Where does avocado grow? How an avocado tree grows: growth characteristics, plant care and photos Where avocados are grown all year round.

Over the past few decades, many exotic plants have entered the lives of domestic people. However, even in relation to the most common of them, our knowledge remains very meager and limited.

At the same time, an accurate idea of, for example, avocado is valuable not only for gardeners and gardeners who love experiments. Ordinary consumers also need this knowledge.

What it is?

Avocado is a fruit that is grown in tropical and subtropical climate regions. The main plantations of this crop are located in Indonesia.

Russian climatic conditions do not make it possible to industrially cultivate avocados, so all deliveries are made from abroad and cost a lot of money.

A few decades ago, this fruit was allegorically called “alligator pear.” This name was given due to the characteristic rough and dark green skin of the fruit, as well as its shape, similar to that of a pear.

Avocados grow on evergreen trees and have a large seed inside. However, chemical analysis shows that this fruit is closer to vegetables, since there is very little sugar in the pulp, and the energy value is quite high. The taste is rather faded and not exciting. Such properties make it possible to use avocado as a component in various salads and other combined dishes.

The fruit contains many valuable microelements and organic substances:

  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • cellulose;
  • various amino acids.

The dietary properties of this culture are combined with its ability to have a preventive effect against many common diseases (primarily cardiovascular diseases and cancer disorders). According to doctors, eating avocado is very useful for digestive disorders.

The fruit also improves the body’s water supply, but for this reason it is contraindicated for anyone who suffers from water-salt imbalance. It is not advisable for allergy sufferers to use it: there is some specific intolerance.


Avocado grows on a tall tree (reaching 20 meters). Botanists consider this culture close to the noble laurel, which was abundantly cultivated by the ancient Greeks. For the first time, avocado culture began to be cultivated en masse in Israel, so this country can be considered its second homeland.

Initially, it comes from North America, more precisely, from the territory of modern Mexico. Both the Aztecs and our contemporaries living there do not neglect this culture. It has become an integral part of Caribbean cuisine.

The first description of avocados was given by Spanish invaders back in 1526. Colonizers compared the fruit to a peeled chestnut. Based on the results of archaeological excavations, it was possible to establish that avocados were known back in the 8th century AD. If we start from ancient drawings, then it can be considered proven that this fruit grew 7 - 10 thousand years ago in the gardens of the distant ancestors of the Aztecs. It was possible to find out that even then the seeds of cultivated plants were larger than in the wild.

Linguists believe that the word “avocado” comes from the Aztec language Nahuatl, the literal translation is “egg tree”. Apparently, these are the associations that arose among the ancient Indians.

The main exports of avocados are now from countries such as the USA, Chile, Dominican Republic and Indonesia. The ancestral home of avocados is Mexico.

What does the tree look like?

In nature, the avocado (or Persea americana) is the only edible representative of its botanical genus, which is part of the laurel family.

The height of an adult tree reaches 6 meters, it has a wide crown. Despite the fact that the plant is an evergreen species, there are varieties that shed leaves (albeit for a very short time). The diameter of the trunk after the end of the growth period varies from 0.3 m to 0.6 m.

At the bottom the trunks are straight, closer to the top they branch. The foliage is sharp, elliptical in shape. It is dark green on top and whitish on the bottom edge. Mexican varieties can be recognized by their characteristic anise aroma. The avocado leaf is very rich in essential oils, however, they also contain substances harmful to human health.

The flowers are small, inconspicuous in appearance. The predominant color is pale green or yellow-green. The inflorescence is a panicle type. Most flowers have 1 pistil with a pair of cups containing 9 stamens. Flowering occurs profusely, however, complicated pollination leads to the fact that only 4% of flowers develop an ovary.

During the flowering season, the opening occurs twice. Avocados can be cultivated in several varieties at once. The avocado fruit is considered a type of pear-shaped drupe berry. The length can be up to 330 mm and the width up to 150 mm. Weight varies over a fairly wide range: from 50 g to 1.8 kg.

You can find avocados with skin of four shades:

  • dark green;
  • yellow-green;
  • red-violet;
  • dark purple.

The edible pulp begins immediately under the skin. Following it is a single seed, growing in the shape of a circle, egg or cone. If pollination was poor (or due to other reasons), some of the berries may not contain seeds.

The root system of this unusual plant allows it to grow successfully in a variety of soil types. Good results are achieved on red clay and sand, limestone and loam of volcanic origin.

A prerequisite for successful avocado cultivation is good drainage. Excessive moisture, even if it does not reach a temporary flood, is contraindicated. There should be at least 9 meters of soil between the surface and the water horizon.

The fruits ripen in 0.5 - 1.5 years (the exact period is determined by the climatic conditions of the growing region and the variety). Final ripening occurs only after separation from the stalk (in 7 - 14 days at room temperature).

Features of growth

The plant has a number of growth characteristics that must be taken into account.

Under what conditions?

Avocado grows in tropical and subtropical climates, but there are certain differences between its groups.

  • So, Mexican selection of varieties most resistant to bad weather. It will be able to withstand short-term frosts of 4 to 6 degrees. Wherever oranges ripen, avocado plants from Mexico will also produce a good harvest.
  • West Indian group of varieties dies even from the slightest frost. There is simply no chance of growing them in the Russian Federation (outside of a year-round heated greenhouse).

Avocados tolerate shade well, but all development goes into the crown. Fruiting is possible only in open areas of land with intense insolation. Loose soil with deep drainage is a must, but the acidity or alkalinity of the soil is not particularly important for growth.

A prerequisite for successful avocado cultivation is loosening the root ball for effective aeration. The American “guest” feels bad if strong winds blow. In dry air, the pollination process is disrupted and the harvest is reduced. Persea should not be overfed with fertilizers.

The less mineral salts in the water that is used to water the tree, the higher the yield.

In what countries?

Traditional areas for avocado cultivation: Southeast Asia, Australia, Peru, Philippines, countries of Central and South America. In Malaysia and Thailand, the exotic tree grows easily and confidently. In Russia, it can be grown exclusively on the Black Sea shores (only representatives of the Mexican group of varieties are suitable for cultivation). Abkhazian conditions are also favorable: fruits with a high concentration of oils are obtained here.

The choice between direct soil and container planting methods is determined by the climate of a particular region. If in winter there is at least a slight risk of frost of -7 degrees or more, then you need to use containers. During the cold season, it is necessary to transfer the plant to greenhouses or heated rooms. Therefore, you have to use dwarf varieties or systematically prune trees. The high growth rate of avocados necessitates its regular replanting.

At later stages of development, the largest pot no longer copes with its task. You need a barrel or some other large container. It is recommended to use containers on wheels, which are easier to move.

Note: avocado branches need special support. It will help avoid deformation of young shoots of the plant. Watering is required only during drought. When there is sufficient natural precipitation, there is no need for special soil moisture. The dryness of the soil is monitored at a depth of up to 0.25 m. Dry soil that crumbles when pricked with a stick should be watered immediately.

Fertilizing is carried out once a quarter; for this purpose, mineral and complex fertilizers, and special mixtures are used. Mature trees require nitrogen input at the end of winter and in the first days of summer, as well as annual addition of microelements.

If in nature the variety forms a cone-shaped crown, then its pruning is aimed at rounding the contour. Mature plants should not be pruned.

Before the onset of frost, each fruit should be picked (regardless of the degree of ripeness). The thing is that when cooled, the fruits will turn black and become unsuitable for food. Young avocados should be protected from frost with special covering materials. If the plant is grown in a greenhouse, then it is worth taking care of additional heating and insulating the trunks with foam rubber.

For amateur gardeners, it will be easiest to grow avocados using a seed. There is no need to buy sprouted seeds in a special store, since embryos from purchased fruits also give good results. You just need to make sure that the avocado is ripe and use the seed for planting immediately. It is recommended to plant the seed directly into the ground, since this crop tolerates replanting without much enthusiasm.


Avocados bloom almost all year round (and on any continent of the globe). But, according to experts, the most delicious fruits ripen from the beginning of August to the end of April.

California avocados are available throughout the year, but Florida avocados are available only from fall to spring. Israeli fruit is available from late autumn to early winter. This is when the bulk of avocados appear on Russian store shelves.

Only hard fruits are selected for commercial shipment. And to check the maturity of the fruit by the consumer, agronomists recommend focusing on the condition of the stalk: in a ripe fruit it disappears or becomes darker.

The bone is not suitable for human consumption; it is not only tasteless, but can also be hazardous to health.

To learn how to grow an avocado from a seed at home, watch the following video.

1. Growing temperature: summer - 25°C, winter - 16 - 18°C.
2. Lighting: For avocados, sunbathing is desirable every day - morning and evening, autumn and winter - maximum possible lighting.
3. Watering and air humidity: watering abundantly during the growth period; in winter, in accordance with the temperature; in spring and summer, at elevated temperatures, high air humidity is needed.
4. How to trim: the plant needs formative pruning, young shoots are regularly pinched.
5. What soil to plant in?: Avocado is able to adapt to most types of soil, pH neutral or alkaline.
6. Transfer: As they grow, they are replanted annually, in the spring, into slightly larger pots.
7. Fertilizers: only in warm months - 2 times a month, in winter the plant is not fed.

Botanical name: Persea

Homemade avocado - family. Laurels.

Where does avocado grow? . The avocado is native to Mexico, Central America and South America, where it grows best in rich, evenly moist, well-drained soil in full sun.

2.What does an avocado look like?

The genus name "Avocado" comes from the Aztec word meaning testicle for the shape of the fruit. It is a multi-stemmed tropical evergreen small fruit tree or shrub. Branches abundantly, forms a crown.

The leaves are simple elliptical, up to ovate, leathery, usually glossy with pointed tips 10 - 20 cm long and 2 - 12 cm wide, dark green in color, arranged in a spiral, alternate, may be slightly corrugated.

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How an avocado blossoms. The flowers are inconspicuous, small, collected in short bunches - umbrellas at the ends of the branches, greenish-yellow in color

The avocado fruit, when ripe, is a pear- or ovoid-shaped drupe with one seed surrounded by an oily pulp, topped with a tough, dark green skin. The size of the fruit varies depending on the variety, approximately 5 - 10 cm long and 0.05 - 2 kg. The taste of ripe fruits is light creamy, slightly oily and slightly sweet.

Height.Avocado grown at home reaches a height of 1 - 2 m; in greenhouses and winter gardens its height is 3 - 5 m, in natural conditions it is about 18 m, it grows quickly.

3.How to grow an avocado from a seed on a windowsill

Houseplants are often grown from seeds, which can be sprouted in water or directly in soil. It is better to propagate in spring. Fresh seeds have the highest percentage of survival - only from a ripe fruit - but how to determine it? The fruit should sag slightly to the touch and immediately restore its shape. Unripe avocados can be wrapped in thin paper and sent to a dark place for 1-2 weeks to ripen. It’s a good idea to put a ripe apple or banana nearby - they emit acetylene gas, which speeds up the ripening of the avocado. In ripe ones, even slightly dried avocado seeds have difficulty germinating. For germination to be successful, you need to wash the seeds to remove the pulp. Sometimes the fruit pulp adheres too tightly to the seed and in order to separate it, it is worth soaking the seed in water for several hours. It is also worth peeling off the brown shell from the stone - this way the halves of the stone will become visible. First, you can lightly cut the seed from the sides with a sharp knife along the halves of the seed - later it will split along this line.

When germinating in soil, the seeds are deepened with the blunt end down so that they stick out by a third from the substrate, which must be kept constantly moist.

When germinating in water, the seeds are placed with the wide end down 1/3 of the height into water or moist soil. If a seed sprouts in water, you can strengthen it with toothpicks, which will rest on the edge of a glass or jar of water. Activated carbon can be added to the germination water. The bone placed in this way should be covered on top with glass or a transparent plastic cap to maintain moisture. Without such shelter, the seed can only split from the bottom and the sprout will have nowhere to develop. The water is changed regularly - approximately every week. At a temperature of about 20 ° C, after 6 - 8 weeks the seeds will split and roots will appear, and then a sprout.

So, germinating an avocado is not difficult at all. Once the sprout and roots appear, the seed is planted in the ground so that the top of the seed protrudes slightly from the soil. Crops also need to be covered with a plastic cap or even a simple plastic bag to maintain the required level of air humidity. Every day, remove the bag and ventilate the plant for about 2 hours.

The third way to germinate seeds is to germinate them in a paper towel or gauze. The gauze is soaked in warm water and an avocado pit is placed inside. Place the bundle in a plate and cover it with a plastic bag to maintain moisture, place it in a dark and warm place. Do not let the gauze dry out and after 3 - 8 weeks you will see the first roots, when they reach 7 cm in length. The plant can be planted in the ground. For faster germination, you can cut off the thin caps from the flat and sharp ends of the seed with a sharp knife. Young plants are pinched for the first time when 4-6 leaves appear - this way they form a larger number of side shoots.

Sometimes they try to use vegetative propagation or cuttings of avocados using semi-lignified stem cuttings - but it is rarely successful; the bush is difficult to grow even with the use of growth hormones. If you want to try, cover the cuttings with a clear bag or glass and place them in a warm place out of direct sunlight.

4.How to replant a plant

Can be planted in fresh soil and a larger container annually in the spring. The signal for the need for replanting will be the roots that appear in the drainage holes of the pot. Be sure to place a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot; make sure the pot has large enough drainage holes. Carefully shake off the roots from the old substrate and dry with a paper towel. When planting, the roots should not be bent or pointing upward. Avocados will grow better in unglazed clay pots so that their walls allow moisture and air to pass through to the roots of the plants. Since the plant has a very modest root system, it would be better to plant it in small pots.

5.When the avocado tree blooms

It usually blooms only in nature, usually in spring - summer. It is rare to find a flowering domestic avocado tree in a pot in cultivation.

6.Avocado - care at home

6.1.How to care and trim

Growing a tree indoors is quite a troublesome task, since this plant can hardly be considered an indoor plant. In order for the tree to branch well, its shoots need to be pinched several times. The first pinching is carried out when the sprouts have reached a height of about 25 cm. The top 2 pairs of leaves are removed. When the formed side shoots stretch another 12 cm, they are also pinched. Branches of the third, fourth order, etc. are pruned in the same way. A plant can gain more than 1 m in height in one season, so it will constantly need formative pruning. An avocado or alligator pear tree will appreciate being outdoors during the warmer months, but the bushes should be brought indoors if night temperatures drop below 7°C. Young plants may need support.


Growing a tree at home is not so difficult, but at elevated air temperatures you also need high humidity. The plant needs spraying, but if the tree is kept cool, it can tolerate dry air. You should not allow large drops of water to fall on the bushes in the evening - this can provoke the appearance of rot.


When growing, watering should be thorough, until the earthen clod is completely wetted; in summer, water frequently, and in winter, just to prevent the leaves from drying out and falling off. The need for regular watering will be indicated by the turgor of the upper leaves. During the period of active growth, the top layer of soil must be dried between waterings to a depth of about 2 cm. Excess water from the pan is drained approximately 15 minutes after each watering. The plant should be watered with soft water at room temperature.

7. Avocado diseases and pests

  • The houseplant dries out and turns black if the roots were damaged during replanting or the root system rots due to excess moisture - and the avocado loses its lower leaves.
  • The foliage turns yellow when there is excess moisture in the soil. If this happens to a young plant, remove it from the pot and blot the remaining soil on the roots with a paper towel and leave it to air dry for several hours. Trim the rotten roots with a sharp, sterile knife and sprinkle the wounds with activated carbon powder. Plant such plants only in new soil.
  • The leaves of the plant, when grown at home, may dry out due to a lack of nutrients in the soil. Shrubs are vulnerable to bacterial, viral, and fungal infections.
  • With the onset of hot weather, the tips of the leaves may dry out.
  • Plants become elongated and loose if they lack light.
  • The edges of the leaf blades turn black and become dry when there is insufficient air humidity.
  • Light green or yellow leaf blades with dark green veins indicate a lack of trace elements such as iron and magnesium.
  • When exposed to direct sunlight, the plant can get burned - the leaves curl.

Pests of indoor plants include mealybugs, scale insects, whiteflies, and aphids. The appearance of pests such as spider mites can be prevented by simply increasing the air humidity.

Insects - pests

Insect name Signs of infection Control measures
Whitefly Small light spots on leaf blades, yellowing and falling leaves. Disturbed white, small butterflies fly up from the surface of the leaves Chemicals: Zeta, Rovikurt, INTA-VIR, Fufanol and even Karbofos, Aktellik, Aktara, Konfidor, Commander, Tanrek. Folk remedies: soap solution, garlic solution, yarrow and tobacco infusion, dandelion infusion, sticky traps for adult insects
Mealybug or felt The surface of the leaves and shoots is covered with a fluffy, cotton-like white coating. Plants lag behind in development Folk remedies: spraying with soap and alcohol solution. Infusions of tobacco, garlic, cyclamen tubers, alcohol treatments, and pharmacy tincture of calendula have worked well. Chemicals: green soap solution, Actellik, Fitoverm.
Spider mite Inconspicuous cobwebs on the leaves, yellowing and falling leaves with extensive damage. The surface of the leaf plates becomes dead and covered with small cracks. Plant development slows down. Traditional methods. Plants can be washed in the shower and left in the bathroom in a humid atmosphere for half an hour. Irradiation with an ultraviolet lamp every week for 2 minutes. Chemicals based on pyrethrum, sulfur powders, Fitoverm, Actellik.
Aphid Sticky droplets appear on the leaf blades, the leaf blades curl and become deformed, tender buds and young leaves wither. Colonies of insects can be seen on the tips of shoots, buds or the underside of leaf blades. The flowers of plants affected by aphids may become deformed. Traditional methods: infusion of nettle, decoction of rhubarb leaves, wormwood, soap solution, infusion of tobacco and dandelion, onion, marigold, yarrow, tansy, dusting with virgin ash. Chemicals: Sulfur powders, treatment of green mass with green potassium soap without getting into the ground, Decis, Actellik, Fitoverm.
Scale insect and false scale insect Sticky droplets on the leaves, small yellow spots on the surface of the leaf blades. When scale insects become widespread, they cause leaves to dry out and fall off. Flowers slow down their development Folk methods of struggle. Spraying with soap and alcohol solution. Scale insect larvae do not like garlic infusion; they also use pyrethrum-based products. Chemicals. Fitoverm, Aktellik, Fufanon.

Since ancient times, people have been familiar with such an evergreen fruit plant as the avocado tree. Thanks to its oily, pear-shaped fruits, it is also called alligator pear, agacat, and American persea. Today, many people want to grow such a miracle fruit at home, but to do this you need to know some secrets for caring for it.

What does an avocado tree look like?

In nature, an adult avocado tree, which belongs to the laurel family, grows up to 20 m. It has a wide crown, a trunk up to 60 cm in diameter, sharp leathery leaves with a shiny dark green upper surface and whitish lower surface. Sometimes a tree sheds its leaves, but then grows them back. It is found in tropical and subtropical regions of India, America, and Africa. The avocado fruit is a large, single-seeded, dark green berry, shaped like a pear.

An adult avocado tree whose flowering does not look very attractive can be grown at home. Its inconspicuous flowers have a greenish tint. They bloom twice a season. Initially, their stamens are pollinated by pollen from other trees, and after about a day the anthers ripen and insects transfer their pollen to other plants. Experienced gardeners recommend planting several avocado trees nearby, whose flowering times overlap.

Many novice gardeners are interested in what an avocado tree looks like at home. This exotic plant can be grown at home on a windowsill. However, its height does not exceed 2.5 m. Often its growth is limited by the size of the pot. In areas with a warm climate in the summer, the plant can be taken outside, avoiding drafts. Avocado fruits at home grow smaller in size compared to garden specimens.

Planting avocados at home

Do you love exotic plants and would like to grow avocados at home? Then you need to find out everything about this tree: how to plant and care for an avocado, whether it can bloom at home and bear fruit. Only after this, having gained patience and armed with the necessary knowledge, can you begin the long process of growing this unusual alligator pear. An avocado tree can be grown at home on a windowsill, in a heated greenhouse or in a winter garden.

How to prepare an avocado seed for planting?

To grow an avocado tree at home, you must first select a ripe fruit. You can buy it in the store, but first check the selected avocado for ripeness: hold it between your palms, squeeze lightly and release. A ripe fruit will quickly restore its original shape. This means that it is ripe and you can safely buy it. You can also buy an unripe avocado, but before removing the pit from it, you need to let it ripen among bananas and apples, which emit ethylene gas, which accelerates the ripening of the fruit.

Cut the ripe fruit in half lengthwise and carefully remove the seed using a spoon. We thoroughly rinse it to remove any remaining pulp. There are three ways to plant an avocado seed:

  1. We stick toothpicks 3 mm deep into the cleaned bone on three sides, and place it with the blunt side in a glass of water. In this case, you need to make sure that only the bottom of the bone is in the water, and the puncture sites are above the water.
  2. We plant the peeled seed immediately in a pot of soil, leaving a third part above the surface. Its blunt end should be buried in the ground. We water once a week.
  3. Peel the avocado pit and immerse two-thirds of it in water. It will grow faster, and through the glass you will be able to watch the roots and stem grow.

Water for germination must be settled. You can add activated or charcoal to it. As it evaporates, water must be added. It is better to choose a large bone, which contains more nutrients. It can germinate in different periods - from a week to two months. The best time for this is spring. After the seed cracks and splits into cotyledons, roots appear from it and soon it can be transplanted into the ground.

Avocado pot

To plant an avocado seed, it is better to choose a plastic pot with a diameter of 9-15 cm and a height of about 15 cm. The container must have drainage holes to drain excess water. As soon as the sprout grows 3 cm, it is transplanted into a pot. We pour a 2 cm layer of drainage onto the bottom of the container. We make a small depression in the ground, into which we plant the sprouted seed so that its third part is above the surface of the soil.

The sprout grows very quickly at first. The avocado tree is heat-loving; growing it at home largely depends on the temperature regime. In cool summer weather, you should not take the pot with the plant outside. In winter, when the temperature drops below +10ºС, the tree can shed its leaves, and new ones will grow only in the spring.

Avocado soil

This crop does not grow well in heavy, clayey, acidic soil, so for planting it is better to prepare in advance an earthen mixture consisting of peat, coarse sand, humus and garden soil in equal parts. You can add a pinch of lime here. The day before planting the seeds, boiling water should be poured on the ground to disinfect it. In such a soil mixture you can grow an avocado tree from a seed.

Planting avocados outside

In areas with a temperate climate, you can plant an avocado tree in a special hole, which will protect the plant from freezing in winter. To do this, in a sunny area, you need to dig a trench 1.5 m deep and 1.2 m wide. The fertile top layer of soil is thrown in one direction, and the rest of the soil extracted when digging the trench is thrown in the other. The wall on the north side is made vertical and sheathed with plywood or brick. The opposite slope is made flat and covered with black film.

A drainage layer in the form of pebbles, crushed stone or gravel is laid at the bottom of the pit. The excavated top soil is poured on top of it and a plant is planted in the trench, and a polycarbonate shelter is made on top. In such a shelter, an exotic avocado tree can comfortably overwinter. Those who live in the southern coastal areas can try to grow avocados in open ground.

Where is the best place to plant an avocado?

For planting avocados, an excellent option would be a place protected from cold northern winds, for example, gentle coastal southwestern and southeastern slopes. Areas with high humidity, where cold air can stagnate in winter, are not suitable for growing trees. A large avocado tree will do well in the company of another similar species, but single plantings are also possible.

How to care for an avocado tree?

To grow an avocado tree at home, you need to provide it with careful care. This plant loves light, but will develop normally in partial shade. In summer, it should be shaded from the bright rays of the sun, and the best option would be to place a pot of avocado on a western window. The tree does not tolerate sudden temperature fluctuations, and in a draft it can lose all its leaves. The same can happen when the room temperature drops to +12ºС and below.

The street avocado tree is replanted once every three years. If you decide to leave the avocado tree outside in winter, then it must be carefully insulated using any covering material. When grown in a greenhouse, it must be provided with additional heating, and the trunks must be wrapped in foam rubber. It happens that a tree blooms in winter, but the buds cannot withstand the cold and fall off, although with the arrival of spring, flowering will occur on time.

How to pinch an avocado tree?

To make the avocado a real decoration of the room, you can initially plant three plants in one pot. As they grow, their flexible branches can be intertwined with each other in a pigtail. To form a lush, beautiful crown, the tree must be pinched. This is done after eight leaves appear on the stem. As a result, the side shoots of the plant will begin to grow, and as soon as they grow, their tops also need to be pinched. This is how you can get an adult avocado tree grown indoors.

How to water an avocado?

When growing avocados at home, you need to monitor the air humidity, which should be at least 70%. To maintain it, you can spray the plants with a spray bottle. In summer, an avocado tree in a pot should be watered generously; in winter, watering should be reduced. It is better to follow this rule: the warmer the air in the room, the more frequent and abundant the watering should be. This plant is especially sensitive to both drought and overwatering because its roots do not have small root hairs. During prolonged drought, the tree stops growing, sheds leaves and even fruits.

How to fertilize avocados?

When growing avocados at home, they are fed only during the period of active growth, in the spring and summer. Do this once every 2-3 weeks, using a special organic fertilizer for avocados or a balanced fertilizer for citrus fruits. In autumn and winter, the plant does not need supplements. Before fertilizing your home avocado tree, you should carefully study the instructions for using fertilizers.

How to shape an avocado tree?

For fast and uniform growth, a mature avocado tree must be pruned. It is better to do this in early spring or autumn, after harvesting. The work should be carried out very carefully, since the branches of the tree are brittle and can be easily damaged. The side shoots are cut off by about half, this should stimulate branching of the plant. On trees, all dry, damaged branches and those that grow into the middle of the tree are removed, thereby thickening its crown and preventing air exchange.

Avocado diseases and pests

The exotic avocado tree in the country and indoors can be affected by various pathogens and insect pests. Avocados that are grown in home conditions different from natural ones become especially vulnerable in this regard. The following diseases and pests are especially dangerous for this plant:

Those who have at least once tried avocado and appreciated this unusual fruit will probably be interested in knowing how and where avocado grows. And avocados grow on trees that are called “avocado” or otherwise “Persea americana”. Today there are several hundred species of avocados in the world, growing in different countries and even on different continents, and their fruits differ in size, color and taste.

What is an avocado?

For a long time, the avocado was known as “Persea americana”, and because of the outwardly rather rough dark green skin of the fruit, shaped like a pear, it was also called “alligator pear”.

Can be seen in markets and store shelves in many countries around the world. And although this inconspicuous-looking dark green fruit does not look very appetizing, if you try it once, and even more so if you learn more about what an avocado is and what its advantages are, it will become clear why it is so popular.

The main thing that will surprise you is that depending on the variety, these fruits have completely different tastes. Some will remind you of the taste of yogurt or processed cheese, others will be like fried mushrooms, the next variety will taste like pine nuts, pears, pumpkin, and you may also get the taste of sausages.

Moreover, if you eat a couple of crackers with avocado paste for breakfast, or just a raw avocado with a piece of loaf, you won’t feel hungry until lunch. And this is not surprising, because the calorie content of avocado, depending on the variety and ripeness, ranges from 110 to 250 kcal per 100 grams. That is, just a few avocado fruits are able to meet the daily needs of an adult. The flesh of a ripe avocado has a paste-like consistency that can be spread like butter.

Depending on how and where the avocado grows, it contains up to 48% of the weight of easily digestible vegetable fats.

In addition, 100 grams of avocado contains:

  • 1,6 grams of protein
  • 2,3 grams of carbohydrates
  • 0,5 grams of fiber
  • 5,0 grams of mono- and disaccharides
  • 0,5 grams of starchy substances
  • near 1 grams of ash

In addition, avocados contain: vitamins E, K, PP, D, beta-carotene, ascorbic, pantothenic and oleic acids, trace elements of iron, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, dietary fiber and a number of polyunsaturated acids.

In which countries does avocado grow?

Avocado is a fruit that has long been used as food in Central and South America. It is known from history that people began to use avocados as food a long time ago, during the flourishing civilization of the Incas and Aztecs. Initially, these fruits were simply collected from wild trees, but later these trees began to be grown specially, choosing species that bear larger and tastier fruits. It is believed that it was on avocados in those days that people first used the grafting method to obtain new varieties.

Avocado is a heat-loving fruit and grows only in tropical and subtropical climates. The main countries where avocados grow are: Mexico, as well as countries Latin and South America.

Currently, the main producer of avocados in the world is Mexico, where 80% of the harvest goes to the domestic market, and the remaining 20% ​​makes up half of the world's exports. The main importer of Mexican avocados is the United States, which consumes 700 million tons of them per year.

Avocados also grow in California, but due to frequent droughts, harvests there are not stable. Due to its nutritional properties, avocados have become popular in many countries over time.

Israel was the first in the world to begin cultivating avocados as an agricultural crop. Over time, avocados have spread to many countries such as Chile, Peru, Colombia, Dominican Republic, South Africa, Kenya, Indonesia, the Caribbean and even Spain. Now they are grown on separate plantations, and most of the harvests are exported to Europe. This photo shows how avocados grow on such plantations.

For some time now, avocados have become very popular in China. For wealthy Chinese, eating avocado is considered one of the symbols of the American way of life and an indicator of status.

Since 2015, avocado imports into China have increased by 250%. However, in China, avocados do not grow on their own. China is trying to artificially cultivate avocados, but the prospect frightens environmentalists. After all, in order to grow 1 kg of avocado, 272 liters of water are needed, and in China there is a large shortage of water resources.

In Russia, avocado grows only on the Black Sea coast and in Crimea, where it is grown there mainly as an ornamental crop; its fruits simply do not have time to ripen. The main supplier of avocados to Russia is Israel.

Avocado varieties

Avocado, like laurel, belongs to the same laurel family. This is a tropical evergreen tree, scientifically “Persea americana”. The avocado has a wide crown, it grows up to 20 meters in height, the trunk is highly branched, the leaves are shiny, have an elliptical shape more than 30 cm long. The flowers are small and inconspicuous. The fruits vary in size and color depending on the variety.

The shape of the fruits is pear-shaped, spherical or oval from 6 to 20 cm in length. The peel is green or dark green. The usual weight of an avocado is about 300 grams, but there are also up to 1.5 kg. The taste of an avocado depends not only on the variety, but also on how, under what conditions and where the avocado grows. South African Fuertos are considered the most delicious, and they are also the fattest and most nutritious. Fuerto from Israel and Peru are less tasty, but are also considered one of the best.

The world's largest avocado variety was developed by a family of farmers from Queensland in Australia. These incredibly huge fruits were obtained by crossing two popular varieties from the West Indies and Guatemala.

Today there are many varieties of avocados in the world, but they are all bred from three main ancestors taken in different regions of America, and are therefore divided into three types:

  1. West Indian type avocado. Varieties of this type differ in shape, seed size and taste, but all have thin and smooth skin. They bloom in the spring and bear fruit in the summer of the same year. West Indian type avocados are not cold tolerant.
  2. Guatemalan type avocado. Varieties of this type have rough, thick skin. Their peculiarity is that they bloom in the spring, but bear fruit the following year. Since they were brought from the mountainous regions of Guatemala, where frosts often occur, they are quite resistant to temperature changes and can tolerate slight cold.
  3. Mexican type Avocado includes many varieties. They have a distinctive anise smell and tolerate cold well. Mexican avocados bloom in the spring and bear fruit the following year in the summer or fall. These fruits usually have a thin and smooth skin.

There are several of the most famous avocado varieties that most often go on sale.

- developed in Mexico in 1911. Fuerte have a pear-shaped elongated shape, they have white flesh, high fat content, a small droplet-shaped seed, a smooth, thin and easy-to-clean green peel. The average fruit weight is from 200 to 250 grams. The harvest season is summer and autumn. Fuerte is now successfully grown in South Africa and Israel.

Avocado Ettinger- grown in Israel since 1947. Ettinger has an elongated pear shape and has a smooth, very thin green skin that is difficult to peel. The pulp is yellowish-greenish, the taste is creamy yoghurt, cheese or pine nuts, the fat content is low or medium. The seed is drop-shaped, large, and unusually white. The average fruit weight is from 150 to 300 grams. Harvest season is September - January.

- grown in Israel since 1926. Zutano has elongated pear-shaped fruits weighing from 170 to 400 grams. The peel is smooth, thin and easy to clean, the color of the peel is green. The pulp is white or white-yellow, high in fat, and the stone is large and round. Harvest season all year round

The wide variety of avocado species does not stop breeders, and work to obtain more hardy and qualitatively new varieties continues to this day.

Therefore, you should not be surprised to soon see new varieties of this increasingly popular exotic fruit on sale.

Avocado is one of the most beneficial fruits for many organs of the human body. For many, it would be interesting to get an answer to the question: how does avocado grow?

Where does avocado grow - in which countries?

Central America and Mexico are considered the birthplace of avocados. Currently, the fruit grows in countries with tropical and subtropical climates. It is produced in the USA, Chile, Indonesia, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, China, Guatemala, Rwanda, South Africa, Spain, Venezuela, Kenya, Israel, Congo, Haiti, Cameroon, Australia, Ecuador.

How does avocado grow in nature?

Avocado is an evergreen fruit tree. It reaches a height of 6-18 m, the trunk can be up to 30-60 cm in diameter. Trees come in three varieties:

  • West Indian - grows in tropical climates with high humidity;
  • Guatemalan - more hardy, grows in subtropical mountainous areas;
  • Mexican is the hardiest, tolerates low temperatures. It has smaller fruits compared to other species.

Avocado can grow on different soils: clay, sand, limestone. The main condition is the presence of good drainage. Excessive soil moisture is harmful to the plant.

How to grow avocados at home?

In order to get an avocado at home, the following steps go through:

  1. A seed is removed from a ripe fruit and placed halfway, with the blunt end down, in a glass of water. The glass is placed on the windowsill for a period of 3 weeks to 3 months and water is periodically added to it.
  2. When a crack appears on a seed, it is planted in a pot of soil. Ready soil is used for planting. The seed is placed halfway into the soil, with the blunt end down. Good drainage is a prerequisite.
  3. During the week, moderate watering is carried out. Then a reddish shoot sprouts, which will grow quickly - up to 1 cm per day.

How does an avocado grow in a pot?

To grow avocados, the following conditions must be met:

Many people are interested in how long does an avocado grow? At the very beginning, growth occurs very quickly: in 3 months the height reaches up to 50 cm. Then growth slows down, leaves appear measuring about 35 cm from the base. When the tree reaches the ceiling, it is necessary to pinch the top to stimulate the growth of side shoots.

As the plant grows, it is transplanted into a new pot and new soil once a year. An avocado can reach very large sizes, but its growth will not physically exceed the height of the room. The plant will delight you at home for several years.


Where does avocado grow?

Avocado is an evergreen plant which grows up to 20 meters high. Initially it grew in America, but recently it has been grown in many countries - Australia, Brazil, Argentina and even in the Caucasus, in its Black Sea zone.

One tree bears about 200 fruits per year, and fruiting lasts no more than 5 years. Avocados taste like walnuts. In dry form they contain from 50 to 70% oil, which is extracted using a press.

The benefits of avocado for various body systems

The benefits of avocado for the human cardiovascular system

Fatty acids, contained in large quantities in avocado fruits, prevent the development of atherosclerosis and regulate cholesterol levels in the blood. Avocado fruits can lower blood pressure, and the high level of calcium has a beneficial effect on the human cardiovascular system.

Benefits of avocado for skin

Avocado contains vitamins A and C, as well as a lot of protein and healthy fats, which together give elasticity and firmness to the skin.

Benefits of Avocado for Digestion

Avocado has a beneficial effect on intestinal microflora, prevents constipation. Here is a recipe for preventing intestinal problems using avocados:

30g figs

30g dried apricots

30g prunes

Pre-soak the ingredients then pass through a meat grinder and mix with the same portion of chopped avocado. Add 1 tablespoon of honey to the mixture. For preventive purposes, take 1 tbsp. spoon at night, and as a medicine - 3 times a day after meals. The mixture should be stored in a cool place, in a glass container with a lid.

The benefits of avocado for the circulatory system

Avocado is rich in iron and copper, therefore effective in preventing the development of anemia. Iron is well absorbed in combination with copper, and iron is the main criterion for blood formation.

The benefits of avocado for the nervous system

When the body is in a stressful situation, The calcium content in the body decreases sharply. Avocado contains a lot of calcium, so it is indispensable for the body in a stressful situation, as well as for general lifting of mood.

Avocado selection criteria

There are many varieties of avocados, about 400. They differ in color and skin thickness. A ripe avocado is soft to the touch, regardless of the variety. If you purchased a hard avocado, place it in a paper bag along with bananas and apples; at room temperature, it will ripen within a few days.

Cooking Avocado

To preserve more nutrients, it is better to eat it fresh.

Avocados should be eaten immediately after cooking, as the flesh quickly turns black when chapped.

The taste of avocado goes well with sweet and savory dishes, as well as with orange juice.

You need to clean an avocado as follows:

  • Using a sharp knife, make a cut across the entire fruit, down to the bone.
  • Then divide into two halves and remove the pit using a knife.
  • Then peel each half.
  • To do this, make a shallow cut from top to bottom and carefully remove the skin.

Avocado in cosmetology

The ability of avocado to rejuvenate the body has been known for a long time, therefore this vegetable is included in many care products for skin and hair. Avocado oil has properties similar to sebum, so it is easily accepted by the skin and produces an excellent effect. It can be used in its pure form, as well as in combination with other oils.

Avocado is often used to maintain the freshness of aging skin.. Avocado oil restores skin elasticity, normalizes blood circulation, and also increases the skin's immune defense against external factors. Vitamin A, which is found in large quantities in avocados, improves complexion.

By using hair products containing avocado oil, you will ensure healthy shine and strength to your hair.

Avocado oil can be used to treat burns by promptly applying it to the affected area of ​​the skin.

Avocado anti-wrinkle and dry skin mask

  • 50g chopped avocado
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil

Mix and apply a thin layer to the face. Leave for about 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Mask for dry hair

  • half an avocado, grated on a coarse grater
  • pulp of one banana
  • 1 egg yolk

Mix and apply to clean hair. Massage your head for 5-10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Avocado anti-wrinkle cream for the corners of the lips

  • 10g mashed avocado
  • soda on the tip of a knife

Dilute with water and lubricate wrinkles.

Text – gajsovna


Where does this fruit grow?

From a biological point of view, avocados should be classified as fruits. After all, it grows on a tree and has a bone inside. “>But the composition and sugar content of avocados make it possible to classify it, rather, as a vegetable.
According to information from well-known dictionaries, every juicy fruit growing on a tree is a fruit. Despite the low sugar content and frequent use of this product in salads, it should not be classified as a vegetable. Therefore, biologists win the debate about whether avocado is a fruit or a vegetable. This fruit grows on trees that can reach a height of 18 meters. Initially, they were common in South America, but in the twentieth century they began to be grown in southern Europe and Africa. From one tree you can get a harvest of up to 200 kilograms of fruit. Therefore, in tropical countries, avocado is a very common fruit.

Why can this fruit be classified as a vegetable?

Those who love avocado hardly consider it a fruit. After all, the delicate oily pulp with a weak nutty aftertaste does not allow it to be called that. The large amount of vegetable fats in these fruits makes them very nutritious. “>In terms of protein, avocado even surpasses meat and eggs. And in terms of low sugar content, it is closer to vegetables. In addition, its unusual taste goes well with any meat, poultry, fish and vegetables. This fruit gives a special taste to dishes prepared with it. There are many ways to consume this exotic fruit, but most often it is used in salads. It is also added to soups, pates and main courses. Therefore, some of those who are looking for an answer to the question: “Is avocado a fruit or a vegetable?” — they classify it as a vegetable, like many hearty, unsweetened fruits.

Description of avocado

This product is otherwise called “alligator pear.” Why did the name avocado come about? A photo of the fruit shows that some types are pear-shaped, and their skin is green and lumpy. There is another opinion about this name - this word in the Aztec language seemed to the Spanish colonists to be similar to “alligator”. This name for the fruit has taken root in Europe, despite the fact that the fruits are not always pear-shaped: they can be round or oval, up to 20 centimeters long. “>The peel of this fruit is also not only pimply. It may be smooth or wrinkled. Avocado color ranges from light to dark green. Sometimes it is almost black or even purple. The tender, creamy flesh is most often yellow-green. These fruits are the only thing edible. The pit, peel and other parts of the plant contain toxic substances harmful to humans and animals. But despite this, eating avocados is quite common in the world.

Uses of this fruit

1. Avocado is widely used in cooking, most often as part of cold dishes: salads, appetizers, sandwiches and pates. In some Asian countries, this fruit is also used in desserts: milkshakes, jellies and baked goods. It goes well with any vegetables, meat and fish, as well as cheese and cottage cheese. After cutting, the fruit must be eaten as quickly as possible, since it oxidizes in air. This can be prevented by using lemon juice.

2. The use of avocado in cosmetology is also popular. This oily fruit contains many unsaturated fatty acids, which are very beneficial for the skin. Its fruits contain a large amount of fats, vitamins and minerals. Because of this, avocado oil is often added to creams and shampoos, and masks are made with it for skin and hair. Its beneficial properties help eliminate wrinkles and restore youth.

3. Avocado oil is also used in some medications. Most often they are intended to treat skin diseases. But in recent years, scientists have created a cure for osteoarthritis based on soy and avocado and discovered that some substances from this fruit can fight cancer.

Taste qualities of the fruit

Not everyone knows how to eat avocado correctly. A cross-sectional photo of it shows that the fruit has a large hard stone that is toxic to humans. Therefore, it must be removed before use. The hard peel is also peeled and only the tender pulp of the fruit is used. Its creamy taste and soft consistency allow it to be compared to butter. And some say that the taste of the fruit is similar to an unripe pear or pumpkin. And after eating it, you feel a tartness and a slight nutty aftertaste in your mouth. This fruit is best eaten raw, as after cooking it begins to taste a little bitter. In addition, the pulp of the fruit melts quickly, and only its taste is felt in the dish.

2. In terms of the amount of vitamin E, a natural antioxidant, avocado ranks first among fruits. Therefore, it is useful for prolonging youth and maintaining skin elasticity.

3. Avocado is also used in the diet of people who want to lose weight. The calories that a person receives by eating this fruit are quickly converted into energy. They are not stored in fat. This happens despite the fact that avocado is very high in calories - 160 kcal per 100 g. And healthy Omega-3 monounsaturated fats speed up the process of losing weight.

4. Eating avocado is beneficial for anemia, since a large amount of easily digestible iron and copper, as well as folic acid and riboflavin, improves the process of hematopoiesis.

5. If you regularly eat avocados, the digestion process will improve and the intestinal microflora will be normalized.

6. This fruit has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system: normalizes blood pressure, water-salt balance and destroys bad cholesterol.

7. Avocado helps brain function, increases concentration and performance.

This fruit most often arrives on the shelves of our stores unripe. “> To determine the degree of ripeness of an avocado, you need to press a little on it with your finger. The peel should be slightly pressed, but if a dent remains on it, then the fruit is overripe and should not be bought. Fruits with dark spots are also unsuitable for consumption. It is better to buy a slightly unripe avocado. At home it can be brought to the required maturity. To do this, you need to remove a special film from the fruit, which is applied to it for better preservation. Then it is placed in a paper bag along with a banana and left in a dark place at room temperature.

Avocado recipes

1. Salad with nuts.

To prepare it, you need to place pieces of lettuce leaves on a dish. Sprinkle slightly warmed pine nuts mixed with avocado pulp on top. Sprinkle all this with a sauce of crushed garlic cloves, salt, pepper, lemon juice and a spoon of olive oil. ">

2. Simple summer salad with avocado.

Cut 100 grams of cucumbers and bell peppers, as well as one green apple into pieces and mix with avocado pulp. Season the salad with a mixture of olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, pepper, salt and sugar.

3. Avocado smoothie.

This fruit is also suitable for making delicious and nutritious desserts. You need to beat a banana, avocado, cut into pieces, a little oatmeal and milk in a blender. For taste, you can add honey or sugar and cinnamon. The result is a delicious and very nutritious breakfast.


Persea species (avocado)

Perseus americana (Persea americana) , or Avocado . Synonym: Persea gratissima . Trees up to 20 m tall. The leaves are elliptic-lanceolate, oval, 8-25 (40) cm long and 5-15 cm wide, entire, dark green above, glossy, bluish below. Petiole up to 10 cm long. The flowers are bisexual, collected in panicles; Anthers and stigma do not develop simultaneously. The fruit is a drupe, large, up to 10-20 cm long, dark green, brown, red. The pulp of the fruit is fleshy, oily, creamy yellow, aromatic. The peduncle is up to 35 cm long.

Grows in forests in humid areas, on mountain slopes at an altitude of 600-1500 (2400) m above sea level in Mexico and Central America.

A very valuable fruit breed. The tender pulp of the fruit contains 25-30% oil, proteins, vitamins, and sugar. Widely known in culture in tropical and subtropical countries. There is a wide variety of varieties.

Based on geographic origin, the following varieties (races) are distinguished: Mexican, Guatemalan and Antillean.

Perseus Mexicana. The trees are low, up to 12 (18) m tall. Leaves with an anise scent (when crushed). Flowers bloom from late March to early June. Fruits with delicate skin, small, 4-12 cm long and 2.5-7 cm in diameter, 150-200 (300) g; ripen within 5-7 months, in September-November; the stalk is short, 3-12 cm long. Subtropical plants from the highlands of Mexico and Central America.

Persea Guatemala. Leaves without anise scent. Flowers bloom in the second half of May (mass) - mid-June. The fruits are large, 400-600 g, with a rough surface; ripen within 8-12 months, the stalk is long. Plants from the mountainous regions of Guatemala and Southern Mexico; they are inferior to the Mexican group in cold resistance.

Persea Antilles. Leaves without anise scent. Flowers bloom at the end of May-June, in October-November. The fruits are 200-600 g, pear-shaped, with a smooth surface and thin skin, ripen within 7-8 months; the stalk is short. Heat-loving plants from tropical regions of Central America.

- a species of evergreen trees from the genus Perseus of the Laurel family (Lauraceae). Synonyms: Borbonia indica, Laurus indica, Laurus latifolia, Laurus teneriffae, Ocotea indica. Found in the Azores and Canary Islands, on the island of Madeira. It grows in the forests of Monteverde, confined to humid places, forming large populations.

A tree over 20 meters high with leaves up to 20 cm long. Female flowers are yellow-green, collected in panicles up to 15 cm long. Flowering lasts from March to September. The fruits are large, up to 25 cm long, and black and blue when ripe.

The wood was used in shipbuilding and for making furniture.

Perseus bourbon , or Red laurel (Persea borbonia) - a species of evergreen plants from the genus Perseus of the Laurel family (Lauraceae), common in the southern regions of North America, from Texas to Florida and North Carolina.

Synonyms: Laurus borbonia, Laurus caroliniensis, Persea carolinensis, Persea littoralis, Tamala borbonia, Tamala littoralis.

A large shrub or small tree up to 20 m high, growing on the outskirts of swamps and other waterlogged places, often under water for several weeks. The leaves are leathery and narrow. The fruits are dry, slightly more than a centimeter in size.

One of the varieties of this species, Persea borbonia var. humilis, growing in Florida, is a protected plant because there has been a serious decline in its numbers due to ongoing drainage of wetlands.

Previously, the Seminole Indians widely used parts of the plant in their traditional medical practices, to treat many ailments, but primarily as an emetic and cleanser.

Can be cultivated as an evergreen ornamental plant.

The wood is hard and durable and can be used to build boats, furniture and interior decoration. Due to the limited distribution of the plant, its wood is not represented on the global market.

Avocado care

Avocado as a plant is difficult to buy in flower shops. Therefore, you can grow it yourself from bones.

Lighting. Avocados feel best in a bright place; they should be shaded from direct sunlight.

If you have free space and good lighting, you can achieve a certain decorative effect, but not flowering. In avocado culture, it blooms extremely rarely.

Temperature. In spring and summer, avocados prefer high temperatures (above room temperature). In the autumn-winter period, the favorable temperature is 18-20°C; when the temperature drops to 12°C, the plant may shed its leaves.

Watering. During the growing season (spring-summer), water abundantly after the top layer dries slightly. In the autumn-winter period, water moderately, a day or two after the top layer of the substrate dries.

Air humidity. Avocado prefers high humidity. Therefore, frequent spraying is necessary, especially during the heating season with water at room temperature. To increase humidity, the plant can be placed on a tray with damp moss, expanded clay or pebbles. In this case, the bottom of the pot should not touch the water.

Fertilizer. During the period from spring to the end of summer, feeding is required once every two weeks with mineral and organic fertilizers; during the dormant period (winter-autumn) the plant is not fed.

Transfer. A young plant must be replanted annually, and an adult plant after 2-3 years. The substrate is prepared from turf soil, humus and sand (2:1:1).

Avocado grows very quickly, it is better to grow it in a large container, as it grows to large sizes.

Reproduction. Avocados are propagated indoors by seeds (seeds) and vegetatively by budding.

Avocado propagation by seeds. For sowing, it is necessary to take fresh seeds extracted from a ripe fruit. The container for planting seeds is filled with a substrate consisting of equal quantities of leaf soil, peat and sand. The bone is placed deep in the substrate so that the top is at ground level. Some sources recommend removing the top shell from the nut before sowing.

Cover the top with a glass cap or a transparent plastic bag. Place in a bright place (without direct sunlight). Maintain a constant temperature of at least 21°C, periodically moisten the substrate and ventilate.

When seedlings appear (this can last up to six months), remove the glass and place it in a brighter place, but not in direct sunlight.

When the seedlings become stronger, they are planted in individual pots.

There are other options for germinating avocado seeds: In the seed removed from the fruit (with this method of germination the shell is not removed), three small holes (at an angle of 120 degrees) are carefully drilled around the circumference at the level of the middle, into which three matches are inserted. These matches serve as supports by which the fruit is suspended in a glass of water. The water level must be constantly maintained exactly under the pit. Soon the roots will appear, and when there are enough of them, the seed can be planted in a pot. It looks something like this:

You can also place the seed in damp cotton wool and constantly wet it. When the seed is divided into two parts, you can plant it in a pot. In one to two weeks a sprout will appear.

Reproduction by budding. Budding of plants is carried out in the second half of summer - with a sleeping eye or in spring - germinating on two-year-old seedlings with a stem diameter of 0.7-1 cm. Avocados are not propagated by cuttings, as they take root poorly (one-year shoots no more than 6%, biennial shoots - up to 20%).

Growing avocados indoors.

Plants require a sunny location and protection from strong winds. The soil for growing avocados must be fertile and very well drained. During fruiting, plenty of moisture is required. Avocados do not tolerate frost or drought. Although plants are capable of self-pollination, a good harvest is only possible with cross-pollination.

Plants propagated by seeds bloom in the 6th-8th year, grafted plants - in the 3rd-4th year.

Possible difficulties

The leaves begin to turn brown from the tips, and then completely, and fly off, leaving the plant bare. The cause may be too dry air; during the heating season, frequent spraying with water at room temperature is necessary.

The leaves turn yellow and fly off. The cause may be spider mites.

The leaves lose color and the leaves turn pale. The reason may be a lack of light. Adjust the lighting. If the plant has been in the shade for a long period, then it must be accustomed to more light gradually. In winter, illumination with fluorescent lamps is desirable.

Dry brown leaf tips. The cause may be too dry indoor air or lack of watering.


Scale insects, spider mites, mealybugs

Avocado fruits are one of the most fat-containing fruits, second only to coconut, and the lion's share of the fats included in their composition are healthy and easily digestible monounsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, despite its high calorie content, this fruit is a healthy dietary product.

Avocado is effective for hypertension, diabetes, gastric catarrh, dyspepsia, gastritis with low acidity and high acidity of gastric juice. Nutritionists recommend avocados for constipation, cataracts, vitamin deficiencies, and also as a general tonic after infectious and other diseases.

Avocado fruits help reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol, are useful for atherosclerosis, anemia, hypertension, and generally have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Potassium, which is contained in large quantities in avocados, is responsible for the generation and transmission of nerve impulses in the body, and also normalizes water-salt balance and the functioning of the muscular system.

When eating avocado, irritability decreases, performance and ability to concentrate increase, drowsiness and fatigue disappear, and well-being improves. This complex effect is explained by the substance mannoheptulose contained in avocado, which reduces the level of glucose in the blood, while simultaneously promoting its better absorption by brain cells.

Avocado also has antioxidant properties, protecting cells from the harmful effects of free radicals and preventing the aging process of the body.

Avocado seeds and leaves also have beneficial properties, a decoction of which is used to treat dysentery, chronic colitis and enterocolitis.

Precautionary measures

Avocado is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. It is also necessary to keep in mind that avocado seeds contain toxic substances that can disrupt the digestive system or cause severe allergic reactions.

Avocado is used to prepare salads, sauces and soups, it can be added to dairy products cocktails and baby formulas for nutrition. There are many ways to cut an avocado, but the simplest is the following: cut the avocado lengthwise, turning the knife around the pit, turn the cut halves in opposite directions - the fruit will split into two halves, and the pit will remain in one of them. The pit is easy to remove by picking it up with a spoon; the pulp is also easily separated from the skin with a spoon.

The pulp of a ripe avocado can simply be spread on bread and lightly salted; in South America it is used to make ice cream, and in Indonesia it is mixed with coffee, milk and rum into a cocktail!

Thanks to its neutral taste, avocado easily combines with many foods: ham, shrimp, crab sticks, boiled eggs, etc.

The pulp of a ripe avocado is used in cooking in cold dishes: salads, for example, in combination with red fish, cold appetizers, sandwiches. Lemon or lime juice is usually added to avoid oxidation, which spoils the appearance and taste of the avocado.

One of the most popular avocado dishes is the Mexican snack guacamole, which consists mainly of pureed avocado pulp with the addition of salt, lime juice, and sometimes seasonings and vegetables.

Avocado is used in vegetarian cuisine as a filling for vegetarian sushi, and as a substitute for meat and eggs in some cold dishes.

Several recipes using avocado

120 g rice, 200 ml vegetable broth, 1 can of canned corn, 150 g boiled or canned beans, 1 avocado, 2 tbsp. lemon juice, 2 tomatoes. Sauce: 3 tbsp. lemon juice, 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (corn), parsley, ½ chili pepper, salt, pepper.

Pour the boiling broth over the rice, let it simmer for a few minutes, stir, cover and reduce the heat to low. Leave the rice to cook for 20 minutes without opening the lid. After 20 minutes, turn off the heat, open the lid and carefully stir the rice with a fork to evaporate excess moisture. Let the rice cool. Rinse beans and corn with cold water and drain. Finely chop the chili pepper and parsley and mix with the remaining ingredients for the sauce. Peel the avocado, cut into cubes and immediately mix with lemon juice. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes. Gently mix all salad ingredients.

1 green salad, 2 avocados, 2 tbsp. lemon juice, 4 medium tomatoes, 1 onion, 175 g canned beans from a can. Sauce: 4 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. wine vinegar, 1 clove of garlic (crush), salt, a pinch of sugar and hot red pepper, parsley for decoration.

Arrange the lettuce leaves in a salad bowl. Cut the avocado into thin slices and immediately sprinkle with lemon juice. Cut the tomatoes into slices and the onion into thin rings. Place chopped avocados, tomatoes and onion rings around the edges of the salad bowl, and place the beans in the center. Lightly whisk the ingredients for the sauce with a fork and pour the sauce over the salad, garnish with parsley on top.

Mexican guacamole sauce. 2 ripe avocados, 1 onion (finely chopped), 1 clove of garlic, 1 tbsp. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, salt, pepper, tabasco.

This is an adapted recipe from a traditional Mexican sauce that dates back to the times of the Aztecs. Guacamole can be used as a seasoning for corn chips, spread on bread, etc.

Rub the sauce bowl with garlic. Take the avocado pulp out of the peel with a teaspoon and put it in a bowl, add the chopped onion and mix until smooth. Then add lemon juice, oil, salt, pepper and Tabasco and mix well again. The sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Instead of lemon, you can use lime juice, and you can also add finely chopped tomato and cilantro to the sauce.

2 ripe avocados, 2 tbsp. lime or lemon juice, 350 ml of cooled chicken broth, 250 ml of cream (can be replaced with milk), salt and pepper to taste.

Mash the avocado pulp with a fork and mix with lemon juice. Combine the avocado pulp and broth in a blender, then pour in the cream or milk and blend the soup again. Season with salt and pepper.

100 g of avocado pulp contains:

Calorie content— 118-167 kcal

Water— 73 g
Fats— 15-30 g
Squirrels— 1.6 g-2.1 g
Carbohydrates– 6 g (including mono- and disaccharides – 5 g)
Dietary fiber (fiber)— 0.6 g
Ballast substances— 3.65 mg
Organic acids– 0.1 g
Potassium— 437.27 mg
Copper- 0.19 mg
Folic acid salts- 45.19 mcg
Vitamin K— 14.6 mg
Vitamin C- 5.77 mg
Vitamin B6— 0.2 mg

Vitamins in avocados:

— Vitamin A (retinol) – 0.03 mg
— Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – 0.06 mg
— Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) — 0.04 mg
— Vitamin B3 (Niacin, vitamin PP) – 0.6 mg
— Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) – 1 mg
— Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) – 0.2 mg
— Vitamin B9 (Folic acid) – 18.5 mcg
— Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – 7.7 mg
— Vitamin K – 19 mcg

Macronutrients in Avocado:

— Potassium — 280 mg
— Calcium — 15 mg
— Magnesium — 10 mg
— Sodium — 2 mg
– Sulfur – 15 mg
— Phosphorus — 33 mg
— Chlorine – 11 mg

Microelements in avocados:

– Aluminum – 0.8 mg
— Boron 0.1 mg
— Iron – 1 mg
— Iodine – 2 mcg
— Cobalt – 1 mcg
— Manganese – 0.21 mg
– Copper – 0.25 mg
— Molybdenum 10 mcg
— Fluorine — 14 mcg
— Zinc – 0.29 mg

Latin name for avocado oil: Oleum Perseae americanae

English name: Avocado oil

Avocado oil, produced by cold pressing, is a viscous, dense, transparent substance. Its color can be either greenish or brown. Produced using cold pressing technology, the oil has a pleasant nutty aroma. Refined oil is less valuable because it significantly reduces the amount of unsaturated fatty acids. You can distinguish cold-pressed oil from its refined counterpart by color - the refined product always has a pale yellow, transparent color. Refined oil is deprived not only of a large share of beneficial substances, but also loses its natural nutty aroma - the smell becomes barely perceptible.

Avocado fruits are a source of many beneficial substances. The oil produced from them prevents the formation of blood clots that clog blood vessels and is useful for varicose veins. Effective for eczema, eliminates irritation, peeling, and soothes the skin well. Thanks to its high content of nutrients, it nourishes, moisturizes and restores the skin, increases its turgor, and smoothes out wrinkles. Avocado oil has anti-inflammatory properties and is good at healing small wounds.

Composition of avocado oil. The oil contains protein, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5), vitamins D and E. It also contains a valuable complex of unsaturated fatty acids, directly involved in the construction of body cells. This complex, known as vitamin F, regulates metabolism, cleanses the body of various toxins, and also helps normalize blood circulation. The mass fraction of unsaturated fatty acids in avocado oil is 94.8%, which is almost 3 times higher than their content in fish oil. In terms of vitamin E content, oil produced from avocado fruits is 5 times higher than olive oil.

Minerals contained in avocado oil: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt, iodine, silicon, vanadium, barium, molybdenum, aluminum, boron, nickel, silver, lead, tin, strontium.

Application of avocado oil. Avocado oil can be used internally as a prophylaxis, as well as for the treatment of such serious diseases as atherosclerosis, stroke and myocardial infarction. The B vitamins contained in the oil have a positive effect on the nervous system, strengthening it. Well suited for massage, either alone or mixed with other base and essential oils. Through the skin, beneficial substances penetrate into the blood, nourishing the body.

Ideal for masks, applications intended for mature, tired, aging skin– a napkin soaked in oil is applied to the face once or twice a day. The procedure can last from 15 to 30 minutes, the result is that after the 3rd procedure, wrinkles begin to smooth out, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic. Another use of avocado oil is that it can be applied to the face with gentle massage movements as a cream; excess is removed with a napkin.

For nail care The oil is used both in pure form and in a mixture with essential oils in a 1:1 ratio. A small amount of oil or mixture is rubbed into the nail fold and directly into the nail plate.

For inflammation of the gums a cotton swab (or gauze) soaked in avocado oil is applied to them for 15 minutes. The procedure must be carried out 1 or 2 times a day; to enhance the effect, you can add tea tree essential oil.

Avocado oil in Ayurveda: good for the liver, strengthens weakened tissues.

Avocado oil contraindications

Avocado oil is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.

Avocado contains a complex of biologically active compounds that allows you to neutralize toxic substances from the environment that affect our skin. The pulp of this fruit is an excellent natural moisturizer.

Moisturizing mask

1st option: Peel the avocado, mash the pulp with a fork, and add a few drops of olive oil to the resulting mass. Apply to face and neck for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. After using the mask, the skin will be hydrated and more elastic.

2nd option: Mix avocado pulp and egg yolk. Apply the resulting mixture to cleansed facial skin and leave for 20 minutes. After that, wash it off. This mask is especially suitable for dry skin, perfectly nourishes it and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

Avocado oil for face. To eliminate fine wrinkles around the eyes, prepare a mixture of a tablespoon of avocado oil, a tablespoon of olive oil with the addition of 2-3 drops of rosemary essential oil.

Avocado oil for nails. To strengthen your nails, rub a mixture of avocado oil and any vegetable oil in equal parts into the nail plate and cuticle daily.

Avocado oil for hair. An avocado mask will save weak hair after coloring - peel the avocado, grate it on a fine grater, add a spoonful of olive oil, a spoonful of lemon juice and one egg. Mix thoroughly and apply to hair before washing, rubbing into hair roots for 40 minutes, wrap head with a towel.

Recipe for cosmetic eye oil against crow's feet

1st option: 1 tbsp. Mix a spoonful of unrefined avocado oil with 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil (or grape seed oil), and add 2 drops of essential oils of rosemary, verbena and geranium to the resulting mixture.

2nd option: 1 tbsp. Mix a spoonful of unrefined avocado oil with 1 tbsp. spoon of grape seed oil (or peach seed oil) and add 2 drops each of fennel, orange and mint essential oils to this mixture.

For a nourishing and moisturizing lip balm. Mix 1 teaspoon of unrefined avocado oil with 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil.

Nail care. To strengthen your nails and eliminate their fragility, you should massage the nail fold before applying nail polish for 15-20 minutes. For massage, a product prepared as follows is perfect: to 2 tbsp. Add 5 drops of lemon to a tablespoon of avocado oil, and 5 drops of rosemary, lavender and patchouli essential oils.


Avocado is a fruit or vegetable, how and where it grows

Its fruit pedigree is evidenced by its birth on a tree, the presence of one large seed... But, from another point of view, the taste of the fruit is not as rich as we usually expect from a fruit, which means that an avocado is a vegetable?

The taste also hints at this - the fruit is somewhat reminiscent of an unripe pear, not very saturated with juice, or even a pumpkin. Its neutral, not very pronounced taste allows it to be combined with other ingredients in salads and appetizers. Particularly popular is Mexican avocado puree - guacamole. The recipe for making it is given below in the comments.

The fruit is available on store shelves all year round. True, this does not prevent him from remaining exotic for some. It’s not for nothing that it grows in Mexico, South America, Africa, Indonesia and Israel.

It does not grow in Russia, but recently the fruit has begun to gain incredible popularity among lovers of healthy eating. It is included in detox programs and diets; there are establishments where there are up to 20 assorted dishes with avocado.

The same trend is gaining momentum all over the world; “green gold,” as it began to be called for its extraordinary benefits for the body several years ago, has become more profitable than marijuana. It is adored in the USA, Japan, China; in the latter country, the “alligator pear” is a symbol of prestige; those who can afford to buy an avocado boldly consider themselves to be in the middle class.

The No. 1 country for growing avocados is Mexico, but it consumes 4/5 of the harvest itself, and exports are only enough to meet the growing needs of America. Other countries are also trying to grow it, but not everyone can do it; it takes one evergreen tree of the Laurel family per year to grow it. almost 300 liters of water. Although the harvest can be excellent - up to 200 kg is harvested from an adult plant.

Let's talk about the avocado fruit

Avocado grows on a tree of the same name, although botanists will more precisely call it Perseus americana. The birthplace of the fruit is Mexico. Literally its name is translated from English as alligator pear. And, indeed, the fruits of the avocado tree are pear-shaped, but can also be similar to a ball or oval from 6 to 20 cm in length. The peel of the fruit is green or dark green. Regular fruits weigh around 300 grams, and “champions” reach up to 1.5 kg.

And its flesh is yellow-green, although green is also often found. The fruit is very oily, it is not for nothing that oil is squeezed out of it. It is also very useful.

But let's talk directly about the benefits and harms of avocados...

The benefits of avocado or 18 reasons to choose it for lunch

So, what are the benefits of avocado?

Let's start with the fact that avocado is the record holder of fruit in terms of calorie content (212 kcal per 100 grams of product). Yes, you won’t lose weight with this! But you will get the benefit.

True, only the pulp of the avocado is useful; its seed, on the contrary, contains many harmful substances, and therefore it is not suitable for consumption.

  • It is also worth noting that there is practically no sugar in avocados, which means that everyone can consume it, including diabetics.
  • Then the avocado contains an incredible amount of potassium, there is so much of it that the fruit has surpassed even the well-known, less exotic bananas in terms of potassium content. In addition, due to the high potassium content in the pulp of the avocado fruit, it is able to normalize the water-salt balance of the body and increase overall stress resistance.
  • The pulp of this fruit can cleanse our blood of excess cholesterol. Oleic acid, which avocados are so generous in, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  • And how much vitamin E there is in our fruit! Well, just a fairy tale! But it fights tissue aging and helps the body resist viruses.
  • Want to improve your memory? Eat avocado. It will not only help you improve it, but also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Avocados contain polyunsaturated acids, an insufficient amount of which leads to atherosclerosis.
  • When consumed regularly, the fruit can normalize your blood pressure. It lowers it naturally, so its benefits for hypertensive patients are invaluable.
  • Among other things, avocado improves blood circulation and reduces the risk of anemia.
  • Manoheptoulose, which avocados are rich in, helps improve performance, relieve drowsiness, restore the nervous system, and reduce irritability.
  • The global benefit of avocado for our body is increasing immunity. It is especially useful for diseases caused by viruses and during the active flu season.
  • The fruit is also useful for the digestive system in general, and for constipation in particular.
  • It is worth noting that avocados prevent the proliferation of cancer cells, which is good news. And some types of tumors are generally inhibited in their development.
  • We also know that avocado is a powerful aphrodisiac. It can arouse passion. The ancients used it to increase fertility and restore potency.
  • It also, along with potassium, contains phosphorus, which promotes mental activity. It also helps strengthen teeth and bones.
  • Avocados are high in protein, which is good for those who want to build muscle mass. It is also worth noting that avocado pulp is a good replacement for animal fats. Very useful for vegetarians!
  • The fruit, although in reality it looks more like a vegetable, is rich in antioxidants. Scientists even believe that it can help with cancer.

The beneficial properties of avocado do not end there; it also has a very beneficial effect on the skin and hair, which is the reason for its widespread use in cosmetology.

Avocado in cosmetology

Do not forget about the benefits of avocado for women in the cosmetic use of this fruit. Oils, as well as masks made from its pulp, remarkably prevent aging. This is especially noticeable during menopause in women.

Moisturizing the skin with pulp or oil based on the pulp of this fruit is so deep that it can provide protection against fungus or viral skin diseases.

Find out more about the properties and use of avocado oil in cosmetology and traditional medicine here.

You can also eat avocados during pregnancy. The pulp of its fruit will have a good effect on both mother and child. Although it is better not to consume the fruit in large quantities for those who are breastfeeding, the baby may pass diarrhea.

Avocado can also help those whose work is of a physical nature. It will help them stay productive all day long.

TOP diseases for which avocado is necessary

Harm to avocados or looking for contraindications to exotics

Avocados should not be consumed by those who are allergic to latex. And, of course, for people with individual intolerance.

This is about the fruit itself... But there is also its seed. Let's talk about it separately.

It contains a considerable amount of toxic substances, which can adversely affect human health. The most useful thing that can be done with an avocado seed is to plant it in a pot and grow it as a house plant, although not an ornamental one. It cannot be called pleasing to the eye; it constantly loses leaves, and even for domestic animals, accidental consumption of leaves, bark, and seeds can be fatal - cardiac activity and respiration are inhibited, and edema develops.

The wood and leaves of the tree are also poisonous to humans. However, we would have difficulty finding this mature plant in Russia. And start gnawing on it...

It’s better not to boil, fry, or, in general, treat avocados with heat in any way. In this case, the beneficial properties of the fruit will decrease. It is actively added to cold dishes - snacks, sandwiches, salads. In addition, heat treatment adds a noticeable bitterness to the taste of the prepared dish.

How to eat avocado correctly

It doesn't take much intelligence to eat an avocado. You just need to cut through the fruit with a knife and separate the pulp from the stone. If the fruit is ripe, you won’t have to put in much effort. It is easy to separate from the large bone.

In order to choose a ripe avocado you need to listen to the following advice.

First of all, you should pay attention to its appearance. There should be no spots on it that indicate its overripeness, scratches, or cracks. It is better if the fruit is clean and soft. With just one light touch, it should squash a little.

Peeled avocados should not be kept outdoors. It, like apples and potatoes, contains a lot of iron, which will lead to oxidation of the fruit.

***** *****
To summarize, despite its exotic nature, the range of medicinal benefits of avocado is beyond praise, so it is very advisable to at least occasionally treat yourself to such a wonderful fruit.