Child psychology. the ten most important things parents can teach a young child A child's social development begins with his or her relationship with their parents

If a child constantly whines, this is a very serious sign that he is not understood.

When the family does not take into account his important psychological needs, then whining becomes the only way for him to talk about it.

Today I will share with you 30 ways to keep your child busy in the summer.

Save and use this handy little cheat sheet.

1.Build a hut at home or in the forest.
2. Bake cookies.
3. Make colored/fruit ice.
4. Play board games.
5. Fly a kite.

How do the Internet and modern gadgets affect the child and adolescent psyche? Why does the younger generation so easily become dependent on computer games And social networks? What to do if a teenager is addicted to the Internet? These questions worry modern parents every day.

Children who are forbidden to express their feelings bite their nails, bite their lips or tongue, pick at sores or the skin around their nails, stutter, and pee. They develop skin diseases, nervous tics, and asthma.

Due to painful memories associated with upbringing, many parents live with constant feeling guilt. It happens that the child has already grown up, and the mother within many years are haunted by remorse and before going to bed, in tears, they remember all the “bad things” that were done to the baby.

If you are tired of such experiences, consider yourself “bad parents” and want to correct the parenting mistakes you made in the past, this article will definitely help you.

What is screaming in a parent-child relationship? Usually this is a desire to force someone to do something, an extreme degree of powerlessness. Let's figure out how to approach parenting without yelling.

There are many quick ways pull yourself together at the moment when you want to raise your voice: take 10 deep breaths, leave the room, count to 10. But the situations will definitely be repeated, so it is much more effective to find the reasons for the child’s disobedience, which most often lead to screaming.

What is guilt and how often do we experience it? Why does it sometimes poison your life and prevent you from moving on? And sometimes something terrible happens: this feeling deprives you of hope for changes for the better, depletes the body’s resources and plunges you into a depressive state.

Let's try to understand what the feeling of guilt is and what its connection is with, and also discuss how we can reduce its influence on our lives and relationships with children.

Of course, you want to be the most gentle and caring parent for your child. So that the connection between you is deep and unbreakable.

But the child does not listen, does not want to fulfill requests, and does not do what you consider important or necessary. In such cases, parents resort to either establishing strict rules or punishment. A conflict arises.

Do children need strict rules and boundaries if it entails so many problems and difficulties? What to do? Let's try to figure it out.

Treat me like a child and family psychologist, adults often come to us who cannot build their lives the way they want.

– They feel awkward when people compliment them and make excuses: “Come on, nothing like that”.
– They are embarrassed to express their opinion once again and remain silent, although they have something to say.
– They cannot stand up for themselves and protect their interests when they are treated unfairly.
– They allow themselves to be offended, and sometimes even humiliated.
- They can’t speak "No".
– They cannot ask for help and do not care about their mental and physical health.

It is unlikely that any parent wants to be angry, irritated and yell at their child.

Most likely, this happens at a moment when we see no other way out, don’t know how to influence differently and, as a result, we simply run out of patience.

“Yes, I have no more strength!”– have you heard this phrase? Maybe they even said it themselves more than once?

There are many reasons for any parent to feel angry and irritated. It is unlikely that anyone can boast of such iron self-control, which allows you to always maintain calm and composure. It is normal to experience irritation and anger at times, because we are all living people.

Another thing is that throwing it out on a child is not best option. So how do you deal with these feelings?

“Until you eat, you won’t leave the table!” – the strict grandmother says angrily to Vasilisa. The girl doesn’t want to finish eating this disgusting semolina porridge. She doesn't love her at all. But grandma is adamant. And Vasya takes the spoon with a sigh...

Disobedience is the behavior of a child when he becomes uncontrollable, does everything the opposite, is capricious, argues about any reason and is stubborn. Almost any request or appeal to a child leads to a scandal.
Parents, trying to control the situation, resort to punishment, and this, in turn, leads to resentment, loss of trust and even greater distancing of the child.

“How to stop yelling at a child? He doesn’t understand differently, he stopped listening to me!”.

I often hear similar complaints from parents. To understand how not to yell at a child, parents should realize that the current situation directly depends on them.

It is clear that it is impossible to be ideal parent. One way or another, the parents’ own intrapsychic problems and conflicts leave their mark on their relationship with the child.

In addition, an important factor determining the style of parental education is the forms and methods of educational influence transmitted from ancestral families. We unwittingly reproduce with our children what our parents did to us in childhood. These influences are not always favorable; they can disrupt the course of normal mental development.

Together with factors that determine the baby’s internal mental resources, such as the strength and stability of the nervous system, innate constitutional features relating to the strength of expression of drives, as well as the passage of subsequent developmental conflicts.

Ten-year-old Anya was tasked with cleaning the bathroom. After minimal effort, she gets irritated and says: “Why should I clean up, it’s not fair!”

Vanya must wash the dishes. Tomorrow he has a test, and dad wants to let him go so he can prepare better.

Sound familiar?

Your children's behavior can make you feel guilty and insecure about your parenting style. There are many reasons why we want to give in to children and allow them not to do what they should do.

Oh, these playgrounds!

How many questions parents constantly have:

— What to do if one child takes a toy from another?
— What should we do if a child takes our toy and doesn’t want to give it back?
— What if one child sprinkles sand on the children, but his mother does not react at all?
- What should I do if a strange adult makes a remark to my child?
— What should I do if my child bullies and offends other children?

What happens if we are not in good and regular contact with our child?

I have found that in this case, children are more likely to be capricious and misbehave, their self-esteem becomes lower and tension increases in the family. My personal “barometer” of lack of contact is that I begin to enjoy life less.

Have you ever wondered or directly asked your child: “Are you even listening to me?” This has happened to me.

Did you know that listening is not an innate skill? This skill must be taught. And who do you think children will learn to listen to? Ourselves!

This article will not be easy to read. This topic is not easy, and I have long promised the readers of my site to write about it.

Even if your child is still very young, sooner or later he will ask you questions on this topic. I hope this article helps you better prepare for this conversation.

In my many years of psychological practice, I had to inform children directly during a consultation that one of their relatives had passed away. This was a family request. Adults simply did not know how to tell a child about this.

Once, the mother of a 7-year-old girl, whose father died without regaining consciousness, came to me in the hospital. The man had already been buried, but the girl continued to ask: “When will I go to visit my dad? I miss him". And I was asked to inform the child that dad was no longer alive.

Nowadays it is very difficult for parents to figure out what to buy for their child. There are such a huge number of toys in stores for every taste, color and budget that your head is spinning.

This article will help you choose toys for your child that will help his mental development up to 3 years old, and not slow him down.

All parents lose patience sometimes.

Being a parent involves a huge amount of emotional, mental, and sometimes physical work. And your efforts will not always be appreciated, and you will see an immediate return on them.

Maxim Gorky

Child psychology is a science that studies the psychology of a child, his behavior and the patterns of his mental development. Its significance for our lives is enormous. After all, with the help of child psychology, we learn to competently raise our children in order to make them worthy people who will be accepted by society and will be able to fully develop and realize themselves. It is we and no one else who are responsible for who our children will become. Therefore, I suggest you, dear readers, carefully read this article to the end, because in it I will briefly tell you about the most important points of child psychology that you need to know about in order to competently raise your children.

The best thing parents can do for their children is to truly love them. This is the most important point in child psychology. If parents love their child, then all the necessary knowledge on how to raise him in order to help him develop and become stronger, smarter, more adapted to life, they will definitely find and master. Today there are no problems with the information necessary to solve various problems and tasks, despite the fact that there is a lot of it and therefore it is easy to get confused in it. The problem mainly lies in the lack of demand for useful and necessary information for life. Not all people who have children or are planning to have them show sufficient interest in child psychology. According to my observations, the psychology of children is interesting primarily to those people who truly love their children and all children in general, and for whom children are a value, and not just those who can be born and then abandoned to their fate. So if you, dear readers, are one of those people who, like me, love and appreciate children, and not only their own, but everyone in general, then I am sure that this and my other articles on child psychology , you will read with interest and pleasure. Well, let's see what else important points contains child psychology.

Psychology of child development

We all know very well that a child’s social development begins with his relationships with those around him. In the first years of life, as well as subsequent years, the child learns through imitation of those who are constantly near him, and next to him, as a rule, are his parents, who by their example teach him correct [or incorrect] behavior. Therefore, to a large extent, a child is a reflection of his parents, and as one great book says: “By their fruits you will know them.” A child learns a lot from his parents or from those who replace them, who are constantly near him and from whom he can take an example. What does this mean for parents, or those who are planning to become one? This means that you need to learn how to raise children correctly so that they grow up into decent, happy people, but at the same time you should not forget about your own behavior and not allow it to contradict your words. A child will inevitably copy his parents in his development, so it is important that what his parents teach him does not diverge from what they do.

It is quite possible that for the sake of their child, parents will need to change themselves and their behavior in order to show him a worthy example to follow. But for this you still need to know what is useful for a child and what is harmful, that is, what should be taught to him and when should he be taught this, and what should not be taught, or should be taught, but at the right time, that is, at a certain age . Child psychology will help parents with this, which they need to study constantly in order to understand their child better than anyone else. Even a superficial knowledge of child psychology can significantly improve parents’ understanding of the reasons for their child’s behavior, thanks to which they will be able to influence him in the necessary way. After all, if we buy washing machine or a TV, you and I study the instructions included with them in order to use them correctly. Well, why do some, and perhaps many of us, believe that raising children should be different, that for this, such an important and responsible matter, you don’t need to know anything, but just do what our parents did with us when raised us? Do you, friends, generally like the kind of people you have become, after the upbringing and training that you went through? If you like it, then take the best from this experience and apply it to your children, and if you don’t like it, then you definitely need to start studying child psychology so that your children become better than you, and you can rightfully be proud of them. Raising a child is a very complex and responsible process, for the implementation of which it is necessary to have patience and knowledge, since any mistakes and shortcomings in this work will negatively affect psychological development child. And this is not a job in which we can afford to make mistakes, because we're talking about about our children - our future.

Character formation in children

Character formation begins in early childhood when the child is just beginning to learn about the world around him. There is an opinion according to which a child’s character is formed in the womb, and I completely agree with it, but at the same time I still believe that it is largely formed after the birth of a child, when his perception of the world becomes more acute and direct. Life experiences quickly leave their mark on personal qualities child. After all, the child’s task is to survive and adapt to the conditions of the human world, therefore, he will develop such qualities that the conditions of the outside world will require of him. Therefore, it is important to understand that a child’s character is affected by the attitude towards him from the people around him, mainly his parents. If you constantly shout at a child, insult, humiliate, suppress, beat, or even simply ignore him, without giving him the attention he really needs, then the child will grow up to be a closed, insecure person with low self-esteem. Or he will grow up to be an aggressive and perhaps even cruel person, due to the lack of love and attention. In a word, nothing good, as a rule, grows out of a child who is suppressed, oppressed, humiliated, deprived of love and attention. Although you know, exceptions are not so rare, therefore, one should not talk about the doom of this or that child, seeing the incorrectness of his upbringing or the complete absence of it. Life is full of examples when children who grew up in the most dysfunctional families, in which they were treated horribly, grew up not only normal, but also very successful and happy people. Conversely, children who grew up in normal families and received an abundance of love, attention and care may well become people with a very difficult or weak character, or antisocial personalities. But despite this, in no case should you let the upbringing of a child take its course, treating him as you please, and not as you should - this is extremely irresponsible. You should not rely on exceptions when discussing the attitude towards a child, because exceptions are exceptions, not rules. So treat your child as if he is a special, exceptional person, so that he becomes one. And don't tell him he's a loser and a weakling if you don't want him to be. Parents shape the character of their child by their attitude towards him. They have the power to make him a strong or weak person.

Raising children

Let us now pay more serious attention to raising children in order to understand what plays the most important role in this process. As I said above, the main thing in raising a child is the people around him and their behavior. Children do not need to be told what and how they should do - they need to show it by example. Parents are authorities for a child, but they can easily lose this authority if they are not fair and consistent in their behavior, and will deceive the child, not keeping their promises and not being responsible for their words. Therefore, it is important, very important, to be a worthy example for your children, so that they strive to be like their parents, so that they adopt all their habits and behavior, so that they accept their values ​​and worldview. In the process of education, it is inevitable to use both carrots and sticks, but if parents punish a child, the punishment must be fair, and if they praise him, then this praise must be deserved. And if parents buy something, give something to their child, then they need to tie their gift to some achievement of the child, so that he understands that in this life any reward is a consequence of achieving some results. Common sense in raising a child is the key to success. But to have common sense, you need to study what you want to understand. So I once again urge you, dear parents, to begin actively studying child psychology in order to possess the same common sense, thanks to which you can competently and even wisely raise your children.

Teaching children

Perhaps someone will disagree with me, but I have reason to believe that a person is not born with ready-made abilities - he acquires them in the process of learning and becomes what he becomes thanks to training and upbringing, and not to a natural predisposition to one activity or another. In nature, there are no and cannot be born traders, lawyers, accountants, plumbers, cooks, builders, and so on, which means there are no and cannot be born winners and losers in this life, so we can all be whoever we want, and We must help our children become those who are beneficial for them to be in this world. There is no need to ask a child what he wants to become when he grows up, because he does not know enough about life to choose who it is beneficial for him to be. Not every adult knows who it is profitable to be in this world, so many parents turn to child psychologists for help, asking them to help them choose a profession or activity they like for their child. They do not understand that a child’s favorite activity can be an activity that, firstly, is interesting to him, and in order for him to be interested in it, it must make an impression on him, and secondly, which will be beneficial to him. And it is in the power of parents to make sure that their child is interested in engaging in some specific activity that is beneficial to engage in in this world. That is, you need to make sure that the child is impressed by this or that activity [correct activity], so that he becomes infected with it, taking an example from, say, his parents, who, thanks to their authority, will become for him the best example of who and what what you need to be and what you should strive for in order to be successful and happy. After all, if, say, you play chess with a child from an early age, in a friendly atmosphere, when the child feels good and interested in being around his parents, when he feels their care and love, then he will inevitably become addicted to chess and, as he grows up, he will certainly become a good chess player. You can teach a child absolutely anything, the main thing is to study with him, so that he is interested in learning, and so that he receives praise from his parents for his academic success. One is not born with talent, talent is developed. Well, who is profitable to be in this world, an adult must see and understand for himself, he has all the examples before his eyes. To put it briefly and simply, those who manage people and money live the best in this world.

Development of intelligence in children

The development of intelligence in children, like everything else, begins from the first days of their life and occurs constantly. Any information, every little thing perceived by a child’s senses affects his intellect. Therefore, it is important to constantly influence the child’s senses in such a way as to arouse his interest in something - in communication, in play, in looking at some unusual things that he will explore. His brain must work, and for this to happen, something must happen in the outside world that the child will learn and study to the best of his ability. It is necessary to constantly talk to the child, because the more new words he hears every day, the more actively his intellect will develop and the faster he will speak. There should be a lot of toys and other things surrounding the child. Playing various toys and by studying different things, the child gains the experience necessary for the development of his intellect, so the more toys and things he has, the faster his thinking and behavior will become more complex. In general, the more different things a child does, the more often his parents play and communicate with him, the better for his intelligence. Well, then, as the child grows up, he can and should be captivated by various intellectual tasks, creative activities, memory exercises, and so on. The point is to awaken a child’s interest in learning, in knowledge, in learning, and for this he must be constantly praised and encouraged in every possible way for any, even the most insignificant, successes in learning, so that he is not afraid, but loves to learn. By nature, we all want to learn, discover, explore, experience, but this desire must be supported, not discouraged. Therefore, there should be a minimum of criticism when teaching, especially in early age when the child’s psyche is not yet strong enough to accept this criticism. Learning should be perceived by the child as a game in which he constantly wins. And we, adults, must understand that any game is learning, so it is important to choose correct games to learn and teach the right things.

Communication with a child

The more intense and interesting a child’s communication is, the more socially adapted person he will become. Communication also affects the development of intelligence in the most positive way, so it is advisable for parents to communicate with their child as much as possible, of course, in a friendly tone and preferably on intellectual topics, depending on his age, since communication is different. In one case, communication helps a person, a child, to think and reflect on something, looking for meaning and truth in something, and in another, communication can be meaningless and meaningless and even harmful, depending on its form and purpose. Therefore, it is necessary to be prepared when communicating with a child, especially an adult child. But it is imperative to communicate with children; you cannot leave them in front of the TV or computer, which will teach them who knows what. We all need communication, some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent, but children especially urgently need it, since for them communication is one of the ways to understand the world and the opportunity to feel part of it. We can also include playing with a child, through which his intellect and social skills develop. But the main thing is that frequent communication with a child and playing with him brings him closer to his parents. And this is very important for both the child and the parents. The more time the parents spend with the child, the more often they communicate with him, the closer he is morally to them, and the closer he is to them, the more he trusts them, and the more he trusts them, the more he will obey them, which , as you understand, is of great importance for any normal family who wants to be friendly and united. It will be difficult for parents to teach their child anything to prepare him for life if he does not want to listen to them. And he will listen to them only if he trusts them. And trust must be earned. So communicate with your children, dear parents, give them your attention, teach them, help them explore this world, praise them for any, even the most insignificant, successes and your children will believe you and obey you.

I will write more than one article about child psychology, since this is one of the most important for me, and I hope for you too, the topic for which you should show interest in psychology in general. As you understand, what is written in this article is not all that I wanted and can tell you on the topic of child psychology, and this is not all that you need to know about it. Therefore, we will discuss child psychology from a variety of angles in my future articles.

Children are our future, which we can make the way we make our children - by investing our time, energy and, of course, love in them. Child psychology is actually not as complicated as it seems to some people who are completely unfamiliar with it. You just need to show interest in this science so that short terms learn to understand those who we ourselves once were. And I hope that you, dear readers, will show this interest in her, for the sake of yourself and your children. And I, in turn, promise that in the future I will write new, interesting, useful and educational articles on this topic. So read my site and you will learn a lot.

Studying the psychology of a child, his behavior and the patterns of his mental development.

A child's social development begins with his relationship with his parents

​​​​​​​​​​​​​One of the first manifestations of a child’s recognition of others is a smile. Opinions about what causes a baby to smile are controversial, but it is generally known that by the age of two months it can appear at the sight of a human face.

At this age, the baby does not distinguish the mother’s face from others, but by 6-7 months the child’s smile becomes selective. Now he smiles at his mother and those he knows well, but greets strangers with reserve. For children of this age, fear and embarrassment when unfamiliar faces appear are typical. This indicates the development of a socially important ability to distinguish “us” from “outsiders.”

Already for babies, father and mother perform different functions. According to research, kids perceive dad primarily as a toy. For both boys and girls, dad is the best toy: an interactive toy from which you can learn everything. Babies perceive their mother differently: as a subject from whom they can receive food, warmth and protection.

No matter how different children are, all young children from 9 months to 9 years have common, at least similar, traits and characteristics. Which?

A small child has natural energy and intelligence. Talk about the fragility of a child's soul is a myth; a child has a stronger psyche than adults. The child is small, but helpless - not. This is a lively animal, this is a prepared combat unit, a small energetic predator and manipulator, taking advantage of any mistakes of adults, easily jumping on the neck of its parents and seizing power over them. A child’s arsenal of influence is significantly poorer than that of an adult, but the child has more energy, imagination and perseverance. See→

A small child is proactive in taking care of his own interests. The child has his own tasks regarding life and regarding you. At that time. when an adult approaches a small child with his tasks, the child does for the adult what is included in his plans and interests. Children know what they want and they get it.

Situation. I'm at the airport, flying on a business trip. I see a family, four adults: mom, dad, grandparents. In dad's arms - small child. The child, shooting with lively eyes in the direction of his grandmother, reaches out to his grandfather. Shows his grandmother that he is more interesting with his grandfather. The grandfather is happy, reaches out his hands to the child, the child ends up with him, the grandmother is upset. But then the child turns to face the naive grandfather and cries in his face. Grandfather is washed... Mom takes the child from grandfather, he cuddles up to her, but is already looking at dad... The child plays with these adults, pits them against each other, has fun to the fullest. At the same time, it seems that the adults themselves included in this situation did not really understand who was actually controlling them in this situation.

From the very first days of his life, a child actively uses his emotions (innate, learned and invented) in order to achieve from others what he wants from them. At least some children have been in control of their parents and other adults since they were a year old.

From people’s early memories of their childhood, the story: “I remember I was two years old, I was lying in my crib, my grandfather came in and smiled at me, wanting me to smile at him too. I loved my grandfather and treated him well. I played with him and smiled at him. But I didn’t love my grandmother much, I didn’t smile at her, and often cried in her face.”

Most of children's emotions are not reactions, not mechanical reflections of your actions, but their small creative projects. Once an exploration, once a game, once a test of your strength, once a pleasure to take revenge.

A small child is an active management of relationships. A child always has a lot of ideas and plans, and what will happen to him is not only decided by you, it’s already your common romance. And it is possible that it is not you, but the child who will determine who will learn from whom and who will put up with whom.

If you didn’t buy your child a game at his request, he will cry to you, but this is not an unfortunate insult, but an attack on you and revenge for your bad behavior. When a child forgives you, he will decide for himself, and in the history of your relationship, the main player is often the child, and you are a puppet in his hands.

It’s good that children are usually quick-witted and forgive us quickly enough.

Each child initially has his own world. The child was born and created his own world. He now lives in his own world, with his own characters and his own stories. Will he let you go there - ask him. You won’t be able to get there by force, but if your child wants to, he will open the doors slightly and you can look in there.

Interaction between children

As people age, specific types of social behavior also change with age. For example, in preschool period When children begin to compare themselves with others, competition between them intensifies. The number of fights and quarrels almost does not depend on the age of the child, but their nature changes. Instead of short-term, purely physical conflicts, older children start more sophisticated, verbal quarrels, in which the resentment lasts much longer.

The stability of friendships changes in a similar way. The friendships of young children are fleeting. According to one study, even at age 11, only 50% of children best friend remained the same as two weeks ago. In a similar survey of 18-year-old schoolchildren (in the same study), 80% of them named the same person both times.

One of the most acute social problems currently - the formation of negative social attitudes, especially national and racial prejudices. Children from families and social groups with strong prejudices begin to internalize the same negative views during early school age; in adolescence, these views are consolidated.

Development of sensations and perception

It has been proven that a newborn distinguishes speech sounds (phonemes), i.e. he is already developing an ability that will allow him to understand speech in the future. The newborn apparently perceives the constancy of form. When a baby is shown the same object over and over again, he gets used to its shape, and the time of visual fixation on it becomes shorter and shorter. Despite these first achievements, the infant is still relatively undeveloped. But gradually his sensations become more clear. Thus, with age, sensory abilities improve: color and depth perception, hearing acuity. Some early-onset abilities then disappear and reappear a few months later in a more complex form. Whatever abilities a child displays, they improve with age, becoming more differentiated.

Development of emotions and feelings in childhood

According to one of the most interesting hypotheses, there is a limited number of so-called. basic emotions, apparently innate, although not all of them appear immediately after birth. These include fear, dissatisfaction, and a number of others. Anger, for example, is caused by interference with a child's actions; facial expressions and behavior that express anger can be recognized at a very early age. The same emotional manifestations are found in different ones, which confirms the idea of ​​their innate nature.

Children's emotions and feelings are a product of social learning, and this social learning goes in two directions: while children master those states that most effectively protect them from their parents or allow them to control their parents, adults teach children those states that are convenient and interesting for adults. The child, with the help of the adults around him and the influence of culture as a whole, masters the feelings accepted in a given society, in particular, he becomes familiar with the feelings of friendship, love, gratitude, patriotism and other high feelings. It is thanks to socialization that children develop composure and willpower; boys master the role of a man and lay the foundations for the future role of a father; girls master female roles, internalize the values ​​of being a wife and mother, and master the necessary skills for this.

The value-semantic sphere of the child and the formation of life values

How do life values ​​appear in a child’s life? Differently. Sometimes it is a gradual ripening, the crystallization of something initially amorphous into something definite; sometimes it happens abruptly, suddenly, like an epiphany. Sometimes it comes from within, sometimes it is set from the outside, by the traditions and rituals of society. The birth of life values ​​usually occurs as a result of the combination of several factors: 1) existing or ready to develop behavior, 2) an internally or externally motivating situation and 3) semantic forms that tell a person the name and status of his new life value. If a child begins to behave like a “boy”, if his “boyish behavior” is supported by others; if everyone calls him “boy” and especially those he would like to be like, the child will soon develop masculine values...

However, the same question can be posed more meaningfully: how are future life meanings and values ​​of a child formed (or not formed)? The main sources here seem to be the children's subculture, (still) the family and the virtual reality of the media and computer games, which already has a serious influence.

Exploratory behavior

Healthy children are usually curious, although there is no evidence to suggest that children have a natural tendency to develop themselves. Rather, the evidence suggests that children develop only when their parents develop them.

From the moment of birth, a child actively explores, primarily those objects that move or change in some way. The baby explores its environment, although at first not very skillfully; He begins to follow large moving objects with his eyes very early. At the same time, auditory and visual perception are already coordinated to some extent. The visual field does not remain a blur for long - infant trying to make it clear. If the experiment is designed in such a way that rapid sucking of the pacifier causes an object to move into the focus of the infant's visual field, he will suck very quickly; in the opposite situation, i.e. when, during rapid sucking, the object goes out of focus, the child begins to suck slowly.

The sensorimotor stage covers the period of infancy. In the first months of life, the child behaves as if the objects he at the moment cannot observe, they simply do not exist, and only gradually begins to look for objects that have gone out of sight, beginning to guess where they are. He is also able to coordinate information coming from different senses, so that the tactile, visual and auditory perception of an object are not three independent elements of his experience, but three aspects of the same object. Another significant achievement at this stage is the development of the ability to act purposefully. At the first stages, the infant makes only those voluntary movements that in themselves are somehow attractive and interesting to him, but gradually he moves on to actions aimed at achieving the goal. Initially, they are based only on previously mastered voluntary movements; Subsequently, the child begins to independently and intentionally vary his behavior.

Stage of pre-operational thinking. At this stage, verbal and conceptual thinking begins to form. The first stage, or the first stage of the development of thinking, is characterized by the fact that the child masters the world around him at the behavioral level, but cannot foresee or verbally express the consequences of this or that event. For example, he recognizes an object if he sees it from a different angle, but is unable to predict what it will look like in a new position. In the second stage, the child begins to acquire knowledge, make comparisons, and predict consequences. However, his thinking is not yet systematic.

Stage of concrete operations. In the third stage, beginning around age seven, the child is able to consider problems at a conceptual level and acquires rudimentary concepts of categories such as space, time and quantity. If at the previous stage the child thinks that, for example, when pouring water from a narrow glass into a wide one, there is less water, then at the third stage he understands that the amount of water does not depend on the shape of the vessel. By the end of the second stage, the child can tell which of two sticks is larger, but cannot arrange several sticks along the length in the correct sequence. At the third stage, he acquires the concept of the orderliness of objects.

The formal operations stage begins around age 11. The child’s thinking is systematized, he is able to determine consequences based on the causes of any phenomenon. For example, if liquids A and B become red when mixed, when liquid B is added, the color disappears, and liquid D does not change anything, the child will systematically go through all possible combinations until he establishes the features of the action of each liquid. Thus, at stage 4, the child acquires the ability to formulate and test hypotheses through systematic scientific inquiry.

Development of a boy and a girl

The difference between boys and girls begins to manifest itself in earnest around the age of 6... Boys have their own stages of development, and girls have their own.

Each person is an unknown universe that is difficult to understand. In desperation, we begin to study psychology. Some things become easier to understand, but others remain a mystery. Certainly, common language It's easier to find someone like you. That's why people are grouped according to different similar qualities. What about the children? They are not at all like us adults. Psychology for children is an attempt to go back in time and find in your child, first of all, a good friend.

Child psychology

Yes, we all had 13-15 years of experience in the “I am a child” area. But we can no longer remember most of the impressions and views. And child psychology is a very confusing area. But, having understood it at least a little, you can build a positive relationship with your child. Children's thinking is a fairly studied area. Therefore, if your child is disobedient or lies, this behavior can be corrected. It is important to calm down and understand the essence of the problem. And then take concrete actions.

So, let's start with lies. Remember Dr. House: “Everyone lies.” And children are no exception. Most often, a child lies to avoid punishment. The reason lies in the serious punishment of parents or in excessive expectations from the child. Afraid of upsetting mom and dad, the little boy will lie and say that he cleaned the room, even if he didn’t. The best way to avoid this is a motivation to act and an explanation that no one will shout and scold a child for not following instructions.

Children who are already part of a certain social group may lie out of a need to please others. They want to “be cool” in the eyes of their peers, so they invent and exaggerate various stories and facts. If this phenomenon is infrequent, there is no need to worry. But if the child constantly wants to invent and lie, you should pay more attention to him and talk more often. The problem of artificially increasing self-esteem lies in dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s social position. Find out why your child feels inferior.

The most active age at which children lie is 9-13 years old. During this period, they begin to understand that there are many restrictions in life that cannot always be observed. Parents cease to be an absolute authority. Parents must experience such a protest in the child’s behavior with him. You need to show that they will always support you and never give up. Don't be afraid to let your kids occasionally run a red light or cheat at school. On the contrary, tell me how best to do this, to cause less harm to myself. Imagine how proud your child will be of such progressive and understanding parents.

But if you are approaching adolescence, be extremely careful. Right now the child is learning to be independent and trying to find himself. Children at this time lie because of the need to disconnect from parental care; they set personal boundaries. From your excessive care, the child begins to lie and hide his emotions and events in life. You cannot do without rudeness in conversations. It is important not to insist on your care, but to free up space for the natural formation of personality. Don’t worry, in case of any problem, your child will still turn to you for help. This period is important not only in the life of every child, but also in the life of parents. The time has come to understand that your child will learn to live from his mistakes, and you will not be able to protect him all his life.

But if a child already lies too often and actively, it means that he is going through certain problems in the family very hard. A lie can be accompanied by various dirty tricks. In this case, think about your methods of raising and communicating with children. They may lie out of desperation, subconsciously trying to show that something is wrong with them and they need help. Often the reason for this behavior is changes in the family, for example, the divorce of parents.

Child psychology video

The psychology of children is in many ways similar to the psychology of an adult. To find contact with your child, you need to find a friend for yourself in him and become reliable and loving friend. How to do this?

First, accept active participation in the life of your child. But your interest must be sincere, otherwise the game is not worth the candle. Find out what color he or she likes best, what he or she wants to be as a child, and who he or she is going to send a Valentine's card to in kindergarten. Play together and draw. Your child is your continuation, so you will probably find many common interests and views, even if your little miracle is only 4 years old.

Make more jokes and have fun together! With your optimism, you will not only give your child pleasant memories for life, but also provide him with incredible support. By the way, in this way you will improve your life for the better, because positivity helps you cope with difficulties.

Talk more, explain all the situations you encounter. If you don’t want your child to lie to you, don’t lie to him yourself. Children are very sensitive to insincerity. They need to be treated like adults. They will appreciate it and be loyal. And you will discover how grown-up children can be.

Childhood is a time when human growth and development proceeds by leaps and bounds. But the concepts of “growth” and “development” need to be separated. The child’s weight and height increase, his speech and movements improve, i.e. everything that a child has from birth, and only changes over time. This is how a child grows.

Development presupposes the emergence of new manifestations in the child in the emotional and spiritual sphere, in the perception of the surrounding world and interaction with it. All this is formed under the influence of the external environment and cannot appear without it.

Such manifestations and perceptions are different at each age, but their development is natural. During this process, the child’s character, interests, habits, and views are formed. It is this path of mental development of a child from infancy to school age that child psychology studies.

The importance of child psychology

“We all come from childhood,” because the scenario of human life is laid down precisely in the earliest years of a person’s life. The previous stage of a child’s development always leaves an imprint on the next, so it is very important to study and pay attention to the earliest periods of the formation of his personality.

Each stage child development is of great importance because it can affect a person’s entire life. This is why it is so important to “live” each age fully. All age periods have their own characteristics and capabilities that need to be used and developed as much as possible.

For example, in infancy, a baby needs to communicate with adults; at the age of one or two years, a child gains experience in procedural play (reproducing the actions of adults: putting them to bed, feeding, bathing dolls, driving a car). For children preschool age necessary role playing games, construction, reading fairy tales, participating in experimentation. Knowing these and other features of the child’s age, parents and educators ensure his development creative, mental and cognitive abilities, self-confidence, respect for others, initiative.

Why is it important for parents and educators to know child psychology?

The mind of a child at birth represents blank slate, onto which all information received from the outside is applied, and thanks to which his personality is subsequently formed. Unlike animals that live by instinct, without cultural influence - social experience the child will not be able to develop to the level modern man. It is only through communication with other people that a child’s psyche is formed.

An unprepared person, even one who wishes happiness to a child, can cause unique harm to his psyche. As often happens, despite the outward prosperity that reigns in the family, a child grows up insecure, withdrawn, and unable to shape the events of his life. All this leads to the fact that throughout his entire journey he cannot learn to be happy and find his place in life.

The greatest influence on a child's development is family and kindergarten . After all, this is where the baby spends most of his life. Therefore, knowledge of the basics of child psychology is very important for those who interact with the child. Only knowing age characteristics children, norms of psychological and emotional development You can recognize deviations in time and choose adequate forms of communication with them.

The authors of the article presented below talk about the peculiarities of a child’s development, how to help him effectively use his abilities and become a full-fledged person.