What Barbie girls looked like in non-doll life (Photo). Living Barbie: the most famous girls with doll appearance 10 famous living dolls

Every girl's dream is a Barbie doll. Girls grow up, but for many of them, Barbie remains their best friend, role model in clothing, etc. More and more girls spare no effort in recreating the image of their favorite doll. Pink becomes the main color in the life of a girl or woman “in the Barbie style.”

So, the basic rules for a girl in this style:

1.Pink color with its various shades in everything: clothes, accessories, room decoration. In order to look more interesting, it is better to diversify pink with some other delicate color - blue, white, lilac.

2. The best clothing model is the one that maximally emphasizes all the advantages of the figure: hips, waist, chest, opens the legs.

3.An important criterion for matching Barbie’s style is the ideal combination of clothes and accessories, the use of all fashion trends, all with impeccable style and taste.

4. It is not forbidden, but on the contrary, the use of various accessories is encouraged: earrings, scarves, bracelets, hats, whatever you like, the main thing is that it fits into the overall style.

5.Pink or white shoes, wedges - all the current shoes of the season, always with heels.

When creating a Barbie image, you need to know not only about the basic rules of style, makeup, and behavior, but also about what absolutely does not correspond to the chosen image. Barbie cannot be a plump, short girl, not to mention older ladies. In addition, Barbie is associated with an easy, romantic style of behavior. Barbie means parties, music and fun.

Let's look at the living girls of Barbie dolls and see what their names are.

Ukrainian girl Barbie Valeria Lukyanova

A prominent representative of the Barbie style is Valeria Lukyanova from Ukraine.

This girl with a wasp waist, a porcelain face, large wide blue eyes, and ample breasts looks like a real Barbie.

The girl is also known to the general public under the name Amatue or Odessa Barbie.

In order to achieve such a match with Barbie, Valeria had to resort to the services of plastic surgeons, and to maintain her ideal figure, the girl leads a healthy lifestyle.

She is a fruitarian.

Valeria is a creative person, she writes music, poetry, and deals with esotericism.

He actively promotes his creativity, views on the world around us and our place in it.

Dakota Rose - a girl with the face and figure of Barbie

American Barbie Dakota Rose claims that she managed to achieve a striking resemblance to the doll without plastic surgery and the way she looks in photographs is not a Photoshop achievement, but her real appearance and I must admit, she looks great.

Dakota became famous for her fashion and beauty lessons, in which she demonstrates how to properly do makeup, style hair, and what look to choose for different occasions.

Dakota gained particular popularity in Asian countries due to the similarity of her style to that of anime.

The living doll Venus Palermo, or Angelic Venus, also gives makeup lessons to her fans.

Venus was inspired to create her “living doll” look by several years spent in Japan and familiarity with anime.

Although the girl is only 15 years old, she already has thousands of fans around the world.

The Barbie girl's mother supports her desire to continue to embody and improve the doll's image.

The girl wants to look beautiful, she works hard on herself, doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke.

Venus speaks five languages ​​and tries to extract commercial benefit from the created image by negotiating with a cosmetics company.

Anzhelika Kenova - Moscow Barbie from Russia

The choice of Angelica’s doll image, according to her, was influenced by the fact that from childhood her parents treated her like a little princess: they dressed her in beautiful bright dresses and spoiled her.

Angelica is a psychologist by training, but she has no need to work, because her parents continue to support their little princess.

The girl looks gorgeous: waist-length blond curls, plump pink lips, slender figure, long legs.

With a height of 165 cm, Russian Barbie weighs only 40 kg.

Those who communicated with the girl noted her naivety and some complexes.

Anastasia Shpagina - new Barbie girl from Odessa

Another Barbie from Odessa, Anastasia Shpagina, began experimenting with her appearance in order to become more photogenic and please herself, first of all.

The doll image is the most successful at the moment and it is in it that Nastya now feels harmonious.

Using her example, the girl shows that you can work with a woman’s face like a sculpture, giving it the desired shape.

In Nastya’s case, her search for herself and her appearance is harmoniously connected with her choice of profession: Nastya works in a beauty salon.

Odessa Barbie denies the intervention of plastic surgery in creating her image, but does not exclude such a possibility in the future.

What Anastasia has in common with famous living dolls is that while they admire her fans on the Internet, the girls often have no close friends.

Barbie girls BEFORE and AFTER

Let's see what tremendous work these girls did on themselves before achieving success:

Valeria Lukyanova before and after

Dakota Rose before and after

Venus Palermo before and after

Angelica Kenova before and after

Anastasia Shpagina before and after

All little girls loved to play with Barbies. But for some, this love for beautiful blondes persisted until adulthood. And the power of this love is so great that the “girls” become like their idols.

Here are photographs where the Barbie Woman becomes the center of attention. By the age of 38, she had undergone a huge number of plastic surgeries, spending about 42 thousand dollars. But this Barbie Woman achieved utter absurdity in something else. Three times a week she undergoes hypnotherapy in order to make herself look increasingly stupid and become, perhaps, a real doublet of a child's toy.

(Total 16 photos)

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1. The former model, who changed her name to Blondie, had five breast augmentations and also had liposuction on her chin to give her face a more doll-like contour.

2. She regularly goes to the tanning salon and gets lip injections to create a more artificial look.

3. Blondie says her obsession with Barbie began at a young age when she played with the girl's favorite toy.

4. As a teenager, she dressed like Barbie, bleached her hair and even drove a Corvette, just like her idol.

5. Like a true American Barbie, she doesn’t work. She lives on money that men pay her in exchange for erotic pictures in the form of a doll.

6. According to Blondie, thanks to hypnotherapy she has achieved significant success in degradation.

7. “Recently, a friend asked me to meet her at the airport, and I thought for a long time which lounge I needed: arrivals or departures. I also couldn’t find my mother’s house for several hours, where I spent my entire childhood,” Blondie said proudly.

8. The woman doesn’t understand why people think she’s not right in the head. “When people ask me why I want to be Barbie, I always think: “Who wouldn’t want to be her?”

9. My heroine knows no worries. All she does is go shopping and go to the gym. She doesn't think and that's why she's happy.

10. Previously, I had to live a double life and be real only on weekends. However, recently I decided to completely give a damn about what others think of me,” Bennett said.

The desire of women to improve their own appearance is due to the desire to please men. Starting from childhood, a girl sees the standard of beauty: a thin, fit, flawless Barbie doll. But there are people in the world who have become victims of such an exaggerated idea of ​​the ideal of beauty. These girls remove ribs, enlarge their breasts, and apply kilograms of makeup to their faces every day. We present to your attention 10 people who made themselves into living dolls.

Valeria Lukyanova

Valeria became famous due to her resemblance to the Barbie doll. In order to look more like a doll, Valeria uses contact lenses and specific makeup. The girl admits that she had surgery to enlarge her breasts by two sizes, but denies that she changed her appearance by processing it in Photoshop. Valeria gained fame all over the world by publishing videos about her life.

Venus Angelic

The girl lived in Japan for 2 years, which left a visible imprint on her. Angelik has a very interesting voice and accent, and can also speak five languages. She is known to YouTube users for her videos where she shares secrets and gives tips on applying makeup. Angelik claims that a doll's appearance is not a gift of fate, but a lot of work on oneself.

Dakota Rose

American Dakota blew up the Japanese Internet. This girl has the appearance of a typical Japanese doll. Using the nickname Kotakoti, she is active on social networks. Many tried to convict Dakota of using Photoshop when processing photos, but they could not prove it. Japanese and Chinese teenagers listen to tips on applying makeup and have a hard time believing that a living doll actually exists.

Alina Kovalevskaya

Another living doll lives in Odessa. Alina does not strive to bring her body proportions closer to those of Barbie, but she pays a lot of attention to her face and hair. The girl is studying to become a psychologist and loves active recreation and travel. Previously, she was friends with Valeria Lukyanova (another living doll), but their paths diverged.

Anastasia Shpagina

Anastasia is known to her fans under the name Fairy of Flowers. She often does outdoor photo shoots, claiming to hear the voices of trees and animals. The girl spends at least two hours on makeup every day. Anastasia constantly follows a special diet to keep her figure slim. She dreams of having several plastic surgeries: eye enlargement, nose correction and waist reduction.

Olga Oleynik

Fans of this girl consider her to be an alien from another planet. Her external data, corrected by plastic surgery and makeup, really makes you think that Olga is an alien. The girl herself is engaged in esotericism, is an artist and fashion designer.

Wang Jagong

Wang studies and lives in China. After adding her photos to the network, she gained worldwide fame. Wang's cute appearance has made her the darling of the Chinese internet. The tandem of huge children's eyes and not childishly revealing neckline in the photo is her own way of achieving fame.

Angelica Kenova

Angelica was born into a very wealthy family and was spoiled by her parents from childhood. She claims that it was the overabundance of clothes and toys that aroused her interest in changing her appearance. Angelica is known throughout the world as the Russian Barbie doll. According to her, the girl leads a glamorous lifestyle, prefers pink in clothes and has no problems.

Vanilla Chamu

The Japanese model spent about $102,000 on plastic surgery services. Her desire to change her racial identity and achieve an appearance similar to a porcelain doll led to enormous changes in the girl. Vanilla's ideal is French dolls, and the girl said that she will not stop before becoming a copy of this toy.


Mestizo Alodia was born in the Philippines. She became famous for her love of dressing up as characters from computer games or animated films. The girl combines a lot of talents: she is a model, an actress, a singer, and a TV presenter. She claims that she has never had plastic surgery, but uses only makeup and her imagination to create her costumes.

Bonus: Justin Jedlica

Not only ladies strive to change their appearance beyond recognition. American Justin Jedlica spent more than $150,000 to become a copy of the world famous toy, the husband of the Barbie doll. Justin has undergone 100 plastic surgeries, including breast augmentation. Now he proudly compares himself to Ken, showing off his new suits to the public.

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In recent years, all over the world, a doll-like appearance is considered very cute among young girls and they frantically strive for it. Unnaturally large eyes, long eyelashes, bow-shaped lips and a wasp waist - these are the main attributes of a doll girl. I present to your attention a selection of living dolls from all over the world.

Russian Barbie
The new Russian Barbie can be called Muscovite Anzhelika Kenova, who has a doll-like appearance and successfully uses it, taking part in various photo shoots.

American Barbie

The main Barbie of America is Dakota Rose. In a short period of time, Rose became an Internet sensation and at the same time a style icon. Hundreds of thousands of teenage girls dream of looking like her, endlessly watching YouTube videos from KotaKoti (that is the name by which Dakota Rose is known throughout the world), in which 21-year-old Barbie shows how to properly do doll makeup and dress. From a young age, Dakota dreamed of becoming famous. It didn’t matter to her who she would be - a singer, actress or model - the main thing for her was worldwide fame. After graduating from modeling school, the American starred for one of the glossy magazines, and she received offers from designers and fashion designers. In one of the interviews, she admitted that she does not want to be a catwalk model, as it is boring and uninteresting, but prefers to be a trash model - bright, funny and cheerful. Dakota is most popular in Japan and China. In America, she is often invited to various television shows and is willing to pay Dakota significant fees.

Japanese doll

Another heroine of the younger generation, Venus Palermo, having moved from Japan to England, also decided to turn into Barbie. She is an incredible success among girls and young women around the world and is very doll-like: porcelain skin, doe eyes and heart-shaped lips. They idolize her, imitate her, envy her.

Barbie from Odessa

Valeria Lukyanova (known under the nickname Amatue), a girl from Odessa, loved to play with dolls as a child. She loved her so much that at 26 she looks like a doll. The girl is obsessed with the desire to become outwardly similar to the famous Barbie; she has undergone several operations to bring her appearance closer to ideal. As a result, Amatue’s image became practically a doll’s: huge eyes, plump lips, long blond hair, large breasts, a wasp waist (which cost the girl the removal of several ribs). Valeria is very popular on social networks, not only in Odessa, but throughout the world. She is married, is engaged in esotericism and psychological practices - she organizes psychological seminars “on out-of-body travel.” The video, which Amatue posted on YouTube, has been viewed by more than 1.5 million people.

Old Barbie

Her name is Sarah Burge, and she is the same age as the legendary Barbie. From an early age, Sarah dreamed of becoming like her famous rival. And now, after much torment, enormous expenses and surgical operations, this dream came true - Sarah became the only woman in the world to be awarded the title of Real Life Barbie. To win this title, Sarah had to spend more than half a million dollars. Twenty-six plastic surgeries have changed almost everything about her, from her face to her legs. Everything would be fine, but a manic passion for plastic surgery and love for the doll began to spread to her youngest daughter Poppy. Recently, foreign media wrote that Sarah Burge gave her 7-year-old daughter a liposuction procedure worth 8,500 euros for the New Year. True, little Poppy will only be able to take advantage of her mother’s generosity at the age of 16. This is the minimum age possible for plastic surgery in England.

Other living dolls from around the world:

How to change your body and face for the better, not lose health and individuality in the pursuit of beauty, and prolong youth? The answers are in our new project “Changes for the Better,” dedicated to the possibilities of aesthetic medicine.

Ukrainian Internet star Valeria Lukyanova, also known as Amatue, writes on her social network page: “I am a creative person, I do vocals, I write songs in the style of new age opera with elements of Indian ethnicity. My compositions are in the audio section under the name Amatue. I also conduct seminars on OBE (Out of Body Travel).” Spelling is the author's. Valeria is truly a “wonder” - she not only pleases the world with her doll-like appearance, but also promotes happiness, peace and love, calls for a rich spiritual life and teaches earthly women to find harmony.

Lukyanova is a fruitarian. At least, the girl claims that she eats mainly fruit and vegetable mixtures and juices. On her page she explains how she managed to achieve such a fragile figure. “Today,” he writes, “I ordered a smoothie at a cafe, but I drank literally a third of the glass. Just to enjoy the taste." He denies plastic surgery other than breast augmentation. They say it was spiritual growth that led to such a magical transformation of her appearance.

They write that a girl from Odessa spent about 800 thousand dollars on her transformation. This amount includes rhinoplasty, facial plastic surgery, ear reshaping, breast augmentation, ribs removal and cosmetology - from teeth to hair. Is this really true? Well, magic alone was clearly not enough here.

Expert opinion.

- No normal person will like such a transformation, and no decent plastic surgeon will undertake the implementation of the ideas of such young ladies. Such a change in appearance has a lot of consequences: from a disfigured face to health problems.

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Angelica Kenova

This is exactly how this puppet resident of Moscow introduces herself on her social network page. The status says: “You have to live life in such a way that you don’t get chalked up.” I didn’t understand what this meant. Apparently, the girl does not want to be killed. Because, as far as I know, the body is outlined in chalk if the cause of death is to be established by the investigation.

When I first saw photographs of this now, excuse me, almost 30-year-old girl, I thought she was joking. I made a photo shoot for all sorts of Humberts to the delight (remember Nabokov’s “Lolita”?). But judging by the number of pink photos on her account, this is not a joke, but some kind of system failure.

The choice of Angelica’s doll image, according to her, was influenced by the fact that from childhood her parents treated her like a little princess: they dressed her in beautiful bright dresses and pampered her. Angelica received a degree as a psychologist, but she has no need to work, because her parents continue to support their little princess. In addition, sometimes a girl appears in advertisements for lingerie or clothes from showrooms. The girl claims that she was lucky to be born with such an angelic, doll-like appearance, but photographs from those years when Angelica lived in her native Kurgan and performed at local beauty contests show the opposite. The nose and chest have clearly been touched up.

Expert opinion. Igor Bely, Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon, leading specialist at the Ottimo aesthetic surgery clinic:

- If it occurred to any of the girls to become like such “beauties”, then I advise you to once again weigh the pros and cons and pay attention to the ways in which you can emphasize natural beauty. In any case, I would not undertake such a transformation.

Another doll girl from Odessa, Anastasia Shpagina, works in a beauty salon. This is the best advertising or anti-advertising for decorative cosmetics that you can imagine. It seems that Anastasia is not deceiving, claiming that she did not undergo plastic surgery, and that her cartoonish face is the result of everyday scrupulous makeup.

Anastasia, however, constantly starves to remain fragile. The image of a forest fairy does not allow a girl to weigh more than 40 kilograms.

What do you think about living dolls?

Photo: vk.com/amatue, doseng.org, camphalfbloodroleplay.wikia.com, vk.com/barbiekenova, www.liveinternet.ru, vk.com/fukkacumi.