How to get in shape in a month. How to get in shape for summer: Basic knowledge

  • A safe fat burner based on natural ingredients that will help you achieve better results during your diet
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4 capsules per day during or after meals

A carefully selected composition of plant extracts will help maintain the body in beauty and tone, moderate appetite during the diet and increase concentration during intense training.
Contents per serving (4 capsules): Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.92 mg (65.8%*) Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.68 mg (42.6%*) Vitamin B3 (niacin): 13 .59 mg (75.5%*) Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): 0.01 mg (0.6%*) Vitamin B9 (folacin): 0.13 mg (65.0%*) P (phosphorus): 1 , 34 mg (0.2%*) Fe (iron): 7.1 mg (50.7%*) Carnitine: 900 mg (300%**) Caffeine: 50 mg (100%**) Pineapple extract: 300 mg Guarana extract: 250 mg Green tea extract: 200 mg Cayenne pepper extract: 100 mg Grapefruit extract: 55 mg Lingonberry extract: 50 mg Rose hip extract: 50 mg Raspberry extract: 50 mg Aloe vera extract: 50 mg Goji berry extract: 25 mg Green Coffee Extract: 20 mg Ginger Root Extract: 20 mg Assai Berry Extract: 10 mg Extract grape seeds: 10 mg

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5 capsules before and after training

Contains three essential amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine in a 2:1:1 ratio. This ratio is optimal to ensure the normal course of the anabolic process in the body of an intensively training athlete. A serving contains 5 BCAA capsules. This form is convenient for reception. Capsules quickly dissolve in the small intestine, allowing the contents to be easily absorbed.
L-leucine, L-valine, L-isoleucine, gelatin (capsules)

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mix 1 scoop with 250-350 ml of water or milk and drink after training 30-40 minutes later

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VP L-Carnitine Capsules are pure L-carnitine in the dosage required for effective fat burning during aerobic exercise. In addition, carnitine has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Each capsule of VP L-Carnitine Capsules contains 500 mg of pure, fast-acting L-carnitine CarnipureTM from the world leader in production of the Swiss company Lonza. CarnipureTM is the maximum quality, efficiency and speed of absorption.

A big one awaits you in a few weeks. family holiday? Do you want to get in shape before summer starts? Or just want to tighten up your figure a little? If you want to both look and feel great, you should combine physical exercise to all muscle groups with healthy eating. By training effectively and following a diet, you can lose 0.5–1 kg per week. If you do everything right, you can probably get toned in as little as a month, but keep in mind that for most people it takes 6-8 weeks to see noticeable results.


Part 1

Muscle formation

Be active every day to prepare your body for weight loss. Before you start working on your muscles in earnest, you need to get into basic shape. If you suddenly start doing intense exercise, you will most likely feel overloaded and stop exercising, or even harm your health. Start training your endurance: get off the couch and become more active in everyday life.

  • If you have a choice, take the stairs rather than the elevator. If you work on a computer or study, do it standing, not sitting. If you need to get somewhere within a kilometer of you, walk instead of driving. To relax, go for a walk or jog instead of sitting in front of the TV. There are many ways to be active in your daily life, even without exercise.

Start with basic exercises to increase your endurance. Start toning your muscles using simple exercises. This will increase your stamina and help you get into good shape so you can move on to shaping beautiful body with more targeted exercises...

  • Try running, cycling or swimming. Most of these classes are low cost or free, and you can exercise on your own without the need for expensive gym memberships or equipment.
  • These basic exercises should take up to three hours a day, every day, for a week or two.
  • Do "monkey hands". Monkey arms are a great exercise for the arms and upper body. Perform it by holding a dumbbell in each hand. In the starting position, lift the dumbbells to your armpits, pointing your elbows to the sides. Then straighten your arms to the sides and raise them to shoulder level. Bend your elbows again so that the dumbbells are under your arms and repeat.<

    • If you don't have dumbbells, you can cheat and use food cans or other heavy, but not too heavy, objects.
    • Combine this exercise with squats for a full-body workout.
  • Perform pelvic lifts on a fitball. After the first week of frequent training, you can move on to more intense exercise. For this exercise you will need a gymnastic ball (fitball), but it is great for working the muscles of the whole body. The starting position is the same as for push-ups, but do not leave your feet on the floor, but place your shins on the fitball. Lift your hips up, rolling the ball down your legs until your toes rest on the ball. Then lower yourself so that the ball slowly rolls up along your body and reaches your hips. Your body should remain straight and look like an inverted V in profile.

    • An exercise ball isn't very expensive, but you can save even more by buying a large rubber ball at a toy store.
  • Do the burpee exercise. The burpee, or jumping jack, looks complicated, but once you get used to the movements, it's fairly easy to do. This is one of best exercises, involving muscles throughout the body. Take a starting position standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Place your palms on the floor in front of your feet, jump back to get into a push-up position, and do one push-up. Then jump forward so your feet are next to your hands again, raise your arms above your head and jump as high as you can. Repeat the exercise for at least 10 minutes.

    • You can skip the push-up or jumping jack, but this is not recommended as they will make the exercise much more effective.
  • Do the plank exercise. Plank is one of the most effective exercises, which significantly increases core and leg strength in much less time than other exercises. Get into a push-up position. Then lower your body, placing your elbows on the floor. Just stay in this position, keeping your back and legs as straight as possible, for as long as you can.

    • Try to hold this position for as long as you can, but you should be aware that in order to hold this pose for a minute or longer, your abdominal muscles must be very strong. Start by holding the position for ten seconds, then take a 30-second break, and repeat the exercise for ten minutes. Gradually increase the time you hold the pose from thirty seconds to a minute.
  • Do squats. Squats allow you to work your abdominal and leg muscles; You can even use them to train your arms if you squat while holding dumbbells. Squats are performed in a standing position, with feet shoulder-width apart. Squat as if you were sitting on an invisible chair. Keep your back straight to perform this exercise correctly.

    • If you're new to squats, using a chair or table for balance will make the exercise easier.
  • Be prepared that a certain part of your body will not lose weight. There are no exercises that can be used to remove fat from a specific part of the body. There are exercises that focus on strengthening specific muscles, but if you want to get in shape quickly, it's best to focus on workouts that target the muscles of your entire body using the exercises recommended above. Focusing on just one part of the body and doing certain exercises (like lifting heavy weights) can cause muscle growth rather than toning.

    Part 2

    Eat a healthy diet
    1. Eat portions of food that are appropriate for your activity level. If you are trying to lose weight, then you should start burning all the excess fat by eating a healthy diet. No matter your weight, the right choice you will eat food according to your activity. Consult your doctor about the amount of calories you need based on your weight, age and activity level. It's not necessary to count calories, but use your doctor's advice to get a general idea of ​​how much you need. You may be eating too much, but on the other hand, you don't want to undereat.


      Michelle Dolan is a BCRPA certified personal trainer based in British Columbia. She has been working as a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002.

      Michele Dolan
      Certified Personal Trainer

      Michelle Dolan, certified personal trainer, recommends:“To build muscle, your body needs a diet where at least 20% of your calories come from protein.”

      Avoid junk food. To burn fat without harming your health, you should avoid junk foods that contain large number calories and provides no nutritional value. It's often our favorite food that makes us overeat.

      Give preference to nutritious foods. Instead of using junk food Make nutritious food choices. Vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins will provide all the nutrients you need, and some fruits and dairy products can also be very beneficial.

    2. Drink plenty of water and avoid unhealthy drinks. Your body needs water to function properly, but if you play sports, then water is doubly necessary for your body to build muscles. Drinking enough water also helps you lose weight. Stop drinking coffee, energy drinks, sodas and juices and start drinking more water instead. This will help your body stay hydrated and healthy.

      • The amount of water you need depends on your body's needs. The recommended eight glasses of water per day is an extremely general estimate. A good indicator that you are drinking enough water is if your urine is clear or slightly colored. If your urine is bright yellow or dark, it means you need to drink more water.
      • It is necessary to increase your electrolyte levels during exercise, but do not think that your only source is energy drinks. Electrolytes are actually salt dissolved in water. For example, almost anything containing elements from group 1 or 2 of the periodic table (such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium) will act as electrolytes when consumed with water. Such salts can be found in table salt (sodium chloride), bananas (potassium), and vegetables that are rich in minerals (cabbage). While exercising, you can, for example, eat a banana and some salted nuts (while still drinking water) - this is a much healthier way of eating, which will help maintain the necessary balance of electrolytes, as well as avoid sweeteners and artificial colors.

    Part 3

    Keep it regular

    Create a training schedule. You should be careful and schedule your workouts correctly, and be careful about the stress you put on your body. If you train too quickly or use exercises that only target your legs, for example, this can lead to injury. Start slowly to reduce the chance of injury, especially if you are not in the best physical shape. Give your body rest between workouts, and never do intense workouts that last more than two hours without a break. Change the muscle groups you work on, for example, train your legs, then your arms, then your abs, and so on. This will also help you not get too tired.

    • For example, try the Monkey Arms exercise for half an hour in the morning, walk up and down stairs for half an hour during lunch, and spend half an hour swimming in the evening.
    • Another example of a workout schedule: ride a bike for half an hour on the way to school or work, walk to the gym every day, do burpee exercises for thirty minutes in the evening, and fifteen minutes of plank exercises before bed.
    • Stick to your schedule for at least three to four days a week, increasing the frequency of your workouts to daily over two weeks. You can choose one schedule or both of the above options. Or you can develop your own. Try to exercise for an hour to two hours every day, this will allow you to tone your muscles in just one month.
  • Make time for exercise and proper nutrition. You can overcome your reluctance to study if you get into the habit of following a schedule. Just like you set aside time each day to brush your teeth or eat breakfast, make time to prepare a healthy lunch and exercise. It will take a little determination to get used to it, but once this lifestyle becomes your routine habit, it will become absolutely normal for you to follow your schedule.

    • For example, set aside half an hour before going to bed to exercise. Before you shower and brush your teeth, do exercise for half an hour, such as jumping rope.
    • Reward yourself to meet the specified time frame. For example, for every week that you follow the planned regime, give yourself a gift - go to the movies with a friend. You can even reward yourself with food, such as one cookie (buy an expensive cookie from a fancy store so you're not tempted to eat more than one), on the one hand you can reward yourself, but on the other hand you won't feel deprived of everything pleasures. There are even several apps that can help you achieve results within a specified time frame. Look for them on the Internet.
  • Choose exercises that fit your lifestyle. Another way is to choose exercises that you enjoy and become a passion for, something that you can do every day because it is part of your daily routine. This is true for climbers who go to the gym at least once a week and go to the mountains every weekend, or runners who start every day with a run.

    • For example, let's say you are interested in martial arts. You can start practicing judo. Choose a judo section in your city and attend training every day.
  • Stay motivated. The most important part in the weight loss process is combining healthy image nutrition and lots of exercise. This means that best way Toning your body isn't about a special exercise or a secret ingredient, it's about finding a way to stay motivated. You need to find a reason that will force you to exercise every day and follow a diet. There are many ways to motivate yourself. You can try the following ones:

    • Do exercises you enjoy and eat foods you enjoy. Do exercises that you enjoy and find food combinations that appeal to you. This can help you stay motivated. Try to find exercises that you are interested in doing, even if they are not the most effective. You will be doing these workouts for a long time and it is important not to stop them.
    • Train with other people. Start a group run, or even sign up for yoga with your mom at a local club. Working out with someone will help you feel more accountable and you'll be more likely to stick with it even when you're tired or lazy.
  • We asked personal trainer, nutritionist and amazing figure Lina Vergatus the most common weight loss questions and got all the answers.

    So, first of all, we were interested in how overweight girls should start losing weight, what physical activity is recommended and how much can be lost in a week (month) without harm to health and the dangerous return of unwanted kilograms. We also asked for advice on recommended physical activity and nutrition (which is most important).

    If you are overweight, the first thing you need to start with is the regimen.

    First you need to stop snacking. Set aside a strict time for yourself to eat and stick to it. For the first time, a 4-meal system is suitable. You can eat your usual food in the usual quantity, but at a strictly specified time, excluding any snacks. For example, 9:00, 13:00, 17:00, 20:00.

    Even thanks to such a simple measure, the weight will go down. Increasing physical activity will enhance the effect of your diet. The actual load will be any, except for intense running, cross-fit and high-intensity group exercise.

    With a weight surplus of more than 30% percent, in simple language For obesity of any stage, intense exercise is contraindicated due to the risk of damaging the joints. Strength training, dancing, yoga, walking - what you need. The optimal figure is from 0.7 to 1.5 kg per week.

    If your i-watch shows the consumption of 2000 kcal per day, then even in the best scenarios this is 220 grams of fat, that is, the volume of a stick of butter.

    The greater the weight surplus, the faster it will go away at first and this is normal. A girl who wants to lose weight from 55 to 52 will have a harder time losing three kg than a girl who starts at 90 kg on the scale. You must understand that fat cannot be burned faster than your metabolism can burn it.

    Increasing physical activity will enhance the effect of your diet.

    If your i-watch shows the consumption of 2000 kcal per day, then even in the best scenarios this is 220 grams of fat, that is, a volume about a stick of butter. If it feels like more has gone, it’s most likely water or muscle. The basic principle of losing weight is the same for everyone - consume fewer calories than you burn during the day.

    This will determine how difficult it will be to stick to your diet or exercise regimen. Knowing your type, you can create a menu and training plan, which is easily integrated into lifestyle and will not cause discomfort. I'm a strength training enthusiast. Only with the help of bodybuilding can you literally build a body and change a person’s proportions.

    Proper nutrition is the most competent and omnipotent nutrition system. This is not a diet, not asceticism or an experiment.

    With almost any help physical activity it is possible to maintain a form that suits and satisfies a person’s aesthetic beliefs. But if you need to reduce something and increase something, somewhere to emphasize it, and somewhere to smooth it out, then the only way is to the gym.

    The proper nutrition system is the most competent and omnipotent diet system. This is not a diet, not asceticism or an experiment. The balance of micro and macro nutrients allows a person to stop treating food as the only source of pleasure and at the same time does not prevent him from living in a world of carbohydrates and remaining social.

    This is harmony that I would not trade for anything. I recommend express diets only under the strict supervision of nutritionists or nutritionists. There is nothing terrible about a low-calorie diet; the nightmare begins when it ends. In 80% of cases the weight comes back, in 50% of cases it doubles. This is the law of overcompensation, which must be remembered and taken into account.

    Winter is not a reason to hibernate. Use the time to prepare for the summer season and get your body in great shape. Do you think that you won’t have time to transform yourself in a couple of months? You are wrong!

    Martial arts classes will help you improve your figure in a short time: fitboxing, boxing and kickboxing. Timiryazevskaya Timiryazevskaya, a martial arts trainer at the Pride Club fitness club, tells how to achieve this.

    Question: Marat, tell us what is special about martial arts?

    Answer: When practicing martial arts, all muscle groups work, agility, coordination, strength and endurance develop. In addition to physical indicators, character is strengthened: a person becomes stress-resistant.

    Question: How long do you need to exercise to improve your figure? For example, a woman will come who has 5-7 extra pounds.

    Answer: Here you need to take into account individual characteristics body. But generally speaking, after 3-4 months of training there will be results. For beginners, I would recommend training 3 times a week. I think a 5-day cycle with rest on Saturday and Sunday is ideal.

    Question: Will a person be able to stand up for himself after working out at a fitness club or is it more about fitness?

    Answer: Without a doubt. During training, strikes are practiced in pairs, which allows you to get as close as possible to a real fight. In 3-6 months you can master the basics of boxing and participate in sparring.

    Question: Are there any athletes among your clients who participate in competitions?

    Answer: On at the moment I train 6 men and 2 girls who participated in an inter-club boxing tournament. For most clients, this was their debut competition. Among the girls there is a Moscow champion in fitboxing. Almost all the guys have been studying with me for less than a year.

    Question: Do men and women follow the same system or do they require a different approach?

    Answer: There are no separate male and female boxing techniques, so the training program is the same for everyone. Of course, personal training is more effective, since the trainer pays 100% of his attention to the client. Plus monitors physical and technical indicators, monitors progress. But there is also a big advantage in group training - working in pairs allows you to prepare for a real fight.

    Question: Do I need to follow a special nutrition program?

    Answer: Definitely. It is individual for each person. But if we talk about general principles nutrition, then I would advise fractional: at least 5 meals in small portions.

    Question: Marat, what kind of audience comes to your classes?

    Answer: The audience is different. For example, fitboxing is mainly practiced by girls who want to lose weight. But men come to boxing and kickboxing.

    Question: Marat, Thanks a lot for an interesting story. Now our readers know how to quickly get their body into great shape and even prepare for sports competitions.

    Sorry, no news here. To get into great shape, you need to plow, reap, sweat, endure pain and hardship (at least in the form of following a regimen). But the main thing is: the size and quality of your success ultimately depends only on what you know about training. This article contains 20 top fitness tips - we selected them from the entire mass of publications in the printed version of Men's Health over 17 years.



    The usual diet is no longer suitable for you - it is for those who do not set themselves any super goals. Dr. Alan Aragon, a Men's Health nutrition consultant, has compiled a daily nutrition pyramid for people like you (who want to build size, strength and endurance). Choose the dose of each product according to your height (very high - take the specified maximum, below average - the specified minimum), experiment, the main thing is to observe the specified ratio daily:

    • 40–80 g nuts; 1/2 or whole avocado;
    • 2–4 tsp. vegetable oil(olive or flaxseed);
    • 2-4 servings of dairy products (1 serving = 1 glass of milk, 150-200 g of low-fat yogurt, 30 g of hard cheese or 1/2 cup of cottage cheese);
    • 2-4 servings of fruit (1 serving = 1 medium fruit or 1/4 cup dried fruit);
    • 2-4 servings of starchy carbohydrates (1 serving = 2 pieces of bread or 1 cup of cooked rice, pasta, beans or corn, 1 small potato). Anyone who cannot gain weight can safely double the dose;
    • 3 or more servings of vegetables (1 serving = 1 fresh tomato, cucumber - any vegetable except potatoes, legumes and corn);
    • 4-8 servings of protein (1 serving = 100g meat or poultry, 30g protein powder, or 3 whole eggs).

    02. Load up green

    If you start eating more vegetables and greens, you will suddenly find that you become less tired in the rocking chair. Here's our favorite recipe: throw a handful of spinach, some berries and oatmeal, pour in a portion of protein, pour in a couple of glasses of juice or milk and mix it all well. Drink with pleasure - we bet you won't even feel the nasty taste of spinach. But within a couple of weeks you will feel an increase in strength.

    03. Take vitamin D

    Reduces the athlete's athletic performance. And vice versa - men with a high content of vitamins D in the body are much stronger than others. And in Russia, up to 70% of the population lacks the “sunshine vitamin”, and you are probably among these people. Sunbathe (in moderation), eat eggs, drink milk - or go to the pharmacy for medications (but consult a therapist). Take 600 IU per day.

    04. Eat more often

    And without the Pyramid of Aragon it is quite obvious: to grow, you need protein. But the details are important: it has been proven, for example, that athletes who consume protein 6 times a day in small portions progress faster than those who swallow the same amount in 3 large meals. Divide your protein intake into 5-6 meals throughout the day - evenly, but with one exception. At lunch, cram in at least 100 g of protein.

    05. Understand your protein

    A serving of whey protein in the morning will help you better control your appetite throughout the day. It is also ideal as a pre-workout meal, as it is quickly absorbed. But some time after training and at night, we recommend using casein, a slowly digestible protein. According to Dutch researchers, 40 g of casein before bed can accelerate nighttime muscle growth by as much as 23%.


    06. Train with the unusual

    Most heavy objects are not like barbells or dumbbells. A barbell is more convenient than a huge suitcase with a broken handle, a log or a drunken friend. Therefore, so that your strength accumulated in the gym can be used in life, use sandbags, barbells or dumbbells with unusually thick bars and other non-standard objects in training. Is there anything like that in your sterile little closet? Go outside and throw stones there.

    07. Train your core like an adult

    Throw away crunches and sit-ups. These exercises create unnecessary rotations in the spine; such rotations will not lead to anything good. Try to love the so-called anti-rotation exercises. From the simplest ones like “lumberjack” on the upper and lower block to the Palof press or one-arm push-ups. In the latter, it is hard not only for the working arm, but also for the entire core, which works to maintain the correct starting position.

    08. Love pull-ups

    If only because it is an almost perfect indicator of relative strength - that is, how strong you are for your own weight. The norm is 15 repetitions in full amplitude. If you can’t do this yet, train according to the following method: do one set of pull-ups to failure in the morning and evening for three days in a row, rest on the fourth, and then again a series of three days of pull-ups. And so on until you get back to normal.

    09. Train your whole body at once

    How often you load your muscles is just as important as how intensely you do it. For maximum effective growth, you need to do about 15 sets per muscle group per week. Per week, not just one workout! Distribute this entire total load over three days - 3-5 sets per muscle group in each workout, and do this for a month. You will immediately feel the result.

    10. Lift more

    On the bench To get more of a bench press, move your shoulder blades further, then press your chest forward and try to lower your shoulder blades down toward your butt. After removing the bar from the racks, take a deep (but not too deep) breath and do not exhale until the end of the repetition. All this will help you make your starting position in the bench press more stable, which will immediately affect the result.

    On my feet To deadlift more weight, focus on contracting your glutes. Try to squeeze them forcefully, starting from the moment the bar approaches your knees. In the final phase of the pull, powerfully push your pelvis forward and squeeze your buttocks even more tightly. This strategy will not only increase results, but will also provide additional protection for the lumbar spine.


    11. Run like you bench.

    Or rather, don’t do the same thing, change the structure of your running workouts the same way you change the program in the gym. Alternate monotonous running, running over rough terrain or uphill, and interval running with varying speeds. Allow two days for each type of running, and rest one day a week.

    12. Set up the track

    Running on a treadmill indoors requires 16% less effort than jogging at the same pace outside. No problem: always install the treadmill with a 3% incline. This plus or minus will equalize the intensity of training running with street running.

    13. Save time

    What will you choose: five hours of monotonous cardio or 90 minutes of interval training (jogging at a varying pace with breaks for active recreation)? We are for the second option, the effect in the form of increasing MOC (your body’s ability to consume oxygen) is exactly the same as jogging for 5 hours.

    14. Combine strength training with cardio

    When you're done with the barbell, do a couple of simple movements that will improve your physical fitness. For example, a ladder of kettlebell swings and front squats with a kettlebell. Do this: 1 rep of swings, 1 rep of squats. Then 2 reps of swings, 2 reps of squats, etc. Finish the set with 10 repetitions of both movements.

    15. Watch your form

    Even if you don’t like to run, take this test periodically: if you can run 1.5 kilometers without falling out in 6 minutes, it means that most of the systems in your body - cardiovascular, joints and muscles - are in excellent condition and well trained .

    Weight loss

    16. Don't rely on running

    It's not that jogging is completely useless. It's just that high-intensity interval strength training is much more effective: it will speed up your metabolism so that you will lose extra grams hours and days after leaving the gym.

    17. Change little by little

    Many people who lose weight quickly break down: they set strict deadlines for themselves, dramatically changed their diet, overextended themselves, and gave up. Improve your diet gradually: for example, replace only one item in your diet per week. Now you order black coffee instead of cappuccino, a week later you also replace the potatoes in the side dish with stewed vegetables, etc.

    18. Move

    Puffed for 1.5 hours in the hall, and then collapsed on the sofa until the evening? Somehow illogical, I agree. Work while standing, not sitting. Give up the elevator and, at least for a couple of days a week, the car. Conduct business meetings not in a restaurant, but while walking in the park. Wash the dishes myself. The difference between an active and passive lifestyle is up to 2000 calories burned per day.

    19. Drink something cold

    Drinking a liter of slightly chilled water will speed up your metabolism by 30% for 90 minutes. In addition, remember: a sufficient amount of water is always beneficial for both weight loss and gain. muscle mass, and recovery in general.

    20. Sleep more, eat less

    Just five days of lack of sleep (no more, or even less than five hours a day) - and you are already chronically overeating. Fortunately, normal “restorative” sleep (9 hours straight) can reverse this entire terrible process.