Fruits for children. Diet of a one-year-old baby: fruits and berries What fruits can a child under 1 year old eat?

If it is impossible to get fresh fruits and berries (for example, in winter and spring periods), for children from 1-1.5 years old they can be partially or completely replaced with canned ones, manufactured by the food industry specifically for baby food. This is evidenced by the description on the packaging. Usually these are canned purees from apricots, apples, apples with milk, apples with rice, etc. Before feeding the baby, apple-rice or apple-milk puree must be heated.

Important to know!
Feed small child fruit juices, purees and other canned foods are strictly prohibited unless there is a special mark on the packaging or label (for example, “For children over 1 year old”) allowing their contents to be given to children. Otherwise, harmful dyes and preservatives can cause irreparable harm to the child's health. Also, when purchasing, take into account the expiration dates; for example, it is not recommended to give your child puree whose expiration date is coming to an end, and especially if it has already expired.

To bake an apple for a child, wash the fruit, prick it with a fork several times from different sides and place it on the bottom of the pan covered with water. Then place the pan with the apple in the oven and bake until the apple is soft, which after cooling a little can be given to the child.

Read also: Drinks for children.


  1. Sugar - 10-15g
  2. Apples - 100-150g

To treat your child to a baked apple with sugar, wash 1 apple (Antonovka, Ranet, etc.), cut out its core and place it on a baking sheet or frying pan (without a plastic handle). Then pour sugar (1 tsp) into the hole remaining from the core, pour a little water into the dish and bake until soft. Once cooled, serve the apple to your child.


  1. Apples - 150g
  2. Water - 100g
  3. Sugar - 25g

To prepare homemade applesauce for a child, cut the apple into small cubes, which then throw into a saucepan and pour boiling water (0.5 tbsp.). After this, they need to be boiled under a closed lid and rubbed through the metal. sieve, add sugar (1 tbsp) and boil to the required thickness. After cooling, applesauce can be served to your child.

Read also: Fruits and berries for a child under 1 year old.


  1. Apples - 100-150g
  2. Sugar - 25g
  3. Cookies - 2 pcs.
  4. Protein - 1 pc.

To make apple snowballs for a child, bake an apple (1 large) and rub it through a sieve. Beat one egg white until stiff, then slowly add 1 tbsp. sugar and 1 grated apple. Beat the resulting mass until it is fluffy and light in color. Then put it in a mold, on a saucer or a beautiful plate and serve it to your child.

Also, for greater strength, when whipping apple snowballs, you can add 1 tbsp. biscuit flour (dry cookies ground into flour).


  1. Powdered sugar - 30g
  2. Berries - 100g

As stated at the beginning of the article, only the ripe and freshest raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, etc. can be used to feed a child. Sort out the berries, place on a sieve and rinse with boiled water. Then peel them and sprinkle with powdered sugar at the rate of 30g of powder per 100g of raspberries and strawberries. Serve them with milk or cream for your child.

Buy prunes for your child without seeds. Rinse 100g of prunes under running water and fill it with water (boiled!) so that it completely covers it. Leave the prunes in this form for a day, then drain the water, rinse again in boiled water and you can give it to the baby.

If you continue to feed your baby breast milk, then do not rush to wean him from the breast. There are studies confirming the value of even occasional breastfeeding of a child in the second year of life, because... you give the child not only food, but also a feeling of peace, security and confidence in his mother’s love. In addition, milk contains protective antibodies that help the baby resist infectious diseases. It is almost impossible to overfeed with breast milk (this is one of its unique properties - the ability to “automatically” adapt to the needs of the child), i.e. the mother produces the amount of milk and with the properties that are necessary for at the moment baby. But this does not apply to formula feeding. So if your child is formula-fed, measure the volumes strictly in accordance with his age and the pediatrician’s recommendations.

Dairy products

So, the first group of products, necessary for the baby, who have crossed the one-year mark - dairy products. They contain proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. What to choose from the variety of dairy products: mixtures (so-called follow-up formulas), milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir or cheese? The use of “follow-up formulas” (if the child is artificial) should hardly be abandoned, despite the indicated age - “from 6 to 12 months”. This is due to the fact that in recent years Many nutritionists increasingly recommend postponing a baby’s introduction to whole milk until a later age (2-2.5 years) due to the increased number of cases of food allergies to protein cow's milk.

    Kefir is a traditional product dietary nutrition. It accounts for more than 2/3 of the total production of fermented milk drinks. To produce kefir, kefir grains are used, which are a symbiosis (coexistence of organisms) of many microbes (lactic acid streptococci, lactic acid bacilli, acetic acid bacteria, flavor-forming bacteria and yeast). Kefir has everything beneficial properties fermented milk drinks. Consuming kefir tones the cardiovascular and nervous systems, normalizes and improves kidney and intestinal function.

Kefir contains lactic acid bacteria, as well as bifidobacteria, which regulate the normal microflora of the human gastrointestinal tract, which not only improves digestion, but also has a positive effect on the immune system. However, it should be remembered that fermented milk products are highly acidic and in large quantities are not very beneficial for the child’s body. Research conducted by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy medical sciences(RAMS) showed that consumption of kefir in an amount of 400 ml by children 6-8 months old can lead to pinpoint hemorrhages in the intestines (accompanied by loss of hemoglobin and iron). Don’t forget about this and introduce kefir into the diet of 6-7 month old babies. According to new recommendations from the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, this product can be given to children from 9-12 months in an amount not exceeding 200 ml. TO fermented milk products This includes yoghurts.

    Any yogurt is prepared on the basis of yogurt starter - Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococcus. It is these lactic acid cultures that make the tasty product also healthy. However healing properties These bacteria are preserved only in “live” or “short” yoghurts that have not undergone heat treatment. The shelf life of such yoghurts does not exceed 30 days at temperatures from +2 to +8 degrees Celsius. “Long” yoghurts can be stored for more than three months, not even in the refrigerator. Their life can be extended either with the help of preservatives or through heat treatment. All useful minerals and vitamins are preserved, but the bacteria die. Most yoghurts contain natural fruits; the taste of fruits in some cases compensates for the lack of sugar or its substitutes.

A one-year-old baby can only receive specialized baby milk (not cream) yogurt with a moderate content of fat and carbohydrates. Such yoghurts are produced in baby food factories, they have a limited shelf life (several days) and are sold in baby food departments. They can be given to children from 8-12 months. Cottage cheese, as a source of protein and calcium, is necessary for a child, but within reasonable limits - about 50 g per day. It must be remembered that due to the high protein content, cottage cheese is not a very easily digestible product. In addition, too much protein in the diet is not at all harmless - in some children this can lead to a decrease in appetite, and in the future it will lead to an increased risk of atherosclerosis, obesity, and other disorders. Sour cream, cream and cheese are used in the nutrition of a baby in his second year of life in small quantities (just like cottage cheese and yogurt, it is better to give them not every day). Sour cream is added to ready-made dishes. It is advisable to grind the cheese (for example, on a grater). This product can be given in combination with pasta, or can be used as a separate dish.


The next group of products is cereals, which are a source of carbohydrates, vegetable proteins, vitamins, and minerals. In first place nutritional value buckwheat and oatmeal are available. About the influence of the beloved and still widely used in children's nutrition early age A lot has already been written about semolina porridge. But it is necessary to remind: semolina refers to cereals containing gluten (a protein from cereals that can cause allergies especially in infants). And there are not so many vitamins and minerals in semolina. Therefore, you should not abuse this product. Rice is very easy to digest, absorbed by the body and is widely used for children with digestive problems. Unfortunately, the content of vitamins (for example, E and B1) and minerals (for example, potassium) in rice is even lower than in semolina. Corn also cannot boast of a particularly valuable vitamin and mineral composition. In addition, it contains a lot of starch. But corn is one of the sources of selenium. After prolonged cooking, this porridge is easily digestible by the baby.

Fruits and vegetables

For a child of the second year of life, it is useful to add fruits or vegetables to porridge (for example, apples in rice, pumpkin in oatmeal). At this age, it is already possible to expand the range of fruits offered to the baby (fresh and in the form of juices, purees) with oranges, apricots, strawberries, kiwis (in limited quantities, if juice - 100 ml, if puree - 100 ml). Gooseberries, cherries, currants, cranberries, raspberries, lingonberries, and pureed blackberries are very useful. A biologically valuable vitamin drink can be prepared from rose hips. Grapes have the ability to enhance fermentation processes in the intestines. In addition, they oversaturate the child’s diet with carbohydrates. Combined with its relatively low vitamin content, this makes it a product intended for older children. The vegetable menu can be enriched with beets, turnips, green peas, and beans. Legumes should be given with great care and only in a well-cooked, thoroughly chopped form, since, despite the richness of vegetable proteins, these vegetables contain coarse fiber. It causes increased gas formation and significantly enhances intestinal motility, as a result of which the child’s stool becomes more liquid.

Meat products and fish

Meat products play an important role in children's nutrition. They are given in the first half of the day (taking into account the longer period of time required for absorption), and not only in the form of minced meat and meatballs (as for children of the first year of life), you can also prepare steamed cutlets. The diet is expanded with lean pork, offal (especially tongue), chicken, rabbit meat, and turkey. Waterfowl meat (ducks, geese), fatty pork and lamb are not recommended due to the difficulty of digesting them. And, of course, no sausages, frankfurters or small sausages. You can introduce low-fat varieties of fish (hake, pollock) into your child’s diet. Fish should be given 2 times a week, provided that there is no allergic reaction to it. Fish contains: large quantities useful minerals and vitamins. It can be boiled, stewed with vegetables, made into cutlets and meatballs, soufflé. And caviar, so beloved by many adults, can be given only occasionally and with great caution (it can cause an allergic reaction).


Eggs contain easily digestible protein, valuable amino acids, vitamins, micro- and macroelements. One egg should be included in daily diet baby of the second year of life (except for cases when the child suffers from a food allergy to chicken protein). This can be a whole egg, a steamed omelet, or eggs added to culinary products (cottage cheese, pancakes). Under no circumstances should children be given raw eggs. Quail eggs differ from chicken not only in their higher protein content (with a large number amino acids - tryptophan), but also a higher content of fat and cholesterol (despite such a small size). However, they may be a good alternative for children with intolerances chicken protein(1-2 pieces per day or every other day).


Another source of fat in the diet of a baby in his second year of life is butter. It is better to give butter in in kind(for example, spread on bread or add to ready-made dishes) without heat treatment. The same applies to vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, soybean, corn). It is used in the final stage of cooking vegetables.


Please note that the baby should not eat pastries, cakes, chocolates, fatty varieties of cookies. For confectionery products, we can recommend marmalade, jams, marshmallows, preserves. You need to be very careful with honey, since, in addition to its undoubted benefits, it has a high ability to cause allergic reactions. Instead of sugar, it is better to use fructose.


It is better to give white bread to children under 1.5 years of age, as it is easier to digest.


As for drinks (except for the already mentioned fruit and vegetable juices and dairy products), a child of this age is allowed tea (natural and lightly brewed). Carbonated drinks (even mineral water) are not included in the child’s diet.


So, the baby’s nutrition should be balanced, energetically valuable and correspond to age-related abilities (biting, chewing, digesting and absorbing food). Food, as in an earlier period, remains pureed (now no longer through a fine sieve, but on a grater); boiled meat and fish can be turned in a meat grinder only once. It is possible to prepare pancakes, casseroles, soufflés and puddings. You should not give up ready-made specialized products “for baby food”. High control over the quality of products, their preparation, and composition that meets the child’s needs make them indispensable in the baby’s nutrition. Do not forget about the variety of food and about taking into account the child’s taste preferences: let him get acquainted with as many foods as possible that are allowed at this age.


Up to 1.5 years, the regime of four to five feedings a day remains relevant, the intervals between feedings are 4-5 hours. The hours of eating should be strictly fixed (deviations of 15-30 minutes are acceptable) in order to develop a conditioned reflex in the baby and, accordingly, better absorption of food. The most high-calorie meal should be lunch, the least - an afternoon snack. To maintain a good appetite, you should not give anything between feedings except water). The daily amount of food for children from 1 to 1.5 years is about 1000-1200 ml (not counting liquid). It should be noted that milk and kefir are not a drink at this age, but food. Approximate standards for daily consumption of various food products (taking into account the recommendations of Russian nutritionists) are given in the table.

Sample menu for a child 12 - 16 months for 3 days

Day one

After waking up, if lactation is maintained - breast-feeding or formula Breakfast Porridge with milk with the addition of fruit and baby cottage cheese Bread and butter or grated cheese Dinner Pumpkin puree soup Vegetable puree with meat (zucchini, veal) Bread Fruit juice (apple-cherry) Afternoon snack Children's kefir or children's yogurt Children's cookies Fruit puree (apple with oatmeal) Dinner Hard-boiled egg Vegetable puree (green peas and potatoes) Tea For the night

Day two

Breast milk or formula Breakfast Children's cottage cheese Oatmeal(dairy-free) with apples Milk tea Dinner Vegetable soup with spinach Fish fillet with cauliflower Bread Compote Afternoon snack Children's kefir or milk or formula (if allergic to cow's milk protein) or children's yogurt Crackers Apple Dinner Steam omelette with cheese Apple and carrot puree Banana and pear nectar For the night Breast milk or formula

Day three

Breast milk or formula Breakfast Milk porridge with fruit Bread and butter Tea Dinner Chicken soup Steamed cutlet with mashed potatoes Biscuits Kissel Afternoon snack Children's yogurt or children's biokefir Children's cookies Dinner Cottage cheese casserole with sour cream Rosehip puree with cream Multivitamin juice For the night Breast milk or formula

Children are the future of the nation, and taking care of them is the task of everyone loving mommy. Good parents know that you can’t feed your baby everything. Supermarkets do not always offer wholesome and healthy baby food. After the baby begins to feed not only on mother's milk, you need to take care of his proper and balanced nutrition. What fruits can a one-month-old baby eat? This is exactly what will be discussed in the article.

The first rule for mothers

Many parents believe that feeding a child fruit for up to a year is very the right decision. Fruits are rich in many microelements that help a small child’s body develop correctly and grow quickly. Of course, the parents are right. However, you should not give your child only fruits; vegetables should be included in the same amount in his diet.


What fruits can an 11 month old baby eat? Can they be given in pieces or is it better to puree them? Many modern parents believe that it is better to give children under one year old fruit in pieces or drink juices with coarse pulp. Their opinion is explained by the fact that children are teething in the period up to eleven months, and the coarse fibers of the fruit massage the gums. This means that the process of growing the first teeth is less painful than for those children who do not eat pieces of fruit. Unfortunately, this fact has not been proven by scientific and medical works. On the contrary, almost all pediatricians advise mothers to feed their children not whole pieces of fruit, but fruit purees. Children whose teeth have not yet grown will not be able to chew and are at risk of choking.

Cook it yourself or buy it?

Caring and loving parents, wanting to give their child the best, will definitely say that the child should be fed only with their own pureed vegetables and fruits. The baby’s parents claim that ready-made mixtures in a jar can hardly be called natural fruit or vegetable purees. Perhaps they are right. But there are nuances that parents often do not take into account when feeding their child.

It is advisable to give natural fruits and vegetables to your child only during their seasonal growth. Only natural fruits contain a lot of useful elements and vitamins that promote the growth of a child and strengthen his health. When buying fruit in winter, most mothers do not think about where and how they were grown. Therefore, you should not completely exclude purees from your child’s diet that are on the shelves of supermarkets and pharmacies. All fruits included in the canned puree are carefully sorted and selected before processing begins. The finished product is just as carefully monitored by health services before being bottled.

What fruits can an 11 month old baby eat? Komarovsky says that you need to start gradually. You should not immediately switch to vegetable and fruit purees immediately after breast milk. Step-by-step actions are necessary in order to look at the reaction of the child’s body to new products from an unusual diet. To begin with, you should give a few spoons of fruit puree, and complete satiety should be achieved with the help of mother's milk or special infant formula. Every day, if there are no manifestations of allergic reactions on the child’s skin, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of fruit puree. Worth a look general condition child's body. The child should not eat with disgust, and the tummy should not swell after eating.

The doctor also says that you should not force food into your child that he does not like the taste of. A small organism itself knows what it needs at a certain stage of life. Komarovsky claims that it is precisely at the age of eleven months, when the child already has teeth, that he should be given fruit and vegetable decoctions, juices, fruit and vegetable purees.

Where to start?

What fruits can an 11 month old baby eat? It is better to start feeding your child fruit with simple fruits that are familiar to adults. These include: apples, pears, bananas, peaches, plums, apricots. You should only give your baby fruit in grated form, no more than two teaspoons per meal.

What fruits can an 11 month old baby eat? Can I have citrus fruits? At eleven months of age, you can feed your baby everything, but it’s worth checking the body’s reaction. Most children love tangerine and orange juices. Strawberries are also among the top foods most adored by children.

What other fruits can be given to a baby at 11 months? You can also grate the pulp of watermelon, dates and prunes. It is better to avoid exotic fruits such as pineapple, kiwi, papaya. You should start feeding your baby with them after eleven months, when all the main fruits become his usual diet.

One product - one week

What fruits can a baby eat at 11 months and in what quantity? A child should be fed one fruit, such as a banana, for a week. After this time, you need to switch to another, for example orange. Every day, giving the child a certain fruit for a week, the mother can monitor the child’s tolerance to a certain product. If an eleven-month-old baby is fed different fruits every day, then in case of allergic reactions it will be very difficult to determine the allergen.

How to cook?

What fruits can a child eat at 11 months old and in what form? It is not advisable to give raw purees to young children who have not yet turned one year old, since the digestive system is not yet completely strong. In order to please your child with delicious fruits, they must first be baked or boiled if they involve cooking. All fruit porridges can be mixed with warm boiled water, but do not add sugar.

Observing simple tips By feeding children fruits, mothers will make their babies healthy and cheerful.

After one year, a new stage begins for children. At this age, babies still continue to explore the world, but they already know and can do a lot. Their bodies are rapidly growing and changing. Changes take place in all organs and systems, and the digestive system is no exception.

By the age of one year, most babies already have about eight teeth, their chewing skills are rapidly developing and they are increasingly interested in solid foods. Enzymes produced by the digestive tract become increasingly active, so children's body is already ready to process and assimilate more complex food than a few months ago, and the stomach has become stronger and somewhat increased in size. Despite such changes, it is not recommended to significantly change a child’s diet at 1 year old and suddenly introduce “adult food” into it.

What to feed a 1 year old baby

With the correct introduction of complementary foods and a carefully thought-out diet, as a rule, by the age of one year, children are already familiar with all the main types of foods. From this age, it is recommended to very gradually begin to transition the baby to more solid and varied foods. The basis of nutrition should still be semi-liquid dishes, but not only pureed ones, but also containing small pieces of food. You should not give your baby food that is too dry yet, as he may have difficulty swallowing.

The nutrition of a child of 1 year, however, as at any other age, should be balanced, containing all the necessary substances. The calorie content of food consumed per day should be about 1300 calories, and its volume should be about 1200 ml. For every kilogram of baby’s weight per day there should be about sixteen grams of carbohydrates, four grams of fat and four grams of proteins.

When drawing up a menu, it is worth considering that the child’s body needs not only the required amount of proteins, but also their high-quality value. Therefore, use animal and vegetable proteins that differ in amino acid composition. Of the total amount of protein, animals should account for 75 percent. Their main sources should be meat, poultry and fish.

Main products in the menu of a one-year-old child

  • Meat. Every day a child needs about one hundred grams of meat products. It can be rabbit, lean pork, veal, chicken, turkey, as well as offal - heart, tongue or liver. It is recommended to use them to prepare steamed meatballs, meatballs, cutlets, meat soufflés, etc.
  • Eggs. After one year of age, as before, only chicken eggs are allowed to be included in a child’s menu, but only if the child is not allergic to them. After a year, babies can be given both yolk and white. It is recommended to include eggs in the menu every other day or three times a week, one at a time. They should only be hard-boiled or cooked as an omelette.
  • Fish. It is recommended to give it to children no more than twice a week, 30-40 grams, and on these days meat dishes should be excluded. Preference should be given to low-fat varieties with the lowest bone content. Cod, pike perch, hake or sea bass are well suited for children's menus.
  • Fats. As a rule, the child receives the required portion of animal fats along with meat dishes. But besides this, he also needs vegetable oils. It is recommended to add them to dishes at the end of cooking, so as not to subject them to extensive heat treatment, during which harmful substances are formed. In addition, it is allowed to add butter to prepared foods, for example, to porridge or puree.
  • Vegetables. A variety of vegetables must be included in the diet of a one-year-old child. It is especially good to combine their consumption with protein products, as they improve protein digestibility. The vegetable diet can now be diversified with green peas, tomatoes, turnips and beets. At one year of age, vegetables should still be given to the baby in the form of purees; by about one and a half years, he can already be offered stewed or boiled vegetables in pieces.
  • Fruits and berries. After a year, you can slowly offer your baby unfamiliar types of berries and fruits - peaches, apricots, kiwis, cherries, lingonberries, blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, raspberries, gooseberries, cherries, citrus fruits, strawberries, sweet cherries, currants. But only introduce each of these products into the menu one at a time and in small quantities, and then carefully observe the baby’s reaction to them. Give your child pieces of soft berries and fruits, such as strawberries and peaches, but grind hard ones or those with a thick skin, such as gooseberries, into a puree. They can be offered to the baby separately after main meals or together with cereals, cottage cheese or dairy products. A child should consume about two hundred grams of fruit per day.
  • Dairy products. After one year of age, a child’s diet must still include dairy products. At this age, the baby should receive about 600 milliliters per day. On a daily basis children's menu It is recommended to include up to two hundred grams of kefir or up to two hundred grams of yogurt. In this case, yogurt must be made specifically for small children or contain live bacteria. Cottage cheese can be offered to your baby simply grated or as part of casseroles or puddings; its daily allowance is now seventy grams. Sour cream (but only low-fat) should be used only for adding to first courses.
  • Cereals. It is impossible to imagine a children's diet without cereals. Buckwheat and oatmeal are the most beneficial for children; you can also offer your baby semolina, rice, millet, and corn. Nevertheless, despite its usefulness, porridge can be given to the baby no more than once a day, since cereals interfere with the absorption of calcium.
  • Sweets. A 1-year-old child’s diet still excludes confectionery and sweets. As for sweets, children of this age can occasionally be given marmalade, jam, honey (but only if the child is not allergic to it), dried fruits and cookies. It is allowed to add sugar to dishes, but only in small quantities (no more than 40 grams per day).
  • Bread. Before the baby turns one and a half years old, only white bread should be included in his menu, since it is digested better than others. Its amount per day should not exceed one hundred grams.
  • Pasta. This type of product is not recommended to be included in the menu too often; this can be done no more than once, maximum twice a week. This is due to the fact that pasta contains a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates. You can offer pasta to your child as a side dish or add it to soups.
  • Drink. Never forget to give your baby something to drink clean water(try to use baby bottles), there are no restrictions on the quantity. In addition to it, the baby can drink vegetable and fruit juices, dairy products, compotes, weak tea and herbal decoctions, such as mint, fennel or chamomile.

Fruits and berries (like vegetables) are valued for their significant content of dietary fiber - fiber, which contributes to proper functioning digestive system. In addition, fruits and berries do not contain fat and are rich in many vitamins and microelements. All this makes them simply necessary in a child’s diet. By the age of 1 year, almost every baby’s menu probably already includes several fruits in the form of purees, juices or small pieces.
Fruits can be given to your baby not only in the form of purees, but also added to porridge, cottage cheese, yogurt, and cottage cheese casseroles. There are quite a lot of fruits and berries that doctors allow to give to babies up to one year old.

Apples rich in many vitamins, among them there is a rather rare vitamin G, which is also called the “appetite vitamin” and which improves the functioning of the digestive system. The pectin contained in apples also promotes “proper” digestion. Apples, of course, are a leader in early introduction into a child’s diet, since they do not cause allergies in most children. By the age of one year, you can give your baby small pieces of peeled apple. Apples can be given to your child raw, baked, or dried.

Raspberry, In addition to containing vitamin C and a significant amount of fiber, it also contains sterols and cahetins. It is these substances that help raspberries “fight” colds and make them a natural antipyretic.

Pears contain vitamins A, group B, C, E, P, PP, carotene. Despite the apparent sweetness of the fruit, pears contain less sugar than apples. In addition, pears contain a lot of folic acid, which is important for children.

Apricots They are very useful for children’s growth because they contain a lot of carotene, vitamins A and B. In addition, apricots contain a lot of potassium, magnesium and iron salts. Moreover, these beneficial substances are also preserved in dried form in dried apricots and apricots. To enrich your child’s diet with fruits in winter, you can add dried apricots to porridge or cottage cheese. This will not only be delicious for your baby, but also very healthy!

Peaches Due to the significant content of soluble, easily digestible fiber, they stabilize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and accelerate the absorption of fatty foods. And that is why peaches are recommended for children who are prone to constipation and to improve appetite.

Bananas Children usually like them very much, and allergies to them are extremely rare. Bananas are rich in magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus, vitamins PP, E and C. But bananas are still heavy food for a baby’s stomach; they are digested quite slowly due to the significant content of fiber and starch. Therefore, you shouldn’t get too carried away with them.

Plums Usually introduced into a child’s diet closer to one year of age. They have a gentle cleansing effect on the gastrointestinal tract due to their fiber content. Prunes, or dried plums (as well as compotes made from them) are simply necessary for children who suffer from constipation.

Strawberry may appear in your baby’s diet after 7 months, but most often they begin to introduce it at the age of closer to a year due to possible allergic reactions. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and have an antimicrobial effect in the mouth and throat. It is better to give strawberries to your child in combination with dairy products (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese): this way, their beneficial properties are better manifested.

Blueberry contains a combination of vitamins C, group B, magnesium, iron and copper, which explains its antibacterial and antianemic properties. In addition, fresh or dried blueberries and compotes made from them inhibit fermentation processes in the intestines.

black currant contains a significant amount of vitamin C, so it will strengthen your baby's immunity. You can include it in your child’s menu in the form of juice (preferably diluted) or puree in combination with other berries or fruits.

Rose hip contains much more vitamin C than blackcurrant or lemon, it will help you protect your baby from infectious diseases and strengthen his immunity. Infusions, teas and decoctions of rose hips have very versatile properties: tonic, anti-inflammatory, hematopoietic. Rosehip also stimulates metabolism in the body and has a positive effect on the central nervous system.

What else can you add to your baby's fruit diet when he is one year old? If your child is not allergic to other fruits, then you can slowly introduce all the fruits and berries that you yourself eat. Let's take a closer look.

Cranberries and lingonberries have anti-infective and antimicrobial properties, so a fruit drink made from these berries will help your baby recover faster if he has a cold or flu.

Cherries and sweet cherries contain useful microelements iodine, potassium and cobalt, which have a very beneficial effect on the blood. It is better to give your baby fresh cherries without seeds, and you can make compotes and jams from cherries.

Watermelon It is better to give it to a child only after one and a half years, so as not to put too much strain on the kidneys. For your child, be sure to choose only ripe watermelons. And in season, closer to autumn, to avoid buying watermelon “artificially” ripened with nitrates.

Oranges rich in vitamins A, C, P, groups B and D, iron and copper, folic acid. However, despite all their usefulness, if your baby has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then you should not give him citrus fruits. Also be careful about the body’s reaction when introducing citrus fruits into your baby’s diet, as they are very allergenic.

Grape can cause “fermentation” in your baby’s tummy, so you shouldn’t get carried away with it. And, of course, it is better to treat your child to seedless grapes. You can safely add dried grapes and raisins to cereals and desserts for your child.

Delicious and healthy “fruit and berry” dishes for your baby!