Where is the baby at 15 weeks? Dangers and complications

Pregnancy calendars

Fifteenth obstetric week of pregnancy - a triple test can already be performed. The coccyx-parietal size of the fetus at the fifteenth week of pregnancy is almost 10 cm.

The fetus actively moves in the amniotic fluid surrounding it. He will take his final position in the uterus only at the end of the third trimester, and now he manages to radically change the position of the body in space several times in 5 minutes. At 15 weeks of pregnancy, bone formation continues and the limbs and torso begin to elongate. Now the head no longer seems so big. The skin thickens a little, although it still remains transparent. Blood vessels are visible through it and therefore the baby’s body looks red. The CTE (coccygeal-parietal size) of the fetus at the fifteenth week of pregnancy is 90-100 mm, and its weight is about 50 grams. The size of the fruit is comparable to the size of a large orange. If at this time you have to undergo an ultrasound examination, then the main attention will be paid to other sizes - the parameters of the head and torso. The biparietal size (BDS) at this stage is 32 mm, and the perimeter of the skull is 90 mm. The perimeter of the chest at 15 weeks of pregnancy is 90 mm, and the perimeter of its abdominal cavity is 78 mm. The length of the fetal femur is 19 mm.

Simultaneously with the fetus, the size of the uterus also increases. Normally, the height of the fundus of the uterus, that is, the place where its upper border is determined, is at this time 15 cm above the pubic joint. The uterus is still round in shape, but will soon begin to stretch out.

For a woman, the time comes when a second wind opens. The level of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) began to decrease after the 10th week of pregnancy and is now gradually becoming even lower, and sharp hormonal changes are no longer observed, so your mood is more even and there are much fewer reasons for tears than it seemed a month ago. At the fifteenth week of pregnancy, you may notice the appearance of absent-mindedness and forgetfulness - all thoughts are now occupied by the future baby and previous values ​​fade into the background. The 15th week of pregnancy is often the time when ailments such as sudden hot flashes appear. Your face may become red and have pink spots. Keep in mind - overheating is very dangerous. Dress in such a way that you can always unbutton and remove your outerwear without any problems.

In terms of laboratory tests, the 15th week of pregnancy is the period when you can already take a triple test. It is very important to take this test from 15 to 20 weeks of pregnancy, when its indicators are most reliable. The test is based on determining the concentration of three hormones in the blood of a pregnant woman - AFP (alphafetoprotein), hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and estriol and allows to exclude, or, conversely, suspect fetal development abnormalities. The test results cannot clearly indicate pathology, but serve as the basis for a more detailed examination in case of deviations from the norm.

Many women remember the 15th week of pregnancy as one of the most pleasant memories of the entire period. On the one hand, it has retreated - you will finally be able to eat normally and enjoy life, and on the other hand, the fetus at 15 weeks of pregnancy is still so small that you are unlikely to feel any discomfort.

Fetal size at 15 weeks

At 15 weeks, the embryo becomes more and more human-like. The legs are already comparable and even exceed the length of the arms, and the whole body becomes more proportional. The baby’s size at 15 weeks, more precisely its coccygeal-parietal height (CPH), is still measured from the crown to the coccyx and is approximately 8-12 cm. The weight of the fetus at 15 weeks reaches 80 g.

Considering the still small size, the baby has enough space for a variety of “exercises” in the tummy. Although you will most likely mistake fetal movements at week 15 for rapid intestinal activity.

Pregnancy 15 weeks - fetal development

At 15 weeks, the baby’s skin is no longer so glassy-transparent, but red capillaries are still visible through it. The skin is covered with barely noticeable fluff, and hair follicles appear on the head. The eyelids are still drooping, but are already responsive to light. So, for example, if you shine a bright beam of light on your stomach, the baby will start to turn away. The face still resembles a fairy-tale elf, probably due to its wide-set eyes. The ears are fully formed, although they are still very drooping.

The skeleton continues to develop and strengthen, and by the 15th week even thin nails appear. The cells of the pituitary gland, which are responsible for metabolic processes and the development of the baby, begin to function independently. In addition, the cerebral cortex begins to form, and the central nervous system is actively working.

The fetal heart rate at 15 weeks is about 160 beats per minute. The heart already fully provides blood supply to the whole organism, pumping out a huge amount of blood for its size. The kidneys are also functioning. The baby is already urinating directly into the amniotic fluid, which is completely renewed every 2-3 hours.

Belly size at 15 weeks

At this stage, the belly finally begins to show pregnancy. Ordinary everyday clothes are already becoming uncomfortable, and you yourself notice visual changes. at week 15 it is still quite insignificant, and the rise above the womb is only 12 cm.

Tests at 15 weeks

Week 15 is one of the calmest weeks of your entire pregnancy. No tests are expected at this time. The only direction that can be prescribed for you is a triple test. The test involves testing your blood for the presence of the three hormones ACE, hCG and estriol. Such a test makes it possible to prevent the occurrence of abnormalities in fetal development.

Taking into account the fact that the genital organs of the fetus are already practically formed, at 15 weeks an ultrasound can determine the sex of the child. Of course, if you are lucky, and the baby turns at a convenient angle. The fact is that the location of the fetus changes quite often at week 15, so the doctor may well not see or make a mistake.

Week 15 is the most pleasant time for you during your entire pregnancy. During this period, try to replenish your body with vitamins and minerals that it lost during toxicosis in the first trimester. Particularly focus on foods rich in calcium and phosphorus, since at week 15 the baby’s skeleton is actively forming. And, of course, don’t forget about a good mood and walks in the fresh air. Keep in mind that your child can hear you, so listen to good music, sing and start reading fairy tales.

The beginning of week 15 indicates that it is time to take the triple test. Of course, it is not necessary to do this at 15 weeks, because the period lasts until 20, but it is better to take care of this in advance. This test involves examining the blood of a pregnant woman for the presence of concentrations of three hormones - AFP, hCG and estriol, which helps prevent abnormal development of the fetus.

Fetus at 15 weeks of gestation

At week 15, the baby’s skin is still quite thin, through which blood vessels can be seen. The skin color is still reddish. Hair begins to appear on the baby's head. His hands move actively and even clench his fists. During an ultrasound, mommy can watch her baby sucking his thumb.
Although the baby's eyelids are still closed, he can still feel the light, and if you direct a beam of light at his stomach, he will turn away. At the same time, the children's skeleton and bone marrow continue to develop.
At 15 weeks it is already possible to accurately determine the sex of the child, but only if the baby himself wants to do this and turns in the right angle. Fetal size at fifteen weeks of pregnancy already comparable to the size of a mango.

Woman 15 weeks pregnant

As a rule, by the 15th week, all household members have fully realized and become accustomed to the idea of ​​an imminent addition to the family, thanks to which they provide all possible assistance and support to the pregnant woman. Moreover, belly at fifteen weeks pregnant already noticeably rounded.
The breasts continue to fill, increasing in volume, the nipples gradually darken. The rounded tummy is already noticeable to the naked eye, as the uterus rises more and more. Now its upper wall is located at a distance of 7-7.5 cm below the level of the navel.
In addition, by week 15, skin pigmentation increases: freckles, moles, nipples and areolas and the longitudinal line on the abdomen darken. All this happens due to the production of melanin, which increases every day. But this is not a reason to worry, because after childbirth all this will pass.
Moms have already become completely accustomed to many of the symptoms of pregnancy, but they never cease to be surprised by the appearance of new ones. For example, constant nasal congestion can be attributed to hormonal changes and increased blood volume. And although this is not very pleasant, in general it is a completely normal condition of a pregnant woman, which is called “rhinitis of pregnant women.”

Dangers at 15 weeks of pregnancy

Feelings at the fifteenth week of pregnancy may be damaged. The thing is that from the 15th week some dangers arise for the health of women who have problems with the functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands, especially if the child being carried is a boy. The fact is that boys actively produce the male hormone testosterone, which, if the mother has problems with the adrenal glands, can lead to an imbalance that will adversely affect the normal course of pregnancy.
However, violations can be prevented with the help of a timely analysis to detect the level of 17-ketosteroids in the urine, followed by (if detected) treatment.
Week 15 is the best period for analyzing amniotic fluid - amniocytosis, on the basis of which one can judge not only the presence or absence of defects in the fetus, but also its blood type, levels of bilirubin, proteins and hormones, as well as gender. This test is performed on women with a negative blood type, genetic diseases or previous miscarriages. There is no need to be afraid of this analysis and waste time, since it is at the 15th week that the uterus is inert, therefore, the procedure is absolutely safe. In the event that stomach pain at fifteen weeks of pregnancy, then it is better to seek advice from your doctor.

Starting from week 15 (and possibly earlier), you need to use anti-stretch mark cream daily. Typically they appear on the stomach, chest and thighs. To avoid their appearance, you need to rub in morning and evening special cosmetics designed specifically for pregnant women.
In the second trimester, women can also pay attention to the condition of their teeth, and if before pregnancy a problem such as caries was not eliminated, then now is the time.
Already with the first signs of rounding of the abdomen, you need to adhere to the correct position while sleeping. Gynecologists recommend doing this on your side, bending your upper leg at the knee and extending your lower leg. You can also place small pillows under your knees. This position will ease the load on the veins, which will help prevent the development of varicose veins.

Fifteenth week. Now, in addition to the length of the fetus and the diameter of its head (and at this time it is already 28.2 mm), they talk about two more indicators: the diameter of the baby’s tummy and chest. This week these parameters are approximately equal: 28 mm - chest volume, 27.6 mm - abdominal volume. Although the fetus is actively moving, you don’t feel it yet. And for the first time you will feel it closer to the middle of the term - at the 20th week.

The brain continues to develop, and convolutions are already beginning to form. The tiny heart beats at a rate of 150-160 beats per minute, and it pumps almost 23 liters of blood through the vessels. Subcutaneous fatty tissue is not yet sufficient, so blood vessels are clearly visible through the skin. Now, when the rudiments of hair appear, their color is determined. It will be produced by special cells that are responsible for this. And original feces will begin to form in the intestines. This week the bone marrow begins to develop. The load on the placenta is increasing. The amount of amniotic fluid increases. And together with the urine that the child’s kidneys secrete, they maintain an optimal chemical composition.

The thickness of the placenta at this time already reaches 17.7 mm. And the child’s habitat is reliably protected. However, it is worth taking care to avoid contracting infections.
And now, if you haven’t started doing this earlier, you can talk to your baby. Because he is already able to hear your voice. Moreover, he knows how to recognize his mother’s voice.

Now your belly is already noticeable. And in the maternity departments you are welcomed with open arms. There is already more amniotic fluid, the uterus has noticeably increased. At each appointment, your doctor measures your tummy and writes down a mysterious value: the height of your uterus. So at this time this value is 14 cm. The uterus rises higher and puts less pressure on the bladder and intestines.

Now, most likely, you feel an unprecedented surge of strength (although, unfortunately, this does not happen to everyone). It is at this time that a woman begins to blossom. Enjoy your condition - you have never had anything like this before!

You began to notice age spots on your face, and a dark stripe in the middle of your stomach. It is already quite clearly visible. This is due to the fault of estrogen and progesterone, which are actively produced in your body.

To bleach age spots, you can use special creams and in summer apply creams with maximum SPF protection to your face and try not to stay in the bright sun for so long.

Of course, amid many plans for the future, you want to feel comfortable and cozy. And the only problem that spoils my mood is frequent constipation. For prevention, doctors advise consuming more fiber. What it is found in: vegetables, fruits, bran bread, cereals.
Beets have a laxative effect, and plums have a laxative effect.

From time to time you have to deal with anemia. Red blood cells do not have time to be formed in sufficient quantities, and anemia during pregnancy is almost inevitable. It causes dizziness, heaviness in the head, and weakness. But in order not to bring the situation to a critical point, take iron supplements if necessary.
In addition to anemia, low blood pressure is also dangerous - hypotension. As a result, blood flow in the vessels and brain is reduced, and due to oxygen deficiency, it can cause problems in the condition of the fetus. Such common conditions for many still need to be treated.

15th week of pregnancy: vaginal discharge

You have known for a long time what healthy discharge should be like, and based on the slightest prerequisites you can guess that you need to rest and get yourself back to normal in order to avoid exacerbation of thrush. The usual moderate, light discharge indicates that everything is normal again.

Therefore, any purulent discharge should immediately alert you. There are situations when, during pregnancy, women contracted infections such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia, or even more seriously, gonorrhea. Of course, in a family where everyone is responsible for each other, such a diagnosis would be surprising. But in life it happens differently. And it was precisely by the purulent discharge from the genitals - foamy purulent in case of trichomoniasis, copious with pus - in case of gonorrhea - that doctors diagnosed the infection. They are especially dangerous because they are particularly acute during pregnancy due to reduced immunity. And they can affect the health of the fetus.

As for spotting, it is either a sign that there is erosion of the cervix or a threat of miscarriage. And to avoid unwanted consequences, you should immediately consult a doctor. Or call an ambulance.

15th week of pregnancy pregnancy nutrition

Now, even with a balanced diet, it is not easy for you to compensate for all those vitamins that are required for the healthy development of the fetus. More energy is required. At least 200 calories.
If you have stomach problems, it is better to prefer crackers with fresh tea to bread or rolls. When the uterus rises and the baby begins to move more actively, many complain of heaviness in the liver area. To avoid stagnation, it is better to eat more often and, if possible, avoid eating too heavy and fatty foods.

Vitamin C and iron are required in much larger quantities than before - as you remember, they affect the level of hemoglobin, in other words, the formation of blood. Now you will remind yourself of a magician who is trying to patch his caftan with different patches. You must notice everything and be on time everywhere so that the baby’s growing body receives everything it needs. If you've been underweight before, now is the time to eat well. You need strength and energy for two. And in winter, when part of the energy is spent on heating, the calorie content of food should be even higher.

Now on the baby’s face you can see the upper and lower jaw, ears, and eye sockets. The baby constantly changes his position and posture, he sleeps and is awake. And now we can already talk about the first relationship with him - he hears you and actively reacts.