magic” pencils to make them come to life and startpaint , you need to answer questions.

How many fingers are there on your right hand? And on the left?(children's answers)

What are their names?(answers children : thumb, index, middle, ring, little finger)

Why were they called that (answerschildren : large - because it is the thickest, index - because it points, medium - because

in the middle, the ring finger - because they didn’t come up with a name, the little finger - because it’s tiny, the smallest.)

Educator : Well done guys, you know why their fingers are called that. And I knowa fun finger game , let's play together, repeat afterme :

The finger is thick and big, went to the garden to pick plums,

A pointer from the threshold showed him the way,

The middle finger is very accurate, it knocks plums off the branch,

The nameless one eats, and the gentle little finger throws bones into the ground!”

Educator :Why do we need hands (childrensuggest :play, wash,paint,greet.)

Educator : Let's stand in a circle and add ourpalm to neighbor's palm . How do you feel fromneighbor's palms (warm)

It turns out that we transfer our warmth to each other and this warmth will help us create a miracle!

Educator :Sit down guys on the mats, I’ll tell you a fairy tale about our hands. “Once upon a time there lived hands, they lived together, happily, everything was fine, but then one day they became sad, they had already played all the games. And then they decideddraw themselves and they did it like this. (showing how I trace mypalm and then draw it into the image of a dog , octopus, Indian, bird, scarlet flower, etc.(Drawings can be seen in the photo) When the "transformation" occurs, you can readpoems : “Here a flower has bloomed, in the silence of the night, it shines and laughs, as if it were alive.”

Educator : Come, look, applypalm to a sheet of paper ,imagine, fantasize, yourspalms They can turn into whoever they want. Thought you wouldpaint, then let's start paint .

(calm music starts)

This is the miracle that helped usdraw pictures Well done guys, you are verytried . Did you like transformingpalm in drawing ?Guys, do you think it was difficult for you? Did everyone cope with the task?(children's answers) .And your drawings will be a very nice gift for my children, I will definitely pass them on. Thank you!

"What's your mood? - In(show thumb) . Let's

let's give everyone a good mood(children blow away palms to each other ) .

Club program “Cheerful Palms”
Explanatory note
This program contains practical material for making interesting paper crafts with children, which are based on the image of a child's hand. The program promotes the development of fine motor skills and imagination of preschoolers, and selected speech material will help in the development of the child’s speech.
Purpose of the program:
form and improve fine motor skills of the fingers; develop the child's speech.
Program objectives:
formation of motor skills and abilities in the manipulation of various objects (pencil, paper, scissors),
develop the ability to use a pencil, paper, scissors using games and exercises;
formation of hand-eye coordination;
-development of thinking, memory, attention, concentration, visual and auditory perception;
- development of spatial orientations on a sheet of paper and in the surrounding space;
- formation of skills in educational activities: the ability to listen, understand and carry out the teacher’s verbal instructions.
Those who work with preschoolers know the difficulties children, especially those with speech disorders, experience when they have to perform actions that require precision, confidence and synchronization of movements. Poorly developed motor functions of the hands and the lack of formalized movement techniques and coordinated actions of the eye and hand cause enormous difficulties for the child. Coordinated hand movements require differentiated brain function. The proposed games and exercises take into account the physiological characteristics of the child’s body, make it possible not to experience fatigue and do not reduce interest in activities in general. These activities are useful for developing fine and precise hand movements, since the muscles involved constantly send impulses to the brain, stimulating the central nervous system (in particular, the speech center, which is in close proximity to the motor area of ​​the cerebral cortex) and promoting its development.
This program describes a course on the development of fine motor skills in preschool children (5 - 6 years old). At preschool educational institutions, classes on this course are held once every 2 weeks for 25 minutes. The duration of the program is 9 months. There are 18 lessons in total.
We will need:
colored paper;
colored cardboard;
scissors with blunt ends;
PVA glue;
glue brush;
Expected final results by the end of the course of mastering the “Cheerful Palms” circle program.
interest in the art of appliqué has been formed;
children know how to hold and use scissors correctly
on one's own;
are able to independently compose images of various objects from parts;
know how to choose colors;
possess the skills of accurate cutting and pasting;
interest in finger gymnastics and the use of gymnastics in the child’s independent play have been formed.
Annual thematic planning:
Month Topic Number of lessons
September “Greeting card” for Preschool Worker’s Day. 2
October “Golden Autumn” (autumn tree) 2
November “Flowers for Mommy” 2
December “Santa Claus” 2
January “Christmas Tree” 2
February "Snowman" 2
March “Greeting card for mom” (spring flowers) 2
April "Easter Chick" 2
May "Sunny" 2
Lesson No. 1, No. 2 - SEPTEMBER
“Greeting card “To my favorite teachers!””
Goal: Learn to compose a planned object from several parts.
Expand children's knowledge about holidays,

Mastering the technique of cutting with scissors;
Continue learning to show the words of the poem with gestures (finger gymnastics).
Demonstration material: greeting cards, bouquet of autumn flowers.
Handouts: PVA glue, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloths, colored paper, scissors, Whatman paper A3.
Speech material:
Your assistants - take a look -
Ten friendly brothers
How nice it is to live
When they are not afraid of work!
And what a good boy
Everyone is obedient... (finger)
I have employees
Hunters will help with everything.
They don't live behind a wall -
Day and night with me
A whole dozen
Faithful guys.
The five brothers are inseparable
They are never bored together.
They work with a pen
Saw, spoon, axe. (M. Karpenko)
The first one is strong,
Fifth - baby
The second one is the strongest.
The third one is the longest
And the fourth one is just cute. (E. Cherenkova)
3. Scarlet flowers.
Our scarlet flowers Palms are joined in the shape of a tulip.
The petals open. The fingers slowly open.
The breeze breathes a little, they sway smoothly,
then slowly close.
The petals are swaying.
Our scarlet flowers
The petals close.
Heads shake. Hands sway.
They fall asleep quietly. (M. Davydova)
Lesson No. 3, No. 4 – OCTOBER.
“Autumn time, the charm of the eyes...” (Autumn tree)
Goal: To expand children's knowledge about the signs of autumn through art objects.

Development of fine motor skills of the hands;
Cultivating accuracy when doing work;

Demonstration material: illustration of a painting on the theme “Autumn”.

Speech material:
The lingonberries are ripening.
The days have become colder,
And from the bird's cry
It only makes my heart sadder.
Flocks of birds fly away
Away, beyond the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
In a multi-colored dress. (K. Balmont.).
2. Riddle.
Its spring and summer
We saw him dressed.
And in the fall from the poor thing
All the shirts were torn off.
But winter snowstorms
They dressed him in furs.
3. Tree.
The tree has a trunk, hands are pressed with the backs of each other
The trunk has many branches.
And the leaves are on the branches. The fingers are spread out and raised up.
Different colors. Move their hands and fingers.
(V. Tsvytarny)
Lesson No. 5, No. 6 – NOVEMBER.
“Greeting card “Flowers for Mom!” (Mother’s Day)
Goal: To foster love and respect for loved ones.

Learn to understand and analyze the content of a picture and poem,
Development of fine motor skills of the hands;
Cultivating accuracy when doing work;
Mastering the technique of cutting with scissors, the ability to apply glue with a brush,
Continue learning to show the words of a poem with gestures (finger gymnastics),
Development of imagination and artistic taste.
Demonstration material: illustration of a painting on the theme “Mom’s Day”, greeting cards.
Handouts: PVA glue, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloths, colored paper, scissors, colored cardboard.
Speech material:
1.We unclenched our fist -
A flower is blooming.
So we clenched our fist -
Our flower has closed again. (M. Davydova)
Purify the air
Create comfort
The windows are green,
They bloom all year round.
Answer: Flowers
3. Bouquet
We walk, we walk through the meadow,
We collect one flower at a time.
Red, yellow, blue...
Wonderful bouquet!
Who, who, who is ready to receive a bouquet of flowers?
And not you
And not you -
My flowers for mom! (M. Bychkov)
Early in the morning it is closed, ^ The hands are in their original position.
But as the afternoon approaches, the palms move away from each other,
It opens the petals, the pads of the thumbs are pressed to the ends of the index fingers, the hands resemble a half-opened bud.
I see their beauty. The hands are connected at the wrist, the fingers smoothly diverge in different directions, resembling an open flower.
In the evening the flower again, Fingers closed - an unopened flower -
Closes the whisk.
And now he will sleep.
Until the morning, like a little bird. Hands are placed under the cheek - imitation of sleep.
Lesson No. 7, No. 8 – DECEMBER.
"New Year" (Santa Claus)

Creating an emotionally positive mood;
Developing interest in fairy tales and fairy-tale characters;
Development of imagination.
Learn to understand and analyze the content of a picture and poem,
Development of fine motor skills of the hands;
Cultivating accuracy when doing work;
Mastering the technique of cutting with scissors, the ability to apply glue with a brush,
Continue learning to show the words of a poem with gestures (finger gymnastics),

Demonstration material: illustration of a painting on the theme “New Year’s holiday”, postcards with Santa Claus.
Handouts: PVA glue, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloths, colored paper, scissors, colored cardboard.
Speech material:
Finger gymnastics “ON THE TREE”
We had fun at the Christmas tree, (Rhythmic clapping of hands.)
And they danced and frolicked, (rhythmic fist bumps.)
After the good Santa Claus (Children “walk” with the middle and pointer-
He gave us gifts. with the fingers of both hands on the table.)
He gave me huge bags (“They draw” a big circle with their hands.)
They also contain tasty items: (Make rhythmic clapping.)
Candies in blue pieces of paper, (Bend the fingers on both hands,
nuts next to them, starting with the largest one.)
Apple, one
Golden tangerine.
1.We like frosty
Fluffy time
The night sky is starry,
The sparkle of silver.
And the tree lights up
And a round dance dances,
And that's how it's supposed to be
New Year is coming. (O. Vysotskaya)
2. Riddle.
If the forest is covered with snow,
If it smells like pies
If the Christmas tree goes into the house,
What kind of holiday?...(New Year)
3. Riddle.
Who comes to every house
New Year's Eve with a big bag?
Fur coat, hat, red nose,
This is Grandfather...(Frost)
4. Santa Claus.
- Who is wearing a smart, warm fur coat?
With a long white beard,
Comes to visit on New Year's Day,
Both ruddy and gray-haired?
He plays with us, dances,
It makes the holiday more fun!
– Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests! (I. Chernitskaya)
Lesson No. 9, No. 10 – JANUARY.
"Christmas Nativity." (Christmas tree)
Target. Expand children's knowledge about holidays.

Learn to understand and analyze the content of a picture and poem,
Development of fine motor skills of the hands;
Cultivating accuracy when doing work;
Mastering the technique of cutting with scissors, the ability to apply glue with a brush,
Continue learning to show the words of a poem with gestures (finger gymnastics),
To promote the development of a sense of beauty and emotional responsiveness.
Demonstration material: illustration of a painting on the theme “Christmas Holiday”, postcards for the holiday, Christmas tree toy, Christmas tree decorations.
Handouts: PVA glue, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloths, colored paper, scissors, colored cardboard.
Speech material:
1. Finger gymnastics “Dressing up the Christmas tree”
One, two, three, four, five /Alternately connect the fingertips of both hands, starting with the thumb/.
Let's decorate the Christmas tree. /Join your palms in a “house” above your head and spread your arms to the sides/.
We will hang the balls, /connect the fingertips of both hands to form balls/.
Bright flashlights, /Press palms together, fingers spread, perform rotational movements with palms forward and back/.
Merry Parsley, /Showing a long nose/.
And various toys: /stretch palms forward/.
And a naughty bear / Showing “bear’s paws” and swaying from side to side /.
And a little bunny - a coward. /Apply open palms to head/.
2. Riddle.
You will always find her in the forest -
Let's go for a walk and meet:
Stands prickly like a hedgehog
In winter in a summer dress.
What kind of girl is this?
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
She doesn’t sew anything herself,
Are there needles all year round? (M. Karpenko).
3. Christmas tree. Christmas.
They decorate the Christmas tree in the house - Christmas will come soon.
Christmas is coming, away with all grudges and quarrels!
The guests arrive together, the bright holiday is coming -
To celebrate the celebration. The whole earth meets it!
Gifts have been prepared and how happy the children are -
For friends and girlfriends, Both girls and boys:
It's frosty outside, but hot for Christmas time
From the joy around. They will be given chocolates.
Don’t forget about those who are sick, We are always ready to celebrate
For those who have no fun, the Feast of the Nativity of Christ:
Bring them a spruce branch, He is cheerful, kind, nice
Mom's cake and sweets. And one of the most important!
Lesson No. 11, No. 12 – FEBRUARY.
"Winter Fun" (Snowman)
Target. Expand children's knowledge about the signs of winter through art objects
Develop aesthetic feelings;
Develop an interest in literary works and a desire to listen and look at books;
Develop creative abilities.
Learn to understand and analyze the content of a picture and poem,
Development of fine motor skills of the hands;
Cultivating accuracy when doing work;
Mastering the technique of cutting with scissors, the ability to apply glue with a brush,
Continue learning to show the words of a poem with gestures (finger gymnastics),
To promote the development of a sense of beauty and emotional responsiveness.
Demonstration material: illustration of a painting on the theme “Winter Fun”, toy snowman.
Handouts: PVA glue, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloths, colored paper, scissors, colored cardboard.
Speech material:
1. Exercise “Snowman”. [Coordination of speech with movement, development of general speech skills.]
Come on, buddy, be brave, buddy, They walk in a circle, pretending to roll
Roll your snowball in the snow. there is a snowball in front of you.
It will turn into a thick lump, “Draw” a large circle with your hands.
And the lump will become a snowman. They “draw” a snowman from three lumps.
His smile is so bright! They smile widely.
Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom. They show their eyes, cover their head with their palm, touch their nose, stand up straight, as if holding an imaginary broom.
But the sun will burn slightly - They squat slowly.
Alas! - and there is no snowman. They throw up their hands and shrug their shoulders.
(V. Egorov)
E. Brom
Sculpts since the morning
Snowman baby.
Rolls snow globes
And laughing, he connects.
At the bottom is the largest lump,
Slightly smaller lump on it.
Even smaller is the head,
We barely reached it.
Eyes are cones, nose is a carrot.
They put the hat on deftly.
A bright scarf, a broom in his hands.
And the kids are happy.
V. Romanenko
Snow is blowing down the street,
The blizzard sings songs,
The kids shout "Hurray!"
Snowman in the yard:
Instead of a hat - an old basin,
Embers where the eyes should be.
From a carrot - a red nose,
As if frost had painted it.
Oh, beautiful snowman -
Nice snow man!
M. Boykova
The kids are flushed -
I rolled three balls!
They were stacked on top of each other,
And they piled up the bucket.
The nose is a carrot, the coal is eyes,
Snowman from a children's fairy tale!
Hands are branches, mouth is candy...
Let it stand now until summer!
M. Plotnikova
Carrot nose, bucket hat,
And the eyes are like coals
Guys love to sculpt them,
It's (Snowmen!)
Lesson No. 13, No. 14 – MARCH.
“Spring drops” (Postcard for mom)
Target. Cultivate love and respect for loved ones.
Expand children's knowledge about holidays.
Expand children's knowledge about the signs of spring.
Develop aesthetic feelings;
Develop an interest in literary works and a desire to listen and look at books;
Develop creative abilities.
Learn to understand and analyze the content of a picture and poem,
Development of fine motor skills of the hands;
Cultivating accuracy when doing work;
Mastering the technique of cutting with scissors, the ability to apply glue with a brush,
Continue learning to show the words of a poem with gestures (finger gymnastics),
To promote the development of a sense of beauty and emotional responsiveness.
Demonstration material: illustration of a painting on the theme “Mother’s Day”, postcards, indoor flower.
Handouts: PVA glue, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloths, colored paper, scissors, colored cardboard.
Speech material:
A tall flower has grown in a clearing, Hands up, palms pressed to each other, fingers apart, slightly rounded.
On a spring morning, I opened the petals. We spread our fingers.
Beauty and nutrition to all petals Rhythmic movement: fingers together, fingers apart.
Together they give the roots underground. We release our hands downwards and with the back side
(E. Cherenkova) we press together, spread our fingers.
I'll plant a sprout in a pot,
I'll put it on the window.
Hurry, sprout,
Open the flower -
I really need him.
The winds will rush outside the window
With a snowy winter,
And it will be higher
Every day
Grow my flower.
When according to the calendar
The time of spring will come,
Eighth of March
I'll give it to you
I give my mother my flower!
(V. Shugraeva)
3.Riddles about spring.
* * *
The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life.
The day is coming. When does this happen?
* * *
The snow is melting,
The meadow came to life.
The day is coming.
When does this happen?
* * *
loose snow
Melts in the sun
The breeze plays in the branches,
Louder bird voices
She came to us...
* * *
Streams run faster
The sun is shining warmer.
The sparrow is happy about the weather -
Visited us for a month...
Lesson No. 15, No. 16 – APRIL.
"Easter Chick"
Target. Expand children's knowledge about holidays.
Develop aesthetic feelings;
Develop an interest in literary works and a desire to listen and look at books;
Develop creative abilities.
Learn to understand and analyze the content of a picture and poem,
Development of fine motor skills of the hands;
Cultivating accuracy when doing work;
Mastering the technique of cutting with scissors, the ability to apply glue with a brush,
Continue learning to show the words of a poem with gestures (finger gymnastics),
To promote the development of a sense of beauty and emotional responsiveness.
Demonstration material: illustration on the theme “Easter Holiday”, postcards.
Handouts: PVA glue, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloths, colored paper, scissors, colored cardboard.
Speech material:
1. Easter egg.
Let's color the Easter egg
With my younger brother Vasya,
And we’ll give it to our mommy -
Happy Easter.
We will get up early in the morning - we will get up early.
- Christ is Risen! - let's tell mom.
And she will joyfully answer:
- Truly He is Risen, children!
(E. Ekimova)
2. Easter.
We'll go to the temple today,
Because the holiday is there.
Everyone sings: “Christ is Risen!”
And God's cross shines.
Let's sanctify with holy water
Our Easter cake is golden,
Let's light up our hearts
And let us all praise the Creator!
Easter is a dear holiday,
I came to your house and to mine,
Tears of joy from the eyes -
After all, Christ has risen for us!
(E. Ekimova)
Yellow lumps squeak,
These are all sons and daughters
Mom clucks: Ko-ko-ko,
Don't go far!
Don't play hide and seek with your mom.
Children, who is she? ... (Chicks)
Fluffy yellow lump
pulled myself out of the shell,
having pleased the hen,
waiting baby!
I'm all golden
Soft and fluffy.
I am the chicken's child,
And my name is... (chicken)
What are those yellow lumps?
Are they chasing after their mother?
Did you guys recognize them?
But these are (chickens).
Born yesterday
but lives without diapers.
Hiding under the wing
to mom... (chicken).
This is who squeaks pee-pee
From eggshells?
maybe a chicken child?
The (chick) is hatching!
(V. Rechits)
4. Finger gymnastics “Chickens”
One, two, three, four five
Connect the fingers of both hands to form a ball.
Let's count chickens
They clench and unclench their fists rhythmically.
Once - a chicken on the porch,
Bend one finger on both hands, starting with the big ones, for each count.
Two - still sitting in the egg,
Three - the chicken is the bravest,
And four is the whitest,
The fifth is a little chicken,
Bend your little finger and press your fists together
Woke up to eat
Tap the left palm with the index finger of the right hand.
Lesson No. 17, No. 18 – MAY.
Target. Expand children's knowledge about the signs of summer through art objects
Develop aesthetic feelings;
Develop an interest in literary works and a desire to listen and look at books;
Develop creative abilities.
Learn to understand and analyze the content of a picture and poem,
Development of fine motor skills of the hands;
Cultivating accuracy when doing work;
Mastering the technique of cutting with scissors, the ability to apply glue with a brush,
Continue learning to show the words of a poem with gestures (finger gymnastics),
To promote the development of a sense of beauty and emotional responsiveness.
Demonstration material: illustration on the theme “Summer days”, “Sun”.
Handouts: PVA glue, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloths, colored paper, scissors, colored cardboard.
Speech material:
1. Riddle.
What is this yellow circle?
Are there many sticks around?
It gives warmth and light.
Take a look and give an answer!
2. Finger gymnastics “Sun”
Sunshine, sunshine
Take a walk by the river
(Move the fingers of both hands).
Sunshine, sunshine,
Scatter the rings.
(Quickly clench and unclench their fists.)
We'll collect the rings
Let's take the gilded ones.
(Make grasping movements with a pinch).
Let's ride, let's roll around
(Rub palm against palm in a circular motion).
And we'll give it back to you.
(Raise their hands up, spreading their fingers.)
3. And the sun has a hundred worries:
Heat our garden
Bloom all the flowers,
Stay on the veranda
After the rain, on the run,
Make a rainbow arc.
And Natasha-laughing
Throw hemp on the nose.
(R. Karapetyan)

Authors: Tamarazova Yulia Nikolaevna, Gammel Maria Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher - defectologist, music director
Educational institution: MADO "Kindergarten "Rucheek"
Locality: Novy Urengoy
Name of material: Methodological development for conducting integrated correctional and developmental classes with children of senior preschool age
Subject:"Mischievous legs, cheerful palms and a talkative tongue, or we learn while playing"
Publication date: 19.01.2018
Chapter: preschool education


Methodological development for

conducting integrated

correctional and developmental

activities with older children

preschool age

Municipal autonomous preschool

educational institution "Kindergarten


Methodological development for

conducting integrated

correctional and developmental

activities with older children

preschool age

Developed by:

Tamarazova Yulia Nikolaevna

Gammel Maria Vladimirovna

Skatetskaya Irina Anatolevna

Novy Urengoy

"Naughty legs"

cheerful palms and

talkative tongue

or learn by playing"

Introduction _____________________________________________________ page 2

Target. Tasks ___________________________________________________page 3

Areas of work _________________________________________________ page 3

Principles ___________________________________________________ page 4

Calendar and thematic planning_____________________ pp. 6 - 33

Literature ________________________________________________pages 34 - 35

In recent years, the problem of speech development in

preschool children. There is a constant increase in the number

children with speech disorders. Reasons for the increase in speech pathology in children


V arious types:

e k o l o g i h e s k a i

about b s t a n o vka,

unbalanced nutrition, pedagogical unpreparedness of parents,

increase in the birth rate of children with pathologies of the central nervous system,




child television, the Internet.).

In modern speech therapy, the principle of complex correctional influence

for children with speech disorders is a priority. At the same time they proceed






how much


carried out



child's education at school.

Teachers need to look for new, more effective and interesting for children

forms of speech correction.




correctional tasks for the development of psychomotor skills of children with speech disorders.

The most effective means of developing the mental and motor spheres

these children are given speech therapy rhythm classes, which are based on

using the connection between words, music and movement.

Inclusion of speech therapy rhythm classes in a set of activities for

overcoming general speech underdevelopment of various origins in preschool children







But what is logorhythmics?




speech disorders and accompanying non-speech manifestations in children with

speech pathology through development, education and correction of motor







organization of movements N.A. Bernstein. Development of movements in combination with




correction process.

Object of logorhythmics is the structure of the speech defect, non-speech

functions and speech disorders in children with speech pathology. Subject –





movements combined with music and words.

The purpose of logorhythmics– overcoming speech disorders through development and

correction of speech and non-speech mental functions and, ultimately,

adaptation of the child to the conditions of the external and internal environment. Yes, logorhythmics





motor skills,

ps ihot e rape vt ich e s

general educational events.


speech therapy



educational (cognitive), educational, correctional.

In the system of logorhythmic work with preschool children, you can


1) Development, education, prevention and correction of non-speech processes:










orientation towards the interlocutor, coordination of movements, sense of tempo and rhythm in



T ransformation

l i c h n o s t i.

2) Speech development and correction of speech disorders: education of tempo and rhythm

breathing and speech, oral praxis, prosody, phonemic hearing, etc.,

speech disorders, depending on the etiology, mechanisms, symptoms and

elimination techniques.








psychophysical load and carry out according to the following scheme:

I. Rhythmic warm-up.

II. Musical and rhythmic movements.

1. Exercises to develop attention.

2. Exercises that regulate muscle tone.

3. Exercises to develop a sense of tempo and rhythm.

4. Exercises to develop coordination of movements; exercises for

coordination of speech with movement.

III. Health-improving exercises.

IV. Listening to music

VI. Exercises to develop fine and gross motor skills.

VII. Exercises for the development of the emotional sphere.

VIII. Various types of games.

IX. Relaxation exercises (low mobility games)




health-improving orientation (general developmental exercises, basic








(voiced by




Emelyanova. We include finger games or massage in every lesson.

fingers, since fine motor skills are directly related to speech.

Basic principle construction of all listed types of work -

close connection between movement and music.







material. The word can be introduced in a wide variety of forms: it

texts of songs, round dances, dramatizations with singing, dramatizations for a given

the topic, the driver’s commands in outdoor games, the leader’s instructions, etc.

Based on the freshness of the child’s perception, in the first part the lessons are given





attention, memory, orientation, inhibitory reactions, movement coordination.

A special place is occupied by exercises that regulate muscle tone, which

permeate all sections of the lesson. As fatigue increases, there is a transition



It is advisable to conduct it in the middle of the lesson to give children the opportunity

relax and prepare for the game.

Following the calm activity, we move on to an active game of

for the purpose of relaxation, as well as consolidation of developed skills. Final




calms children down and organizes them for subsequent activities.





building up












sources, elements of competition, etc.

About the positive dynamics achieved during correctional and developmental

process using speech therapy rhythms is evidenced by the following





vocabulary on lexical topics.





Formation of correct speech and physiological breathing.






syllable rows, differentiate paired consonant sounds.






self-massage of the face and body massage, studies on tension and relaxation

body muscles.

Development of vocal skills.






direction, perform various types of walking and running.





fingers and hands, quickly respond to changes in movements.

Improving the results of speech development diagnostics.

Fostering a caring attitude towards nature and animals.

Fostering moral and patriotic feelings, respect for culture and

traditions of the peoples of Russia, their native land, and the work of people.

The entire system of work is aimed at achieving the goal - prevention and

overcoming speech disorders through development and correction

motor sphere, under the influence of words, rhythm and music.








work on the formation of correct speech






“Hey, couch potatoes!”


Movements are performed according to the text




We will cook compote -

You need a lot of fruit. Here

the left palm is held like a ladle,

the index finger interferes

Let's chop apples

We will chop the pear,

Squeeze the lemon juice

We'll put in some drainage and sand.

Bend your fingers one at a time, starting with


We cook, we cook compote,

Let's treat honest people

the left palm is held like a ladle,

the index finger interferes

Game "Echo"

exercise on


rhythmic hearing

(Ta is a quarter, Ti is an eighth)

Ta – Ti Ti

Ta-Ta – Ta-Ta

Ta – Ti Ti


Exercise on

"The Wind Is Blowing"

I shake the tree - ooh - ooh - ooh...

I’m inflating the sail - ooh - ooh - ooh...

Place your palms together above your head

Smoothly lower their hands

Singing "In the Garden"



(No. 6, p. 20)

Fruits grow on trees in the garden.

Bright fruits for everyone to see.

Here is a barrel among the pear branches.

The pear is green, like a zucchini.

Apples are red, plums are blue.

Ripe plums are tasty and beautiful.

The ruddy peach covered itself with a leaf.

Of course, you are familiar with this fruit?


exercise /

plastic sketch

We're going to the orchard - marching

Inhale the aroma of apples - respiratory


We want to pick apples from the tree -

rise on their toes, stretch their arms up

Maybe we can jump to them? – jumping

We need to put up a ladder - imitate

climbing stairs

We pick apples and put them in a basket -

imitate apple picking

We've collected the apples, now let's rest - sit down

on the mat



The cramped house split- blink

In two halves- turn their gaze to

right, left

And they fell from there- shift their gaze

up, down

Beads - pellets- close their eyes

Sports part

(game, relay race)

Relay: “Orchard”

Climbing under arches, jumping on 2 legs

from hoop to hoop

raised up

Passing the ball from hand to hand in a line

P/game "Harvest"

Collect balls by color into hoops


green, yellow) – whose team is faster





Movements in the text



Here, here, here- They knock their fists

There's a loud knock- Knock with an edge

We chopped cabbage -

Grind and salt- Rubbing hand in hand -

"salt cabbage."

And they stuffed it tightly into a tub- They knock

fist on the table.

Everything is fine with us now - Rubbing

exercise on


rhythmic hearing

"Mother Turnip"

Mother turnip, I III I

Be strong: IIII I I

Neither rare nor dense III III

Until the great tail! IIIIIII

Exercise on

"The Wind Is Blowing"

The wind is blowing, blowing - ooh - ooh - ooh...

Children swing their arms in front of them to the right -

I shake the tree - ooh - ooh - ooh...

Swing raised arms from side to side

I’m inflating the sail - ooh - ooh - ooh...

Place your palms together above your head

I play with the leaves - ooh - ooh - ooh...

Rotate the hands, spreading the arms to the sides

I lower it to the ground - uh - uh - uh...

Smoothly lower their hands


In our garden



There is no more beautiful radish

How juicy, red, round!

Don't look how small it is.

"Vegetable Dispute"

Exercise on

development of feelings

1introduction - children walk in a circle, holding onto

Verse 1 – “narrow” and “open” the circle

Chorus: repeat after the teacher by clapping

rhythmic pattern.



The donkey walks, chooses,

He doesn’t know what he’ll eat first.

The plum is ripe at the top,

And nettles grow below,

On the left - beets, on the right - rutabaga,

On the left is a pumpkin, on the right is a cranberry,

Below is fresh grass,

On top there are juicy tops.

My head is spinning

The leaves are spinning in the eyes,

I couldn't choose anything

And he fell to the ground without strength.

(The guys make movements with their eyes

Sports part

(game, relay race)

Relay race: “My green garden”

Walking on the anthem. bench on toes, hands

on the belt while stepping over the cubes.

Passing balls to each other along a chain of

hands to hands between the legs.

Throwing balls into baskets (according to a given color).

Team 1 - red balls, team 2 -

green balls

P/game: “Edible, not edible”

The players stand in a circle. The driver names a vegetable

and throws the ball to the player.


the word (for example: chair) is not edible, then not

catches the ball.


Close your eyes, you're lying on the soft grass,

Flowers grow in the clearing around you. Here

a grasshopper is chirping, a cuckoo is somewhere far away

counts the years. Do you feel the warm rays

sun. The rays warm your hands, feet,

face. One of the rays touched your lips and

drew you a smile. Are you pleased with these

touches. You feel part

nature. You will carry this smile and

give to your friends... Stretch your hands

up, inhale and open your eyes to count

"three". Your walk was wonderful.


Trees in





communicative dance




Top-top - five steps,

(Children “walk” with their fingers)

There are five mushrooms in the box.

(Showed 5 fingers of the right hand.)

Red fly agaric -

(Bend the fingers on one hand.)

The mushroom is dangerous.

And the second one is a fox,

Red pigtail.

The third mushroom is a wave,

Pink ear.

And the fourth mushroom is a morel,

Bearded old man.

The fifth mushroom is white,

Eat it with confidence!

Rhythm game


Red-red fly agaric

/ - / - ///

White speckled pattern.

/- / - ///

You're beautiful, but don't tear!

/- / - ///

And we don’t put it in the basket!

/- / - ///

Exercise on

The night forest was full of sounds

(arms up, tilts to the right - left, trees

make noise "sh - sh - sh - sh"),

Someone howled

(inhale, exhale: “U-u-u”)

And who meowed?

(inhale, exhale “meow - meow”)

Someone grunted

(inhale, exhale: “oink - oink”)

Someone was stomping

Someone flapped their wings

(waves hands)

Someone was singing

(inhale, exhale “la - la - la”)

And who shouted?

(inhale, exhale “Ay - ay - ay”)

Someone rolled his eyes,

(eyes rolling in circles)

Well, someone is quiet, quiet

(inhale, exhale “pi - pi - pi”)



(No. 6, p. 23)

Suddenly clouds covered the sky,

The prickly rain began to fall.

The rain will cry for a long time,

It will spread slush everywhere.

Mud and puddles on the road, lift it higher


exercise /

plastic sketch

"Along the path, along the path"

Along the paths, along the paths,

Let's go for a walk in the forest,

Maybe in the autumn forest

We'll find the boletus.




Either cotton wool or fluff

Or maybe snow flakes

Blinking their eyes

Appeared suddenly in the summer?

Open your eyes wide


Close your eyes

Sports part

(game, relay race)

Relay: “Trees in the Park”

“Who is faster” - running with a relay baton

Jumping through hoops on 2 legs

Crawling on all fours to the counter.

P/game: “Find yourself a mate”




and g r o k i


conditions (commands) of the driver. By command

“Change in pairs,” everyone is looking for their own

another partner together with the driver. Who

The driver was left without a partner.


We came to the autumn forest -

Full of fabulous wonders:

The foliage shines with gold, the sun gently


So nice and easy!

Breathe evenly, deeply...

It smells like pine needles and mushrooms and fallen leaves.

We have a great time - relaxing with









(clench and unclench fists)

We went for a walk in the woods,

This finger along the path

(Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)

This finger along the path,

This finger is for mushrooms,

This finger is behind the raspberry,

This finger got lost

came back very late

"Mushroom - Fungus"

exercise on


rhythmic hearing

(No. 9, p. 71)

Mushroom - fungus, Ta-Ti-Ti

Mushroom is a fungus. Ta – Ti Ti

He climbed onto a stump. Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta

Marinka walked by, Ta-Ta-Ta-Ti Ti

He jumped into her basket. Ta-ta-ta-ta-ti

Exercise on

The night forest was full of sounds

(hands up, tilts right - left,

the trees are noisy “sh – sh – sh - sh”),

Someone howled

(inhale, exhale: "U-u-u")

And who meowed?

(inhale, exhale "meow - meow")

Someone grunted

(inhale, exhale: "oink - oink")

Someone was stomping


Someone flapped their wings

(wave of hands)

Someone was singing

(inhale, exhale "la - la - la")

And who shouted?

(inhale, exhale "Ay - ay - ay")

Someone rolled his eyes,

(rolling eyes in circles)

Well, someone is quiet, quiet

(inhale, exhale "pi - pi - pi")

"Crow and Autumn"



(No. 3, p. 63)

Crow shouts:

Kar-kar-kar! Guard! There's a fire in the forest! Where are you going

look where? Now we need water here!

Then autumn spread the colors and, like fire, the foliage


exercise /

plastic sketch

"Along the path, along the path"

Legs, legs, where have you been?

(Stomping feet)

We went to the forest to pick mushrooms.

What have you guys been working on?

(clap hands)

We collected mushrooms.

And you, little eyes, helped?

We searched and looked -

We looked at all the stumps

"Along the path, along the path"

Legs, legs, where have you been?

(Stomping feet)

We went to the forest to pick mushrooms.

What have you guys been working on?

(clap hands)

We collected mushrooms.

And you, little eyes, helped?

(close and open with palms

We searched and looked -

We looked at all the stumps

(with their arms spread out to the sides, they do

turns the body left, right)




Maybe from the roof, maybe from the sky

Either cotton wool or fluff

The gaze is moved up, down, right, left

Or maybe snow flakes

Blinking their eyes

Appeared suddenly in the summer?

Open your eyes wide

Who pours them out on the sly, as if from


Close your eyes

Sports part

(game, relay race)

Relay race: “For mushrooms, for berries”

Climbing under the arc with the right-left side

distance 2 meters)

"We played a little

And now we stand in a circle.

Guess the riddle

Find out who called you!”

One of the players turns away, and one of the

children are asked the question “Guess who I am?” If

the driver guessed his friend, he stands on his


The warm wind strokes faces,

The forest rustles with thick leaves.

The oak wants to bow to us,

Klen nods his head.

And the curly birch

Sees off all the guys

Goodbye green forest,

We are leaving for kindergarten.

I will know

myself. Body





Performing movements in accordance with



A very complex person

(index finger on forehead, frown)

Two eyes and two eyelids

(shown in text)

And - look carefully!

Two ears and two nostrils.

(show ears and nostrils)

But there are 5 fingers

(spread fingers on both hands)

To hold everything with them

(grabbing hand gesture)

exercise on


rhythmic hearing

(No. 1, page 87)

We love to sing songs very much,

Ta – Ta – Ti Ti Ti Ti – Ta

We just don’t know the words.


But diligently

Ta-Ta-Ti Ti TiTi-Ta

We open our mouths!

Ta-Ta-Ta-Ti Ti

"Hug your shoulders"



gymnastics (before

(No. 1, p. 58)

Oh, how good I am!

How I love myself!

I hug you tightly,

I inhale through my nose.

I.P. - standing straight and straight, legs a little narrower,

than shoulder width apart, arms bent at the elbows,

raised to chest level and apart

sides (one hand slightly lower). On "ONE"

We hug ourselves so that our elbows are close together

above each other in this place, hands form

triangle - INHALE!

Having taken 4 breaths - movements in a row,

rest for a few seconds and repeat 4

times. 4 times 4 movements - inhale.



(No. 6, page 27)

Singing with show.

These are the eyes. Here, here

These are ears. Here, here.

This is the nose, this is the mouth.

There's a backrest. There's a belly here.

These are pens. Clap - clap.

These are the legs. Top top.

Oh, tired! Let's wipe our brow!


exercise /

plastic sketch

We kick - stomp - stomp,

And with your hands clap - clap - clap,

Turn your head - twist - twist

They knocked on the chest - chest.

Heels top - top - top,

On the knees slap - slap - slap,

We candy am – am – am,

And let's stroke the sides

And then the tummies,

Mouths smiled


My cheerful, ringing ball, blink


Where did you run off to? look to the right,

Red, blue, cyan wide

open their eyes

Can't keep up with you

close their eyes

Sports part

(game, relay race)

Relay: “My feet are on the track”

Jumping over ropes on two legs

Walking on a gymnastic bench

Crawling under arches of different heights

P/game “Who is faster”


sports equipment.

"Round, soft, striped,

All the guys like him!

He can gallop for a long time and not get tired at all!


We kick - stomp - stomp,

And with your hands clap - clap - clap,

Turn your head - twist - twist

They knocked on the chest - chest.

Heels top - top - top,

On the knees slap - slap - slap,

We candy am – am – am,

And let's stroke the sides

And then the tummies,

Mouths smiled




Head ones




(No. 9, page 39)

Children walk in a circle, one after another, high

raising your knees, hands on your belt:

I'm walking, I'm walking, I'm raising my legs.

I raise my legs high, high.

I have new boots on my feet.

They perform jumping jacks to the music




They gave the brothers a new home,

So that five of us could live together.

Clench your fingers into a fist and unclench

Big brother didn't agree

And settled separately

The thumb remains on the outside

Game "Echo"

exercise on


rhythmic hearing

Ta-Ta-Ti Ti Ti Ti

Ta-Ta-Ti Ti Ti

Ta-Ta-Ti Ti Ti Ti

Tee Tee Tee Tee Tee

Exercise on

The mittens are new, warm, downy

We blow a cold stream on our hands -


My grandmother knitted them for me and gave them to me.


“Now my granddaughter’s hands won’t get cold”

Blow on your hands with a warm stream

"Clothes and shoes"



(No. 6, exercise 29-30)

This dress is for Natasha -

Red peas.

And the dress has two pockets,

Let's hide our palms in them.

These pants are for Ilyusha

Grandmother sewed it from plush.

Ilya goes for walks in them,

He's big, like you and me.

These slippers are for Antoshka,

So that your feet don't freeze in them.

Top - top - stomp,

What kind of slippers?! Like toys!


Here are the shoes for Irinka,

Not shoes, but pictures.

To go for walks in them,

Run, jump and play pranks.


exercise /

plastic sketch

I got up early today

I took a dress from the shelf,

Raise your arms up, stretch on your toes.

The doll began to put on


And then let's dance!

Perform dance moves



Oh, my clothes got dirty

They open their eyes wide.

We didn't take care of her

The gaze moves to the right, left

Treated her carelessly

Gaze moves up and down

Crumpled, dirty in dust

Close your eyes

Sports part

(game, relay race)

Relay race: “Do it quickly, do it boldly”

Climbing under the cord sideways (don't touch it)

Rolling a hoop around a chip

Running with a relay baton

P/game: “Illegal movement”

Prohibited movement: hands up.

The player calls the name of the person to whom the ball is thrown.

You need to catch him without raising your hands high


We can run, jump,

Dance and draw.

Unfortunately, we're not used to it

Relax, rest.

Relaxation is simple,

It's very light.

Let's stop all movement.

Suddenly, the tension disappears.

And it will become clear to us all:

Relaxation is nice...







Communicative dance “Boogie-woogie”



Sing along, sing along,

Ten birds - a flock

(clench and unclench fists)

This bird is a nightingale,(alternately

bend your fingers)

This bird is a sparrow

This bird is an owl, a sleepy little head,

This bird is a waxwing,

This bird is a crake,

This bird is a starling - gray


This one is a finch, this one is a swift,

This is a cheerful siskin.

Well, this is an evil eagle.

Birds, birds, go home!(we squeeze our hands

into fists)


exercise on


rhythmic hearing

Birds - titmouses called birds,

shadow - shadow - shadow, jum - jum - jum

The titmice had a good dinner,

Owl Filka was not invited,

shadow - shadow - shadow, jum - jum - jum

Filka appeared as an uninvited guest,

shadow - shadow - shadow, jum - jum - jum

The guests devoured all the food,

shadow - shadow - shadow, jum - jum - jum

Filka only got half a cheesecake,

shadow - shadow - shadow, jum - jum - jum

Exercise on

A bullfinch sat on a branch - children wave


F – f – f – f – exhale briefly and actively

The rain splashed - he got wet - hit

index finger on the palm of another

F – f – f – f – exhale briefly and softly

The breeze, blow lightly, - shake their hands over

Discuss it for us, little bullfinch -

F - f - f - f ... exhale for a long time



Here are the goslings and the goose

Together they are looking for something in the mud.

Their father, the goose, is guarding them.

I'm very afraid of him.


exercise /

plastic sketch

The birds began to gather

(run into the loose)

Everyone sits down in the clearing

(squat down)

They have a long way to go.

The birds need a rest

And again we're off to the road

(stand up and wave their arms again)

Here comes the south. Hooray! Hooray!(run in circles)

It's time for us to land

(squat down



Sports part

(game, relay race)

You can play a game. Choosing a "crow"




Children - chickens run around the chicken,





catch the chickens.


In the blue sky towards us from afar

White clouds are floating.

The clouds are floating, floating -

Rest and peace bring...

All the kids had a rest

They turned from side to side... stretched -

And... we woke up!



e and them


and autumn



dance (A/Z)

We perform movements in accordance with



Bend the fingers on both hands for each


At the fox in the deep forest

There is a hole - a cozy home.

Snowstorms are not scary in winter

A squirrel in a hollow on a spruce tree.

A prickly hedgehog under the bushes

Rakes leaves into a pile.

From branches, roots, bark

The hut is made by beavers.

A clubfoot sleeps in a den

He sucks his paw until spring.

Everyone has their own home

Everyone feels warm and comfortable in it.

House - palms

Teddy Bear"

exercise on


rhythmic hearing

(No. 7, p. 38)

Jacques the bear has a cold,

Ti Ti Ti Ti – Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta

He needs honey today.

Ti Ti Ti Ti – Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta

We'll give him honey for dinner,

Ta-Ti Ti Ti Ti-Ta-Ta

Because we are friends with him.

Ta-Ti Ti Ti Ti-Ta-Ta

Exercise on

Hedgehogs sniff.

The wolf howls: “U-oo-oo-oo-oo.”

(Say it quietly and loudly.)

Conversation between the Fox and the Hare.

“Su-zu-su-zu, zu-su-zu -

Bunny, where have you been?

- “In the forest. For-sa-za-sa,

won't you eat me, Fox?

"Wild Animals"



(No. 7, p. 12)

The fox has a fluffy tail,

It’s no wonder she’s proud of him!

Misha went to sleep in the den,

Don't make any noise! Quiet! Quiet!

A badger was digging a hole in the forest -

Moss and clay on the nose.

The gray wolf sneaks into the thicket,

Very scary, real.

The hedgehog drags leaves into the hole,

Cleaning up the forest.

The squirrel is a dexterous animal,

Jump, jump.


exercise /

plastic sketch


Well, everyone sat down together,

We looked at each other

And they clapped their hands:

Clap and clap, clap and clap

What do rabbits have on top of their heads?

The ears are dancing merrily there.

One jump, two jumps -

Everyone galloped into the woods

(perform movements according to the text)



Here is a big Christmas tree- eyes up,

She has big branches– right, left,

There are even cones on the tree– up,

And below is a bear's den- down,

The clubfoot sleeps there during the winter and sucks in the den

paw- close their eyes

Sports part

(game, relay race)

Relay: “Autumn Forest”

Throwing at a vertical target

Crawling on a gymnastic bench with

pouch on the back

Jumping on 2 legs from hoop to hoop

Animal walking simulation

P/game: “In an even circle”

Children walk in circles.

“In an even circle, one after another.

We are going step by step.

Stay where you are! Friendly, together

Let’s do it like this!”

The presenter gives the task of any exercise for

several repetitions. For example: jumping on

two legs moving forward or

circling in pairs, etc.


In a clearing near an aspen tree

Our badger is lying on his back.

He spread his paws

And he relaxed the scratches.

The sun warms your tummy,

The breeze caresses the fur...

Our couch potato is our badger

Peacefully dozing, resting...




"Snowball - Kolobok"


(No. 3, p. 144)

Performing movements in accordance with



Now remember:

This is March, April and May,

Three sons - months old

Spring has magicians.

Playful and dexterous

Leta red son:

Here is June, July, beyond

August catches them a fish

Spring and summer have passed.

Autumn is dressed in gold

It's September, October

It's always November with rain

It's winter, look

There are children - there are three of them:

December, January and February

Dressed everyone in a snow shawl


exercise on


rhythmic hearing

(No. 8, p. 38)

Snow - snowball, snow - snowball,

Ti Ti – Ta, Ta-Ti Ti

White and fluffy.

Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti

It started snowing, it started snowing,

Ti Ti – Ta, Ta-Ti Ti

Snowy and sparkling.


Exercise on


exhale through your mouth.

exhale sharply)




(No. 4, p. 141)

A little white snow was falling,

Straight onto the path.

We're going for a walk now

Along the path with mom.

Winter, winter,

Zimushka - winter!

Okay, okay.

Why did you come to us!


exercise /

plastic sketch

We're going, we're going,

We are walking along the path.

We're going, we're going,

Let's sing a song loudly:


We walk through the snowdrifts,

We raise our legs higher,

We're still moving forward,

Feel free to sing this song:

Tra - ta - ta ...

And now we’re up on skis,

We ran very quickly

We rush down the hill, we are not silent,

And we shout fervently: Wow!..




At my sister's, at Marinka's

look at the palm with eyes wide open

Two snowflakes on the palm

look right, left

I wanted to show everyone

circular movements of the eyes

Lo and behold, there are no snowflakes to be seen

blink their eyes

Who took the snowflakes from my Marinka -

close their eyes and relax

Sports part

(game, relay race)

Relay: “Winter Fun”

Walking while stepping over objects

raising your knees high

Rolling the ball like a snake between the cubes

Passing balls along a chain

P/game: “Traps” with ribbons

The driver, at the signal, catches up with the players and

pulls out the tape attached to the back

clothes. The driver becomes the player who

remained, not caught by the driver.


Wind, don't make noise here!

Don't wake up a snowflake for us!

Let the snowflake relax

It takes a long time to gain strength.

On a long journey you need strength:

she has to fly after the snowfall!






s in winter


Small game


(No. 7, p. 42)

Here on the branches, look,

four claps of hands on each side

Bullfinches in red T-shirts,

four head tilts each

The feathers fluffed up

on the first word of each line - frequent

Basking in the sun.

shaking hands, on the second - one

cotton on the sides

They turn their heads,

o two head turns for each line

They want to fly away.

Shoo! Shoo! Let's fly away!

children run away, waving their arms like


Behind the blizzard! Behind the blizzard!



Forest, forest, silence

( cover your eyes with your hands, then


drops of rain

( rubbing my palms, imitating


hedgehog sneaks in

quiet - quiet, quiet - quiet,

and to the meeting - hedgehog - hedgehog

( rhythmic clapping)

It's raining more and more, it's raining

( claps on knees)

the rain came and went

( shake off our hands)

found the sun again

(raise your arms up above your head

exercise on


rhythmic hearing

Children beat rhythmic rhythm with cubes

drawing suggested by the teacher

Exercise on

Hedgehogs sniff.

The wolf howls: “U-oo-oo-oo-oo.”

(Say it quietly and loudly.)

The hedgehog puffs: “Puff-puff-puff-puff.”

Conversation between the Fox and the Hare.

“Su-zu-su-zu, zu-su-zu -

Bunny, where have you been?

- “In the forest. For-sa-za-sa,

won't you eat me, Fox?

"Two tits,




(No. 7, p. 40)

How many birds are there in our feeder?

Has it arrived? We will tell you:

Two tits, a sparrow,

Six goldfinches and pigeons,

Woodpecker with variegated feathers.

Everyone had enough grains


exercise /

plastic sketch

Once upon a time along a forest path

The animals went to water.

Children walk in circles

A moose calf tramped after its mother elk,

They walk, stomping loudly

A little fox sneaked behind the mother fox,

Sneak on tiptoes

A hedgehog rolled after its mother, the hedgehog,

Move in a squat position

A bear cub followed the mother bear,

They waddle

The baby squirrels jumped after the mother squirrel,

Jumping squat

Behind the mother hare there are slanting hares,

Jumping on straight legs

The she-wolf led the wolf cubs


All mothers and children want to get drunk

Face in a circle, caressing movements of the tongue



"Bunny and Cloud"

The bunny went out for a walk.

I looked and couldn't see the sun.- astonishment

The cloud came quickly

I untied my knot,

"Dark Relaxation"

Sports part

(game, relay race)

Game "Forests and Hare"

Children stand in pairs in a column,

turning to face each other,

the hare and the fox are chosen

Stop, little bunny, don't run

Along the narrow path,

You better save it

Its short tail

Fox sneaks along the path

Click - click, stomp - stomp - stomp

It is unlikely that he is looking for mushrooms -

Click - click, stomp - stomp - stomp

You little bunny, don't yawn

And run away from the fox

One - two - three - run!

Children run around the column from both sides, who

The first one to come running wins


In a clearing near an aspen tree

Our badger is lying on his back.

He spread his paws

And he relaxed the scratches.

The sun warms your tummy,

The breeze caresses the fur...

Our couch potato is our badger

Peacefully dozing, resting...

Our badger yawned sweetly,

He arched his back

Stretched, stretched...

He stood up cheerfully - he was completely awake.

He patted himself on the sides,

I went to the woods on business!


"In the Poultry Yard"

Performing movements in accordance with



Labor on


in winter

Vocal –



(No. 3, p. 114)




Musical stoat

Played scales and gavotte

Ermine on the guitar,

The anthem was played on the oboe,

He got tired playing the accordion

La - la - la - la - la - la - la

The anthem was played on the oboe,

He got tired playing the accordion

“That’s how the nose is

exercise on


rhythmic hearing

The poem is voiced rhythmically

drawing given by the child leader (on

The presenter changes every phrase)

Children see a turkey

Ka-ka-ka! Ka-ka-ka!

That's how a turkey's nose looks!

Ka-ka-ka! Ka-ka-ka!

They gave grain to the turkey.

Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

They are talking about turkey.

Ke-ke-ke! Ke-ke-ke!

Made friends with a turkey

Com-com-com! Com-com-com!

Exercise on

Hedgehogs sniff.

The wolf howls: “U-oo-oo-oo-oo.” (Pronounce

quiet and loud.)

The hedgehog puffs: “Puff-puff-puff-puff.”

Conversation between the Fox and the Hare.

“Su-zu-su-zu, zu-su-zu -

Bunny, where have you been?

- “In the forest. For-sa-za-sa,

won't you eat me, Fox?





"Meow! Meow!” - red cat.

He lives with his grandmother.

“Oink! Oink!” - and this is a pig

Pig – pink back.

(No. 7, p. 12)

“Be-be-be!” - black lamb,

He is cheerful and agile.

“Woof! Woof! Woof! - shaggy dog,

Ring tail and black nose.

“I-go-go!” - this is a horse!

The tail and mane are like fire.

“Meh! – the goat shouts angrily.-

The trough has been overturned!”


exercise /

plastic sketch

A bear walks through the forest,

Wants to sit down and sit.

Where is such a place?

So the bear could sit down?

That stump is tall,

There's a twig sticking out

Either wet moss or dry moss.

That's a low stump

It's a thick shadow

It's a narrow ditch

That's a nest of ants

Then the magpie screams

That's a river -

There is no good place.

This tale is about a bear,

About the picky bear



Sports part

(game, relay race)

Relay: “My feet are on the track


on all fours

Back - run

Jumping on two legs with advancement

Crawling on a gymnastic bench

palms and knees.

P/game “River-lake-sea”

2 teams perform speed tasks

– who is faster

move around

"little train"

Lake - children line up in a circle holding

each other by the shoulders.

Sea - children in a circle, holding hands.


In the blue sky towards us from afar

White clouds are floating.

The clouds are covered with a soft blanket...

How nice and easy

All the guys have it!

Clouds gently surround you with white foam,

A magical and beautiful dream

The children are being immersed.

When the eyes are closed, children dream about


"Blind Man's Bluff with a Toy"


(No. 8, p. 90)

Children form a circle, in the center of which stands

driving blindfolded. Children

pass a squeaky toy around and

squeak it for the word “five” - the driver must

show which of the children has a toy - it will be

new driver.

One, two, three, four, five!

We'll play blind man's buff.

And squeak with a toy,

One, two, three, four, five.




Friends of different heights

Fingers clenched into a fist.

Not alike

Unclench your fingers one at a time.

They all sit next to each other,

And just one toy

Clench your fingers into a fist

If you want to play

They rub their palms.

We need to take them all apart

Unclench one finger at a time

exercise on


rhythmic hearing

The rhythmic pattern is conveyed using

Tumbler on the pillow Ti Ti-Ta-Ta -

Ti Ti – Ta Ta

I can't put it down. Ta-Ta-Ti Ti

Naughty toy – Ti Ti – Ta Ta

Ti Ti – Ta Ta

I will say this for sure. Ta-Ta-Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti

(B. Lemma)

Exercise on


Let's make snowflakes

“fly”, take a deep breath through your nose,

stretch your lips with a tube and slowly

exhale through your mouth.

- Now, look carefully at your

snowflakes. Are they the same or different?

Big and small (we blow off the big ones -

inhale deeply and exhale for a long time; blowing away

small ones - take a deep breath and

exhale sharply)

"Toys -

little animals"



(No. 7, p. 57)

I have little animals living with me,

Cute toys:

One is a kitten, two is a kid,

Three is a ruddy pig,

And another big horse,

And the puppy Trezor, a mongrel. Woof!


exercise /

plastic sketch

Pinocchio stretched,

Once I bent down,

Two bent over,

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently I couldn't find the key.

To get us the key,

You need to stand on your toes

Performing movements on text



The locomotive hummed, they opened wide

And he drove the trailers: The gaze is shifted to the right,

Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu,

The gaze shifts

up, down.

I'll take you far! Close

Sports part

(game, relay race)

Relay race: “Repeat, don’t be lazy!”

Jumping on gymnastic balls

Walking while stepping over padded

Climbing through hoops with a relay baton.

(2 large hoops)

P/game with speech accompaniment

“Barely, barely, the carousel began to spin”(in pairs)

"We sat on the carousel

The carousel started spinning.

And now with you alone

We are sailing on a boat

The wind blows across the sea

The wind rocks the boat

We take the oars in our hands,

We row quickly to the shore

A boat landed on the shore

We will jump ashore deftly

(accompaniment with movements)


We can run, jump,

Dance and draw.

Unfortunately, we're not used to it

Relax, rest.

Relaxation is simple,

It's very light.

Let's stop all movement.

Suddenly, the tension disappears.

And it will become clear to us all:

Relaxation is nice...


“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”



Winter has come to us:

The index and middle fingers “walk” along

There is fringe on the trees,

Fingers tap on the table.

The yard is not visible from the window -

All the glass was covered with a pattern

The fingers are clenched; without opening the lock,

extend and bend fingers


exercise on


rhythmic hearing

(No. 7, p. 31)

Our Christmas tree is beautiful,

Ta-Ta-Ti Ti Ti Ti-Ta

Rising to the skies.

Ta-Ta-Ti Ti Ti Ti –Ta

Slender beauty

Ti Ti-Ta – Ti Ti Ti – Ta

All the guys like it.

Ti Ti Ti Ti – Ta-Ta-Ta

Exercise on


Let's make snowflakes

“fly”, take a deep breath through your nose,

stretch your lips with a tube and slowly

exhale through your mouth.

- Now, look carefully at your

snowflakes. Are they the same or different?

Big and small (we blow off the big ones -

inhale deeply and exhale for a long time; blowing away

small ones - take a deep breath and

exhale sharply)



The first verse and chorus are sung

program holiday song.


exercise /

plastic sketch

White, delicious snow is falling,

Goes straight into your mouth.

They walk in a circle, arms to the sides, waving


If I really want to,

I'll swallow the snow all at once!

They walk, raising their knees high, hands on

And then what will happen, brothers!

And there are no snowdrifts to be seen,

They squat low, grab their heads with their hands,

shake their head right, left.

And don't play in the snow

Simulate throwing snowballs

And don't go skiing

Simulate running on “skis”

It will be bad for everyone without snow!

Walking in place.

This is why, friends:

I probably won’t eat the snow!

Saying everything in chorus and loudly:

“I probably won’t eat the snow!”



Trees in winter

Trees in winter, “Verticals”,

Trees in winter “Horizontals”

Riddled with the wind

And the cold itself “Relaxation”

And old pine trees

And the sharp spruce "Zhmurki"

Stand up like soldiers

Towards the blizzard “Relaxation”

Sports part

Squat with tasks

(game, relay race)

“Vanka-vstanka, Vanka-vstanka,

Squat down, squat down.

How disobedient you are!

We can't handle you..."


"Knocked out"

2 teams. One team is in a circle, the other

the team knocks the children out with the ball one at a time


Light snowflake - white fluff

She lay down on her palm to rest a little.

She relaxed her rays and closed her eyes...

Light, airy, like a fairy in a fairy tale...

Wind, don't make noise here!

Don't wake up a snowflake for us!

Let the snowflake relax

It takes a long time to gain strength.

On a long journey you need strength:

she has to fly after the snowfall!


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