Calendar and thematic planning for the week in the middle group "Golden Autumn". Thematic week “Colors of Autumn”

Topic of the week:

« Colors of autumn"

Program content:

1. Expanding children’s ideas about autumn changes in nature (establishing the simplest connections between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature).

2. Expanding children's ideas about autumn holidays, changes in people's clothing in autumn, children's autumn fun.

Forming the skills to peer, admire, and enjoy the beauty of autumn nature



Topic of the week:

"Colors of Autumn"


Program content:

  1. Expanding children's ideas about autumn changes in nature (establishing the simplest connections between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature).
  2. Expanding children's ideas about autumn holidays, changes in people's clothing in autumn, autumn fun for children.
  3. Formation of the skills to peer, admire, and enjoy the beauty of autumn nature.







Cognitive development (ext. circle)


Situational conversation “Why you can’t burn dry leaves”

Artistic aesthetic development (drawing)


“In the Forest” by I.A. Lykova str.18

Physical development


L.I. Penzulaeva Lesson 10 page 26

Cognitive development (FEMP)


I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina Lesson 4 page 14

Speech development


Description of toys. O.S. Ushakova, E.M. Strunina p.28

Physical development


L.I. Penzulaeva Lesson 11 page 28

Artistic aesthetic development (apple/sculpting)


“Colored House” by I.A. Lykova str. 30

Physical development (outdoors)


L.I. Penzulaeva lesson 12 page 29

Artistic aesthetic development (music)

21.09, 23.09

Theme: “Colors of Autumn” Program content: Expanding children's ideas about autumn changes in nature (establishing the simplest connections between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature). Expanding children's ideas about autumn holidays, changes in people's clothing in autumn, autumn fun for children. Formation of the skills to peer, admire, and enjoy the beauty of autumn nature.

Day of the week


Group, subgroup




Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Morning exercises.

conducting a conversation about the morning weather Purpose: to teach children to write a story, speak in complete sentences, and conduct dialogic speech.

D/i " Which one, which one, which one?”

Goal: to teach how to select definitions that correspond to a given example or phenomenon

A story from collective experience “How we walked in the park”

Clarify children's ideas about the two seasons - summer and autumn. Build storytelling skills from experience.

Create conditions for viewing the illustration on autumn theme Purpose: to clarify children’s ideas about the season of autumn.

take a walk in the autumn park, watch the falling leaves and the weather

Cognitive development (extended circle)

Situational conversation “Why you can’t burn dry leaves” Purpose: To form ideas about the rules of behavior in the autumn forest. Introduce the characteristics of leaf fall. Consolidate knowledge of models " Safe behavior in the autumn forest"

Artistic.aesthetic.development (music)

According to the music director's plan


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

K No. C12

Jumping in place on one leg.

Goal: develop dexterity.

Labor activity

Cleaning up trash in the garden.

Goal: to consolidate gardening skills.

Create conditions for making an autumn bouquet while walking.

Goal: enjoy the beauty of Autumn, evoke an emotional response.

Games with external material.

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Problem situation “If the sandal doesn’t fasten”Goal: education of CGN, self-service skills and relationships when dressing Game situation “Is it possible to eat while sitting under the table” Fostering a culture of behavior during meals


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Reading “The Watchman” by V. Oseeva

Goal: Continue working to form friendly relationships between children

Did. game “Funny Pictures” Purpose: To learn to differentiate the sounds [w] and [w] in words.

Conversation "Help a friend."

Goal: education of CGN, self-service skills and relationships when dressing

Offer children illustrations about autumn changes in nature, people’s clothing, and children’s games.

Enter attributes for

role-playing game “Walks in the autumn park”


physical development.

Explore your site with your children. What's on it? Talk about being careful on a swing

Russian folk game"The Duck and the Drake."Goal: development of speed of movement. Word game “Kind words”.Goal: development of speech activity Outdoor games“Traps”, “Find your house”.Goal: to develop dexterity, the ability to act quickly on a signal, and accurately follow the rules of the game.

Theme: "Colors of Autumn"

Day of the week


Integration educational areas

Joint activities adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a development environment for independent activity children (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in critical moments



social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises

Organization of theatrical activities

Topic: Sketches with autumn leaves

Target: contribute to the formation of the ability to feel the character of music and convey it in movement

"Who lives in the apartment with you"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about family members. (family corner)

Didactic game: Lotto “Association” for the development of attention, memory, observation and logical thinking.

A situational conversation about the rules of behavior with each other, about the need to be polite, not to fight, not to be greedy.

Create conditions forRole-playing game “Family” Purpose: To develop children’s interest in role-playing games, to help create a gaming environment. To foster friendly relationships in the game.

Direct educational activities

Artistic.aesthetic.development (drawing)

"In the Forest" Goal: Drawing simple stories by design. Identification of the level of development of graphic skills and compositional abilities.

Physical development

Lesson 10

Target. Continue to teach children to stop at the teacher’s signal while walking; strengthen the ability to group when climbing under the cord; practice maintaining stable balance when walking on a reduced support area.


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development; physical development

K No. C7

Walking along a short and long path. Target: consolidate ideas about length.

Problem situations “What to wear for a walk in wet weather” Purpose: to teach children to dress according to the weather.

Create conditions for the s/r game “Journey to the Autumn Forest” Goal: To form ideas about the rules of behavior in the autumn forest. Introduce the characteristics of leaf fall.

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Problem situation “What autumn brought us” Purpose: To expand children’s ideas about autumn changes in nature (establishing the simplest connections between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature)


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep.

Memorizing M. Sadovsky’s poem “What Autumn Can Do”; Goal: develop speech memory.

Offer to listen to Russian folk songs (for example: “Ladushki”, a Russian folk melody arranged by G. Fried; “Cockerel”, (Our Home-Southern Urals)

I/u “Loud - Quiet”

D/i “Every thing has its place” Goal: to cultivate a desire to maintain order in the group, put toys in their place

Create conditions for children's creative activities; draw rain with children; teach children to hold a pencil and brush correctly


physical development.

Sparrow watching

Goals: to deepen knowledge about the features appearance sparrow, life manifestations; activate children's attention and memory.

Outdoor games

“Bird and Cat”, “Colored Cars”. Target: learn to move in all directions without bumping into each other.

Theme: "Colors of Autumn"

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises.

Conversation about the world around us: what the child saw along the way; natural, weather changes. Goal: to develop children’s coherent speech and observation skills.

Game "Masha drinks tea". Purpose of the game: expand vocabulary and improve the child’s speech skills.

Didactic game “What’s missing?” (the teacher invites the children to look at a brick, cube, plate, and then close their eyes; the adult removes one part, and the children, opening their eyes, must say what is missing)

Conversation: “How to use individual personal hygiene items?” Goal: to form CGN and self-service skills

Add illustrations on the theme “Autumn”

Lay out leaves for motor improvisation;

musical instruments

Direct educational activities

Cognitive development (FEMP)

Lesson 4 Goal: Improve the ability to compare two objects in length and width. Denote the results of comparison with the words: long-short, longer-shorter, wide-narrow, wider-narrow.

Artistic-aesthetic development (music)

According to the music director's plan


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development; physical development

K No. C10

Development of movements.

Goal: to improve hoop rolling skills in any direction.

Reading the chants “Autumn, autumn..." (Our home is the Southern Urals)

Target: Clarify children's knowledge about the features of nicknames.

Role-playing games at the request of children.

Work before bed

I/u How to quickly undress, but neatly put things away. Goal: work on the formation of CGN and self-service skills


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.


Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep.

Memorization by A.S. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn” Goal: To cultivate sensitivity to the artistic word.

Household work. Offer. dress up the doll. The goal is to cultivate hard work.

game situations with a didactic doll to teach the order of dressing and undressing;

Examination and comparison of eggplant, zucchini, radish (shape, color, taste), classify. Learn to write riddles about vegetables.

Create conditions for constructing “Autumn branches”

Learn to create a composition from paper and natural materials. Introduce in different ways connection of parts.


physical development.

Outdoor games: “Bird in the nest.” Goals: - teach to jump on two legs when given a signal;

develop dexterity, attentiveness, coordination of movements.
"Frogs" Objectives: - learn to perform movements in accordance with the text; perform jumps, pushing off with both legs at the same time, jump off softly; be able to borrow free space on a log.

Games with external material.

Theme: “Colors of Autumn”

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises.

Repeat knowledge geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle. Learn to look for objects in a group that are similar to these figures.

game “let’s help the toys find their place”

Story game “Helpers” (children, under the guidance of a teacher, show with gestures how to help their mother or nanny: “sweeping”, “washing the dishes”, “wiping the table”)

Didactic game: “Wonderful bag” Purpose: to consolidate the count by touch.

inoculation of KGN “Long live scented soap”

Goal: To introduce children to personal hygiene items (soap) (Me and my health Tarasova)

Create conditions for viewing postcards of books on the theme: “Autumn” Goal: to evoke an emotional response, talk with children about how beautiful it is outside in autumn.

Direct educational activities

Speech development

Description of toys. Goal: To teach when describing a toy to clearly name its signs and actions, and to compose a short coherent story about it. To consolidate the ability to correlate the names of animals and their young, to train in the use of singular and plural forms of nouns denoting young animals.

Physical development

Lesson 11 Basic types of movements.


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development; physical development

K No. S11

P/n "Throw it - catch it."

Goal: to develop independence in organizing outdoor games.

Situational conversation “Why you can’t burn dry leaves” Purpose: to form ideas about the rules of behavior in the autumn forest

Independent activity during a walk.

Role-playing games at the request of children. Productive activity: “Let’s bake a cake.”

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Game "Who is it?" (name the animal shown in the picture)


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep.

Reading fiction literature:

G. Tsyferov “When there are not enough toys”

Goal: to teach children to listen to an adult reading and telling stories, without being distracted, to listen to the work to the end.

there in a corner of nature: help in watering flowers

We continue to watch how water flows from the watering can and is absorbed into the ground

Goal: tell children that plants need care and watering

finger game “Finger-boy”, “My family”

Goal: develop speech, fine motor skills, memory.

"We are friendly guys"

Develop children's skills

it is advisable to treat children and adults in a child care setting;

learn to communicate with each other

Create conditions for organizing a collective activity (“Let’s decorate the group with an autumn bouquet”), teach how to create a composition from paper and natural materials. Introduce different ways of connecting parts.


physical development.

Outdoor games: “Geese”, “Shepherd and Flock”. Goals: - improve coordination of movements; develop dexterity and spatial orientation.

Individual work: "Catch the ball." Goal: develop dexterity.

Independent games with external material.

Theme: "Colors of Autumn"

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



Social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises

Conversation “Hello!” The purpose of the conversation: to introduce basic rules of conduct, ethics of communication and greetings; develop communication skills in relation to peers and adults; cultivate a culture of behavior.

Didactic game “Find the object”

Goal: learn to compare the shapes of objects with geometric patterns.

Didactic game “Paired Pictures” for the development of visual memory, observation, the ability to distribute attention and find identical images.

developing an understanding that you can learn a lot of interesting things from books,

Encourage children to look at the pictures in the book, teach children to ask questions and answer questions.

Create conditions forWork at the Pochemuchka center: formation games fine motor skills. Introduction of the printed board game “Loto Vegetables”

Direct educational activities

Artistic-aesthetic development


“Colorful House” Goal: continue to teach children to use scissors - cut wide strips of paper “by eye” into cubes (“squares”) or bricks (“rectangles”) Show the technique of dividing a square diagonally into two triangles to obtain the roof of a house. Arouse interest in creating a composition from self-cut elements. Develop an eye, a sense of form and composition.

Physical development (outdoors)

Lesson 12

Target. Learn to throw the ball to each other, developing dexterity and eye; practice jumping.


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development; physical development

K No. C4

P/i “Birds and Rain” Goal: to develop agility and speed

Labor activity

Raking fallen leaves with a rake.

Goal: to teach you to finish what you start.

Independent activity during a walk.

Games with external materials. Steering wheels, scoops, molds, toys, chalk, cars.

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Game situation “Toys go to bed” (children rock their favorite toys in their arms to the music of S. Razorenov “Lullaby”). (Our home is the Southern Urals)


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths

didactic games “What is this color”, “Select by color and shape” Purpose: to consolidate primary colors, teach to distinguish colors from each other.

Practice rhythmic clapping for the nursery rhyme “Okay, okay.” (Our home is the Southern Urals)

Situational conversation about the need to wash your hands before eating. “We wash our hands clean, clean” - washing skills (Me and my health Tarasova)

To create conditions for the final work, an exhibition of crafts “Autumn” Goal: to consolidate the concepts of the autumn season, and admire the beauty of autumn crafts.


physical development.

Observing seasonal changes in nature

Goals: to form ideas about changes in nature (the day has become shorter, the night has become longer);

learn to distinguish and characterize the signs of early autumn, recognize them in poems; cultivate a love for nature. Outdoor games at the request of children.


Morning: morning exercises.

Ecological fairy tale - conversation “The Adventures of the Wind”. Goal: to concretize and consolidate knowledge about wind.

P/i “Catching up with the wind.”

D/i "Harvest". Goal: develop coordination of words with movements.

Physical education break. Ex. "Bird before takeoff." (Zhuravleva, 63).


Observing the sky and clouds. Goal: continue to consolidate knowledge about inanimate natural phenomena; clarify the concept of “Cloud”.

D/and game “What is the sky?” Purpose: to practice selecting relative adjectives.

P/n “The sea is agitated.” Goal: to develop imagination, the ability to express a conceived image in movement.

Ind. zan. physical training with Vika and Yaroslav. Exercise: jumping into and out of a circle made of leaves.

Games at the request of children.

Evening: gymnastics after sleep.

Reading and discussion of O. Grigorieva’s story “Waiting for Winter.” (set of illustrations).

P/n “Prickly rain.” (“The Magic Tree”, 17).

Group work “How animals prepare for winter.”

Studio "Synthesis".


Morning: morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic: “What did you see on the way to kindergarten?”

D/i “Whose supplies?” Goal: to consolidate knowledge about preparing animals for winter.

P/i “The squirrel chooses a hollow.” Purpose: to introduce Finnish outdoor games; interest children. (Kartushina, 19).

Relaxation exercise "Autumn".

Walk: We are watching rainy weather. Purpose: to introduce the most typical signs of late autumn - rainy weather; clarify the name and purpose of the clothing.

D/i “Who lives where?” Goal: to consolidate the ability to group plants according to their structure (shrubs, trees).

P/n "Stop". Goal: to train children in the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Ind. zan. physical therapy with Veronica and Savva. Secure your walk with wide strides.

Work on the site: continue to remove fallen leaves and branches.

Health running.

Evening: Gymnastics is a wake-up call. (Kartushina, 29).

Reading and discussion of the story by A.I.

Strizhev "Winter Shows".

Communication game "Echo". (Kartushina, 18).

P/n “Such different rain.”

(Alyabyeva, 52).

Rhythmic gymnastics.


Morning: morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic: “What autumn gave us.” Goal: consolidate knowledge about fruits, vegetables, mushrooms.

D/i "Fruits and seeds".

Self-massage “Prickly hedgehog”.

(with massage balls).

P/i "Raindrops". (Comp. zan. st. gr., 35).

Psychological sketch “My mood”.

Walk. Observation of the connection between phenomena in nature. Goal: continue to develop the ability to establish cause and effect relationships in nature.

Ind. zan. on speech development with David and Olya. D/i “Name the bird with the right sound.”

Experimental activity. Experience with feathers. Goal: find out which feathers fly better in the air, why?

P/n “Run to the tree.” Goal: consolidate the names of trees.

Games at the request of children.


Hardening procedures. Walking on corrective mats.

"Autumn is flying away." A story on the theme of E. Trutneva’s poem “Autumn.”

Dynamic pause “Autumn Forest”. (Comp. zan. st. gr., 55).

Rhythmic gymnastics.


Morning: morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic: “Why is November called “black trail?”

D/i “Pick a sign.” Purpose: to practice selecting adjectives.

P/i "Hares and the Wolf". Goal: practice running on a signal: develop agility, attention, courage.

Breathing exercises: exercise. "Wind". (Zhuravleva, 87).


Watching for the first frost. Goal: to continue acquaintance with the diversity of natural phenomena in late autumn.

Introduce the new outdoor game “Potato”. Purpose: to practice the ability to throw the ball to each other. (Kobzeva, 83).

Game "Smells of Autumn".

Experimental activity. Experiment “Transparency of Ice”.

Health running.


Tempering procedures: washing your face and hands with cool water.

Reading x/l. Ecological fairy tale “The Tale of the Sun”. (“Little Russians”)

Registration of the “Red Book of the Samara Region”.

S/r game “Journey to the Forest”.

Studio "Rainbow".


Morning: morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic “Good deeds in autumn.” Goal: to cultivate a respectful attitude towards work and a desire to help nature.

D/i “Whose tail, whose head?” Goal: to consolidate knowledge of the external appearance of birds and animals.

P/i “From piece of ice to piece of ice.” Goal: develop coordination of movements; sense of balance, dexterity.

Tea minute.


Weather observation. Goal: to consolidate ideas about the last period of autumn, its features.

P/n “Don’t get your feet wet.” Goal: to develop agility, reaction to a signal, running speed.

Ind. zan. physical training with Ilya and Masha. Strengthen walking in a limited area.

Experimental activity. Experiment “Dependence of the state of water on temperature.” Goal: to continue to introduce children to the properties of water.

Games at the request of children.


Gymnastics is a wake-up call.

Exercises to develop fine muscles of the fingers: “Path to the forest” (laying out a path from seeds); “Draw a leaf falling” (drawing straight, wavy, spiral lines).

Writing the story “I want to protect...”. Goal: to form coherent speech, the ability to compose a story about any representative of nature.

Poetry evening "Goodbye, autumn." (reading poems by Russian poets dedicated to autumn).

Kravets Valentina Alexandrovna
Calendar- thematic planning V middle group on the theme "Autumn"

environment for independent


Group, subgroup

September Topic of the week:« Autumn»

Monday 3

Morning Cognition



Speech development



(By plan physical education instructor).

Conversation with children "Golden Season"

Target: systematize children’s knowledge about autumn;

Making up stories based on pictures about autumn.

Target: teach children to write stories about autumn;

Continue to teach children how to hold a pencil correctly with Kirill, Egor Sonya, Misha B; Situational conversation "About friendship and generosity"

Target: promote the formation in children of ideas about friendship and generosity; develop the ability to distinguish good from bad;


« Autumn is golden»





Speech development 1. Physical education (By plan physical education instructor)

2. Drawing « Autumn leaves»

Target: teach children to make prints with leaves; learn to mix red and yellow gouache to get orange; teach to distinguish and name trees, recognize leaves (D. N. Koldina “Drawing with children 4-5 years old,” p. 16);







Speech development

Communication Walk No. 1 (card file)

Labor activity


p\i "Owl", "Rope"


di “What first, what then?”



Situational conversation No. 1 (card file)

“What to do if you are lost?”

Target: reinforce with children the basic rules of behavior in this situation; Independent play activity;

Games with external material;

Before lunch Cognition

Speech development





Artistic and aesthetic

Listening to music compositions: And Vivaldi “Seasons. Autumn» Game situation "Let's clean out our locker"

With Arina, Sonya,

Kiroy Situational conversation “When

and how healthy it is to eat"

Target: form a concept "Proper nutrition"






Speech development Awakening complex No. 1

Head massage "I'm good", "walking barefoot on the floor"

Reading a poem by Y. Tuwim "Vegetables"

Retelling of the most liked episodes





Speech development

“Rules of conduct when working with a book”

Target: consolidate and generalize children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior when working with a book

Low mobility games: "Silence by the Pond", "In an even circle", "Circle circle"

Target: develop game dialogue, the ability to compose a game plot, combine several games;

Individual work on FEMP

Game "What's more?"

Target: consolidate the ability to compare objects by size, reflect in speech the result of comparing big, small with Egor S, Pasha, Lesha, Danil;

Situation No. 4


Target: continue to promote a responsible attitude towards one’s health and life; Independent play activities of children

Role-playing game of children's choice

Target: independence;

weeks mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of developmental environment for independent


Group, subgroup individual educational activities in special moments

September Topic of the week:« Autumn»

Tuesday 4

Morning Cognition



Speech development



Artistic and aesthetic Morning exercises (By plan physical education instructor).

Conversation with children “Where did the bread on the table come from?”

What is bread for?

How is bread harvested?

Target: formation of children’s ideas about growing bread.

Reading proverbs and sayings about bread;

Individual conversation with Igor about the environment world:

What did you see on the way to kindergarten?

What changes have occurred in nature?

Situational conversation "On the disease of dirty hands"

Target: teach children to wash themselves, keep their hands clean, wash them with soap as needed after using the toilet;

Place illustrations on the magnetic board topic

« Autumn is golden»





Speech development 1. Cognition (FEMP) Lesson No. 1

Target: improve the ability to compare two equal groups of objects, indicate the comparison results words: equally, as much;

2. Music (By plans musical director)







Speech development

Communication Walk No. 2 (card file)

Labor activity: cleaning dry leaves on the site;

Target: to develop the ability to work together in a team

p\i "Owl", "Rope"

Target: learn to perform actions on a signal

di “What first, what then?”

Target: clarify children’s knowledge about the sequence of seasons;

Individual work to develop basic movements:

"Who's faster?"

Target: exercise children in fast running;

With Milana L, Nastya, Lisa; "Getting to Know the Street"

Target: clarify the children’s understanding of the street, the road, repeat with the children. That the street is divided into two parts: driveway and sidewalk; continue to strengthen children's knowledge about transport; Independent play activity;

Games with external material;

Before lunch Cognition

Speech development





Artistic and aesthetic

compositions: And Vivaldi “Seasons. Autumn» Situational conversation “It’s a bad lunch if there’s no bread”

Target: continue to master

Rules of cultural behavior during meals, develop the ability to use cutlery correctly






Speech development Awakening complex No. 2

Tempering massage of the soles of the feet "Let's play with our feet"

Reading fiction

Reading poems about autumn;

Target: continue to introduce children to the poetry of different poets;





Speech development

Productive Ethical Conversation "About friendship and friends"

Target: consolidate the ability to write descriptive stories about friends using plan-scheme; Individual work on FEMP

“Complete the drawing correctly”

Target: consolidate the ability to understand a learning task and perform it correctly with Arseny, Matvey, Leroy; Situation No. 5 (card file)

"Careful phone"

Target: to reinforce children’s ability to safely use the phone, that is, to practice the skills of safely answering phone calls Role-playing game "Beauty salon"

Target: to consolidate the specifics of the work of men and women

hairdresser; develop the ability to engage in role interaction. Build role-playing dialogue

Children's games in the didactic corner

weeks mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of developmental environment for independent


Group, subgroup individual educational activities in special moments

September Topic of the week:« Autumn»

Wednesday, 5

Morning Cognition



Speech development



Artistic and aesthetic Morning exercises (By plan physical education instructor).

Conversation with children « Autumn in the life of coniferous and deciduous trees"

Target: to form in children an idea of ​​deciduous and coniferous trees;

Individual conversation with Arina, Roma “Where do I live?

Target: develop coherent speech, enrich vocabulary;

di "Seasons"

Target: speech, logical thinking with Sonya, Nadya, Nikita Situational conversation “Where does the food go?”

Target: consolidate knowledge about the need for internal organs

Place illustrations on the magnetic board topic

"Forest in autumn»





Speech development 1. Cognition (FCCM)

"What do we need autumn brought?

Target: expand children’s understanding of vegetables and fruits; consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature; (O. A. Solomennikova, p. 28)

2. physical education (By plan physical education instructor);







Speech development

Communication Walk No. 3 (card file)

Labor activity: cleaning dry leaves on the site;

Target: to develop the ability to work together in a team

p\i "Football"

Target: learn to kick the ball, play in a team

p\i "Fox in the Chicken Coop"

Target: develop coordination in children

di “Good or bad?”

Target: develop logical thinking;

Individual work to develop basic movements:

Di "Hit the Hoop"

Target: practice throwing at a target with Nikita, Lesha, Kira, Milana L; Situational conversation No. 4 (card file)

"Striped Zebra"

Target: continue to expand children's knowledge of the rules traffic; Independent play activity;

Games with external material;

Before lunch Cognition

Speech development





Artistic and aesthetic

Continue listening to music compositions: In Bellini "Norma's Cavatina" Situational conversation “Teach Dunno how to behave at the table”

Target: reinforce a culture of behavior during lunch






Speech development Awakening complex No. 3

Continue hardening massage of the soles of the feet "Let's play with our feet"

Reading fiction

"Come visit us"

Target: develop the ability to listen to songs, nursery rhymes, cultivate a love for oral folk art





Speech development

Productive Artistic creation:

« Autumn fantasies»

Target: introduce children to the wet-on-wet technique; continue to teach children to paint, develop creative imagination, thinking, fantasy

Cleaning the play area

Target: teach how to put on work aprons before starting work; keep toys in order, wash them, dry them, put them in their places Individual work on FEMP

di "Color";

Target: consolidate the ability to correlate the color of an object with a sample with Igor, Pasha, Lesha; Situation No. 7 (card file)

about the culture of behavior

Target: continue to develop in children a friendly, polite, respectful attitude towards people around them; independently evaluate positive and negative actions

Desktop-printed games: mazayka, cube puzzles and others

Target: develop attention, observation, memory; the ability to quickly find changes and missing elements in a subject

weeks mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of developmental environment for independent


Group, subgroup individual educational activities in special moments

September Topic of the week:« Autumn»

Thursday, 8

Morning Cognition



Speech development



Artistic and aesthetic Morning exercises (By plan physical education instructor).

Conversation with children « Autumn in the life of wild animals"

Target: learn to establish connections between the length of the day, air temperature and the condition of plants, the availability of food for animals and their adaptation to winter; Articulatory gymnastics: "Smile", "Delicious jam", "Dudochka";

finger gymnastics: « Autumn» , "Mushrooms" With subgroup of children; Situational conversation “Do I like vitamins?”


Place illustrations on the magnetic board topic

« Autumn in the life of wild animals"





Speech development 1. Speech development

“Do I need to learn to speak?”

Target: help children understand what they will do in speech development classes (V.V. Gerbova, p. 27)

2. Music (By plan musical director)

3. Physical education in the air 9th plan physical education instructor)







Speech development

Communication Walk No. 4 (card file)

Labor activity: cleaning dry leaves on the site;

Target: to develop the ability to work together in a team

p\i "Wand-knock"

Target: develop auditory attention

p\i "Hunters and Ducks"

Target: develop eye, dexterity

di “Wind, wind, what are you?”

Target: practice selecting adjectives;

Individual work to develop basic movements:

Jumping over the ditch

Target: to promote the physical development of children through involving them in play activities with Misha Sh, Matvey, Misha B, Danil, Arseny Situational conversation No. 5 (card file)

"Design of roadway"

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about transport and road signs Independent play activities;

Games with external material;

Before lunch Cognition

Speech development





Artistic and aesthetic

(at the discretion of the teacher) Situational conversation “to keep your teeth strong”

Target: continue to introduce the rules of personal hygiene, reinforce the rules of dental and oral care, consolidate knowledge about the benefits of fermented milk products;






Speech development Awakening complex No. 4

Reading fiction

Memorizing a poem by M. Evensen « Autumn»

Target: help children remember and read poems expressively by M. Evensen « Autumn»





Speech development

Productive Moral and Ethical Conversation “What is a street, and by what rules does it live?”

Target: to know that the streets of the city, as its components, live according to certain rules and need care, renewal, and repair; what services take care of order on the city streets, what do they do; be able to answer the teacher’s questions with a short story, using knowledge, vocabulary acquired earlier, from personal experience; Individual work on FEMP

di “Assemble the pyramid correctly”;

Target: consolidate the skills of assembling a pyramid from large to small with Lesha, Egor M, Danil, Stepa;

Situation No. 8 (card file)

"Dangerous items at home"

Target: to consolidate children’s knowledge about objects dangerous to life and health, about the rules for using piercing and cutting objects Fairy tale "Forest Story"

Target: development of children's artistic abilities through theatrical activities

weeks mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of developmental environment for independent


Group, subgroup individual educational activities in special moments

September Topic of the week:« Autumn»

Friday, 9 Morning Cognition



Speech development



Artistic and aesthetic Morning exercises (By plan physical education instructor).

Conversation with children "Birds of Passage"

Target: expand and systematize knowledge about migratory birds;

Work in a corner of nature: water and spray indoor plants

Target: clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the correct techniques for caring for indoor plants

Remember the poem by V. Berestov "Cockerels"

Target: to develop the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text with Milana G, Igor, Pasha; Situational conversation “Do I like vitamins?”

Target: continue to teach your child to take care of his health

Place illustrations on the magnetic board topic

"Preparing for the flight"





Speech development 1. Modeling "sun in the clouds"

Target: continue to teach children to roll small balls of plasticine, flatten them with your finger on cardboard, creating the required form subject (D.N. Koldina, p. 21);

2. Design "Fences and Fences"

Target: exercise children in closing space by arranging planar figures; (L.V. Kutsakova, p. 13);







Speech development

Communication Walk No. 5 (card file)

Labor activity: sweeping paths from leaves;

Target: cultivate a desire to work

p\i "Knocked out", "Catch-up"

Target: practice throwing at a moving target, and running while dodging

Target: develop auditory attention;

Individual work "Get into the distance"

Target: strengthen the ability to throw into the distance with Arina, Milana G, Kira, Lera, Lisa

Situational conversation No. 6 (card file)

"How to avoid dangers on the street"

Target: continue to form a consciously correct attitude towards compliance with traffic rules; Independent play activity;

Games with external material;

Before lunch Cognition

Speech development





Artistic and aesthetic

Listening musical composition (at the discretion of the teacher) Situational conversation "Friends, water and soap"

Target: to develop children’s ability to properly use soap, water,

towel; Let children know that soap and water kill germs






Speech development Awakening complex No. 5

Exercises to prevent scoliosis

Reading fiction

Reading a fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky "Stolen Sun"

Target: creating conditions for the development of attention and perseverance through familiarization of the work;





Speech development

Productive Labor in the corner nature: help with watering flowers

Target: continue to develop children’s knowledge that plants also need care;

Experimental games with sand “What kind of sand can you build from, why?”

Target: development of children’s cognitive activity in the process of experimentation; Individual work on FEMP

di "Tell me about your pattern"

target: continue to teach mastery of spatial skills representations: left, right, above, below with Nastya, Stepa, Roma, Sonya;

Situational conversation "Home Alone"

Target: Continue to promote children's safety and life skills; Games for children's interests; s\r game "Shop"

Target: continue to teach children to play together, together; develop skills for a culture of behavior in public places;

Topic of the week:

« Colors of autumn"


Program content:

Expanding children's ideas about autumn changes in nature (establishing the simplest connections between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature).

Expanding children's ideas about autumn holidays, changes in people's clothing in autumn, autumn fun for children.

Formation of the skills to peer, admire, and enjoy the beauty of autumn nature.







Cognitive development (ext. circle)

Situational conversation “Why you can’t burn dry leaves”

Artistic aesthetic development (drawing)

“In the Forest” by I.A. Lykova str.18

Physical development

L.I. Penzulaeva Lesson 10 page 26

Cognitive development (FEMP)

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina Lesson 4 page 14

Speech development

Description of toys. O.S. Ushakova, E.M. Strunina p.28

Physical development

L.I. Penzulaeva Lesson 11 page 28

Artistic aesthetic development (apple/sculpting)

“Colored House” by I.A. Lykova str. 30

Physical development (outdoors)

L.I. Penzulaeva lesson 12 page 29

Artistic aesthetic development (music)

Topic: “Colors of Autumn” Program content: Expanding children’s ideas about autumn changes in nature (establishing the simplest connections between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature). Expanding children’s ideas about autumn holidays, changes in people’s clothing in autumn, autumn fun for children. Formation of the skills to peer, admire, and enjoy the beauty of autumn nature.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises.

conducting a conversation about the morning weather Purpose: to teach children to write a story, speak in complete sentences, and conduct dialogic speech.

didactic games “What is this color”, “Select by color and shape” Purpose: to consolidate primary colors, teach to distinguish colors from each other.

Di « Which one, which one, which one?”

Goal: to teach how to select definitions that correspond to a given example or phenomenon

A story from collective experience “How we walked in the park”

Clarify children's ideas about the two seasons - summer and autumn. Build storytelling skills from experience.

Create conditions for viewing illustrations on an autumn theme. Purpose: to clarify children’s ideas about the season of autumn.

take a walk in the autumn park, watch the falling leaves and the weather

Work is underway to develop aesthetic perception and broaden one’s horizons. Acquaintance with autumn colors, according to the “From Birth to School” program, will introduce children to the signs of early autumn, develop color perception, and enrich children’s sensory experience. Preschoolers will learn about the flowers that appear in the flowerbed with the arrival of autumn, will collect and examine seeds, and will learn the names of the main parts of the flower. Description of the excursion to the flowerbed, poems about flowers, speech and educational games on the topic you will find in the appendix to the plan “ Thematic week“Colors of autumn. Flowers".

Social and communicative development

In the field of social and communicative development, the teacher plans a conversation about, a story about gardeners and people of different professions, encouraging children to pass on their acquired knowledge in the game. Children carry out simple work tasks, learn to fold things neatly, and start with her flag.

Cognitive development

Continuing to introduce children to the world around them, the teacher introduces the concepts of “Living and not living,” improves the ability to compare objects by size, and continues a series of games with Dienesh blocks, which has a positive effect on the cognitive development of preschoolers.

Speech development

Solving problems of speech development, an adult through games teaches children to select words that have opposite meanings, encourages them to describe flowers and autumn nature, introduces them to new literary works, and brings in books for them to look at.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Preschoolers continue to learn to analyze a sample building made from construction kit parts or sticks, and observe the beauty of autumn nature. Artistic and aesthetic development is also facilitated by the sketch-dramatization “Dance autumn leaves" And finger painting"Autumn Flowers"

Physical development

In the area physical development work is being done to develop physical skills through the games “Catching Butterflies”, “Gathering the Harvest”, “Homeless Hare”. The teacher organizes daily physical exercises on the topic of the week to relieve stress and satisfy the children’s need for movement.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation “Why you can’t pick flowers.” Goal: to form the foundations of environmental education.Introducing the game aid “Collect a flower”. Goal: expand your understanding of the structure of a flower.Exercise “What is drawn in the picture.” Goal: enrich children's vocabulary with color names.Looking at a still life. Goal: to introduce children to the genre of painting - still life.Physical exercise “Flowers”. Goal: to consolidate the names of the main parts of a flower through the game.
Collecting flower seeds in boxes. Purpose: to learn to distinguish mature seeds from immature ones.Excursion to the flowerbed. Goal: find out what flowers grow in kindergarten.Exercise “Call me kindly.” Goal: learn to form nouns with diminutive suffixes.Working with scissors. Goal: learn to cut in a straight line.P.i. "Homeless Hare." Goal: to develop spatial orientation in children, to practice fast running. P.i. "We're harvesting." Goal: repeat the words.
2 p.d.S.r. game "Gardener". Goal: introduce children to new game actions, teach them to select attributes for the game.Exercise “Tell me where.” Goal: to develop the ability to determine spatial directions from oneself.Reading E. Alyabyea “Oh, what chrysanthemums.” Purpose: discuss the work.Constructive-model activity from strips of paper. Goal: develop creativity, maintain interest in design.P.i. "Sharp Shooters." Goal: to develop the eye.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.A story about the work of a firefighter. Goal: expand understanding of the dangers of fire.Looking at the album “Autumn Flowers”. Goal: to introduce children to the names of some flowers.Game "Think and name." Purpose: to train children in forming adjectives from nouns.Etude-dramatization “Dance of Autumn Leaves”. Goal: to continue to develop the skills of rhythmic movement in accordance with the nature of the music.Reading and discussion “How the boy strengthened his health” by M. Vitkovskaya. Goal: to cultivate a positive attitude towards those people who care about their health.
Work assignment: “Select pencils for repair.” Goal: to develop responsibility, the ability to complete the work started.Didactic games of the teacher's choice. Goal: continue to teach how to play by the rules, and not interrupt the adult.Game "Tell me how I am." Goal: to practice clear pronunciation of sounds, to develop phonemic hearing.Adding cards to the game “Count and Design”. Goal: to develop logical thinking and perception, the ability to analyze a sample.P.i. "Catching Butterflies" Goal: to develop in children self-control and the ability to act on a signal. P.i. "Traps from the circle." Goal: introduce children to a new game.