Conditions for home schooling for schoolchildren. Homeschooling: Strengths and Weaknesses

Homeschooling - what is it? Who has the right to it? Read below.

Every child in Russia has the right to education

The vast majority of children from 7 to 18 years old are currently studying in schools. But some children are homeschooled. There are 2 options here:

  1. The child is healthy, and his parents consider home schooling to be the most convenient form of education for their child.
  2. The child is sick and cannot attend school due to health reasons.

Family education

In the first case, the question of whether home schooling is advisable for the child is decided by local education authorities. The issue can be resolved positively if the child constantly moves from place to place with his parents, if he is seriously interested in something and constantly goes to competitions or competitions, if he is ahead of his peers in development and masters school curriculum faster than other children. This type of education is called family education. The child has the opportunity for such education in accordance with the current education law. The new bill also has such a clause.

Bill on education in the Russian Federation

  • Chapter 7. General education
    3. General education can be obtained in the form of family education, as well as in organizations that provide educational activities specified in part 4 of this article. Secondary general education can also be obtained in the form of self-education.

The parents in the family will have to teach everything. The child will be assigned to a specific school, where he will be regularly invited to take exams according to the school curriculum. In this case, teachers and tutors are invited to the home at the request of the parents, and all costs associated with this are borne by the parents.

Individual training for sick children

Certificate from the clinic

If a child is ill for a long time, is being treated as an outpatient and cannot attend school due to health reasons, he has the right to home schooling. In this case, the question of the need for home education for the child is decided by the KEC (control and expert commission at the children's clinic at the place of residence and issues the child a certificate about the need for home education.

There are two possible scenarios

  1. the child’s attending physician will explain to the parents the need for home schooling and offer to issue a certificate through the KEC
  2. Parents realize that their child is not able to study at school on a regular basis, and begin to worry about home schooling for him.

Next, the EEC makes its decision on the need to educate the child at home and issues a certificate to the parents, which indicates the child’s diagnosis and the period of recommended home education. The certificate is certified by three signatures: the attending physician, the head. the clinic and the chief physician, and the round seal of the clinic.

The certificate can be issued for a long period (for a maximum of 1 academic year) and on short term(from 1 month for injuries and after operations).

Statement from parents

Next, parents write an application addressed to the school director with a request to organize individual education for the child at home and attach a certificate from the clinic to the application. The school does not have the right to refuse home education if it is the school closest to your place of residence. If a child studied far from home before illness, parents have the right to transfer him to a nearby school during home schooling.

Further organization individual training the child is in school. Every secondary school has rules for organizing homeschooling. Parents should familiarize themselves with them. Usually, they have the following clause:

The organization of the educational process may have its own characteristics depending on the psychophysical development and capabilities of students. These features may be, firstly, different time frames for mastering educational programs (possibly increasing them compared to a general education school); secondly, the variability of the organization of classes with students (classes can be held in an institution, at home and combined, that is, some classes are held at school, some at home); thirdly, the flexibility of curriculum modeling.

This means that the child does not necessarily have to be educated exclusively at home for the entire period specified in the certificate. This depends on the child’s capabilities (his state of health), as well as on the wishes of the parents and the child. All these issues are discussed together and a plan for the child’s individual education is created.


Pure homeschooling is possible. When teachers will come to the child’s home and teach him at home. This form of education is regulated by letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 1988 No. 17-253-6 “On individual education of sick children at home.” This document clearly states how many hours per week teachers are required to study with the child:

  • 1 - 4 classes - 8 hours,
  • 5 - 8 classes - 10 hours,
  • 9th grade - 11 o'clock,
  • 10 - 11 classes - 12 hours.

The schedule is drawn up individually and agreed with parents, classes in this volume are held free of charge for the child, he is provided with textbooks on an equal basis with other children (today all schoolchildren are provided with them at the expense of their parents).

Individual training

These hours are not always enough for full-fledged education, and classes beyond this amount are already paid for by parents. Therefore, most parents try to arrange for their child to attend school as soon as possible for him.

More often the issue is resolved this way: during periods of remission or relatively good health, the child attends school and studies together with the class or individually with the teacher (but at school). And during periods of exacerbation (deterioration of health), teachers come to his home. Or individually, the child studies only some subjects that are especially difficult for him. This approach is regulated by letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2003 No. 27/2643-6 “ Methodical recommendations on organizing the activities of educational institutions for home-based learning.” The full text of this document can be seen here. In any case, the educational option for the child is selected with the written consent of the parents.

Distance learning for sick children

Currently being organized new form education for disabled children: distance learning.

It is applicable only to disabled children, because they require home schooling for a long time.

Today, children with intact intelligence, no complex developmental disorders and no contraindications to working on a computer are selected for this training program. A form of home education is offered via a computer and the Internet (via Skype), such training is carried out in agreement with parents. During their studies, children are provided with the necessary equipment: a computer connected to the Internet on which the programs necessary for learning are installed. And also service: ensuring quick repair or replacement of equipment in case of breakdown.

Training takes place through a distance learning center or through a secondary school. Most often, distance learning is combined with other forms of training. (Studying at home, combined, etc.) This form of learning is developing very actively today.

Individual and home training.

Part 1 clause 2 art. 17 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” lists the grounds for transferring a child to home schooling: family circumstances; medical indications (health problems do not allow the child to study at school).

Switching to homeschooling for family reasons

The law does not specify what kind of “family circumstances” it is that causes parents to transfer their child to home schooling. This is only the parents' decision. There are a few steps you need to follow to teach your child at home.

Step 1. We notify the regional education authorities (Ministry/Department/Division) that you are transferring your child to family education.

Parents are obliged to do this in accordance with Art. 63 hours 5 new Federal Law“On education in the Russian Federation.”

The application is submitted in writing in two copies. The law allows you to give notice in person or by mail. If you notify in person, the institution will put a stamp and the date of receipt of the document on the second copy.

The application is of a notification nature. You simply inform the relevant authority of your choice. So that the regulatory authorities do not decide that the child is skipping school.

The education authority can only take note of your decision. Officials do not have the right to prohibit, not allow or disapprove of a choice.

Step 2. Let's go to school. At school, parents write a statement that they are transferring their child to home schooling and ask to expel him from school.

The application is written in free form. Within a week, the school is required to provide the student’s personal file and medical record.

The school principal does not have the right to refuse to expel a child from school for home education.

If the school refuses to expel you, we demand a written explanation from the director and complain about it to the education authorities.

After a child has been expelled from school, parents make individual plan education. From now on, responsibility for the child’s education lies with the parents.

By the way, before (before 2012, when the current law “On Education” was adopted), parents signed an agreement with the school. It prescribed the forms and deadlines for certification, the timing of practical and laboratory work. The student was invited to educational, practical and other classes according to the school schedule. Now there is no need to conclude a contract.

Those parents who were dissatisfied with the school's requirements to attend tests or other classes at school breathed a sigh of relief. “Semeynik” acquires the status of “external student” - he goes to school only for intermediate and final certifications. The downside is that those who regularly came to school for free consultations may forget about it. What subjects to study is decided by the school, and how to teach them is decided by parents. The school does not interfere in this process and does not check. Parents themselves determine the teaching methods, the time allotted for each topic, the amount of material that can be given outside the framework of the program, and much more.

You don’t have to buy textbooks - the school should give the “family student” free ones. The child also enjoys other rights of an ordinary schoolchild: he can participate in olympiads and competitions, use the school library, etc.

Until the 9th grade, a parent has the right not to report to the school at all about what and how he teaches the child. The first mandatory exam is the GIA in the 9th grade. The next one is the Unified State Exam in 11th.

Request a list of schools where your child will take these exams (mandatory certification) from the education department. From the list of schools, parents choose the one where the child will take exams - and write an application addressed to the director. Like the notification, the application must be submitted to the school office against a signature on the second copy or sent by mail by a first-class letter with acknowledgment of delivery and a list of the contents.

After this, the school issues an administrative act, which will indicate the person’s admission to the educational institution for certification. The child undergoes such certification free of charge.

At the request of the child and parent, exams (intermediate certification) can be taken once a year.

Switching to homeschooling for medical reasons

The law allows children to study at home for medical reasons:

- with chronic diseases;

- with a protracted illness;

- who are treated on an outpatient basis for a long time.

Recommendations to switch to home schooling are given by your attending physician. Sometimes parents make this decision on their own. The school will allow the child to study at home during illness if there is a certificate issued through the control and expert commission (KEC). It is issued at the regular clinic to which the child is assigned.

Be sure to check it out! The certificate must contain the signature of the doctor who issued the document; doctor observing the child; head of the children's clinic; chief physician of the children's clinic. The document is affixed with the round seal of the clinic.

After parents have received the certificate in hand, they need to go to school. A free-form application is written to the school principal with a request to transfer the student to home schooling. A certificate is attached to the application.

The maximum period of study at home is one year (academic), the minimum is a month (usually for injuries and operations).

Useful instructions “Transfer your child to home schooling” with sample applications

Homeschooling is an alternative to schooling. Is it productive and how to organize it correctly?

In order to successfully organize a child’s education at home, it is necessary

  • Select the school to which the student will be assigned and in which he will subsequently undergo certification.

Since the beginning of the 90s, according to the law, any person who is a citizen Russian Federation, has the right to study at home, but to obtain the necessary documents on education, certification is required in a state that is suitable for the level educational institution.

Legally, parents have the right to enroll their child in any educational institution they wish, but in practice fewer questions and problems arise when choosing a school that already has a “staff” of home-schooled students.

  • Write an application addressed to the school director with a request to transfer the child to home schooling.

In fact, this is the only document (except, of course, copies of parents’ passports, the child’s birth certificate and photographs) that is required from parents who decide that their child will be educated at home. In an oral conversation with the director, special family circumstances, for example, frequent business trips or a love of travel, should be cited as the reason for this choice. The statement must indicate that the parents take full responsibility for the quality of the child’s knowledge due to the fact that this is their independent decision without any special objective reasons (such as the child’s state of health).

After the child is officially enrolled in school, you will need to decide how often and according to what scheme he will be certified. He can take exams, practical and laboratory work either once a week or once every six months, again in agreement with the school administration.

  • If necessary, a medical certificate about the child’s health condition should be provided.

For home-based education, when school teachers come to a student’s home to teach a lesson, a special medical certificate is required, issued by the Clinical Expert Commission (CEC) of the medical institution. If a child suffers from diseases that prevent him from studying in a regular school, then, according to the conclusion of the EEC, he can count on free training on an equal basis with all citizens of Russia.

  • Receive a program and recommendations on the required volume and quality of knowledge that the child should have at the end of the reporting period.

It is important to remember that when choosing home schooling, parents should be seriously concerned about the quality of knowledge that their child will receive. At the end of the reporting period - a week, a month, a quarter or a half-year, depending on the agreement with the school - the child will have to successfully pass the required tests and exams in order to be certified. Otherwise, it will be considered that home schooling for him is not effective and is not possible.

In order to avoid getting into trouble and decide who will teach the child at home and how, it makes sense for parents to receive the curriculum in advance, discuss difficult issues with the director or head teacher, points to which special attention should be paid, etc.

  • Decide on the form of home schooling.

With the advent of the legislatively enshrined right of a citizen to choose for himself, and the corresponding documents on education, not only networks of private schools began to spread, but home schooling also began to develop. Currently, there are three forms of organizing education at home.

Homeschooling forms


Home-based education is organized by the school to which a student is assigned who is unable to study on a general basis due to health conditions. For those who choose to homeschool for no apparent reason, homeschooling may not be available.

Having provided the necessary medical certificates, the student has the right to have teachers from the school to which he is assigned to conduct individual lessons with him at his home. These lessons completely duplicate the school curriculum, and their quality depends entirely on how conscientiously they treat extracurricular activities.


Family education is also organized after acceptance of an application from parents for home education of a child in one of the schools and agreement on the procedure for certification of the student.

Family-type classes are created with the full initiative of and, who themselves act as primary school teachers, and later as subject teachers. Taking responsibility for the quality of their children’s education, parents have the right to create their own program, add the necessary disciplines in their opinion to, say, primary school, and change the approach to studying a subject at their own discretion. But they must remember that at the end of the quarter or half-year, depending on the agreement with the school, the child will have to take an exam to confirm that he has received the same knowledge as his peers who have been at the school desk all this time. Otherwise, parents have the right to show imagination and creativity, inventing new forms and approaches to make learning more fun and interesting for their children.


Externship is the most known form individual education and is often associated with gifted children such as Michael Kevin Kearney, who graduated from high school externally at age 6, and at the age of ten entered the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest university graduate.

For education and obtaining a certificate in the form of external studies, it is advisable to find a school with experience in such work, where there is someone responsible (usually one of the head teachers) for organizing external studies in this educational institution. As a rule, such a school already has a group of children with whom work is carried out using this form.

After filling out the relevant documents, parents receive a grade book, and then 2 times a year the child takes exams in subjects in order to move from class to class.

If a student has the opportunity and ability to absorb knowledge faster than is written in the plan, he can move to the next grade once every six months, and not once a year, like all other children. This is the essence of external studies.

As a rule, parents who are focused on external studies immediately hire tutors so that they can quickly and efficiently teach their child the subject.

According to official statistics available for 2007, out of 100 thousand children who received education at home, 19 and a half thousand children studied externally, almost 4 thousand children received family education, and the rest received home education for health reasons.

Homeschooling Parents

Leaving the child homeschooled, the mentor and educator that a teacher is called upon to provide in society. In order to successfully cope with such important responsibilities, parents require a certain set of skills.

  • Basic knowledge and erudition, willingness to answer questions.

It is necessary to revive your own knowledge acquired at school and throughout life in order to be able to answer your child’s questions, satisfying the curiosity of the newly-minted student.

  • Organized.

Parents must be able to effectively manage their own time and properly plan their child’s time.

  • To kindle and support the child’s cognitive interest.

You need to be able to present new information in a non-trivial way and with pleasure, then the child will be interested in gaining knowledge.

  • Promote the development of independence.

Starting with joint study of the material, over time you need to increase the child’s share. Thus, by the end of the seventh grade, the student is able to independently obtain the necessary information, select what is necessary and cut off the unnecessary, study and be able to talk about what he has read, and then pass the exam.

  • Development of goal setting skills.

Parents must be able to clearly and clearly explain to the child why they chose this form of education for him, what bonuses it brings for him and how he should use them. Otherwise, the child will not see the point in developing independence and generally acquiring knowledge without being under the daily supervision of a teacher.

Pros and cons of the method

As in any situation, when choosing homeschooling, you need to soberly assess the positive and negative aspects of your choice.

Weaknesses of homeschooling:

  • Lack of communication among peers or insufficient amount of it.
  • Parents must stop being just mom and dad, but also become teachers, and this can be painful for everyone in the family.
  • The need for one of the parents to work remotely or not at all.
  • Large expenses for benefits and others educational materials, as well as tutors, if the parents are not competent enough in a particular subject.

Homeschooling Strengths:

  • Comfortable atmosphere and routine, familiar environment and absence unpleasant people surrounded.
  • Individual pace and form of studying the subject, and not designed for the average student.
  • The possibility of in-depth study and familiarization with other subjects within the framework required for writing the test.
  • Deeper and closer relationships with parents, thanks to daily contact, learning and discussing new things.

Expert opinion on the feasibility, advantages and disadvantages of home schooling (video)

Thus, transferring your child to home schooling is not difficult - just find a suitable school with experience in such work and write a corresponding application addressed to the director. Next, you need to agree on a plan for the child’s certification and receive a program that he will have to master in a certain period of time. After this, you need to decide on the form of home education in which the child will receive knowledge. By comparing all the positive and negative aspects of homeschooling, parents will be able to decide what their child really needs.

First you need to understand the terminology and understand. For example, home-based and family education are different things. Here we will talk about family matters to answer the main questions that arise for parents who understand that a regular school is not suitable for their children.

1. Is it possible to transfer a child to family education at his own request?

That's the only way it's done. How younger child, the more the parent’s own desire is in this, the older he is, the more his choice.

To be specific, according to Article 17 of the current Law “On Education,” there are several ways of education: at school full-time (i.e., like most children), not at school (family education), at school part-time or part-time (like serious child athletes, for example). To choose a form of education, no one’s permission or approval is needed, only a balanced and conscious decision of the family.

Article 17. Forms of education and forms of training

1. In the Russian Federation, education can be obtained: 1) in organizations carrying out educational activities; 2) outside organizations carrying out educational activities (in the form of family education and self-education).
2. Training in organizations engaged in educational activities, taking into account the needs, capabilities of the individual and depending on the volume of compulsory activities of the teaching staff with students, is carried out in full-time, part-time or correspondence form.
3. Education in the form of family education and self-education is carried out with the right to subsequently pass, in accordance with Part 3 of Article 34 of this Federal Law, intermediate and state final certification in organizations carrying out educational activities.
4. A combination of various forms of education and forms of training is allowed.

2. In what cases is this advisable?

Each family comes to a decision in its own way. The general answer, perhaps, is this: when the goals of family and school are so divergent that it is no longer possible to interact peacefully. It is difficult to give examples, because there will always be a person who finds them unconvincing - they say, this is not a reason to leave school, you can be patient.

I’ll say in general terms: some people want to spend more time with their family, while others want to be more flexible in building their educational program outside of school (in the morning - figure skating, in the afternoon - theater studio, in the evening - Spanish courses), others realized that the quality of education in a public school is no good, and if you try it yourself, it won’t get any worse.

3. Who should I contact when a decision is ripe?

According to paragraph 5 of Article 63 of the Law “On Education”, about the child’s transition to a family form of education, it is necessary to inform either the city education department or the local government body of the municipal district or city district at the place of residence. Exactly who to inform depends on the size of your locality. First you need to call the education authority, and they will direct you.

5. Local self-government bodies of municipal districts and city districts keep records of children who have the right to receive general education at each level and who live in the territories of the relevant municipalities, and the forms of education determined by the parents (legal representatives) of the children.
When parents (legal representatives) of children choose a form of general education in the form of family education, parents (legal representatives) inform the local government body of the municipal district or city district in whose territories they live about this choice.

4. Can transfer to family education be refused?

The formulation of the question is fundamentally wrong. Parents do not ask permission; they inform local authorities about their decision. Therefore, they cannot not allow it.

5. Does the child remain “attached” to a specific school?

Teachers are required to come to those children who are constantly studying at the school where these teachers work - if for some reason (for example, illness) the children cannot attend classes. If the parents have chosen family education, the teachers do not owe anything to the family and will not come.

The issue of “attachment” arises only in connection with passing the certification. To do this, you really need to come to the director in advance, meet him and tell him about your plans to be certified at this school. On the eve of the exams, the director, by his order, will enroll the child in school for the period of passing the intermediate certification, and after passing he will expel him.

The child does not have to be assigned until the moment of certification; today this is the State Examination Examination after 9th grade. But still, most parents organize exams earlier, for example, after each year of study or after 4th grade. But not everyone turns to nearby schools for this. Online contacts with schools are very popular among family members. There are offers on the Internet of schools that can take your child’s exams for a fee.

6. At what age can I switch to family education?

Theoretically, in any case, you need to understand that the decision is not related to age, but to those tasks of development and organization of the child’s life that become too difficult to solve while attending school.

There is also a risk that, after “living” for several years in school, a child will not be able to understand why and how one can live without school.

7. Do I need to write tests?

Only those works that you have discussed with your certification center are required. And what exactly it is, the nearest school or an external office in Novosibirsk, is not important. However, writing tests for self-test is certainly useful. Although not necessary.

8. Is it necessary to report on the qualifications of hired teachers?

The moment of parental responsibility will arise during the certification period. If a child passes the certification with grades of “3” and above, everything is great, and no one cares how exactly you achieved this.

9. How to take the Unified State Exam?

Single state exam- This is a form of passing the state final certification (GIA). As with any certification, the child needs to select subjects in advance and write an application at the nearest school.

If you still have questions, here are some more Newtonew materials on alternative education: , .

Not all schoolchildren will go to school on the first of September with a bouquet of flowers and a beautiful briefcase. There are also children for whom the bell for class never rings. Formally, they will also be considered schoolchildren, but they will not go to school. They will study without leaving home.

Homeschooling can be carried out either as necessary (for medical reasons) or at the request of the parents. And depending on what caused the decision to switch to home-based learning, the learning process itself and the technology for processing all the necessary documents will differ. Let's consider all possible options.

Option 1. Home education

Home-based education is designed for children who, for health reasons, cannot attend educational institutions. According to the Russian Ministry of Health, there are more than 620 thousand disabled children under the age of 18 in our country. Most of them cannot complete secondary education. According to official statistics, in the 2002/2003 academic year, less than 150 thousand of them studied in general education and secondary specialized educational institutions. The rest of the children either do not receive an education at all, or study at home, but do not have any documents about receiving an education. For such children, home-based education is the only opportunity to obtain a matriculation certificate.

There are two options for home education for children with disabilities: an auxiliary program or a general program. Children who study according to the general program take the same subjects, write the same tests and take the same exams as their peers studying at school. But the lesson schedule for homeschooling is not as strict as at school. Lessons can be either shorter (20-25 minutes) or longer (up to 1.5-2 hours). It all depends on the child’s health condition. It is, of course, more convenient for teachers to cover several lessons at a time, so in most cases a child has no more than 3 subjects per day. As a rule, home-based training according to the general program looks like this:

  • for grades 1-4 - 8 lessons per week;
  • for grades 5-8 - 10 lessons per week;
  • for 9 grades - 11 lessons per week;
  • for grades 10-11 - 12 lessons per week.

Upon completion of the general program, the child is issued a general school leaving certificate, the same as his classmates studying at the school.

The auxiliary program is developed individually based on the child’s health condition. When studying under an auxiliary program, the child upon graduation from school is issued a certificate of a special type indicating the program in which the child was trained.

Process technology

  • First of all, it is necessary to collect all medical certificates for registration of home training for medical reasons. Parents or legal representatives of the child must provide the school administration with a medical certificate from the children's clinic with the conclusion of the medical commission for home schooling.
  • At the same time, parents (or their substitutes) must write an application addressed to the director of the educational institution.
  • If the child is not able to complete training according to the general program, parents, together with representatives of the educational institution, form support program, which describes in detail the list of subjects studied and the number of hours per week allocated to the study of each subject.
  • Based on the submitted certificates and application, an order is issued to the educational institution on the appointment of teachers for home education and the frequency of certification of the child throughout the year.
  • Parents are given a journal of lessons completed, in which all teachers note the topics covered and the number of hours, as well as the child’s progress. At the end of the school year, parents hand over this magazine to school.

Legal support

All the nuances of home-based education for disabled children are spelled out in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 18, 1996 N 861 “On approval of the procedure for raising and educating disabled children at home.” Here are the most basic of them:

  • The basis for organizing home education for a disabled child is the conclusion of a medical institution. The list of diseases, the presence of which gives the right to study at home, is approved by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation.
  • Home education for disabled children is provided by an educational institution, usually the one closest to their place of residence.
  • An educational institution for disabled children studying at home: provides free textbooks, educational, reference and other literature available in the library of the educational institution for the duration of their studies; provides specialists from among teaching staff, provides methodological and advisory assistance necessary for the development of general education programs; carries out intermediate and final certification; issues a state document on the appropriate education to those who have passed the final certification.
  • When teaching a disabled child at home, parents (legal representatives) can additionally invite teaching staff from other educational institutions. Such teaching staff, by agreement with the educational institution, can participate together with teaching staff of this educational institution in conducting intermediate and final certification of a disabled child.
  • Parents (legal representatives) with disabled children who raise and educate them at home independently are compensated by educational authorities for costs in the amounts determined by state and local standards for financing the costs of education and upbringing in a state or municipal educational institution of the appropriate type and type.

Option 2. Family education

You can study at home not only forced (for health reasons), but also at your own request (at the request of your parents). The form when a child is educated at home of his own free will (at the request of his parents) is called family education. In family education, the child receives all knowledge at home from parents, invited teachers, or independently, and comes to school only to pass the final certification.

Here are some main reasons when it is more advisable not to force a child to go to school every day, but to transfer him to:

  • The child is significantly ahead of his peers in mental development. You can often observe a picture when a child has studied the entire program before his peers and is not interested in sitting in class. The kid spins around, interferes with classmates and, as a result, may lose all interest in studying. You can, of course, “jump” after a year (and sometimes after several years) and study with older guys. But in this case, the child will lag behind his classmates in physical, mental and social development.
  • The child has serious hobbies (professionally involved in sports, music, etc.). Combining school with professional sports (music) is quite difficult.
  • Parents' work involves constant moving from one place to another. When a child has to move from one school to another every year, and sometimes several times a year, this is very traumatic for the child. Firstly, there may be difficulties with academic performance. And secondly, it is psychologically difficult for a child to get used to new teachers, new friends and a new environment every time.
  • Parents do not want to send their child to a comprehensive school for ideological or religious reasons.

Family form of education: process technology

  • To register for home education at their own request, parents need to write a corresponding application to the Department of Education. To consider this application, as a rule, a commission is formed, which includes representatives of the department of education, the school to which the child is attached, parents (or persons replacing them) and other interested parties (coaches or teachers of the child). Sometimes the child himself is invited to the commission meeting. If the commission recognizes the feasibility of training of this child at home, an order is issued to assign him to a specific educational institution where the child will undergo final certification.
  • You can go the other way and write an application directly to the director of the educational institution closest to the child’s place of residence. But due to the fact that family education is not yet particularly widespread in our country, school directors rarely take on the responsibility of making decisions. As a rule, they forward the parents' application to the education department.
  • The educational institution to which the child is assigned issues an order indicating the mandatory program appropriate to the child’s age, as well as the deadlines for passing the final and intermediate certification.
  • Then, an agreement is concluded between the school and the child’s parents, which specifies all the rights and obligations of both parties (the school administration, parents and the student himself). The contract must describe in detail what role is assigned to the school in the child’s education, and what role to the family; when and how many times certifications will be carried out, as well as at what laboratory and practical exercises the child must be present.
  • When registering for home-based education at their own request, teachers from the school to which the child is assigned are not required to come to his home. In this case, the child must independently, with the help of his parents, complete the established program. Although sometimes parents negotiate with teachers for a fee about additional lessons. But this issue is resolved solely by personal agreement.
  • For final certification, the child must come to the school to which he is assigned on the prescribed days. Depending on the circumstances and age of the child, he may be required to undergo final and intermediate certification at the same time as his peers. In this case, the child should come to school only on the days of final tests and tests. But a more convenient option for the child and parents is when an individual schedule for final and intermediate certification is assigned.

Legal support

The right of parents to give their child general primary, basic general and secondary education in the family is guaranteed by paragraph 3 of Article 52 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and paragraph 2 of the “Regulations on obtaining education in the family”. Here are the main provisions of this law:

  • You can switch to a family form of education at any level of general education at the request of your parents. And at any stage of education, according to the decision of the parents, the child can continue his education at school (clause 2.2 of the “Regulations”). In the parent's application to a general educational institution (school, lyceum, gymnasium), it is necessary to indicate the choice of a family form of education and the reason for which such a decision is made. This is also noted in the order to transfer the child.
  • An agreement is concluded between the school and parents on the organization of family education (clause 2.3 “Regulations”). The main thing in the contract is the procedure, scope and timing of the intermediate certification. A general educational institution, in accordance with the agreement (clause 2.3 “Regulations”), provides textbooks, course programs and other literature available in the school library; methodological, provides advisory assistance and carries out intermediate certification.
  • A general education institution has the right to terminate the contract if the student does not master the curriculum, which can be revealed during the intermediate certification. Transfer to the next class is made based on the results of the intermediate certification (clause 3.2 "Regulations").
  • Parents have the right to teach the child themselves, or to independently invite a teacher, or to seek help from a general education institution (clause 2.4 of the “Regulations”).
  • Parents who choose a family form of education for a minor child are paid additional cash in the amount of costs for the education of each child in a state or municipal secondary school (clause 8 of Article 40 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”). Currently, this amount is about 500 rubles per month, although in some regions it is slightly higher due to compensation from the local administration.

Option 3. Distance learning

All over the world, among children who, for one reason or another, cannot attend educational institutions Distance learning is widespread. Distance learning is the receipt of educational services without attending school (lyceum, gymnasium, university) with the help of modern information and educational technologies and telecommunication systems, such as e-mail, TV and the Internet. The basis of the educational process during distance learning is the purposeful and controlled intensive independent work of the student, who can study in a place convenient for him, according to an individual schedule, having with him a set of special teaching aids and an agreed upon possibility of contacting the teacher by phone, e-mail and regular mail, and also in person. In our country, the distance form of secondary education is being introduced only in some schools as an experiment. You can find out about the availability of such “experimental” schools in your area by contacting your regional education department.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2003 N 11-FZ On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” provides for the possibility of obtaining education via distance learning. But it takes time to implement a distance education system in schools. Firstly, the educational institution must undergo state accreditation, confirming the right of this institution to provide distance education services. Secondly, unified software programs and special literature have not yet been developed. And thirdly, many schools in our country do not have the necessary equipment and specialists to implement these programs. But getting higher or secondary specialized education via distance learning is already quite possible. Almost all major educational institutions (universities, colleges, technical schools, etc.) have a distance education department.

It must be remembered that you always have the right to choose. Regardless of which homeschooling option you choose, your child can switch from homeschooling to regular schooling at any time (that is, go to school like his peers). To do this, he only needs to pass certification for the nearest reporting period (academic year, half-year, quarter).

Advantages of homeschooling:

  • The ability to stretch out the learning process or, conversely, complete the program of several classes in one year.
  • The child learns to rely only on himself and only on his knowledge.
  • Opportunity for more in-depth study of subjects of interest.
  • The child is protected from harmful influences for some time (although many psychologists consider this a disadvantage).
  • Parents can correct deficiencies in the school curriculum.

Disadvantages of Homeschooling:

  • Lack of team. The child does not know how to work in a team.
  • There is no experience of speaking in public and defending your opinion in front of your peers.
  • The child has no incentive to do homework every day.


Can someone please tell me whether it is necessary to go to a university during distance learning to receive a diploma??? And if I live 5,000 km from the university and I do not have the financial capabilities, and due to my health I cannot come to the university, and there is no one with me to come to the university to defend my diploma, then what should I do after I finish my last year? ??

The problem with school is a huge number of LESSONS! In fifth grade there are six lessons every day. Hence the severe fatigue; if you remove this technology and music, then it will be normal. Personally, Yanev is able to teach his son at home in high school. But after studying for two years at the beginning, I understand that we really can’t handle 6-7 lessons every day and a huge amount of homework physically and psychologically! Despite the fact that I myself am an educated person and was an excellent student at school. Dear legislators, if you don’t deal with education and specifically with the huge number of lessons children have starting from the first grade, then the children’s drop from school will be very large, since it’s terribly difficult to insert there! Extracurricular activities, special courses, extra subjects are music and work, since they do not dilute complex subjects, but ADD the number of study hours for children! And, for God’s sake, remove the third hour of English from high school and computer science from elementary school! At the same time, the quality of education is poor, the teachers are boorish and cannot teach everyone, there is no point in going to school! The primary school curriculum is terrible, division with a remainder in mathematics is idiotic somehow. Personally, I don’t know how to teach a child in high school. Such a school as it is is not suitable for us in any way _ for the third year now I have been suffering, what should I do?

Nowadays, most children go to tutors, because most teachers in schools cannot give them all the information. At least my child will be much calmer learning at home. Will not waste time listening to undeserved insults. In Moscow, at least they monitor the educational process more than in the Moscow region. Here in schools there are teachers who spoil the psyche of children, and the educational process leaves much to be desired. And complaints only mean one thing - that your child will only be treated worse. They won't do it anyway. This means a reduction in the staff of teachers. They will simply be left without work. And not all students can apply VIRTUAL training. Some people go to school to gain knowledge, others just to pass time.

The article is full of errors in the part about family education (I don’t know about the other two).
Both the technology of the process and the references to the legislative part do not correspond to reality. Starting from writing an application (it is purely for notification purposes, there is no need to indicate any reasons, the commission does not meet), continuing with certifications (only final ones are required, all intermediate ones - according to a mutual agreement and schedule; laboratory tests, etc. the author is generally from full-time and correspondence took training, apparently) and ending with the abolition of compensation payments to parents in case of SB from 2013.

"Lack of a team. The child does not know how to work in a team.
There is no experience of speaking in public and defending your opinion in front of your peers" - the same thing) well, that’s where you get it from, huh. Does a team really only exist at school? Is it really possible to speak in public only at school? Is it really possible to speak your own opinion only at school? defend? This is some kind of narrowness of thinking that occurs over and over again.

06/20/2016 13:45:45, EvaS

And I applied for CO in 2nd grade at a paid school in Moscow (4500 rubles per month), because... I’m tired of “butting heads” and negotiating with 3 budget schools; not a single budget school gave me a clear answer on the form of education and certification of my child. Moreover, I stated that we want to pass 1st grade externally. Why I chose CO for my child: 1. my wife does not work and can devote time to the child, 2. the child is accustomed to study independently at home every day, for two hours. 3. he attends 7 sections, where he has friends and colleagues for your favorite activity. 4. He doesn’t have vaccinations and I’m tired of proving and explaining to everyone that the child is healthy, although according to the law, vaccinations are voluntary. 5. I got acquainted with the “School of Russia” program - I was shocked.6. Was on open lessons V elementary school. Children in 4th grade math "float" in the multiplication table. Impressions: children do not have a clear foundation, no interest in learning and are very tired. I decided to try CO for my child before high school, we'll see there...

05/25/2016 17:31:46, Yurf