The game "secret friend" is a reason for unexpected surprises. What original gift can you give to a friend? Game secret friend gift options for boys

Everyone writes their name on a piece of paper so that it is clear who they mean. All the notes are put in one pile (a hat, a box, in general, some kind of container), and everyone takes one for themselves and does not show it to anyone. Care should be taken to ensure that no one pulls himself out. From this moment on, the person written on the piece of paper becomes a secret friend. You must always, constantly and methodically give him gifts, show signs of attention, write notes, wish him bon appetit and good night, you must provide him with comfort and a good mood. But all this must be done in such a way that he will never guess who is writing to him.

(play for a certain time, day or even shift)

Rules of the game: In the morning at the general meeting the start of the game is announced. Each participant in the game draws lots (sheets of paper are prepared in advance on which the names of all the players and the names of their squads are written down). Thus, each player recognizes his secret friend.

Throughout the day or another period, the player’s task is to please his secret friend, but so that he does not guess who is doing it.

Note: as a pleasant thing, you can send a “live letter” (ask someone to convey it in words), ask muses. leader to sing a song, give a gift. At an evening club, secret friends meet, who then all sing songs to “friendship” together.

(several days)

Goal: internal team unity, the formation of warm, friendly relationships in the group.

Materials: small identical sheets of paper, pens.

All group members write their names on separate pieces of paper, wrap them up and put them together, then each group member pulls out a piece of paper with the name of another member, who becomes his “secret friend.” For your secret friend, you need to make various pleasant surprises and small gifts, but unnoticed by him.

The game can last for several days.

At the end of the game, all participants express their guesses about who their secret friend was, and then announce their true secret friends.

Make mailboxes out of boxes and place pens, paper and envelopes in a visible place.

The game begins before the start of the event (camp, conference, etc.) and continues throughout the duration of the event.

Write the names of the camp participants on pieces of paper, mix them up and invite the participants to choose a “secret friend”. The essence of the game is to give your “secret friend” maximum attention (gifts, notes, postcards, surprises), but not to “expose yourself.”

Letters, cards and notes are dropped into the mailbox and delivered to recipients by postmen several times a day.

At the end of the event, the “secret friend” of each participant is publicly guessed.

A very interesting, and most importantly, enjoyable game for any age (including counselors). It all starts like this: pieces of paper with the names of all the players are thrown into a hat (usually it is replaced by a Panama hat). Each participant draws a piece of paper and does not tell anyone whose name is written on it, because it is this person that he will have to look after... secretly (hence the name). Courtship can be different: cards, gifts, a poster on the door in the dining room, flowers on the table, etc. etc.

It all ends with a friendly discussion, where everyone in turn talks about how they looked after him and whether he guessed who it was.

They also did a very good thing: first the counselors looked after each other for half a day, and then the children started. Seeing how the counselors did this, the guys caught fire and played with more interest.

Write down the first and last name of each squad member on separate pieces of paper. Fold the sheets so that they cannot be read. Place the folded pieces of paper in a box and walk around, inviting everyone to pull out one folded piece of paper. After reading it, the participant must not tell anyone the name written on it. If someone has drawn out his name, he can fold the drawn piece of paper back and draw out another piece of paper. It is explained to everyone that the person whose name they drew out will henceforth become their “secret friend.” Over the next three days, everyone should, without giving themselves away, show as much attention as possible to their “secret friends” so that they feel like the most needed people in the world. Every day you need to give at least one pleasant surprise to your friend. The more seriously they take this task, the more they pour their souls into caring for their secret friend, the greater will be their joy when they see how their love and care brings happiness to others. After three days, you can try to guess who their “secret friend” was.

The competition can be held both in a group and in the entire camp over several days.

Conducting the competition:

Write down the names of all participants on separate small pieces of paper, then they are rolled up, mixed, and everyone pulls out one piece of paper with someone's name. The participant becomes a “secret friend” to that person. Why Secret - because absolutely no one should know whose friend he is - it is kept secret until the end of the competition. The task of the “secret friend” throughout the game is to show attention and do something nice for your friend, but so that he does not guess who is doing it.

For example:

Small gifts (sweets, cookies, bouquets, etc.); - ask the leader to sing a song for this person; - writes him poems and comments, suggestions, etc.

It is advisable that after the children become familiar with the names of their secret friends, they should write down their name on pieces of paper and hand these pieces of paper over to the host of the competition. For convenience, the presenter can make a list in which he will write down the names of the participants and their secret friends; one must also leave one empty column in the list.

Completion of the competition

At the end of the competition, all participants must be given blank pieces of paper on which they must write their name and the name of the one who, in their opinion, was a secret friend. Next, the presenter fills out the third column in the form drawn up at the beginning of the competition and upon completion, the results are announced; all participants will be very interested to know whether they guessed the name of their friend. Also, this competition can give the name of the friendliest person on shift - this is the person whose name is indicated the most times. Number of players: the more, the more interesting

In short, the rules (it’s a game within your squad, but of course you can also play between squads): counselors participate at will, but in principle they should too)) the names of all participants are written on pieces of paper, then put into a common hat, piece of paper, mug, etc. and everyone chooses a name for themselves. and within the prescribed period (the entire trip, a couple of days) gives gifts to his friend in a way that he didn’t really guess.

Well, in the end everything is revealed)))

Number of players: 6 or more Inventory: notes with the names of all participants

The game is good for getting to know each other better. It can be carried out both in a group and in the entire camp over several days or even the entire stream. The names of all participants are written on separate small pieces of paper, then they are rolled up, mixed, and each player pulls out one piece of paper with someone’s name. The player becomes a “secret friend” to this person. Secret because absolutely no one should know whose friend he is - it is kept secret until the end of the shift. The task of the “secret friend” is to show attention and do something nice to your friend throughout the game, but so that he doesn’t guess who is doing it.

For example:

  • small gifts (sweets, cookies, bouquets, etc.);
  • ask the music director to sing a song for that person;
  • writes him poems and comments, suggestions, etc.

The “friend” himself also receives signs of attention, because... in turn, someone also pulled out a note with his name. At the end of the game, everyone reveals their cards and shares their impressions.

My dear Secret Friend!..

We know how and love to be friends, so our team is very comfortable. So that the children know and understand each other better, we organize interesting events. One of the undisputed leaders is the game “Secret Friend”.

Everyone likes cute surprises and pleasant surprises. Everyone feels especially good if someone takes care of them and anticipates their desires. If this “someone” is a mysterious stranger, the situation becomes especially intriguing and even exciting! Each child receives the unique right to be in these two roles at the same time: in the role of the one who receives mysterious signs of attention, and the one who provides them. A participant in the “Secret Friend” game (the composition of participants is determined on the basis of voluntary application letters) through a Very Secret Voting finds out the name of his personal Secret Friend. For the next week, this person becomes the “center of the universe” for him: he will pamper him with attentions and surprises to make him feel good and joyful. The main condition: all this must be done INCOGNITO! That is, so that until the very end of the game, the Secret Friend would never find out who was looking after him all these days. In parallel with this, he himself becomes a Secret Friend for someone, so two sources of positivity open up for him: pleasing others and receiving signs of attention himself.

The shape and size of surprises does not matter: from a funny picture to a flower, from a real craft to an ephemeral pleasant surprise... Big and small pleasures, serious and absurd, homemade or purchased, tasty or ephemeral - there are no restrictions! The main thing is that it makes the life of your Secret Friend brighter and more enjoyable.

For those who want to help their Secret Friend decide on the theme of surprises, there is a special Wall Newspaper of Secret Friends hanging in the relaxation room, where you can not only exchange thanks to anonymous wizards, but also write useful information in the style: “I, Olga Novodvorskaya, love the film "The Lord of the Rings", British cats, tulips and ice cream." Agree, after reading such a message, it will be much easier for the Secret Friend to choose surprises for Olga.

The finale of the game “Secret Friend” is a whole action. At a predetermined time, all participants are invited to a room where an emotional and funny revelation of Secret Friends takes place: it becomes clear who was whose Secret Friend. There is no limit to positivity, surprise and joy! The final chord is the “Map of Secret Friends”: photographs of the participants pasted onto whatman paper are connected by arrows, showing who was who’s Secret Friend. Of course, after such a game, the impressions last for a long time, and friendship from a secret becomes obvious!

The main goal of this game is to do good to your secret friend. :) Each participant fills out a questionnaire. Leaves information about himself and his interests in it! :) Show in full.. Before the start of the game, each participant receives a secret friend. This will be done by drawing lots. Your task is to do all kinds of acts of kindness. These can be both material and spiritual things, they can be compliments, they can be some kind of congratulations, or just pleasant and interesting things. You can show your kindness either with your own hands or by asking someone else..=) The main thing is that it is your initiative! =)

If you have received some kind gesture, then you MUST continue the chain and show kindness to your secret friend. This will create a "Vicious Circle".

You need to think carefully about whether there is enough kindness in your heart to show it for 6 whole days!=

The game will take place for a week and at the end we will conduct a survey on which gift seemed the most memorable, and on the final day your task is to make the brightest and most memorable gift (you must make this gift personally yourself)

The rules are simple.

Each child draws a ticket with the first and last name of a peer, for whom he should become a secret friend. During the week, he can give his secret friend small gifts made with his own hands, give compliments, and help with some task. A prerequisite for the game is the requirement to do this in such a way that it is impossible to guess who the secret friend is. You can send notes and gifts through the teacher. At the beginning of next month, during class, the secret is revealed.

The children really enjoyed the game. In the first days they tried to find out in any way who his secret friend was. Then they began to give gifts and souvenirs and pay compliments. But so that the secret friends wouldn’t guess, they complimented everyone. After all, the main task was to make as many people as possible think that they were secret friends. Only two children admitted whose secret friends they were, the rest stood firm, because it was not easy to withstand the curiosity of those interested. The week dragged on for a very long time for the guys.

One girl became the winner; as many as five people called her their secret friend, including her secret friend.

Ethical and psychological exercise-game "My Secret Friend"

Goal: promoting the transfer of communication methods and manifestations of friendship into life.

  • help students understand the value of unconditional love, the value and joy of giving without expecting anything in return;
  • teach to establish relationships based on the selfless ability to give before receiving something;
  • develop the ability to interpret the behavior of others;
  • help the children accept self-commitment and take responsibility for its fulfillment;
  • cultivate deep feelings of affection and emotional closeness to each other.

Core values:

  • understanding
  • good
  • friendship
  • goodwill
  • self-knowledge

Key competencies:

  • provide all possible assistance to people, take care of family and friends;
  • build friendly relationships with yourself, with people and the world around you;
  • maintain friendly relations at home, in the immediate environment, in joint activities based on the principles of morality and norms of spirituality; be aware of the negativity of quarrels and conflicts, be able to overcome them and interact on the basis of cooperation and agreement;
  • value friendship and communication, be patient, forgive insults and misunderstandings; be able to listen and understand another person.

Stage I (main).

1. Organizing a conversation “What does it mean to be friends?” During the discussion, the guys draw conclusions about what friendship is, what qualities a friend should have, what friendship gives a person, etc. Thus, preparatory work is underway for the start of the ethical-psychological exercise-game “My Secret Friend.”

2. Write down the first and last names of each person on a separate piece of paper, including the teacher. Fold the sheets so that they cannot be read.

3.Place notes with names in a casket (open box) and walk around the room so that each child pulls out a note. Having seen a name on it, the child should not tell it to anyone. If someone draws out their name, they must roll up the paper again, put it back and pull it out again.

4. Explain to the children that the person whose name they drew out becomes from now on their “secret friend.” The counselor pulls the last note from the box.

5. Explain to the squad that over the next week everyone should, without giving themselves away, show as much attention as possible to their “secret friends” so that they feel like the most needed people in the world. You can write poems for them, give small gifts, treat them, do everything to make your friend feel needed and loved.

6. Every day you need to give at least one pleasant surprise to your friend. Explain to the children that the more they invest themselves and their souls in caring for a secret friend, the greater their joy will be when they see how their attention and care bring happiness to others.

7.Development of rules for participation in the exercise-game.

Approximate rules for participating in the game

  • Mandatory activity for each participant;
  • Guessing the “Secret Friend” is prohibited;
  • Show signs of attention not only to your “Secret Friend”, etc.;

8. Conduct a reflection of the participants on the last day of the exercise-game

Introduction. Circle of joy. Greetings and wishes of the meeting participants to each other.

In recent days, the life of our squad has not been entirely ordinary, and the reason is connected with this chest, it united us all.

  • Why do you think we have gathered today?
  • What is the meaning of the “My Secret Friend” exercise?

Background music is playing.

Creative activity.

And now comes the exciting moment. After all, we all want to know who we were a secret friend for? Probably, each of you has your own assumptions and hypotheses. So let's check them out. Go up to the person who, in your opinion, has been secretly showing you signs of attention all this time, and ask if your guess is correct. As you confirm your guess, return to your seat.

Hypothesis testing is free, direct communication between meeting participants.

Background music is playing.

Creative activity.

So, the secret is revealed. And now I propose to once again show attention to my secret friend. Go to the table and take an unfinished wish card from a peer who was your secret friend in the exercise game. Write him your kindest, warmest and most sincere wishes, and then place it in the “Friendship Gallery”. Use all available space.

Secret Admirer

Players write down their names on pieces of paper. The sheets of paper with names are folded into a hat. Each player takes one piece of paper from the hat. The piece of paper changes if it contains the name of the participant who pulled it out of the hat. The player becomes a secret friend for that. Whose name is written on a piece of paper pulled from a hat. The role of a secret friend is that he must show signs of attention (gifts, compliments, etc.) to this person, while remaining unknown. At the end of the game, the players gather for discussion. Each of the participants speaks out on the topic of who could be his secret friend. The game can continue for an unlimited amount of time. It is also possible for each player to make two secret friends. In this case, players write their name twice and take two pieces of paper from a hat. The game will be more interesting if the draw is carried out separately between boys and girls. In this case, everyone will have a friend of the opposite sex.

This game is very exciting and unusual, all participants in the game sign up on separate identical pieces of paper (circles, squares, hearts), and after mixing these tickets well, the presenter distributes them to the players, pulling out one of the players, you must give him, secretly from him and others, symbolic gifts (postcards , notes, chocolates), after three days, all participants gather in a favorable environment, the leader stands up (he also takes part in the game), and tells me they gave me this and that, and I think it’s this person, if he made a mistake, he stands up secret friend and gives him the final gift, after which he says what they gave him and who he thinks did it... So in a circle they give gifts to secret friends, it turns out very fun and cool!

P.S. Explain the rules well to the players before starting the game!

What to give a friend for his birthday? This question appears to you as soon as you receive a notification on your phone about a friend’s upcoming birthday. We always hope that the gift will bring a lot of joy and be useful. And, of course, you need a mega-creative gift. After all, everyone loves bright emotions. Want some inspiration? We share secrets on how to congratulate a friend on his birthday! You can find a pleasant and original gift if you consider the following points:

  • age;
  • hobbies;
  • place of work;
  • dreams and wishes;

Choosing gifts for friends is a very pleasant experience, although sometimes quite troublesome. We offer you the best ideas of what to give to a friend!

Birthday gift for best friend

Such gifts can be given if your friend is a driver or an avid traveler. Suddenly you will realize a person’s long-time dream! And this is a noble cause. We choose gifts for romantics, wanderers and summer residents:

Tent, sleeping bag

Good for the beginning tramp. It is worth considering how many places the tent is needed. And be ready to join the hike into the forests.


A very useful thing for those who are often on the road. Any other original gift needed on the road will also work. For example, a car mug, a bracelet with a knife-buckle, or a multifunctional flashlight.

Action camera

What to give your best friend for his birthday if he loves thrills? He also loves to talk about his exploits. An action camera is a spectacular and creative gift!

For the driver, tourist, and programmer

There are universal gifts that will please anyone. Their prices vary, which is a huge plus. You can find something inexpensive or, conversely, choose a chic anniversary gift for a friend. Every person will be happy with these birthday gifts:

Gift certificate

Think about what might be interesting to your friend? Win-win options - a certificate to a sports store or electronics store. Many people will be happy with a gift card to a bookstore. And if a man is involved in repairs and likes to do everything with his own hands, feel free to give the certificate to the construction market. You'll be right with your choice!


Everyone loves music. And sometimes headphones are simply necessary. Depending on your friend's tastes, you can choose different models. Some people like “droplets” that you can simply put in your pocket. And other people love huge closed-back headphones that allow you to enjoy your music to the fullest. TIP: choose quality models! Only they will have excellent sound and long service life.

Flash drive or removable hard drive

Another universal birthday gift. The amount of memory may vary, and so will the cost. It's easy to choose the best option for your budget!


Suitable for students and managers, engineers and artists - everyone reads books. The cost also varies. And the usefulness of this gift is simply off the charts!

Good alcohol

The usefulness is not great. But there will be a reason to sit with friends, chat and make grandiose plans. High-quality cognac, rum, whiskey are at your service. And someone will be happy with a box of dark velvet...

Party-goer and activist

These unusual gifts will suit a party-goer friend or a lively, energetic person:


Look for them in your city! Now there are many companies that make dreams come true. An unusual gift for a friend’s birthday - completing a quest, flying in a wind tunnel, excursions or a master class... say, on breakdancing! Why not? You can give tickets to a movie or to a concert of a friend's favorite band.

Board games and more

A great gift for your best friend if he is the life of the party. Or he simply often gathers friends, loves parties and having fun. Twister, poker, mafia, monopoly, Elias - the choice is simply huge.

Trip or hike

We call our friends, come up with a plan, collect everything we need, invite the birthday boy - and go ahead, travel! At least barbecue outside the city. Or maybe on a lake or river bank. This is a birthday you will definitely remember!

To the athlete

Almost everyone is interested in some kind of sport. Or they dream of doing something, but they still don’t have enough time. These gifts will help you get started:

  1. Balls – football, basketball, volleyball. Suitable for any guy or man who loves active recreation
  2. Expander - many people like to train at home. An expander or other small exercise machine will inspire you to achieve sports success!
  3. Smart watch (fitness bracelet) - a man who is obsessed with training and a healthy lifestyle will love this gadget. And also for everyone who loves a fast pace of life! Smart watches have many useful features. For example: an alarm clock that takes into account your sleep phase, a pedometer, a heart rate monitor, synchronization with a smartphone, etc.

Programmer or IT specialist

Nowadays, young people are somehow connected with computers. Someone plays, someone works, someone repairs. It is for such people that this list of gift ideas will be:

  1. Licensed programs or games.
    This is a good birthday gift for both the student and the principal. The most important thing is to choose the right game/program. Be a little spy and find out your friend's preferences!
  2. Heated cup holder
    A cup of hot coffee at hand - what could be better? The stand is connected to the computer via a USB port.
  3. Webcam, good speakers, wireless mouse and other useful things.
    What exactly to choose? Visit a family friend. Take a close look: what is the computer kingdom missing? What new technologies does he speak with admiration about? Remember - and run to the store.
  4. Bean bag chair.

You can relax your back in it after the office chair. Or vice versa – it’s comfortable to work on a laptop. And how much joy such a “throne” brings! Even an adult man will like it.

Driver and handyman

Machine accessories

A massage pillow will relax your neck and make the journey more pleasant. An organizer will help you always have the things you need at hand. And a coffee lover will be happy to receive a mini coffee maker for his birthday.

Automotive electronics

Those who love serious gifts can give a friend the necessary car electronics. It is important to know what exactly you need: a DVR or a car refrigerator, heated seats or a GPS navigator. Or maybe buy motoxenon for a biker friend? The choice is yours!

Tool set

An excellent choice is a high-quality expensive set made of chrome-vanadium alloy. Looking for a creative gift? A screwdriver with a quick change of bits or a multi-tool bracelet will appeal to every real man! This bracelet replaces a whole toolbox and can help out in a difficult situation.

Drill or hammer drill

For those who often do construction and renovation, this is a wonderful birthday gift. And most importantly, very necessary.

Secret dreams of men

We give our friends brutal and practical things. But in the soul of every adult there lives a child. A child needs a game, a miracle, especially on his birthday. Do you want to give a friend a cool gift? Here are three undoubted hits:

Radio controlled model

A radio-controlled car, plane or tank are the best toys for adult boys!


Many of today's adults dreamed of it in childhood. And they still secretly dream... Give such an original gift to your friend for his birthday! See how much happiness this will bring! The choice of sets is huge, there is so much to choose from: pirates, iron man, cars and trains.

Game console

Inexpensive gifts

Birthdays always come suddenly. Especially not your own. What to do if your salary or scholarship is still far away? Calm down, friends, we will find a solution. Of course, inexpensive and creative. So, gifts “student style”:

  • T-shirt with a funny inscription;
  • keychain for finding keys (responses to a whistle);
  • Rubik's cube;
  • car sign;
  • world map;
  • mug with brutal design;
  • cover for passport, driver's license, etc.;
  • original notepad;
  • pizza to a friend’s address (everyone loves it).

With your own hands

Surely you are a very creative person. And there are a few days before the holiday. Then you can make a birthday gift with your own hands! Your friend will be especially pleased to prepare such a surprise. Read and get inspired! Popular hand-made gifts:

  1. Poster with drawings, photos, wishes.
  2. Hand knitted scarf.

If you are preparing a gift for a teenager or young guy, knit a hat-helmet. It looks like a real knight's helmet with a visor! And the older generation will appreciate the classic model of dark tones.

  1. Video/presentation.
    You can make videos with congratulations to friends, add a photo of the birthday boy, some funny moments. Try it, the process of creating a video is very exciting. This will bring a lot of pleasure to both the giver and the recipient.
  2. Collage of photographs.
    If you are a Photoshop guru... or have at least a modicum of taste and humor - go for it! There are many programs that will help you make a beautiful and stylish picture.
  3. What's a birthday without cake! A great gift idea is to bake something delicious. Cake, pie, pizza, or maybe a basket of fragrant pies.
  4. Organization of the holiday.
    You can arrange an interesting program, or search for gifts, or even plan a small quest. Start preparing early. Involve other mutual friends. Let your imagination run wild - and everything will work out! Perhaps someone will even understand that event management is his calling.
  5. Use your talents. If you are good at photography, do a photo shoot for a friend. Perhaps with his family. If you draw well, give him a painting. She will delight her loved one for a long time. And so on. Creativity is welcome!

The secret to a great gift

Drum roll...and here are the three main secrets:

  • we figure out what to say;
  • Congratulations in person;
  • We’ll find out in advance what we want to get.

Add something sincere and heartfelt from yourself. A joke, a funny story, a couple of good words on a sticker - just right. Your friend will be pleased that you put a piece of your soul into the gift. Take the time to stop by and congratulate the person on his birthday. And when choosing a gift, try to take into account your friend’s tastes.
Get inspired by our ideas! Come up with your own! May your gifts always bring joy and be useful.

Tell me, what do you think about your work? Only honestly. Whatever one may say, we spend most of our lives at work. Just do the math. Subtract from the 24 hours we have in a day, sleep time equal to 7 - 8 hours. A working day takes on average 8 - 9 hours (I say on average, because now it is common to work more if you want to achieve something). Plus 2-3 hours for getting ready and driving through traffic jams. There are about 4 - 5 hours left. Not thick.

But I’m not here to sigh bitterly about my life.

When I thought about this, I realized that if we can’t just give up work in an instant, we need to make sure that it is a pleasant place for us, with a friendly and attractive atmosphere, with a friendly team. Ideally, work should allow us to self-realize, develop, and demonstrate our abilities and talents. Then the thought that work takes up such a significant share of our time will not weigh on us.

But how to achieve this? Sometimes our work is not sugar at all - it requires physical, mental and moral costs. There is no escape from this. I myself have been working as a manager for many years, and I understand that it is difficult for anyone to maintain 100% efficiency for several hours. To radiate energy and positivity, you also need to feed on this energy somewhere.

game "Secret Friend"

Its essence is as follows. For some period of time (about 1 month), you will have someone who will take care of you and make pleasant surprises. But you will also be someone's secret friend. We determine this by drawing lots - we simply write down the names of all employees on pieces of paper and put them in a common pot, and then everyone takes turns drawing lots. To the person whose name you find on paper, you will become secret friend for the next month.

Your task is to show concern for your friend in every possible way. You can give gifts, and they don’t necessarily have to be expensive; rather, on the contrary, a chocolate bar and a note with a smiley face that appear on the table in the morning will bring no less joy and create an optimistic mood for the whole day. The main principle here is not scope, but consistency. That is, the more often you show care and make surprises, the better. Think, be imaginative, give compliments, highlight your friend’s strengths. We all really lack attention and praise in our daily bustle!

Why "secret" friend? Because your task is not to give yourself away, that is, to make sure that he never guesses who cares about him. You can ask someone to help you - give gifts, cover you. Your friend's task is to guess who his benefactor is.

At the end of the month, we make a wall newspaper - we glue photos of all the employees and hang colored markers nearby. Each participant draws 2 arrows - a dotted line to the person who, according to his assumption, took care of him, and a second, ordinary arrow, to his “friend” whom he helped.

As a result, you will know how accurate your deductive abilities are. You can also leave words of gratitude to your friend, or any feedback.

In general, the success of the game depends on the interest and involvement of all participants. Therefore, if you want to conduct such a group game at your work, it is important to inspire all participants and convince them to be proactive.

I like that this game is very easy to organize, it is suitable for any team, it unites the team and simply brings joy and a charge of positivity. Try it too! Then your colleagues and employees will have no reason to think of work as a place of confinement, where dull, exhausted people carry out their routine duties and just wait for the end of the working day. Of course, this is not the only way that can help you. More ideas await you in future articles. So be sure to be the first to know all the most interesting things.

Do you have your own secrets on how to brighten up your workdays? Share your recipes in the comments. I am sure that they will be very useful to someone.©

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Lifehacker's selection will help you please a person you don't know much.

So that in a large group of colleagues or friends no one is left without a gift, many resort to playing “Secret Santa”.

The meaning is simple. Each player receives the name of the person for whom he must prepare a gift. You can carry out this stage - using names on pieces of paper and a hat - or use a special application with mailing or mailing.

If you want to receive useful gifts, then, in addition to names, you can indicate your hobbies and interests. It is also worth setting a limit on the value of the gift in advance, so that there are no offenses because you were given a coupon for shawarma, and you bought a collectible bottle of wine as a gift.

One of the main conditions is non-disclosure of your name. After all, this is Secret Santa! Take pride in your gift somewhere deep within yourself. Well, or at least wait until the chimes strike.

On the one hand, such a game makes the task easier: you only need to buy a gift for one person. But what if you don't know him well? Lifehacker has collected 25 ideas for you.

1. Board game

11. Bath bomb set

Original, beautiful, fragrant - this gift will please any girl.

What to buy

12. Anti-stress toy

This toy is suitable for both a housewife and a business woman. The most popular options are toys in the shape of animals.

What to buy

13. Bath accessories

Many people like to go to the bathhouse or sauna, so a set of bath accessories will come in handy. You can choose a steam room hat, a broom or a set of oils. Or you can give the whole set as a gift.

What to buy

  • Bath station “Doctor Bath”, 1,268 rubles →

14. Pocket USB cooler

This refrigerator can easily fit a bottle of soda, a candy bar, or a sandwich with perishable ingredients. Not exactly a winter option. But you don’t give a gift for one day.

What to buy

15. Multitool

A gift suitable for active young people - those who are used to spending their free time hiking or traveling.

What to buy

16. Certificate

Impressions are a very valuable gift. Give a certificate for a photo shoot with a husky, a cooking master class, a trip to a private cinema or go-karting.

17. Constructor

The constructor is entertainment not only for children, but also for adults. It develops logical thinking, ingenuity and fine motor skills.

What to buy

18. Fun socks

Socks are the most primitive gift if you choose them without imagination. But bright New Year's socks with Christmas trees, Santa, reindeer or gingerbread cookies will please everyone. These cannot be given as gifts on February 23rd!

What to buy

19. Notebook

A great gift for managers and just those who like to take notes and make plans. If you can’t decide on a style, give a plain classic one.